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I feel like, if nothing else, the characters from FiM returning will bring a lot of the fans who got turned off by G5 back
If this shit fails then you can forget about G4 reboot because the "novelty" of G4 characters returning will no longer be a driving force for the fandom.
You HAVE to make this Misty show popular or its gonna be Hasbro OC's and Equestria Girls for the next 20 years
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>Equestria Girls

Alright let's not put the cart before the horse here. There is no indication Hasbro would ever be willing to repeat this absolute disaster.
Assuming this slop wasn't thrown in the trash, it will flop even harder than G5. Misty kills everything she touches.
Misty a shit. I'd take Creaturequestria over her an day.
They are keeping the g5 world instead of equestria which people like princewhatever will clap for
>Will G6 revitalize the fandom
Lol no.
No but good ai eps within the next 2 years made by the fandom will.
No, because Pinkie's hooves are blue.
>attempting to force back G4 even after how disastrously unsuccessful that tactic was in G%
If anons fall for thinking this concept could possibly be good in anyway then they're retarded.
Not with G5 but they may try with G4 because its obvious Barbies were popular even after rough start with the first movie
G5 was borderline toddlerslop. G6 will be toddlerslop. G4 was successful because it wasn't toddlerslop. It's that simple.
it will it's good. Just by having g4 characters and not being ugly as fuck G5 pony models, it'll atleast have better reception than TYT or MYM
I know Hasbro is retarded but I'm sure they're at least somewhat aware of why G4 was so popular. They're going out of their way to not replicate that.
Yeah, it's not like they're so out of touch they're incapable of pandering to bronies by having more "adult" writing. That's exactly what they did in seasons 5-9 of FiM, with the loreshit and edgy jokes and edgy plots. So the only explanation is either they're deliberately making toddlerslop to distance themselves from the brony phenomenon, or literally all of the execs and creatives from 2015-2019 have been cycled out and no one wrote down the formula. Pony Life was toddlerslop too though so yeah, it's definitely just intentional.
Wait is this real
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Hopefully she gets swapped out with Flutters
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>G4 was successful because it wasn't toddlerslop.
This is revisionist history. Season 1 of FiM was absolutely childish and the show only got more adult because of bronies
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MLP: FiM was targeting at elementary school kids + it's a good quality because kids deserve better, according to Faust + there were jokes for parents.
G3 and G5 was targeting preschoolers + it's shit quality (G3, MYM/TYT) because kids don't know better, according to Hasbro
There was a character sheet in a previous thread with Twi, Dash, Pinkie, Misty, Sunny, and Pipp. So my guess is they just grabbed the top selling characters from both shows stuck in the current popular in setting for children's cartoons so they can make a quick buck and not have to drastically change any G% merch coming out in the next year.
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>G4 is released
>it is extremely successful
>hasbro plans to do it even better for G5
>because of how successful G4 was, they couldn't just make a new gen, they had to connect it to G4
>when making references to G4 fails because the new cast is largely unpopular compared to FiM's, they backtrack on their mistake
>they bring back G4's core characters, the most popular characters, the characters meant to be the face of the brand, the only characters in the 2009 animation test, and mix them with new characters and Misty in an attempt to stop the car crash everyone saw coming
>Twi, Dash, Pinkie, Misty, Sunny, and Pipp
Okay, I’m late to the party. Why were AJ, Lady Rarity and Flutters removed? Wait, let me guess. AJ is racist by merely existing. Rarara is too sexual for the current year. And Flutters... I really don't know.
The reason is more prosaic than you think.
Not girly enough
Not pink enough, not princessy enough, not popular enough
Who knows but if I had to guess based off nothing but cynicism against hasbro leadership. Their toys didn't sell as well as the other three during G$ runtime and the G% ones are more "current" with a bigger mind share in the target demo so clearly their toys will sell better because buzzwords.
And they think that abomination on the left will sell better than AJ or Rarity? Are they fucking insane? Also, where are my God-Princesses?
Flutters was too many white characters. They replaced her with her black counterpart.
Actually rara and flutters were removed because they were too feminine. Girlbosses only, except for Misty because she is black.
Pinkie is girly.
Not a single character among them can be described as a "girlboss"
Am I fucking lucid in a nightmare? They are horses. Horses cannot be white or black. Because they are horses!
Don’t you remember four years ago? Media companies decided that actors can only play characters of their own race. So now, Fluttershy IS white and it would be racist to change that in fan art. So we need a blackie to replace her.
Ponies have always been stand-ins for whites. Minorities get the creature treatment.
So, I guess this means that G5 takes place in a time where interspecies sex became legal, allowing for the existence of a nigger pony?
LMAO no its fake but being pushed by the ultra coper
Well it doesn't take much to sell better than AJ ^;)
More seriously yes they do. They're cooperate suits disconnected from the target demo by probably three or four generations at this point. All their decisions are based skimming market data and half remember sales meetings.
>Also, where are my God-Princesses?
Don't worry they'll be the camp councilors that are barely relevant also they will no longer be alicorns because that may confuse kids.
So, a "black" pony is a pony voiced by colored folk?
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*stands in faust's way*
Really? Are we seriously putting race shit on ponies who aren't even the same species as a human?
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at least we had some good moments before that.
G5 creators and fans do that
You know, I begin to hate these people. Gradually.
*Election tourists from Xitter and /pol/
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That's a cute paint fill-
>nigger pony with vitiligo
I fucking despise IDW and modern "creators"
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>april's fools joke gone wrong
What do you want for me to say instead? That I would happily eradicate them all, knowing that this would be an act of pure good and my beloved God-Princess would smile on me from her magnificent Sun? I'm trying to be... restrained.
>Girlbosses only
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So much setting tranny cope, its great.
I just think the idea of someone only getting fed up with them now is kind of funny.
>only getting fed up with them now
My sanity was preserved a bit by my refusal to watch seasons 8 and 9. At all. Not even a smidgen.
I was under the impression that "deadass" meant 'for real' in chimpanese. Given how mundane, effortless and uninspired the described event, and resulting character, was; I don't understand the significance of this tweet(?).

The bold type puts emphasis on skin colour and disability as if trying to convince others that they should avoid this individual and their nonsense.

I am also curious why these types are obsessed with vitiligo. Is it the name? Is it the (false) idea that one can be both a negro and a human being? Is this like the standard pajeet belief that if you are more pale than your kin that you are somehow a human being? Or is it the standard, banal chimp desire to look different and special?

It is amusing all the same I suppose.
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>that description
>just like all the others i've seen
I genuinely don't know how people think mass forcing of pronouns, inclusivity, and pandering to minorities is le good thing.
But not sharing these views makes me a chud and a bigot.
People end up like this from spending too much time on Twitter, right? I've never had an account there.
I want "Days of Wasp and Spider" animated instead of G6. With slight changes to make it even more obvious that dogs are standoff for [REDACTED].
Too based for this faggot earth I'm afraid. "People" aren't ready for a hard sci-fi horse uprising show starring two actual demi-gods.
Plus they'd probably cut all the different perspective for time, like fucking cowards.
>''boss we got this beautiful concept for a Littlest Pet Shop movie!''
>''k is good but make it My Little Pony''
>''Those two have nothing to do with each other!''
>"Lol don't care I am a Hasbro boomer manager''
>EqG dolls push out LPS from shelf space
>LPS fails
>Cancels LPS
>Makes new generation for LPS to try again, which is just cheap slop
>Get cancelled again
>for 6 years nothing happens
>Half baked release on Roblox because ''digitization of toys and digital :DDDD"
>Meanwhile Zuru pets conquers the market
Are you winning, son?
>Lion Guard
>Many Disney classics
>Fuck it think up little kids entertainment you can name that isn't slop
Still, it would be glorious. People crave some actual hardcore shows these days. The concept of an inevitable horsepocalypse would confuse people for an episode or two, but everyone would adjust quickly. By the way, which do you like more: Fusion or Gravity?
0% chance. The show looks like shit. And it might not even make it to the point of airing anyways.
Gravity easy no one commits ultra violence like her. Fusion is still great but she's a bit too peaceful and naive for her own good. She's honestly a pretty stupid filly though out unfortunately.
It is Fusion for me. And not even because she will be my beloved Princess eventually. Sure, she is slow to get going when it comes to violence. But when she does, it is... glorious. As if staring into the Sun.
>Sure, she is slow to get going when it comes to violence. But when she does, it is... glorious.
I will give you that I had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrXTS10h2WI playing on loop during the entire sealing the sky chapter and then anytime after that when she started to let loose. Man now I gotta go reread DoWaS and FS again.
A fine choice when it comes to ambient music. Sagisu still can produce decent scores, elevating otherwise extremely flawed movies. "This is the dream, beyond belief" is also a fine example of this. Regardless, for the time being, we are indeed forced to be content with only the books themselves. Kalki-Avatar will descend into our world in the form of God-Mare before the abomination known as Hasbro will produce something wholesome ever again.
No, and it's high time we stop depending on Hasno for content. We can make our own show for all ages to enjoy, and we can do it better.
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This has been said since before G5's reveal and it won't happen until we start organizing
I know for a fact /mlp/ has the manpower
There are no "us". We would probably start killing each other if we were assembled in one place. Right after some dumb fuck would ask "Who is the best pony?" Twifags would strike the first blow, of course.
Not to mention one of the reasons Hasbro is falling apart is design by committee and ''focus groups''. You need a visionary, not a board full of autists with differing visions.
How to differentiate a visionary from an autist?
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i dont think there's anyway to understate how hard it's going to bomb, as other anons have stated: if ONE g4 crossover already flunked out hard, how will this alienating tripe make even a tiny amount of pocket change in the pockets of execs, with half of G4s mane 6 replaced by a bunch of nobodies with designs that clash horribly? it will be worse than 'bad', it'll be the kind of bad that gets zero attention and is swiftly forgotten about to naught but a mention about how mediocre it is every decade or so.
Little girls have infamously shit taste, EqG is the most successful MLP franchise in terms of toy sales.
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It'll revitalize the low-grade spam on this board and nothing else.
Nice quads.
Hold it!
Sauce: my ass
Reusing the mane 6 is a terrible idea, they already ran their course with episode concepts. The thing on the left is also ugly as sin and I don't want to look at it. Frankly, I would rather have had a show that takes place in Equestria (g4) but in another part of it that's unrelated to the events of the show. Have a new group of ponies going on adventures and occasionally stumbling upon the aftermatch of the events of FiM.
corrupt and ruin. The disgusting taint will never go away, it can never be undone.
EQG had potential. The human setting gave the writers room to stretch and try out ideas that they couldn't do with FiM. There was also the angle of a world without magic and the mane 6 being like super heroines which would have given it a different kind of appeal. Not to say that it was as good as it could have been but an EQG revival with more ambitious world building could genuinely work great. Hell, Rainbow Rocks alone is better written than most post season 3 episodes.
G4 was written as a show that both children and adults could enjoy. It was part of Lauren's vision, the person who took part in the golden age of CN.
g3 was pretty damn childish. g5 has literal farts and age regression slop. g4 is mature in comparison
it was a show for little girls
>appears in the gen
>kills it
>What if it was I who invited you to an event to which you were to bring your mother there to be present, and when you told me about your dear departed mother, I chided you for not being happy and with every word it made you suffer
Damn, comics Zecora is savage
What a miserable cunt
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Even if G6 is perfect, how is it going to be that different from G4?
Like anything, it will probably draw in a couple of new fans, but the early 2010's are not coming back. That time period and the fandom's success were due to a confluence of factors, including its novelty. Now "cute show with good writing and an online fanbase" isn't something that could make the news like it did back then. That's normal now. Is that bad? Not really, but it's different.
It is my sincerest hope this show kills the idea once and for all that ts ok for children's media to be shit because it's just for kids.
>ai eps
it was a good show regardless of the target audience. G5 is just slop and that's it.
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>the early 2010's are not coming back
FiM characters returning is a sign the fandom is over. No unique ideas, only nostalgia slop. Faust is spinning in her grave.
>Black pony
She's brown and white. Are niggers dumb?
>Are niggers dumb?
Such terrific question! What is your own opinion on the matter, anon?
vaxx status?
You're missing the obvious in that we haven't even had a proper pony experience in forever. 2018 in FiM had the movie, 26 episodes, shorts, a holiday special, and even EQG's forgotten friendship and other specials. It was such a dense year that there was always something to look forward to. Everything in G5 was so sparse and lacking in any substance. MYM started off so weak that no one even got into it. One year after it started chapter 3 came out and was actually decent but no one was left to give a fuck and the buzz was dead instantly thanks to the netflix dump format. There's just been nothing pony you've been able to turn on week to week and just enjoy.
does Zecora masturbate
The movie was 2017.
we ain't gonna get black swapped with yellow in these days
Nice get. But nothing will ever revitalize the fandom. It's over. We will watch everything slowly fade in time. See you, space cowboy.
>Faust is spinning in her grave.
Kek. She's not dead. Well, on the outside anyway.
Fucking this. There's more soul in your average patreon oc ask me comic than the last seasons of the show.
This is so fucking cringe. The writer should kts
>look guys i made an ugly pony for you niggers to relate to!!!
Seriously these ppl show their racism in funny ways.
Jesus this is probably true.
>Twilight: girlboss
>RD: masculine girlboss
>Pinkie: necessary for comic relief
>Misty: DEI

Whereas they probably think
>AJ: hmm yeah Trump voter.. very problematic.
>FS: too feminine
>Rares: too feminine

I hate current year get me out of here.
The redpill is that they were removed because their arcs suck shit as boring characters by default. Remember how many times we had Fluttershy learning how to be assertive? and AJs episodes were all cringy nobody wants to write for a background character anymore.
Rarara is femme fatale, she's girly but also a mareboss. What a retarded decision, holy fuck.
i hope the person who came up with the phrase "girlboss" gets fucking lynched
Looks like it
It's better than g5 simply because it has g4 ponies sure but it has fucking Misty (ugly) and feels like kindergarten school slop. It will make people active again by drawing shit from the episodes but there's no way this will make mlp bigger than that. It's just not good. Way too childish and bland. I mean ffs they age regressed the cast into what is basically fillyhood but they still have adult bodies. It's fucking off putting.
By your metric having the FiM cast made the rescue ranger movie good
>It's better because muh waifu is in it
You've become as pathetic as shimmerfags with EQG
Anons, something is up with Hasbro. In just a single week, this happened;

>AI fiasco, company confirmed it's using AI, at least for D&D/MTG, causing drop in planned sales for newest gen.
>MTG animated show announced and it's the wokest DEI shit ever judging by the concept art.
>MLP G5 cancelled, G6 leaks panned by both audiences
>Transformers One likely underperforming because Paramount sucks at advertising.
>Power Rangers clownshow behind the scenes

And then:
>Hasbro announces move to Boston, local politicians in Rhode Island panic
>Couple of shareholders dumping their Hasbro portfolio this week,

Something is buzzing, I just know it.
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I've seen another anon on a different board posit that there is a lot of infighting going on inside the upper levels of Hasbro. I suspect this is happening in a lot if companies and I'm willing to bet some of it is linked to the 2024 elections...
>I'm willing to bet some of it is linked to the 2024 elections
And you're basing this on what?
When Trump was elected, that’s when we got the Movie with the creatures and the shitty-ass School of Friendshit.
The amount of shills that comment will no doubt trigger, for one.

But more seriously,

DEI/woke is dying, either naturally because it was a forced meme to begin with, or possibly for sign tapping reason. Whatever the reason, one group knows this, the other group does not, and which candidate wins will affect this policy and other plans.

There is also probably the usual amount of egos clashing.

There is also the fact that Hasbro has just made a bunch of bad decisions which led to and now people are pissed.
Kill yourself.
poor misty! i'd love to wipe her tears with my dick and tell her that she's a good and cute mare! :(
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Lel, shills mad. Trump will win, jews, muslims, and Chinese will seethe, pones will be saved, and tendies will be eaten.

I'm feeling good as hell.
Did you learn nothing from 2017 and ’18, you fucking retard? MLP went SUPER woke. Nobody gives a fuck about your dumbfuck shithole country. The only way to save MLP is to give it to the Chinese.
China is a shithole with creatively bankrupt bug people who only know how to lie, cheat, steal without at least putting their own spin on something, like Japan or even Korea could do.

By the way, your leader looks like Winnie the Pooh, and remember Tianaman Squal and tank man whom the commie bug men ran over.

Still voting Trump. Praise Celestia, have a good day.
Chinese likes G4. You lose.
Monkies like bananas, but that doesn't mean they're likely to produce a banana pie.
Yes it does.
Alas, monkeys on typewriters came up with 6 "seasons" of mlp
To what?
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They will introduce Rarity in the moment they need to introduce the Zebras again, Rarity will be the racist white girl that will end getting a black boyfriend
If that want to be actully diverse, inclusive and anti racist, they need to get rid of zebras, or at least completely change their approach.

FiM is quite white supremacist in how the ponies represent white people, whereas other races are given different species, and combine that with how the show is about the ponies, and how the ponies are the rulers of the land, and other species are treated like something strange and weird.

If they want to actually make it inclusive, they need to make black coded ponies, not zebras. That way, people of different ethnicities could see representation in the actual main cast and the society the show actually portrays.
And if they have one of the ponies date black coded zebras, that could also be seen as supporting bestiality, while simultaneously portraying romantic relationships between whites and blacks as something unnatural and disgusting.

They could still have different species, but they need to represent all human variation within the ponies alone, and different species should be treated more like something like martians or well executed fantasy races, something that you don't match directly to something that exists in real life.
That's why s1 is my least favorite season, it was too kiddy and simple. The staff taking notice of the adult fans was the best thing to have happened for the show.
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>yeah and then um and then um we bring back the mane 6 but uhhh I think I'm forgetting someone uhhhhh well doesn't matter I'll just put that other character from g% here
I agree with you
they have no reason not to continue making slop probably too much effort with similar profit. so its gonna be ass
Outdated. Pushing 60's fashion diva interested in stallions among gen alpha is like trying to make Johnny Bravo cool with parents and kids again.

Cowboys and Southerners are stereotyped as conservatives and Applejack had a load of retards from school shooters to stalkers messaging show staff to the point Hasbro is comepletely disinterested in bringing Aj back.

Who? Might as well replace her with new shy static and boring moe blob character.



Average Murcian uniparty lover.
Is that true that you supercharge cocks with your mouth, Chris?
as someone that was an MLP fan before g4 but didn't like g4 that much, I just want Hasbro to move on from g4 and give us something new completely.
Fuck off back to your forum, roastie.
No it won't. The only viewers it'll bring back are those desperate enough to think that just because some G4 characters are in it makes it better now, and a few kids who haven't seen any other generation
It is the dying brain cells of upper management suits rubbing together trying to make a new show work. "People like G4 a lot right? Do that again, but better!" And then the show dies three months in after no one tunes in anymore because it has the exact same problems as the last two generations because nothing about the actual writing process has changed
Just the idea that they got so fucking desperate that they brought these characters back boggles the mind. It's like a bad joke that would have been told four years back. Just let them rest already
no, I can go wherever I like. And Hasbro is being stagnant. They could build a new world with new lore that could have occasional crossover with G4 or earlier gens on special occasions, but they don't even bother trying to launch into something completely new. Hasbro using G4 as a security blanket is boring.
G4 but with a nigger instead of fluttershy and an infinitely worse premise that retcons everything from the original show

yeah no thanks and I hope it flops
stay right here on the board queen
and by that I mean like using a portal like Equestria girls. Special event. G5 tried, but then it regressed back to being attached to G4 and how many people liked that?
>jews will seethe
Trump is a megajew and loves them though
Why did they keep Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie while scrapping the other half of the main cast? Idgi
I bet those sold the most toys.
Yes. People like the g4 ponies for a reason. Don't ask me why Hasbro is unable to make pretty ponies now.

This makes 0 sense.
Still kind of sad that G5 is dying though. At least all the characters were new, and a lot of the world was new.
Find something new and shove it up your ass
that is not very friendship is magic of you
Go fuck yourself
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Because they're the most popular
At this rate, you'll have to be writing friendship lessons to Celestia!

If they're bringing Twilight back, are they going to be bringing that friendship lesson gimmick back? Is she going to be just another ordinary pony that was already friends with everyone in this new generation?
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>bringing back unicorn twilight just to give her wings all over again
Filthy right-wing kkkonservative Celestia-thumping Earth pony MAGAT.
Unrealistic standards of beauty, successful capitalist
Quiet, timid, soft-spoken. Exact opposite of a girlboss.
Happy to see that they've realized that the design of the ponies was shit on G5 and have made them hot again, unf
Since g5 lasted 3 years, I bet g6 will last even less. Might even only last a year
fo real
This looks worse than TYT
>successful capitalist
Now I know why Hasbroke wants to get rid of her. :^)
>Hasbro using G4 as a security blanket is boring.
At least someone with a lick of sense.
No it infantilizes the characters and turns the high stakes of G4 into the whole show being them the CMC basically.
Hasbro has a case of DEI and hates healthy and happy people.
zebras are black
dragons/griffons are other races who have different practices than ponies and are shown as inferior.
Yes and they are unable to speak proper english.
Comic writers HAD to ruin the great story bridle gossip told.
being a fat retarded disabled loser is a virtue!
Habro should sell MLP to a content farm so it can just pump out pure brainrot cancer youtube videos instead of a shitty knock-off of G4. Pregnant Spiderman Elsa surgery injection fart stuff but with the Mane 6 instead.
Hasbro will get more watch time making cocomelon spiderman elsa brainrot content.
Bronies should invest in hasbro then fire the directors lol.
stop being gay

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