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Wow, that was fucking awful. You idiots really thought this could successfully replace G5?
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>no one questions where the magic vending machine came from, despite Allura still being at large just nearby
at least I got a smug Sunny for my collection
dead show
As if the writers even understand the concept of stories instead of just throwing out random series of events.
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We're watching a dead show walking.

Until G6
Why would you be crying over this?
You know, I just realized that hairstyle (and tears) makes SciTwi far more attractive than actual Twilight post season 3.
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uhm excuse me anon but they're called magical moments, ok?
>less than 24 hours without their episode and this g5babyfags thought their show was over
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Yes Anon we know you have been abused by your old hag teachers and their followers and to do the same thing to them.
That's what you get with five minutes episodes I guess
It's fun :^)

G6 is dead on concept and will never be released as episodes.
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>hitch acting like a typical m*le and pretending he can fix a machine he knows nothing about
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Here's your Discord, bro. He controls the environment just as much.
A better villain encounter than Discord... and sadly Allura and Opaline.

Go back to your generation.
Uh-oh, they let the retard out of his cell again.
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When is this ending, October?
October 17.
Overall a lot of visual activity. A lot of visual eyecandy, literally.

-Those are some really detailed backgrounds... and huh they look even better at sundown than night.
0:18 , 0:49 tiny nitpicks , but the acting and speed feels very rushed and forced. Something I complained about G4 S2 ... this was not here back in G5 S1, just like shit such as 4:28 wasn't in S1 where they literally forcefully read off a speech script to summon their powers. But again these are minor compared to S2-S9 where this is just 1 out of the 36 things I have to complain about that shit.

1:36 and 3:06 despite this being no more than 90s and 120s long it feels very drawn out which is a good thing, yes. Despite being only 5 minutes it still feels really long... however ... if I were to compare to Dexter's Lab ... which is capable of telling a full-blown story's well paced/feels like 20 minutes and not a 5 minute summary short ... I'd say Dexter wins hands down at better smoother pacing. 5 minutes will always feel like a summary or half of the episode instead of all 20 minutes. Dexter had moments of slowdown and repause, moments for both dialogue and action. TYT has to intersect them or else they run out of time. Also Dexter had a more varied soundtrack for each moment. TYT's soundtrack for both dialogue and action isn't very varied nor memorable.

And animation wise? This is a far cry from Rise of the TMNT/Motorcity/Titmouse studio, but that's the budget they were given ... Hanazuki also animated by Titmouse was constantly told to cut corners to animate it easier.
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Sunny looking at Hitch's tailhole
No, it’s ending in less than a month.
And of course Sunny just now remembers she had powers and she effortlessly wins cause if she had remembered she had powers since the first minute then this would be over 2 or 4 minutes earlier. Once again why it was a good idea to make her alicorn powers temporary same for the wings.
>Source: DiscordApp fag told me
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Bets on what'll be G5's final scene will be?
Shut up, fleshlight.
The poop-baby farting on everyone’s faces. Again.
It will end on Misty
I will finish in Misty
The cast taking a fat shit on twilights grave
Misty getting lost in a dimension full of dimensional portals and ending up stranded in Camp CUTIE MARK.
the nightmare is almost over
something that references g4 (probably shitting on it more)
"Our battle is just getting started" type of dialogue
realistically? probably meeting Twilight in mareson in some way
I hope it's just a normal scene, like with EQG. I don't say this as diss or anything, it's just that I would prefer things be left open-ended.
>G5's final scene
At least it's not Allura's pissed off face from the last episode, like I feared.
Stupid random magical carnival bullshit. I really hope this to end soon.
More magical moments is one of the biggest reasons why s2 sucks.
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Wasn't this lazy shit supposed to come out yesterday?
Think she would give it a kiss/lick?
This plant magic doesnt make sense. Is Hitch summoning plants out of thin air? I thought he could only manipulate growth of seeda that are already inside earth
There's one thing I liked about this episode. Hitch felt closer to his original movie self than he has in a long time.
Rough sex with sci twi
thanks for clipping the ponut dive
>Hitch episode

Nope, I'm out.
Paint drying is funnier than watching this, also nice bait.
I can't wait for this CalArts slop to finally end.
This gen was such a waste of potential and time, at least it destroyed that awful ending Haber wrote for the show so there's that.
Another pointless episode?. Color me surprised
Reminder that there's no good fan content of G5.
Because it doesn't leave much to the imagination.
If Hitch mare friend start falling for him what would they see in him?
Rough sex with Posey episode when?
A very detailed review.
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I can feel the passion for this declining more and more with each episode, the closer we get to the end
>''vending machine'' is just magiai slop
>Hitch episode
Yup, I'm in.
Didn't it appear along with everything else when Izzy created the Boardtrot?

Allura gets redeemed. That's it.
post it in this thread to see what happens lol
>no hooves
Only two episodes left. Who's going to get the spotlight, and who's already made their last appearance?
Did they ever remember allura existed?
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The last episode
Worst mlp character of all time along with M*sty and D*scord
>Only two episodes left.
Stop being retarded. There's 27 episodes left.
And special number two will come out any day now, right?
It will come out in 2025, unless they revert to a weekly schedule
Have you been asleep? TyT ends in october,
>waaaaaaah im evil because ponies rejected me and my brother is missing
>Source: some faggot on DiscordApp told me
So Misty but furry
The worst part? This is likely how it'll end
They don't have anything to lose to release the rest of the episodes they paid for. this isn't concords servers, tard
Still a better confrontation than the literal parody garbage we got in Return of Harmony's ending. I kept holding on thinking they were just joking, but nope Discord literally said "Go ahead and zap me". I was thinking he was feigning being retarded and was luring them into a false sense of security and knew wtf he was doing thinking the elements will backfire, but NOPE.

The writers behind S2-S9 lack basic imagination unlike TYT.
Keep coping
Literally all of the leakers are saying TyT ends in October
If what you’re saying was going to happen they would release the second special
Two months late by the way
>all of the leakers
Who? mdash works at Netflix, therefore he's not qualified to talk about Tell Your Tale.
Very lazy attempt, Hasbro never answers fans.
Livestream your suicide on October 17th
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Was this wrote by an AI? It feels so mediocre and badly made the plot.
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It's made by corporate mandate to appeal to toddlers that watch Cocomelon
No ones coping, TYT is a shadow of what it used to be. Try harder for your rage bait retardo.
he is correct
tyt will die in a month and I will laugh
And did they fight her, or redeem her yet?
first stage of grief
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These two are gonna end up fucking aren't they?
I hope not
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No, Zipp needs a king.
Zippo will never be queen
She will be a queen who doesn't need a consort
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>>41441138 >>41441101
Bad end.
I'm not sure if we gonna get conclusion to Allura. Look like theres an animatic but if it really ends within 2 episodes then we might not even see animated song of Allura
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he said 25 episodes and the Allura one is 22 so it seems we'll get that?
I would prefer a skyros conclusion
I would prefer skryos was retconned
Skyros was the retcon
who cares its a shit idea
Bring it up with Faust
Why do i care what that hack thinks
Skyros is fine, I just think the whole Sunny's mom shit is retarded. I got into g5 expecting nothing with her mom, so I don't care about some bread crumbs in the middle of s2. Maybe if g5 was structured differently they could've cut out Misty, kept Opaline, and add in the Sunny's mom subplot to mym instead. Oh well, that's what you get for undercooking Sunny and trying to do something for her at the very end. Misplaced priorities, they should've focused on Sunny instead of turning her into a smoothie mare and making Misty the new character gobble up all of the character time.
Imagine if we had Opaline trying to corrupt sunny for more than one episode. The early theories about her being sunny's mom could have been executed in a way that sunny learning about her real mom after almost becoming corrupt, instead of after opalines already an afterthought.
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btw, this is the person that leaked the tell your tale stuff, which I know because I'm in contact with them and they've been sharing with me secretly
their name is Ijaz Tan and this is their demo reel
If you see this hasbro this is who's been leaking your shit including the G6 video
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I really cannot give a shit anymore now that I know g5 is dying.
What an untrustworthy malaysian
Wait, a machine that makes shit out of nowhere is not gonna affect the economy in the long run?
Earth Ponies already can make giant pineapples out of thin air. Also Misty's infinite chocolate pop corn stand already exists.
But they all need to pay Pipp the tribute
Don't you mean Hitch? (the leader of Maretime Bay). Or Izzy? (the creator of the amusement park)
What was even their end goal? I'm curious about Hitch, tho. This implies his original design was even worse.
Earth Pony magic crashed the flower economy
That's impressive because Hitch was already ridiculously ugly
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tell me about it
also wtf is the deal with Dahlia having magical snot?
That sounds better than Opaline's villain arc
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Its filled with pollen

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