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GODlestia won
...the being Obese Contest
God-Princess would never abuse her gentle sister like that! She is a kind and compassionate pony. But her glorious behind is indeed this big. I would know.
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>1000 years of banishment to the coldness and loneliness of the moon conveniently swept under the rug
Celestifags are hypocrites
>Celestifags are hypocrites
Certain somepony surrendered to Darkness, tried to kill her sister, and would rule as a ruthless tyrant if successful. Tell me, who that was? Was it Celestia?
it was just banter
Sure, whatever. But I distinctly remember people from the initial days of season 1 who actually believed what you said. That my princess was somehow unreasonable for banishing NM to the Moon. I believe they still exist. And still wrong.
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Is tiny butt insecurity the biggest cause of villainy in Equestria?
Call it as it is: envy. Everyone is envying Princess Celestia. Because she is perfect, without reproach.
Am I perfect? No, I never have been, and I never will be. A leader doesn't always make the right choice, but what matters is we make that choice. Rarely are those options the best.
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Sacrilege. She IS perfect. My blinding Unconquered Sun. My gentle Great White Mare. My only goddess, from the moment I first heard her voice and into eternity.
While I do quite enjoy your praise my little pony, do know that I love you to. I cannot claim perfection, nor godhood, and I personally don't like such things. I just want you to focus on being you, and being happy.
Could it be?
Hello my little pony.
Celestia in /mlp/!?!?!??
I had enough of this blasphemous drivel. Do not mock God-Princess by attaching her name to such lies. She is a true goddess, fully deserving of worship.
Fanaticism will not earn you my favor my little pony. Now go touch grass.
When my penitence in this world is finally over, I WILL find my princess. And then no mortal will be able to deny her divinity anymore. I will make them all see what I see. And she will grace me with her smile in appreciation.
Answer me this; if I were to accept this line of thought. It would make me veru unhumble which in turn would also make me a tyrant expecting my subjects to worship my every step. That's not me, my humble nature is what gets me this love and admiration to begin with. Being an alicorn is a sacrifice, one that I make every single day of my existence.
There is nothing more easy and pleasant for mortals, be they humans or ponies, than to worship the true-born Daughter of the Light that Princess Celestia really is. Equestria will become an even happier and more fulfilling place. No, not only Equestria! I will spread the cult of Celestia Sol Invicta far and wide, purifying the land from corruption and imperfection. Where her Sun shines, her name must be honored in prayer. This is only natural.
Well, I suppose I can't argue with that logic, but do take care to spread thy name in a harmonious not divisive manner. After all, if we don't have Harmony, then we have nothing.
Nonsense. Any sensible living being would gladly praise Princess Celestia as a divine being. After all, she is a living deity, able to walk among mortals. To see is to truly believe. Only soulless monsters would lack the ability to perceive her fundamental nature when given the opportunity and careful encouragement to do so. They, naturally, will be removed, making the world at large ever more peaceful and harmonious.
I will not condone unjustified violence against anypony, and you will do well to remember that.
But I have already completely justified it in no uncertain terms. This is the most obvious thing in the world for me, really. Only an inherently evil creature, tainted by the Great Enemy, would willingly reject the truth. Such abominations have no place in Equestria, a fact proven on countless occasions over millennia. And thus, it would be immoral to not act against them. It's not even a violence, but an act of mercy when you end existence that foul.
Do you realize that line of rhetoric is borderline genocidal? I will not condone this any longer. Begone fanatic.
Imagine Celestia crushing some creatures head beneath her hoof and then her ordering you to lick it clean.
Behold! "Princess Celestia" is trying to shame me by appealing to the depraved morality of modern-day Earth. This was not "borderline genocidal", you ludicrous blasphemer. This is as genocidal as it gets, and I'm proud of it. It is the act most holy when done in her name.

And by the way, unlike you, I'm completely serious. I believe every word I said in the thread.
>I showed this to a friend and he asked me "are you into vore?"
What you spew is everything Equestria stands against fanatic, and as the ruler of Equestria it is my duty to fight what this for as long as I live.
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Sunbutt is powerful
Fighting against what, exactly? I heard not a single argument against my beliefs. Because appeals to morality are not arguments. You don't even understand Princess Celestia very well, I must say. She is not some font of sanctimonious talking points as people constantly believe her to be. And she must not be a point of projection for artificial current-day moral standards for narcissistic twats who like to hear sweet things from a nice white horse.

She is a goddess. Timeless and eternal. She is far above the lousy philosophical systems that humanity has produced. To see her as she truly is and to know what I now know, one must abandon all preconceived notions. Must become open to pure faith. Real dedication.
Is this an endorsement of Princess Celestia, or are you defending Luna?
I'll argue it is you that doesn't understand me very well. The very idea of genocide goes against my kind nature which is what gains me as much respect as I get, another thing that goes against genocide. How can you look me in the eye and tell me I support such savagery? I do not support it, I will not support it. If you want to worship me that is fine, but the moment you begin harming others you become the enemy of harmony, thus the enemy of Equestria.

You are right, I am timeless. I have seen the rise and fall of civilizations. I have had to make decisions that would make the average pony pale. You think you come in here and claim you know what I want and spit on everything I represent? No...
You see, if the impossible were to happen and the actual God-Princess appeared in this very thread, she would know how to convince me. Constantly repeating loaded words that are all but meaningless to me would not be it. I would not be a man of truth if pathetic pronouncements of "savagery" affected me in any way. I will even go a step further and claim that men who can be swayed by something so meaningless will invoke her great displeasure. The mercy of my goddess is infinite, but she is a mare of action. She knows that sometimes, for the betterment of all, actions must be taken without further consideration. Her actions against her traitorous sister are a testament to this.
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Wcyd, she was asking for it
Begone! Your version of "god-princess" will never exist, and I will strike her down myself.
>footage from an alternate timeline where, instead of Luna going full Nightmare, they settled their differences with a good old sisterly wrestling match
are you sure about that
But got sent to the moon anyway.
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>when you break the industrial scales with your 2 ton ass
I love Celestia
…..’s sister
If she is so perfect, where is the teat?
in my mouth
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Yes please~
God-Princess is pure.

>being luna is suffer :'(
.... in a platonic way, Celestia in a romantic way.
Luna likes the small crown
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Oooiii, Cerestia-sama! Kiss my wife, will ya? My royal shartbuddy Bejita refuses to do so, but I really need someone royal to kiss Chi-Chi!
GODlestia, I kneel. Please, crush my head with your heavenly ass
Love you sister! ;)
>If they're supposed to be equal
They aren't.
chadlestia vs virgina
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>no hooves
No thanks.
>rape Sweetie Belle

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