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Friday, October the 4th, 2PM Pacific / 5PM Eastern at the usual place.
The week-long celebration of all things pony, bring yourself, bring your friends. Get drunk and have a great time. Drink calls are sips, don't die.

Attempt number two. First time said post successful and everything. 4chan ate my homework I guess.

>What's the schedule?
Celestia's ample buttocks if I know. Mare Fair being the weekend before means all the usual peeps who keep things in order have already used up their PTO. I expect absolute chaos. Though the pattern is pretty established at this point, so maybe it will be fine.
>I don't like this.
No matter how it's done, there are going to be unhappy people.
>Are you playing pony life?
>I'm not ready! It's too soon!
Same anon, same.
>Timezones are hard
>why not on the 10th?
The anniversary has always started on the weekend before the 10th, and starting on a Thursday would be weird.
>Where's it at?
Yes, now that it's dead, we can't begrudge dancing on it's grave.
>Will there be new emotes to spam?
Haven't got around to it yet, sorry. :dashed: But I think some Tamers shitposts are in order. Make suggestions if you'd like.
>Any good news?
Someone just called me about my car's extended warranty.
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requesting :creamfilled:
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>yeah and then we imply Dash and Applejack are a couple now lol
can I be a janny? promise I won't use my powers for evil.
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>2 more weeks
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>4th october
>there's another marathon i'm catching that's in the middle of this marathon
just end me now
It's time again friends
You're all faggots.
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I can finally be happy again
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I should start my own YouTube series, website and sekrit Discord clubhouse where I allow /v/, /co/ and /mlp/ as an extra.
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>fits perfectly in my schedule

oh yeah it's drinking time
On the hour strike of MLP's anniversary, Hasbro will release a formal statement about the cancellation of G5, and a two minute trailer of G6.
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Let's fucking go, my favorite week of the year!
Please ad an un-stoned, sexy Cozy Glow to this image.
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first for Dashie
i got horny after seeing this pic. After getting to the edge I clicked back and then came while looking at this pic. You are now gay for making me cum.

Enjoy Canterlot High, retard.
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>>Will there be new emotes to spam?
>Make suggestions if you'd like.
Requesting :clueless:
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>anni so soon
>i will be house sitting for two weeks
oh boy! more shimmer emotes pls
finally have a chance to sit and enjoy the anni, and can watch any and all the stuff I want to without other shit getting in my way
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The (ever-elusive) Best Gift Ever. It's the only FiM episode I haven't watched because I wanted to save it for an anniversary stream after the show ended. I've missed it every year, but this time I'll force myself to sit through the season 8 slop in order to see it.
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Fuck yeah I'm hyp
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Got the whole week off for the anni. Gonna sit in my room marinating in mares and booze
Are you trying to line up the actual anniversary with the Movie? Based if so
my body is ready
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>going to be busy weekend anni starts
>miss most of if not all of S1/S2
>then have time to watch only after work for the week after
>no more PTO because Mare Fair
>the following weekend will already be well into later seasons before I can sit down and spend all day mareathoning

it will still be fun to watch anything i can with all you faggots, but how do I cope with the lack of S1/S2.
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I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for this
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just wait for the cytube replays after the anni and watch S1-2 then. If you're a lurker like me who doesn't comment at all and only wants to observe whatever wacky spam chat comes up with, it's basically the same as the real thing.
fuck off faggot you're not invited
I wish there'd be sub-channels/rooms or something where you could join while watching the same stream. With smaller group of like-minded people you could discuss whatever you want and when you get tired you can just hop back to mayhem of the main channel.
the emote spam is just recapturing the glory days of old mlp streams like bronystate, if you wanna jerk off with your friends in discord do it there, we're having fun
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There is already three states to the emote control button in the chat header, but it's kinda jank.

I could add a checkbox to the channel control dialogue that would let you hide any messages that contain an emote, so you discussion fags could feel like you're in the room alone with each other. Pretty Braeburn if you ask me.
It begins
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That button idea sounds pretty neat. It would be interesting to see how well it would work in practice.
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How do you survive Mare Fair straight into Anni stream
Drink more.
>Mare Fair - Anni - Ponycon Holland
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>How do you survive Mare Fair straight into Anni stream
By being too autistic to go to Mare Fair.
It works for me!
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Fuuuuuck, how am I supposed to be gaming and [dog] :ricardo.hands: :thanos:/:matineedance: :ricardo.hands: [/dog] to sick jams and also pony ponying at the same time?
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I'm gonna stay awake for like six hours and then feel like shit for the rest of the anni, but at least there will be poni to keep me company.
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>'m gonna stay awake for like six hours

Isn't that just a normal workday?
last time the anni started at midnight for me.
what are you? some kind of filthy euro?
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Starlight Glimmer waiting room
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S5 is when the real show starts. I was almost able to watch every episode Glimmy was in last year, I only missed School Daze and maybe one other minor one. Hopefully the intermissions keep getting extended again, that made squeezing in sleep much easier, though sadly I'm not neeting it up this time around.
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>S5 is when the real show starts
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You’re right, the anni stream won’t really begin until Wild Manes plays
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that's an interesting way of spelling Pony Life
wtf? Why is Rainbow dash so FUCKING despondet there?
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>>Will there be new emotes to spam?
>Haven't got around to it yet, sorry. :dashed: But I think some Tamers shitposts are in order. Make suggestions if you'd like
Requesting :glimmypat: for the pats
Just use the thread retard
That would be neat, but I'm not sure it's feasible to implement as someone else who also finds it pretty pointless because the chat moves at the speed of Sonic The Hedgehog on crack. Either way, I wish everyone who appreciates the mayhem of the main chat a fun anni regardless of my opinion.
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>Me sneaking in a racial slur and posting extracts of Mein Kampf without anyone noticing
it's not twitch chat, you can post whatever you want
You can do this literally any other day of the year. The entire point of the anni is everyone coming and watching pony together.
For 1 week I shall become a part of the spam hivemind
24 hours no GR15 when?
you gotta excuse anon, he was dropped on the head when the election happened
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Never ever.
I’m already taking a week off for Mare Fair. Am I really about to bump it out to two?
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>tfw have a job now, plus back in school
>tfw also have out of school/work thing I'm doing
>tfw going to be so busy during Anni week that I'm likely to miss like 90% of it

The thing I look forward to every year, and I'm going to miss it for the first time in 7 years
It's fucking ogre. Having dreams and goals sucks.
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The point of the Annis isn't to watch the show, it's to watch the show with community. That's literally the entire purpose and reason. 90% of the fun is reminiscing and creating new memes with fellow anons. Anybody can just rewatch the show at any time by themselves. Rewatching the show with hundreds of others only comes once a year.
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Will the forfrees make a sticky this time?
no they hate us
Made that exact mistake of prioritizing real life over pone last year. This year I’ve booked off both Marefair and Anni Long Weekend so I can focus on what’s really important in life.
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If G5 is included G1-G3 should be the pre-show
yeah, just ignore the part where I said it makes no difference to me because I only lurk in chat anyway. retard with zero reading comprehension
Unironically it should be. G1 is that classic sort of cheesy retro cartoon that is bad in a good way, but also has some unironically good parts in it. It's 100% kino group-watch material.
>actually the g1 is actually really good
>faust and literally everyone else had no idea what they were talking about
Man what the hell is it with bronies and wagecucking? I thought furries were suppose to be autistic rich engineers. I guess I finally found the real difference between a furry and a brony.
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>thread is already full of schizos, electionfags, and other assorted retards
yep, that's /myboard/
I'm in the same boat. Sucks, but it's a normal part of life and growing up. Priorities change.
Can we watch G5 instead of Pony Life after S9? Last year the stream tanked like two hours into PL
the stream tanked because the anni was over, no one stays for pl or g5
Fuck that. I'm a wage slave and I just save up PTO for anni week. Pony will always be priority 1
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Absolutely and undeniably based.

Immediately cut your balls off so you will never spread your subhuman genes (which you won't anyway you hopeless turbo virgin)
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Same. I specifically save some PTO for the anni week. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It's like horsefucker christmas.
GOD I hope it's freezing outside during the anni. Nothing would please me more than watching poni with all of you while wrapped up with blankets and tea
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>they hate us
straight up
they didnt even give us an apology with the site nuke last month
hope you drown in cum if youre reading this scruffy
Maybe for the 20th anniversary
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>horsefucker christmas

Get ready for the 12 days of Christmas, faggot.

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I got a full time job this year and I'll only be able to work from home 1 day the week that the anni starts. This is the first time since I started watching the anni in 2016 that I won't be able to see all of it. At least I'll be able to have the stream in the background while I take helldesk ticekts the one day I can work from home. .
Anni threads get stickied every year
I always seem to miss this event one way or another, but this year I'll make sure to catch at least some of it. I'm curious what it'll be like. Is it anything like the streams we used to have for new episodes of FiM? Sweet Celestia I miss those days.
>the thread
>the discord servers you're in inb4 posturing about being against discord and your account not existing because everyone here wants to pretend and posture like that
Plenty of spaces to discuss while everyone else is having fun posting :gasp: and :sunbeam:
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>Took an entire week off
>Just long enough to miss S8 and S9
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>mix a drink
>open stream
>collapse the chat
>have thread open to shitpost and discuss episodes as theyre playing
gonna be comfy
Except last year. And the year before that, and the year before that, and ...
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>Except last year. And the year before that, and the year before that, and ...
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:i.think.coolsville.sucks: TWO :i.think.coolsville.sucks:
Pl is garbage
I keep expecting her head to spin
Goddamn I am so hype. Bring on the poni poni
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at the rate this place is going they might accidentally kill the whole site during the anni
>so I can focus on what’s really important in life
It's always a bit of a shock returning to normal life and seeing normal people again after spending a week watching My Little Pony. I wouldn't miss it for the world though. Every waking moment being dedicated to pony is so fun
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Can we rewarch lotr before the anni like last year?
Any anon interested for a Dan VS Marathon during the EQG hours? I already have the channel ready
I'd be greatly interested.
Screw that, let’s watch some of the porn parodies like in the days of old.
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Based KINOlife chad
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Why would you wanna miss the best part of the anni, anon?
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ill be there when you post the link
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>But I think some Tamers shitposts are in order. Make suggestions if you'd like.
There's gotta be Braeburn
>missing Brandon Kino
>missing Jonah Kino
pity those who miss the absolute joy that is eqg blocks
>futurama on the anni stream
play the NFT episode that aired last month next
Tamers makes memable content but otherwise it's groomerslop that should be age restricted, and has nothing to do with mlp. Literally worse than furries.
Tamers content is worse for the mlp community than furries. It has nothing to do with mlp other than him using mlp characters to skin his OCs.
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His Twilight is the only one faithful to the show at least.
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You are STILL completely powerless.
Silence you fools! It's the best part BECAUSE the whiners are gone
Don't worry, not a single one of the "whiners" is gonna suddenly want to watch barbies just cause one shimposter told them to. Just like they never have in the past.
I lied anyway. It's the second best part after KINO LIFE
>The anniversary has always started on the weekend before the 10th, and starting on a Thursday would be weird.
>booked the 10th specifically for the anniversary stream
>I'm gonna miss it anyway
I'm so hyped you don't even know.
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Great, the schizo followed us to this thread too
I'd understand if its impossible given its length, but would it be possible to play Turnabout Storm during the anni? Maybe after season 1 or 2?
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requesting :excite: emote
No I'm absolutely with you.
Tamers is absolute garbage and only faggots like it. They drag on longer than DWK's shit.
>I expect absolute chaos. Though the pattern is pretty established at this point, so maybe it will be fine.
Just as long as the early seasons go smoothly, then it can all go to hell. I am slightly scared of the chaos but I'm also ready to embrace it
I'm expecting maximum filler so we can make it to the 10th and beyond, as is tradition. Outside of the wrestling autism the filler last year was fucking kino. A pox upon anyone who wishes the anniversary to be over as quickly as possible.
I hope we watch the Last Unicorn again in the final two hours of the pre-stream.
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Maximum filler is unnecessary for the anni to reach the 10th. It's been a long since the anni didn't last at least a week. If anything, I'm hoping this time there's slightly less filler, considering last years bled into a second week. I love the anni, but I do not wish for it to keep going THAT long. Around 8-9 days is enough. (with less wrestling autism this time too kek)
The problem was WHEN the filler of scheduled, not how much of it. US were cucked out of most of the season, they wouldn't start until late and end shortly after we'd get up.
The filler just needs to be good instead of milking brandon/jonah/dwk until the cow is a shriveled husk. Hell, toss some board creations up.
>instead of milking brandon
To be fair, Jonah is a new discovery. And Brandon is just... so good. and the wrestling stuff was so fucking funny with how many people were angry with it. EqG blocks get the best stuff
the counter just dropped from 8 digits to 7 digits
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Fug, I need to repair my laptop speakers before then.
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>Friday, October the 4th
>the 4th of October is a Wednesday
>the nearest Friday is the 6th
wait, so is it on the Friday or the 4th?
How's it like living in the past year?
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>Just in time for the second day of Rosh Hashanah
I genuinely don't know how you can be so retarded
DWK is not meaningfully similar to Tamers, and he is also not meaningfully similar to Brandon or Jonah.
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(not) Ready for my first anni as a Eurofag!
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prithee be mareful
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You're looking at THIS month's dates, darling.
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Put on a Rainbow Dash flag
>Captcha: AJ2SSR
>reading comprehension
What timezone were you previously in?
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Yet smart enough to like ponies.
Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth
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Your wife is retarded lmao
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true, but only because Twilight is an ugly midwit
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behead all who insult mares.
That's more like it
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Mares are stupid, smelly, and autistic
>The longer it goes on the more gay and groomerslop it becomes.
That's just it. Everything he does is groomerslop. the SU stuff he's done has been groomerslop for years, couple that with the dogshit TTS he uses and I genuinely cannot fathom why anyone would voluntarily watch his videos.
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>posts only one pony
I will ACTUALLY post ponies
observe as I post zero (0) ponies
instead of one (1) pony.
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>stupid, smelly, and autistic
Ok, I think I should be good to output the parsed medialog this year. Just went to double check what I had for last year was more or less good with the current cytube code and medialog. I'll try to output the playlists after each season when I can remember between bouts of sleep and sobriety.
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Smartest applul poster.
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Don't you have two monitors? Just use the thread for real discussion and the chat for funni jokes.
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I assume this is an emote, but if it somehow isn't, it should be. Maybe :auxcord:
As someone who found the wrestling shit hilarious, the real humour from it came from how nonsensical and spontaneous it was. You can't really force that. It has to be a spur of the moment thing. Watching the wrestling videos again wouldn't be as funny as watching it the first time. Brandon is always hilarious, though. I for one cannot wait to see what asinine videos anons discover this year. I also can't wait to see what new emote is added to the anni hall of fame.
I just want to watch ponies with you fags, laughing and shitposting as we go along.
US (Pacific).
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Phew, quite the difference—but watching S1 through the night is extremely comfy. With some good sleep the night before hopefully you can stay up for the whole thing
>Me in the bag
I hope the monkey typewriter isn't just spammed again this year. I have a horrible feeling it will be.
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>Why yes, I will be spamming :writers.room: during every stupid writing decision.
Maybe the writing will get better this year
I really hope there's a rough schedule that's actually stuck to this year. Also, Tamers is fine, but I have the terrible feeling he's gonna get spammed to death through new emotes and his videos being used as filler too often. Here's hoping the people running things don't give in too much to peer pressure from all the new viewers discovering mlp through Tamers and trying to force it in as much as possible.
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requesting :linkydance:
My body is ready
Brandonslop isn't entertaining. It's irredeemable garbage.He straight up expects, begs for, and demands money from people to keep making his garbage while anyone working with him quits left and right.
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>slop poster
Onion discarded.
lurk moar
No, you don't get to play the "ur a newfag lurk moar" card over people not being afflicted with the mental illness that makes you enjoy watching 70 minutes of garbage.
fork found in the kitchen
lurk moar
You'd think tourists would try harder to blend in but they're incapable of not parroting offboarder buzzwords in every other sentence
What are you talking about?
Tell me more, tell me more.
It's the usual "if you don't like my forced memes you're a tourist" slop. The anni's going to suck and go way over schedule again if they listen to these faggots and play the entire videography of autistic retard ebeggar brandon and autistic retard wrasslinfag jonah just to appease some mentally-underages who NEED to get their extended dose fix of lolcows.
how do we suggest filler? I have a few ideas that might be fun. For me, at least.
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Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
yeah god forbid people have fun during this event. most of the shit you are bitching about is played during the EqG blocks, so the people who are still there want to watch that stuff anyways. stop being such a buzz kill
As long as fan vids include some of the RDP (or all) and the anthologies, I'll be happy.
Do you faggots ever shut the fuck up
Just another reason for /mlp/ to actually organize it's own anni.
Newfags hate Greg, expect these to be skipped if they show up at all.
Newfags also hate these for being woke or something so expect them to be skipped also.
Okay now I know you're just trying to stir shit
It's not my fault most anons these days have shit taste and can't enjoy anything
>he says while bitching about things people enjoy
Have you even been to an anni? Go into the Cytube archives and find a significant portion of chat complaining about Greg, the anthologies, or any kind of classic content. I'll wait.
Don't need to check the archives because I've seen it myself on this board and it's only gotten worse the last few years
>I was successfully baited so that means the anni as a whole hates classic content
I accept your concession.
You're part of the problem, retard
>point out you're talking out of your ass
>refuse to provide proof
>move goalposts
>ur part of le problem!!!
God forbid we go over schedule on something that doesn’t have a schedule posted
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I just remembered that, weirdly enough, Rarity Takes Manehattan is still the only episode I've never watched ever. I'll finally change that this year's stream, hopefully.
I have blacked out every time they show the MLP movie during the anni. I'm trying to not blackout when it comes around this year.
Normally I'd get drunk as fuck around the epilogue because I can't handle that shit, it hurts me in ways nothing else does. Only thing I can remember from past anniversaries is waking up around the start of Kino Life and check the messages I left while heavily inebriated, this year I wanna try something different, I wanna be at least at conscious level when the epilogue hits, both because I wanna see how much it hurts me compared to previous years, and because last time they showed a bunch of good stuff after the epilogue and I wanna see if that's actually a thing
For me it's Rainbow Roadtrip
It's only an hour long yet I have never once been awake through the entire thing
Oh no, not the schedule! Did the boss of the anni say we'll lose our bonuses if we miss deadlines?
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spikeposting gave me a newfound appreciation and respect for spike, he's a straight up gangster in the early episodes and gets a good few laughs out of me on re-viewings
One of the things I miss the most in the later seasons was him and Twi's snarking at the current situation they found themselves in.
Interesting episode to have missed after all this time. It is Coco's first appearance after all
Post in the thread asking for it or sending a janny/mod a PM are the way to go I think
Now that you mention it I think I've missed it everytime too kek. Is it played in the middle of S9? In previous years I've chosen to sleep then
15 is a faggot also unban LD you fucker
LD stands for LAME DORK, you will be shoved into a locker and have you lunch money stolen
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What episodes are you looking forward to?
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All of them.
Suited for Success
Sisterhooves social
Sweet and elite
Rarity takes manehattan
Canterlot boutique
Rarity investigates
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I look forward to Rariposting in the thread again this year
I always make sure to catch Hurricane Fluttershy (my favourite episode). Other than that, it's as this Anon >>41455482 said. As much pony as I can stay awake for
I think we should watch episodes of Leverage as filler
Please have Spike staying as :faggot: until S6. It makes the :chad: a lot better
You have a week of pony and actual fan content. If you aren't having fun until lisping wetawds come on, are you even here for pony?
The top episodes of the show, season finales, etc. kept coming on in the middle of the night last year, while the daytime and prime time slots were filled with EQG. That was because brandon/jonah/teenagers-with-lolcow-obsessions filler was added to such ridiculous degrees.
Next time go live in a timezone that matters
It was eh. I remember when it came out and people were exploding here about the over-the-top change to Manehatten and how some of the pony stuff was getting too human and losing it's late 1800's charm.
How many anniversaries are you going to watch anon?????? Just let it fucking go yes I know it's hard but mlp is dead why CAN'T you accept that mlp is dead??!?! We have sunk into irrelevancy once the show ended heck when s3 ended the show became irrelevant but keep coping watching your anniversaries instead of facing reality and oh i dont know make new content instead of watching the same old clips like a dementia patient? You are not that demented are you anon? ANON ARE YOU OKAY?
This board is the most depressing board I ever witnessed to have a downfall this terrible. At this point, what's the point of even trying to watch the anni its just a bunch of ai bots spamming emotes like turds, at this point just queue the last episode of mlp fim and skip the stupid anni no one cares about this dead horse show
God I love samefagging
You are not me and I am not you so what does that make both of us?
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Death to jannies
I fucking hate this faggot so much can 15 stop being such an autistic sperg and do something instead of being a tf2 addict this fucking faggot is getting away with his patreon money without DOING ANYTHING IN RETURN 15.ai site doesn't even work what the flying fuck is this hack doing that's so important jacking off to ponies?
I'm genuinely surprised nobody talks about this. He's on the /mlp/ TF2 server everyday.
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Wait is the anni tonight or tomorrow night
It was yesterday sorry you missed it
yesterday night, you already missed it. Sorry, Anon :/
The anni was yesterday night!?
Yeah the cytube entered a collective trance and managed to watch all nine seasons and the movie in less than 24 hours. It was very therapeutic
>watching all 9 seasons
not even remotely credible

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