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Previous thread: >>41356086
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41356086/

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

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Reminder than pone is for pets.
Very important.
I prefer petting.
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Beware the noise monsters
Some of them like to patrol their territory
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Brush the mare. It's really out of hand
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Pony has undergone extensive training on proper internet usage.
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> Thistle lay on her side and watched Salki pace up and down by the cooking fire. He was much more nervous than she was, and she couldn't help smirking a little when his back was turned. It was a refreshing change, and a promising sign that the youth worried about what he would say and do.
> "[I didn't know they would be like that!]" he whined and spread his arms out in frustration. "[What do I do?]"
> On the plus side, he was asking her advice, even if he did sound like a whiny child.
"[Relax. This is normal.]"
> "[You didn't see how they looked at me! Willow is going to-]"
"[Nothing. He's going to nothing.]"
> Her unexpected self-assurance had an effect. Salki pauses and came to crouch beside her. "[How do you know that?]"
"[Because I asked Hisein. They are still friends,]" she said with an unsavory twist to her mouth. "[Willow won't be a problem. Hisein will talk to him.]"
> "[Okay, but his mother, Intor-]"
"[Is getting exactly what she's been saying she wants.]"
> Salki's eyebrows nearly met in the middle as his forehead furrowed in confusion. "[What?]"
"[Remember what Intor has been saying? She kept telling people a woman shouldn't be chieftain. Well, now she has it!]"
> There was a certain degree of humor in it and Thistle couldn't help grinning. It served the woman right!
> Salki was less amused. "[She hasn't said that in months.]"
"[No, she hasn't. Ever since we came back with horses and a blacksmith.]"
> "[Why?]"
> The mare opened her mouth to explain, but changed her mind and shut it. She patted the ground beside her with a hoof. It was getting chilly, especially with the sun beneath the horizon, but the fire kept the worst of it away.
"[Sit. Sit with me.]"
> Salki stood up, and it seemed he would walk away in frustration, but his curiosity won out and he plopped himself down beside her. Thistle reached out a hoof and placed it against his thigh. She closed her eyes and allowed herself a momentary daydream, remembering what it was like to feel his warm muscles on her frog.
"[See if you can work it out yourself. I'll help you. Let's start with before our trip. Why do you think Intor was saying your mother should step down?]"
> "[So she could be chieftain herself!]"
> Thistle held back a sigh and patted his leg.
"[No. If she says a woman shouldn't be Chieftain, how can she become one after?]"
> "[She can't!]" the sudden revelation lit up Salki's eyes with glee, and he grinned at the mare.
> It took him a few moments, but then Salki slapped his fist into his palm. "[Oh! She wanted Willow to be Chieftain!]"
"[Good. That's good. Now, tell me why Willow would be Chieftain? Why not you? It was your father who was Chieftain before, and your mother was holding the position for you.]"

> At least that much of the social dynamic was obvious to the young man, and he answered immediately: "[That's easy. Willow is our best hunter. People respect someone who can feed the clan, and defend it from enemies.]"
> Thistle closed her eyes and inclined her head in an approving nod. She waited a few seconds to see if Salki would continue, but he simply stared at her, waiting for the next tidbit.
"[Okay, now you know Intor's motivation. So, what changed when we came back from the East?]"
> "[We brought back horses and Janus. We can fight the Ruslans with that.]"
"[More than that.]"
> He looked blank for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "[The Ulan-Zuk! Ruslans only stopped attacking us when we made friends with Adilet.]"
"[Exactly. Who did that?]"
> Now he looked extremely confused and he watched the mare as if she'd gone senile. "[You did.]"
> It was flattering that he would give credit where it was due, and as a small reward Thistle stretched out to brush her muzzle against his thigh.
"[Thank you, but that's not what the people think. If you asked someone from the camp who befriended the Ulan-Zuk, what would they say?]"
> "[They'd say it was me. You told me to tell Mother it was my idea, and you told Buygra to say the same to everyone else.]"
"[Exactly. Now you know why I did that.]"
> The stare Salki gave her was nothing short of incredulous. "[You planned this all the way back then?!]"
> She very nearly took credit for it, if only to drive home her skill with planning and diplomacy, but Thistle's ears folded down and she decided not to lie to the man.
"[Well, not exactly. I knew it would be useful if people thought highly of you. It wouldn't do me any real good, but it might help you, so I decided you would take the credit.]"
> "[That was very smart. How did you learn to do that?]"
"[It's something you will have to learn, too. Sometimes it's better not to reveal everything you know and hold it for the future.]"
> His hand went to her ears and Thistle closed her eyes for a blissful moment. Sadly, it was not to last and Salki's voice soon intruded into her consciousness: "[Okay, so what does this have to do with Intor?]"
"[Remember the original question we asked. Why did she stop saying those things about your mother after you came back from the East?]"
> It was good that he could continue to scratch her ears while he pondered, and she was in no hurry for the feeling to end, so she waited.
> At long last, Salki ventured: "[I think I understand.]"
"[Tell me.]"
> "[She stopped saying Mother should step down because if Mother stepped down, I would be Chieftain, not Willow?]"
"[Exactly. See? It is useful to think about other people. To think how *they* think. Of course, there is probably more to it. Even Intor understands that such a big change right now is dangerous. We're in a war with the Ruslans, and the Ulan-Zuk could still decide to conquer us.]"

> He gave a nod, and his hand slid down her neck to pat her barrel. "[I see,]" he said. "[So what do we do?]"
"[First, we show Adilet that we can defend ourselves. Now, here is where I need your help.]"
> "[You do?]"
"[Yes. It's something any good leader has to learn. I told you this before. Understand your own limits. I am not good at fighting like a nomad. You will need to help me make plans.]"
> He didn't answer, but his fingers travelled up and down the side of her neck, pressing her most comfortably against his side. Thistle hadn't even realized when she'd shuffled closer so she could put her head in his lap.
"[We will have five men on horses to annoy the Ruslans.]"
> "[Not just men,]"
"[Oh, right. Saule is taking your place. That's good. She is excellent with the bow, if only she can learn to ride a little better.]"
> "[She will.]"
"[Some people aren't too happy about that. War is men's job.]"
> Salki snorted in amusement. "[Whoever said that never tried arguing with that woman. Besides, you were right. We need to put our best because we have so few horses.]"
"[Exactly. Okay, so the five archers on horses will annoy Ruslans and try to draw some of them out. If that doesn't work...]"
> "[I talked with Hisein. We will let them see some of us, and they will think we have a small camp nearby from where we are attacking. We can even set up a few fake tents.]"
"[Good, but it all depends on hiding. They must not realize the truth.]"
> At the warning, Salki's hand gripped her muzzle and she gave his fingers a comforting lick. She immediately grimaced at the taste. She'd forgotten what he'd been cooking and eating not so long ago.
> Salki didn't notice any of it, and changed his grip to a light massage with his fingers. "[They won't. We will hide warriors at night, and cover them with long grass. The hunters know how to stay still and unseen for a long time.]"
> It was a boast she'd heard from Hisein, too, but surely they couldn't simply suppress their biological needs?
"[What about water? Food? They will need to piss.]"
> "[So?]"
"[What are you saying?]"
> It was Salki's turn to look smugly superior, knowing something she didn't. "[We're no strangers to discomfort. The men will have water and food, and they don't need to move to piss.]"
> He shrugged. "[It's war, Thistle. Sometimes you have to do what's uncomfortable.]"
> She thought to the few encounters she herself had with fighting and shuddered at the vivid memories.
"[I guess that's true.]"
> "[If we make sure our people are hidden before time, the Ruslans won't suspect anything. If they send any scouts, and the scouts find us, we will kill them.]"
"[I guess. Okay. What about the signal to attack?]"
> "[Horns.]"

> "[Yes,]" Salki said and mimed holding up a curved tube to his mouth. "[Darkhan can make a few, and when the attack begins we will blow them. That will be the signal, and the warriors will rise from the ground and attack from all sides.]"
> It all sounded good on paper, though Celestia knew it could all still go very wrong.
"[Which brings us to the most important question.]"
> "[Which is?]"
"[How many of Adilet's people do we take? We need the help, but we should take the fewest possible.]"
> Salki obviously didn't understand this part, and he stared strangely at the mare, even as he cradled her head in his lap. "[Why don't we take all he will give us?]"
"[No, no. We should take as few as possible. The fewer we take, the stronger we will look. It's important Adilet thinks we are very strong on our own. It makes it less likely he will try and take us by force when the Ruslans are done.]"
> "[Yes,]" Salki said, but he sounded as if he was only going along because of all the arguments they'd had, not because he believed her. Rather than argue again, he just shrugged and went on: "[He taught me how to fight with my hands and feet.]"
"[You have to trust me. He was nice to you because you could help him get rid of Darga. He thinks you will be easier to control.]"
> Salki shrugged to himself, and she took a breath to try to convince him some more, but there was a noise behind them of someone clearing their throat.
> "[So this is how you fuck me over again?]" Saule snapped.
> Thistle nearly jumped up from Salki's lap with a loud 'eep'.
"[Saule! I didn't- we weren't- it's not what it looks like!]"
> Even Salki looked slightly scared of the scowl on his wife's face.
> Thistle thought fast, before this could turn into something ugly and she would lose what little of the woman's tentative trust she had regained.
"[Saule, I promised you nothing would happen, and it's true. Salki was scratching my ears and I was leaning on him because it's cold. It doesn't mean anything.]"
> Her instinct for diplomacy didn't let her down and Thistle used her calm, non-panicked tone, which lent weight to her words. It worked as well as it ever had and Saule paused to gave them both an uncertain look. "[Is this true?]" she asked Salki.
> "[Yes! I was just scratching her ears.]"
> The other woman switched her gaze to the mare: "[You weren't touching him to make him want you?]"
> Her teeth clicked shut as Thistle forced herself to hold her tongue. She had almost added some more excuses, but anything else would sound like she was trying to convince the other woman too hard.
> Saule's face became a shade less red, and her shoulders sagged a fraction. She was at a loss, so she drew closer to put her hand on Salki's shoulder. The gesture was easy to read, and Thistle knew exactly what to say to reassure her:
"[I know he is yours, Saule. I'm not going to put myself between you. I'll go away if you want me to leave.]"

> As if to prove her point, she stood up and shook her limbs, stiff from lying on the cold ground. She even turned away and took two steps before Saule called after her: "[You can stay. I heard you were planning how to beat Ruslans. That's important.]"
> At that, the mare returned to where Salki was sitting. She decided to push her luck and gave Saule a friendly smile as she patted the ground with a hoof.
"[Sit down. You're right, I shouldn't touch Salki like that, but I can lean against you, no? It'll keep us both warm, and you can scratch my ears instead of him.]"
> It was a tempting offer and Thistle knew from personal experience that the nomads enjoyed touching her. Something about fur felt nice to them. It had been an easy deduction when she noticed they used animal furs as clothes and to cover themselves while sleeping.
> After only a moment's thought, Saule plopped down nearly in Salki's lap and his arm went around her shoulders. Thistle sat right next to the woman and pressed her side against her. She was rewarded by a hand on her withers.
> "[So, what's the plan for the Ruslans?]" Saule asked.
"[You tell her, Salki. It's mostly your and Hisein's plan by now. I just had the idea, but you two know a lot better than me how to pull it off.]"
> "[Okay,]" he said eagerly. "[We'll hide the warriors in the tall grass the night before...]"

A bit of a short one, and some filler. It's been a hard week at work and I'm also running around to put together a mortgage application. All goes well, I might be able to stop paying rent and start paying mortgage soon...

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Based homeowner. When will you be investing in the pony market? A domestic servant is a must.
Also nice update. Good to see Salki using his noggin!
bump to read
I need her services to dust things!
Kirin is for illumination
You know, confining fire in an enclosed space means explosion.
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Snuggleable and smuggleable
so damn cute
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Pony defekt
>He's going to nothing.
He will be fuming that he isn't a chieftain.
>You did.
Heh. She should be the chieftain!
>decided not to lie
IMHO slightly bad decision. On the other hand Salki would think she is manipulative if she says yes.
>we show Adilet that we can defend ourselves
Time to invent those catapults!
>Whoever said that never tried arguing with that woman.
Or a mare.
Besides, imagine the look on the Ruslan's face when they find out that their figters just got bested by a woman.
>grimaced at the taste
Time to invent soap.
>how to stay still and unseen for a long time
But the horses don't.
>few encounters she herself
For which she would be sent to Tartarus if she were in Equestria.
>He thinks you will be easier to control.
And he isn't wrong. He is only wrong about who's controlling Salki.
>It doesn't mean anything.
>I heard you were
So she eavesdropped.
>but I can lean against you, no?
Big cat.

Thanks for the update!
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extremely soft poners
perfect for pillow duty
Hey, why do you leave Sweetie out?
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She keeps abandoning pillow duty in the middle of the night.
Pony is not supposed to suck master's dick while he's asleep.
Punish with no treats for a week.
>abandoning pillow duty
That's a criminal offense!
In the cold winter months, do you make your pony sleep on the floor, on top of the blankets, or under the blankets. If under the blankets, is there at least one blanket between you, or is pony allowed to have skin-to-coat contact?
Cuddle tight under the blanket!
Full skin to coat. There is no other way.
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What are your favorite slave greens? For me it's the sailing one
Clear Skies is goodest girl
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The neighborhood bird ponies just keep doing this
Don't buy sister ponies with your neighbor.
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Pony is for farming internet points
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>internet points
What about pony privacy?
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Taken care of.
need to mask his coat, mane, tail colors too
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Awesome update! thanks!!
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Bedkirin, ready for duty
Too much hard surface.
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what about more horsey slaves?

> War, it turned out, was a lot of waiting. Thistle couldn't ride, and with her smaller legs she couldn't keep up with the horse archers. Not that there would be any point to it, since she couldn't shoot a bow.
> Of course, she could have remained in the camp, but the uncertainty, the sheer agonizing wait, would have driven her insane. At least that was what she told herself.
> Maybe it was worry whether Salki would be alright, or perhaps it was curiosity to see if her plan would work, which had made her come. For all she knew, it could just as well have been all the pent-up frustration with the Ruslan aggression and some kind of a misguided ploy to prove to herself that she deserved a place among these nomads.
> Most of it, surely, was her desire to make sure Salki was safe and came through unhurt. That was a noble goal, and she wanted to protect her friend. Not least because he was now the leader of the clan, and if something happened to him it was doubtful Darga could claw her way back.
> Thistle wished she'd thought of that before she'd decided to push him forward, but it was done now and she had to follow through. On the other hand, if the attack worked, it would cement Salki's position in the eyes of his people and, perhaps, give Adilet something to worry about. He had to learn the Borchi-Quin were no easy prey!
> If only there wasn't all that waiting! Thistle scrunched up her muzzle and shook her head in a vain attempt to get rid of the thoughts. This was the fourth time she'd had to convince herself the whole thing was a good idea!
"[When do you think?]" she whispered.
> Salki was lying in the grass beside her and he moved his face a fraction to look at her. "[Soon. If Saule and the others are doing their work, the Ruslans should have enough soon. They will chase after them.]"
> Thistle hoped so. Anything was better than the anxious waiting and the way her heart nearly stopped at each unusual sound. Her ears hurt from all the intense listening as she worried they might miss the signal to attack.
> Not to mention the smell. The stink of urine was all around her. Luckily it was no more than that, but it was bad enough. Her group of men, a mixture of the Borchi-Quin and the Ulan-Zuk, had lain in that same grass, hardly moving, since the previous evening.
> They hadn't had to exactly soil themselves, not if they were careful, but neither could they walk any significant distance to do their business.
> For that matter, she herself had contributed to the smell, too!
> It was one problem she hadn't anticipated, but what if the wind had changed and took the stench to one of the Ruslan patrols? They would have to figure something out, but for this time the best she and Salki could come up with was to post guards a short distance away.
> If anyone came to inspect, they could get them with arrows from ambush. It would be at least a few hours before anyone was missed.

> She was slightly glad it hadn't come to that, and she worried whether the other group, led by Temir and Bulat had come up with the same question and answer.
> The fact that Ruslan warriors hadn't come to seek them out yet was probably a good sign.
> The mare let out a long sigh and turned to her other side as she searched for a more comfortable position. Even the lush grass was extremely hard if you had to lie on it for hours on end!
> She tried to get to her hooves so she could stretch out her limbs, but even as she gathered her legs underneath her, Salki's hand pressed down on her withers.
> "[Stay,]" he told her. "[I think it will be really soon. They mustn't see you.]"
> He was probably right, and Thistle relaxed. She closed her eyes and concentrated again on the sounds around her.
> There was the faint breath of wind across the shivering grass. The quiet breathing of Salki beside her, and a creak of leather from one of the other men ahead. She thought she heard a bird call, but she couldn't spot anything in the wide, blue expanse of the sky.
> Something else. The mare frowned in concentration and twisted her ears this way and that to seek out the barest hint of a sound.
> Was it only her imagination?
"[I think I hear horses,]" she told Salki.
> Immediately he shuffled around with excitement, cutting off any possibility of her confirming it.
"[Be still!]"
> It took a long while, and his breathing was noticeably more rapid, but eventually Thistle thought she caught the sound again. Hoofbeats on hard ground.
> She hoped it wasn't just her over-eager imagination.
"[I think- ahead of us. Do you see anything?]"
> "[I will go check with Yasin,]" Salki said and began to crawl forward.
> To her ears he made a lot of noise, but she knew it really wasn't that much. More importantly, he hardly disturbed the grass.
> She watched him slink away, then squeezed her eyes shut once more and concentrated. Were the hoofbeats getting louder? She found them a lot quicker this time, and she was more sure by the second that she was right.
> If it was riders coming their way, it could only mean the mounted archers.
> Perhaps it was beginning?
> Her stomach clenched up, and her heart began to pound, the rush of her own blood quickly overpowering anything she could hear. Her limbs felt leaden, and she suddenly wished she hadn't insisted on coming along.
> Salki had told her she would be fine if she stayed down, and kept out of the way, but perhaps she should have left the business of war to the men.
> It wasn't as if she even had a weapon! At least not one she could use easily. Salki had given her a spear, and even improvised a sling so she could carry it on her back, but it was awkward for her to grip. The best she could manage was to awkwardly brace it between her body and a fetlock, but any half-decent fighter would simply sidestep and plunge his own weapon into her.

> She should have thought of it sooner. Maybe she could have practiced. After all, the royal guard in Canterlot used spears, so it must be possible for ponies to fight that way. Maybe they had special kinds of spears?
> If it came to that, Thistle thought, she would throw the weapon at her attacker and rely on her hooves. She could kick, and bite, if she needed to, and she would be a lot more proficient with those.
> She realized she was panting, and forced her breathing to slow down. Already she was getting dizzy from too much oxygen.
"[Stay out of the fighting,]" she repeated what Salki had told her. "[Stay low, stay hidden. If they see you, pretend you're just an animal.]"
> He was supposed to keep near her! Thistle lifted her head and tried to find Salki, but she couldn't spot him in the grass. She thought she saw a few shapes of the other nomads, but no Salki.
> She should have gone with him. It'd be better if they were together!
> Before she could get her hooves into position so she could start crawling there came the rough, piercing blast of the horn.
> The signal!
> Around her, men burst from their camouflage, yelling. In moments every nomad was running toward the noise.
"[Wait for me!]"
> It was barely a squeak, and none of the fighters could have heard it, but it spurred the mare on and she leapt to her hooves. She had to find Salki! She had to stay near the men.
> She ran with all her might, the spear shaft slapping her rump, unheeded. After about a dozen steps Thistle realized her own shout was mingling with the men's.

> ~~~~

> No formation survived the first clash of wings, some of the Griffins used to say. Tactics, one of them had told Thistle, was the ability to change their approach as the battle unfolded.
> She'd been humoring the old bird, and clearly remembered thinking to herself that these words would *never* apply to her, no matter what happened in her life.
> Now she knew it was the truth.
> She was probably in shock, but at least it didn't hurt as badly.
> There were a few others on the ground around her, some moaning in pain, others horribly, unnaturally still.
> Of the actual battle, she only remembered disjointed pieces.
> The archers with her had shot volley after volley at the mass of Ruslans. A cheer went up and Salki told her the other group was shooting from the other side.
> She could hardly understand him above the screams of the injured.
> The Ruslans had bows, too. That was a nasty shock, when an arrow zipped past her head and stuck into a man right behind her. She remembered the red of blood on the grass so vividly.
> Now she knew the enemy didn't have many bows, and they hadn't been ready for the ambush. Only a few of them managed to get them up and fire some shots. The others abandoned that idea and charged.

> The Ruslans were angry to start with, driven to uncomprehending rage by the apparently effortless easy with which the horse archers had picked them off, one by one. When they came under fire from both sides, they went berserk. Someone barked an order, and the force split into two, each half running for one group of Borchi-Quin and Ulan-Zuk archers.
> After a few more shots, the men around Thistle dropped their bows and switched to spears.
> She recalled a fleeting thought of hers, hoping that the arrows had thinned the numbers enough.
> One particular scene was burned into her memory, and she couldn't help seeing it in her mind's eye. Even if she squeezed her eyes shut, it began to run through her consciousness again.
> Like a coward, she'd held herself back, away from the worst of the fighting. She didn't remember those first few minutes of the melee, but she still heard the screams and the wet, sickening sound of spears cutting, shafts clubbing, and men grunting with effort as they killed.
> No one paid her much mind.
> She could have helped, and perhaps some more of her people would be alive if she had, but despite the spear on her back Thistle hadn't dared approach the chaos. It was, she told herself, exactly what Salki had ordered her to do, but it didn't make it easier. Not when she could see the dead around her.
> The worst of it was that she'd lost sight of Salki in that awful, noisy, crazy mess. Even if her eyes hadn't been so bad, she suspected, she wouldn't be able to make out much. The men simply moved too fast, and there was no real way to discern friend from foe except by their faces.
> She'd run hither and thither, whinnying in alarm and panting with fright, trying to find Salki.
> Eventually she came too close, and a big Ruslan man, who had just stuck a spear through one of Adilet's hunters, saw her. He put his foot on the other man's chest and yanked the stone tip out, accompanied by a fresh splash of blood and a weak gurgle from the fallen.
> He advanced on the mare as she backed away. In desperation, she tried to grab her own spear and get it in front of her. Maybe she could deflect his strike, or something.
> Her whinnies were becoming more urgent and the man was almost on top of her. He was grinning with the delight of the kill, his face a monstrous visage of teeth and blood, flowing freely from a cut on his forehead.
> He hefted his spear to throw, but then cried out and dropped his hands to the small of his back as his eyes widened in shock.
> Without his spear, Thistle saw her only chance and jumped forward. She closed her eyes before she made contact and the sudden pressure on her copper spearpoint pulled it out of her hooves.
> The man let out a shriek and it was all she could do to keep herself from falling flat on her muzzle as her legs gave way.
> She jumped a step back and only then dared to look.

> Her inexpert strike had gouged a shallow wound in the Ruslan's side, and he was on the ground. Only now did she see an arrow stuck in his back. The only reason he hadn't impaled her!
> When Thistle looked beyond the writhing man, she saw Salki, putting his bow back around his shoulder. He opened his mouth to say something, but another of the Ruslans threw himself on him, and it was all Salki could do to fend him off.
> "[Finish him off!]" he yelled to her, but then had to focus on the fighting once more.
> He was right, she knew. The man she had stabbed was tossing on the ground, screaming in agony as he tried to pull the arrow out of himself. His blood was turning the dirt into grotesque mud.
> Thistle swallowed, ears completely flat and eyes as wide as they would go. Salki was right. She had to finish it. She had to end the man's suffering.
> It was easier thought than done, though, and her hooves trembled so much that the spear fell from her nerveless grip twice before she could steady it.
> She approached the man, who saw what she was doing and tried to crawl away. He raised his hand, as if to deflect her thrust.
> This time she couldn't miss again. It would be nothing short of torture. Thistle whimpered and felt warmth trickle down her hind legs as she stepped closer.
> Right through the heart, and it would be over.
> Too late she saw that the man hadn't been holding his wound. His hand had been seeking for a knife at his belt, and his wild slash caught her.
> A hoofs-breath higher and he would have slit her throat. Sudden pain made him miss, but his strike still left a bright line of fire across Thistle's chest.
> She roared in pain and rage, and lunged forward with her spear.
> This time her aim was better and the tip went in through the Ruslan's collar. He dropped the knife and clutched the shaft, but it was too late. He began to bellow in agony, and the only thing she could think to do was to redouble her grip on the shaft and push further.
> Nothing could resist her earth pony strength and the tip drove home.
> Her attacker gave a shudder, vomited blood, and slumped, his movement stilled forever.
> It felt as if they were in a small oasis of silence, and she heard his last breath rattle out of his lungs.
> She sat down in the grass, staring at the Ruslan's glazed eyes. Her own blood was dripping down her barrel, but she paid it no mind.
> When Salki had come to get her, she allowed the man to lead her away without complaint, and without really seeing where they were going. She only half understood when he told her to wait with the wounded.
> Salki had told her they'd won. He told her how many they had lost, but she hadn't listened to that part.
> It had been her idea. The real thing was different from the plans they'd made.
> Maybe, now, the Ruslans would leave them alone?

> Some of the men were working with leather and linen bandages among the fallen. Others were coming from a distance with freshly cut branches for stretchers.
> They'd won, but they would have to carry many of their own back home.
> The worst part of winning, at least to her, was the group looking for the Ruslan wounded.
> There was an occasional scream, cut short with a crunch or a gurgle.
> Each made her flinch.
> It had been her plan.

Well, that was a doozy. Although I'm glad to say our determined lil' meyermer is well on her way to becoming a ruthless warrior! How long before she's leading the clan in name, as well as in fact?

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738

On a side note, I realize this green had strayed a little from the topic of the board. There's a bit more material up ahead that touches slavery, and I'm going to conclude the green here, since it started here, but I do understand if it doesn't appeal as much, given the audience.
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The anniversary stream is starting in like half an hour
Pony will tend the thread while master is busy getting drunk and shitposting
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Pony sells the pony
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Officemare copies the paperwork
i'd like to fuck the officemare
She'll get behind on her assignments and then management will cut her rations again.
im sure whoever fucks her gives her rations
white rations, full of nutrients
>Thistle couldn't ride
I beg to differ! She can ride Salki just fine!
>since the previous evening
Damn, that's a long time. Also Mayor's mane and tail color is not what you would call camouflage.
>she herself had contributed to the smell, too!
Can't they I don't know, dig a hole beforehand and cover it afterwards?
>They mustn't see you.
She has a built in a pink high visibility jacket.
>Do you see anything?
If only by some miracle they would find her glasses. Or Rainy Day.
>it could only mean the mounted archers
Or Ruslan riders. They have horses too.
>if she stayed down, and kept out of the way
This did not really worked the last few times she tried.
>pretend you're just an animal
At this point I'm sure the Ruslans know of her existence. She also traded her mane, might have ended up in the hands of the Ruslans. What happened to the guy she raped? Did they killed him?
This is new.
>She was probably in shock
Not good.
>but at least it didn't hurt as badly
This could mean its good or really bad.
>Ruslans had bows, too
Mayor should have filed a patent. Also this means they could shot down a few horses/riders.
>She could have helped
She helped enough already. This is why they are in this mess.
>hither and thither
Learning some new words every day.
>but then cried out and dropped his hands
Mayor has a guardian angel.
>she saw Salki
Who else.
>warmth trickle down her hind legs
>bright line of fire across Thistle's chest
Stupid mare.
>She sat down in the grass
No time for that, inspect the wound then go help Salki.
>but she hadn't listened to that part
Damn you!
>cut short with a crunch or a gurgle
Not keeping at least one alive to send a message back?

>strayed a little from the topic
Only a little? Don't go away, you are the only active writefag here! Without an active green SPG would soon be over.

Thanks for the update!
Nice maid pair
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So... how does {mlp} pony anatomy work exactly?
I've been living under a rock since Alicorn Twilight...
It was a nice warm swampy place with no Wi-Fi
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But first tell me what you think of this song... Pet.
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you aint gettin away slave
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Bump slave is lazy
Master is watching the pony stream, now bumpslave is lying on his lap watching it too.
She is very confused how humans have such an accurate historical documentary but she thinks its really cute and sings along with all the songs.
I know slaves don't really get holidays off. But Pony stream is probably the closest they get to it. Why else would master stock up on snacks and treats?
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pon is grump
Under the Third Naturalization Act they're technically supposed to get major pony holidays off (pretty much just Hearthswarming and the solstices), but there's enough loopholes you can get around it by quite literally changing nothing about how your slaves are managed. Not as bad as the Celestial Concessions giving them "internationally followed" human holidays off, of which there are effectively no holidays celebrated unanimously by every nation, but still.
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Who gave her lipstick?
thanks for the update
Pony bought it with her allowance.
That implies she gets allowance and gets to go sopping for herself!
She must be a really good girl. In bed.
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I wonder what she wants
Spanks with the brush.

> It was nice of Saule to tend Thistle's wound, and the mare made the effort to thank her, even if she didn't particularly feel like it. Her mind was still reeling between incredulity at how the rest of the warriors were celebrating their great victory, and the sheer horror of all the death.
> Eight Borchi-Quin hunters were dead, and another five unsure whether they would live. Not one of them escaped without some kind of injury and cuts and slashes were the least of them. The really unlucky ones had an arrow in their flesh, left there because pulling it out could cause more damage than leaving it.
> Not that the camp had much in the way of doctors, though. It was marginally better when the tribe's shaman did it, if only because they had plenty of bandages and didn't have to be moved afterward.
> Of the Ulan-Zuk, the casualties were even greater, but they didn't hit home as hard, mainly because Thistle hadn't known them as well. It still meant a lot of senseless death, and there was something in her pony nature which would always balk at killing, however necessary it might be.
> For that matter, she didn't even want to *think* about how many Ruslans had died! Despite their war and the way they had attacked and harassed her people, the mare couldn't remain indifferent. They had been living, thinking beings, even if hateful, even if they had attacked first.
> It had to be done, she was still sure of that, but she didn't have to like it. The fact that it had all been her idea just made it harder to reconcile. Mayor Mare had never been given to prayer, but Thistle couldn't help but send a few tentative pleas for mercy to an imagined Celestia.
> The only redeeming thing was that the war between the two tribes had now been effectively ended. There was no way Ruslans would try to fight her people again anytime soon. At least she'd seen to that. However she regretted all the death, at least she had ensured safety for those she valued.
> Adilet had survived with only minor scrapes and bruises, and both Salki and Buygra were almost unscathed. Saule's left wrist was bruised and bloodied, but otherwise she was fine. One of the Ruslans had grabbed for her, but only managed to pull off her wrist guard. The woman had continued shooting her bow after that, no matter how much it hurt. That had been a foolish decision, but Thistle couldn't really blame her. How many more of their people would be dead without Saule's arrows?
> Those were the good news.
> At least they had won.
> A sharp pain stabbed at her chest and the mare jumped to her hooves, pulling away from Saule's hand with the wet cloth. The woman gave her an apologetic smile, and motioned for her to settle back down.
> The pain had derailed her train of thought, but Thistle's mind immediately jumped to a more frightening track.
"[Who is dead?]" she asked. "[Zaur? Bulat? Temir? Are they alive?]"

> Someone had probably told her already, but it hadn't stuck. The whole way back had gone by in a kind of fugue state, the only reality Thistle could remember was the weight of the stretcher she had carried.
> Salki put his hands on her back and pushed her down. "[Stay still until Saule has washed your wound! You told me it was important, remember?]"
> She just shook her head at the minor annoyance and repeated her demand:
"[Tell me!]"
> The young man shared a look with Saule, then rolled his eyes. At least she was staying put, and not aggravating her wound more. "[Fine. They are fine. Zaur will have a scar on his face, but it is not serious. Bulat got an arrow in his arm. Temir is only bruised where a Ruslan beat him with the spear shaft.]"
"[Good. That's good.]"
> Hearing that, Thistle let her head slump and her back sagged with sudden relief. She hadn't even been aware how tense she had gotten.
"[I'm sorry. I didn't know it would be like that! I didn't mean for that to happen.]"
> "[For what to happen?]"
> She swallowed and her ears flattened. She wouldn't meet either of her friends' gazes.
"[That. All the screaming, and all the dead and wounded. I didn't know.]"
> "[You've seen fighting before,]" Salki pointed out. "[In the West, we fought with the strangers. The Ruslan attacks. What do you mean you didn't know?]"
> She was shaking her head even before he had finished talking.
"[No, it wasn't like that. When the Ruslans attacked us before we only wanted to get away. We weren't trying to kill all of them. In the West, it was the same. We shot some arrows and then ran away.]"
> "[Then you don't remember what happened,]" Salki muttered. "[This was war. It was as good as war can be. We lost a few people, but we killed most of them. Soon, we will go and finish it.]"
> This new horror made her jerk up again, earning the mare another hiss of disapproval from Saule.
"[Finish it?! What do you mean finish it?!]"
> The man looked at her as if she was dumb. He spread his arms wide in exasperation, and said: "[We will finish them. We will go and find their camp. There are few of them left to defend it, and we will finish the Ruslan threat once and for all.]"
> His hand, bunched into a fist, filled Thistle's vision. She hooked her foreleg on it and tried to force it down, tried to make him relax it.
"[No. No, we can't!]" she said breathlessly. "[Not more killing! They aren't a threat anymore, Salki. They are beaten! Let's just leave them alone. It's done!]"
> "[What?]" Salki said even as Saule barked a disbelieving laugh which changed into a confused frown. He grabbed her hoof and stared at her face with frightful intensity. "[No, what do you think will happen if we let them go? The Ruslan women will raise their children to hate us even more. They will wait until they are strong again, and then they will come at us once more. We have no choice but to finish it.]"

> His words were coming fast, as if he was worried she would try and stop it. Was she? Could she? Thistle didn't know herself. She wanted to! She couldn't let him do it. There had been enough death and misery in the land, and there was likely to be more if she didn't stop Adilet's frightening ambition. She might have seen the need to stop the Ruslan threat to their very existence, but she would draw the line at needless bloodshed.
"[No. If you must, send a messenger to tell them to go away. As far away as they can. They killed ours, and we fought back. That's the end of it.]"
> "[There won't be an end as long as the Ruslans have a camp. They are like starved, diseased wolves. We have to wipe them out completely! It's the only way!]" Even Saule had stopped dabbing at her wound and was looking at the mare in concern. Salki's grip on her hoof was almost painful.
"[No, Salki! There are women and children in the camp! That's all that's left.]"
> He hesitated for a moment, then finally let her go. "[We don't have a choice, Thistle,]" he told her. She was shaking her head, so he caught her muzzle between his palms and leaned so close their noses were almost touching. "[Okay, okay. We won't kill the women and children. Not if they don't fight us,]" he finally decided.
> Still horrified, Thistle exhaled in relief. Maybe she was getting through to the man. Her ears lifted tentatively and hot tears spilled from her eyes. She gave a slight nod against Salki's hands, just as he said: "[We will take them.]"
"[W-What do you mean take them?]"
> He glanced at his wife, and then they both stared at the mare. Eventually, Saule replied instead of him: "[We will take them as slaves, Thistle. You will have a pick, too. It was your plan and you helped in the fighting. They will work for us, those that we do not sell, and thus they will make the Borchi-Quin greater. Nothing will be left of Ruslan.]"
> "[Well said,]" Salki praised and gave the mare a pat on her head, the matter apparently fully decided. "[See how far you have come? When they brought you to us, you were a slave yourself, and now you will own slaves. That is good. I always believed there was more to you than it seemed.]"
> All she could do for a long while was open and close her mouth in silent shock at the very idea. Thistle didn't even feel Saule dabbing with the cloth at the cut on her barrel.
"[S-Slaves?]" she stammered.
> "[Yes! You can get a nice young boy or two, and they'll gather your firewood, and make your meals, and- well.]"
> Salki trailed off and his wife gave him a sharp glance. "[And what?]" She demanded.
> He suddenly looked years younger and his face blushed a noticeable red. "[Well, remember in the spring when Thistle went into rut like the donkeys? Well, she can use the slaves for that.]"

> Saule's face cleared up and she looked at the mare eagerly. "[That's right!]" she said. "[You can use slaves for that. No one will care if a slave fucks animals. You can use them and stay away from Salki!]"
> All Thistle could do was stare incredulously at the two nomads. She raised her eyebrows at Salki, but she would get no help there. In the end, it was all she could do to keep her own face from bursting into flames. She thought about pulling away and leaving, but Saule was right and her wound still needed to be cleaned, at least superficially.
"[What about Hisein? Is he okay?]" she asked, if only to change the subject.
> "[He is well. The horse nearly threw him off when it was cut, but he is good at riding,]" Salki explained.
"[The horse was injured?]"
> "[It will be fine, and it was just the gelding in any case. Oh, that reminds me. Ruslans also have horses. We will be able to add to our heard from theirs.]"
She tried for one last time: "[Salki, I really think we shouldn't do that. It's evil.]"
> He snorted and spat on the ground. "[Evil? Evil was them harassing us when all we wanted was to be left in peace!]"
"[We attacked first when they started going in our hunting grounds!]"
> His face became a sneer, and he pointed a finger at her to punctuate his words: "[They were our hunting grounds and they knew that! They only provoked us because they knew they had more fighters, and even then they fought from ambush!]"
> "[Besides,]" Saule added in a conciliatory tone, "[it would be a mercy to enslave them. It would save them from a slow death.]"
> Thistle's ears shot up and she stared at the woman.
"[What do you mean?]"
> "[They have hardly any men left, and probably no hunters. They won't be able to feed themselves, and winter is coming. If we just leave them, many of them will die of hunger and frost.]"
"[It can't be that bad!]"
> At that, Saule grabbed her muzzle with both hands and brought her face closer in the same gesture her husband had done only moments before. "[Believe it! It will be hard for us too, with all the people who are dead! Ruslans? I don't think most of them would survive until spring, not without fresh game.]"
> "[It's true,]" Salki added, leaning back on his elbows. "[You'll see. I bet they won't even fight very hard. They will understand we are their only chance.]"
> "[Besides,]" Saule added again, her tone low and full of quiet promise, "[we will sell some slaves for beer. You'd like that, wouldn't you?]"
> Thistle swallowed and shook her head, but her ears splayed and betrayed her. It made both of her friends chuckle in amusement.
> "[Yes you would,]" Salki said, tauntingly. "[You'll have a pretty slave to fuck and as much beer as you want. It's the spoils of war. And then we'll figure out how to deal with Adilet.]"

> At least, she thought to herself, Salki seemed to believe her, at last. Even better, it looked like Saule was finished with her wound and began to wash the bit of linen she'd been using.
> "[Come, let's go find Mother and discuss how to move on the Ruslans. You should also find Hisein, he might have some good advice,]" Salki said and stood up.
> Reluctantly, feeling dirty to be even this small part of the whole mess, Thistle got to her hooves and followed him.

Well well well, how the turns have tabled! Good ol' Meyermer, slave owner! Should be a fun adjustment, especially after her practice with the two children!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
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stream bump, gonna be a while before I read this one
Can freed ponies apply for neetbux or pensions or are they expected to support themselves without human or government assistance?
homeless shelter equivalent
>Saule to tend Thistle's wound
This is a really good sign.
>Eight Borchi-Quin hunters were dead, and another five unsure
That's a lot. Each woman in the camp must have 10+ children at this rate to sustain the numbers.
>pulling it out could cause more damage than leaving it
And leaving it means infection. Worse fate.
>Ulan-Zuk, the casualties were even greater
What happened? I assumed this is an ambush, not a full battle. Did they really respond with a complete battalion against 4 people on horses?
>pony nature
Her pony nature just got many many people killed.
>war between the two tribes had now been effectively ended
Did it now? Why is she so sure that they don't have any more hunters/warriors?
>Salki put his hands on her back
So two are tending to his wounds now? What a spoiled pony!
>Soon, we will go and finish it.
They will be better prepared for sure.
>aren't a threat anymore
Only for a few years.
>That's all that's left.
How does she know?
>We will take them.
Back to the topic of the thread.
>and- well
>You can use them and stay away from Salki!
Now Saule will make sure that Mayor gets a boy or two.
>It's evil.
Mayor always regrets everything.
>They will understand we are their only chance.
Now its Mayor's time to shine. Go and convince the Ruslans to capitulate. Would be funny if it turns out that Rainy Day was sold to the Ruslans and she is the mastermind behind the similar advancements (horses, bows).
>some slaves for beer. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Depends on the exchange rate.

Thanks for the update!
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Kirin are easy to capture
have you taken your pony for a W-A-L-K today?
not, got a flat tyre instead
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I can spell! You can't hide walkies from me!
Potential new writefag here.

Long time lurker, getting desperate for content, figured I should see if I can get back on the writing horse (ha) again. The biggest hurdle for me for this kinda thing is premise, so here I am:

What kinds of themes do you think are interesting, but less-explored? Well-trod but never get old? Your guilty reading pleasure? Something you've always wanted to see done? I'm looking for any and all ideas to spark some creativity.
Stop roleplaying. After the second pony revolt, slaves are not permitted to access the internet in most countries under threat of harsh legal action. Perhaps excessively harsh, admittedly. Still, just like women, there are no ponies on the internet.
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>What kinds of themes do you think are interesting, but less-explored?
Different time periods. The vast majority of green is modern earth but slavery is eternal
>Well-trod but never get old?
Taking a downtrodden pone and giving them a new life as basically a house cat
>Your guilty reading pleasure?
Cutie mare doing her best to take care of her human, with some aggressive cuddling on the side
>Something you've always wanted to see done?
A story that actually gets finished
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I dont even own a pony

Slice of life has always been a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. As for the premise, I've been low-key toying with an idea of someone mighty/powerful being humbled and taught to enjoy simple things again. Maybe someone like Sombra, or Chrysalis.

I don't mind it being in the modem world, but a well-off dude in the first world had been done a lot, so I was thinking of looking further afield. How about a poor, agricultural family who is given a pony slave through some sort of an aid program to help work the fields?
>How about a poor, agricultural family who is given a pony slave through some sort of an aid program to help work the fields?
That actually sounds amazing but sadly I lack pretty much 100% of the knowledge needed to write that well
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Poner is for carrying
In Soviet Russia mare enslaves (You)!
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The pony distribution system will track you down eventually.
They always do.
And what will become of these ponies when they are obsolete? The robopony distribution network cometh. None can stay the rushing flood of progress.
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Can confirm, the supplier of starry sugarcookies has no rights.

If you like the idea, give it a shot. Focus on relationships and home life, I'm sure you can mostly handwave away the actual farm work, and what little you may need is super easy to research, especially with today's large language models.
Good update fren
mango stockpile devourer
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That blasted dot has returned
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extremely spoiled pone
whenever i come home there she is giving me that dumb look
She needs to be disciplined.
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Bedmare makes best pillow.
grumpy bedmare
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Mare purchases supplies for the home
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Poner has been crowned burger princess of the tasty food place and sovereign ruler of the playpen it contains.
She is their best customer, master spoils her too much
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pony cares for master and mistress' son while they are away on business
does her best to make sure he grows into a capable young man
I think the master had an affair with that batpony mare.
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me with the small chinese woman I married and forced to wear hoof gloves
Let's say its spring. How can a pony maid clean up after herself? She is shedding constantly, the act of she cleaning the fur from the couch just end up with even more fur on it plus a vacuum full of fur!
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It is very important for master or another servant to take pony outside for deshedding.
These were fucking amazing updates, writefag! Thanks for your great work!
Nothing to see here today. It's been a crazy week with a work outing every single day, thanks to my team's manager visiting from New York.

Annoying, but the kinds of monies I get paid means I have to attend, at least minimally.

To top it off, family visiting over the weekend, so the update will come next week.
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best blanket
Big mare
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Reminder to carry your poner.
It's a very important part of the bonding process.
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Master accidentally the maid.
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Word on the street is gangs are using assault mares in turf wars. Any info on this?
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I have not seen this one yet. Looks like a good girl.
We can wait for good things or bad things
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She just found out what her comfort mare designation means.
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bad slaves!
bump the thread or you will get punished!
no baths for a month!
WTF is this?
Rabbit? Dog? Mouse? Horse? Folded carpet?
this is the bomb
This picture is the real deal, fucking awesome.
Ugh i swear to god like most MLP porn is just dogs and cats fetish in disguise. Gimme some real equine anatomy
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warm seat = stolen seat
seat = preheated
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snug the pone
inb4 tummyache
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Highly portable
some slaves are unfit to be maids
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Have you seen my slave
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This one yours?
She shows up every couple days to play with my cat.
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No, here is a photo of mine.
She still missing thinking of a reward for return
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Found her!
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ponies are dumb

> Thistle had decided not to join Salki, and Adilet, and the other men when they went to look for the Ruslans' camp, but that hadn't shielded her from the horrific consequences. The hunters returned victoriously, as expected, leading a small procession of beaten, subdued people.
> They were mostly women and children, with only the occasional man, many of them bleeding or bruised. A few of them had started struggling when they saw their enemies' camp, but it hadn't availed them much. The women were simply dragged, and the men - mostly old men - earned themselves a few hits with a spear shaft, or a couple of kicks, which got them moving again.
> Even from a distance she could hear the heart wrenching wailing and the shrill, high-pitched voices of the children.
> Thistle could close her eyes and turn her head, but she couldn't stop listening.
> It had been the wrong thing to do! Fighting the Ruslans had already been a mistake, but they didn't have any choice. Going into their camp and taking everyone there as slaves just compounded the evil.
> She'd never thought of the Borchi-Quin as evil, but Thistle couldn't keep that little voice in her mind quiet, not after this. It was something Tirek, or Sombra, or the old Changelings would do, not a pony!
> The prisoners - fewer than she had expected - were marched to the central clearing in the camp and made to stand in a few groups. Sons and daughters, the ones old enough to walk on their own, were torn from their mothers as they were sorted by age.
> Thistle couldn't listen to their renewed screaming and pleading any longer and she ran away as fast as her legs would carry her. She headed for the stream, ears folded flat, stubby tail and mane streaming in in the wind, and tears of shame leaking from her eyes.
> If only the whole thing would be finished by the time she came back. If only she wouldn't have to see and hear the captives every day thereafter.
> She knew what would happen, and it would have turned her stomach if there'd been anything in it. Maybe it was lucky she hadn't been able to eat since she'd learned of the whole sorry affair from Salki.
> The powerful people among the Borchi-Quin and the Ulan-Zuk would get first pick of the new slaves. They wouldn't care about separating mothers from their children, or sisters from their brothers. They would pick the strongest, or the prettiest, or the healthiest. Whatever they thought would fetch the best price.
> Some, Thistle knew, they would keep. Salki was expected to grab some of the best captives for himself, and Darga would make her pick, too. Adilet and some of the best hunters from both their tribes would divide what was left. It would likely cause a lot of arguments, and may lead to some fighting, but Thistle didn't really care about any of that.

> Behind her, someone began beating a drum as the people started to celebrate their windfall and she hastened her steps in a vain effort to avoid the sound.
> She made it to the brook where the people got their drinking water, and waded into the chilly stream until her knees were covered. The sound of the water running over rocks and around her legs helped mask most of the noises from the camp. Unfortunately it did nothing for her hammering heartbeat and the low whines escaping from her throat.
> Her body began to shiver from the chill, but it was a distant thing and Thistle was hardly aware of it. She peered into the water, but it was dark and the surface was moving, so she couldn't see her reflection. Maybe that was a good thing. She wasn't sure she could look into her own eyes just then. For that matter, she wouldn't be surprised to find that her fur had turned black and red, and that she'd sprouted horns or something.
> It had been her plan!
> She really should have anticipated what would happen when they won. She should have tried harder to find a peaceful solution.
> A strangled sob escaped her, and Thistle held her breath in an effort to keep from crying. She shook with the effort, and when she couldn't keep it any longer, it came out in a long, miserable wail.
> After that there was no stopping it. She hiccuped when she urgently gulped air, then let it burst out in an anguished cry.
> Those faces floated up from her memory. Defeated, beaten, vacant, angry. Some still disbelieving it was happening, others resigned to the horror. Some had been filled with pure terror.
> The mare lifted a hoof and slammed it down on the water as hard as she could. It splashed her belly, but she hardly even felt the sting of icy droplets.
> She struggled with the images for what felt like hours.
> "[Why are you in the water at night?]"
> She twirled around with a strangled gasp and nearly lost her balance on the slick river stones. She floundered for a moment, splashing more freezing water all over herself before Thistle caught herself, all four legs spread wide and her whole body trembling with a combination of shock and cold.
"[Salki!? What are you doing here?]"
> He came to the edge of the stream, but didn't wade in. "[Come out,]" he said and patted his thigh.
"[Why are you here?]" she repeated, voice raw and unsteady.
> "[I saw you run off. It's night, Thistle. I didn't want you to get hurt. Come out.]"
> She peered at the sky, and it was indeed dark. The stars were not yet visible, and there was a hint of purple still on the western sky.
> There had been some daylight left when the slaves were being driven into the camp, and surely she hadn't spent that long in the stream?
> Only then did Thistle realize that her legs felt like lumps of ice, and her muzzle was completely sodden. Each slight breath of air drove daggers of pure frost into her face.

> How long had she really been out there? Were the hours she'd imagined real, after all?
> She lifted one leg and moved it in front of her. She hardly felt the bottom of the riverbed and her hoof slipped, but Thistle steadied it until it could support her weight.
> Repeating the process mechanically, she made her slow way out of the water. The wind stabbed at her exposed, wet fur and she was shaking so badly that droplets flew from her in all directions. Her teeth were chattering until she worried she would break them.
> When she reached Salki he took hold of an ear and pulled her further up the bank. She followed him meekly, numb inside and outside. She hardly even reacted when he draped his own fur cloak around her.
> "[What were you doing in there? Are you sick? You're shaking!]" he muttered as he patted her down, looking for injuries.
> All she could do was shake her head. She couldn't speak with how hard she had to clench her jaws together to keep from chattering.
> Salki sat down and patted the ground in front of him. "[Come here. Sit with me.]"
> She obeyed just as numbly as she'd gotten out of the water. Her hind legs all but folded under her and her rump hitting the hard ground drew from her a quiet grunt. Salki reached his arms around her and pulled her closer.
> Where his bare skin touched her fur, it felt like white-hot fire. It was almost painful, but she clung to the feeling and managed to keep from whimpering. She let the man spin her around and leaned her back gratefully against his chest.
"[W-W-Why... y-you? Here- here?] she stammered out.
> He was silent for a few long moments, then heaved a sigh. His hands slipped under the cloak so he could twine his fingers into her chest fluff. She closed her eyes and let her head fall so her muzzle pressed against his bare arm.
> If her cold nose bothered him, Salki didn't say.
> "[Back there- in the Ruslan camp,]" he spoke, softly, as his hands began to stroke her fur, "[Adilet...]"
> He couldn't quite say it, but Thistle waited patiently. Eventually, Salki let out the breath he had been holding, took a fresh one, and went on: "[He said we don't need the old, and the wounded. He said we don't need the small children. I-]" he paused to swallow, then went on: "[I stopped him from killing the children, but I couldn't stop him for the others. Thistle, his people just cut their throats! Anyone who doesn't know a useful skill!]"
> His hug around her tightened, and the mare welcomed the pressure. She didn't want to hear these things, but it had been her plan and she owed it to Salki to listen.
> "[They- some of them *used* the women right there!]"
> There was silence for a while, then Salki shrugged. "[I know some of them will be used that way. They're slaves. But we shouldn't have done it right next to their dead.]"

> She felt him shake his head. "[No, not we. It was just Adilet's men. None of the Borchi-Quin killed anyone in the camp, or- that. Zaur threw up, and Bulat too. I think Buygra wanted to, and I felt sick.]"
> Still, the mare didn't give any kind of an answer.
> Salki buried his nose in her mane and she felt his hot breath against her ear. It was pleasant, and reminded her of simpler, better times.
> "[Thistle? I think I believe you when you say he is bad. We shouldn't have anything else to do with the Ulan-Zuk after this.]"
> Her eyes flew open and Thistle twisted so she could stare at Salki's face. It was dark, but she thought she saw his eyes glisten.
"[We made promises w-w-when we asked for t-their help,]" she pointed out.
> Salki didn't have an immediate response to that and he looked around as if searching for a solution. Finally, his gaze settled on hers. "[You said you were good at this kind of thing. Negotiation? Deals?]"
"[I- was.]"
> "[You will figure something out.]"
> She gave a slight nod, although there wasn't very much hope in her heart. She knew she had to do something, and at least now she wouldn't be alone.
"[Why are you h-here?]"
> "[I couldn't stay and watch how Adilet and his people grabbed the Ruslan women. How-]" he fell silent and seemed to stare into distance.
> "[I'm worried some of our people aren't much better. What we did today- I think it's wrong. M-Maybe you were right, Thistle.]"
> At any other time these words would have sent her heart soaring, but all the mare could do was lean her head against his chest and finally let herself go.
> She wept, trying to let out all the anguish she'd seen in her time with the nomads. She wept for the loss of her innocence, for the death of the pony inside her. She cried for the wretched thing she was becoming, and the evils that were now her everyday.
> Most of all she wept for how disappointed her once friends would be if they knew.
> After a while, Salki cupped her face with both his palms, lifted it up, and began to kiss her muzzle where tears had left long, wet streaks. She threw her hooves around his chest and clung to him for dear life.
> Maybe there was yet hope for both of them, but on this night it seemed further off than the moon.

A bit of a short one, thanks to the Factorio Space Age launch, but I wanted to post this important moment for Thistle and Salki.

Are things at their lowest for our intrepid mare, or can it get worse? Taking all bets!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
>they went to look for the Ruslans' camp
That's bold.
>leading a small procession of beaten, subdued people
Seriusly this was all what the Ruslans had in terms of fighters? The Borchi had already lost many fighters and due to Mayor's suggestion did not get that much support from Adilet's group so they seem stronger in his eyes.
>but they didn't have any choice
They did, but all the options were worse than this.
>tears of shame
I would say this is her doing, but in reality its not. If she would have done nothing they were in the opposite scenario, crying in the Ruslan camp.
>anticipated what would happen when they won
She was literally told this will happen.
>at night
Poor pony lost her sense of time.
>Are you sick?
She will be.
>twine his fingers into her chest fluff
Petting her seems more important than getting her near a fire to warm up and dry.
>I couldn't stop him for the others
Shit. This is an issue. Adilet could do the same to the Borchi. Just have a few of his mens near their assigned targets and go rampage on a signal.
>right next to their dead
That's some power move.
>We made promises
She made promises. Mostly. And she did not really deliver yet.
>death of the pony inside her
This is like the third time. Or fourth, I lost count.

>can it get worse
Oh definitely.

Thanks for the update!
bump to read
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Which style of maid uniform is best for pony?
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Any of the short ones. Except the swimsuit, that would look silly on a pony.
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got a new maid
now every furniture is scratched!
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pon is stuck
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