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The worst part of new Gen is that we have to stomach that annoying cunt Rainbow Dash and her faggot fans who are more annoying than EQG, G5 and Wild Manes combined
Shut up, bitch.
I’m more concerned about troon-looking OC pony on the left.
>10 more years of "unf Dashie plap plap plap"
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How dare you! Dashie is our Miss /mlp/!
G%'s niggercorn.
Not a troon, just nigger Fluttershy. I bet episode themselves make her as forgettable as Fluttershy while most autistic is always going to be Rainbow Dash. What a fucking cunt
>What a fucking cunt
But you DO want to cum inside her, correct?
What the fuck are you talking about? Rainbow Dash is best pony!

Hate her, should just been Posey if they want a g5 character instead of Fluttershy
At least Fluttershy has the decency to sink into the background when other characters are supposed to take the spotlight. Misty will cry and piss and shit herself until she forces the plot to revolve around her and everyone else just has to baby her and stick their thumbs up her ass when she won't stop crying like an annoying bitch.
Why are they sitting like that? Sure, this is possible for horses, but they would prefer to lie down.
I thought they were matching their hooves to their eye colors, since Twilight and Pinkie's do, but then Misty and Rainbow's don't.

So... it's a fuckin' mystery, I guess.
In this version of Equestria painted hooves are the equivalent of the engagement ring.
She is married to Cheese Sandwich.
Forshadow PinkieDash romance
She got her hooves colored like coloring naild
You mean like literally every Fluttershy episode?
>we have to listen to Fluttershy in Keep Calm and Flutter On
>we have to hear her bitching in Filly Vanilly
>we need to hear her bitvhing in Fluttershy Leans in
>and dont forget her quirky autistic outbursts as Flutter Goth or Hipster Shy because she wants to sell a dress
Uhh, Anon, are you retarded?
Of course Fluttershy takes the spotlight IN THE FLUTTERSHY EPISODE.
Misty is also only present in her episodes. The problem was that most of MYM was about Misty
I really like the colored hooves so I'm watching for that
>most of MYM was about Misty
I never watched that shit. So she is like Starlight? OC inserted into the story by new writers?
Yes, but unlike Starlight, she stays evil until the very last minute but is still redeemed as if nothing happened.
>she stays evil until the very last minute
So exactly like Starlight. Got it.
Starlight never replaced Twilight fully, Misty fucking replaced Sunny as main character.
And now that creature somehow infiltrated another reality and replaced Flutters. Scary stuff. Also, why do people call her a nigger? Is she voiced by a colored VA?
Her hair is supposed to make her “black-coded,” which fills the diversity quota.

I just realized that if G5 had actually gone on as planned and was a successful franchise, the Mane 5 officially WOULD become a “New Mane Six.” They needed one of each pony type and a copy of an existing personality. If you look, the only main character that hadn’t had a parallel was Fluttershy. So they were planning on completely the group that way, but of course, there is no group, because the franchise is dead in the water.
Oh yeah, and she’d be the second unicorn in the group as well. Filling the group, you know? The people who made the movie probably said “six is too many protagonists to follow. Introduce the final one later.”

So a character like her was always planned to complete the group. Funny that it died before they could be seen as a group.
Rainbow Dash is the worst of Mane6. Applejack or Rarity should had replace her instead. For fuck sake, people complain about Misty but i bet she's going to be the only character keeping a conversation with Twilight. Pinkie is too hyperactive and distracted while Dash will just pretend to listen and then just ignore it to boost her own ego. She will always make everything bad for others. There were just 2 scenes in this trailer and in her introduction she already complained she isn't treated as celebrity while other scene is Green pony discussing the rules of the camp and she just sit there annoyed as if shes being punished for being in a same group as other ponies. What an annoying piece of shit. I would rather have Misty cloned to replace her.
>Black coded
I don't trust anyone that says this because they'll look at a green or blue dude and say they're black
This is troll
Misty was never evil, she literally betrays Opaline on her first encounter with Mane5. If she was actually evil and mean like Starlight in S5 she would had some character development
>Rainbow Dash

She moves the plot along, and is at least entertaining.
Unfortunately, it’s the way that the people who work on the show are talking about it. If you listen to them, there apparently ARE “white” or “black” ponies.
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I really don't understand your American negro-hair thing. Adagio fucking Dazzle had big hair like that, but no one called her a nigger when RR came out. Why is this OC different? Actually, why does anyone project human races onto ponies when they already have distinct races unique to them?
I’m piecing this all together from a review I half-paid attention to months ago. I wouldn’t actually watch this garbage.
>There are white and black ponies
Cool. Maybe now people will stop denying how black Sapphire Shores is.
The people making the show talk about it as a black trait. Lots of focus on hair in black representation now. I don’t get it, but it’s what it is.
Maybe they will also start denying that Princess Celestia is an Aryan goddess of purity. The ancient Aryans were VERY fond of white mares.
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>The ancient Aryans were VERY fond of white mares.
>Bronies have been around since ancient times
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Here that, Sunfriends? We are all the kings in the making! May her glory never vain!
Stop talking about shit you haven't watched dumb zoomer
Hear hear! Rainbow Dash is and always will be best pony!
Designer and IDW comics writers confirms she's black coded, her hairstyle in G5 and TYT also include corn rows that only black people have. Her VA is Black as well as her canon father.
No. It looked like she was still working for her in the finale. I think she was. Will not check.
From any Wonderbolts to any pets episode, she's the worst character with worst episodes if we dont count Spike
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>>Horsefuckers have been around since ancient times
Is it really surprising to anyone?
Retard she was spying for mane5 to keep Opaline plan in check. She joined them after like 6 episodes of MYM when she made a sleepover with them
>confirms she's black coded
So, where are the Asian pony, Slavic pony, redskin pony, aboriginal pony and so on? Are they coming soon to grace our tired eyes?
I think that’s a misinterpretation. She had duel allegiances and was trying to decide between them. It could be said just as much that she was spying on the Mane 5 for Opaline. She didn’t decide who she was for until the very last second and did so many evil things.
Oog! Oog! Me want cum in Rainbow Dash!
We had an Asian pony in S1 and whatever the fuck mistmane and the spa ponies are whatever
You know, I think we can use this cave painting to determine the canonical size of Equestrian ponies. Because it looks just right.
Why does the big, bad evil villain’s name in G5 sound like a chocolate drink mix I used to have when I was five?
>the spa ponies
Aloe and Lotus are not oriental in appearance. They have the same eye shapes as other mares. It can clearly be seen in some shots from the show. Don't know what's the deal with their accent.
They’re French.
>Adagio fucking Dazzle had big hair like that, but no one called her a nigger when RR came out.
Because only niggers watch EqG so nobody had the gall to point it out that she's a nigger.
Spa sisters are some flavour of continental European, could be anything whose language pronounces "ja" as "ya". Could be even another Germanic language like Swedish.
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Only a fucking sodomite, a perverted boy-molesting Talmud-reading freak, would consider someone who watched fishkino a nigger.
she's a nigger what did you expect? Just look at the mane!
I hate you Americans sometimes, I really do. Only your vile, perverted hellhole of a country would ever come up with something as idiotic as projecting human races onto freaking horses. Even negroes from Africa would be astonished by these levels of stupidity.
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It gets even funnier when you look up what the Irish version of this ritual was called http://www.indymedia.ie/article/71336
Negroes in Africa don't need "rippurzunplantashuns" to believe they wuz kangz, they KNOW they was kings
Savimbi x Samora OTP!
Twilight being in makes sense since she's the face of Gen 4, Dash makes sense for homosexual pandering that is an unfortunate but unavoidable part of modern media and Pinkie 'sin because she's obviously the best pony. But to just discard Fluttershy, Applejack and the other one like garbage is really rough on Hasbro's part. Like god damn, AJ's an original vintage character and she doesn't get any love?
>Twilight is the face of Gen 4
More like the curse of G4.
>Dash for homosexual pandering
Rainbow is straight and loves horse cocks.
>Pinkie is the best pony
That she is. Still not as good as Celestia.
They consider her a racist character.
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>They consider her a racist character.
She is a pony supremacist character.
>They consider her a racist character.
she just enjoys following traditions, nothing racist there
How can you say that when Misty, one of the worst parts of G5, is right there and already up to her antics. Assuming this wasn't cancelled, she'll be the same annoying vermin she was in that generation. Only this time, she won't have an excuse for it.
>nothing racist there
First time? Any tradition, especially if it is a wholesome one, is racist to these people. Apart from Talmudic traditions, obviously.
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Its not a case like with retards who claim Piccolo from dbz as Black but creator didnt intens it. This is a case where designers of Misty wanted to make a nigger pony for brownie points
She barely did anything in g5. Dash on the other hand ruined factories and car racings or sold fluttershy for a book
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In G5 world, ponies need to “check their privilege” thrice as hard, first for being ponies in the first place, then for what kind of pony they are, then for figuring out if they’re “white-coded” or “black-coded.”
The fact that they called her song iconic is annoying. They insist upon themselves
Dash loves my horse cock. It sends her asshole into shock.
>Rainbow Dash sold Fluttershy into slavery over a book
Extremely based.
>sold fluttershy over a book
We must remedy this injustice towards Fluttershy. The best way for Rainbow Dash to make it up to Fluttershy would be for her to let Fluttershy sell her to me for a night of rough correctional sex. That way, Rainbow Dash learns a valuable lesson and gets filled with green ape sperm.
Sounds awfully like Twilight especially in Winter Wrap Up.
You're mad because he's right.
>She moves the plot along
oh yeah she does
>You're mad because he's right.
Rainbow is not perfect, but her heart is in the right place. Apart from the idiotic episode with the tortoise and the ruined factory, she never went over the line.
Cute tho
>her heart is in the right place
Her brain sure isn't.
So you're one of those bandwagoners who never completed the show?
Hey, dumbass, only a bandwagoner would care about “completing” the show. The REAL show ended in Season 2. That other shit is as real as your clopfics.
Tanks For The Memories is pure Dashkino, you absolute philistine.
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>Watched a show for 2 seasons and moved on when it wasn't popular anymore
>Not a bandwagoner
I value my sanity. So I never watched seasons 8 and 9. And I will never will.
Dear diary,
OP wasn't a faggot today. Instead, the replies were faggots.
I might be living in bizarro /mlp/ after all.
I don't follow. They're barbies, and a spinoff to ponies. Where are the fish at?
Jeez ponifying really can fix anything. That bitch ugly.
>Talmudic traditions
And what are those? Molestation?
>victim complex
What an annoying character trait.
>Why is it blue?
>Why not?
That's not even true in-universe. G5 has never had a self-abasing moment where ponies all ritually humiliate themselves to yaks and let yaks shit on their traditions
This but unironically
It certainly is
I hope she bullies Misty into suicide.
This is how Dashfags always work. I can bet 99% of shitposters about G5 or EQG or Pinkie/Fluttershy getting cucked are just Dashfags
You know the brony fandom will turn it into another FlutterDash
I've already started writing my Rainbow bullies Misty into suicide fanfic.
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I can confirm that I am annoying, but others may call me charming like a fairy telling you to open the window before I cry that you don't believe in me - Peter Pan complex.

However imagine what would happen if that personality was combined with Twilightfags...
Just imagine...

Or just look at me.

The choice is yours. <3
based. rainbow dash should have been the only character on pony life. her fans would have eaten it up and not complained at all.
We NEED the Rainbow Dash Show
autistic retard
We need to start gatekeeping dashiefags at birth.
I don't see a problem
Gee I wonder which twifag is behind this post

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