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God what I wouldn't give for a big earth pony mare gf
UNF, I had forgotten about her
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How big are we talking?
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At least 4x his size.
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Stronk nordic qt pone
Wait she's canon?
That's how you get a broken pelvis
Unf erf waif plap plap
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Now we have a canon and fanon nordpone!
Can someone edit those ugly tumblr earrings off of her.
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Steela Oresdottir is her name.
For some reason, the Derpibooru tag spells it as "Oresdotter".

Captcha: PHDDD
>"All around thought customer"
Increase your Speech if you want better prices, Steela.
A worthy way to go
>Nordic name
Sounds pretty white supremacist to me. I wonder how this one got through.
Massively underappreciated mare. She deserves far more content than she has.
She is SWORN to carry your burdens...
Burdens? No. More like carrying foals instead.
I don't have any burdens to speak of. How about I carry hers instead? I mean, uhh. It wasn't an innuendo or anything.
When you mount her?

She's as big as rockhoof.
makes me wanna finish the comics just to see more of her
Yeah, Steela is one of the highlights in the comics.
There's sadly not all too much about her though.
Alright, but we have to do this correctly
>*Equips amulet of Mara*
probably Swedes coping about them giving her an Icelandic name, the coolest of the Nordic countries
Certainly the one with the funniest names.
>hardly any art of her at all
That's the true crime here.
Worth it.
She'd demand a dozen foals at least.
A dozen foals a WEEK. Mare is absolutely BRUTAL...
Her secret name is 'Mithril Womb'.
Where's the bad news
Her farts could likely kill a grown Tyrannosaurus Rex.
She'll drag you to training courses afterwards. Broken pelvis or not.
You forgot your glimmer flag, nigger.
The scene with her and Magnus was genuinely great.
Nordic mare bump.
She looks like she likes raping anon
I guess I'll try to wear light armor for this one.
Then she'll give you extra weights.
Can't rape the willing.
>Huge nordic marefriend, Rockhoof size
I bet she's got big teats too.
And the most expensive one. Vodka was so expensive my friends asked me to buy it back home and bring a bottle there.
But they have a lot of rotten sharks as edibles.
>Nordic Amazon Mare
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>She barely has any art
I wonder how many qt comic only mares are sharing her fate...
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I like the cutie police pone from issue 83. Inspector Leigh Stride. Never read it so I don't know what her character's like but it's a shame she only has a few drawings here and there.
Damn, she is a qt.
I looked through the wiki and found a few pretty mares.
This one is Pinkie's cousin apparently
Probably many. I haven't kept up with the comics, so I have no idea what happened in the last years.
In awe of the size of this lass.
She scares me.
And that's hot.
Easily Alicorn size. She's about as tall as Celestia.
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Can't rape the hard willing.
>Cutie mark is a literal wood chipper
She'd be interesting company for sure.
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Damn, how have I missed this mare till now?
Is that new Steela art I see?
Truly a feast for the eyes.
I wouldn't mind throwing a foal into that mare, if you catch my drift.
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Holy fucking based
That's what you get for not checking the mare you're going against in the fight Anon
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Mare is a good excuse to draw.
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Doing God's work, drawfriend.
>Berserk armour mare
Zowie mama
That's a reference?
God why isn’t there more on her

Are there any other big mares that need more love?
The three frilly stage costume mares in Las Pegasus. They don't have much either.
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Tell me what, tell me what, tell me what you want!
I don't know why, don't know why, don't know why you afraid.
Good stuff for a good mare.
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Housecarl mare?
Post her killing something with her large ass
Maximum cute!
Imagine cuddling with her on a cold winter night
And sharing a good warm mug of mead.
Nigger, please.
>implying you wouldn't cum seeing a strong Nordic mvre use her rock hard yet supple flanks to crush some prey for you to eat
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Where's that from?
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I see big mare, I draw
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>Wear warrior outfit to get extra charisma points with mare
>Forget that didn't put many, if any, points in strength to handle the lad
Hopefully the stealth archer can survive long enough
Mare Fair
Oh sweet Celestia I need her to destroy me
>ironically she's a very gentle lover and asks if your okay every 5 seconds
this poner seems ride-able
Really cool art, drawfriends
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Brother, that mare is the perfect size.
big mare is for riding
I love her

sexo copulación pornoo
You didn't say who's on top.
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>Can crush a watermelon between her thighs
>Pleasure Dom
I can see that
God, the cuddles must be on another level.
she looks like a rapist
>Anon meets his match
Cadance approved
She can't rape you when you consent. ^:)
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More Steela
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Hell yeah.
I waifu Nordpone (aka Ginger Scotch)
I would follow her to the ends of the earth.
Do you post your stuff anywhere else? An archive or what not?
This. That's booru material right here.
Of course.
Following her gives you more chances to get a nice view of dat ass.
>Steela when another mare spots her man
And her as a mare in general.
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mare! (big)
based drawfriend
You don't need to convince me more. >>41501889
But I'm definitely in love
Steela is precious.
Big precious.
Different Nordpone.
Awwn, that's lovely. Caring for your large waifu after she got too far ahead what she can handle, playing that the sprained ankle is nothing to worry about and she can just keep going.
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Hold the mare
big enough she can threaten to eat me if she don't get the sexo she want. There are two ways into mare. Your choice.
"I need to...get up... Get off..."
"I need to gather some berries. Get off!"
>"Not happening."
"For the love of- I need to get food, just-"
>She kisses him, ending his speech short, Anon slowly accepting his fate with a grunt
>"There, there. I'll just hunt some nice steak later, don't worry"
>A question flares to his mind, sensing the opportunity
"Say, where have you been getting such quality meat anyway? The city certainly doesn't have any as far I know."
"And, how do you even know what meat is good or bad so easily?"
>Booping his diminutive nose with her head-sized hoof, she was quick to reply
>"Like I said, don't worry about it" - she finished with a lick
>This goddamn mare...
Okay, I made a small thing because... I felt like it. And because I just came back from my seaside vacation, so it's heavily influenced by shanties and stuff.

A gargantuan hole in the bow
Will the ocean to enter allow
Oh, what more of a sin than letting it in?
It's letting our good fortune out
The nest to the storm did succumb
While the crow hid his fear in the rum
And the mast
It broke and threw out the bloke
And well, now he's surely my chum
Love letters from under his bed
Holds a cabin boy over his head
A futile try to keep it dry
What tears have already wet
They were penned by a girl in Merak
And the Javanese value their tact
She'll conclude he's horribly rude
'Cause he's sure as hell not writing back
'Cause this ship's going down
All on account of the weather
Though we'll drown
There's no need to frown
'Cause we're all going together
And I won't say "Woe is me"
As I disappear into the sea
'Cause I'm in good company
As we're all going together
>The situation definitely looked grim for the sailors.
>Even grimmer for the people on the ship who weren’t sailors.
>Those who didn’t know what the sea was like definitely were panicking.
>The ones who knew? Probably knew panic wasn’t worth it.
>Anonymous Fredrich Alexander Gott was among the first group, he wasn’t a sailor.
>He was just a young lad that happened to try and sail ‘cross the pond.
>By now? He doubted he’d ever get to the other side.
>So… he just stood on the front of the ship looking at the stormy, cold sea, clutching a necklace and holding a long, wrapped paper object.
>Looking at the stormy sea.
>For the ship’s going down.
>All on account of the weather.
>And though he’ll drown…
>He had no reason to frown.
>Since they all went together.
>Steela’s mind was abuzz today.
>The sticky blood was still clinging to her fur.
>The large head of a monstrous beast lying on the table. It's neck a seared stump that seemed to be stuck in a hateful glare at the mare who slew it.
>The trolls were known for their regeneration capabilities, and this one was no exception.
>Steela of course knew this. He slew many such beasts in her past.
>Ever since she knew how to walk she knew how to carry a weapon.
>But on this night, despite the death she brought tonight, Steela felt no peace.
>Her mind was as stormy as the weather outside as she glanced out the window of the Mead Hall.
>Her father, Ores was praising her, her Valor, her might, her bravery.
>And she raised a horn with the others, her smile fake, but most were already too drunk to care.
>She was drunk too. But no thought in her head felt filled by the mead and feed.
>”Skål!” Another roar came from her father as another horn of mead she downed. The thoughts only got louder.
>Buzzing and crashing, causing her to practically boil.
“Aaaargh! Another!” She roared furiously.
>To most, it seemed like typical cheering after a successful monster hunt.
>Not for Steela.
“Skål!” She exclaimed this time before she downed the horn again, much to the merry of everyone.
>With one other roar she tossed the horn on the ground.
“I'm going for a walk!” She spat out before grabbing her glaive and storming towards the exit.
>Ignoring everyone that gave her sudden surprised looks.
>Ores shot up, looking at her surprised and confused, with a clear worry painted on the Stallion’s face for his daughter to suddenly bolt out in the middle of the celebration of her successful hunt.
>”Rúsínurassgat!” the Elder Stallion called out after her, causing a few other ponies, stallions and mares both, in her age to chuckle.
>Steela’s cheek dusted with light pink but she just nickered.
“I need some air.”
>With her Father shot down, Steela left the hall, stepping out onto the rain, her ears flickering just a bit as she began walking, the water quickly getting into her mane as she walked away from the Mead Hall and in the direction of the coast.
>The weather, the night, even the troll…
>And of course the date.
>It made Steela remember things she didn’t want to remember today.
>Her father no doubt felt the same but he hid it better.
>A crack of thunder was just like a crack of bones in her mind right now.
>Both synonymous with the feeling of being too weak.
>Steela was nothing but strong, at least now.
>She was a huge mare, easily as large as the Princess herself.
>And yet somehow this whole day made her feel small once again.
>Not just in the physical sense.
>She just felt like a little filly.
>As the gravel underneath her hooves crunched she made her way through the dark of the stormy night, her road illuminated only sometimes by the lightning flashes to the edge of the village. Away from it where the road turned from gravel to well walked grass.
>She didn’t even know when she began mouthing an old song.
>One her mother sang to her, back when she was a little filly.
>Still listening about her father’s exploits and raids…
>No sound left her mouth, but the words were clear.
“Þat mælti mín móðir…”
>The storm around her somehow quieted her own mind as she pushed past the trees. Not caring for the mane and fur sticking to her body.
>The clothing clinging to her and the biting winds.
“...at mér skyldi kaupa…”
>This time a sound came, leaving her lips as she found the cliffside she slowly walked up. Standing at the edge and looking at the crashing waves, striking the stones down below.
>The song being a bitter reminder.
>But in a strange way it was also a source of comfort for her, as her ears flickered once again.
“...fley ok fagrar árar…”
>She never thought herself a good singer but… she liked that song.
>It was familiar… it brought her warmth.
>Good memories.
“Fara á brott með víkingum.”
>Her voice was drowned by the wind and the crashing waves.
>Just as the rain washed away the tears.
>No one would ever notice either the song or the tears.
>That definitely was a good part of this weather.
>”Standa upp í stafni…”
>She once again could remember her mother’s face.
>”Stýra dýrum knerri…”
>The smile.
>”Halda svá til hafnar…”
>The Night.
>”Hǫggva mann ok annan, hǫggva mann ok annan…”
>She opened her eyes again, wiping them with her wet foreleg before… something caught her eye.
>Down on the beach to the side something flickered in the weak light.
>For whatever reason, Steela felt that she had to see it as she quickly made her way down.
>As she reached the sand, she noticed what flickered so much.
>Silver necklace.
>It’s owner? Lying right next to it, flotsam scattered abound.
>No doubt a ship carried them… whatever the lanky creature was.
>Then she noticed something… the creature was alive.
“Streð mik...”
>Without much thought, the creature was soon heaved onto her back the next second and she was galloping back home.
I sense some good green in the making. This is nice, Anon.
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I need this to happen to me
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>big earth pony mare
Why isn't Celestia good enough for you? Alicorns are Earth ponies.
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Alicorns are only part earth pony
It not bad, but they’re royals so there’s less time for cuddles
Because Celestia sits at home all day and is a princess. Having a mare who is a regular earth pony but just beeeg is better.
Alicorns are 100% Earth pony, 100% unicorn, and 100% pegasus.
She'll make the time for you, Anon.
Winged unicorn
Maybe, but maybe I want an Earth Mare?
Wait, wouldn't that mean alicorns are 300% mare
Can you handle all that mare snowpity Anon?
Do we know if Princess snowpity is 100% pure?
Can you dilute a snowpity?
>implying the princesses are not pure
Well, one of them is black...
Only on her bad days.
Not sure if anything is still going on in here but I have yet to read the green anyway.
Well then get to reading
I'll probably get around to it in a couple of days.
I would love to see a continuation of it though.
I love this. I hope you will continue it.
I tried finding the original this one is referencing, but wasn't able to. Anyone got the sauce?
I don't have any, but it looks like it's referencing the mareholic series.
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What we really want around here, I think, is a horse-sized pony.
What you posted there is a touch bigger than a normal horse though. Dash is taller than a shire horse.
That’s even better
Big fast
It's borderline to getting too big though.
How heavy do you think she is?
About 450 lbs
Half a ton. Easily. Probably more because she stronk.
Her butt weighs 400lb
I'd die. But death by her big, muscular butt.
But I am quite sure it's instant Valhalla for that
Does Valhalla have horses?
I know. I went to find that comic, but couldn't quite find the scene.
Now we're talking
>Get snu snu from the biggest and muscular mare you can find
>Go to Marehalla and do it again
Can’t stop winning
Do you go to Super Marehalla? Or does Freya take you to her Fólkvangr? Foalvangr perhaps?
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big for you
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Serious question if had a big pony gf, would you also want to be a pony or still a human?
I’d be a pony so she could completely dominate me
Human, obviously. I'm not tranny.
Stallion, a short one though for as much size difference as possible.
You’re not a Tranny if you stay the same sex
>jeg elsker deg
>I love you
Damn, that's sweet.
Stallion. Imagine the foals.
Human, duh
No matter the size I'm riding her and flying my trusty steed into the rainbows
Must be you
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Can we get more big mares like these two?
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Those are just PHAT
Jesus Christ why are they letting their lewd bellies hang out like that
So you can hug them obviously
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No this is Phat
This is getting too far into fetish now.
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Great rewards await those who fight the toughest battles!
Are there any stories with a heavy mare crushing your pelvis like this?
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>That tail
As long she doesn't fully sit, I could see this being done in playful manners
Also, thinking about petting, trimming and brushing my mare only to have her wrap her tail and mane around me sounds comfy as fuck

I'm sure there might be something with Celestia somewhere, but no idea either
>doesn't matter, had sex
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Good thread
Good art, top notch really.
Definitely. That's the good stuff.
>So much new Steela art
Anon, you're a treasure.
I think her mane is in need of some brushing too.
Whats this mares theme? https://youtu.be/GbPN2kDVaAo?feature=shared
You make me try and write faster.
It already has. Giantess is a fetish too, you know? Liking females taller than you is not only not normal but also another step closer into catching homossexuality.

This whole thread is a cesspit of proto-faggots in denial or man who get aroused by wearing female clothing (troonies).

I can just smell it.
Anon, take your meds, your paranoid schizophrenia is acting up.
Let me guess, you're 5'11" and feel threatened when a woman is taller than you?
Grabbed you by the pussy, didn't I? I'm sorry you're a sensitive little slut but I promise I will be gentler the next time if you admit that you're my bitch now.
>everything is TRANNY!!!!!!1111
Go stuff your obese greasy face you fucking shitmerican goblin.
After you admit you're a faggot, faggot.

Take the time to end your own life while you're at it. Nobody likes faggot scum like you, society only pretends to but in reality we all wish we could wrap you in a stick, torture you and burn you alive.

Your parents would've aborted you if they knew the failure you'd grown to became. So what's taking you so long to realize that and just end it, already?
>reddit spacing
>telling people to kill themselves
Shit up some other thread, nigger.
Hefty mare a cute
requesting mare, but even bigger
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I recognize that reference.
Do we want to know?
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Code is 3013003. If you know what website to put that in, you're good to go. It's from a suspiciously well animated and voice acted Aggretsuko porn animation. Like, really well done. On e621.
thank (you) for sharing Anon
Her badassery paired with Anon's optimism is real gold.
Upping a gold quality thread.
>on spoiler
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I sure do love viking mares
He does have the proper personality for sure.
Truly a good combo.
I'd want to be a pony of course. I'm not some human loving faggot.
I am what I am. A human that fucks mares like a fighter jet.
Seconding this. They are strong and hot.
They also probably smell great
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>A human that fucks mares like a fighter jet.
Would make the effort regardless.
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Stella a cute.
Need moar of her.
Big viking amre
Lol, amre
Amre is love, amre is life.
I need the big amre.
Neat. What song or text is this referencing?
https://youtu.be/v2ZEEfl8F5g?si=42I_fWu4zKZ4mhac this if you want the male version

And here's the female version
Oh I love Colm, he did a good Stan Rogers cover too.
The song from the beginning was this.
The one that Steela sings was My Mother Told Me.
Bumpa for green
bump indeed
I really like her armour.
Damn, I haven't heard voltaire in forever.
>The warm, fur covered bed Steela loved so dearly was sadly out of her reach as she woke up in the wee hours of the morning.
>The simple bedroll has to be enough.
>Her eyes moved lazily around her room, looking again at the hanging coat made with soft, yet unfamiliar to her fabric, she took off from the creature.
>The creature that was currently occupying her bed.
>Perhaps occupying was a wrong term.
>It was not the creature's fault after all.
>And she personally brought it here.
>Her eyes drifted slowly to the remaining clothes hanging around her room. All of which were stripped off the creature leaving it fully bare in her bed.
>The occupant, whatever he was (Steela figured it was a he by seeing its stallionhood), was strange.
>The closest in body shape was a Minotaur but his body wasn't covered in fur. Besides some thin hairs on his arms and legs, thicker tufft on armpits and crotch and on his head, he was mostly bare.
>His skin visible, his legs about as long as his torso, unlike minotaurs, and his head…
>His head was interesting. With small ears on the side of his head, small nose, thin mouth.
>Steela caught herself leaning over him and quickly stepped away, going to look at the items she fished out from the various pockets of his clothes.
>Just to see if nothing was broken of course.
>She totally didn't rummage through the pockets of the strange creature in hopes of learning what it was.
>The silver necklace had a picture of some other being like him in it, although with longer hair and different facial structure.
>But there were a lot of fun things her guest had stored in his pockets.
>A small glass on a chain that made things appear closer.
>The cane which paper wrappings was destroyed by the sea.
>A small ticking thing she didn't figure out how to open.
>Definitely plenty of things that were of interest to the large mare.
>She was currently toying with the ticking thing as sudden, small groan caused her ear to flicker and she hastily put the object down.
>Seeing that the creature was still asleep she let out a breath she didn't know she held and picked up the tiny glass.
>She looked it over a few times before turning to look through it at the creature.
>The glass allowing a closer look gave Steela a chance to look at the creature with more detail and to be honest… It was an interesting sight.
>The large mare wasn’t fully sure yet what she felt as she looked at him.
>It was like looking at something weird and cute at the same time.
>The small lips, nose and eyes definitely were cute but at the same time the lanky build was weird.
>Not unpleasant though.
>Just alien. Alien that she should just let sleep.
>Today's weather was much better than yesterday all things considered, the sun was breaking through the clouds and the day wasn’t as chilly.
>As Steela was pulling the bucket from the well one of the stallions that was yesterday at the Mead hall came over to her.
>Not that Steela wanted to talk with him.
>She was somewhat busy but… oh well.
>She didn’t turn to face him, she just poured the water from the bucket into a jug.
>”Hey, do you need any help?”
>Steela just sighed.
“No Magni, I don’t.”
>Short, to the point, serious. Steela preferred it that way.
>”You sure? I mean you left early yesterday so I thought that you felt sick or something.” he continued as Steela closed the jug and put it in her carrying basket.
>She began walking again.
“I’m fine. I was just tired. Needed some air.” she said, hoping it would be enough but he seemed to follow as she began walking towards the market.
>Bombarding her with questions as per usual.
>Magni was barely an adult and Steela knew he always had an infatuation with her.
>Maybe because when he was a little foal she used to take care of him.
>Now that he actually could go for quests and on raids, somehow he got it into his head that he’ll win her heart.
>Forgetting that she was literally changing his diapers.
>He was talking about some adventure he was on recently.
>That was the main answer from Steela as she was busy buying food, more focused on what she should actually get to feed her guest. Was bread good?
>What vegetables should she get?
>Milk! Milk should work. Porridge could work, right? With honey.
>To her luck, it would seem that Stout Pear had some fruit for sale. Dried, mostly, at least in this season, but it was still good.
>Yes, dried fruits, honey, that would be some good porridge.
>Perfect to ask her guests a lot of questions while eating.
>Tasty food shall surely loosen his tongue.
>She wasn’t actually sure if the creature was talkative but it had clothes and various items so it must be intelligent.
>Hopefully they speak the same language.
>Placing the jug of milk alongside the purchased fruits, Steela began walking back towards her home. With Magni still following.
>She reached the doors, opened them and stepped in before turning quickly to Magni.
“Well, thanks for keeping me company, but I have things to do. Why don’t you go and talk with Hilda? Byeee.” She closed the doors before the poor colt.
>Sure, he was nice, but it was too awkward for her, he was a little brother to her. So hopefully Hilda will go and do something about him.
>For now Steela just moved further into her home, putting her basket on the table.
>She glanced towards the opened doors of her father’s room. He was still asleep, drunk no doubt. He drank a lot. But she didn’t blame him. It was a celebration.
>For now… she just moved to cook the best Slepnir damned breakfast.
>Anonymous felt sore. His body shuddered, but not from cold.
>At first he was ready to say it’s just exhaustion but then a sneeze left him and he collapsed back onto the bed.
“Ah…at least this bed is soft…” he muttered. As his hand slowly moved across the fuzzy covers.
>He opened his eyes and he noticed the bed was covered in very large wolf furs.
>One of them was large enough to cover him whole and there were multiple such pelts.
>Whoever lived here was a great hunter.
>Anon slowly looked around the room, taking in the furniture. Wooden, carved by a skilled pair of hands.
>Then he noticed his coat and other clothes hanging in the corner, alongside his undergarments.
>That was a moment where he quickly looked underneath the pelt.
>Noticing his exposed body he felt a sense of shame at the thought someone undressed him, but as the memories of why he was in this situation hit him.
“Ah yes…” he muttered to himself. His eyes moved down to a bedroll.
>Adding two and two together, he soon figured out it must belong to whomever found him. >They must’ve been a truly kind soul.
>Giving up their bed to a stranger like that.
>Anonymous slowly moved to sit at the edge of the bed, holding the wolf pelt over himself while also making sure it would cover his privates up.
>He noticed his items lying down on the simple desk that was in the room, at least everything he had with himself when he stood on the deck, he reckoned. Or what was found in his pockets.
>He slowly stood up, shaky at first, but soon enough he stabilised himself and walked over to the desk, looking at the necklace, even the cane he carried with himself. The gift for his father.
>Didn’t matter right now. He had to learn where he shipwrecked. Learn how to repay his saviour too.
>Anonymous sighed before gently looking at his pocket watch and picking it up. To his surprise it still ticked and he quickly opened it to see that the hour was supposedly eight.
>He gazed back at the bed and then wrapped himself in the wolf pelt with slightly more attention.
>The clothes, he noticed, were still damp, so wearing them wasn’t the right choice.
>Perhaps his gracious host could lend him some later.
>With the makeshift covering in the form of the wolf pelt held on his waist he slowly made his way towards the doors.
>Hearing the sound of gentle hums which sounded quite feminine.
>He quickly decided to fix up his hair, simply for the sake of not looking horrible in front of a lady and then opened the doors.
>At first the scent of food reached his nostrils and as he took a few steps down a small staircase onto the rock floor which felt cold against his feet he noticed something.
>A horse. Very round… cute looking horse.
>Pouring food into wooden bowls. With a ladle in its mouth.
>The horse turned to look at him and put down the ladle.
>”Oh! Yer finally awake.” the feminine, although gruff and strong, voice reached him.
>It had a vague icelandic accent.
>And it no doubt belonged to the mare.
If the drawfriend is still here, please draw Steela holding a ladle and wearing an apron. I'll buy you a beer if you do.
Now it's time for me to sleep.

Got it boss
Thanks, Anon.
>”Oh! Yer finally awake.”
Oh, you.
Good stuff, Anon.
Good green. Finally had a chance to read it all today. Keep up the good work Anon. Love the way you're writing Steela.
I'm seeing quite the productivity in this thread, and am captivated. Bump.
Good green, thanks for the update!
I couldn't stop myself from making a Skyrim reference.
I've been looking forward to this.
It is a good thread
Oh, it is. This here is pure quality.
Do you guys have any idea for a title of this story?
Maybe 'The Flotsam and the Mighty Helm'?
Oh I actually like this
Time to sleep. Hopefully I'll dream of Steela.
My contribution to make sure the thread is still there when you wake up.
I wish I could wash up into a mare's hooves.
I think we all do, Anon.
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God she's always so cute.
Thanks, if you have a ko-fi or something I will buy you that beer via it.
It shall be my new phone background
She looks so devious
That's a big ladle.
She's a big mare
I love her and want to taste her porridge
Whatever she's making, it's delicious.
Huge props to both of you. You anons make this thread magical.
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thx all of you for keeping this thread alive B)

Turns out Steela was a stallion all along
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>What is crotchbooba
Stop being ghei
But also
>Steela offers to add some milk to your porridge
>Without thinking you accept
>Confused when she gabs your bowl and holds it under the table with one hoof
>She returns it to you, with a generous amount of milk in it
>"Eat up Anon"
"Eat it all dirty boy"
wew nice hoers bewbs
it is wild how long this thread lasted and its getting greens and art LOL
Anonymous, I am currently hard enough to use my cock as a weapon.
Damn, she could knock dragons out with those.
They don't call her The Dragon Slayer for nothing.
>Anonymous only slowly nodded. Still observing the large mare.
>She was something very peculiar to the human. Something he'd probably call impossible.
>Steela at the same time tilted her head just a bit in curiosity. Despite her usually steely and rough expression by the standard of most ponies, she tried to look friendly now.
>But the creature, who now stood before her clutching a wolf pelt at their waist, seemed to be confused.
>”Uh… I made breakfast.” She said, setting the bowl at the table.
>Hopefully she didn't scare the creature, or anything. After all, she had never seen anything like it.
>Anonymous nodded again.
“Thank you for your hospitality… uh… Mmmiii… miss…?”
>He wasn't sure how to refer to her, that much was definitely clear.
>But he could talk which was a huge relief for the mare.
>”Just call me Steela. You don't have to call me miss or anything.” She said as she glanced back in the direction of the room with the open doors and shrugged, covering up the hanging pot.
>Then she sat at the table.
>Anon followed suit.
>The bench used for sitting was actually quite comfortable. It didn't have a back rest, sure, but it was still comfortable.
>The porridge was simple, easy to make, filling.
>And this one even had fruit and the sweet scent came no doubt from honey.
>Noticing that the mare before him was already eating, Anon was about to reach for a spoon… only to notice one wasn't there.
>Steela seemed to be just holding the bowl between her front gloves while her muzzle was buried in it.
>Leaving Anonymous unsure he cleared his throat.
>When Steela didn't seem to notice he cleared his throat again. Louder this time.
>Her head shot up to look right at the human.
>”Yeah? Uh… something wrong with the porridge?” She asked, a hint of worry on her face, her ears moving just a bit, halfway through flattening on her head.
>Anon thought it looked positively adorable.
“Well… not quite mi… uh Steela. I just wanted to ask if you have a spoon?” He asked.
>Steela seemed confused at first and then turned to point at the larger, wooden spoon, made for stirring, not eating with.
>”Only that one. Why…?”
>She seemed confused now, but her ears perked up again.
“I just… don't misunderstand, I don't want to seem like an ungrateful guest, I just usually eat with utensils… but… I guess for equines it's not very practical to use.”
>Anonymous then slowly grabbed his bowl with one hand and blew on it.
>He had to fight off all the things he was taught as a child about etiquette and he slowly used his fingers to scoop some of the porridge and eat it.
>Steela was about to eat too but… the manipulation of food done by his fingers seemed to interest the mare.
>Her eyes were now focused on how he'd lift some food up and into his mouth.
>”Heh, they seem pretty useful.” She mused.
>Anonymous looked at her, about to ask what “they” were but he then looked at his hand and understood.
>A small noise left him.
>Then he gently licked off porridge off his fingers.
“My hands I presume… you… don't see such a thing often?”
>He asked slowly. Hoping to learn more about this place, even if indirectly.
>Steela shrugged. Looking at his hand curiously.
>”Griffons have their claws and so do dragons, but theirs are either sharper or shorter. Yours though… seem pretty big. And more…”
>”Dextrous?” said Anon.
>Steela nodded.
>”Yeah, that's it. They seem soft too.” She chuckled before going back to eating.
>Griffons and dragons?
>This made Anonymous only more confused but she seemed to be as interested in him as he was in her. Did that mean no humans were here?
>It would make some sense.
>Maybe…? But what island even was that?
>Steela herself, now that he looked, had a body covered in scars.
>The inside of the room and her accent made Anonymous think about Vikings.
>Sure, they weren't exactly a thing anymore, but his friend in college was Scandinavian and talked plenty about the Norsemen of the past.
>Was she a… norsehorse?
>”Aaah, damn, you must've been hungry. You want seconds?”
>Anon lifted his head only to notice that he must've eaten the entire bowl before even realising it.
>He must've been hungry indeed.
“Uh… yes please.”
>Steela took his bowl and filled it with fresh batch of simmering porridge and slid the bowl to him.
>”So… don't want to be the mare who tears the hungry from his bowl… but you know my name… what's yours?” She asked.
>Anon just remembered he hadn't introduced himself. Which felt like a horrible faux pas.
“I'm Anonymous Friedrich Alexander Gott… but just Anon is fine.” He said.
>A small chuckle left the mare.
>”If we're giving full names… I'm Steela Oresdottir. My pa, Ores, is sleeping.” She pointed towards the room. “Probably won't wake up anytime soon. We had a celebration yesterday.”
>Anon nodded.
>”So… Anon, what are you?” She leaned in closer to look at him with a tiny smile on her muzzle.
>Anon cleared his throat, his theory confirmed.
“I'm a human.” he said.
>Seeing how it didn't seem to make the mare understand more, he sighed.
“Humans aren't exactly common… I understand?”
>”More like non-existent. I never even heard of anything like you. Much less see it.” She admitted.
>Anonymous sighed.
“To be fully honest with you… mares capable of cooking porridge and talking aren't exactly an occurrence where I'm from, so I guess we're on the same boat.” He said with a small smile.
>Steela laughed at that. Nice, deep laugh.
>”You got that right, lad. We're in the same spot.” She mused before one more chuckle left her.
>She smiled before she wiped her muzzle with her forearm. Or maybe rather a foreleg.
>”So… hu-man, I found you washed ashore, in the middle of a stormy night. What happened?” She asked.
>Anon thought for a moment.
“I was on a ship, back home. And we got caught in the middle of a storm… I'm no sailor, so I can't say I know what exactly happened but… the bow got a hole in it and the ship sank.”
>Steela nodded thoughtfully. Her muzzle scrunching as she thought.
>”The storm yesterday was strange, I agree… I'm guessing your ship was full of other hu-mans?” She asked curiously.
>Seeing Anon confirm she let out a thoughtful hum.
>”I’m no unicorn so all that magic stuff is usually a bunch of gibberish but… we should go to our Goði. She should know what to do, I think.” Offered Steela.
>Anon raised an eyebrow.
>”Yeah. Unicorns. Horns on their heads… do magic… we don't have many of them around here, it's mostly earth ponies or Pegasus here but we have some, you know?” She said.
>Anon just nodded slowly.
“So… uh… it's just horses here…?” He asked.
>”Ponies, actually. That's the correct term. But yeah.” She confirmed.
>Anon was positively fascinated.
>Hearing the term magic caused him to think it was something whimsical.
>And in truth unicorns, pegasi and talking ponies were whimsical.
“You spoke of griffons and dragons too? Do they live anywhere nearby?”
>”Griffons do live further east from here, and dragons usually live down south. Way down south.” She answered.
>”Fascinating…” muttered Anonymous.
>Steela chuckled at the human's reaction.
>Looking at him with an amused smile as he seemed both stuck in fascination and whimsy painted on his face.
>Finally Anon looked at her.
“Say… would you be so kind and take me for a walk…? And maybe to the beach where you found me? I'm most likely very far from any place that's Europe but… this place seems like an adventure.” he asked hopefully.
>Another laugh left the mare, it wasn't malicious, just amused.
>”Oh trust me, you'll find plenty of adventure here.” She said before standing up
>The old suit and the coat was now dry enough for Anon, to let him put his clothes back on and leave with Steela.
>Stepping outside, to Anon's surprise the air wasn't as chilly as he expected, it was definitely brisk but nothing his current clothing couldn't handle.
>The village, since that's what Anonymous assumed it was, definitely looked like a typical viking settlement.
>At least from what Anon knew.
>The pair walked forward but very quickly they noticed a lot of eyes being locked right on them.
>”I think I'm quite an attraction…” whispered Anon, leaning just a bit to Steela.
>The mare snorted, but remained neutral.
“Yeah… can't blame them though.”
>Anon chuckled just a bit before glancing at the mare.
>”I am the town freak now?” He asked with a grin.
>This got a small chortle out of her.
“Yeah. You are.”
>The amused pair walked towards the market where Anon had a chance to observe even more ponies.
>True to Steela’s word, most here were earth ponies, who seemed to be mostly also quite built, but none really reached her size.
>The pegasi Anon got to see all seemed smaller. Probably to be better fliers.
>Of course Steela dwarfed all ponies here, but he still could notice the body shape difference between Pegasus and regular ponies.
>”So… this little… town… or village, I'm not really sure, does it have a name?” He asked.
>Stella nodded.
“Varmahlíð. We're a coast town.” She informed the human as they were passing through the market, between the merchants, peddling mostly trinkets at this time, although some selling food were still around.
>”Sounds cosy.” He mused as he looked at the small cart selling wooden necklaces.
>”Hmm… interesting. May I?” He asked the small mare that was selling the jewellery.
>”Oh by all means! Go ahead and look, my lanky friend!” The small, blue mare and with orange mane smiled as Steela stopped and looked at Anon, who was currently lifting one of the wooden necklaces and tracing his fingers across the wood.
>It still looked very interesting. How his fingers curled and moved.
>Sure she had a chance to see them while he ate but the delicate manipulations made her curious.
>”Made by hoof! All very high quality wood, so you can be sure they are worth their price.” The small mare definitely tried to sell her products.
>”Oh they definitely all look very nice.” Said Anon as he gingerly set the object down.
>”Only ten bits. It's a good price.” She smiled.
>”Oh no doubt, but I left my wallet at home. I'll be sure to buy some later.” Anon answered, to which the little mare seemed disappointed.
>Both him and Steela moved again. This time going towards the beach.
>The pair stood now at the sandy shore, which stretched all the way from the cliff further into the distance.
>Anon stood next to Steela with hands in his pockets, sea breeze in his hair.
“Beautiful place.” He commented. Glancing down at the mare.
>”I agree. I like coming here. Just watching the waves.” She pointed at the cliff. “The view from up there is the best but… I'm guessing you want to look through the wreckage? And all the debris.” She asked.
>Anonymous nodded as he slowly walked closer to the water, looking at the things both washed to the shore and what was still flotsam.
>Steela followed suit, kicking one of the boards.
>”Hopefully the things you want were not derelict.” she said as she followed the man to a bigger chunk of wood.
>”Sine spe recuperandi… or something like that.” Said Anonymous with a thoughtful expression.
>Steela just looked at him as if he cast a spell.
>”Yeah… that. Whatever that meant.” She muttered.
>The human laughed a bit.
“When on the ship… I was playing cards with one sailor who was talking about all those… port terms.” He said amused as he moved to move some pieces of debris.
>Finding nothing interesting underneath it, he just kept walking with Steels.
>”You don't look like a sailor. You're too scrawny.” She teased.
>Anonymous groaned at that.
“Ugh, not everyone can be a warhorse. I've seen how much bigger you are, and the butter eyes that one stallion gave you.” He teased back.
>Now it was Steela’s turn to groan.
>”That's just Magni… he's… like a little brother to me, but I seem to be an object of love for him.”
>Anon chuckled at that.
“Seems like an interesting dynamic.”
>”Don't get me wrong. He's not a bad colt… he's just… ugh, I was changing his diapers, when he was a baby. It feels weird.” She sighed. Shaking her head.
>This just made Anon laugh out loud. Before patting her back a bit.
“Don't worry, I'm not judging.” He said.
>They reached another piece of the wreck, this one had some barrel shards around it. Although their contents seemed to be either destroyed, or lost.
“Hm. Maybe a gunpowder barrel or two survived.” he mused before he noticed something that caught his interest.
>At first Anon tried to push away the piece of a mast himself. But seeing him struggle, Steela laughed before walking over.
>”That's how you do it, pansy.” She teased before with ease pushing the mast away revealing a suitcase.
>Anon exclaimed something before quickly picking it up.
>”Uhh… What's up with this suitcase? It's important?” She asked.
>Anon just smiled.
“Very. It's mine.”
>Steela glanced at the case again, before looking at Anon.
>”Ooooh. Makes sense.” She nodded.
>Turns out he'll have something after all.
Big Steela teats made me do it.
Ah, A. F. A. Gott, clever. This reminds me of the feeling of very good greens from way back.
>Ah, A. F. A. Gott
Kek. Didn't spot that.
You could he's a queer fella
Another update. Based. I've been enjoying this green.
Thank(you) for the greens Anon
Now draw her pregnant
Aight, I'm going to sleep, watch my big mare for me please.
Oh my...big mare
Doing my part.
Alright, ain't saying this will go anywhere, but here's some green.

>Be viking Anon.
>Mid 1100's England.
>Be locked into the middle of glorious combat.
>Weak and ugly british peasants fall one after another to your razor sharp war ax.
>Hot blood splatters across your face from yet another kill.
>Odin smiles upon you and your brothers as this village is razed beneath your feet.
>As the fires begin to spread through the thatch roofs of the simple village, the remaining inhabitants start to flea like rats from a sinking ship.
>Readily abandoning their burning homes, racing to the presumptive safety of the distant woods.
>Spotting a pair of women making a dash across an open field, you take chase.
>Your long Germanic legs stride through the field of snow wheat, carrying you much quicker than those weak, pathetic, British women could run.
>With blood lust and the potential of profitable slaves in your mind, you close the distance quickly.
>You can see clearly now, what is obviously a mother and her child.
>Perfect game to sate your bloody desire
>The ease of this kill becomes your single focus.
>In a swift motion you slash the mother across the back, she cries out and falls.
>Her child turns.
>You don't even notice the object in his hand as you raise your ax to deliver the killing blow.
>He turns quickly, blindly, without thought or hesitation.
>A dagger slips into your belly.
>Searing pain blinds you as you howl, striking the boy down.
>Another strike and the mother quits her wailing,
>You pull the dagger from you, and a torrent of blood follows suit.
>You can't help but blink a few times.
>You attempt to walk, but stumble, falling into the supple wheat.
>Your vision blurs as you feel the Valkyrie's soft touch.
>This seems like as good a place as any to rest your head...
>Suddenly you awake from your slumber.
>Jolting up, you find yourself in a waving field of wheat, much like the one you'd just been in
>Your hand reaches for your belly, expecting to find hot blood, but instead just the rough texture of your leather armor.
>Quickly you look around, yet all you see is an expansive field of knee high wheat.
>In the distance there's a forest, and in the other direction a village.
>Yet... not the village you'd just attacked with your brethren.
>No this one was idyllic, peaceful, with smoke only rising from the chimneys.
>No screams of pain nor cries of war could be heard, just the quiet song of the wind blowing across the land.
>You breath in the cool air and stand for a moment.
>As you survey the land, your sharp, blue eyes catch sight of something coming towards you slowly.
>You squint, trying to make out what it could be.
>Is... that a horse trotting towards you?
>Be Steela.
>And be tending to your fields.
>While you were a warrior at heart, you also had quite a few more mundane tasks to fill your life.
>Not every day could be slaying dragons and taking riches for yourself.
>Today happened to be stump removal day.
>A number of trees had been felled the past few months along the edges of your family's fields, and now it was up to you, as the biggest and strongest member of the family to rip out the stumps.
>It wasn't a very fun job, but just another that needed to be done, especially since your father was growing grey in the beard and weaker in the back.
>Hitching yourself up to the jerry rigged harness, you began the labourous process of hauling the dead stump from the earth.
>It had rained the past few days, softening the soil.
>As your powerful hooves dug into the ground, you could feel the roots beginning to give way.
>Like small ropes snapping, you pushed forward, slowly, inch by inch,
>Then all at once you stumbled forward, almost face planting, as the soft earth released the stump.
>Wiping some sweat from your brow, you relax for a moment, taking the rig off and untying the rope from the uprooted stump.
>Looking down the line this was your eighth of the day, and there were still easily another twenty to go.
>A sigh escapes your lips as you feel your haunches burn with exertion.
>Then your ear perks as you catch a sound carried by the wind.
>A cry of pain.
>Like a pony stepping on a thistle.
>Your ears swivel as you determine the direction.
>Sounds like it's coming from somewhere in your field.
>Strange, father was still in the house and nopony else should be out this way.
>Quickly dawning your simple leather barding and throwing an ax in your belt, you begin to trot towards the direction you believe you heard the sound originate from.
>As you trot at a mild pace through the barrel high wheat, your eyes and ears keep a sharp lookout.
>While raiding parties were rare in these parts, they weren't unheard of.
>Not to mention the ever present threat of wolves or a rogue dragon.
>Your muzzle grimaces at the thought of either finding you alone out here in this field.
>Yet that sound was almost like a pony howling in pain.
>As you trot onward you see a figure rise from the wheat.
>At first it looks almost like a pony, but as it continues to erect itself it becomes apparent that this is no pony.
>You slow your trot, but continue towards it, unsure what it could be.
>It appears to look lost, looking between the woods and your village.
>As you continue to slowly approach it, you can see that it appears to be standing on two legs.
>It's tall, and has a golden mane and body of leather like your own barding.
>It notices you.
>About 50 yards separate you, as you stop dead in your tracks.
>Your large green eyes meet it's small blue ones.
>It seems to consider you for a moment before slowly walking towards you.
>Against your better judgement you too trot slowly towards the creature.
>You both slow as you come within feet of each other.
>At this distance you can get a better look at him.
>Tall, tall enough to look down to you with his piercing blue eyes.
>Well dressed by your standards, wearing fur lined leather armor that covered most of his belly, chest, and arms.
>Metal ribbing over his shoulders and pants over his legs that seemed loose fitting but warm.
>At his waist he wore a broad belt, in which he had a war ax you could tell was ready for battle.
>Impressive, but foreign.
>While you studied the creature, it seemed to be doing the same you you.
>Looking from your large green eyes, down and across your body.
>You noticed it staring at your own ax, stowed in the belt of your barding.
>It was the first to speak, reaching out to pet your mane in a friendly manner.
>"Who's lovely little horse are you?"
>You indignantly pull your head back, equally stunned by the creature's capability for speech and his own foalish question.
"My own!"
>Your gruff voice seems to startle the creature as he pulls his hand back, having just grazed your braided mane.
>"What in all of Loki's tricks is this!? A talking horse!?"
>You scrunch your muzzle, and shoot the creature a look of annoyance.
"Of course I talk, and I'm a pony!"
>The creature seems frightened now, taking a hasty step back as his hand reaches for the ax at his belt.
>Seeing his anxiety, you attempt to diffuse the situation.
>In your best attempt at a soft voice, you calmly ask,
"Never seen a pony before have ya?"
>It looked at you curiously, it's hand moving from it's weapon.
>"Yes... just never one that talks..."
>You shoot him a side eye.
"That so? Well I've never seen something like you before either. You can color us both surprised."
>As the breeze created waves in the wheat field, you two stood several feet apart, just looking at each other in silence for a few minutes more. The tall creature seemed in shock, while you just stood curiously.
>He again spoke, his hand moving towards his belly, holding it like one might put a hoof to a wound.
>"Is this... Valhalla?"
>His voice seemed small and full of hope.
>You almost felt bad for this creature that seemed to share in your culture as you answered him truthfully.
"No, this is Equestria."
>This tall creature seemed to deflate as it's arms hung low and it's sharp blue eyes seemed to dull.
>A pang of empathy spears your heart as you seemed to have defeated it's spirit with just those words.
>You follow up, trying to ameliorate the situation as best you can.
"I'd sure like it if this were Valhalla though... Would you like to come with me?"
>The creature seemed to contemplate it's options for a minute before nodding it's head.
>With that you motion with your head for it to follow you as you begin trotting back towards your village.
Realistically what would she smell like
If we go by viking standards, she'd be plenty clean. I'm going to guess she'd smell earthly, maybe with hints of pine and some saltiness from the sea breeze.
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booba aboob
Woaaah! Booba!
Makes me go awooga
Sweaty Mares! Would be kino if you could make version without the cloth though.
>ain't saying this will go anywhere
I for one would be happy to see this going somewhere.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Is it hot in here or is it just the Spa? I must be in the wrong room, haha
Rolling for my attempt to bolt, because the spaghetti is a lost cause
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Well at least I made it out, but I sure aint living that down anytime soon with that mid roll. Damn this mare...
When a girl does that and says that you usually can just go "yeah, but I like the view presented."
Imagine the Sturgians/Nords from Mount and Blade but just mares. In fact, imagine mount and blade but only mares.
>but only mares
But where do the foals come from then?
Human men impregnating them.
bumpa for big mare
Heafty mare booba
There aren't many of those around there though.
>Ywn be a big warrior mare’s average build all-rounder battle brother
I would use every method I could to get an amulet of cadance asap if we had any chemistry
She looks like a fertile mare.
With the right Anon and her we could get another Charlemagne situation.
>amulet of cadance
But Anon, Cadence doesn't exist yet. This is ancient Equestria.
er uhm askhully it's spelt "Cadance" and if you can't speel that you should really just call her Candy Ass.
While the idea of fathering many happy children with such a lovely mare and building a dynasty is certainly bewitching I couldn't bare to go through with it if it meant the children would be at each other's throats.
>Ywn cause a new empire to appear because you made so many babies with your waifu
Why even live?
I’d find her anticipation and use her amulet. I’m gonna make it happen no matter what
>Steela walks anon over to some females from her village
>smacks him on the back
"This big boy can put so many foals in me."
Steela's teats growing heftier and her hips wider with each pregnancy
Princess Mi Emora Cedanze.
Princess my Miata condenser
>She says that while pregnant again
Princess Di Giorno Fiesta
Peetzer Hoss
Damn, she could give Milky Way a run for her money.
She's much larger than her too.
I’m taking over her heavy loads once she’s in midterm pregnancy
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I didn't expect so many anons to have baby fever.
We're in our late 20's to 30's. It's just the biological thing
Only for ponies though. The drive doesn't exist in RL at all.
Actually I always wanted to be a dad. I just would feel bad with bringing a new life into this world.
Inside Anon's suitcase is twelve pounds of cocaine.
Fuck it took me far too long to check this out. This is the shit Anon, please continue. I have a need to read about isekai'd Viking Anon into Viking Equestria.
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Cocaine was a medication back in the Victorian age so ya know...
They actually took over Calradia, killed all the female humans(even the children) and left the human men and boys.
I always dreamed of it actually. Even when I was a kid I wanted to get married and start a family.
I mean I wanted to do it in the future when I would be older.
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live Steela reaction to this thread
I require moar flustered Steela! Thank you Anon
I'm sorry Steela, I cannot "quit it" I have a very good idea for a sex scene in my green and now need an excuse to get to it
Stop, a man can only get so hard! please don't stop Anon, I like your green
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I really wished that it wouldn't just become one of those greens, /mlp/ is truly lacking in non-lood stuff whenever a new mare is found, just look at Flawless...
Is it so much to ask for Anons to just appreciate the mares for what they are instead of a piece of meat?
Would she wear that crazy Celtic warpaint?
Will it make you feel better if I'll say that I love slow burn romance and that the sex scene is going to be a culmination of it and not the goal itself?
She's a Norse Horse, so I think that would fit Nordpone more
Not really, but you don't need to cater to my faggot ass. Just have fun Anon.
Aww, she blushes like a maiden.
>blushing Steela
Hnnngh, weapons level cute.
God she's cute.
Now imagine Nordpone and Steela wrestling to test their strength.
The strength of these mares cannot be comprehend by us, weak, mortals
>Verification not required
They'd cause mountains to shake.
i've been loving your art in this thread.
>Both mares rise up on their hindlegs
>A loud clop hings out, as they meet in the middle
>As tall as a truck in their hind legs, yet in a dead set, neither moving
>Looking from the outside, it's like neither is doing anything
>Steela smirks at the worthy opponent as Nord scrunches, wanting to wipe that smile off, both equally matched
>At last, you see small shiver going through both of them at the same time
>The only indication of both pushing hard despite not moving an inch...
>The ground under one of Steela hoove's crunches, the stone giving in the pressure
>Nord hooves meanwhile slide off slightly with heavy crunches from the rock, making her stance lower down as well
>Both losing their balance, the fight changes quickly
>And while you don't know who did the move, if not both, they sipe to the side, coming back down to fours
>Both mares are breathing slowly, but heavily
>A big smile in Steela face, a hidden smile in Nord's
>And with a butt bump of camaderie, both of them moved to their respective Anons
>sipe -> swipe
Short ruined, time to commit sudoku
Equally balanced, as all things should be.
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I have an idea
>pic related, just replace aj with steela
Sometimes I wish I knew where the original doujin is. Sounds like a good book for those who love their woman big and sexy.
I swear I'll write more green when I've got the time.
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She will do this to you.
I know your pain, friend. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Witness me!
>last words of man as he walked into the bedroom of a big mare
I promise you the thread will survive till then.
Worth it. Every time.
Sacrifices must be made.
It's 100% worth it.
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I want to marerry her.
Who's this miner mare?
Mare-holic 6
Love/Hate Letter
Let me guess, a forced meme?
Artist decided mare should have a cock, actively purges anything to the contrary
This has never been proven, and every time I've asked for proof (like I'm doing now), it's been denied, or the person has just gone silent (like you will now.)
So yes, a forced meme.
and https://ponerpics.org/images/7031569 in particular was annihilated from Derpi
A shame it's dykeshit but oh well.
For you
>artist is a flaming faggot
I wish that were a surprise.
shudup bane lel
My phone could beat up your pone
Now that's just rude.
>Looking over towards the sound, you see Number Nine watching you from the doorway
>Nine responds with a bored blink
"Go away, I'm busy." You say as you turn your attention back to the pan on the stove
>You hear more hoofsteps and the fridge door opens out the corner of your eye
>It closes followed by the sound of a bottle popping open
>You turn just in time to see Nine down half a cider in a few gulps
"It's not even two in the afternoon." You comment with a hand on your hip
>Number Nine glances at you, her eyes giving you a quick once-over, then she swiftly downs the rest of the cider in a single gulp
>You roll your eyes with a scoff and return your focus to the food you're cooking
"W-woah, hey!" You exclaim as you're pushed away from the stove by Nine shimmying her way between you and it
>Nine scooches around and adjusts herself until she's sitting directly in front of you
>The table's position behind you forces the two of you to be pressed right up against one another, Nine's chin flat against your chest and her nose smushed up under your jaw, pointing your head slightly upwards
"God dammit, Nine, what is this? What are you doing?"
>Number Nine responds with a huff of air against your chin and she presses into your further
>You grumble as you reach an arm around her as best as you can to flick off the stove, then you wrap both arms around her bulky withers
"Happy, you stupid horse?"
>Nine remains silent and gently nuzzles her nose against you
>You roll your eyes again when you feel her muzzle pull back into a smile
"Stupid fucking horse..."
Rare tsundere anon?
Probably the way she likes it.
Love it, thanks anon.
>hard working blue-collar pone likes human because he's big and it doesn't feel like she'll break him
>also he acts like a bitch but is a total softy and adores her
That's where the synergies lie.
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The princesses are big mares right?
large horse sexo
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Yes! I love my big moonwife.
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big mares(ignore the smaller maybe it would get bigger later)
I've really been loving your art, drawfren.
>he keeps doing more
Thank you, Anon.
Blessed big mares
>(ignore the smaller maybe it would get bigger later)
Twi is better when she's smaller though.
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That is too small for my headcanon since Celestia isn't even as big as Anon, so enjoy being a giant in Equestria I guess
Even smaller, wingless Twilight, would be even better if everything was sized in proportion desu
Celestia should be at eye level minimum
What do when big mare look at you like this?

I hope they all weigh over 200lb
>equestrian prince anon
gets the green gears turning in my head drawfren
Everyone will look at the porn and uooh and shit, but I can't get enough of seeing her tail dreads, a single line going through the extension, only to end in the twin tail in her tail...
I can only imagine how hard she protects anyone from touching it, knowing she'd need to redo it all with hooves
>knowing she'd need to redo it all with hooves
What if you do it for her?
Call me an outlier, but I usually like my ponies little. It's just big mares do some thing to me.
After-dark bump.
Too small
For (you)
Slide it in like a gentleman.
Do it. Then we've got three in this thread.
I actually prefer ponies to be little too, with occasional big mares
Upping the Steela.
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For ponies of un-altered size I like them a bit below 3 feet up to a few inches more than 4 depending on an individual pone. Allows for reasonably small and somewhat big ponies for hug and fug.
Would boink.
I want all of the ponies to be little, except my mare, who is bigger than all the others and lays down on top of me
Is your mare an alicorn?
>get marepressed
You'd be a good man.
Steela does not belong on 10.
I'd try my best.
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small mare
bump limit isn't long from now.
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If it's going to be bumps you fags should let it die
Pareto Principle
>You glance at the clock for the fifth time this minute
>One hour and thirty-seven minutes later than usual
>You weren't keeping track, you just noticed is all
>You look back to the open book in your hands
>Still on the same page as forty-five minutes ago
>The front door creaking open nearly makes you jump out of your armchair, but you remain seated
>You focus on your book as you hear heavy, uncoordinated hoofsteps approach
"Long day?"
>The hoofsteps halt
>A heartbeat passes and the hoofsteps resume, dragging more than before
>They stop again right before you
>You refuse to raise your eyes from the page, knowing that Nine is definitely giving you that stupid drunken smile of hers
>A large, sooty hoof rises over the top of your book and gently forces it down into your lap, making you finally look up at her
>You were right
>She does have that stupid drunken smile on
>You stare her in the eye stoically
"I was reading that." You mutter as disdainfully as you can
>You see her focus sluggishly dart across your face, lingering on your lips before returning to your eyes
>Nine brings a hoof up and onto your right armrest as she inches closer
"Something I can help you with?"
>Her right hoof lifts off of your lap and plants itself against the back of the chair, just left of your head, and your reminded just how large she really is
>Your heartbeat quickens, and you swallow as you try in vain to calm yourself
"W-what are you doing?"
>Number Nine responds with a snort, sending a burst of boozy mare breath across your face
>You barely suppress your grimace as her head leans in closer
>As she gets closer, one of your hands shoots up to her chest
>Nine stops moving, glances down at your hand, and back up to you
"Nine, this isn't f-funny..."
>Your voice has lost nearly all its animosity and you're staring into the deep pink of her eyes
>She leans in further
>And further
>You feel time slow down as you close your eyes and she finally reaches you
>The moment your lips touch, you feel a shiver run down your spine and your hand reflexively grasps a fistful of her grimy fur
>Nine presses further into you and you let out a muffled whimper
>What feels like an eternity passes as the two of you kiss, yet Nine pulls away all too soon
>Your breathing is shaky, your heart is beating out your chest, and your lips feel positively electric
>You open your eyes to see Nine staring back with that same drunken grin
>Looking at her face again, your heartrate picks up just a hair more
>Number Nine stares at you for a brief minute more before letting out a giggle and stepping back onto all four hooves
>Your gaze remains forwards as the coalminer stumbles her way off to her room
>The slamming of her bedroom door knocks you out of your daze
>Your fingers reach up and tremblingly graze your lips as your mind desperately claws to hold onto that perfect feeling she'd made you feel
>Alas, it withers too quick, leaving only its memory
"Stupid fucking horse..." You whisper
Oooh, tsundere anon and Number Nine update, very nice.
Nice, cute!
No, I like my big mare green.
But she's 10/10.
This thread has come too far to archive before 500.
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Imagine your mare doing this to a changeling or ugly yak.
I'd literally cum on the spot
Would boink.
But she uses her butt instead to shout.
That would be based beyond belief.
>Verification not required.

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