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Yes I'm serious. At least with the poll I am.
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I'm genuinely curious how much money you're willing to spend on porn games.

Hmm I should have included a few more options in there such as platformer and hide & seek game & Among Us ... ehh I'm sure it will be fine.
I'm more interested to see if you guys even have the capital to support even a basic game.
no im not going to fund your kickstarter sam
You have 2 weeks to share that poll around and get opinions and as usual only 10% of those who say they'll give money will actually give money so I'll only take 10% of the poll into account. I won't start anything if I don't see that Patreon with the monthly funds needed. I'll verify you. I'll try to create a basic visual GDD and make sure to not hire Tiarawhy cause that guy flips over 5 different projects, lives in a first world country and is overall the definition of slow outside of maybe the Mane6 behind Fighting Is Magic.

I'll recreate the thread with a serious face cause I assure you I am not masturbating while directing this game and I treat game making as a business. I put on my artsie hat when I design GDDs and I take it off when I have to yell at retards on DeviantArt and Fiverr in their mother tongue in hindi, polish, russian, vietnamese to get the fucking job correctly.
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I don't really give a fuck before you post some proofs that you're capable of:
1. Making a game
2. Making the mares look good in it
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If you are trying to get people to give you money so you can "make a porn game" you should probably show off more than just a strawpoll. Give proof that you are serious, show us what work you have already put into it. Show us a test build. Show us some of the art in the game. Anything that isnt nothing. If you dont have any of that and need money to make it then your a lost fucking cause, and your shit is most likely another scam. Nobody will and should give you anything for nothing. So says a fellow porn game dev.
Normally this is the part where I let a specialized peoples' person handle this , because I'm more on the technical side with handling artists, programmers, musicians, etc. to not fuck up and to deliver a quality project on time cause you let those little shits out of your sight for even one second and the programmer will suddenly want the manager to gametest for him cause he thinks that's normal in 2024 compared to the 90s
Who the fuck makes a game by themselves, are you insane? Are you off your rocker, you want me to animate an entire episode by myself as a single animator and take care of your baby? do you also want me to create a new programming language nobody will use?

I'll tell you the truth cause I'm an actual honest mare who gives a shit about quality so I won't pretend I'm some jack of all trades who pretends others' art and others' programming belongs solely to her, even though that's what you'd love to hear wouldn't you? that "one of us" is talented enough to be everything at once? Do you want the job done or do you want to waste 10 years funding my Patreon hoping you forget about your donation just like you did with TiaraWhy?
I will hire people from Fiverr, LinkedIn, Fiverr, the cheapest and most talented I can find. Yes those exist. They take time to find and luckily I can find them.

I will create a visual GDD, but first and foremost I need to know if there's even a demand for it cause if you think you can afford animation with tree fiddy a month without me turning those ponies into stickmares and using in-built physics rigging then you're out of your goddamn pony mind.
There's a reason why Mario Is Missing is so flat looking with only a simple 2D or 3/4 perspective.

>Lol why shouldn't I just do it myself?
Cause you don't know how to use Unity, how to write a GDD neither have my experience for explaining aesthetics and animation style to the animator. I have a programmer who told me he's had over 30+ offers and all of them told him "lol just make me a 3D shooter game" and he asked "Where's your GDD?" "The fuck's a GDD, lol?"
I also have extensive experience at being a project manager and yelling at people. My programmer and artist told me I'm the most understanding and communicative person possible. I did fuck an Indonesian in the ass cause he pretended to understand English and made me over 50+ designs instead of just 5+ good designs like I asked him.

>Lol you're an executive producer and project manager, that means you're talentless.
I know what goes into animation, programming, music and most importantl the artistic direction of it.

If you want to pay 10 years for me to learn how to be a perfection God at animation, programming, music, etc. then go ahead.
You're paying for a producer, director, game designer, project manager and someone who knows how porn & money ticks. I'm not the guy behind the Metroid pony game that paid a first worlder professional $3000 dollars for that Twilight model and then started making fun of his own model calling her "muuh precious goblina", I immediately told a Californian to fuck off when he asked me $3000 for 9 sounds effects and 2 songs and told me his lifelong story about how much money he wasted in college and how he has 50k worth of music equipment and I told him he can't engineer sound effects to save his life along with his awful tastes in pandering to the R&B crowd.
>I don't make games, I'm a tard wrangler.
So, no game, then?
>"Where's your GDD?"
That would be a good start. Where's your GDD?
Anon, I appreciate the intent. But to put this as nicely as possible, you're not even capable of putting together a proper strawpoll. I Don't have high hopes for your ability to organize the production of a game.

Seriously, look at this poll. How is it this fucked up
He's really throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, isn't he?

If this were six months ago, there would be something about NFTs in there, I'm sure of it.
First the demand, Anon. Cause if comes up with a game pitch nobody likes even if he genuinely prefers it then nobody will help him I mean fund him.
>wants to make everything with cheap thirdie labor
You're not going to get the funding you want but even if you did the game would be garbage.
This is why flagusers, especially ponkafags are so dumb. You can also hire Californians and it will be expensive hot garbage. I wouldn't hire SCAD if they paid me if I was suppose to show their project off in my portfolio.
>$500 total for a porn game
I mean depends on the scope of the game, but if you use nothing but pre-existing assets like G4 Flash assets builds, use a bunch of AI tools and get two people(graphics & programmer) who have worked in Unity for at least 1 year then you could potentially make a decent game. Also voices & music are free now, again due to AI. Normally a professional voice actor would have cost you your entire budget otherwise you'd just make your mom fool around with the voices cause heaven forbid you put your nasal gf to do any "sexy" voices of her blowing her nose and adding a clown horn for good measure.
I've seen so many people get gypped on abandoned patreon porn projects that I wouldn't dare financially back another, sorry if you're actually serious but no thanks anon.
Huh. Whatever did happen to Fatelogic, John Joseco and others? I think Fatelogic could get people to pay for a MSA3, but he doesn't seem interested despite sometimes drawing a few pony art pieces, I guess he hates doing animation+programming unless he's feeling extra productive that month.
I will never understand how can they just let their credit cards get drained even after the project has been abandoned. Just pay once every 6 months. Is it really that important to feel like you're contributing and seeing "top secret files" which anyone can leak?
I dont want porn I want a friendship simulator I want to befriend EVERY pony in Ponyville
We already have that at home. Learn to appreciate the things you already have before asking for new stuff.
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>"Will you to buy Thing?"
>"Can you tell me about Thing?"
>"First, I need to know it you're going to buy Thing!"

I don't know what you're on, but it seems like a real riot. Where can I get some?
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And I love those games and I want even MORE
>I want a toy
>What kinda toy?
>Any kind of toy
>Gives toy
>Cries about the fact it isn't 100% what he thought it was going to be.
Now tell me what kind of toy do you want.
Show me a game you've made before so I can laugh at it.
You HAVE made a game before, haven't you Anon?
Okay I'm buying you the next game, but you better not get tired of it in a week like with the other two
>Gets tired of it in a week
Goddamnit! fuck parenting!

Well DESU this is why multiplayer+modding+sandbox games exist. Nobody ever gets tired of Minecraft and Roblox.
Sam Hyde strikes again.
I want an orbital ring station, space elevators, and a set of Aldrin cyclers.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

What kind of toys are in this store? What games have you made, previously?
If you want any support, try not to come off as an antagonistic shit
>ctrl+f "HOT CUM"
>no results
You let me down
Next time pretend you're making all the art, animation, programming, music. People REQUIRE sweet lies, especially manchildren. When people see "Lauren Faust" in the title they want to think Lauren Faust all by herself made the show, they don't bother reading the credits and remembering each individual animator and storyboard artist. They can barely keep track of the writers, let alone the executives and you expect them to be understanding of realizing that a video game requires at the very least a team of 3 people + freelancers? They don't ask the writer how they feel about writing a specific character, they ask the voice actor because they LOVE puppets. Be a puppet, anon. People love puppetshows. You start talking about programming at a programmer's level and you'll put half the board to sleep.
Hey, don't talk to him like that, he's life's main character and one of god's chosen people!
I would pay for a finished product, I would not donate monthly. Also this poll is a mess.
>Who the fuck makes a game by themselves, are you insane?
Have you ever wondered how many people started Minecraft, Undertale and Stardew Valley? I'll give you a hint: it's a finger.
Yeah my middle finger bitch.
And have you wondered how many failed? Nobody ever looks at the amount of failures and realizes survivorship bias.
>CerealMare removed the trip because he realized how badmouthed and filters he's going to get
Anon how the hell am I supposed to trust you to make a hand if you can't even make a fucking poll properly?
That's what we call "faith in your product".
But if he didn't include the $1, the tree fiddy joke and the $5+ then how would he know how much money you'd actually donate if he only included $1-$10, $20-$50 and $50-100? kek kek.
Same if he said 2D but didn't specify EQG, G5 or G4? you'd get Sunny and EQG topkek.
What if OP is literally making the OP as his game?
>Twilycorn x filly Rainbow Dash BACK TO THE FUTURE, MORTY.
>Another porn game
Come on, Sam. That's just lazy.
>I'm an actual honest mare
No one says this, Sam.
>referring to yourself as 'her'
That is actually embarrassing, Sam.
>even though that's what you'd love to hear wouldn't you? that "one of us" is talented enough to be everything at once?
No one believes that you're "one of us", Sam. Not even for a single second. You're too stupid to realize that your filenames alone give you away as an offboarder.
>you're out of your goddamn pony mind
Again, Sam, no one says this.

You're 0 for 3, Sam, and this was by far your worst attempt yet.
You're not an executive producer or project manager, anon. You're an ideasguy without any ideas. Yelling at third-worlders is not a skillset, and if it was, 4chan would be the last place that needed someone to do it for them.
Build up your portfolio, OP.
do it all yourself or fuck off, talentless nigger
Gooners repent for its the only way you can better yourself
>Executive Producer and Project Manager
Nice to know you can’t actually do anything
>Having money
Lol, roflmao even.

Those who have money are the actual engineer furries who don't call themselves bronies, they call themselves furries. It's sad how furries have infinitely more experience and motivation in them than bronies. Bronies let their waifus get murdered by Hasbro with no shits given and flocked to Equestria Girls like most brazilians. Who actually jacks it off to those stick figures?
Niggers. You deserve to be lied to.You're your own worst enemies. Would you like to talk to the programmer and artist instead to feel important yourselves? Go ahead go ahead, ask OP to go grab the artist & programmer he usually depends on.
/mlp/ is being especially retarded today I see.
And you somehow managed to beat it, I'm amazed.
>being this upset because nobody is going to backup an ideas guy
you can put your trip back on cerealmare
Who in this fandom or outside this fandom who's a one man army who can deliver on time (12 months) is willing to make a porn game for around $1500 total? if let's say we pay him $125 a month.
i dont like anything these days, and i hope you fail at everything
Capslock and punctuation, Mehicano. Didn't your mother teach you English?
your overused language is not important to me
I could, but I hate porn.
Also, in one year, the game wouldn't be very evolved if you have to do code, story, graphics and sounds.
Neither are you to the rest of the world.
>/mlp/ is filled with ESLs
Well that explains the average low income rate of a brony, despite furries supposedly being very wealthy people due to their engineer jobs.
Who are you two?
dont worry, i have a higher salary than you
In your dreams maybe, janitor.
What happened to pretending to be "one of us"? Admitting to being an offboarder and a grifter like this will get your thread deleted.
Pick one.
Horses have nice vaginas,
One second you're calling us bronies, the next we're horsefuckers. Figure it out, Sam.
The more I think about it, the more this being another jape from Sammy boy makes sense.
Sam is still salty that he never pulled off the first scam. Like it genuinely still pisses him off to this day.
>Some EQG fags trying to vote for Barbies
>G4chads outnumbering them by 4 to 1.

Also G4's art style you say? that makes things far far cheaper. Just got to find a few animators who work quickly in Toonboom and use circular motions and know how to use tweening properly.

>Visual novel with animations
So basically /mlp/ at least is looking for G4 animation rather than a video game. Albeit there were also a bunch who voted for heavy interaction so it's 50/50, so why not go with the cheaper less effortful option if the fandom will appreciate it all the same.
I can see why Hasbro hates the fandom and why nobody respects the fandom at the same time though.
You're like little girls in terms of standards except you aim for pretty colors on the screen rather than brushing the toys. So basically imagine if Hasbro wanted to sell colourful plastic /toy/s, but you were an /a/nime fandom looking for colourful moving pictures instead, the directions don't match for what Hasbro is trying to sell you.
This is schizobabble nonsense mr ESL. It would probably make more sense if you rewrite this in your native tongue and ran it through Google translate.
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I'd buy a non porn pony game.
I'd buy a non-game porn pony.
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CerealMare, you can continue to samefag to bump the thread knowing that nobody is going to give you anything once this thread falls off the catalog and that you will be remembered as a troll, or you can improve yourself by actually learning to do all the things required to actually produce a pony porn game. There was never going to be anything anyway, but it doesn't have to be like this. You can always improve yourself and try to make something out of nothing, I believe you can change for the better.
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Nope, but I think we post on an other thread together, and if I am correct, we are both coding a game.
Fate still occasionally does MSA pieces, but I've seen no signs of an MSA 3.
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I totally believe you would make a great project manager because you are doing a fine job of making it seem like you have any idea what you are talking about. In the real world, you start with an idea, do your market research to find out if it's viable or not, create a pitch deck and go to a publisher for funding. Of course, if you have no prior experience making games (or if you are trying to crowdsource money) you are going to have to fund a vertical slice out of pocket. If you can't write a GDD, don't know how to do market research or don't have the money to fund a vertical slice then you are bringing absolutely nothing to the table here.

Why should people give you money to do this when there are people on this board that can do everything you would do in addition to programming, game design, creating art or provide funding?
very inspiring, anon
>flocked to Equestria Girls like most brazilians.
Meanwhile, official brazilian youtube channel most viewed video is the MMC episode and a EQG clip as second, when the official american english channel most viewed video is...guess what? Barbie song!
Fuck those coomers I actually bought the toys to brush mare manes. Hasbro had a lot of incoming money back in the G4 era.
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>I won't start anything if I don't see that Patreon with the monthly funds needed.
Objectively right choices
Alright now post this on Reddit, Derpibooru and EQD
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There you go anon, enjoy!
is she fucking dying?
Anon... what kind of game is it from?
If she is dying, it's because Red rutt her too hard
That gif got me.
i know what game it is i was joking
I was surprised there weren't more votes for barbieshit.
Then again the link hasn't been posted everywhere.
ha sorry, I'm tired...
>idea guy
>no money
>asking people to pay for porn
>trip faggot
damn op, extra faggy today
What a glorious shitshow of a thread
>donate monthly
no. im done with fucking supporting unfinished shit via monthly donations the likes of patreon. it discourages creators from finishing stuff and scams the customer into thinking "soon™".
make it, release it and ill buy it for a tenner if its to my liking.
He doesn't even have ideas. He's demanding money for the vague notion of porn.
I deer this entire thread including OP to write a game design document AND to ask the price for a Unity programmer and 2D graphics drawfag n animator.
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I don't understand monthly payment.
It's because people don't gather money all year long just to crowdfund some project because people enjoy spending like monkeys so all that weekly or monthly money goes away.
**Title:** My Little Porny
**Game Type:** Sex Simulator
**Platform:** Android, iOS, Dendy, Amico,
**Genre:** Erotic Pony Porn Adventure
**Target Audience:** Children ages 6-10, Bronies, and MILFs.
**Overview:** My Little Porny is a game about ponies doing it. Like, a lot. It's a sex simulator that puts you in the hooves of your favorite mane 6 characters from the hit show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You'll explore the magical land of Equestria, have sex in the most magical places, and collect magical cum. It's like Pokemon Go, but for little ponies that are boning.
* **Twilight Sparkle:** The protagonist of the game. A unicorn princess who loves sex magic. She's the smartest pony, which means she's the best at sex. She's also the main collector in the game, gathering all the magical cum.
FETISHES: Anal, Anal Sex, Anal Prolapse, Anal Breeding, Group Sex, Threesome, Double Penetration, Teen, Lesbian, Cum Swapping.
* **Rarity:** Twilight Sparkle's best friend. A former fashionista turned sexpert. Rarity is a master of all sorts of kinky positions and can make any pony look good. She's also a great cocksucker.
FETISHES: Fetish, Lingerie, CBT, Foot Fetish, Pantyhose, Foot Fetish, Rough Sex, Domination, Submission, Sex in Public.
* **Applejack:** A hardworking Earth Pony who just wants to have a good time. She's the most laid-back character in the game and is always down for some good old-fashioned pony sex.
FETISHES: Doggystyle, Oral, Squirting, Facials, Group Sex, Lesbian, Bisexual, Masturbation.
* **Pinkie Pie:** A party animal who loves sex just as much as she loves cake. Pinkie is the life of the party and can turn any sexual encounter into a wild rave. She's also the best at squirting.
FETISHES: Oral, Masturbation, Group Sex, Lesbian, Bisexual, Squirting, Anal, Double Penetration, Cuckold.
* **Fluttershy:** A timid but loving Pegasus who just wants to be loved. In the game, Fluttershy is the target of many sexual advances, and you play as the pony who wins her heart. She's also a masochist.
FETISHES: Rape Fantasy, Domination, Submission, BDSM, Humiliation, Cuckold, Group Sex, Lesbian, Bisexual.
* **Rainbow Dash:** A hot-headed Alicorn who loves a good screw. Rainbow Dash is a master of acrobatics and can perform some of the most daring sexual positions in the game. She's also a cuckold.
FETISHES: Oral, Masturbation, Group Sex, Lesbian, Bisexual, Sounding, Fisting, Domination, Submission, Public Sex.
***Princess Celestia:** The queen of all the ponies. She's a powerful and seductive Alicorn who rules the land of Equestria with an iron pussy. In the game, you have to seduce her to win the game. She's also the boss of all the other ponies in the game.
FETISHES: Lesbian, Bisexual, Double Penetration, Anal, Threesome, Group Sex, Cuckold, Domination, Submission, Fetish, Roleplay, BDSM.
***Princess Luna:** Celestia's sister and Princess of the Night. Luna is a mysterious and alluring Alicorn who loves to fuck in t
Keep going... so far this is written like a presentation to convince investors like the faggots in this thread and less of a technical GDD or even a pseudo-technical one.
>**Target Audience:** Children ages 6-10
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>**Rainbow Dash:** A hot-headed Alicorn who loves a good screw
Created and Directed by M.A. Larson.
he dark. She's also a master of bondage and submission.
FETISHES: Fetish, Bondage, Rope Play, Domination, Submission, Lesbian, Bisexual, Anal, Double Penetration, Group Sex.
***Cutie Mark Crusaders:*** Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell Apple Bloom are a trio of young fillies attending Cheerilee's kindergarten who are eager to learn everything about sex. They'll follow you anywhere, do anything you ask, and be your personal pony-cuckolds.
FETISHES: Pedophilia, Crimes, Going to prison, Threesome, Group Sex, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gangbangs, Masturbation, Oral, Facials.
My Little Porny is a sex simulator game where you'll be exploring the magical land of Equestria and having sex with all your favorite ponies. You'll be customizing your pony and collecting magical cum as you go. The game will be divided into three main areas:
**Customization:** You'll be able to create your own pony and choose its fetishes, which will determine the type of sex you'll be having in the game. You can choose from a variety of different colors, manes, tails, and cutie marks. You'll also be able to customize your pony's body type and genitals.
**Exploration:** You'll be exploring the magical land of Equestria, visiting all the popular locations from the show, such as Ponyville, Canterlot, and the Everfree Forest. You'll be having sex in all these locations, and each location will have its own unique fetishes and positions.
**Sex:** You'll be having sex with all your favorite ponies. Each pony will have its own unique fetishes and positions, and you'll be able to customize each encounter to your liking. You'll be able to choose from a variety of different positions, fetishes, and sex toys, and each encounter will have its own unique ending.
**Story Mode:** In story mode, you'll be playing as Twilight Sparkle, who will be on a quest to collect all the magical cum in Equestria. Along the way, you'll be having sex with all your favorite ponies, and each encounter will advance the story. The story will be divided into different chapters, and each chapter will have its own unique twists and turns.
**Game Mechanics**
***Procedural Sex:*** In My Little Porny, we'll be using a procedural sex system that generates different sex scenes based on your character's fetishes and the location you're in. This means that every encounter will be unique, and you'll never get the same scene twice.
GAMEPLAY EXAMPLE: Let's say you're playing as Twilight Sparkle, and you're in the library. Your fetishes are Anal Prolapse, Group Sex, and Lesbian. The game will calculate a sex scene based on these fetishes, and you'll be having a threesome with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, and during the encounter, Rarity will be prolapsing.
Formula Calculation: Prolapse(Rate of Anal Tug) = 0.25 * (Force of 2nd Thrust) + 0.75 * (Size of Dick) + 0.5 * (Girth of Dick) |
Use of 2 Fingers = Prolapse Rate 0.1 | Use of 3 Fingers = Prolapse Rate 0.25 | Use of Hand = Prolapse Rate 0.5 | Use of 2 Dicks = Prolapse Ra
te 0.25 | Use of 3 Dicks = Prolapse Rate 0.5 | Use of Dildo = Prolapse Rate 0.75
Calculation of Muscle Deformation Inside Rarity's rectum = Simulation Method(Catmull Skin Deformation Algorithm) + (0.01 * (Amount of Cum)) / 14N
Anal Prolapse Matrix = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
Tug Tensor = [[0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10], [0 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6]]
(vj, vi) = findMax(Tug Tensor)
Prolapse(Rate) = Anal Prolapse Matrix[vj] * (1 - (1 - Tug Tensor[vj][vi]) ^ 10)
Dyadic Product: [1 2 3 4 5 6] * [10 20 30 40 50] = [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150]
Formula for Rarity's anus = [0.25 * (Force of 2nd Thrust)] + 0.75 * (Size of Dick) + 0.5 * (Girth of Dick) + 14N
Formula for Rarity's anus deformation = Simulation Method(Rarity's Anus deformation Algorithm) + (0.01 * (Amount of Cum)) / 14N
**Sex Toys:** In My Little Porny, you'll be able to use a variety of different sex toys during your encounters. These sex toys will be procedurally generated based on your character's fetishes and the location you're in. For example, if you're playing as Applejack, and you're in her apple orchard, you'll be able to use a big red apple as a sex toy during your encounter.
COMMON SEX TOYS: Apple, Carrots, Stick, Branch, Pipe, Banana, Dildo, Vibrator, Whip, Leather, Cockring, Cuffs, Collar, Harness, Helmet, Blindfold, Gag.
UNCOMMON SEX TOYS: Cellphone, TV Remote Control, Banana Split, Candy Apple, Jelly Donut, Apple Pie, Whipped Cream Dispenser, Syringe, Needle, Syringe with Medicine, Beer Bottle, Pocket Watch, Stop Watch, Oven Mitts, Rope, Chain, Whip, Leather.
RARE SEX TOYS: Vibrating Dildo, Anal Beads, Glass Dildo, Fleshlights, Pocket Pussy, Cock Cage, Chastity Belt, Butt Plug, Strap-On, Harness, Leather, Latex, Fur, Furry Handcuffs, Finger Cuffs, Spiked Collar, Spiked Harness, Spiked Helmet, Spiked Leather Whip, Spiked Leather Chains, Spiked Leather Rope.
EPIC SEX TOYS: Glass Dildo with Motor, Metal Dildo with Motor, Glass Anal Beads, Metal Anal Beads, Glass Cock Ring, Metal Cock Ring, Glass Fleshlight, Glass Pocket Pussy, Glass Strap-On with Motor, Glass Harness, Glass Latex Leather, Glass Fur, Glass Chain, Glass Whip.
LEGENDARY SEX TOYS: Gold Fleshlight, Gold Pocket Pussy, Gold Strap-On with Motor, Gold Harness, Gold Latex Leather, Gold Fur, Gold Chain, Gold Whip.
GOD MODE SEX TOYS: Hiroshima A-bomb, Tsar Bomba, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Nuclear Reactor, ICBM.
**Cum Collection:** In My Little Porny, you'll be collecting magical cum during your encounters. Each pony will have its own unique type of cum, and you'll be able to collect it in different ways, such as oral, anal, and vaginal. You'll also be able to collect cum from different parts of the pony's body, such as the tail, the mane, and the hooves.
CUM EXTRACTION FORMULA: Amount of Cum = Size of Dick * (1 - (1 - Girth of Dick) ^ 2) * (1 - (1 - 0.5 * Force of Thrust) ^ 2) * (1 - (1
Oh yeah... GPT 4 is getting scary... scarily good.
- 0.5 * Rate of Thrust) ^ 2) * (1 - (1 - 0.5 * Duration of Encounter) ^ 2)
CUM VISCOCITIES: Thick, Watery, Gummy, Runny, Slippery, Creamy.
CUM TASTES: Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Sour, Spicy, Savory.
CUM COLORS: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Pink, Black, Brown, Silver, Gold, Rainbow.
CUM RECIPES: Ectoplasm, Jizz, Spunk, Cum, Cumshot, Breed, Cum Stain, Cum Shower, Cum Splash, Cum Splatter, Cum Splurge, Cum Stream, Cum Load, Cum Geyser.
My Little Porny will be a 2D game with high-quality graphics and animations. The game will use the Unreal Engine 4 and will feature a variety of traditionally hand drawn animations by renowned Disney animator, Glen Keane.
The game will feature an original soundtrack composed by Hans Zimmer and will include a variety of sound effects and moans. Each pony will have its own unique moans and sounds, which will be voiced by professional theater actresses and Opera singers.
My Little Porny will be a free-to-play game that will generate revenue through in-app purchases. Players will be able to purchase in-game currency with real money or sperm donations at qualified My Little Pony sperm banks. Players can also sign up to be orga donors and get exclusive in-game rewards.
The game will be developed by a team of experienced developers with a passion for My Little Pony and adult games. The team will consist of programmers, animators, artists, and writers. The game's development will take place over the course of 12 months, with a planned release date of March 31st, 2029.
Director: Hideki Kamiya
Writer: Ed Boon
Artist: Shigenori Soejima
Programmer: Mark Cerny
Animator: Glen Keane
Music Composer: Hans Zimmer
Sound Desinger: Akira Yamaoka
Character Designs: Frank Miller
Voice Actors: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Seth Green, Kristin Bell, Tara Strong, Cathy Weseluck, Tabitha St. Germain.
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>**Platform:** Android, iOS, Dendy, Amico,
>Anal Prolapse Matrix = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
>Glen Keane, Hans Zimmer, Frank Miller
>Players will be able to purchase in-game currency with real money or sperm donations at qualified My Little Pony sperm banks.

Kek, that's some quality post here Anon
Almost makes me want to help coding that NES game using Unreal engine4
There have been hundreds of succesfull indie games created by one person.

There have been ZERO games created by an "ideas guy" faggot like you.

In any case, there is always interest in porn games, but you have to show the goods first, you retard.
>I have zero experience as a game developer, artist, coder, or even a project manager but I want $1500 to build the bare concepts of a porn game
Sam Hyde actually put some effort into his scam, you barely even tried.
>not an artist
>not a musician
>not a code monkey
>not even an ideas guy
>wants to be a manager of a volunteer force
>provides no proof of past leadership positions
>provides no evidence of past production successes
>demands you say you'll pay for not the concept of a game, not even an idea for a game, but the vague non-specific notion of a game
>puts up an impossible demand for shekels
>won't work at all if patreonbux are $.01 below the mandatory threshold
>despite not actually having any ability to contribute to such a project at all
>will, effectively, sit there collecting money and then be the one to decide if actual creators get a slice
Well, it's sure not very well put of him, but still, that's the job of a project manager.
I mean, he don't need to know how to draw, code or whatever, he needs to know where to find the ones doing it.
Even if it's not my jazz, when you want to make a big project, you need someone like him that manage everything and give a direction to everyone. And it's not an easy task, usually you can't do anything on the side.
Topkek if you actually wrote all this by yourself or even if you made the AI rewrite it so it sounds more official.
Is there anything worse than an ideas guy. My god I'm going back to drawing my comic.
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How should a customer decide whether or not to crowdfund something if the thing doesn't even exist?
Don't be stupid either.
OP wants to make money. So it's normal to see what people want beforehand.
I mean, he won't go far if he push some very niche fetishes in a style that speaks for 3 people.
I mean, he can still make money with that, but I think he wants to do something that appeal to lot of people, not just three closeted diaper furries.
So, yeah, making a BDSM FPS where you dismember to orgasm the boss in realistic 3D may not be what he is looking for.
But what he is looking for is (supposedly) answered by the pool.
>Is there anything worse than an ideas guy.
A drawfag who refuses to work with a writefag. ;)) why are you artsie types so antisocial all except for the musicfags? You never hear musicfags complain. I wouldn't hire FightingIsMagic/Them's Fightin Words Mane6 if they paid me after the bullshit they pulled off in both games. I'm surprised they didn't start a Patreon because they'd be perfect for it, the way they kept delivering only the most basic game features and refused like all hell to officially finish the characters//create the ultimates and finish the extra characters till the publishers threatened to sue. Feminine autists aren't good workhorses, they're too lazy and rebellious and douchebags about it.
Only masculine autists are good content creators.
No diapers allowed.
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I wanted to post a diaper image to troll a bit.
But holly shit, what the fuck!?
It's so disgusting, how can people enjoy it!?
In order to allow diaper investors in you'd have to separate the diaper fetish from everyone else otherwise you lose everyone else's investment.
First time? ;)
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Diapers are based though
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Based on what?
>She's a powerful and seductive Alicorn who rules the land of Equestria with an iron pussy
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I will give money only if is a "human male on mare" porn game
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Unfortunately, no.
But each time I forgot how degenerate this is...

Picrel Anon. Seek help while it's still possible...
Based on faggotry.
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>GOD MODE SEX TOYS: Hiroshima A-bomb, Tsar Bomba, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Nuclear Reactor, ICBM
>not including "that rubber chicken from Aliexpress"
Missed opportunity...
i'd buy a porn pony game
if i could sex the males
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>paying for porn
Why? It's one of the most abundant resources you can find on the internet and the grand majority is completely free. And even the paid stuff can be found for free.
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>Not just making a porn game for the love of it.
When did the internet become like this? It used to be that people made niche fetish content for the love of the fetish. Now, everything's locked behind a paywall by trannies who aren't even into the porn and just want to make a quick buck from mediocre editing. Where did the passion go?
Well, my take on it:
1) Internet is now available to everyone, so "autism" is diluted, and bandwagonning happen. So proportionally, less people with the fetish have the capacity to create content.
2) In addition to that artist looking for a quick buck are now legion.
3) because of 2, some artists now draw for bucks instead of by passion.

So, proportionally speaking, 1 lessen the number of potential genuine artists, and 2 and 3 make the fastest way to have your fetish draw to pay (instead of waiting for an "autist" to draw it for fun and free).
Just my two cents obviously.
>>my two cents
>complains about hobby monetization
I'm not complaining, I both don't spend money on porn and contribute freely to my fetish.
I just give my point of view on the situation.
Been there
Done that

||still doing it too||
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Namefag used discord spoiler on 4chan!
Why do people pay for prostitutes?

Gay or woman?
Couldn't find my choices so here's what I want:
Cold Blooded Twilight or fuck off. Futa optional.
Sex is just not transferable to game mechanics. Whatever game it is, have the gameplay occur in levels and have the porn access environment be visited between them. Success in the level should award whatever grist is used to achieve progress in porn.
Once, for the game when it's done. If your model is "collecting rent on not being done yet" then the answer is no.

Everything about your bad attitude in this post is a catastrophic red flag. What are you getting theatrical for, prima donna?
It's a lot harder to sell industry experience as a positive in the current industry environment. You'd have been better off NOT admitting you're statistically likely to be a cretin with a sinecure.
Anon, we are all mares.
Remember, "there is no stallions on the internet"
With the power of the internet, and program tools, how hard and how long does it take to make a game?

I'm pretty sure there are many developers who take a couple months to make new games, maybe like half a year?
You can always release a BETA/in development game faster.
LESS then a year at most I would think?

You can practically get online (a.i) tools to make games for you now.


this. would like to see OP's previous art or works. it smells like scam.
now you have pre made game engines where all you need is to bring your blender models in and set roles and everything, even if it's WIP no one cares. if i were OP I'd start something and wait for the funds to come, a bit like Secret Horse Files.
welcome to capitalism
people cant justify having a hobby that requires so much work if they dont even get anything out of it
mind you OP isn't even a creator, he's just an idea guy doing "market research"
Get in the office and make a game, comrade, you have three days or I will have your family arrested for counter revolutionary activity
That's what anti-AI fags don't get and most bronies who recreate Ponyville for the 46th time don't get. They refuse to share assets with each other, they're very anti social, but also it's that shy pride of "I can't use somebody else's assets... because I just can't. It doesn't have my name on it. I don't have le permission to le use it". Bitch if he didn't put a copyright on it then you can use it, it's not like he has the money to sue.

Now I as a smart faggot wouldn't hire a brony if he paid me ... because the shit I've seen out of them makes me cry. Even after 8 years of programming and they still don't know how to use Flash, Unity, Toonboom correctly ... because they only used it a very specific way and they never used it for many different projects to get proper experience in making a game. They also have horrible working habits when existing programmers already have horrible working habits, I had to gametest as the client my own game for my programmer because he couldn't be arsed to check it himself and it only took at best 2 minutes to open the damn Unity Hub. Now imagine how much worse an autist with no work experience is like.

It's because things have gotten extremely expensive and the economy is in the shitter. The 90s and even 2000s before 2008 were nice times where you could relax. Nobody expected Roblox creators back in 2008 to make money, and now they go on about bullshit such as "They're exploiting them" meanwhile nobody yells at Blizzard exploiting SC1, WC3, SC2 custom map makers and modders.
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Like papa said, if it ain't it's cutie mark, it won't get the dick, simple as.
Seriously, hags are nasty
>no cutie mark
Is she old looking for her age or is she young looking for her age and simply never went through magical deerhorse puberty?

>no cutie mark
>yet looks old enough to babysit Fluttershy that's a tall motherfucker for a filly.

It's Pokemon girls all over again.
I'm sort of split between this being a genuine offboarder hoping to scam horsefuckers or if he's intentionally acting like one for (you)s
There are just so many obvious tells; they almost seem planted
You can't tell if it's a "How do you do fellow kids", or an anon doing a "How do you do fellow kids" routine. Poe's law strikes, again.
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We better not need another fucking poll for this. I am not animating Anon beyond just copy-pasting some body builder model and painting green or copy-pasting Slenderman. Same for Anonfilly, I am not creating an entire flash build just for herself, she can use the filly model along with everyone else and be happy about it.
>It's because things have gotten extremely expensive and the economy is in the shitter. The 90s and even 2000s before 2008 were nice times where you could relax. Nobody expected Roblox creators back in 2008 to make money, and now they go on about bullshit such as "They're exploiting them" meanwhile nobody yells at Blizzard exploiting SC1, WC3, SC2 custom map makers and modders.

It has never been easier and cheaper to make a video game than in the current year. It's also easier than ever to monetize it and it has a chance of being a viral success earning millions of dollars overnight.
Lowering the entry bar rarely equate to more quality...
*Laughs in French*
Who ever said anything about quality?
*Laughs in Pokemon romhacks*
As a French, felt compelled to answer.
One pity bump.
Maybe a good idea/project will pop from this thread?
You don't need an idea for a porn game. You just need to create some pictures/animations and hide them behind the most basic one-handed challenges.
One Anon would greatly disagree with you or first agree with you that porn isn't a genre and then proceed to create it.
>In story mode, you'll be playing as Twilight Sparkle
No. Me want be green ape.
That won't be your decision, that will be the group's decision.
Because I very much would rather implement the red pony from Banned from Equestria because I already have stallion & mare Flash assets.
>Group decisions
big if true
>/mlp/ funds a new porn game
lmao apparently not, gayboy
next time you decide to tell people they're going to fund something of yours, go ahead and try reddit
Shut up, Mexican. You can't even use capitals and punctuation. You go back to >>>/b/reddit, you seem to know them.
Take your meds, CerealMare.
Don't reply for him, Anon. He's a big boy who can handle himself.
you're right, I can reply for myself: take your meds
not paying for some fruitloop's vision when he can't even explain himself right
8 dollars per hour of work
ahem ahem cough cough NIGGERS
The funny thing is a lot of times "FREE" games make MORE money then NOT-free, cause of the extra "bonus" gear/power ups, costumes, "level ups", characters, and junk they put in.

Imagine a mlp game where you get basic main 6, just bare. and you get like 6 spots in town.
Then, pay extra for extra ponies, derpy, lyra, maud, cmc, and EVERY other pony. Pay extra for outfits, and dresses. Pay extra for BITS to buy pony supplies in town. Pay extra for home decor. Pay extra for magic/flying. Pay extra for pony food. Pay extra for...MORE.

You could make so much money on a "free" pony (porn) game.
How much would you pay, if every individual thing cost like 5$? Imagine if every pony aside from main 6 being 5$...
I just want you to know your post isn't lost on me an I find it morbidly funny.
Stop being American. ;)
>Imagine if every pony aside from main 6 being 5$...
Would be a great way to get money from non-M6 waifufags. They'd literally buy the game then immediately pay $5 to unlock their waifu.
I mean download lmao
So has anyone beyond 1-2 people asked Fatelogic for MSA3 AND that they're willing to buy it for $20? and that's not counting MSA4,5,6.
make it human on pony only and no futashit and I'm in.
make it pony on pony only and some futashit and I'm in.
Why are you so upset people don't trust you inherently? You speak with too much bravado, and it comes across as conceited, disingenuous, and more along the lines of boasting than an effort to gather interest in your project as opposed to getting focus on yourself. I don't know if you've been tripfagging a lot lately and there's something I'm missing (I've been off this board for almost 2 years now) but you talk with the signs of somebody with a personality disorder. I suggest you look into getting help because you are building massive walls to hide insecurities you let dictate your persona and narrative of self while trying to find an artistic endeavor from what seems to be a fleeting desire to pursue an interest without a formal idea to cement it beyond 'Help me make something now'. You don't have to be like this, and you can be happier than you are now, but you have to look at yourself first. They call that insight, and if you do something like this for real, you will need it.
make it loli on pony and only futashit and I'm in
Hey, you are here too!
Progress are slow on the BFED thread, but come pass say hello if you wish.

Have you seen his work? $8 per hour of work is not expensive.
> $8 per hour of work is not expensive.

Will they code for cheaper?
No but Venezuelans and Argentinians will
Well, it's 9.23€ here (11.65€ before tax), so, yeah, it's cheap(er).

That's the real american answer!

If they are doing a good job, that's great (I would even pay them more if I could).
i did not even knew about the BFED thread!
its because of different minimum wage realities between countries
>BFED thread
Yeah, it sticks like mold and come back every now and then.

>Different wage
Eyup. It was always strange to me that 1h of some kind of work in one country didn't worth the same in an other country (currency values kept equal).
Even more so here, in Europe, where we all have the same currency, but work is cheaper in some other countries (even removing the social taxes and such).
Oh well...
Different countries have different education standards and different average IQs.
Yeah eastern europe+russia can code better than americans and most europeans.
Probably. He's usually silent on the question.
i know that median wage for junior animator is like 18 an hour in USA
and your lower class job goes down to 10 an hour in some states
but the country where i live, its like 1.50 an hour, and many people are living with that!
working for 8 an hour already makes me feel like a king
If anybody wasn't already aware, the OP of this thread is Vogelfag, and he's attempted this 'Getting a porn game off the ground by playing the role of Supervisor Autist Supreme' before.
Let's ask an AI to do all the work.
Here is the intro video.
I don't see his name in any of those threads. Prove it, faggot.
Ah the Chinese video AI ... when will they release usable things like layers and .ai files good for rigging?
First, for now, the AI have no idea about layers, so it can't generate these kind of files.
Second, you ca trick it maybe by asking for transparent background or chromakey or green screen
Third, well, you don't need an animated image to make puppet. Stable diffusion may be a better bet for you.
>First, for now, the AI have no idea about layers, so it can't generate these kind of files.
That was the point of the post you're replying to
Forgive him, he's replaced his brain with a pirated version of ChatGPT
My model is very geniune, thank you.
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What the fuck is this poll? Why is everything an option?
Prove my cum isn't dripping from your reamed out asshole, gypsoid
Dang how did I miss this thread for 5 days?
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Well, it shows OP's way of thinking.
Having the will to get things done, but maybe not put too much thoughts into it beforehand.
So he doesn't create 5 different polls and have to open 5 different links.
nta, but no other cleaner options existed?

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