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So what's your excuse for being fat and slow
>So what's your excuse for being fat and slow
I gave up
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They will believe in you but it will only take you so far
Out of the m6, Dash is actually the most likely to accept a typical loser brony. She will make fun of you for being out of shape but she is still going to suck your dick later.
To be with Twilight you need to be intelligent and passionate about learning. She won't take you seriously otherwise.
For AJ you need to be hard working, kind of hunky, and a Yes man.
Fluttershy requires an alpha. I don't think many anons have what it takes. Being a nice guy will just get you in the friend zone.
Pinkie will want someone who is supportive of her lifestyle. Constantly throwing parties and socializing. And you need to at least be decently attractive.
Rarity is a bit of a wild card.
>They will believe in you
They shouldn't.
'Cuz I'm not into Dash.
Giving up is the literal worst rock bottom thing you could ever do
>Giving up is the literal worst rock bottom thing you could ever do
I know.
I ran a race in January and came in in the upper half of the finish times. I’m actually looking forward to the one I signed up for in Novembre because I think I’m in better condition now. I hope Dashie will be impressed even though I’m not really into her.
I'm not fat! But I do look disgusting, for sure. But ponies are not judgmental. Apart from Rarity. She gets a pass as a Lady.
Then are you even a worthy mate for rainbow dash? You'd be the same chubby autistic basement neckbeard in Equestria too
>Then are you even a worthy mate for rainbow dash?
I don't care for Rainbow Dash.
>You'd be the same chubby autistic basement neckbeard in Equestria too
I'm aware, which is why I don't plan on going.
>>To be with Twilight you need to be intelligent and passionate about learning. She won't take you seriously otherwise.
For AJ you need to be hard working, kind of hunky, and a Yes man.
Fuck maybe Fluttershy will submit to my cock at least. But hell yeah Dashie is good too
>Fuck maybe Fluttershy will submit to my cock at least
You know very well that to seduce Shy is basically an act of abuse. Be a real anon, marry the mare first.
My excuse? Well... She's not fucking real or any other pony. Therefore life is miserable and nothing matters to ever try to achieve anything in life like being /fit/
1) Being fit irl is a good thing and will make you not feel like a total loser

2) When you go to Equestria what are you going to do when you have your current normal fat body and not your fantasy fit one
did you even read the spoilered part?
Yes, but I chose to ignore it because it was gay and retarded
She can fix me.
How I can get to a place that doesn't exist? Are you stupid?
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Neither of you understand them at all.
I'm going as a stallion who isn't as completely fucked in the head anyway so, ponies can easily lose weight.
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Well they love Rainbow Dash.
If I can't be a pegasus and fly along with RD and have sex on clouds I don't even want to go to Equestria, it would just be tragic
You sound like a fag.
I stopped expecting good things a long time ago.
Can't be disappointed with zero expectations.
My excuses are as follows
>I don't like her either
>I used to be fit and actually hated how my body felt more than I do now
But here's your bump since I know this thread will hit bump limit for trying to stir shit. As is tradition on this board.
We got a non-believerfag over here
>You'd be the same chubby autistic basement neckbeard in Equestria too
Shit, you actually have a point
>no argument
I'm a human. She'd judge me by different standards.
What the fuck do you mean argument? Of course there's no argument, it's just you having shit taste and being an ingrate.
How is wanting to fly shit taste?
I do agree with this interpretation l. What would you say about Trixie?
Someone who can tolerate her arrogance with confidence of their own
Any anon has the advantage of exoticism. And at that, coming from the nightmare hell dystopia called modern human society. So that's exoticism points + sympathy points. That said, best you can get with those alone is a one night stand.
To be with Twilight, you need to be related to her. Shining and Spike. You just know.
>Fluttershy requires an alpha. I don't think many anons have what it takes. Being a nice guy will just get you in the friend zone.
I rarely kek this hard over posts here anymore but this is just too good. So clearly youre a Flutterfag trying to write a self serving fantasy while also gatekeeping her from other anons. Fucking lmao. No, irl girls like fluttershy always end up dating some ugly schizo loser thinking no other girl will try to steal him only to get gaslit cheated on. Rainbow Dash is the most similar to that girl who thinks she's all that and will friendzone guys. Or maybe you're a dashfag in denial about being incompatible with your waifu? So you make the other pegasus out to be that? Hahahaha
What else do you expect from the human supremacist morons? They were the same type who wrote all of that cringe early on in the fandom.
Actually Fluttershy has sampled every type of animal cock in the world and now only accepts giant hybrid mutant alien discord cock because it's the only way she can get off now so you're both wrong.
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okay, post your interpretations then
I stand by saying that Fluttershy requires an alpha. this has nothing to do with irl women. that's just her personality. I'm not a flutterfag or a dashfag, not even a m6fag. I'm a derpyfag and pegasi are my favorite so I'm not biased against pegasi. And I'll selfbash, I think Derpy has below average standards for a mare, and yes that makes me feel more comfortable. but that's not what makes me attracted to her, just a bonus.
Good question. I think Trixie will unironically fall for the nice guy. just get past her tsun hide, be yourself and treat her with kindness. And obvious stuff, like don't be a slob and present yourself with some effort.
Fluttershy wants a mommyfag that she can pamper and teatfeed. You guys just don't know her like I do.
don't care i just want to read books all day and play board games
Spike is you're highest match.
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>Spike is you are highest match
maybe you'd get along well with dashie afterall
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Reality reflection
Though she'd order you around in exchange for the pampering, she has her own needs too.
I know her even more.
I really want to be mad at you for saying something so absurd but it makes too much sense
I smell the "Flutterrat" poster behind this post.
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>if I can't fly then Equestria is worthless to me
>heh look at those humanfags trying to say I'm an ungrateful faggot
You're niggers and you can stay here on Earth.
I have no fucks left to give.
Have your fucks flown away?
Are your fucks so fucked off they refuse to fucking stay?
Well not as fat I think? I actually work security because of AJ now. Sure still fat but 250 fat that can run
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Sorry op.
Am actually very stron.
I got an 11.2 on the beep test, does that count?
>filename from early 2023
You can't fool us, you ripped that from Chad's instagram page
>Marry Spike, so that I am now technically Twi's step-brother and have a shot with her
And you know Spike would be down for it to help you out, he's a bro like that
Once again I must reiterate as always

Going to Equestria as a human is 1000x better than going as a pony
>Fluttershy requires an alpha.
Nah, Twilight or Rarity need alphas because they're naturally indecisive. Fluttershy isn't indecisive, she needs someone who can bring out her strength of will, not impose their own.
>She will make fun of you for being out of shape but she is still going to suck your dick later.
but you have to shower her with affection and bring out her feminine side
>To be with Twilight you need to be intelligent and passionate about learning. She won't take you seriously otherwise.
no, you can be a dummy. all you need to do is to listen to her, share her enthusiasm and support her
>Fluttershy requires an alpha
no. she'd be more happy with a softie (see her mother) or someone to pamper but who also is empathetic and supportive. she'd hate a bara type
>Pinkie will want someone who is supportive of her lifestyle
she'd be happy with a meek, quiet, shy person. she would vent her energy at everyone around but would later quietly come to you, nestle in your chest and hum happily while you two cuddle
Rarity would like someone supportive but also someone simple who she can easily impress so she can feel sophisticated. but she would also like to be dominated in bed
i agree on AJ
You would give a good fight to pre-S4 Sweetie Belle.
No excuses needed, I just like taking it easy while taking in my environment. Though I'm told I work pretty fast in spite of that.
Kind of sad and not really an invalid excuse
dont tell me its real
Well it's like this, I take my time because studying what happens around me is more efficient. Slow to start go fast later if need be.
Even applies for physical things like running, sports, etc. where you should know your environment. Every malformed bump in the cement, every muddy patch that clings to your shoes, every puddle that would seep into your socks, and how to efficiently move your own body. I like being the master of whatever domain I am in, regardless if I am known for it or not.
Though to be totally honest, she (and many other ponies) probably wouldn't like me anyway. Not really a matter of being physically fit or dexterous. I'm a rather empty person that tries to do the right thing, in spite of my environment. I am more of a machine than a human being. Being friendly/open just makes necessary interactions easier near-universally. I don't personally give value to friendship or even love. But I do enjoy talking about theoretical situations to reflect on myself a bit, even in these niche spaces once in a blue moon. It's kind of 50/50 if I even bother hitting the post button sometimes with these. Sometimes I even close the tab after posting so I'm not sure if it's a matter of speaking my mind, trying to think further and/or avoiding unnecessary arguments. I think my mind wanders too much to focus on theoreticals of its own volition. Humans are good at criticizing one another, regardless of accuracy.
I think I would kill the mood if I tried to broadcast these thoughts in pony land. There's no capacity for it. All the more reason to keep it to myself.
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Are we looking at the same picture?
>be me
>read all the time, write /fimfic/ as my main hobby, love to learn, highly introverted
>from a sheltered, fairly wealthy family and get high grades my whole life, adapted to high expectations from others and critique my own flaws harshly as a result, surrounded by other highly talented people from a young age and always feel inferior
>always told I'm really intelligent, no one ever compliments anything else about me, until adulthood I wasn't anything more than "the gifted kid"
Completely seriously, I'm a similar person to Twilight and see myself in her all the time. I understand very intimately the pressure she feels from others (and herself) to perform well, and I think that I'd make a good partner for her.
The problem is: I'm a Rarifaggot and find her more attractive/admirable than Twilight. When I imagine myself in Equestria, it's often the case that I naturally get along with and grow closer to Twilight, and end up being forced to reject her romantically because I want what I can't have.

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