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Previous: >>41359884

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB
Music Is Coming (Part 3) by Alexander Grey
- https://pastebin.com/4c5BLWLd

Shamelessly stolen writing guides:
- https://pastebin.com/V1ujiyJt
- https://pastebin.com/whCQ2GpX
- https://pastebin.com/bnMmZ2T3

Other Shadowbolt links: https://pastebin.com/wYy0FyrA
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and this one too cause I love it
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What I’d give to get between her legs and pound her pussy all day and night. On top of her listening to her protests turn to moans and filling her womb with cum.
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Oh lawd, she's coming!
She can get me for all I care
Unfortunately toxic relationships never work out the way the victim wants. It'd be too damn good otherwise.
So am i
>toxic relationships never work out the way the victim wants
I wouldn’t say they do, no.
This pic is extra hot
She’s undoing the back of her top
Clever girl
That's hot
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She really is sweet as sugar
She’s probably really tight too
>”That’s it, Sugar… Strip all the way down for me. Strip everything off, even your underwear~“
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Bet these sexy girls aren’t wearing any panties
>Sugarcoat hesitates but reluctantly obeys eventually
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even better
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Sexy black panties on Sour Sweet just works. Should be canon.
shit that face is made to be fucked
She’d still be smug after swallowing the cum, I know it.
Which one of them is the best kisser?
>Slowly groping those big soft tiddies and rubbing fingers across her nipples until you agitated them so much they can’t take it anymore and get hard and poke out through her top
>This is how you punish sour sweet for not wearing a bra to school
>Taking her to detention like this, forcing her to stay in the same desk as you and and playing with her sexy boobies the whole lunch period
>Groping Sour Sweet and making out with her until she concedes and calls you daddy
>Then taking out your hard cock and forcing her to give you a titjob until you spurt hot cum deep into her sexy cleavage and make a dark spot spread down her tummy through her tank top
>Now she has to wear a uniform jacket over that to hide the cum stain you gave her
>Give Sour Sweet’s mouth a long French kiss before sending her off to her next class
>End up driving her home with you and plowing that tight pussy and filling her womb with your cum until she falls asleep in your arms
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Not in real life, but our imaginations don't have to be so limited. Open your mind to Anon enjoying Shadowbolt waifu dominatrixes.
Never dick your stick in a crazy
She seems like she has no game whatsoever and has never kissed anyone. My bet is on Sour.
This too
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Round gal.
round tits and ass
Dumb board is being forced to move fast again
Even in EQG universe she's a fatso.
She eats a lot of burgers, like many shut ins.
G5 is dead
It was still going?
Cute undies
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This answer makes more sense
Sour Sweet would be a freaky kisser
I don’t like that some faggots are celebrating that out of autistic spite.
Real fucking losers they are.
They lost in life so now they have to win on the internet to cope every time something dumb they don’t like has something bad happen.
>One of her nipples tastes sour and the other tastes sweet
This is my headcanon now.
As a gamble, both switch flavors sometimes. Can you guess which is which?
imagine the view
And the smell
you think that she doesn't wash often?
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She's most likely sweaty from all the dancing.
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i'll stop with the useless bumps when you take care of the sliderfag
until then you can kiss my ass
Is this ai? It looks like ai.
Okay, so it's ai. Not bad, I couldn't tell that easily at first glance.
Yeah, AI is getting very precise with its skills.
Didn't they Lemon Zest started dating Flash Sentry?
Lemon dating Flash? Nah. He ended up alone when everything was finished.
Have any evidence to back up that statement?
Damn I would hate to live whatever life this samefag lives.
Even if I am blindfolded
Actually especially if I’m blindfolded
>”I told you not to cum inside, Anon!”
That’s actually kind of hot
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God those uniforms are hot
Looks too stack.
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She will pierce your heart with her arrow
Figuratively? Literally? That depends on her mood
I’ll pierce her panties with my cock if my mood is horny (often when I’m around her)
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Why are you thirsty for a minor with an ugly personality?
Can’t get over how one single post like this triggers the autist back into butthurt dedication for what will probably be the next two days or so. It’s honestly just funny to me at this point.
Anyone have the nude variant of this?
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I mean, look at her
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I don't know, I just like beautiful girls with bad temperaments
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Still not seeing the appeal.
Why the feet are angry?
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This sexy bitch really do got me acting unwise
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He's almost like a low energy barneyfag to me, almost.
But I won't go on about it after this post.
I appreciate that freckle edit
Why no nose?
Lmao I can almost see it.
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how can you not be into ugly personality when it comes to high school girls
You raise a fair point anon, I’d by lying if I said she wasn’t fine as hell looking…
Especially evil school girls like these five. I thought their ugly personality is part of the appeal.
She nearly unappealing as the black hair chick from Castlevania.
Great personalities for someone with a correction fetish
She tends to have that effect on men
no underwear at all.
Damn that’s hot. The perfect night.
The way it should be
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>She asks you if you can rub sunscreen onto her at the beach
>Perfect opportunity to put your hands all over her mostly exposed body
>Get hard and slip fingers under her bikini
>She knows you’re straight up molesting her but doesn’t protest against it
>Lets you access and play with her private areas
>Not even pretending the sunscreen has any part in this anymore
>Proceed to whip cock out and ram it into her pussy
It’s about breaking past their ugly personalities too. They only feel smug and on top of the world until you demonstrate that it won’t change how much a man enjoys their bodies. Their egos are only as strong as the protection from their hot schoolgirl uniforms and dignity of their underwear still being on. Breach all of that and everything changes.
You were doing a good job and a good song came up, so consider yourself lucky.
>breaking past their ugly personalities too
For me it's about doing that emotionally. There is nothing more destructive for an ugly personality than genuinely caring about someone.
You caring about her or her caring about you?
This is the based way to interact with sour sweet
The latter. That is if they even can notice and process their feelings or realize that they matter to them.
I see. You have a point there.
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Damn these sexy girls are so fuckable
Sunny is so hot but it's sad she has the least defined personality out of all Shadowbolts.
I headcanon her arm devices are there because her family owns a tech company.
It would explain why is she the Rarity expy: she is into cyberpunk fashion.
Pretty sure Dean Cadence would disapprove this.
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Here since you asked so nicely
Black lingerie looks great on her
Even just her regular underwear being black is just so sexy. I love Sour Sweet’s sexy black bra!
I bet Cinch would secretly approve of it.
I'd argue it'd be the opposite.
She seems like a woman who'd publicly condemn it while privately enjoying it.
I love what’s under her sexy black bra even more
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>Your dirty talk needs some work, not very arousing.
>”Well if words won’t work then maybe I should slip my hands under your bra and panties and manually arouse you~.”
She says, biting her lower lip. She clearly wants to hear more.
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>Next scene is here wearing pic related but "not because you like it or anything"
her* wearing
Is there a fan fiction where the shadow five help Cadence get a date?
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That sounds vaguely familiar but isn't Cadence, y'now, married?
Reminder for samefag:
Not in EQG universe.
Keep copeing.
>He saw it
Good. Remember that.
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If she kept dressing like that then the dirty things I’d do would go beyond just talking
Implying that I'm that anon schinzo.
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same here
Sugarcoat knows exactly what she’s doing showing so much skin like that…
Sour Sweet also looks super sexy in pink undies >>41428918
And blue too >>41442994
I really like her in pink too
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Influenced by this MV, I asked the author to draw a work in this form
Very cute. I like it.
That author did a great job!
Based busty sour sweet enjoyers
Good one fellow uma appreciator.
That’s not even a swimsuit anymore, that’s just a bow and ribbon.


A great toy for men, girls deserve one

As it absolutely should be.
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Strong urge to kiss that sexy tummy
Sunny Flare would drive one of this.
It should be easy to guess who in the team can drive, who is responsible for driving, and who doesn’t want to drive.
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The princess from equestria Twilight Sparkle/Princess Celestia's student Sunset Shimmer Two people from the real world are forced to play, and the other characters are NPCs in the fictional world.
I'm really digging that sunny flare
That pic is hot, is it new?
Why would Rarity be a swashbuckler?
I think, maybe.
She must have no parents.
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The design is based on the Princess Knight, but considering that Rarity is not a real aristocrat (a down-and-out middle class), the author is asked to downgrade the clothing design.
They are nepo babies. I doubt they even know who are their parents, and who are the employees. They only know someone leaves a few bucks on the night stand.
Even better.

This is yuri?
What do you mean?
Is the series even good?
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>Promise me you won't try to spread you genes. Only smart, beautiful, competent people like me should breed.
Does it have lesbians?
>Anon then spreads his genes into Sugarcoat
Pretty sure their not thots.
Isn't roleplaying against the rules?
Do you not know what roleplaying is?
Read what I have type again.
>Samefag still triggered from seeing the desu post from >>41486421
Entering day 3 of it living under his skin rent free I guess.
>day 3
Nice to see that you went to Baltimore public school.
Turns out meeting "the right guy" is harder for brainiacs.
I feel there's an "idiocracy" joke but, hooray! Victory by happenstance!
I often forget that they're not just bratty schoolgirls, they are actually good at stuff, smart, athletic. Usually these kind of characters have unwarranted sense of superiority as their main trait but these five are competent in multiple fields. They're also not completely selfish as seen in Dance Magic. So much potential in their characters but they got abandoned so quickly, what a shame.
Too bad we never got the special about the power struggle between Cinch and Cadence with them in the crossfire.
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Sugarcoat's IQ: 135
Sugarcoat's daughter's IQ: 95

Was it worth it?
You mean they could have been Mary Sues?
Can't see why not, IQ test isn't worth a damn.
They could've been prominent characters since they aren't set up as one-and-done villains introduced and redeemed/banished all in one episode. They operated differently from the rest of EQG antagonists.
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Too bad Equestria Girls didn't last long enough

Otherwise, more combinations can be discovered

It seems that the cards distributed by China will also launch a girl version.
I mean, the daughter is massively autistic, but can make quantum mathematics on the fly, and be more precise than the moder artillery radar available.
Just, for the love of God, don't touch her stuff, don't say anything bad about her japanese hobbies, don't force her to take a bath, and, most importantly, don't let her know somebody is wrong on the internet.
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Sugarcoat is a top tier genius with so much potential! She could accomplish so much. You're really going to make her spend her life raising your autistic daughter instead?
>supposedly a genius
>straightforward to a fault
>couldn't just say "I don't want kids (from you)" at any point
She wouldn't have been in such a predicament if she didn't want it.
No I’m just gonna cum inside of her whether she likes it or not, faggot.
>the daughter is massively autistic
I… what? Where is this coming from?
She's not that bounty.
What is she really, then? Charmin?
I'm gonna be the cool dad who buys YuGiOh cards and Pokémon plushies for his sweet baby. Sugar can be the nagging mom. Is not like she sugarcoats things
>*ba dum tish!*
Sometimes I wished they ran the "Sunset is homesick" idea for the games and Sci Twi returning with the Shadowbolts.
Perhaps we could've gotten something like "Side B" shorts to pass the time until the next special/movie.
I assume it went something like this.
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Your genes cancelled out Sugarcoat's genius genes. Thus, autism.

Like, take Indigo Zap. Straight A student. Top athelete. Super cute. Promising career.

Add your genes.

Her daughter is now a buck toothed, low IQ, mouth breather. Inhaler, thick glasses, epipen (alergic to everything), but only borderline autistic so good job.

You have that effect on women.
>Straight A student
You know this how?
The Shadowbolts are all straight A students. They're the elite.
>We’ve now reached day 5
My sides lmao
What are you even talking about?
"Oh no! I forgot to put on panties!"
What kind of an airhead forgets to put on pants?
The kind of airhead who always runs from home to school.
I bet she always forgets one thing everytime.
This post underestimated it kind of
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Let's be real, there is zero chance Sugarcoat's kid wouldn't end up being a savant no matter who the father is. If not because of genetics then because of the upbringing. Babies need a lot of sweet lies to get past their childhood and this unlucky one would be dealing with the most blunt feedback any kid could face. It would be tough love but most likely without the abuse, so once the kid finds something Sugarcoat can be proud of they'd hyper-focus on that.
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Unless the kid is a rebellious
They'd join the rest of Shadowbolts delinquent kids then.
The kids would have a leg up with there education system being largely better then ours from the get go. Even the delinquents are likely to have a better education level then the college students we have now.

I feel like even if the kids are artistic in any capacity she would give them support through tutors if its a subject out of her wheel house. Not to mention even if they wanted to go to an art school she would likely get them everything they need to be successful before, during and after college.

Assuming that there world is better ran then they are likely to have smaller amounts of autism cases due to less chemicals in the environment.
They all are?
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How mad would you guys be if the series came back just to make the shadow five lesbians?
Wouldn’t be mad for six whole days if that’s what you’re asking.
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Nice. Imma cop a feel of them titties.
Let’s hope it’s her panties more often. Also her bra.
This one is really hot
I sense projection.
>when her bikini matches her bra and panties and can be confused for them
I choose Cadance
Clever girl
I agree.
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Pretty sure her bra size is smaller.
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I'm sorry I messed up your chance to slide later.
Unf, based and nice
Never understood why the artist gave all the chicks' massive bust.
Would pin down and >rape
The kind who wants to be called to the office about it
Surely she won’t mind sitting in anons lap
This but love tenderly instead.
That works too
But I’d still cum inside
>smaller amounts of autism cases due to less chemicals in the environment
Or due to less things being blanket-defined as autism by “experts”
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Pretty sure she's a modest a cup.
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Nice try but that's Cinch pretending to be Sunny.
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Never like that art style.
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back 2 back
Pretty sure she wouldn't used cats outfit.
>Sunny Flare stands in your office after school
>Asks what she did wrong
>Say it’s nothing, you just wanted to see her
>But tell her to take off her arm devices and give them to you
>She complies
>You turn them all the way off and lock them away
>Lock door, close blinds, school is empty now
>Reveal you were able to hack the built in cameras of her high tech arm devices
>Say you were able to film her classmates undressing before she put her devices away in the locker room
>Show her the video proof
>Say that everyone will think she did it because they were on her arms when it happened
>Unless she does everything you want her to do
>Tell Sunny Flare she has to take off something more now if she doesn’t want you revealing the dirt to everyone
>Her clothes
>She’s too scared to do it but too scared to leave
>Go over to Sunny Flare and force her into a hug
>She resists but you’re stronger than her
>Start grabbing her soft boobs and butt
>She yelps with anger and terror when your hands feel her up and she struggles harder at first
>But she knows there’s nothing she can do
>Slowly lets her struggling die down realizing it’s useless
>She’s trapped facing the reality of this now uninterrupted sexual assault she can’t fight back against
>”No… please, I don’t want this…” Sunny Flare begs
>She’s overwhelmed with horror
>Then your hand ventures up into her skirt
>Sunny Flare’s first instinct is to pull your hand away from her smooth skin
>To put a stop to this
>But she reluctantly weakens her own efforts so you can quickly continue gliding your hand up the back of her soft thigh
>A sickening feeling enters her when you gently squeeze her buttcheeks
>She feels how hard you are poking into her
>She wants nothing else but to escape
>But can do nothing but let it all happen
>As you force a long kiss on the lips with her, Sunny Flare dreadfully accepts there’s no escape
>Your taste lingers in her mouth as you shove her into a corner and whip your cock out
>Begin stroking yourself and once again order Sunny Flare to take all her clothes off for you
>She hesitantly complies in trembling shame and disgust
>Removes her jacket, then unbuttons her shirt to expose her hot purple bra pushing together her sexy cleavage
>Sunny Flare slowly exposes herself for the new dean
>Her shirt falls to the floor
>Followed by her skirt
>Sunny Flare stands in the corner in nothing but her hot purple underwear
>You hungrily jerk yourself off to her unwanted exposure
>Tell Sunny Flare to strip out of her bra and panties for you, the final remnants of her decency
>Her shock while she was processing what’s happening to her finally concludes
>she fully understands this is happening with no way out, and tears fill her eyes
>But she does what you tell her
>Sunny Flare slowly unhooks the back of her bra
>Sobs quietly as her loose bra straps slip off of her shoulders
>And her bra cups fall away, exposing her nipples
>Sunny Flare shamefully presents her bare breasts to you
>Her bra lands on top of her removed skirt and shirt
>You keep rubbing yourself and tell her to do a sexy little dance with her hips
>Sobbing through her humiliation, Sunny Flare begrudgingly swings her round hips
>No clothes on her sexy body but her hot purple panties
>Tell Sunny Flare to lose her sexy panties next
>She begs for mercy with tears rolling down her face
>As her horrified sobs grow louder, Sunny Flare pulls the sides of her panties down and lets the rest get dragged along
>You quicken your strokes watching Sunny Flare’s cleanly shaved pussy get exposed
>Sunny Flare’s hot purple panties find their way past her knees to her ankles
>She covers her sobbing face with her hands in horrified embarrassment
>She fights the urge to scream
>The urge gets stronger when your hands grab her arms
>But she holds it in
>You go back to feeling her up
>Now with no clothes between your hands and Sunny Flare’s sexy naked body
>You explore every inch of her smooth skin
>Getting one surprise final flurry of struggle out of her when she picks up on you forcing yourself between her naked thighs
>She tries to back away from your wobbling drooling cock that inches closer to her exposed womanhood
>But she’s trapped in a corner
>Your pleased hands explore her more and more
>Free to grope her naked tits and ass as you so desire
>Squeezing and massaging her erotic assets of soft flesh
>Claiming her sexy nude curves all for yourself
>Sunny Flare’s breath hitches in her throat while your horny assault easily overpowers any resistance she has left and enjoys her delicious naked body
>You press your tip into Sunny Flare’s smooth pussy lips
>She feels this and croaks out the beginning of a horrified shriek she herself then silences
>Unable to pull away, Sunny Flare tenses up all over her naked body and somberly braces for the penetration to go further and further
>You feel her trying to either pull away of push you away only to feel your throbbing shaft slowly force itself inside of her vagina
>Realizing it’s already over, Sunny Flare let’s her resistance crumble and breaks down sobbing as your length slides all the way in without her consent
>She falls to the floor
>You follow her
>Pin Sunny Flare onto her back and steel your position between her thighs
>Giving her a few thrusts of your hips, your erect length’s movements piston back and forth inside of her
>Sunny Flare’s horrified sobbing grows quieter and complicit
>She stopped trying to struggle and unwillingly lets you hump her on the floor until you cum buckets deep inside of her
Is this a happy or a sad ending?
>Sunny Flare’s sexy nude body is trapped under yours
>She breathes heavily between mortified sobs as she endures the rape
>Her ribcage heaves up and down with those breaths
>Making her soft bare breasts rise and fall as your hands freely grope them as you please
>You softly slam your hips against her naked crotch
>Thrusting your erect uninvited cock back and forth
>Stretching Sunny Flare’s tight vaginal canal to accommodate your girth
>Sunny Flare’s devastated cries fill the room as more tears run down her face
>The heartbreaking soundtrack to her deflowering
>Her whole world has been torn down as you use her arousing body as nothing more than an unwilling sex object
>Your grabbing and kneading upon Sunny Flare’s soft bare breasts has forced her nipples to pebble and stand erect against your fingers
>You driving your hard cock through the tight grip of Sunny Flare’s delectable cunt gradually forces the heat inside to rise with increasing wetness
>The unwelcome tingling forces Sunny Flare’s tight walls to betray her dread and welcome the foreign invasion of your cock
>Giving away a few encouraging squeezes around your hard shaft
>Sunny Flare moans in horrified shame as her body betrays her disapproval of you and responds positively to being raped
>You redouble your efforts and slam your waist onto Sunny Flare’s most intimate area
>Sex juices leak out of the rapid sliding of Sunny Flare’s slippery vulva up and down your shaft
>Easing the motions even more
>With new tears still welling in her eyes, Sunny Flare locks gazes with you
>Her hateful glare of daggers curses you for forcing her body to feel aroused by this
>But it then loses its resolve when that same arousal strengthens and clouds Sunny Flare’s mind
>She’s shocked how incredible this unwanted sensation feels
>Her legs leave her control and wantingly lock around your waist
>Sunny Flare feels herself doing this and lets out a heartbroken shriek at this insult to her dignity
>Her arms weakly try one last time to shove you away, but her hands wildly dart off into doing nothing
>She’s desperate to shut this off and get away, but it only continues
>Sunny Flare’s bare naked form surrenders to you
>Arching her sexy breasts into your touch
>Locking her legs around you
>Mind races to find an out but she only lets out a distressed scream into your mouth as you deeply kiss her once again
>Her muffled screams turn back to long devastated moans as she woefully lets your tongue force hers into a dance with it
>She was first sickened by the idea of climaxing with you
>But now she’s trying not to anticipate it now that you forced her so close
>Defeated groans of arousal bubble out of Sunny Flare
>Her tight walls can’t take it anymore, sent over the edge and clenching around you
>She’s angry and ashamed to feel herself cumming to her own rape
>To feel her ejaculation be what triggers you to cum too and pump your hot load deep into her womb
>She… likes it…
Now that's based
Thanks fren
Reminder that Cinch wouldn't stand for this.
Cinch is secretly watching all that and shlicking herself into a heart attack as it happens.
What do you guys think happened to Cinch?
Wasn't there a fan fic where the shadow five have to help Cadence in a power struggle?
>mlpgfag doesn’t even know how to react
I love it mate.
jesus christ anon
good shit
Why are you endorsing a rape fic?
I enjoy succubus sunny flare
Sunny makes me Flare up if you know what I mean
You can write another type of green if you want, anon. This green is something that is up to the reader. If you like it, good. If you don't, maybe you can search something else.
Why no one talks about Indigo Zap?
This. Personally I thought it’s hot, probably cause I’m one of the weirdos you’d expect to find on this site.
Probably because she would be the one to fight back.
Bad rape joke, sorry.
lmao but also kind of hot so unf
Watching this happen to you directly after you talked so much shit feels like watching joker 2.
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Pretty sure she has a modest c cup.
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Not my proudest fap... but unf.
This actually reminds me of that sour sweet green that was here a few threads ago.
Damn she’s beautiful
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But she doesn't have melons.
I approve
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Have one more :)
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Actually 2 more
But I sleep now
Pretty sure the academy disapprove this.
Thank you fren
It suits her
Sexy gal
And the one based off of this gif >>41529528
Unf, that’s hot.
Sour Sweet because she has to be the freakiest
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Love me busty melon zest schoolgirl
Simple as
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Fucking amazing
Finally something tasteful.
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She’s so sexy
Now butt has a turn
Very nice
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Casual hair Sugar is too cute
Why is Cinch cosplaying as Lemon Zest?
Nice try but not all of them would have the same bust size.
I like that Moondancer is with them.
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Sugarcoat may have a cold exterior but yeah she a cutie
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She should've been part of the team moving forward. Sadly there was no moving forward at all.
Oh well, at least they weren't flanderized away from their initial selves.
True enough I guess
Twilight 2.0
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I thought Scilight was Twilight 2.0.
1.0 to the other shadowbolts.
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>untie sides
Pretty sure she's more modest then this.
They're so thin they're practically BEGGING to be undone with one careless motion.
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My dick is begging to do things to Sour Sweet.
Is that a couch or bed?
Whoa, nice. Cute underwear.
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Why is she standing next to a comically giant window?
Too massive for a dragon.
Aww did anon ruin your slide attempt again?
I bet you’re gonna be up all night now, huh?
Still see that I'm living rent free in your head.
I’ll take that as a “yes”.
Delusional as always.
>”I still live rent free in your thread I hate”
Sour is just too hot with either of these cup sizes
I can’t stop wanting to tear her clothes off
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Girls' love plots from 10 to 20 years ago were all like this
They wrestled in the grass and then fucked?
Sexy honey mustard bitch
She was Fluttershy 2.0 in Friendship games.
But Fluttershy isn't a huge nerd.
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underrated gal
Too a dragon it's just gross.
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weird to see mlpgfag mald for the longest time yet
He was never the same since the rapefic
I’d love to have a fun time playing with those soft cheeks
Her top is barely holding those things in
He was mad as hell before that
Nice to see this perfidious thread dying off.
>Resorts to asshurt sageposting
Does this mean your tantrum’s ending soon? I hope someone writes another green before you leave again. Here’s that (You) you wanted, by the way.
Nice to see that I'm still living rent free in your head.
She's hella cute.
Should add on my part that yes they wouldn't have been flanderized but it's still true that they would have also gotten more character development, even if it was a bad way after a while. If the show lasted long enough that is.
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almost as unf as my favorite girl
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It made me 80% sad but 20% turned on and god damn am I ashamed of myself for that
Hella caked out too
(Run while you can!)
That pink underwear still looks sexy af on her
Would cuddle
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He's mad enough to return eventually. Even though he could just, you know, hide the thread if it bothers him so much.
>This artist's freckle placement
It would have been great if they just had one more appearance like the dazzlings did.
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Always appreciate the backside view of a hot short -haired girl in a thong
There’s that hot pink again
Implying Cinch would allowed her to wear that.
Yeah looks like you were right. He’s still pissed.

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