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Remember when G5 dropped and this was the first image we saw about it? Who would have know that 3D would make it the shortest Gen of MLP?
From what i remember the "first ever" thing about G5 were the sheets with G5 characters printed in 2D smiling in creepy way
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Remember the "bean memes" and "mayonaise memes"? Feels like the entire media presence and fandom died after the movie
AI proves that the people making g5 are talentless, lazy, pieces of shit who are idle in their dei positions
Not that the fim style is "incompatible with 3 dimensions" like they infamously claimed
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Why is her back not straight?
Yes. I was trying to ignore MLP for awhile there, so I learned about the “activist” thing, it being a G4 continuation and saw this HIDEOUS character design all at once. Gave me a really bad mental breakdown.

Very barely with the beans one. It’s crazy how much unearned good will was afforded to this absolutely butt-ugly trash heap and how it managed to be SO BAD that it was able to lose the Equestria Daily and Derpibooru autists’ interest and completely kill the fandom.
Lorenzo Pauli art director of G5 has never drawn a horse study, only dogs
Check website to see for yourself
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>Why is her back not straight?
They unironically said that they modelled the shapes and poses after dogs.
>Cullen adds: “It’s quite an iconic design.
When they sit down, they sit down more like a
cat or a dog. A real horse would never sit like
that. So, for Graham, he was trying to get the
bottom legs to move around in the right way.
G4 slowly descended into the characters being cats, and G5 makes them dogs? What the fuck is wrong with horses?!
Funny they never said dogs and horses do indeed sit as Sunny is doing in that pic
Hey derpibooru dumbass, they actually do say dogs you disingenuous FUCKING nigger
Ooh do they now? Im sure you could show us a picture of that then.
Go FUCK yourself
Still waiting.........
Wait hang on gimme 5 minute
>They unironically said that they modelled the shapes and poses after dogs.
No they didn't. They modelled it after G4. Cullen's statement here is just saying that G4 ponies sit down like cats or dogs (which they do).
Holy shit the document does mention dogs
right alongside cats and it shows the author has no idea horses actually do sit like that
They literally said dogs
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>"like a cat or a dog"
here is horse sitting like that
They deadass say the word dogs in the document just so >>41432236 knows and doesn't forget that g5 was never mlp!

And anyway, we all know that rob cullen is obsessed with Strip Teasing Dogs, which is why he thinks of dogs when watching g4, or anything at all for that matter
He wanted stripteasing dogs, and he got his way
G5 is the last generation of MLP and it is nothing but mega cope to suggest otherwise.
Wait, hang on!
G5 was modelled after G4. They mention dogs because G4 ponies sit like dogs (and cats).
Every person who worked on g5 said that g4 is impossible to work in 3d so they took it off the table
It’s possible. There’s good fan animations.
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For talentless corpo suits, sure
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>blatantly ignores the magazine article which lists the changes they made to 2d G4 ponies to make them work in 3d.
First of all it does not work at all you terrible nigger
2. You fucking like g5
This. Oh how funny it is now. TYT made the bedsheets look great. Lol we really are in the worst of times.
>you cant like the generation that is more lightning in a bottle than lightning in a bottle
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How does it feel to be more retarded than Izzy?
Fucking hideous character design. I'm happy to see G5 get its neck snapped by Hasbro.
Sunny is so cute bros... I'm gonna miss her
I just realized a new thing that’s so fucking hideous about the animation. So many of them have fur that’s so flesh colored, add that too their hyper realistic teeth and mouth, and when you see them in too small of an image or from too far away, they look like bizarro PS1 Dreamworks uncanny valley freaks with no nose.
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>its ok in G$ but when its G% you dog fuckers
When the fuck did G4 look like a hyper-realistic, uncanny valley crime scene?
You're replying to a wojakposter, I guarantee his response is going to be fucking retarded.
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You were right.
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The OPG threads regularly display way more appealing (and closer to FiM) characters than 90% of the shit we see in G% and their disturbingly human facial features. Honestly if they had just ripped the model and made a show using it they probably would've been more successful.
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Take the Wildmanespill
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They obviously didn't try hard enough.
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>Can't tell the difference between a 3d style AI image and real 3d CGI
The 3d model that's closest to the show proportions is from the "Hello pinkie pie" shorts, and it doesn't look great
Any examples?
I don't understand why corporations think we like 3D, we don't, we only watch this shit because it's the slop you gave us. If we could choose, we'd pick 2D any day.
Cause it's much MUCH cheaper to produce a decent looking 3D movie as opposed a 2D one. It's also the reason they had to change their designs drastically for Tell Your Tale since the first thing companies do to cheap out is replace everything with the signature cheap as shit looking easy to animate Calarts style.
Have you seen 2d shows lately? They're all beanmouths, rubberhose limbs, dot eyes
And that's the standard for animation graduates
Even if a company has the budget for something better, that style is all animators know now
Plus they probably don't know how to animate quadrupeds
The Hanna Barbera style was also made to be cheap I don't get it surely they could've made a cheap style that wasn't uggo bean mouth.
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>Who would have know that 3D would make it the shortest Gen of MLP?

We told you guys many times. We kept saying how unsustainably expensive 3DCG is. You have to have an immense amount of output for your bespoke asset and render pipeline to begin paying off. Remember, we even discussed the obvious crippling limitations the G5 designers faced. Do you recall that they couldn't put clothes on ponies because it was endlessly expensive in 3D? Do you recall that they couldn't do different hairstyles? Do you recall that they only had two kinds of weather? Do you recall that they couldn't do natural animations or movements because of the 3D model issues? We discussed all of that at length. All signs were pointing toward a cut-short trainwreck of a production process because of the designed-to-fail approach Hasbro took. Hasbro would have needed to have a very smart and far-sighted product portfolio lined up for the 3DCG content pipeline to begin paying off.

You Anons can not imagine how vindicated we feel right now.
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It's not cheap by today's standards. Also bean mouths are just what students are taught in animation schools like Calarts. Like this shit is not a joke, this actually happens if you go to animation school in America.
This why I see G5 as an inevitable tragedy
On one side modern 2D looks cheap even if you have the budget
Because the problem is a drought of competent personnel, plus no one has experience with quadrupeds
On the other side 3d should be easier to animate but it has infinite limitations.
Hasbro must have even less budget now. The future looks grim for the next generations
go back
Cows are closer to horses than cats and dogs but they're still too ugly
G4 ponies can work in 3D just fine it's not the ponies' fault Hasbro is just incompetent as fuck.
Also, that toy is based on the 2017 movie which the art book showed us had their characters fully rendered in 3D, so the 2D animators could rotoscope it later. So they basically were 3D in that film itself, to an extent.
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Remember when G5 dropped and Sunny ripped down your pants to examine your cock with this expression?
Like someone said it was those bed sheets first. Man did i fucking know everything was doomed the moment I saw that trash. Feels like yesterday. Thank god the wait is over for this garbage to die. I actually enjoy older generations so its not like I have the highest standards either so wtf. I still remember how hard some people were coping and denying that this was some political activist shit. This gen will be like some sort of dark stain in history no one wants to talk about.
kek that has more detail than FiM does.
Bro became lead storyboard artist for Steven Universe
She can supercharge my cock
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I really fucking hate the Hanna Barbara animation style especially when you see how expressive the character sheets are and how they had to sterilize everything for budget TV animation.
>Gave me a really bad mental breakdown.
>twishart still having it after 3 years
>G$hitzos still don't understand they were talking about G$ when mentioning how ponies didnt sit like a horse
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>Couldn't put clothes on ponies
Skill issue. not a 3d issue. Cloth workflows exist with wraps around vertexes
>Couldn't do different hair styles
Skill issue. not a 3d issue. Make a base model and swap the manes,
>They only had two kinds of weather
Skill issue. not a 3d issue. Particle systems are not some huge accomplishment anymore. They had storms, snow, thats already more than 2
>Couldn't do natural animations or movements
Skill issue, not a 3d issue. The hello pinkie pie rigs were fucking broken, but the MYM team just had to learn how to animate which they did and the last seasons are animated as well as FiM.
You discussed in a circlejerk and never watched the show staff improve their skills, you never had a clue. The only issue was Hasbro was WAY too stingy with G5's tv shows after the movie, instead of hiring competent people from the start they had to learn as they worked on the show and continually improved it until hasjew pulled the plug.
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MYM was still hiring key positions after it was announced.
Meghan McCarthy used to butt heads with the other execs due to frequent radical changes with too short of time needed to realize them

Is it possible that MYM was only in development for less than a year before it premiered?
is it just me or i'm starting to notice a pattern of hasjew being to stubborn to let people do shit with mlp? like faust kept fighting with execs. meg and the g% team probably too.
MYM and TYT were both rushed development, should have been in the oven at least another half year.

Hasjew kept the teams in their own bubbles, the ones making the tv shows didn't know the things the movie fags made and that's one reason the MYM and TYT were so all over the place or aimless in the early episodes. Hasjew just told them to make a MLP show and they came up with Misty's arc which was divorced from the movie. What else where they going to do, they didn't even know how to write G5 and the discovery jew was a constant chokehold on what they could reference from g4.

It's the same kind of retarded management decision that forced a MLP g5 movie to be a sequel G4 before G4 even ended, which is why everything from season 8 onward was retconned, no cozy statue and no twiraffe.
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Something tells me that G4 wasn't supposed to end yet and Season 10 was supposed to happen but because Hasbro didn't want Discovery to hold on to the rights of FiM they canned it early and told the G5 team to rush it out the door so they wouldn't be left without any Pony media while they waited for the rights to expire.
Plausible, the discovery jewing didn't come to light until later but Hasbro definitely new about losing their rights to the later seasons. All of g5's failures can just be pointed back to absolutely fucking retarded decisions from the top. Each of the 3 teams were meddled with until it was either killed or reduced to slop like TYTs S2 which was night and day bad compared to S1 and no surprise they lost the audience. Hasbro didnt even know what the fuck it wanted, maybe Misty was a mandate like the green goblin baby but they failed to understand why people liked the movie, or the 3d show, or the 2d show.
I strongly suspect Sprout was supposed to become a main character, but instead Misty took his spot
i remember hoping for G5 to be good
I'm forever thankful to Discovery for stopping Haber's raping of FiM corpse.
They didn’t stop it. They told him Season 9 was the final season instead of canceling it without warning, which allowed him to rape it harder than ever before.
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Good, Hitch was already a mistake. Stallions should not be allowed anywhere near the main cast.
Misty was a bigger mistake
February was 3 years ago
>g5 was made only to last for as long as it took for Discovery's contract to run out
>Ponies act like cats and dogs
i'm sad by the fact kirins don't act like lizards instead
Hi PlagueOfGripes
Funny how the furries always come out when g5 haters infest the place
The movie was
They have a problem of being utterly retarded with their properties in general. Just look at how bad they're mismanaging WOTC. It feels like they've gotten exponentially worse with micromanaging the fuck out of everything and not just letting the actual knowledgeable people do their thing in the past few years especially.
But the wotc people are also imbeciles that are pozzing the brand
Yeah and Hasjew was the one who put them in charge.
Well they do love creaturequestria
I thought they were their own department that made their own choices

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