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ITT characters you cannot discuss due to all the endlessly inorganic, forced, unfunny memes and stigmas surrounding them
What happened with Coco? I know about Trixie.
Anal sex memes
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Fuck you, faggot. Trixie is an AMAZING pony!!!!!! (And objectively did nothing wrong.)
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Fluttershy,and more recently Ponk.
Griffons. Any of the student six
>>41429400 (me btw)
Fluttershy isnt as bad but I don't like when fags use ships to do low quality bait.
Everyone but you finds anal slut Coco funny.
Literally all of them 2bh. People call my waifu a slut despite her and princess twilight being the only mane 6 canonically single and virgin the whole show
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I hsvr to agree that to an extent you cant discuss most characters
Chrysalis is the only one that comes to mind that you can discuss without shitposting beimg present in any form
This. Every character will get shitposted by lowest common denominator retards.
imagine being so mad that you had to make a thread about it
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You can't discuss anything on this shithole board anymore without the fun police stepping in.
It's a never ending cycle of blatant bait and biting autists. An ouroborus of mental retardation that'll keep persisting until we all die.
And the mods encourage this fucking behavior, and won't do anything about it.
There are four bait threads shitting up thr catalog RIGHT NOW, and the jannies decided to delete the marejuice thread for some reason.
They'll let the retards shit up every fucking thread on the board, and the retards who post here perpetuate it by engaging with them.
This site is fucking doomed.
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Unf, does she fart with that fat ass?
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I like Ocellus
She reminds me of my German friend who goes to my college
young six, and non pone
Fucking lmao. Cope.
the sad reality,you have cheese pie bait thread, abusefag bait thread, and a few more that i don't care to mention. then you go to a cute marethread and there's a shitskin putting out the most obvious bait in human history and faggots bite it like maud biting into a rock
>sorry chud, all your posts about purple smart are slide threads because...because they are m'kay?
meh, even that is small compared to the other shitposts
i was thinking more about people always bringing the wings up and some fags treating her like a mary sue (started by a glimmer nigger of all people lmao) but yeah that counts too
i still have no clue how glimmerfags have so little self awareness, she is more of a mary sue then twiggles could ever DREAM of how fucking retarded are they goin to get next?
also what do you think of alicorn twilight anon? personally i don't care much nowadays
Appeal to bogus peer pressure is tranny behavior
You forgot to claim he was crying and whining. Now I don’t know if he’s whining, crying, OR mad.
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Reminder that it makes no sense for transgenderism to be a thing in Equestria. Even if you buy into the rethoric that trannies were just "born in the wrong body", there's no way harmony would ever allow for that to happen to the ponies under it. Any "trans pony" would have just been born in the right body from the ground-up.
The endless vomit of EQG threads with one word prompts or for versions of the characters no one cares for, is getting tiring. Seems to have started after people realized G5 was dying.
Cute! What’s her name? I want to buy her a bathrobe with her cutie mark on it!
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>What’s her name?
Peachy Plume
Not everything you don’t like is bait. People misuse “bait” even more than they misuse “groomed” and it’s so annoying. Just say you don’t like it and hide the “bait” thread if you hate it so much. Ever heard the phrase “out of sight out of mind”? Ignore or hide the stuff that fucks with your psychic wellbeing and move on. I don’t go into the stallion threads an bitch about yaoibait. I just scroll past it.
unironically can't make a thread with fluttershy as the subject unless it's the general. Unfortunately it's a problem in the fandom in general and not just this board. I'm just gonna flood the world with all the flutter content I like instead and set everything right.
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"Just ignore it bro" doesn't work when 50 other retards perpetuate the problem.
And I never said "everything I don't like is bait", I just said bait threads are a pretty obvious problem with this board and it's users.
There's a stark difference between threads about (thing I dislike) and (engagement bait)
she looks taller, other than that i have no opinion
>engagement bait
Wtf are talking about engagement? You think people are getting paid in (you)s like blue check marks on X are? Literally just ignore it.
>(engagement bait)
Holy shit go back
Jesus christ, you're a moron. Unplug your router and chuck it in the nearest body of water. You don't deserve an internet connection.
Just bury your head in the sand while other retards keep feeding the parapsrites and make the whole board worse for everyone else.
Fuck it, I don't care anymore. This board is dead if retards like you exist on it.
Don't even bother replying to me, I won't read it.
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>"just ignore it bro"
You’re talking to /qa/ tier offboarders or actual bots. This is why the entire site needs post IDs and ways to show whos posting from a mobile device and who isnt. The only ones against these changes would be shitposters obviously.
>implying only EQG does that
I replied, and I knew you'd read this, fag ;p
>Redditor/twittard needs identifiers on an anonymous board
Maybe everyone should be forced to register an ID to post online too.
Ip counter is good although
>Maybe everyone should be forced to register an ID to post online too
This except if you're not a White man or have autism and you try to buy PC parts a done is dispatched to remotely detonate your brain via shaped explosive and kill you instantly
You're still Anonymous but now people can filter you for being cancer. Sounds like an honest win, with no downsides.
It's because they're posting bait, the more ridiculous and rage-inducing it is the better, that's why they use the glimmer tag. 90% of alleged glimmer "fans" are just leveraging her capacity to piss people off.
This, but unironically. You niggers never learned the lessons of /b/
>This, but unironically.
I was being unironic. This shit has been on-going for over 5 years. Sure it's been a thing since at least Magic Duel, but it blew up around 2019.
>I was being unironic
You honestly agree that ignoring it is the right course of action, and that getting mad will only encourage further shitposting?

Well good for you, anon, I figured you were the usual modern /mlp/ denizen who seems to think you can get rid of shitposters by loudly announcing how mad they make you, over and over.
>You honestly agree that ignoring it is the right course of action, and that getting mad will only encourage further shitposting?
No. Speaking out against it is the first step to change. Ignoring it is what makes it worse. You ignoring it is complacency to them.
>Well good for you, anon, I figured you were the usual modern /mlp/ denizen who seems to think you can get rid of shitposters by loudly announcing how mad they make you, over and over.
This isn't about the shitposters if you somehow haven't gotten that already. It's about the people who genuinely believe and spread it.
Anal stuff is gross. If you are fucking any kind of female why would you want to stick it in that vile hole? It's a genuinely gross fetish that has been legitimized by the porn industry and creeps.
If you're gay... well I guess you don't have many options. But don't go around trying to convince people.
Based take desu
God I hate ponut posting so God damn much it's unreal
you are right, 90% of glimmerfags don't even like her they just love how she can generate lulz. im probably going to filter the glimmer flag
Every single post I’ve seem with a Glimmerflag involves scat. I once asked their god-awful general if they approve of this and they all said its “funny”. Reason enough to filter the flag and images of Starlight on sight.
How about you actually link the post where I replied to you, lol.

>with most on /chag/
i don't believe there's still that many barpfags in there,ether way you are less insufferable then the "twilight bad" negros
>Every single post I’ve seen with a Glimmerflag involves scat
The most blatant lie I’ve ever seen on this site.
yeah, I think it's because she's the girliest and dared to show interest in a stallion. pearls before swine and all that.
what about fluttershy? the writers never went full on fluttercord
Double standard? I didn't mean to imply it made sense.
maybe?,fluttershy is the only other mane six that suffered from fandom niggery. the rarity is a slut meme kinda loses its sense when her and fluttershy (and twiggles) are the only ones to still be "pure",i'm still not entirely sure if fluttercord is canon. like you have the scene where discord gave fluttershy lunch but its on the same level as trixie not having a glowing thing on her eye making her trans,it's forced,there's no other proofs. but the fandom doesn't care. so rarityfriend. it could be worse
>Speaking out against it is the first step to change
That you think that speaks to an ungodly amount of newfaggery. I suggest you go back to twitter, retard
>No replies
My sad sides.
You can filter flags?
Spineless pussy faggots
The main problem with 4chan is people think being an irony poisoned, obnoxious faggot is a substitute for a personality. Actual discussions used to happen before people just posted buzzwords, wojaks, strawmen, /pol/ spergouts and /r9k/ tier rants about life.
There's overall a lack of sincerity. That's why there's a lack of quality posters here. They aren't in good company.
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Huh, I wanted to go all smartass "well, it's not actually as common as you think" but as it turns out, it kinda is.

Don't care about Trixie, though. I deleted Twitter years ago and I filter out relevant tags, so I never see that shit.
So you don't go on YouTube either? >>41430692
I use a blacklist addon that hides certain videos from search results and recommended. I mostly use it to hide channels that post endless clickbait and garbage, but I also set it to hide videos with keywords like "lgbt" or "transsexual" or "rings of power" in title.
Not so much one character, but any mention of earth pony magic or strength. You can always count on some cherry picker derailing it in order to push their unicorn or pegasus supremacy kink, or g5 fans blowing hasbro for fixing their perceived power imbalance any time it's brought up.
Am I autistic? I never understood why it was so funny

it doesn't damage her character it is just a fun little addition. unlike the trixie stuff that is done to signal some type of moral high ground
That's a issue with the whole internet anon. It's all le irony nowadays
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You can't "based" your own post, Starlight! That's against the rules!
Uhhh, more context pls?
as the person who began the "single eye light means that they're a stallion" I apologize for making trans trixie happen
thanks vylet
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>there's no way harmony would ever allow for that to happen to the ponies under it
Ummmm why? Not promoting trannyshit or anything but there are characters in the show that canonically have disabilities. Why would gender dysphoria not exist?
I just miss when people were funny.
>EqG out of NOWHERE
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Scootaloo never had a chance.
That character is just injured, shes not missing legs.
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>"just ignore it bro"
Correct. If it was not for the globohomo controlling the media you could even reply with this pic.
>If it was not for the globohomo controlling the media
So you agree you can't ignore it?
You can still ignore the retards and also you MUST stay away from the woke media.
If it's gotten to the point that you need to use third-party addons just to filter out this garbage than it's pretty fucking bad.
I filter a solid portion of this site at any given time, from buzzwords to generic OP prompts to flags to frogs, wojaks, gigachad, stonetoss images. Right now I have 175 threads hidden, the most I ever had hidden was 190.
As far as I can tell, almost all of the Internet has been unusable without an adblocker for at least fifteen years, so it's not exactly a new concept.
they all have some of that
what add-on, I need to hide all this fandom's shitty headcanons from reaching my search results.
Nobody is forcing you to engage with anything in the image you posted. You're gay and retarded
the issue is having to see it in the first place, being unable to escape it and having it be the only thing people mention when talking about the character.
Ok. Why should people care about what you personally want or don't want to see again?
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This one. I installed it to block those bizarre Indian EqG shitposts that were popping out like weeds back in the day. It seems YouTube Kids happening might've actually killed it dead. I still use it to block clickbaity channels or aforementioned buzzwords. It blocks channels by their name, so it fucks up when a blocked channel changes name or another channel has the same name, so it's not exactly perfect, but it worked fine for me.
look i don't care if you want to cut off your dick or whatever just don't do it in front of me.
>moving the goalposts
shut up and take the L you retarded nigger.
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>the issue is having to see it in the first place
Lmao seethe. You are the minority and you WILL be exposed to trans trixie pride :3
You don't own the internet. Nobody is "doing it in front of you" because nobody knows or cares that you're there in the first place
She is a mary sue and I'm not a glimmerfag
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why's this guy defending ruining characters so much kek, go back to twitter you mentally ill autist.
Go have another mental breakdown because of a combination of colors.
Go have another mental breakdown because your mom told you to take out the trash.
Why do you get that recommened? I NEVER ever got content slop recommened that I can think of. Huh? You gay?

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