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>try to talk about AJ (or rainbow dash) anywhere
Why are people like this?
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>going on social media
Yeah, it's been like this since 2020. For practically every character, especially Trixie and the Mane 6. Get used to it, we all had to.
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She is, th o
Okay but 10k likes on that post is pretty based.
These types tend to be young enough to have watched the show when they were target audience. Now they'll be around age 8-19. When you realize that it won't bother you anymore.
>in these comment replies: 14 year old girls being faced with the bitter realization that cartoon pony-cats are going to be more attractive then they'll be for most of their lives
An 8 year old on tiktok?! I hope not.
Retard. They all are.
Okay, I guess I meant that as the youngest person who remembers watching the show. Point is; this side of the fandom is teenagers and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Lots of the serotonin-excess varieties of mid functioning autists in their 20s and 30s get into the moralfagging and LGBTQ headcanons too.
>Go into a gay bar
>Everyone is gay
Their probably just kids trying to be ‘woke’, least retarded tiktok users
They are backed up by canon, which itself became very gay by the end. You can't talk them out of it and unfortunately they have all the validation they need to say that she is legitimately a dyke.
Why is everyone surprised that the pony with rainbow hair and the pony that sounds most like a man are gay?
My wives are lesbians but they're straight for me
Nope. Theres more comments saying Fluttershy ended with Discord than that she's a lesbian with Rainbow Dash so officially at least Fluttershy and Pinkie are considered straight
>that's a pony
that is what makes it impossible
Why are (You) on DikCok?
The tiktok/insta nu-fandom fascinates me endlessly.
Must be weird wanking to a show you watched when you were 4
/mlp/ is pretty much the last vestige left of the old fandom at this point.
And even then, it’s slowly but surely crumbling away.
>giving in to stereotypes
This is what Faust tried to fight against.
I have a horrible feeling one day I'll wake up to find myself the last oldfag, surrounded by zoomies and gen a's loving s8 out of nostalgia and knowing fuck all about the fandom.
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>surrounded by zoomies and gen a's loving s8 out of nostalgia and knowing fuck all about the fandom.
That's a grim thought.
Hopefully, I'll be long dead before that happens.
>rainbow hair, athletic, tomboyish
>must be a dyke
>hardworking, physically strong, isn't afraid of getting dirty
>yep, lesbian!
I hate the nu-writers so fucking much
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>got a temp ban on a discord for telling someone their AJ ship wasnt actually canon

Before this id say it was just people and their favourite ships.But the dude was genuinely rattled that what he imagined wasnt actually true from the show.

Im okay with fan art even if its a bit tiring but when you just lying about what happens it gets fucking stupid.
You posted EQG, so clearly, you’re a vile person who absolutely deserved that ban without question.
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Why are you on Tik Tok of all places? That's like going on Twitter and asking why are people mad all the time. The platform literally breeds them to be this way

Anyway, the only way to counter them is to double down. Fap harder, make them used to it
go back.
All a lessbian needs is a good cock to turn her straight
Obviously they're 8 year olds who absorbed their parents' and social media wokeness like a sponge
My theory is lack of real human interaction and too much internet exposure leads to the treatment of fictional characters as real beings.
It's been done in "Throne of Magical Arcana". I wasn't a fan on how that relationship ended up being. It's basically inverse of Legend of Korra and Adventure Time.
Didn't this happen to /dbs/? A najority of the oldfags left and were replaced by newfags that just didn't understand what made the threads funny in the first place?
It's instagram though
4chan won't live to 2030, don't worry.
Tell them AJ is bi, and that way we can both have our rape fantasies. I'm sure they'll be happy then :p

But for real it can't all be like that. You just ran into some idiots who can't hide their power level, which is typical for the doomscrollers on social media. Now let's all get drunk and play pingpong.
Just get better taste in mares tbdesu
Why do you think Faust hates lesbians? She's a feminist.
It's very common, does not have to be a bad thing but sadly a lot from the 'old' internet has been lost. I hope things get better for them
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You guys are just going about this the wrong way. Y'all just see the comments that push a stupid headcanon. I see the 9000+ (almost 10,000) likes for an AJ hornyposter.
>married to a man
>gave birth to his daughter
You think she sincerely supports faggotry?
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-99999 IQ black hole cranium
cucked by DISCORD who the fandom couldve sworn was gay/asexual back in the early days
>applefags and dashfags
cucked by each other's waifus
cucked by WEIRD AL YANKOVIC of all people + she has canonically HAD SEX meaning she is confirmed NON VIRGIN
hope you like giraffe pussy LMAO + as celestia's successor shes too busy for you hahahaha
We won. We fucking won. Rarity has a few crushes, sure, but once she meets them it doesn't even take her 1 day to lose interest. You can claim she uses her looks to seduce stallions occasionally, but the truth is that just automatically happens when you're pretty and ladylike. I don't know why anons bring that up like it's a bad thing. If anything, that's just one more reason for me to be proud of my wife. She's still the only mane 6 who's canonically untouched and doesn't slowly turn into a hideous giraffe beast.
Every single mlp pfp I click on on tiktok has some bi shit or tranny flag in it. without fail, every single one.
It is your fault for going on social media, but also there's nowhere to engage with ponies other than /mlp/ and social media, and most of the new content doesn't come from /mlp/.
I can't count how many times I've seen threads on /mlp/ discussing what happens on Twitter because that's where the action is.
It is a sorry state of affairs and the constant faggotry is tiring.
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>Why are people like this?
Because they're lesbians sweaty
Holy based
>make a not faggot move
erm... that tells nothing
>say: I support faggots to earn social credit
Its funny mainstream sites like knowyourmeme did a final end show shipping list.Rarity,spike shown Fluttershy Discord etc.Back in 2019.None of the site mentioned rainbow or applejack.
Seems after the show ended a certain vocal group decided them walking through a doorway counted as a ship.
fags will cling to straws for "muh representashiun"
reminder the writer said it's up to viewer interpretation(aka rd/aj's va became a dyke and tried forcing it onto the characters she plays but the writer was either against it or indifferent and back pedaled )
>Two characters standing next to each other
A few storyboard artists trying to imply their favorite ship while not being allowed to make it official. Meanwhile. >>41433829
the only ones cucked are pinkiefags
rainbow dash and applejack are the worst dyke ship, why couldn't it have been literally anything else? the only way they could have made this worse would be putting Rainbow with Soarin' and AJ with Caramel.
>the only way they could have made this worse would be putting Rainbow with Soarin' and AJ with Caramel.
That would've been infinitely better.
>worthless social media screencap thread
>getting more than 1 reply
Why is everybody on this website so braindead?
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Ashleigh Ball has an extremely masculine Chad husband and a toddler.
Isnt she a lesbian in real life?

If she has a husband and a kid with said husband I'd say she's a pretty shitty lesbian.

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