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Previous Thread: >>41400367

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)
https://ponepaste.org/10141 (Rarity, Cookie Crumbles)

Cosmic Butthole:
https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/10231 (Fluttershy)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

Less Recent Writefags:

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=drive_link
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
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Also, regarding https://ponepaste.org/8206
I've added more to the scene that happens before the most recent update I posted last thread, so I'm going to repost the entire part that happens on Sunday with the newest update *as well as* the new part I retroactively added in.
It'll be out in a few hours.
Shamelessly reposting this, curious to see everyone's feedback from King of the Castle:

Who had your favorite confession? https://strawpoll.com/40Zm4aEmwga

Who had your favorite sex scene? https://strawpoll.com/e2naXEeGMyB
As far as I'm aware with most of your stuff the Anon still makes the first move even if the woman goads them into it. It could be different if the woman is on an all out offensive. Also I think it might be an idea to consider if you don't try to keep adding stuff to an increasingly complicated timeline and just let stuff be stand alone.
>Humanized Equestria
>Queen Umbra is making a prophesized return aftering being defeated and sealed away long ago
>She wants to conquer while having conflicting emotions of wanting people to fear her while also wanting to be seen as sexy and being very aggressively sexually frustrated
>She's then faced with a knightly prince Anon who hesitates to attack her because he's distracted by her skimpy outfit and curves
>She's angered feeling like he's not taking her seriously while also horny from his arousal
>So she goes on the offensive against him, sexually, and angrily
>Gets distracted from conquering land by the prospect of conquering him, in bed
Hell yeah, it’s finally time for spooky season
I realized I never revealed who gave which love letter to Anon
"I have a crush on you.": Sunset Shimmer
”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.”: Rarity
”I could listen to you talk for hours.”: Twilight Sparkle
”You feel like a big teddy bear when we hug.”: Applejack
”Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.”: Pinkie Pie
”I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.”: Fluttershy
”You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”: Rainbow Dash (obviously)
> Story List:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ULNJHBve57uSyYDyiUEoR2QYSFllBIoUe7GaPpW2KLg/edit?usp=sharing
This appears to be deleted.
I've been finishing up part one of Duties of the King tonight and tomorrow I'll start writing part three.
Ideas for part 4 are still coming together but it may guest star someone that rhymes.
Looking forward to it!
>it may guest star someone that rhymes.
Ronald McDonald!
I'd like to ask some "teach-me-how" questions so I can try what will be suggested myself.

>1. How to generate a nude drawing of a specific character in a particular pose in a certain artist's drawing style using AI?

I'd like to see fully naked Vignette Valencia doing the "Hashtag: Bangs" pose ( https://ponerpics.org/img/view/2020/1/10/2243961.png ) in Uotapo's drawing style. Which AI do you recommend, and which prompt should I use?

I'm not at the level of handling highly detailed paintings using Photoshop and the like. So, once it is generated, I may request someone to "de-AI-fy" the picture (like correcting hands with more than five fingers, etc.).

>2. How do I instruct an AI to nude edit a picture of a female character, and match certain body parts of her to an artist's drawing style of them?

I'd like to have a nude edit of Uotapo's painting of Vignette Valencia holding her smartphone ( https://ponerpics.org/img/view/2018/7/7/1774864.jpeg ) using an AI. I want to see her nipples and vulva match how Uotapo draws them for his Patreon exclusives. Which AI do you recommend?

Once the edit is finished, I'd superimpose the result from 1. onto her smartphone screen. Unlike the "de-AI-fication," I can do it myself.
>Together they enter.
>Candy and Chryssy strut past the gates and chainlink fences with a confidence that can only come from getting their proper beauty sleep and getting their rocks off.
>Now they stride around with a serene peace of mind.
>Swaying their hips in those short shorts and casually letting their tits bounce in their bikini tops while *knowing* how sexy they are and basking in it.
>"I wanna go do that first." Candy slyly points over to the tall bungee ride with a long line of people leading up to it. "I wanna feel like I'm flying."
>She grabs Chryssy's wrist like a child craving the ice cream truck would, begging to go do that ride first.
>A satisfied smile crosses over Candy's face as she watches pair after pair of people propel up into the hot summer air in the balmy light of the early afternoon sun.
>She and Chryssy got a lot more stamina after sleeping in for a bit, a lot more capacity to have fun.
>The closer the two get, the more high up it looks like the people next up in line for the ejection seat ride are going from Candy's point of view.
>Her enthusiasm becomes cautious, then nervous as the shadows on the people on the ride are cast over her, briefly blocking the sun from lighting up her vibrant locks of hair.
>With a gulp, Candy starts to have second thoughts about this.
>Reading Candy's expression, Chryssy begins to give her a look.
>"Pretty scary up close, huh?" Chryssy raises an eyebrow.
>"Want me to go first?"
>Another fast shadow is cast over the two, running cross the line of people with barely so much as a hand shape cast onto the grass, like an in-real-life loading bar without the cancel option Candy is considering.
>Candy's cerebellum is beginning to twirl in circles just thinking about being sprung up into the air so suddenly like a baby hawk pushed off of the branch.
>What if she slips out of that thing?
>"Who are you gonna go with?" Asks Candy.
>Chryssy stares at her with her big green eyes loudly begging to just go with her. "Exactly..."
>With a gentle grab, Chryssy takes Candy's hand and locks fingers with her, silently promising to keep it that way the entire ride up and down.
>"I'm just... I dunno, Chryssy." Candy's eyes scan the two-seated ejection ride.
>"Don't tell me you're chickening out at *this*!"
>"Well what if I am?"
>"That means I choose what we go on next." Chryssy looks around the amusement park for the scariest looking ride. "I'm sure I can pick something that makes this look easier."
>"C'mon, Candy. I had to try really hard not to kill your vibe recently. And I almost succeeded!"
>"That's different." Candy cutely huffs. "At least that was you being horny. This is just be being scared."
>"Horny, scared, it's all the same thing when you're looking for a thrill."
>The two of them lock eyes, and they keep it that way with interlocked fingers all the way onto the ride.
>This thing looks like a gyrosphere from the outside, but something less safe from the inside.
>Candy is frozen stiff as the thick safety mechanism is locked over her body with a loud click.
>Chryssy is sure to hold onto her hand extra tightly with her thumb grazing the backs of Candy's fingers for comfort.
>That comfort is going to have to follow Candy really closely on the way up or else she's going to scream, which may be a common occurrence for this ride, but Candy is even nervous about everyone hearing her scream.
>She steels her feet against a couple of the metal bars, not *at all* ready for this, but sticking by Chryssy's side out of the connection that binds them in so many ways.
>The ride propels upward too fast for Candy's attempt at tranquility to keep up, and her long scream rises high and shrill into the air.
>Candy opens her eyes to find that she wasn't even launched yet, and that Chryssy is giving her a puzzled expression up her eyebrows.
>The perplexed expressions contagiously spreads to everyone else's faces as they witness Candy's frantic panicking before anything is even happening, listening to her shriek and cry out as though she's being lowered into a pit of lava instead.
>It was simply an innocent miscalculation on Candy's part that she was the one who insisted to go on this ride, but then feels her soul experience an aberration from her body slightly like a busted 80s camera lens after being propelled into the air for real.
>People start to chuckle at Candy screaming bloody murder all the way up and down the are of air with Chryssy interlocking fingers with her the best she can, enduring the vice grip upon her hand masterfully, being a shapeshifter anyway and effortlessly conforming to the would-be bonecrushing clutch.
>Candy's colorful hair flows through the wind like a flag, her screams like a battle cry that cut through the air like a claymore's blade until a wave of thrilling joy washes over her.
>It's not long before Candy is propelled out of her shell more than anything.
>She joyfully raises her hands up with Chryssy's grip still in hers, letting her soft tits sway up and down in that bikini top in accordance with the wild bouncing motions the ejection seat embarks on.
>Chryssy feels this happening too, automatically slightly turned on by it.
>The attention of the crowd has been captured, and Chryssy won't hear the end of Candy declaring she wants to go again after they're finally let back down.
>"Y'all! This ride transforms people, I swear!" A sudden Vignette Valencia talks to her phone with the sinking ejection seat full of Candy and Chryssy lowers itself behind her exaggeratedly excited face to the hands of the employees. "I gotta document this transformation, chat! Gotta get their vibe! Who's with me?!" She keeps the same expression while pointing behind herself. “We poppin’ the question or WHAT?!”
>Candy holds onto Chryssy in more ways than just her hand now.
>She's got her whole arms wrapped around Chryssy's body.
>"Hey!" Vignette has to hop a few times to be seen over the crowd of people. "Heeeeey!"
>She's already imagining where she's going to have her team place the meme font on the screen for her video, having done this several times before.
>In Candy's mind, she's still in the air, and so it how she feels about this whole thing.
>Half of her feels liberated from whatever fear it was that made her freak out so much, and the other half is still traumatized and can barely sense the grass beneath her feet as the line of people tell her she did great.
>Meanwhile, Vignette has found her next wacky character for her video: another good looking young woman who overreacted to an amusement park ride before it even started.
>Candy is where Vignette is going to get her views from, that vibrant pink light at the end of her tunnel vision.
>She gets ready to ask her non-sequitur question as the chat in her livestream starts spamming emojis in preparation.
>"That's right, chat. For those of you just tuning in, we've got another one right here. Riiiiight there!" Vignette points to Candy. "We're here on vacation in the Caribbean, y'all. Livin' it up. Today's all about that #vibe! You feelin' that #vibe, chat?"
>Chryssy pats Candy on the back. "There there, I always knew you had it in you, Candy." She then notices the pudding colored girl with the pink wolf-cut approaching fast.
>"Yooooooooooooooo!" Vignette drags out the word comically long. "Yo hey, uh, I'm doing a survey asking random people something, you wanna participate?"
>Vignette knows she's gonna ask either way, hoping Chryssy and Candy say no, because that would mean her asking the question anyway would catch them even more off guard.
>If they give an interesting answer, that'll get her even more views combined with Candy's moment of terror being hurled into the air like an olympic javelin by a nordic giant on steroids.
>"You wanna ask us a question?" Asks Chryssy.
>Vignette already has a fake microphone out, pretending it works (for dramatic effect). "10 seconds, what's your favorite sex move? Go."
>Chryssy doesn't take very long to contemplate the question. "Favorite sex move?" She stares deadpan at the phone's camera. "Yes."
>The chat goes wild.
>"Favorite sex move? Go." Vignette points the microphone at Candy in the midst of her emotional uplifting from experiencing what felt like skydiving for the first time.
>"Cuddling!" Candy adorably shuts her eyes and clamps her hands together with a tilt of her head that makes her messy locks of hair dangle across her shoulder.
>"Cuddling! Oh wow, that's.. that's a great answer!" Vignette zooms in on Candy, then turns to Chryssy. "Wait, hol' up. What did you mean by yes?”
>"Ask me the first question again and I'll show you." Chryssy maliciously smirks as she can tell the mic isn't even real.
>"Alright, chat. Let's see if we got a winner against that wholesome #vibe!" Vignette dryly holds up the microphone like it's excalibur made of cardboard and paper maché. "What's you're favorite sex move? Go!"
>Chryssy promptly opens her mouth wide next to the microphone and lets her long tongue slither out without warning.
>Vignette does not move, taking a few seconds to process what she's watching unfold, pupils contracting with a neutral half smile.
>And she watches that tongue wrap around the microphone like a boa constrictor, swiping it out of her hand and proceeds to...
>"The fuck?" Vignette's expression is neutrally shocked.
>Chryssy begins sucking off the microphone she just sucked into her mouth, knowing she's freaking out the audience of this vlogger.
>The fact that Vignette actually willfully grabbed the bottom of the microphone after Chrysalis leaned over to offer it to her in and of itself is surprising, after seeing what she just watched unfold before her very eyes.
>The crowd of people around the even falls silent before an ensemble of gasps and murmurs of disbelief begin to fill the air.
>The livestream chat on Vignette Valencia's phone starts getting speckled with messages shouting "FAKE LOL" in all caps.
>Messages that swim through a sea of emojis.
>Vignette has hit a goldmine.
>This was by FAR the best interaction she's gotten with this non-sequitur question she's been hitting people up with for views.
>The head of the microphone is on one end of a bridge of saliva that leads to Chryssy's lewdly grinning lips.
>"It's not faked, chat. I swear, I got no idea what the... fuck is going on..." Vignette is too befuddled to even begin to move her legs in pursuit of Chryssy.
>She originally came here to a spot like this because of the vibe it carries.
>But now... she's here for something one would see fresh out of the circus.
>Half the chat is urging her to follow Candy and Chryssy while the other side of the sidebar civil war screams allegations of fakeness.
>That saliva trail must have spanned three body lengths as Chryssy walked away.
>"Why did you do that?" Candy closely follows Chryssy before looking over her shoulder for security. "Don't you remember what I said yesterday?"
>"Oh come on, they're all going to think it's fake. Everything vlogger people do is fake anyway." Responds Chryssy with certainty in her tone.
>"If you're gonna draw attention, at least don't do it in THAT way!"
>The two of them argue over Chryssy's reckless behavior out of pure excitement as Vignette discreetly follows them like a reverse version of a stalker following a famous person.
>Camera out and all.
>After the tension of the moment dies down, Candy and Chryssy finally go back to doing what they came here to do.
>The next stop is bumper cars, and Candy crosses her arms with her shoulder up against Chryssy while waiting in line.
>"Don't give me that look." Chryssy crosses her arms right back at Candy.
>Neither of them know they're being followed and documented, all because Chryssy had a free-will moment where she couldn't help herself.
>She's been living on the edge and doing unhinged magical stuff for so long now that she barely even sees the problem here.
>Vignette has no idea what she's (sneak) walking into, or where she's going to end up tomorrow.
>Candy still shows a few residual signs of shaking after the bungee seat incident got her a little more attention today than she bargained for.
>Chryssy closely walks by her side, with one arm around her to keep her close.
>"I... hah... I'd do that again once my heart calms down." Candy breathes as slowly as she is able to, with her heart beating her eardrums.
>Dizzy excitement keeps a grin on her face.
>All of the other sounds around her almost fuse together in some kind of a reverb, and there is an uneven-ness in her pace as Chryssy helps her stay balanced with a one-armed side-embrace.
>The two of them walk by a few carnival games with rows of stuffed animals staring them down from atop a few long shelves.
>The carnival games being booths and small buildings or tents with a business being run under whatever is blocking the people running the operation from the balmy Caribbean sun.
>Chryssy likes the way Candy's colorful hair got a little ruffled up after the two young ladies were thrashed around in that surprisingly safe seat.
>Every time Candy's hair gets messy looking, Chryssy feels her neurons get activated to the memory of how Candy looks in bed.
>No one has ever been able to give Chryssy the amount of love that Candy has.
>Candy has a certain power of love that doesn't ever run dry, more than the usual affection an average person has.
>But someone like Candy?
>Chryssy has never been thirsty for a single day, always finding perpetual sustenance from Candy like what a kid assumes a perfect Halloween would look like.
>Candy gave Chryssy quite the sweet tooth, and Chryssy loves to make Candy's colorful locks of hair get all... ruffled and messy, namely in bed.
>"You don't want to go back on that ride right now, do you?" Asks Chryssy.
>"Not while I'm so worked up." Candy closes the distance between herself and Chryssy. "You're keeping me company just fine."
>Smiles are really contagious between these two.
>So is the urge to share a kiss that is usually assumed to be something to be held back until there's enough privacy to go where a kiss would eventually lead.
>Chryssy can barely contain herself around Candy when her hair is ruffled.
>A few carnival games catch their eyes until Chryssy finally stops at one, Candy's hand now held in hers to suffice for the long wait until they can start kissing in probably the evening when it'll be a little bit of darkness shrouding them form the public eye.
>"Get three rings around the stick to win." The vendor noticed the two stop there, keeping his voice loud enough to be heard over the chatter of other people in the booths next door. "Level one gets you a stuffed animal. Level two gets you a free gaming device."
>With a cute nod, Candy proceed to pick up one of the large-bracelet-sized plastic rings.
>She knows she's not going to get three rings around one stick on level one, let alone level two.
>That five dollars she just gave towards the vendor's rent is gonna be good for him, so whatever.
>His job is probably really annoying.
>There's no way to prove the money was stolen anyway, unless the previous owner of the bill documented the exact combination of numbers and letters on the parchment, which they definitely wouldn't bother to do.
>This level of complacency about these things spans even further in Chryssy's mind, a much bigger kind of number tends to be involved than the measly five dollars that she was the one who stole in the first place.
>People living lives of crime they're used to tend to see life like someone would a video game, except these people themselves don't often imagine a video game to any extent.
>But rather a world of buttons to push, levers to pull, advantages to take... holes to fuck...
>Colorblind to boundaries.
>Tonedeaf to consequences.
>Chryssy simply doesn't see anything on the shelves useful enough for her to waste her time coming back to swoop down later on from the sky as a bird and grab with her talons.
>But hey, there's someone else nearby who colorblind to boundaries and tonedeaf to consequences for more video-game-related reasons than Chryssy's reasons.
>Just around the corner, Vignette Valencia keeps capturing these two photogenic young women on camera doing stuff together, pretending the dozens of her most vocal followers spamming emojis in the chat are in person, in a single file line behind her like a conga line of cringe.
>"They're really gettin' into that #vibe, y'all. They... Look, look at them. Anyone see her tongue again?!" Vignette glances over at Candy and Chryssy while talking to the livestream groupchat. "Yo, I'm lowkey kinda scared right now... It's not fake, I swear!"
>Vignette Valencia has never been in a situation this "lit" for several months now, which is like almost a decade according to her fanbase's attention span.
>She might not get keys this loud and shiny to jingle in front of her fans' faces for a while after this, so she's savoring every last moment of it after Candy and Chryssy move on from the booth empty-handed after not winning the challenge.
>The real rare sight is an e-famous person stalking someone else lesser known than them, and no one but her groupchat is aware of this since barely anyone in this public place knows who Vignette Valencia is on the internet.
>Candy and Chryssy meanwhile hold hands some more while continuing down the middle of the row of grass lines with booths and tents.
>Spending another hour or two picking out whatever games or activities they want to play.
>There are plenty of things Candy and Chryssy find themselves doing on their celebration day.
>But they couldn't decide between going for the go-karts or the bumper cars.
>A game of rock-paper-scissors was the most fair thing Chryssy could think of outside of a coin flip.
>And with that, she allows Candy to have her way after her luck
>Candy loves to have the wind make her hair wildly fly like a flag behind her while her go-kart takes her down the winding paths of the miniature "raceway" as Chryssy follows her closely behind.
>A rush charges through Chryssy as she stays hot on Candy's tail, fixing to catch up and at least pretend inside that she's tackling Candy to the ground.
>A lively vibrance enters Chryssy's eyes as she rounds a corner a little more rapidly than Candy does.
>Chryssy licks her lips while gaining on her, hitting the back of Candy's go-kart momentarily with a giddy chuckle being shared between them.
>Candy pretends to try to evade Chryssy and drive off into the distance, as if this isn't a closed-circuit driving area.
>With a joyful whiff of the smoky aroma coming from the exhausts of the go-karts, Chryssy grins ear to ear while gradually passing Candy on the track through sheer difference in aggression alone.
>Candy meanwhile just wants to take a gander at Chryssy again instead of having her behind her where she can't see her.
>Both of them end up winning.
>Laughing together with the wind blowing through their hair and the vibrations of the mini vehicles around them slightly sending rippling sensations through their soft curves and assets.
>Doing what a cross between a vibrator and a massage chair would do.
>The two finish and eventually opt for having some bumper car fun next.
>Stepping out of the go-karts led Chryssy to playfully chase Candy down on foot for the several steps it took for her to catch up, now with the odds ever in her favor as Candy is ever in her arms.
>A lip-bite establishes itself onto Chryssy's face as her predatory hands squeeze Candy's buttcheeks through her denim short shorts.
>Candy lets out a terrified but delighted noise like a less morbid version of prey feeling the predator's teeth sinking in.
>No one seems to mind when it's another girls doing it to her.
>It actually garners a few intrigued smiles, more-so when Candy retaliates by reciprocating the action upon Chryssy's equally delicious cake wrapped up in those denim short shorts.
>Just the completely innocent sight of two attractive women docking soft boobs and grabbing eachother's soft butts, giggling inches away from eachother's faces.
>No one'll bother breaking this one up.
>The two hold hands in line for the bumper cars, which is either a step down or a step up from go-karts, depending who you ask.
>Chryssy has a lot more tranquility to display when her fingers are interlocked with those of Candy.
>She loves the little finger movements that are traded back and forth, responding to one another.
>Begging for an escalated response of someone's thumb grazing along the back of someone's hand.
>Trying to tickle the other's hand a little bit into adorably flinching but not enough to leave the grip.
>Just tangling eager fingers together and swinging the cluster of cutesy intimacy of hands forward and back.
>Mutually teasing one another in an unspoken way that puts so many little emotions into their motions.
>Forgetting they're supposed to move up in line because they're each trying to win the gentle wrestling match.
>Chryssy doesn't know if she wants to pin Candy down, or be pinned down BY her after enough "handsies".
>Candy sighs encouragingly upon feeling Chryssy sensitively coil her fingers around her grip once again.
>Does this count as competitive hand-holding, or collaborative hand-holding?
>The arrival of the answer to that question is delayed by the start of bumper car fun for the two.
>And Candy is once again reminded that Chryssy can't go very long without getting at least a little horny.
>The tops of the metal rods spanning to the metal ceiling begin scraping against it as the bumper cars are given power to dart around in the enclosed space.
>Chryssy already knows who she wants to go for, and Candy's barely halfway across the bumping space.
>Her eyes are locked onto her prey like her lips love to be locked onto hers.
>Nothing in the entire mini bumper car area will stop Chryssy from getting to Candy and making her jolt around in that bumper car with her advances.
>She seductively licks her lips once again and gains on her lover once more, who doesn't even want to get away from her (as if she even has a real way to this time).
>Candy laughs with a carefree smile beaming through the ceiling to the sky as Chryssy gradually sends her closer and closer to the barrier enclosing the space.
>Chryssy sends Candy swaying side to side in her seat, then careening forward and back as she bang into her from behind as though she's humping her.
>The green glow in her eyes and lip bite cannot be hidden in Chryssy's face as she traps Candy's vehicle in a corner and continues to express her... passion... for her.
>A few guys in the space pick up on the innuendo and stay distracted watching the two.
>The "beating" was so bad that Candy nearly falls over from stumbling every which way after leaving her bumper car at the end of the time everyone was allotted.
>Chryssy is right there to prop Candy up and keep her balanced, more than happy to have both of their barely clothes bodies pressing together smooth skin to smooth skin.
>Chryssy nuzzles her face into the other woman's neck, keeping her arms wrapped around her before they two head off to do something else together now.
>"You can see why my henchmen enjoy coming here a lot." Chryssy eventually takes a gander over at the mini music festival still taking place in front of the nearby stage.
>Candy remembers meeting Chryssy's henchmen plenty of times in the past few weeks.
>The way Chryssy describes them "enjoying coming here a lot" superimposed over the visual memory of the look in their eyes carries an inherently contradictory nature.
>Candy knows Chryssy must have "subdued" each man multiple times, the same way Candy herself was subdued by Chryssy.
>If what they feel every day is anything like what Candy does, then she imagines they must be at least somewhat happy living life in captivity of this woman they'd obviously see sex with as a plus.
>But she knows they must be thinking about their own lives they're often missing from as well, not as present in the lives of their loved ones as they used to be.
>Candy wonders if any of these men ask Chryssy if they can go back to their lives more often whenever there are less "operations" to partake in.
>Chryssy does always seem understanding that it'd be less suspicious to keep these men able to go back to their lives so long as they don't reveal what's been going on.
>And boy does Candy know the methods Chryssy uses to make sure this stays possible.
>That Chryssy really knows how to keep this balancing act in her favor, though years of experience.
>But when it comes to Candy herself, Chryssy seems to want her around 24/7.
>The importance Candy holds has been increasingly apparent to her after she learned that the henchmen were able to go back to minding their own business and living their own lives as soon as a certain prep school principal was brought in.
>Whatever love they were giving Chryssy clearly can't compare to what Candy has to offer.
>Makes sense considering that Candy has love powers of her own, which do wonders mixing with Chryssy's lust powers.
>"Do they vacation here often?" Asks Candy, referring to any of the henchmen that were loosely mentioned.
>"Business-related or not?"
>"Outside of it."
>"Absolutely. I help them with expenses if they need it. I'm always happy to see them again."
>After a few more minutes of walking chatter go by, Candy and Chryssy stop in their tracks at the turn going towards the water park area of this place.
>Candy automatically remembers the things Chryssy did here, and the stories she told about it as well, now feeling as though she'd be walking back to the scene of a crime as she does every time she crosses through this place with Chryssy holding her hand.
>A spike in silence interrupts the two, and Chryssy can quickly read into why.
>"C'mon, we were just here yesterday." Reassures Chryssy with a swinging motion in her gentle grip upon Candy's hand. "Don't worry, we're not going to crash anyone's birthday party. Today's more about us.”
>Candy obediently follows Chryssy, with Chryssy doing her best to make it so Candy only follows her because she wants to, not because she has to.
>There are a couple of times when Chryssy lets Candy walk in front, reversing the order of following to give Candy a sense of freedom she doesn't truly have.
>But Candy embraces it anyway, becoming enthusiastic with Chryssy as she contracts another contagious smile from her.
>She's becoming really comfortable walking around in nothing but a bikini top, having used to see it as no different than walking around with nothing but her bra on her upper body keeping her chest covered.
>As a prep school principal, Candy wasn't so used to letting so much of her cleavage show at all times, but a bikini top doesn't leave many options regarding that, if at all.
>And in this bikini top, Candy is showing the entirety of her cleavage, as well as her entire midriff, not sparing her bare tummy and bellybutton for the whole world to see.
>Such a far cry from her proper uniform... ALL of this would be decently covered if Candy were wearing that.
>All of what she only used to seduce Shining Armor long ago.
>Now Candy doesn't know if Shining has any clue what is going on.
>Candy recalls when she barely deviated from appropriate clothing in order to court Shining Armor.
>Only a tiny bit, just enough to get him to turn his head, and then reel him in with her personality.
>As that had felt like new territory to her, which she wasn't so proud of a the time, this time is that but flipped on its head.
>Candy blushes in slightly embarrassed excitement thinking about this.
>Candy is strutting around in thigh-boasting short shorts and a revealing bikini top.
>Candy can feel her soft boobies jiggle to her now confident footsteps, knowing how much of her natural assets can be seen bare and responding to the jolts through her body.
>And she's just walking around letting guys from all directions look at her in this way.
>Embarrassed excitement is the perfect word for it.
>Candy looks over to her side to see Chryssy walking even more confidently and seductively.
>The way her wide hips move side to side say enough about how on-purpose it is.
>Proud flourishes in Chryssy's heart as her chest bounces to the way she walks, just barely appropriately contained in that green-black bikini top hugging her body but still displaying her full cleavage to the world.
>There actually a camera on them right now, as the two young women approach the log slide ride.
>"Looks like they're going on another ride now." Vignette mentally plans out where she's going to put the meme font captions on the screen based off of where her camera is pointing.
>Her chat continues to show an uproar of a mixture of fakeness accusations, fire emojis and occasional stream donations.
>Curiosity surges Vignette Valencia forward, almost getting her to get into like some ways behind Candy and Chryssy.
>Also in line is one of the boys from yesterday's birthday party.
>As soon as Candy's bright hair caught his attention, he recognized her.
>His entire world lights up as he realizes his blind shot in the dark actually turned out to mean something, as he came back here he next day to hopefully see Candy and Chryssy again.
>Body tensing up, he freezes, and Candy soon recognizes him through the nervous expression he tries to ignore on his own face while pretending he doesn't see her.
>As soon as Chryssy sees him, and recognizes him from yesterday's birthday party, her expression forms sinister clouds of mischief in her gaze to block her already warped judgement.
>Candy turns to Chryssy, instantly cognizant of this look, and immediately starts tugging at her hand she's already holding.
>Chryssy already knows what this means, but her want is too strong to allow Candy to win this one.
>She will just make it up to her in the bedroom later tonight, and Chryssy promises Candy this with a silent flutter of her eyelashes over that faint green flicker of her fertile powers.
>"Chryssy!" Candy tugs on Chryssy's arm as the boy right down the line from them gets increasing pink in he face as he slowly realizes they recognize him.
>"He'll be fine, Candy..."
>"...Chryssy!" Candy keeps her tone frantic but playful while giving Chryssy a pleading look that begs not to go through with whatever definitely lewd thing she's planning.
>A rumbling starts up, and the log ride vessel appears at the top of the track leading down the slope to the splash zone below.
>Running water eases the beginning of the descent, and the family inside the log ride vessel raise their arms to the sky as gravity takes over.
>Everyone in line along the splash zone has anticipated this, bracing for what is to come.
>Candy and Chryssy aren't far up the line enough to get wet yet, but that doesn't stop Chryssy from temporarily cutting ahead in line just so she can be in the splash zone.
>Nope, she really couldn't even wait a cycle or two before being close enough to get wet anyway.
>But this is definitely going to help her plan move along.
>"Oh my gosh! Why is she cutting in line?!" Vignette is still standing a ways away waiting for anything interesting to happen for them views™.
>Chryssy leans against the railing as the log ride comes barreling through, kicking up a white wall of water on either side.
>"Uh, miss? Excuse me, miss." Someone taps her on the shoulder. "You can't cut in l-"
>Everything is taken over by a heavy monsoon of kicked up water.
>Chrysalis is already walking back soaking wet by the time everyone watching her pushy behavior manages to see the same spot clearly again.
>"Chryssy, please!" Candy grabs Chryssy by the shoulders, somehow in dire need to hold her hand again from how surprisingly badly she misses the feeling.
>The camera near the thick wooden beam housing a few leaves is waterproof and unaffected by the edge of the giant splash that reached it.
>Countless drops and streams of water run down the wooden bannister in the aftermath of the splash.
>Everything has become glistening with water reflecting the bright hot sun it just cooled several people off from.
>Including Chryssy's sopping wet cleavage letting drops of water slink along her smooth skin down in between its softness.
>Candy tries not to glance down, but her conditioning demands otherwise and brings Chryssy's body the attention it desires.
>The boy down the line watches Chryssy's thin wet bikini top fail to hide the fact that her nipples are reacting to the sudden chill from the breeze hitting her.
>Chryssy stares right at him, not making any attempt to shield herself.
>She instead stretches her arms up, pretending to yawn, letting her water-drop-studded tummy stretch her bellybutton a little as she arches her spine with her arms up.
>The sight awaken a built-in base urge within the boy, making him feel a tremble of virile arousal nudge him closer to wanting to go interact with the beautiful young lady.
>Candy steps between his view and Chryssy. "Chryssy, please... you promised you wouldn't..."
>"I'll make it up to you tonight." Promises Chryssy verbally this time.
>No one listening in knows what either of them are talking about, and Candy's intentional vagueness aims to keep it that way.
>Candy's blocking position that lasts as the line moves up is used against her when Chryssy pulls her into a soft, soggy hug.
>"C-chryssy..." Candy can't get herself to pull away. "Come oooooon!"
>"What? We're gonna get wet anyway."
>More people start to look, with the male park-goers secretly enjoying the scene unfolding, to Chryssy amusement.
>"Not even just ONE. FREAKING. DAY?" Candy quietly grits her teeth as Chryssy playfully forces her to symmetrically dock soft chests with her.
>"I guess." Chryssy leans in, almost booping noses with Candy above her unhinged grin. "Not. Even. One."
>Chryssy's nipples are pert and erect from her excitement adding to the already cold wet fabric making them reactively get nice and stiff against it.
>Candy can feel them gently poking her as the soppy wetness from Chryssy's bikini top spreads to hers like a lewd infection.
>Candy un-seriously pouts at Chryssy in friendly disappointment.
>The boy down the line watches Candy and Chryssy mash their big soft boobies together in an enticing girl-on-girl with pink bikini top pressing against green-black bikini top.
>He's trying to look away, but too much of him wants to savor the vivid mental picture of this for later.
>Which isn't even as much as Chryssy intends to give him.
>Candy is released, and her bikini top has been forced to betray her perky nipples underneath into stiffening against the cold wet fabric.
>She would have somewhat braved this had it not been for the excitement Chryssy made her feel when they pressed tits together in that soft arousing hug between two bikini clad girls having fun.
>Candy becomes red in the face as she realizes her perky nipples stiffen underneath her bright bikini top and noticeably poke through.
>It looks like Chryssy was really dragging this out preemptively, because the two are now IN the splash zone for the next wave.
>But it is in this moment when Chryssy notices Vignette Valencia talking to her phone that has its camera pointed right at her.
>With a swift change in her mood, she starts to quietly snarl. "Look who jumped in interrupting the fun..." She murmurs under her breath.
>Candy crosses her arms at Chryssy for multiple reasons, but Chryssy quickly indicates that there's company watching and probably taking pictures... or worse: video.
>"You mean she's been following us around?" Candy immediately analyzes the situation.
>"Tell you what." Chryssy begins. "I'll leave you alone for now, love. You go over there and make sure she knows you're watching her watching us. Follow her if you have to." She gets ready to hopefully carry out her plan in peace from any unwanted cameras as Candy obeys her.
>Candy leaves the line in half-embarrassment, genuinely brushing past the boy only by accident, and then standing out in the open to face Vignette who failed to stay hidden.
>Vignette did back away a little bit, overhyping the moment to her fans watching the livestream.
>Candy can't think of her next course of action other than to wave over at Vignette Valencia, doing all she can to keep her stiff pert nipples poking through her pink bikini top under her crossed arms.
>Candy's bellybutton is still fully exposed, which is something she's not used to having usually been dressed up in a uniform.
>As Vignette Valencia now walks away, Candy subtly pursues her.
>The distance traveled is gluttonously fed by the fact that Vignette is consciously pretending she's being chased by Candy for dramatic effect.
>The sun is still high enough in the sky to shine down upon the booths and tents, but mostly from the side now.
>Candy walks around in pursuit of Vignette Valencia, knowing she was livestreaming with a groupchat during the previous proper encounter they had together.
>Passing by the music festival portion of this place once again, Candy neglects to cover up her nipple bumps anymore as they stay proudly erect.
>There's a rush she's starting to feel as she starts to care less about it, and care more about catching up to Vignette.
>There's something... appealing... about Vignette Valencia to her now that she can't quite put her finger on.
>Whatever it was chryssy planned to do with that boy, Candy can no longer focus on that.
>She really wants to, worried out of her mind that he's going to be alright facing off against Chryssy and the way she acts.
>Candy continues to wander through the grass walkways of people.
>Strutting right past a bunch of people as the sky above her begins to deepen into a darker shade of violet.
>The feeling of having been here for so much of the day makes Candy feel so akin to this place, as though it has become her dominion to some extent she can't register.
>She feels at home here, walking down Vignette Valencia with intention to do... something?
>The more boys and men stare at her as she lets her boobs bounce to her walking, the more comfortable she feels about it.
>It's not really much of a concern for her anymore, and Candy really just wants to catch up to Vignette and directly talk to her at this point.
>Maybe ask her how much of... that... she got on camera.
>A few waves of regret wash over Candy's conscience as she keep sight of Vignette Valencia continuing to vlog, now knowing what that something in her plans was back when the sky was a little lighter.
>Candy can recognize a bunch of places she already passed by hours ago, keeping note of them in her head.
>She's really starting to enjoy this place, and enjoy the way people look at her in her indecent attire.
>Sure, she felt this way about it before, but she almost felt sad when she became nervous once more.
>"Hey!" Candy hollers over the nearby music playing as she spots Vignette past the smoke of someone's barbecue. "Wait up!"
>She follows the wannabe broadcaster as the streetlights begin to turn on.
>Candy loves the way all of the lights turn on around her as the sky darkens over the carnival.
>She walks through it while still dressed for the water park.
>A certain type of energy rushes through her veins, the feeling of pursuing Vignette Valencia and flipping the script of who's hunting down whom.
>Candy feels as though Chryssy has recently kissed her on the lips with the way these sensations are making her heart beat faster even when she's standing still looking for which direction to go in next.
>Nothing else would have put such an aroused rush into her mind and heart.
>Maybe Chryssy managed to do some phenomenal thing to her.
>All these lights turning on are following suit in pursuit of how Candy feels.
>She doesn't want to be shrouded in darkness and miss the eyes on her every time one of the streetlights shines upon her, making her vibrant hair glow as her bright pink bikini top captures male attention she's warming up to.
>And when she's in the dark, Candy feels as though she's a cheetah lurking in the tall grass.
>Unseen, but waiting to be seen as soon as she steps into the light.
>Her slight pink glow in her eyes is brighter than it's ever been.
>Her time with Chryssy has supercharged the metaphorical battery that powers that pink glow.
>Supercharged her with excitement as she hunts Vignette down with all of her abilities in tow she used to not want to use.
>But there's something about being occasionally shrouded into darkness and awaiting to be leered in the light once more.
>It's a frantic tug-of-war in Candy's mind that refuses to conclude.
>Playing with an imbalance of want and need that forces her to act urgently upon her recently discovered base desires.
>Wasn't Candy supposed to just chase Vignette down and talk to her?
>And just ask her a bunch of quick questions the same way she did to her? (except these questions would serious and attention-avoiding instead of attention-seeking)
>Where is this desire to get herself *closer* than arm's length of Vignette Valencia coming from?
>Candy almost feels like what she wants to do would require her to try to fuse with Vignette Valencia, but she knows that simply can't be the case.
>She wants to be... *up close and personal with her~*...
>Not anger, but intimacy.
>Candy starts having second thoughts about her pursuit of Vignette Valencia.
>But only morally.
>It doesn't stop her legs from continuing her travel in the direction of where she saw that tiny phone screen with the livestream chat.
>"Y'all, she's FOLLOWING me!" Vignette immerses in a more innocent type of excitement as she notices Candy appearing around every corner.
>Vignette makes a whole scene of herself evading Candy around the carnival and waterpark, deliberately not simply leaving through the exit to the parking lot.
>She wants to see how long she can drag this out, making Candy chase her.
>As she's waiting in line to purchase a soft drink, she "nervously" looks around and asks the chat to spot Candy for her.
>Some of them just joke about "a hot girl just flew over my house" after swearing the whole event is staged.
>Vignette loves to make a cue face while sipping through the straw, making the camera captures a good angle of her wolf-cut that hides her ears listening out for what she wouldn't realize is Candy's booming heartbeat.
>"Who else is getting that #vibe tonight?" Vignette awaits the made-up one-sentence fanfics her chat is about to type to her hoping for their own attention getting boosted by hers.
>A few dramatic zoom-ins to random spots within Vignette's line of sight serve as a prolonging of this new running joke that keeps the livestream interesting for the fans and followers.
>"To anyone just tuning in now, I'm being STALKED!" Vignette stresses with a failure to hide her mischievous smile. "But it's not a creepy guy this time, don't worry."
>She watches the white knight entering the chat set his sword and shield aside and tip his hat that would've been more suited for a man with a tommy gun.
>"I'm being stalked by *another girl*, chat!"
>She's very clearly playing off of how lewd the intention of this are, farming the "#vibes" for maximum attention with maximum time efficiency.
>This livestream is already starting to really blow up.
>It's "lit".
>"What do you guys think she's gonna do to me?" Vignette baits the chat into taking this conversation to an inappropriate place.
>The moderators won't care, they always let Vignette off the hook if they even do anything to begin with.
>She's still never going to send nudes to that one guy she promised she'd so so for.
>"She's been eyeing me ever since that ride she went on..." Suggests Vignette before reading a couple more of the comments creeping up the side of the screen like the end credits to common sense.
>She puffs out her cheeks with the straw still in her mouth but only sucking on open air in front of her face like a long cigarette before plucking it out and piercing it back into the half-full soft drink she's been enjoying.
>"It's not staged!" Vignette deliberately won't elaborate to keep the chat arguing and the levels of activity soaring sky high so she stays on trending.
>A pair of tiny pink glows catches the chat's attention first, at least as far as they're concerned.
>Vignette was pretending she didn't see anything.
>At first.
>"Oh fuck!" Vignette feigns surprise and quickly stands up. "Don't worry, I already paid. We're going mobile, folks!"
>The cluster of ice loudly shuffles around in the heavily flavored liquid as Vignette's hand quickly becomes cold holding the plastic cup in one hand with her phone in the other.
>"Here she comes! She's gonna get me!" Vignette internally thanks Candy for being attractive like her and helping her heighten the numbers she's gettin' for this livestream with her thirsty behavior. "What should I do? Let her sip my drink?"
>Candy can be heard saying something Vignette isn't able to make out at this distance.
>Her followers can't hear a damn thing through the slight wind messing up the audio the phone is trying to adequately capture.
>"She's down bad for me, oh my gawd!" Vignette watches Candy's jittery, uneven steps hone in her direction like a heat seeking missile. "You gonna show me your favorite sex position you said earlier?" Vignette jokingly ups the shock value for the public.
>Candy says something to her from far away, but quickly starts to get closer.
>"You think that glow in her eyes is staged?!" Vignette points out to her livestream chat. "How would I stage something like that? Y'all are stubborn!"
>Vignette Valencia does her best to not let her drink spill as her hurried steps make the liquid in the plastic cup makes mini tidal waves trying to escape to the ground below.
>She has no free hands to keep her tube top from starting to slip down.
>At least until she can stop by a nearby table no one sits at and tug her top back up before anything is actually revealed.
>It's at this moment when Vignette Valencia realizes she should have worn a bra today... because two bumps start to show themselves through the white fabric of her top.
>Like, it is a little cold out here, but not too too cold.
>Vignette does notice how much she is shivering from her own excitement.
>Making her wonder if she's poking through her top because she's excited for Candy.
>She honestly couldn't tell through the excitement for the views she knows she's getting from having another attractive girl in this vlog to get more eyes on it.
>She knows what will get the internet riled up for her content.
>She knows what's popular on porn sites, but only wants to imply it in a safe-for-work way to expand how many people *can* watch her content.
>But this... this is starting to feel outside of Vignette's control.
>Little by little.
>Vignette knows how much her speed-walking is making her chest shake up and down too.
>That combined with her erect peaks shining through is gonna rake in more viewers, yes, but she's anxious about doing it so... like this.
>Because Vignette has caught onto the art of keeping things unfulfilling, things that can't really serve as fap material for lonely simps who would have otherwise kept watching the next stream hoping to (unlikely) catch something then or worm their way into Vignette's good graces and maybe score a date with her (impossible).
>One of the main reasons why Vignette wanted to get a boyfriend, to stave these guys off, but then that'd also mean less viewership for her, and internet sleuths from that orange-eyes-alien website are getting *good* these days.
>They obsess over her and so many other influencers like her so much that no secret will stay secret for long.
>Attention is a double-edged sword, fame is a double-edged sword.
>Practically any celebrity, e- or not, will tell ya.
>Hello constant attention and views, goodbye privacy and autonomy over spare time.
>Takes a real sociopath to not only want something like this to a genuine degree, but then not change their mind or regret it at all after getting what they wished for.
>It takes a real narcissist with nothing else to do with their life but show off to others.
>To enjoy being stuck with the very thing they asked for.
>To not be allowed to live a peaceful, normal... someone like those loud brothers who got kicked out of Italy that one time, with the older one then getting banished from Japan and forced to apologize (he didn't really care).
>Takes sociopaths like THAT to enjoy this kind of life... to bask in it.
>And Vignette Valencia herself just wanted attention while not understanding what extensions it comes with, unable to handle even half of her 15 minutes of fame if she's being honest.
>She didn't expect not to be cut out for this.
>Candy's apparent obsession makes Vignette reflect upon this as the path of the pursuit grows longer and longer and longer.
>"It's sooooo much hotter when a girl simps for me and stalks me, just saying." Vignette doesn't realize hr intentionally incorrect assertion about Candy is accidentally correct.
>Vignette doesn't allow her nervousness to show, but her unintentional physical excitement doesn't fall to the same treatment, showing through her top even more now.
>The most depraved perverts in chat were first to notice.
>Screenshotting, etc.
>You know why.
>Vignette doesn't know how she's going to shake off this obsessed fan... maybe just let her catch (up to) her and let her gush over her?
>Hopefully, that's all it'll be, but for the attention, Vignette will play it off like it was more than that.
>Because even though all of this actual sense of potential danger to herself, Vignette hatches an idea to get her viewers hyped up.
>She always figures out a way to have a last hurrah, not understanding that if she's not careful, this last hurrah will be an actual last hurrah.
>A reluctant, indecisive predator lurks in the shadows, its gaze set upon her.
>Vignette keeps the mood lighthearted for herself as well by playing it off with more jokes.
>"She's gonna give me cooties!" Vignette kids around as Candy starts approaching once more.
>She "retreats" to the ferris wheel which is in the opposite direction of the exit.
>Buying a ticket to get onto the thing after the line is short enough for her to get on without a wait too long to evade Candy.
>Like this chase is nothing more than a goofy Saturday morning cartoon, not understanding the actual severity of the situation.
>Candy meanwhile starts to mutter to herself, but to herself to Vignette: "Get away from me. Please.. get away from me."
>With prying eyes, Candy sets her increasingly excited gaze onto Vignette's petite body wrapped up in that lewd little outfit she has on.
>Tight shorts and a clingy white tube top with detached sleeves to still show off her bare shoulders with.
>Candy noticed Vignette's chest in a certain way as well, letting her own chest bounce around to her steps as the pursuit halts at the tall ferris wheel.
>Vignette zooms the camera down to where Candy stare up at her from, panning the field of view between her "surprised" face and Candy's position.
>"Chat, whoever makes the first fanart of this gets a free shoutout." Promises Vignette in a deceptively un-worried tone that masks its undertones in whatever banter her brain can jump to next.
>Deep inside, Vignette's heart screams at her that she's being followed by someone who's probably actually dangerous for real.
>But those screams from her heart are starting to get pushed aside by what might as well be described as moans coming from Vignette's heart.
>And cries for Candy's direct physical... company.
>Vignette Valencia doesn't know what her feelings are doing.
>She tries not to let little noises escape from her throat as Candy awaits her down below.
>Vignette want to play games with Candy, Candy wants to play doctor with Vignette.
>After watching the way her neck-length hair moves around as she frantically strode back and forth away from her, spinning her head to look back at her...
>Unable to resist the urge to unwrap her prey after hunting her down.
>Candy impatiently fidgets involuntarily as Vignette finally comes back down and steps off of the ferris wheel.
>"Well hello there!" Vignette plays into the "#vibe" Candy is giving off. "Someone wants to hang out, eh?"
>Half of the chat urges Vignette to run away as immediately as she can, while the other chat dedicatedly swears this whole thing is staged for attention, having stuck around in this supposedly staged livestream for about an hour now.
>With a manufactured attitude that deflates her own fear, Vignette playfully backs away from Candy, curling her finger towards herself for reasons she can't fully explain.
>Candy watches the way Vignette semi-intentionally swings her hips.
>An influencer like Vignette Valencia would have to keep her body nice and well-formed, maintaining a petite hourglass shape.
>One of such she could wrap up in these semi-revealing articles of clothing to really appeal to her fanbase.
>Even in the mostly darkened sky, Vignette's beautiful body glows to Candy from her point of view.
>Her nipple bulges under her top can be seen easily from the overhead light of eventual street lights anyway.
>The way Vignette's cute hairstyle sways back and forth with her movements... the way her beauty mark compliments her hypnotizing pearly-white smile... it's making Candy tremble with want and lust.
>Candy fidgets on and on as she continues to hone in on Vignette Valencia.
>Too strong with no longer tamed lust to be weighted down by the crushing sensation of guilt that fruitlessly does everything it can to hold her back.
>Vignette Valencia flew all the way over here to this spot in the Caribbean just to get hunted down by a woman 11 years older than her named Candy.
>Candy is 33, Vignette is 22.
>Vignette still has a developed enough chest to let it show off how soft it is through bouncing slightly when she hops away from Candy.
>Candy's more developed breasts in her small bikini top give Vignette's audience an addition to this show they've been enjoying, by swaying and wobbling as she keeps trying to close in on a cautiously playful Vignette Valencia farming views.
>Vignette curiously glances down at Candy's juicy cleavage, not sure if what she's feeling is jealousy or arousal, but knows this other young lady has her... slightly mogged.
>But only slightly.
>Still, Vignette isn't sure why her mind is going there, why her eyes are wandering there.
>But the appreciative glint in Candy's fluttering but otherwise vacant glowing eyes indicates that she appreciates the admiration of her assets.
>Candy may be still slightly ahead of Vignette in terms of physical development, but that doesn't mean she can't...
>Candy picks up her pace, Vignette starts to almost dance around her, in a dodge from her advance that aims to escape.
>There's that feeling inside of Vignette Valencia again, that nervousness that tells her she needs to cut the charade and get the fuck out of here.
>With a loud slurp, Vignette Valencia finishes her delicious soft drink, eyeing Candy's delicious cleavage next.
>For confusing reasons she cant put her finger on.
>At this point, Vignette changes her mind, wanting the chat to think this is all staged... even though it's absolutely not.
>She doesn't know Candy, but Candy is acting like she knows her.
>Really conflicting to see another female as attractive as she is act this way.
>"She's got me, chat! It's too late for me! Ruuuuuun!" Vignette purposely backs herself into a corner away from the public walkway, praying that Candy will switch off this act as soon as she cheesily cuts of the livestream for dramatic effect with a phony "see ya next time" accompanied by a wink.
>Reluctantly dying for something quite different, Candy takes note of how naïve Vignette is.
>Vignette is pretending, Candy is not.
>Seeing one last glance of Vignette's livestream to see what her screen name is, Candy is about to show ViVi that she's into girls too~
>And she's about to help her REALLY get into girls now that all the video evidence was turned off and conveniently discredited.
>Reason-less fingers curled under her smooth slightly pointed chin, ViVi tries her best to keep the grin from forming on her lips.
>Blinking rapidly at Candy with a self-distracting hand swiping her light pink hair away from over one of her pretty blue eyes.
>ViVi moves with a sleek, catlike grace just for Candy, and she doesn't even realize it.
>Candy smiles at her with that same vacant, wanting look in her eyes enslaved by that slight pink glow that is no longer under her control.
>"...I take it you're a fan?" Mutters ViVi, feeling more and more personal with Candy even in the slight millisecond she *isn't* inching closer to her.
>"I am now~" Candy sighs, appreciating the way she and ViVi can empathize together by how well they take care fo their smooth sexy skin before a a tiny island of her trapped self sends out a single distress signal before sinking into the bombarding waves of an ocean of primal lust. "Run... get away now... before it's too late..."
>"Wha..." ViVi can't stop gazing at how erect Candy's perky nipples are piercing through her bikini top.
>Neglected by the tininess of her short shorts, Candy's smooth thighs brush together every time she takes a step towards ViVi. "Hide away... hide away from me~..." She worms one conflicted warning out of her lungs for the last time.
>Candy wants to taste what ViVi's drink tastes like... directly off of ViVi's lips and tongue.
>ViVi shudders with poorly concealed excitement as she feels Candy's horny gaze roaming up and down her sexy body.
>ViVi can't scream.
>Because she almost feels like she... doesn't want to.
>Thirstily gazing again at Candy's erect nipples poking through her bikini top, ViVi feels her own nipples become fully erect through her top in response.
>Candy watches this gradually happen, and closes in on ViVi.
>Ready to chase her one last time... and win~
>It was already happening long before ViVi realized or had time to prevent it.
>”Mmph!” ViVi lets out a muffled yelp into Candy’s liplocking mouth.
>It only lasted just under 3 seconds, but that was all it took.
>ViVi’s heart jumps into rapid thumping after she registers the taste of Candy’s saliva hint its way past her lips.
>A tiny strand can briefly be seen breaking between the quickly parting pairs of lips.
>Confirming that Candy kissed ViVi deeply enough to do her in.
>ViVi’s voice hitches in her throat, cancelling whatever words that were about to come out.
>She’s only beginning to physically respond to Candy’s sweet kiss.
>Candy watches ViVi’s hard braless nipples become even more extremely erect through her white top.
>Now almost rivaling Candy’s hard perky nipples asserting themselves through her thin pink bikini top~
>Now both of them know what that soft drink tasted like…
>ViVi’s panic can already sense the impending betrayal from her own body.
>She instinctively tries to get away from Candy while she still can.
>But has to somehow get around her before the sexual mutiny Candy planted into her fully blooms.
>ViVi quickly learns of the method Candy’s type uses that never fails to seduce and subdue.
>And that even she is not immune to it.
>Magically just… liking girls now… enjoying how little Candy’s sexy bikini top leaves to the imagination.
>Candy and ViVi physically interact as the latter makes a feeble attempt to push past.
>To push out of the corner she mistakenly chose to deliberately back herself into.
>Candy enjoys running her hands up and down ViVi’s hourglass form.
>ViVi reluctantly enjoys doing the same with Candy’s hourglass form as her shaking hands have to gently push back at Candy’s completely bare midriff.
>ViVi can’t start actually running until her smooth bare thighs are no longer somewhat tangled up with Candy’s smooth bare thighs like they’re trying to undo the fly of the other’s short shorts through mutual grinding.
>Only ViVi’s short shorts are hiding a pair of panties underneath…
>ViVi’s eyes are drawn to Candy’s soft shaking tits during the brief struggle.
>Candy allows ViVi to make it past her after several long seconds of this special interaction.
>Stumbling free, ViVi reels in trembling excitement she must find a way to deny as it grows by the second.
>Stunned by the way Candy’s lovingly intrusive hands got all over her tummy and lower back, ViVi tugs the bottom of her top back down and re-covers her bellybutton…
>Wondering how Candy got it untucked so swiftly without her noticing.
>Was it during that… disarming kiss?
>Trying to reason with how that wonderful event went down swirls ViVi’s thoughts into a confused haze as she instinctively takes off speedwalking.
>Her racing heart doesn’t want her to run, the slight moisture in her panties doesn’t want her to run, only the tiny still-unconquered part of her mind wants her to run.
>Disorientation drips from ViVi's clumsy stride as she finds herself in search fo the exit she no longer remembers the direction of.
>Her judgement is clouded by a longing for Candy's touch once more.
>But she has to lie to herself and pretend she's just running away from some weirdo.
>ViVi can barely for a coherent thought without thinking about Candy.
>The way she kissed her...
>The way she touched her...
>ViVi already misses it as though it wasn't just a minute or two ago.
>As if it wasn't just five minutes ago.
>As if it wasn't just ten minutes ago.
>ViVi still hasn't found the exit to this place, and finds herself looking over her shoulder partially in fear and partially hoping Candy's right behind her to take her into her delightful embrace.
>There's nothing ViVi can do to shake this feeling away.
>She just hopes Candy wants her just as badly as she wants Candy.
>A few other passerby take note of ViVi's seemingly bewildered demeanor as she wanders around the amusement and water parks as the last of the blue and purple light threatens to leave pitch blackness behind overhead.
>Only a faint reminder to tug her top back up on occasion remains with her, but she's barely concerned about that anymore.
>ViVi feels a tingle of jittery excitement creep its way up her spine after Candy's voice reaches her ears from behind.
>"Keep running!" Candy stumbles around, her bountiful perky chest threatening to overwhelm her bikini top with her movements moving her supple bustiness around.
>ViVi subconsciously slows down, drawn to Candy's voice like a magnet as she zigzags past a bright and colorful carnival ride.
>The spinning lights further disorients her, making her happily turn around to a new direction that makes her escape more difficult as Candy draws closer to the amusement of the other park-goers.
>"I can't stop! Please... run!" Candy breathily grins a vacant smile with her glowing eyes locked onto ViVi, who makes no effort to show anyone she's trying to escape Candy.
>In fact, the fact that ViVi looks like she's having fun only convinces everyone that these two are just a couple of drunk girls having fun together.
>When ViVi round a corner to a dark spot behind a couple of tents where no one else is, she almost regrets not screaming.
>But that would mean Candy wouldn't be able to trap her here.
>Those glowing eyes might as well see in the dark as they appear and submerge into the dark.
>Still giving away how much closer Candy is to closing the gap between her and her lover for tonight.
>ViVi uses her lack of knowledge of what might happen to her to push herself forward away from Candy's thirsty advances.
>She weaves between metallic ropes hammered to the ground with stakes that try their best to trip her, and part of her tries its best to let them.
>There's only lush grass below to land on, perfect for lying on top of while being trapped under Candy's body.
>After ViVi makes it out the other end of the space between the rows of tents to an open area again, she's back where a lot of the booths are.
>They're all decoratively lit up and still operating to drain the wallets of anyone who thinks they're gonna somehow shoot the last fo the paper target down to the ground or whatever rigged challenge is on display.
>ViVi dizzily stumbles around with those lights painting pink and orange glows in her face.
>She spins around in search of a direction to go.
>The nearby ferris wheel almost calls to her, but she already went on her turn with it.
>Across the lit up dirt path is another "alleyway" lined by the backs of tents, booths, grass, ropes and wires with occasional electronic equipment and such.
>A couple of loud fans are enough to drown out any noise ViVi makes, but to her, this is the perfect way to shield herself from anyone coming to rescue her.
>ViVi enters the next patch of darkness, knowing Candy is following closely behind her.
>"No! Don't go in there! You can't escape me there!" Candy does everything she can to save ViVi from her.
>A whirlwind of thoughts clouds Candy's judgement and prolongs a civil war between the side of her that wants the best for ViVi, and the side of her that wants ViVi.
>ViVi can feel Candy's aura gathering around her; it feels pink, as there's no other way to describe it.
>But it is strong.
>Bringing ViVi to her knees as she tries to take another step.
>Even if she did manage to take another step, someone is blocking her path.
>A pair of green glowing eyes tower over ViVi from one side while a pair of pink glowing eyes towers from the other.
>There is a loud fan blowing air in another direction that keeps ViVi's noises unheard as her predicament is boxed into the darkness from all direction by two lustful magical women and equipment blocking a sideways path to escape with.
>ViVi's entire body cries out in joy as she feels two pairs of hands reach down and grab her, excitedly keeping her from being able to stand back up.
>Her neck-length hair shifts around in the dark as Candy and Chryssy lower themselves to her to more easily put their hands all over her.
>The back of ViVi's top is dragged down her smooth back, baring it to the darkness that hides it from everyone except two people.
>The front has no choice but to follow suit, and gives Candy and Chryssy a reason to thirstily lick their lips down at ViVi helplessly in their captivity at their mercy.
>ViVi's Instagram page has a new post uploaded the following afternoon.
>At its surface, the group selfie looks innocent.
>Chryssy on the left, ViVi in the middle, and Candy on the right.
>All of whom have bright, delicious looking ice pops in their mouths contrasting with the pitch black night sky behind them.
>Captioned [made new friends], it's the tip of the iceberg of what happened last night.
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Again, just to clarify, this was a repost. With like five posts worth of new stuff added into it, something like that.

More Candyass being naughty with Gleaming Shield:
Great to see all of this together in one update!
Only a few hours left
Alright finger bang. Who is she. What is she wearing. How hairy is she. What other details
sling bikini
fully shaved
Cookie Crumbles
Bushy pussy carpet
ooh, and ahegao face
And embarrassed smile
It’s October for me right now.
Didn’t have a lot of time to spend so it is bare bones
May I expect an improved version (as well as a nude version) sometime later?
I’m working 7 days straight this week so probably not. We will see
good shit anon, i might give it a go later if i have the chance, thanks for delivering
I hope that your still around here Anon, continuing your gree


Whore of CHS... I mean Sunset is very good:
>I’m working 7 days straight this week
What kind of job would that be? If you don’t mind me asking.
She’s sure got my attention locked all good
Power line technicians. Hurricane missed me by 10 miles but everyone above me got power taken out. We ain’t got enough people to work the lines so I’m having to do 7. I’m not complaining though because it’s something that has to be done and I’m getting an absurd amount of overtime.
Wrong anon I’m sorry.
Oh, well best of luck to you Anon. You guys and first responders are the real heroes when this kind of stuff happens.
This is already hot and they didn’t really take their clothes off yet
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Gonna give a little preamble before posting part 1. I'm playing around in the sandbox left by Cosmic Butthole (CB) in King of the Castle part 1. I'm not as good a writer as CB is, but I had fun ideas over the course of King of the Castle coming out that I wanted to explore with what talents I had.
TL;DR Anon is a new student at Canterlot High. Over the course of the semester, the HuMane 7 fall for Anon and invite him to a surprise sleepover on the last day before winter break where they confess they are all into him and willing to share Anon as their boyfriend. After the dust settles, Sunset reveals she had the girls craft Anon into perfect boyfriend material and she sees him as ready to become King of the school.
Now we join them on the first day back to school in Duties of the King.
Duties of the King part 1.

>You are Anonymous and it's your 1st day back to school after winter break. The sky is overcast and it might rain this afternoon. But right now you are on your way to lunch from Art with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Rarity Chatting away.
>Normally your fellow students would be paying almost no attention to you, but today is decidedly different! There are 2 reasons for this. First You are wearing one of the shirts Rarity made for you that exposes your well-formed midriff. Today's shirt happens to be in Sunset's colors and symbol with the caption "All according to plan!". Second, there's a very accurate rumor going around that you are dating 7 girls at the same time.
>Fortunately Canterlot High's student population has a positive and understanding outlook in general so no major disagreement break out when distracted students walk into each other or even walls because they were looking at you instead of where they were going.
>You're actually spending a fair amount of time trying to prevent collisions when Sunset grabs your attention. "So how are you holding up so far Anon?" She asks.
"Pretty good, all things considered." You reply. "A lot of going between classes has me trying to prevent accidents because I worry we're only a concussion away from the school dress code being revised." you say with a half-hearted chuckle. "Also there's been the huge amount of queries about me dating 7 beautiful ladies. Which I'm sure you're getting too."
>"OH yeah we are!" she said. "But we have a plan for that at lunch today." she said with a sly grin and offers you a folded paper. "Sorry but we may end up rushing our actual eating."
You take the proffered paper, unfold it, and examine the contents. "Woah. Normally I'd ask if you're serious, but I know better now. Also, I have to find some guys to help me?"
>"Yeah at least 1, but 2 or more would be better." She said. "Do you see anything else that may be a concern?"
"Just need to know the time I suppose." Trying to look composed.
>"10 minutes from.." talking as she tapped on her phone "Now!" as she hit send and a message with a timer counting down appeared in your group chat. And with that, you entered the cafeteria and spread out to your marks.
>Then it happened. These.. words.. flashed in front of you just long enough to read them.
>Not really knowing what to make of it, you kept going to your mark. Time was ticking after all!
>You were on the far side of the cafeteria mentally running through your expected performance when, as luck would have it, Flash Sentry approached you. "Hey Anonymous. Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked a bit formally.
"Absolutely!" I said. "And I can probably guess what you want to know, but I'll let you say it in a way you're comfortable with ok?"
>"Thanks Anonymous." he said a bit more at ease. "Honestly, there's rumors about you dating a lot of different girls and I don't like talking about stuff I haven't heard from a reliable source. Anything you could tell me?"
"Sure can!" I said with a big smile. " I AM, in fact, dating 7 girls at the same time and they agreed to share me before they confessed to me. The girls in question are, in no particular order you could tell, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. As you can see I'm wearing Sunset's colors and symbol today and across the next 6 days I will wear the colors and symbols of all my ladies."
>"Woah." Flash said looking a little stunned. "That is impressive! No wonder so many folks are talking. Might be hard to set them all straight I'm thinking though."
"Well as it happens, we are about to make the big announcement in a musical way. But I could use some guys on my side of it. Can you help me out please?"
>"I think so." he said with a smile. "Show me what you've got." And I showed him the paper Sunset had given me and highlighted where I needed help.
"Basically they re-worded that popular karaoke duet song from the movie Grease and we start in about.. 5 minutes." I said.
>"Ok yeah I see where you're going. Sounds fun." he said smiling. Then he looked around for potential volunteers. "Hey Microchip. And you guys." pointing to a group of guys. "Come on over. Got something special happening."
>"Ok here's what's up. We're going to." and then the chatter faded in the manner of a TV show going to commercial.
{Author's note. Ok I have to create a break here to explain what's coming next a bit further. The short answer is a musical number. I have yet to see a greentext that does this and for some very good reasons! Among them being it has to many parts for just 2 colors of text. I mean, I've got 10 individuals plus a chorus on just the girls side (HuMane 7 and Crusaders). Additionally describing the movements of the characters breaks the flow of any song attempted, so I'm going to cheat and ignore that while hand waving you in the general direction of the original video except for the ending pose. There's other issues like this not really matching the tone of the rest of what I've written so far. But darn it all, doing a musical number here makes SENSE for these characters. And we all know EQG has a history of singing in the cafeteria. So please bear with me and even if this part isn't to your taste, please give the other parts a try. Now I just need to present the original video link and character keys to show who's singing. Thank you for your attention!}
>[S] Sunset, [P] Pinkie, [AJ] Applejack, [F] Fluttershy, [R] Rarity, [T] Twiggles, [RD] Rainbow Dash, [AB] Apple Bloom, [Sc] Scootaloo, [SB] Sweetie belle, and [Chorus].
[A] Anonymous, [FS] Flash Sentry, [M] Microchip, and [Chorus].

[A] Winter lovin', happened so fast
>[P] Winter lovin', had me a blast
[A] I met some girls crazy for me
>[RD] Trained a boy cute as can be

>[Chorus] Winter days drifting away
>To uh, oh those winter nights

[Chorus] Oh well, oh well, oh well, uh
Tell me more, tell me more
[FS] Did they get very far?
>[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
>[Sc] Like does he have a car?

>[S] All together, we set a plan
[A] I was nervous, when it began
>[AJ] We'd start easy, joshin' around
[A] It got real, love notes were found

[Chorus] Winter sun, something's begun
But uh, oh those winter nights

>[Chorus] Oh well, oh well, oh well, uh
Tell me more, tell me more
>[AB] Was it love at first sight?
[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
[FS] Did you put up a fight?
>[F] Put a movie, on the big screen
[A] Got intense, on the kiss scene
>[T] We sang songs, hearts unafraid
[A] Each song sung, was a serenade

>[Chorus] Winter fling, it's a big thing
But uh, oh those winter nights

[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
[M] But you don't gotta brag
>[Chorus] Tell me more, tell me more
>[SB] 'Cause he sounds like a drag

>[R] We surprised him, I made him clothes
[A] I spun around, feeling exposed
>[S] Made our move, from the plan weaved
[A] From one to seven, never conceived

>[Chorus] Winter heat, boy and girls meet
But uh, oh those winter nights

>[Chorus] It turned colder, that's where it ends
[A] So I told them we're more than friends
>[Chorus] Then we made our true love vow
[A] I see what their doin' now

>[Chorus] Winter dreams, now we're a team
And, oh, those winter nights

[everyone] Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more

>During the last 4 line verse, Anon and the girls met in the center of the cafeteria. Anon faced front and held his arms outstreched at downward angles. Rarity posed on his left shoulder with Rainbow Dash beside her. Sunset posed on his right shoulder with Applejack next to her. Fluttershy knelt by his left leg, Twilight by his right. And Pinkie hopped on his back with her knees latching onto his ribs and her shins atop his hips.
>They held the pose while Photo Finish took pictures for the yearbook.
"Hello everyone and thank you for watching and helping with this number! My name is Anonymous, and I would like it to be known that I am dating all of these lovely ladies who will now introduce themselves."
>"Sunset Shimmer."
>"Pinkie Pie."
>"Twilight Sparkle."
>"And Rainbow Dash."
"We knew there was going to be folks talking and asking questions so we arranged this to help give everyone the answers and same basic understanding. We'd like to thank everyone that helped us as well as thank you for your time! And now we return you to your previously scheduled lunch already in progress."

>There was a big round of heartfelt applause and several students filed by to offer congratulations. With comments like "About time!" and "Finally did it eh?" being the most common to the girls. There was also a sprinkling of "And he can sing too!"
>From the guys to Anonymous there were many variations of the following conversation.
>"Dude. Seven?"
"Yeah seven."
>"No really, SEVEN?"
"Yup. Seven."
>"You're a legend man!"
"Thank you."
>october 1st
>no sign of Sarge
At this point I'm sure we're not getting a conclusion to Anonymous Werewolf 4. I can't help but wish that someone dedicated enough would pick it up and finish it, but it wouldn't be the same coming from anyone else.
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That's so cute
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
Maybe he will show up half way through October. It’s possible.
Fun stuff! I like the use of the song from Grease, that's definitely one of the best sources to get cheesy duet songs from, and something like that is a really good fit for the EqG setting. Looking forward to what else you come up with!
By the way, don't get too hung up on not being as good a writer as me. Everyone was a beginner at some point, just look at my old Lightning Man greentext saved on Ponepaste. It's much rougher around the edges than Risky Business or King of the Castle, but over time you hone those writing skills naturally and become a better writer than you used to be. I'm rooting for you!
ViVi's running the risk of breaking Instagram's terms of service with salacious stuff like that, seems like Candy and Chryssy are a real bad influence on her.
Love how you describe ViVi's almost addiction to how Candy kissed and touched her, it feels more intense and like she really has infected her with her influence. Can't wait to see what else she posts!
Very nice anatomy work! Especially the fingers, those are the death of me.
I love how cute her underwear is
Cocko Pummel... I mean Coco Pommel proving that girls with page-bob hairstyles are hot:
That outfit type and that hairstyle really go together like a charm

A Luna is fine too...!:
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Flutters was horny af in eqg

Who wouldn't want to be in Dashie's position here, looking up at Hootershy's tits ?:
I couldn’t imagine not wanting that
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Those swimsuits sure were lewd
Lmao that’s a good one.
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God damn it Carlos
I can't believe this place is still going after all these years
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More of Whore of CHS and Turboslut... I mean Sunset and Twilight in those swimsuits:

That artist has an intriguing angular style. I like it.
Those two got their swimsuits all skimpy like that on purpose. Making it hard for boys not to get hard in their swim trunks in front of them.
Pantyhose+leotard always demands attention

Here's Bunny Sunset and Kitty Twilight looking so hot in pantyhose & leotards, they won't need to demand attention:
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Rarity's the pantyhose & leotard-wearing cat that'll get the cream in her womb :
Still awake since last night, so apologies if i miss anyone but:
I'll do more after more Patagonia.
Spoiler: Onlyfans will be utilized on ViVi's part for Chryssy's benefit.
Nice work!
Yeah, imagine someone starting a completion on the 15th or something, and then he's finally able to show up on the 29th by surprise or something. It'd be better just to wait for him to do it. I could still write short horror stories of my own if you want. That shit is literally my niche.

Anyway, now for something completely different: Here's more I Know What You Did In Patagonia. Spoiler: Characters will start dying pretty fuckin' soon in the story.
>Alone in confusion you sit.
>Trying to process everything that has happened the best you can.
>Listening to Big Mac crunching his boots around in the snow while talking every now and then makes you feel a little bit better.
>It's a much appreciated far cry from the snow crunching that made your heart skip a beat and sink earlier.
>Feeling the heat and sweat dying down, your breathing lightens and slows.
>Listening to Timber Spruce and Bulk Biceps leaving joining Big Mac outside gives you enough confidence to start loudly shuffling around in a renewed sense of safety.
>A part of you possesses you to clean up the inside of your camping tent a bit a busy work, not having a single care about whether or not you can be heard in here now.
>You still don't want to go out there into the cold.
>The heat that built up in here due to your fear has been transformed into something a million times more comforting.
>A hand brushing across the material of your camping tent's wall confirms that the weather out there is less than desirable.
>Most likely below freezing at this time.
>As soon as you feel like enough time has passed, you gather your heavy winter coat and begin to slip into it.
>"Ah'm pretty sure it was *that* pass we came back out of." Points Big Mac in the direction in a couple of small snow-coated mountains. "That's why it took longer to get here. The snowfall must have disoriented us."
>"I think I agree with Bulk more." Rebukes Timber Spruce, pointing at the more familiar gap in the jagged gatherings of rock the group went into yesterday. "It's more likely the snow slowed us down, which made everything take longer."
>"Ah guess ah can see where yer comin' from. But I'm sure mah bearings are tellin' me we were comin' from *that* direction."
>"Mine feel more like we came back exactly the route we went." Shrugs Timber.
>"If we're lucky, we can retrace our steps from the footprints... if they're still visible." Bulk scans the snow for the corresponding indentations he's describing.
>Brief plumes of everyone's breaths show with every word they speak and every exhale they release.
>At this point, Flash has joined the others outside, with Shining, Norman and Nolan remaining inside of their tents.
>"I was sure you guys were goners." Flash stumbles up to the rest of the guys who decided to chill outside.
>"Bah, you didn't have to worry about us." Timber reassures him with a heavily padded pat on the shoulder through thick gloves and coat. "Bulk, Big Mac and I have braved the outdoors lots of times before."
>"Well thanks for not making me have to go find the helicopter station place to get a rescue team for you guys."
>"Ah don't see much of a set of prints goin' in either of the directions." Observes Big Mac. "Obviously, it already got snowed over overnight."
>"I guess you're right." Agrees Timber after scanning the same spots the other two have looked over.
>A few thin wind-bound sheets of snow are carried across the nearby valley in a prolonged gust.
>Like a ghastly sail traveling across the wavy plane of cold snow with occasional rocks and dead grass slightly interrupting the white-ness.
>Kicking up the fallen snowflakes like grains of sand into a dust devil as it slightly swirls to a noticeable degree.
>Big Mac is momentarily captivated by the sight, having expected to see something like this at some point across the flatter part of this terrain.
>But the spectacle has now drawn his attention to something else peculiar about the snow.
>"Ah reckon none of y'all went too far to take a leak, did ya?"
>The direction he points in is opposite to the direction that goes to behind the more nearby ledge where everyone else had chosen.
>This direction hosts a far-reaching set of footprints that are slightly still visible in the snow sprouting out from the cluster of other paths of footprints around everyone's camping tents.
>And it spans far out into the flatter plain of the valley, much further than someone would have gone to take a leak in the freezing pitch blackness of the night.
>The fact that this path of footprints is still somewhat distinguishable while the more multiple footprints leading back from the small mountains isn't indicates that these footprints were made much later into the night.
>About an hour or two later at least.
>"Huh." Timber is quick to notice the set of footprints as well. "Well those aren't mine. I went right to sleep."
>"Same." Flash jumps in.
>This is about the time when you join the group standing outside making your breaths puff into the cold air like the smoke out of little chimneys.
>They ask you if those footprints leading far into the valley are yours, as the fact that they were evidently made at such a weird time and for such a weird distance is cause for concern.
"They're not mine. I was in my tent all night." You try to ignore the fact that your tent is closest to where the trail starts.
>You remember the sounds that kept you up for so many hours and begin to worry again.
>There was just now a part of you you didn't know about that hoped that it was all just some vivid nightmare that spilled over into when you were awake.
>There *was* that part of you, and it just died away in the face of the fact that none of those gut wrenching noises you heard were imaginary after all.
>But you're too afraid to mention the noises you heard, for reasons you can't even internally explain to yourself.
>You just stare off into the distance at the mountains, watching the gusts of wind pick up more majestic sails of snow and carrying them across the jagged rocks, sometimes diagonally.
>Evading the fact that the trail of footprints that were just pointed out to you go in the SAME direction you heard the footsteps go in when they were getting further away.
>And they didn't go further away again, but that would mean whoever (or whatever) made them would be right next to your tent right now... which you know for a fact you don't see and Big Mac also doesn't see when circling everyone's camping tents, including yours.
>Not staying outside long, you retreat to the confines of your tent as the others begin to plan whether or not it's a good idea to move camp to somewhere more snug inside of the embrace of mountains.
>You can hear other tents rustling while packing your things up in anticipation of the move.
>Figuring that you might as well be prepared for it ahead of time and save yourself the annoyance of a rushed departure with extra steps.
>One by one, Norman, Nolan and Shining all crawl out of their respective camping tents and are confronted by the other guys talking.
>The mystery footprints are brought up, as Bulk Biceps's identifiably heavier footsteps can be heard lumbering with loud crunches in the same direction as them while he investigates.
>Everyone's answer is the same, concluding that no one in this entire group are the owner of those suspicious footprints.
>You're not sure if it's more because some of the cold wind made its way into your camping tent while the entrance was unzipped or because of the chills of dread charging up and down your spine, but you begin to shiver.
>More conversation about whether to move camp continues outside until Bulk's heavy footsteps can be heard returning.
>"...They just stop!" His voice stresses with subtle alarm.
>"Whaddaya mean they just stop?!" Asks Big Mac in clear disbelief.
>"I just followed them all the way out there. They go a long ways out into the valley and then... they just stop. About four or five hundred paces out, footprints and then nothing."
>Everyone else's silence speaks volumes to their shock.
>"C'mon and see for yourselves. I don't know what to make of this."
>"Does this mean we're *definitely* moving camp now?" Asks Norman's voice.
>"Looks like it." Replies Big Mac.
>The dull wind continues across the snowy plain as you continue to sit.
All for now. More tonight maybe.
Need Chrysalis Roommate
Would love a nude edit

Twi knows where that hand has been lol
god damn, those swimsuits are really skimpy in the butt area. i love it.
me on the left please
You can see it in her expression
AInons present?
I imagine they're still here and just not posting as much.
I miss the one who did the eyeliner but also the one who did a lot of wallflower a lot of months back.
Not terrible for an ai
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
yeah but the fingers though
I love you Canterslut crossposters
Arguably my favorite non-nude edit.
Ooh, it's getting intense now! Snowy winter type settings are super underrated for horror. They're so inherently hostile and isolating for people even without killed monsters on the loose.
Looks like they're gonna be in for a whole world of trouble trying to move camp now.
Would. Hard.
I love booba
I'd love to be smothered in booba
Me too, Anon. Me too.
I like the drawfags better, personally. They can actually do more. Still not against AI though.
Think I said it last thread but I’m more worried about the elf guy. He’s immune to aphrodisiacs so he can’t just be a regular human with no major plot significance coming up im calling it now!
Adorasexy cosplays.
These would be fun to see someone do.
Pretty great artist
Would love to see more
Ready with that Milky Way titfuck story, Grey?
Which one?
Hate to be “that guy” but I specifically remember him confirming it’s not her. Also aren’t posts with that character not allowed anyway, or was it only images? Bah I don’t remember anymore.
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Is the snake supposed to be Chrysalis' magic on Luna or just part of Luna's outfit?
Hi, I once requested a nude edit of Sunset Shimmer (and got it delivered) here.

I have moved (back) to the /trash/ Edit Thread since then in order to request further edits, including naturally sagged breast while maintaining the same size (among others), and recently got one.


While I could notice some changes, the editor there failed to make her breast not to defy the gravity.

So I'd like to request here that Sunset Shimmer is given a naturally sagged breast.

You can remove the background or give a new one, if you have no idea how to deal with it.
Anon, honest question.
Do you have a diagnosis for some OCD or autism
I don't mind his posts at all, personally.
Neither do I.
I just wonder about anons who post things like this with such regularity and such specific requests
In hopes someone will deliver eventually, I imagine.
Her foot is on backwards
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His stalwart dedication to his waifu is inspiring. Requestfag, I-I KNEEL.
Yeah, it’s probably this.
>Gloriosa on her knees
My OC Grace in Equestria Girls style
She’s a qt, I like.
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>She's a qt
Damn, thanks anon.
Would rest my face directly onto that cleavage
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Even in sfw art, she’s busty
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Hootershy indeed:
The bigger the bust size, the smaller the dress
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That dress - albeit in a different colour - was based on this by Rarity. Designed to show as much of the wearer's fuckable body as possible, there's also the possibility of 'Wardrobe Malfunctions' and even titfucking the whore... I mean wearer without her taking that dress off but of course it makes it much easier to remove when the wearer's almost wearing it
The more likely the wardrobe malfunction, the better! Gotta keep these eyes turnt her way.
Great work on this one
Duties of the King part 2.

>You are Anonymous and it's your 3rd day back to school after winter break. It's a fine Wednesday with a strong breeze and partial cloud cover by the time lunch rolls around.
>You've just sat down with your seven (7!) girlfriends between Pinkie and Sunset at your usual table, somewhat grateful for the increase in visual cover this provides you with.
>That's because Rarity had provided you with a new wardrobe for school that showed off your attractive midriff with crop top shirts. Each one with the colors and symbols of one of your girlfriends.
>Today your shirt reflected Applejack's orange skin tone with a picture of an apple over each nipple. It also had the words "Putting in the work!" just over the apples.
>Less obvious was the fact Rarity had also made you matching briefs, without words but with the symbols on the front. The only time this was an issue was when brightly colored underwear was noticed in the locker room as you changed for PE.
>"Oh hey Nonny! I forgot to ask! How did changing in PE go yesterday?" Pinkie asked with a bright smile. Yesterday you had worn HER colors.
"Well Pinkie, not gonna lie, a guy wearing bright pink underwear in a high school locker room is GOING to get a reaction." You replied. "That said, once I explained AGAIN that seven (7!) of the sexiest and most desirable girls in the ENTIRE school wanted to mark my junk as THEIR territory and I wasn't going to take any guff from any guy that didn't have at least one (1!) girlfriend, most of them calmed their tits."
>That got a round of giggles from all of the girls.
>"And what did the guys with girlfriends say?" Asked Sunset.
"Pretty much nothing. Those guys think I'm either a legend that walks among them or crazy. And they aren't terribly sure those are exclusive. Although one guy DID hit me with a Bruce Lee quote. 'Do not fear. For in great attempts it is glorious even to fail.'"
> "Sounds like overall they're adapting pretty well then." Sunset said sporting a wicked grin. "How are girls reacting to you?"
"That's going a bit weirder honestly." Which causes the girls to suddenly perk up and listen. "The incidences of girls walking into other folks or objects when they see how I'm dressed is down overall, but it seems to drop to zero if one or more of you are around me. That info is setting alarms off in the back corners of my brain that I'm just not sure how to interpret. But given my past tendencies towards being clueless it seems the best thing is to report it to all of you. Maybe it's nothing but I don't feel I have enough data to make an informed judgement. Does that make sense?"
>"Coming from you it makes perfect sense Anon. It shows you're trying your best to make this a committed relationship by asking for help in areas you might be weaker in. And as we all know, understanding female intentions hasn't always.. been your best area. We'll all help keep an eye out and thanks for bringing it to our attention." Sunset says with a genuine smile.
>The rest of the girls murmur their assents as they eat and you start to dig in too.
>The conversation moves to more normal topics and you begin to ponder something quietly. Sunset wants you to become "King" of Canterlot High, but what IS that even? And how do you get there? She also mentioned King Arthur before he drew the sword from the stone, but most of what you knew about King Arthur came from that Monty Python movie and that's pretty much useless.
>There was also that Disney film where a young Arthur was educated by Merlin who taught him by changing him into different animals. Hadn't the girls done exactly that on the night of the sleepover? You had started out as a man with Sunset. Pinkie treated you like a feast. Applejack said you were a stud to be wrangled. Fluttershy said you were a good boy. Rarity said you were a werewolf. Twilight said you were a bad boy, and Rainbow dash had treated you like a conquest.
>The girls were your Merlin! Not really a surprise at this point honestly.
>Wait, there WAS that one line from Monty Python. How did it go? "Supreme executive power is derived from a mandate from the masses!" That was it! Therefore the student body of Canterlot High had to want YOU to be their King. Defining it was a small step, but it put you closer to your goal by letting you direct your efforts without waste.
>How to get there was still a mystery of course. And you shouldn't ever forget a King has duties too. And not all of them pleasant. One had even flashed before your eyes a couple of days ago.
>Suddenly you were back at the cafeteria. Fluttershy had just asked you a question and you missed it!
"I'm so sorry Flutters. I was off in my own head and missed your question. What did you want to know?"
>"That's ok Anon. I was just making sure you remembered you volunteer at the animal shelter on Wednesday after school." She gently said.
"Oh of course Flutters! And if, by some chance, you have ideas for after that, I'm down for that too." You answered her in a quiet and sincere tone.
>"Yay." Fluttershy said so quietly that if you didn't know her it would be hard to understand it as a cheer. She was not only happy you would be helping her at the animal shelter, but you had also removed any need for her to mention more intimate plans while still at school.
"Just remember we still have to get our homework done too alright?"
>She just nodded while smiling.
>Man you can get lost in her smile.
>"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" shouted an angry female voice.
>That had come from the other side of the cafeteria behind you.
>By the time I had turned around on my seat towards the outburst, my view was obscured by students nearest the incident rising from their seats with angry tension in their shoulders.
>This was starting to remind me of some ugly memories from Bullworth. I didn't want ANYTHING at this school to remind me of Bullworth.
"Ladies," I said as I got up out of my seat, "We need to check this out." I stated. King Anonymous was in the house now and on the move.
>The girls were a little surprised but hastily got up and fell in behind me as I excused us through the growing crowd with commanding tones and thanked folks for letting us pass. The angry yelling was starting to repeat itself now, more interested in conveying raw angry emotion than new information.
>As I got past the front of the crowd and came forward enough for the girls to spread out behind me I took in the scene.
>Snips and Snails were both on their knees with their hands and arms covering their heads cowering. Above them stood 4 angry looking girls whose names didn't immediately come to mind. One of them was still actively yelling. Nearby on the ground was a small camera. And encircling this scene were a LOT of visibly upset Canterlot students.
>The students were starting to slowly move closer, in part because me and my girlfriends had broken through the previously established circle. Oh THAT was NOT good!
>Then it happened again as it had a couple of days ago. Several words appeared in my head.
>Ponder it later, act on it now I thought. Step 1 is stop the yelling.
"Pardon me?" I asked the yelling girl when she paused for a breath. "Hey I was over on the other side of the cafeteria. What happened?" I said in a politely curious tone.
>Her head snapped towards me and she was clearly ready to yell at me too. And then, she.. didn't yell at me. She just sort of.. stared for a bit?
>Twilight would probably call this "The Anonis factor at work." I hadn't been counting on this but I wasn't about to waste it.
"Let me guess then. These two made the bad decision to take upskirt photos of you and your friends and you caught them in the act. Am I right?"
> She nodded and finally said "H-How..?"
"How could I know that?" I asked? "Oh that's easy. Last semester they made the bad decision to do it to my girlfriend Rarity." Jerking my head to the left to indicate her while hoping desperately that she WAS on my left. "Seems these boys have a history of making bad decisions. But you know what?"
>"What?" she asked.
"You don't have to make bad decisions just because they did." I told her. "Right now I bet you feel violated, hurt, and angry. Am I right?"
>She nodded.
"And everyone here COMPLETELY understands why you would feel that way. But I have to say that most people don't make the best decisions when they're hurt and angry. Am I right?
>Again she nodded. One last push and step 1 is done!
"Thank you. I know that wasn't easy. I just have 1 more thing to ask you. Why don't you let me take over here so you and your friends can go sit down and support each other?
>She looked at her friends, then me for a moment and jumped in to hug me while she started sobbing "Thank you!" She said between sobs.
>I put my right hand on her back and patted her lightly and held up my left hand for my girlfriends to see.
>Just as suddenly she broke the hug and backed up a step, saying "Sorry!" over my left shoulder. "He's your boyfriend. I'm sorry. I just.. You got a good one!" and then she went off with her friends.
>I smiled at her as she left as cover for doing a quick assessment of the crowd. A few folks had sat back down. Some to offer more support to the victim and others had lost interest. But not enough. They had stopped moving closer but we weren't in the clear yet.
>Step 2 is talk the crowd into dispersing.
I went over to where Snips and Snails were still cowering and knelt down to talk to them quickly. "Boys, the good news is I think I can get you out of here with your skin intact. And all I need for you to do to help make that happen is to stay still. Just stay right there. If you happen to make a false move this mob WILL tear you apart. And boys? I mean tear in a VERY literal way." I stood back up and said "I'll talk to you again in a bit." Then I turned to face the crowd.
"Ok. Now where were we?" I asked the room." Ah yes. Violated, hurt, and upset. Folks, you have every right to be upset at the bad decisions these two have made. They have been demeaning, deplorable, and despicable! There is no question about that!
"'But Anonymous?' you might ask "If you're going to say that then how can you POSSIBLY defend them?'" The crowd started to look at each other and nod.
"To which I say 'That's the wrong question. I'm not defending THEM! But in fact I'm defending all of YOU!'" And that got me some quizzical looks.
"Look these boys are GOING to be punished. Nothing can stop that now. But the big question is are you going to let THEIR bad decisions cause YOU to make bad decisions?" I said with a sweeping shrug.
"I mean, I GET how you feel." I said as I brought my fist up from my hip by bending it at the elbow and let it shake. "I just want to POP him a good one, that's all. But anger like that is tricky! It will urge you to do just a little more because you're caught up in the moment."
"There's an old saying about this that goes 'None of us is as cruel as all of us' and it means that mobs will commit acts of much greater violence than the individuals that made up the mob would ever have done on their own. And THAT's what I'm defending all of you from."
"Because it starts with 'I want to punch him!' and then it's 'Break the finger that took the picture!' and that becomes 'Dammit! Someone else got his testicles first!' It can even go as far as 'He doesn't need both eyes does he?'"
"So please. Make better decisions than these boys have! Please lower your hands and unclench your fists. Not because they deserve it, but because YOU deserve it! What do you say?"
> The energy in the room seemed uncertain. Students were looking at each other and trying to determine what everyone else was going to do. And then Sunset started a slow clap.
>My other, wonderful girlfriends, took up the cue and started slow clapping as well. Soon enough it started to spread and then the clear majority was clapping. And then it was everyone and then everyone except Snips, Snails, my girlfriends, and myself went back to their seats as I bowed in thanks to my girlfriends, noting that Rarity HAD been on my left.
>Then the words came again.
>Well being a King is going to take more practice I guess.
I turned to face Snips and Snails. "Ok boys, I told you I'd get back with you and I like to be a man who keeps his word. And if I'm being honest, I don't get why you would do this even once, let alone twice. There are just so many better ways you could have spent your time is what I want to say!
>I took out my phone, opened my browser and started typing.
"I mean, no offense to your victims, but what you were after was hardly some legendary prize out of say, Greek mythology. It just doesn't compare to something like the mad titan Prometheus stealing fire to give to mankind. But your punishment? Well THAT almost did."
Then I walked over to my girlfriends and said in a quieter voice "I'll have parts for the rest of you soon. But for now, Twilight and Rarity, could I ask you to read this to the room in the style of the witches from Macbeth please?" And handed them my phone and backed away, indicating they could start when ready.
>In voices both screechy and not quite in sync they said "To punish Prometheus, Zeus declared that every morning he would be tightly chained to a rock so that he could not move or cover himself. Then an eagle would swoop down, open up his belly and eat a part of his liver! Then every night, because he was immortal he would heal and his liver grow back. And then it would start again the next morning for days beyond counting!"
>In voices both screechy and not quite in sync they said "To punish Prometheus, Zeus declared that every morning he would be tightly chained to a rock so that he could not move or cover himself. Then an eagle would swoop down, open up his belly and eat a part of his liver! Then every night, because he was immortal he would heal and his liver grow back. And then it would start again the next morning for days beyond counting!"
"Thank you ladies. That was wonderful." I said and then turned to the boys. "Well boys, that's the kind of thing the fast and easy path of your bad decisions has earned. Those are the wages of your sins, if you will. So with that in mind, I would like to ask you just ONE question. A Simple yes or no question. And that is, 'Would you like to start making GOOD decisions?'"
>The boys nodded energetically with wide eyes. In response I put my hand behind my ear to get them to say the words.
>"We want to make good decisions." they said in a conversational tone.
"Boys." I said in response, "You really want the entire room to hear you on this."
>"WE WANT TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS!" the boys said loudly enough for all to hear.
"Wonderful!" I said clapping my hands together. "I'm SO happy to hear that! Now boys, the honest truth is I have no power or authority to punish you." I said. "BUT, like anyone else I can express an opinion or a suggestion. And my first suggestion is that when you find yourselves in the office, tell them everything you did. The whole truth. And when they give you your punishment take it without protest."
"But honestly? That's only the start." I said as I started pacing back and forth. "In my opinion, a real problem you face is that you have deeply damaged Canterlot's ability to trust you. And if you leave it at the official punishment you're only one misstep away, even if it's an honest accident.. whoops!" I pretended to stumble while spinning around and flailing my arms. Eventually I stopped myself by landing both of my hands.. on Fluttershy's shoulders!
In a quiet voice that only her and the surrounding girls could hear and with as little lip movement as I could manage I said "Look upset at me and move slowly toward me in an angry fashion please."
>And then the impossible happened. Fluttershy looked PISSED at me! I spun away to my right!
As I spun I said "The next time.." And when I ended my spin Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were both scowling at me! I looked afraid having stopped on my tiptoes with my knees bent with my arms splayed out. Then I did a double spin to my left (Taking care to easily miss Fluttershy) "You find an angry mob..". When I finished the double spin Applejack and Sunset were ALSO looking upset at me when I stopped, leaning back with my shoulders down and a surprised look on my face.
I took three quick steps back, stopped in place, threw my hands on top of my head and started waving my body as if wailing "Who KNOWS what will happen?"
>Then the girls surrounded me as I did an exaggerated collapse in pausing stages.
Quietly I then said "Thank you ladies. You were amazing!" They moved back to where they had started from and as soon as they were clear of me I did a forward summersault into a standing position in front of Snips and Snails.
"So something I want to suggest to you boys is that some of your good decisions are aimed at showing your fellow students you are repenting. You might start with sending an open letter of apology to the school paper detailing steps beyond the official punishment you might choose to take. Something like highly visible community service that doesn't leave either of you alone with a girl. Please give it due consideration."
>They looked at each other and then looked back at me and gave a slow nod.
"Very good boys." I said "Now I was honestly hoping someone from the office would be here by now" and then I was interrupted.
>"We ARE here Anonymous." Said Principal Celestia.
Naturally I looked towards the voice and saw not only Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, but also pretty much the entire staff by the wall with the main entrance to the cafeteria. (Because how many would you bring if you thought a riot might happen? Yeah, ALL OF THEM is the proper answer.) "Oh thank goodness!" I said, suddenly feeling a bit tired and weary.
I can’t decide who wore it better…
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Have another!
How many pics of her do you have?
I’m more interested in finding out if there are nsfw pics of her
No! Bad!
Now’s not the time to be horny.
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I have a lot.
(but they're not in equestria girls style)
NTA but I'd like to see them.
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Her name is Grace.
idk how else I can show you them without looking like a shill for some other place, lol. Just know she's a monarchist board tan.
Ok, well I really like her. But I promise I won't think you're a shill.
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If you want to talk about it, I have a cytube channel called bronytown. We could talk there?
would take her out on a nice date and hold hands with her and kiss her lovingly
I won't right now because I'm lazy as fuck but I might join in in the future. I'm certainly interested.
Based and lewd.
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Ok, anon.
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Tan or pale Luna?
Pale Luna, tan Celestia.
>or pale Luna?

Neither matters.
Also. Procol Harum, Whiter shade of Pale.
Nothing wrong with a little rule 34.
Good question
>tfw I was right but no one cares
Plap both
Fun stuff! Interesting scenario, using words to defuse a potentially violent situation. Looking forward to what else you write!
The Silent Hill 2 remake is soaking up all my free time, but once I'm through with that I'm gonna get back into writing Mating Season. I'm gonna need a more fun and playful story to cleanse my palate.
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more of Grace
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I feel lethargic before updating but generous today, so here is (one) reply.
No one even started a new green with a sleepover yet, and I know you're aware of this.
If that other guy from last thread started his and no one replied to it, *then* you'd be right.
But until then, your preemptive claims mean absolutely nothing. There's less sad (and more effective) ways you could get attention than posting things like that.
Do better.
Pretty fun stuff.
I want to head-pat Grace.

Previously: https://ponepaste.org/10141
>Both of you make it inside the booth you had come out of.
>It didn't even really hit you full force until just now, which is still better than never.
>You're not entirely sure what this could be.
>Could she have a hunch of what happened and is trying to do something you're not aware of yet?
>Ways to act natural about the situation start to flood into your mind as you fumble with the garments in your arm.
"If you'd like to help." You answer.
>Man that happened really quickly.
>You're not sure how your answer came off to Rarity, but she doesn't seem too opposed to entering the changing booth with you.
>At least at first.
>The stare you two share after the door closes picks up a different vibe as soon as there's less light in here.
>It's clear that Rarity initially wanted to create this situation, but now looks as though she wants to call off whatever it was she just now realized entered in over her head with.
>Being enclosed in here together threw something off balance.
>Now there's nothing else in between you two, nothing in the way, both physically and situationally.
>"So uhm..." Rarity rubs the side of her arm, not sure what to say.
>If you didn't know any better, you'd have assumed that whatever had its hold on you the day you asked Rarity out how has its hold on Rarity.
>It couldn't be that contagious, could it?
>But an almost dreadful sense of urgency is still inside of your mind as well as Rarity waits for you to do something, not having planned this out as well as she had previously thought.
>You feel like you were simply parachute dropped into this situation at random, with no briefing and without the slightest clue of what you're supposed to do.
>Maybe something in here really is contagious, because the same vibe radiates from Rarity as well.
>Rarity's eyes are the first to ask you before her voice does. "Do you need help getting out of that?" She points to your outfit you're wearing, wary of the way this doesn't feel like it makes sense to have suddenly happen.
>She knows that this feels forced enough to imply that there's something exterior motivating it.
>And the better half of her is doing everything it can to call it off before the relationship takes a heavy toll from it.
>Figuring you're definitely wise enough to recognize when someone is scrambling to plug the hole in the bottom of the boat to keep it from sinking into the lake.
>Especially after everything she's told you.
>Especially after...
"You don't have to... I mean, like..." You sheepishly trail off like a dope.
>Rarity gave you a look you didn't lock gazes with until it was gone, so you only know how it felt.
>And what did it feel like?
>It felt like something that was built up started to show cracks, so you abruptly shot it down and sent it crashing to the ground in the most polite way you could.
>"That's fine." Rarity can't bear the sudden electricity making her shoes drag across the floor as she escapes the room.
>Neither of you understand what the hell just happened.
>But there's a metaphorical aftertaste of something in the air.
>The aftertaste of guilt from an unknown source.
>You have your phone on mute.
>What the hell was that?
>Something felt like it was about to kick into full swing, and then Rarity was completely alone with you in an intimate moment, and it felt like suddenly realizing you were at the edge of a cliff.
>And not wanting to be pushed off into a world of having to explain something.
>That had to do with... intimacy.
>And Rarity.
>Both of you are staring forward in the car together, but it feels like your gazes are still locked head-on with one another.
>You're still facing her and she's still facing you, with that same contagious anxious expression boiling behind your eyes like dark secrets begging not to be given a chance to slip out somehow.
>And Rarity doesn't know as much as you do.
>The seemingly sudden drive home is caked in silence.
>So many passerby in other cars are so much happier than you are.
>Not needing to be on a date with the hot girl from school.
>Not needing to keep the floodgates closed to protect the next one either...
>"I think he just doesn't know what to do next, dear." Cookie sits down with Rarity at the kitchen table with her.
>Rarity's makeup she did so nice runs down her cheeks once again, gradually removed one teardrop at a time and smudged onto tissue paper like the blots in her relationship she fears exist.
>"You two are doing great. Maybe that's why he's getting so hesitant. He doesn't want o mess this up, and it's a good thing you don't want to mess it up either."
>"I just don't know what I'm doing wrong." Rarity angles her open palms up to the overhead light. "Anon's the sweetest boy I've ever met, and I'm losing him."
>"Don't tell yourself that!" Cookie gives her a gentle and reassuring pat on that back. "You're not losing him and you're not doing anything wrong."
>"But if I were doing everything right, he wouldn't have gotten distant again." Rarity explains with a slight croak in her voice. "He wouldn't be hesitant to hold me or kiss me."
>"I am completely sure he's hesitant because things are going perfectly."
>"But mom, how does that make sense?"
>"The more perfect something is, the more worried about losing it you become. Because the risk becomes too much to not worry about." Cookie tells Rarity the best thing she can. "I know things don't seem to be going well now, but I promise you this just means you have something special. But it's important that you two stay on course with your relationship with eachother. The real way to keep this going well is not to create problems that aren't really there."
>But what if something *is* there?"
>Cookie silently gulps, certain that Rarity didn't notice. "Worrying about nothing is a nasty culprit of relationships ending when they don't need to, and the last thing I want to see is that happen between you and Anon, darling."
>"So are you saying that he's worrying about nothing as well?" Sniffles Rarity with her fingers locked on the table.
>"Paranoia can create rocky patches that don't need to be there. The best thing you two can do is be open with one another and you'll see. You're see how much your mutual trust will save you."
>Rarity can't see how much it pained her mother to say that with a straight face, which is the shield that helps it warm her heart when she hears it.
>And just like that, a dying flower blooms its way back into vibrance once again, unaware that the glow is a ghastly one in the wake of trust that should be dead by now.
>But Rarity's is still alive; it's Anon's trust for himself that left his body.
>And the knowledge that this was the reason why he's getting this way is shielded by the kind words of Cookie Crumbles, who genuinely wants nothing more than to see Anon and Rarity make their relationship flourish.
>Keeping her hands off of it, to avoid doing any damage to this flower that is weak to the touch of secrets coming to light.
>But a renewed vigor has soon dried Rarity's eyes and propelled her upstairs to her bedroom where her sketchbook of clothing designs awaits her creative mind like always.
>She flips through the pages that always helped her re-believe in herself before, and slowly begins to smile in confidence that the blunder earlier today isn't the end of the road between her and her boyfriend Anon.
>Maybe doing things a little too perfectly is what's getting Anon so worried after all; Rarity can't deny how attractive she is in the eyes of many boys, and her expertise in the field of fashion and design only makes her more distinguished of a dating prospect to a guy like Anon who just wanted to be with someone who would appreciate him for who he was and show him what it's like to be romantically involved with someone.
>She's spent so much time guiding the way for him that he might not have incentive to go in his own direction.
>Out of concern that he might be the one to rock the boat too much by taking the wheel.
>Rarity should have gone through with it in the changing booths with Anon, and showed him without telling that it's okay if he has urges to get intimate with her.
>It *is* something that often comes with the territory with these kinds of relationships after all, and Rarity fears she may have misled him.
>Not only that, but she feels he might lose interest completely now that he might be under the impression that his feelings that reach just a little bit further than simply romance aren't returned by his girlfriend he considers himself lucky to land a few dates with in the first place.
>Only so many dates can happen before it starts to feel like the relationship is going nowhere fast.
>Rarity almost feels as though these thoughts should be getting her down once again, but she realizes that it only reflects her sharpness and ability to solve problems displayed by her successfully admired outfit designs on the pages before her.
>Sassy Saddles herself proclaimed that there was something to Rarity, and saw that she could figure out how to make herself progress even when stuck in a creative rut.
>Rarity just showed herself that she can do the same thing with her relationship she wants to save by figuring out what the problem is.
>She's sure of it.
>She has the capacity to save things between her and Anon.
>Her hunch was correct, but she just needed to muster up the courage to go through with something that felt like she was contradicting something she established with Anon this whole time.
>Only to realize she took it a little far and didn't give him enough space to mold a little bit of the relationship himself too.
>Rarity almost let herself get too worried and forget another important thing about all of this; romantic relationships are a team effort.
>If too much of it is shaped by one's hands, the other isn't going to like what's taking shape between them after a while, because they couldn't add a lot of what they wanted to do.
>A strange way to imagine pottery, but the more Rarity imagines it in her mind, the more it makes perfect sense to her.
>Anon did need to become more... couth with her.
>But now it's time for Rarity to... throw Anon a bone, so to speak.
>Because he's probably been wondering if it'd ever happen, and he's been more concerned with whether or not that's the right thing to expect in a relationship, preaching to him and possibly giving him the notion that it's never going to happen even after it reasonably might begin after a certain number of dates.
>She remembers one jock guy at school bragging about how he "fucks on the first date", not being on board with dating someone with a sentiment that values that over personality.
>But what about the fifth or sixth date?
>And after meeting the parents?
>When does it begin?
>It's impossible to pretend that guys don't like sex at all, and there's always been that idea that girls that never put out might be a waste of time even to the "nice guys".
>But this is now venturing into territory Rarity doesn't have a whole lot of familiarity with.
>She's not the mind reader type of her group of friends when they gossip about boys.
>But she still does have a feeling that she's losing Anon, and it might be because he feels like he's losing her.
>After all of these silly mind-jumps comes to pass, the same conclusion resurfaces for Rarity, and it's lying right there at the foot of her bed in red and white.
>The same solution as before, now supported by Rarity's other dress designs that prove her ability to read into what she should do.
>Rarity is perfectly aware of what would be showing had she designed a certain dress in a certain way.
>Acutely aware, even.
>It's all been gone over before.
>And there it is, sitting there like the lifebuoy needed to save this relationship that Rarity is certain her mother is right about.
>As much as it feel counter-intuitive to what she's been trying to teach Anon, this whole thing just might be necessary to make things go in the right direction.
>And if she bails out of this one, it's keep getting worse every time.
>Mixed signals are never a good thing.
>Because it's one of the biggest things, if not the BIGGEST thing, that forces people to assume the worst.
>And so, Rarity plans to soon make a reservation for that same fancy restaurant from before.
>Knowing that her moves have to be definite and absolute, but still lead Anon on into proposing to do the thing he would really like to do now in this relationship after it had made it this far.
>Rarity has to stop doubting herself after things have been going the way they've been going.
>She needs to buckle down and get Anon back into committing to this; letting everything fall through now can't be how this ends.
>There's no way Rarity isn't still good enough for Anon, she just needs to prove to him that this is worth it.
>If her mother can land a sweet guy to eventually have offspring with, so can Rarity.
>And it'd be better to ease into intimacy with the one you plan to marry one day if you're going to start a family with them.
>Rarity needs to show Anon that things can get... closer between them, and that she's okay with it.
>Not only okay with it, but is able to be really... like that... with him as well.
>Rarity's not losing Anon THAT easily.

All for now.
Thank you both!
I don't know, but it's sexy.
Seethrough wet tops are top tier
Wanted to know just in case I don't look like an ass.
[Alternative take]
I knelt down in front of Snips and Snails and said "Listen up you miserable twatwaffles. You have fucked this up so incredibly badly because you do not understand there is an order to these things. Right now if someone told me you two pee and then take your dicks out, I would believe them. In the very unlikely event either of you survives the next 5 minutes, I'm going to show you something that will help you understand just how miserable your thought processes have been.
>Takes out Pinkie Pie's panties. Pinkie has an initial panic attack and then realizes know one else actually knows where those panties came from and starts to get her breathing under control.
"These are Pinkie Pie's panties. She fucking GAVE them to me with a SMILE. Do you two little shits know WHY she did that? Because I fucking ROCKED HER WORLD, then I rocked all of her friends world. and then I went back and rocked HER world again because it was before 11pm and I didn't want to be bored. I can take pictures of these panties any fucking time I want! But that would be lame when I can just walk up to her and ask if I can do a panty check with my tongue and watch her thighs spread easier than melted butter."
"In the off chance you survive and don't end up in county jail being traded around for cigarettes and called 'Becky', I'm going to suggest you learn how to use the remainders of your dicks on something more challenging than jalepeno onaholes. Which is to say REAL FUCKING WOMEN. Learn how to sling your cutlets properly and they will LINE THE FUCK UP to hand you autographed underwear for your silly hobby. Do not forget this simple truth ever again!
Big fan.
Hope Rarity goes through with seducing Anon
What do you mean by that?
One request. Maybe to the drawer of the camp girl.
It's not even lewd, I swear.
"Drawer" is a joke, by the way.
Eh I hardly even care
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Oh, Rariwhore... I mean Rarity always sees things through especially big dicks going through her cleavage and cunt
That pic is so good
On this Cosplay Friday, Fluttershy dressed as Genshin Impact's Kamisato Ayaka, for all the Wet Socks Enjoyers out there:
Would she mind pictures being taken of her?

Not in the slightest. Even when she's dressed as Sangonomiya Kokomi:
Damn she's cute.

Pinkie is adorable as Hu Tao:
Damn she really is
>Try not to get hard to this pic
>The more I stare, the more my dick stiffens and stands up
So many sparkles in the air
She probably wants pictures to be taken
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That just means you have good taste.
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She’s so cute!
A few artists are doing that
There a nude variant somewhere?
She knows she ain’t spooking anyone with those adorable ghosts, right?
>”trick or treat, nonny!”
How many?
Celestia the hot maid in seamed stockings & fuck-me heels:
did anyone ever make a parody of california girls by katy perry using the equestria girls
I've not seen one, but it probably wouldn't be to hard to do.
You would start by googling the lyrics and then a rhyming dictionary.
After that, you just work to keep the syllable count the same.
Gets a bit harder if you're trying to do something overly specific like I did in >>41478363
Where I was working parts of someone else's story into it, but it can be done.
Biggest challenge with something like California Girls I would think is it's overtly sexy, which probably means you're hoping for a specific tone in your parody.
It would be rather hard for a stranger on the internet to hit the level of sexy (you) would like, so I'm going to leave this at a 'how-to" and wish you luck on this journey.
I'm a writer by trade, rather than an animator. I'd have to invest in someone else manipulating the rigs currently available to fans. The only reason I even thought about it was because of the Yacht Song thread and my general confusion that it wasn't a parody of I'm On a Boat by The Lonely Island, and then realizing Equestria has the same amount of syllables as California.
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Welp, I think I'm in love.
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If you like Grace
There is also a Grace Sonic 1 mod here:
Sonic 1 Grace mod (latest version):
Unzip this folder:
Go to "mods" & enable Grace mod & Music Mod & Labyrinth Mod
Make sure the Options under Abilities & Visuals are the same.
(Note: Turn off Peelout)
(to play as Grace, play as Sonic with the mod enabled; you might have to restart after enabling the mods in the menu).
Oh man, this story's back!
Gonna be honest, this is my favorite of your ongoing greens. The relentless tension and continually building pressure has me gripped. I really like how human the drama is as well. I can totally empathize with the idea of becoming paranoid about not wanting your relationship to fall apart because of something you did, I was like that when I started dating my gf. Of course, that didn't involve having sex with her mom.
Really hoping things go well for Rarity. She's caught in this whirlwind without even understanding why it's happening.
Rock hard, even.
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Don't worry, they're older.
What a soft looking butt inside that upskirt
And hot too
There’s probably like 10 by now

Adult Slutty... I mean Sweetie Belle gets hotter by the day:

Scorpdk has a thing for adult Diamond Tiwhoreia... I mean Tiara especially when she's taking big dicks and getting cummed in hard :
I need her
I wonder if they’d charge money for guys to watch them kiss and scissor each other Before letting the guys join in

Lovely Luna:
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I like the way you describe things
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I, too, am a fan of Gloriosa's BIG breasts.
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At first I didn't get "it".

I get "it" now.
Corset spotted
>There’s something different about the walk to the animal shelter.
>The whole world seems quieter.
>The chirping of the birds sounds farther away and it seems like there are fewer squirrels and chipmunks scurrying about.
>Even the sounds of girls and guys your age heading home from school, they’re unusually quiet.
>The only thing that doesn’t feel far away is the wind blowing past you.
>Something your skin is really receptive to.
>Your arms get goosebumps from the breeze, even though it’s fairly warm today.
>You glance downward at the sidewalk, and it looks like it’s strangely wider today.
>Or you got smaller somehow.
>Whatever the case may be, it’s like the world feels emptier since you left school.
>If only you could’ve walked up to Anon and told him how you feel about him…
>Maybe then your little world would feel less empty.
>While walking down the familiar road to the animal shelter, you close your eyes and play out a little scenario in your head.
>You’d find the confidence you need within you to confess to Anon.
>With some encouragement from your friends, of course.
>Anon would be caught so off guard by your confession he would freeze up for a moment.
>His lovely eyes would widen and his cheeks would flush red, and his lips would curl into a wide smile as he tells you he likes you, too.
>You’re both so eager to start dating that he casts aside his evening plans and join you at the animal shelter.
>You would hold hands all the way there.
>...Gosh, it got hot all of a sudden.
>You open your eyes and find the world just as… empty as it was before.
>You stop walking for a moment as the warmth you just felt fades away.
>The breeze blows through the trees, rustling the leaves.
>It’s a quiet, empty chorus that plays as the background music for your life.
>But you can’t stand still like this forever.
>You take a deep breath to bring yourself back to the real world and walk what’s left of the walk to the animal shelter.
>It doesn’t take much longer to arrive.
>The building looks the same as it always does: old but still full of life.
>The colorful paint on the outside walls has long since faded, but the paintings of little dogs and cats are just as lively as ever.
>Just like those little critters, the sign above the door reading “Paw 2 Paw Animal Shelter” may not be as flashy as it used to be, but it’s still plenty inviting.
>Although it could use a touch-up.
>...Maybe Anon could help?
>You shake your head to get those thoughts out of your mind.
>Painting a building is a lot of work, you shouldn’t ask him to do something like that.
>You march on inside to get to your volunteering duties.
>You exchange hellos with Grace as she types away at her computer behind the front desk.
>Thankfully she’s too focused on that to see you in your current state, no doubt you don’t look great.
>Tending to the little critters goes by in a dull blur.
>The hollowness of… everything infects this usually nice place.
>The faint sounds of Grace clicking away at her keyboard echoing off the walls make the halls feel even more empty.
>The little dogs and cats always make for wonderful company, but you can’t ignore the feeling that something is missing.
>The walls are so far away and the ceiling is so high up.
>Distracting yourself by cleaning the cages and filling up their food and water bowls only does so much.
>And you shouldn’t text your friends right now, you don’t want to get too distracted from your responsibilities.
>Besides, Rainbow has soccer practice, Pinkie’s working at Sugarcube Corner, Applejack has her farm work, and Rarity is always so busy with her seamstress business.
>...None of them feel lonely.
>Rainbow has her teammates on the soccer team, Pinkie is so close with Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Applejack has her family, and Rarity has her sister to advise every now and again.
>But aside from the animals and Grace at the front desk, you’re all alone here.
>That’s why you’ve been feeling strange ever since you left school.
>You’re lonely.
>Realizing that makes your heart sink even lower and your body grow even colder.
>It stings.
>The buzz of the fluorescent lights drones on, highlighting how there’s nobody else here with you.
>There’s nobody to talk about school or hobbies with, or to tell funny or sad stories, or…
>...Or to hold.
>Why couldn’t you just go up to Anon?
>He was right there.
>All alone.
>There was nothing stopping you but yourself.
>You have to get a hold of yourself.
>You can’t be losing yourself in your emotions right now.
>After gathering all the cats back up and getting them back, you head over to the rabbit section.
>You let them all outside to enjoy the nice weather and fresh air while you clean up their little cages and fill up their food and water.
>They’re all so eager to run around in the sun that they scurry past you the moment you open their cage doors and bolt for the little doggie door installed on the door to the backyard.
>They’re outside in the blink of an eye.
>Leaving you alone once more.
>With each passing second, that awful feeling of loneliness grows.
>It may be unbecoming of you, but you sort of hurry through cleaning the cages so you can go outside to enjoy the sunny sky and fresh air.
>The stale, faintly foul smelling air in here is starting to suffocate you.
>You give each of the rabbits an extra treat in their food bowls as an apology for how their cage isn’t as clean as it normally would be.
>You’re sure they’ll understand.
>Once that’s done, you step outside to watch the bunnies enjoy the weather.
>The sun’s rays blessing your skin with their warmth immediately lifts your spirits, even if only a little.
>The gentle breeze makes a nice pairing with the clear sky.
>Thankfully, you don’t have any homework, so you just sit on the grass and watch the bunnies run and play.
>You’ve always admired how free they are.
>Safe and sound, free to do whatever they like.
>They make friends with each other and enjoy their days as much as they like.
>...In any way that they like.
>When you see that more than a few of the bunnies are… acquainting themselves with each other, you hastily avert your eyes.
>You should have remembered, it’s the time of year for that.
>You want to give them their privacy during such a private time, but they don’t seem terribly concerned about being seen.
>It’s hard not to be jealous of that.
>It’s love in its purest form.
>Free of petty things like judgment or insecurity.
>They’re all in their own little worlds, filled only by the two of them and captivated by their intoxicating emotions.
>Though the love will fade once the mating season ends, it’ll last the rest of their lives.
>They’ll build families that will last a lifetime, and multiple lifetimes after that.
>The back of your right hand tingles.
>Where Anon touched you.
>You rub that little spot, but that doesn’t make it feel better.
>You’re still sore.
>Still aching.
>Nobody’s ever touched you like Anon did today.
>So gently.
>So lovingly.
>You relive that moment in your head.
>That’s the closest you’ve ever gotten to experiencing what the bunnies are enjoying.
>In that one, brief moment, it was just you and him.
>No presentation, no teacher, no classmates.
>He didn’t reach out to you like a friend.
>He reached out to you like a lover.
>He wanted you.
>What if he didn’t stop there?
>It would’ve been so easy for him to take your hand.
>For him to pull you close, hold you by the waist, lean in, and kiss you.
>You wouldn’t have been able to resist.
>...You wouldn’t have wanted to.
>You don’t know if you would melt in his arms or cling to him with all your might.
>Thinking is pointless, anyway.
>Emotions drive actions in moments shared between two lovers.
>All you know is that you want him.
>And he wants you.
>He wouldn’t stop at just kissing.
>His firm arms would travel all over your body, pulling your clothes off of you.
>Kissing and rubbing getting more and more intense until-
>You’re snapped out of your fantasy when one of the bunnies nibbles on your boot.
>Right behind him are the rest of the bunnies looking at you expectantly.
>The sun is starting to set and it’s getting cooler out, they want to go back inside.
>They’re probably hungry, too.
“S-sorry, let’s get you all back inside.” You sheepishly apologize to your little furry friends.
>You step aside and let all the bunnies scurry back inside.
>The wind feels even cooler now as the sun descends, almost making you shiver.
>...You’re sweating quite a bit.
>Looks like you really lost yourself in your little fantasy.
>Thank goodness nobody saw you like that.
>Once the bunnies are all fed and settled, you get through the last of your responsibilities before heading home.
>You hurry out the front door with a hasty goodbye to Grace so she doesn’t see you all flushed.
>She’s too focused on her work to notice you, anyway.
>While gazing into the evening sky, watching the sun set, you feel the lingering warmth within you and the tingling on your right hand.
>Tomorrow is Friday.
>The last day of the week.
>If you don’t tell him tomorrow, you’ll have to wait the whole weekend before you’ll see him again.
>You feel a little warmer.
>More invigorated.
>You’re gonna tell Anon how you feel about him tomorrow.
>No matter what.
>Flash forward to Friday morning.
>You’re standing in front of Canterlot High School waiting for Anon to show up.
>Last night went by in the blink of an eye.
>You’re feeling so determined.
>You’re feeling so brave.
>Today is nice and warm and sunny, but inside you is a fire.
>The fire of love, burning bright and true.
>It might rain later today, but not even that can extinguish you.
>You clutch your backpack with determination.
>The moment you see Anon, you’re gonna march right up to him and say three simple words: “I like you”.
>You rehearsed it into the mirror last night.
>And this morning.
>And quietly to yourself on the walk to school.
>You promised Rainbow and Rarity over text that you would tell him the moment you see him, and you’re gonna keep that promise.
>You’re also gonna return that beautiful jewel Sunset dropped after school yesterday.
>Shoot, you forgot to text her about that!
>She’s probably worried sick wondering where it is.
>...It’s no big deal, you’ll just give it back to her at lunch.
>Or you’ll text her once you’ve talked to Anon.
>You’ve got the jewel safely tucked into your backpack, you can talk to Anon first.
>It shouldn’t be much longer now.
>School is about to start.
>More and more students are starting to make their way into the building.
>You anxiously scan the crowds to find your soon-to-be boyfriend.
>With each face you see, you grow more and more impatient.
>Where could he be?
>What could be keeping him?
>Could he have gotten sick?
>You fidget with your fingers and gulp as you continue to search for him.
>How is it everyone else is here except him?
>Those other couples are getting you rather peeved.
>They’re holding hands, talking so cute to each other, even cheek kissing!
>It’s so annoying, like they don’t even care who sees them.
>The fire inside you is gonna burn out of control pretty soon.
>Anon, where are you?
>School is moments away from starting.
>He has to come in soon.
>He has to.
>And once he does, you’ll-
>You freeze.
>Time freezes around you.
>You see him.
>He’s on his way to class, but he’s not inside yet.
>You feel so hot.
>The fire is spreading.
>You’re feeling it in your lungs now.
>Your legs lock up, and so do your arms.
>This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
>Just go talk to him!
>Say the three words!
>The three words that’ll keep you from ever feeling lonely again!
>But you can’t.
>Something’s wrong.
>You feel like you’ve got a terrible fever and your body won’t even budge an inch.
>Seconds tick away, closer to the first bell of the day.
>Please, legs!
>No matter how much you beg your body to move or do anything at all, you can’t budge.
>You’re completely paralyzed.
>All you can do is stare at Anon.
>Oh, Anon…
>You know you shouldn’t stare, staring is very rude, but…
>There’s nobody you’d rather stare at.
>There’s a beauty to him all his own.
>This hair, his body, the way he walks, the sound of his voice, everything about him is so… him.
>There’s nobody else like him at Canterlot High.
>He’s never fallen into any of the cliques at school.
>He’s always been himself.
>He’s in a league of his own.
>Such confidence, such conviction.
>How has it taken you this long to see him like this?
>He’s so…
>The harsh sound of the first bell of the day rudely cuts through the air, unfreezing time and ushering everyone to their first class.
>You can only watch as Anon follows everyone else inside.
>The moment he leaves your line of sight, the warmth in your body dissipates.
>He didn’t even see you.
>You couldn’t even move.
>You failed.
>All you had to do was say three words to him and you couldn’t even manage that.
>You haven’t failed!
>You’ll still see him in second period!
>But before that is first period.
>You’ve been holding your breath.
>You gasp for the air you only just now realized you need and let your entire body slump over, releasing all the tension you felt moments ago.
>...What just happened?
>You’ve never felt anything like that before.
>It was such a powerful rush of heat and emotions, all from just looking at Anon walk up the stairs.
>You didn’t have any problems talking to him yesterday, and now you couldn’t even walk up to him.
>Was it just the pressure of having to ask him out?
>You feel like such a fool.
>You had to have looked so ridiculous, just standing there and staring at Anon.
>Rarity’s gotta know something about this, she should be able to help you.
>But first you have to get to class.
>English goes by so slowly.
>All you can hear is the clock ticking away, second by second.
>Everything the teacher says goes in one ear and out the other.
>All you can hear is the second hand on the clock above the door ticking away.
>In stark contrast to earlier, you feel so sluggish.
>It takes real effort to not fall asleep at your desk.
>At least you already have a good grade in the class.
>You can afford a day off in this class.
>You’d never let Twilight hear you say that, though.
>But then the second bell of the day rings.
>Oh goodness.
>You’re going to see Anon again.
>Whatever happened before school, you hope it doesn’t happen again.
>You have a promise to keep.
>You try to get up from your desk and head out the door, but just the knowledge of seeing Anon again is enough to make your knees all wobbly.
>Some of your classmates give you odd looks as you struggle to gather your things and get up from your seat.
>That warm feeling inside you is growing again.
>But it’s not like a fever.
>Weirdly, it feels almost like your fight or flight instinct is kicking in.
>But why?
>It couldn’t be because of Anon.
>With a gulp, you finally gather your belongings and hurry out the classroom door to history class.
>You keep your head low and your eyes on the floor as you rush through the halls and crowds of your classmates.
>Hopefully none of them notice the state you’re in.
>Is it too obvious that something’s wrong with you?
>Out of the corner of your eye, you get a glimpse of your arms.
>Oh, goodness.
>You’re sweating a lot.
>But it’s only warm today!
>Maybe you should see the nurse, you could be really sick.
>...But at the same time, you don’t really feel sick…
>You feel nervous and jumpy, but also… excited.
>You really want to see Anon again.
>You’re fine.
>Whatever’s going on, Rarity will know about it.
>She’s the love expert.
>Your little train of thought comes to a surprise stop when you stumble through the doorway of your second period class.
>Your breath gets caught in your throat.
>The heat within you flares up again.
>Here you are.
>Close to him.
>He has to be close.
>You shuffle off to the side to allow your classmates to fill into the room as you search the seats for who’s here and who’s not.
>...Anon isn’t here yet.
>Your shoulders sink and the heat within you dies down.
>If only he was already here, you could just tell him you like him before class starts.
>It would only take about five seconds!
>But he is in school today.
>He’ll be here soon!
>You’ll have plenty of time to tell him after class!
>You make your way over to your desk and carefully sit back down.
>When your arms rest on the desk, you realize how much of your arms are covered with sweat.
>Gosh, you’re a mess.
>You hastily hide your arms under the desk and nervously glance around to make sure nobody noticed.
>Nobody’s looking at you.
>Everybody’s talking with their friends or presentation partners, not paying you any mind.
>Just like Anon said yesterday.
>...Something smells different.
>You sniff the air.
>Something’s definitely different, but you can’t exactly place the scent.
>It’s almost like a mix of sweat and the forest.
>It smells… good.
>Your mouth waters as you try to puzzle out what exactly it is you’re smelling.
>”Hey, Flutters!”
>Your entire body tenses up and your eyes shoot open.
>It’s him.
>You gulp.
>It got so much hotter all of a sudden.
>You need to say something.
>He saw you, he said something to you, he’s expecting a response.
>He’s gonna notice you’re all nervous and sweaty!
>Come on, it doesn’t even need to be the confession!
>Just say something!
“Huh… h-hi~”
>Oh dear.
>Was that too strange?
>Anon’s face is a little hard to decipher.
>He’s happy to see you, but he’s either confused or concerned.
>”Are you feeling alright, Flutters?”
>Oh, his voice.
>You feel that delightful timbre wrap around you like a comforting blanket.
>The way he says that cute nickname of yours is just icing on the cake.
>It’s getting hotter in here, but you don’t mind as much.
>Oh shoot, you need to answer him!
“O-Oh, yes! Absolutely! J-Just a little, uh… anxious… about the weekend?”
>You can talk to him!
>”Oh, yeah? Got any big plans?” Anon asks with genuine curiosity.
>Shoot, you should have expected that.
>You take a deep breath to cool yourself down a little.
“W-Well… uh… on S-Saturdays I spend time with my friends at Sugarcube Corner, and… o-on Sunday… I’m gonna… uh…”
>You just awkwardly trail off until you’re mumbling.
>You can’t lie to him.
>Not when he’s looking at you like that.
>With his deep, beautiful eyes.
>Your hands are tightly clasped together beneath your desk.
>Your legs are twisting themselves in a knot.
>Your thighs are rubbing together…
>The sound of the classroom door shutting snaps you back to the present.
>”Good morning, class! To those of you who didn’t get to present yesterday, I hope you used the extra time wisely!” Miss Cheerilee chipperly greets you and your classmates.
>That’s right, Anon insisted you two go first yesterday.
>He’s so smart.
>He smells so nice, too.
>And his voice still floats around you like an angelic glow.
>It pains you when he turns his comforting eyes away from you and to the front of the class as two guys prepare their presentation, but you have to keep this feeling deep inside you.
>You have to sit on your hands to keep your troublesome body under control.
>Your body is behaving so strangely today.
>It must be your nerves.
>History class is even more of a challenge to get through.
>It’s like english, but Anon is right next to you.
>Just being close to him has every sense of yours running on overdrive.
>It’s very impolite of you, but you can’t pay much attention to the guys and girls giving their presentations.
>...They don’t have much of a stage presence anyway.
>Not like Anon.
>They don’t have his confidence, his subtle charisma, his winning smile, or his addictive musk.
>You peer at Anon from the corner of your eye.
>He’s slouched back in his chair watching the presentations.
>There’s so much about him you’re just now noticing.
>The way his chest rises and falls with each breath.
>The curvature of his arms.
>The plumpness of his lips.
>The sights and sounds of the classroom fades away.
>You’re being taken back to that wonderful world where it’s just you and Anon.
>Whenever his eyes glance over at you, you quickly avert your gaze to not look like you were staring.
>”Fluttershy?” Miss Cheerilee calls out to you, cutting through your haze.
>A flash of coldness shoots through your body as you nervously turn to face your teacher.
“Y-Yes, ma’am?”
>”Your classmates would appreciate it if you paid attention to their presentations instead of your partner.” She remarks.
>Oh, no.
>You’ve been staring at Anon this whole time.
>You’ve even angled your whole body towards him.
>Anon still looks friendly, but faintly uncomfortable by how you’ve been blatantly staring at him.
>A fierce wave of shame and embarrassment washes over you, worsened by the sparse sounds of some of your classmates sharing hushed laughter.
“S-Sorry…” You mutter, slumping back in your seat and turning back to properly face the front of the classroom.
>The presentations continue as normal, but the embarrassed warmth in your cheeks lingers.
>You keep your head low to avoid being looked at by your classmates, but you make sure to never take your eyes away from the front of the class.
>The presentations are so dull.
>If only it were just us.
>If only he knew what he’s doing to you.
>You’re feeling so warm.
>Anon’s a fireplace, and you’re basking in his glow.
>...You’re feeling… another kind of warmth…
>One growing… between your legs…
>Your thighs stay clamped together, but something sinful is threatening to claw its way out.
>If you weren’t sitting so firmly on your hands, you don’t know where they would go.
>You’re sweating even more.
>Who knows what would happen if you tried to say something right now.
>Thank goodness you presented yesterday.
>You’re a mess.
>When the bell signaling the end of class rings out, you almost leap ten feet into the air.
>A whirlwind of students rushing out of the classroom surrounds you, but you’re in no condition to walk right now.
>Now that presentations are over, you allow yourself to steal a glance at Anon.
>He’s packing up his belongings, and your eyes happen to meet his.
>Both of you quickly avert your gaze, but this very brief encounter pours more gas on the fire within you.
>He looks like he wants to say something to you, but can’t figure out the exact words.
>He thinks you’re weird, doesn’t he?
>The way you were staring at him, you surely made him uncomfortable.
>Or does he think you’re mad at him about something?
>Today is spiraling out of control and you don’t know why.
>It’s only after the scent of his lovely musk fades from your surroundings that you realize that he’s leaving for his next class.
>In that instant, you gather up all your belongings and rush out the door after him with determination you didn’t know you had.
>You’re in such a hurry that you end up running right into him, nearly knocking him onto the floor.
>”Ah! What the hell-” Anon says to himself as he regains his balance, then turning around to face you.
>The sounds around you fade out of your reality.
>The compulsion to chase him shifts into keeping you rigidly in place.
>Now it’s just you and him.
>And your body isn’t going to let you get out of this.
>”Uh, hey, Flutters…” He greets you again, happy but uncertain to see you.
>This is it.
>You have to tell him.
>Clear the air once and for all.
>Three words keep you from conquering your nerves and feeling his love.
>I like you.
>You open your mouth, but your tongue dries up.
>No, please, say something!
>Anon clears his throat nervously.
>”So, uh, about that weekend stuff you were talking about earlier…”
>Is he gonna do it?
>Could he really be about to tell you what you think he’s gonna tell you?
>”...Are you busy Sunday?” He carefully asks you.
>Your eyes widen.
>Your breath hitches in your throat.
>The fire inside you spreads even further.
>But the ball’s in your court now.
>You need to answer his question.
>Your tongue is still so dry.
>Say no!
>Say you want to go out with him!
>Say you want to cast aside all earthly bonds and truly love him!
>Anon’s eyes widen.
>There’s a glint of hope in his hypnotic eyes.
>Answer him!
>The bell rings again.
>You two are late for third period.
>Anon’s spirits visibly fall.
>The light in his eyes is extinguished in a fierce, cruel rainstorm.
>”Well, I gotta get to class…” He mutters.
>He’s trying to hide his disappointment, but you can tell.
>It stings something fierce to see him like this.
>You want to say “I want to go out with you” or “I’m sorry I can’t behave myself today”, but… nothing.
>Anon hesitates for a moment, giving you an opportunity to say something, anything, but… a force within you is keeping you paralyzed.
>”See you later, Flutters.” Anon bids you farewell before heading to his next class.
>Leaving you alone in the middle of the hallway.
>You really need help with this.
>...Whatever “this” is.
Previously in this green: https://ponepaste.org/10231
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>The faint sounds of Grace clicking away at her keyboard echoing off the walls make the halls feel even more empty.
The staff were horny as FUCK
Neat, more of this fic. Been interested in seeing this one continue.
Is she good at chess
Sort of.
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>saw friendship games during the anni
>enjoyed it
>finally download and watch equestria girls
wtf, there's more soul in these than haber's horror show. Feel retarded for not giving them a chance. Sorry for giving you shit for all these years, barbiefags.
Still hate what they did to Luna though.
It’s okay. I can’t speak for everyone but for me I can say I didn’t take it personally. I’m glad you liked it.
She does practice though, right?
>The teachers and staff were mostly lined up against the wall with the main entrance to the cafeteria with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna taking center of the lineup. Next to them was Flash Sentry, who had probably done the "proper" thing and informed the office.
>Nearby Nurse Redheart and Ms. Harshwinny were talking to the victim and her friends. That was reassuring. It was good to know they were getting better help than you could give.
>Yeah Flash had done the most correct thing from the perspective of the rules, but that left the students still in the cafeteria in danger if mob violence broke out while staff reacted.
>Principal Celestia spoke "Coach Soarin. Would you please escort Snips and Snails to the outside of Vice Principal Luna's office and wait with them until she arrives please?"
>"Yes Ma'am." the coach said as he approached the boys with a professional air. "Alright boys, you heard the Principal. Let's go." And they walked out of the cafeteria together.
>Then the Principal addressed the rest of the staff. "Ok folks, thank you for coming! Nurse Redheart, Ms, Harshwinny, the Vice Principal, and I will stay. The rest of you can go back to what you were doing. And thank you again." She said with a gentle smile.
>As the staff filed out, the Pricipal's gaze turned to me. "Anonymous. The Vice Principal and I would like a word with you over here please." Her smile seemed a little more forced when talking to me.
"Yes ma'am." I responded and started walking towards them. While I did so I turned my head and gave my girlfriends a smile and a thumbs up to indicate I would be ok on my own. They seemed to have gathered around Twilight for some reason. Weird. Then I arrived in front of the Principal and Vice Principal.
>The Pricipal started "Anonymous, we should start by saying that was a most impressive display. You gave an oration under pressure, showed sympathy to those that needed it" she said glancing over to the victim and her friends. "You also displayed knowledge of Greek mythology and theatrical presentaion, along with some dance and tumbling. An incredible performance.
>Then the Vice Principal chimed in "You also showed knowledge of mob psychology that we don't teach here. In fact I don't think any high school teaches that. Could you tell us how you know that?"
I said "Thank you ma'am." to Principal Celestia. To Vice Principal Luna I said "Yes ma'am. I researched it after several.. incidents occured at my last school. I hoped that gaining some knowledge would help me better come to terms with what I saw there."
>"Could you remind me what your last school was again Anonymous?" the Vice Principal asked.
"Of course ma'am." I replied. "My last school for 3 years before coming here was Bullworth Academy ma'am."
>A brief look of shock passed over both of their faces before resettling into more neutral and professional expressions. It was understandable that they had forgotten as they were both responsible for over a thousand students and I hadn't gotten in any trouble to make it worth bringing up before. Bullworth had a well-earned reputation, but all they knew here WAS the reputation. And while the rep was bad, it didn't really convey how bad the experience of attending had actually been. They probably were also unaware of the corollary.
>"I've heard of it Anonymous." The Vice Principal said. "But I have to tell you that putting yourself in front of an angry crowd like that is dangerous! Do you know how badly that could have gone?"
"Ma'am, I have to say that I know far better than most how it might have turned out. But I had to do it. I just HAD to. I couldn't turn and walk away. Not again.."
Principal Celestia spoke up with an earnestly supportive expression "Anonymous, do you need counseling?"
I involuntarily chuckled. "Sorry." I said. "No, but let me see if I can find the words to explain why a bit better."
"Bullworth has a bad rep to be sure." I started while looking down at the ground. "But that doesn't really do a good job at conveying how much worse it actually IS. And I don't really want to tell anyone here how bad it was either. I'd feel like I was doing them harm if I did. But the thing is, the corollary is also true in my opinion."
"You see, perhaps it takes coming from a school as bad as Bullworth, but I'm also not sure anyone here REALLY knows how wonderful THIS school is!" I said with a brightening and rising face. "The staff, the teachers, my girlfriends, and the ENTIRE student body are all AMAZING. And I see that every minute of every day I'm here. Sorry it took an incident like this for me to tell you but, well, just attending this school is counseling enough, in my personal opinion."
Then my stance hardened as my voice grew firmer, "And so, when I saw a crowd threatening to turn unruly, something in me said 'NO. Bullworth will NOT happen HERE! Not one little bit! I won't LET it!' And so I acted, but in a way that would never happen at Bullworth." Then my tone and stance softened, "I gave the angry girl understanding instead of screaming with her. I gave the crowd knowledge of why they would regret those actions instead of encouraging them. And I gave the boys reason to not end up like this again, so that they might do better in the future. And I did it without threatening anyone in word or deed."
"When I was younger, I had to walk away from things like this. And I regretted that deeply. But now I'm older and have had better guidance in a better environment. After graduation, I'll be recognized as a member of the adult community and expected to act as a responsible part of it. Thanks to this school I'm finally able to look forward to that. Thank you for all of the help I've been given. It's really appreciated!"
>The Principal gave a gentle smile "You're very welcome Anonymous. And while we don't do this job for the praise, every so often it doesn't hurt to hear it. But I would like to remind you that YOU have chosen how you react to the environments you have found yourself in, and that seems every bit as amazing to us."
>Then it was the Vice Principal's turn. "Also I think you overlooked something. You were able to get people in distress to listen to you by displaying empathy for how they felt. That is an incredible gift young man. And it seems like it will continue to serve you well. That said, I have to ask that you please not put yourself in harm's way like that again. You've obviously managed to become a great asset to this school and community so we'd prefer it if you avoided the risks that you can."
I know they're sisters, but just how in sync ARE these two? "Thank you both for your kind words and guidance. I promise I'm really not generally looking for excuses to put myself in danger. That particular situation just resonated with me in a way I couldn't ignore. But on the plus side there's no reason to think it will ever happen again." I said with a smile. And they seemed satisfied with that.
Then I turned to Flash, still smiling, and said "Hey Flash! I'm guessing you did the thing that students are actually supposed to do and went to the office and managed to convince them to respond?"
>"Yeah." Flash said with a tiny bit of bashfulness. "Doesn't seem like a lot compared to what you did though."
"Woah woah," I said while waving my hands in front of my in a pattern of negation. "What you did was IMPORTANT. Not every student in this school could manage to get the office to listen, let alone get the response that actually happened. What you did MATTERED man. You had my back and I appreciate that! Brofist!" I said as I held up my fist.
>Flash smiled as we did the fistbump. "Anytime man. Anytime."
>Then a small voice came from behind the Principal, obscured by her hair. "M-Miss Celestia? Is it ok if I talk now?"
>For once, the Principal seemed surprised "Billy!" she exclaimed, "I'm so sorry I got distracted by the situation at hand! Yes of course you can talk now." She said smiling again. "Step out in front of me and I'll introduce you properly."
>My jaw DROPPED when I saw the boy step out! That's because, aside from being a slightly paler shade of green, he looked almost EXACTLY like I did about 3 years ago!
>The Principal cleared her throat and I straightened up my posture in response. "Anonymous I would like to introduce to you Mr. Billy Blanks. Our newest freshman here at Canterlot High who just transferred in. I had a feeling you two might be able to find a connection." she said with a warm smile.
"Hi Billy!" I said earnestly while holding my hand out for a handshake. "I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon if you like. And last semester I was the new guy at school! Glad to meet ya!"
>"H-hi. My name's Billy and my family just moved here. V-very pleased to meet you!" He said a little nervously as he stiffly shook my hand. In fact he was holding his body stiffly too.
Whoops. I had come on to strongly for the poor kid! He was starting to freeze up. So I dropped my voice to a low conversational tone and said "Sorry. I forgot I'm not performing for the room anymore. Welcome to Canterlot High Billy. Can I introduce you to some folks?"
>"S-sure." he said. The boy was still shy, but the stiffness had gone away mostly. Calm and easy was the way to go here.
"Alright, come this way then please. I want to introduce you to my girlfriends and I'm positive they would like to meet you too."
>The girls WERE obviously interested in Billy with Pinkie jumping up and down rapidly while holding her shaking fists near her shoulders and the others having broad smiles. I just couldn't help but imagine the word "SQUEEE" appearing above Pinkie.
>"Your girlfriend? For a moment it sounded like you had more than one. Gosh, could you imagine?" He said with a smile.
"Sure could." I said. "But to be more clear, I DO have more than one girlfriend. In fact I have 7. But I'm the only guy at school with more than one."
>"How did THAT happen?" he asked with genuine curiosity.
Good. He was loosening up. "I'll tell you the PG version sometime. But for now lets not keep them waiting." At that point I also noticed some shuffling footsteps behind me. I'd get to them in due time. We were now in front of my girlfriends.
"Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Canterlot's newest freshman, Billy Blanks." I said still in a low conversational tone.
>"Hello Billy." they all replied in unison.
>"H-Hi." Billy said with a small wave.
"Ladies, Billy is a lot like I was when I first got here, so I'd like to introduce you in the order of quietest first so we don't overwhelm him before he even gets to class, ok?" To which they all nodded.
"And Billy, you're the first person I've been able to introduce my girlfriends to that didn't already know them, so I'm going to have some quiet fun with it." I said.
"So first up is Fluttershy, our queen of quiet."
>"Hi" she said quietly, but with more volume than I remembered when I first met her. Billy replied with a "Hello" of his own.
"Billy, I should ask, do you have any pets?" I asked him intending to highlight Flutters specialty.
"Not yet. Mom said maybe after the move though." Billy replied.
"Cool." I said. "The reason I asked is Fluttershy volunteers a LOT of time at the local animal shelter and would love to help you get a pet that's right for you. I'll be volunteering there today after school for a couple of hours if, say, your parents wanted to meet the guy who looks so much like you."
>Fluttershy handed him a flyer without prompting. "This has the address and hours on it." she said.
"Moving this right along, up next is Applejack. Our tough and humble farmgirl."
>"Howdy." Applejack said.
>"Hi." Billy returned the greeting with a little more brightness in his voice.
"Say Billy, did your family happen to get a welcome gift of some apples when you moved here?"
>"Umm.. Yeah. Yeah we did." he said, starting to crack a smile.
"I remember my family got some too." I said. "They came from Applejacks's family's farm, Sweet Apple Acres. Have you tried one just yet?"
>"Oh, uh, no not yet. Sorry."
"That's ok Billy. I remember when I first tried them, I thought they were the juiciest, most tasty apples I'd ever had. So whenever you get to it is fine." I said with a warm wistful smile.
>"I'll try one soon. I promise!" Said Billy with a smile.
"You won't regret it Billy." I said with a genuine smile. "Next I'd like you to meet Twilight Sparkle, who is basically the smartest person in school and our class valedictorian."
>"Hello Billy." She said with a big smile.
>"H-hi." Billy said. quite obviously impressed with those titles.
"Now we come to Sunset Shimmer. She's head of the yearbook committee and an amazing graphical artist as well."
>"Hello new boy." Sunset said with a sultry smile.
>"H-hello." Billy said with a bit of confusion evident.
"Wait a minute. You're giving him MY old nickname?" I asked her.
>"Yup. Didn't do you any harm and it might just be a lucky charm for him." She said.
"Let me explain." I said to Billy. "She called me that EVERY day of the last semester, but that stopped on the night all these lovely ladies confessed their feeling to me. So I'm not using it anymore. She must really like you if she wants you to have that nickname though. A lot of the other guys in school might be jealous."
>"Oh." Billy said. "Well in that case, thank you very much!" he said to a smiling Sunset.
"Now to continue, we have Rarity." I said upping the enthusiastic energy just a hair. "She's a well known seamstress with a real passion for fashion."
>"It's simply lovely to meet you darling." Rarity said with a gently beaming smile.
>"It's a pleasure to meet you too." He said. Seemed like he was finally relaxing enough to go with the flow. Excellent!
"Fun fact, Rarity made this top I'm wearing. She made more in all of my girlfriends colors and symbols. Today is Applejack's colors of course."
>"I DID see that." Billy said. "But I really don't know much about clothes to talk."
"That's perfectly fine Billy." I said with a warm smile. "You're young and your time in this amazing school is only beginning. Trust me you can learn SO much here. But I'll tell you this for nothing. If you ever get a girlfriend who gives you clothes, you wear them. Period."
>Billy nodded his head in response. Apparently very willing to take romantic advice from the guy with seven girlfriends.
"Next up is Rainbow Dash." I said adopting a light sportscaster tone. "She's the star of our winning soccer team and something of a rockstar to boot."
>"'Sup dude?" she said while grinning at the details of her introduction.
>"'Sup." Billy said grinning widely at our resident tomboy.
"And last but not least." I said going for a light circus ringmaster vibe. "She's an energetic and ebullient extrovert and also a perfectionist party planner. I present to you, Pinkie Pie!"
>"Hi Billy!" Pinkie said, demonstrating that she knows how to tone it down based on the person she's talking to.
>"Hi!" Billy said with an equally big smile.
"And that," I said proudly," is all seven of my girlfriends. Now if you ever need to reach me and find one of them before you see me, they can probably tell you exactly where I am. Right girls?"
> They all nodded affirmative responses.
"Thank you." I said to them. "Just one more request ladies and then you can get back to lunch while I set young Billy up for success. Could you all take a pic of me and Billy on his first day? Oh Billy, you can hand any one of them your phone so you can have one too of course."
>Pinkie stepped forward and volunteered while three sets of footsteps behind me went to the side. I also pretended to not notice Twilight still had my phone. A few shutter clicks later and that was done and Pinkie gave Billy his phone back. and then went back to our lunch table with the rest of the girls leaving Billy and I almost alone.
"Ok Billy, now comes the important part." I said. "As you've seen I already had seven girlfriends before you got here. Even one girlfriend is a serious time investment as you may already know. So I'm afraid I can't directly mentor you as I'd like."
"With that said, I will be keeping tabs on you and I promise I will find time to spend with you as I can. I've also already told you how to contact me if something comes up. And that's the bad news."
"The good news, on the other hand, is I know some of your fellow freshman who would like to be your friend and help show you around. They've been waiting very patiently to meet you and they are right behind us." I said as I invited Billy to turn around. "Isn't that right girls?"
>"That's right Anonymous." the Crusaders said in unison.
"Girls it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Billy 'New Boy' Blanks."
>"Hello Billy." The girls said in unison again.
>"Hi." Billy said while smiling and not quite believing his first day was going THIS well.
>Excellent. Introducing him to my girlfriends had let him warm up to the idea of meeting new people. And the Crusaders were obviously willing to have a new friend too. A win for all involved.
"Billy, starting on the right is Apple Bloom. The younger sister of my girlfriend Applejack."
>"Hello Billy." Apple Bloom. "It's nice to meet you." she said with a charming smile.
>"Hi Apple Bloom." Said Billy. "It's very nice to meet you too." he said while still sporting a dumbstruck smile.
"In the center is Scootaloo. Friend and big fan of my girlfriend Rainbow Dash."
>"'Sup new boy?"
>"Well Scootaloo, so far it looks like I'm having the BEST day. Pleasure to meet you."
"And on the left is Sweetie Belle. Younger sister of my girlfriend Rarity."
>"Hi Billy." Sweetie Belle said. "It's great to meet a new friend." with a big smile.
>"Hello Sweetie Belle." Billy said while looking visibly more relaxed. "Yeah it really is!"
"Ok looks like you folks are almost all set. I just want to say something real quick to you girls please."
>"Yes Anonymous?" They said in unison again.
"Pretty sure you already know this, but Billy reminds me a lot of how I was when I first got here. I'm hoping you can guide and nurture him like how your friends and family did for me. Also there could be girls out there looking at him just because they can't have ME. I would like to ask that you protect him from girls that don't have his best interests at heart. Can you do that for me please?"
>The Crusaders exchanged silent glances and then looked at me and said in unison "You got it Anonymous!"
"Thank you. All right then you're all free to go off and start making memories together. Have fun you crazy kids." I said with a smile. Looking at them as they turned and left full of energy.
>Then I turned and hustled back to the table my girlfriends and I used and took my saved seat between Pinkie and Sunset to a chorus of various forms of "Welcome back".
>We were all rushing to finish our food before the bell for the end of lunch sounded when Rainbow said "Anon, I gotta ask. Do you have ANY idea what you just did to that boy?"
>Pinkie suddenly said "NOPE!"
>Twilight chimed in with "Not a clue."
>Applejack, Sunset, and Fluttershy just shook their heads.
>Rarity just chuckled.
>Aaand the king has left the building. Thankyouveramuch.
"So do any of you want to explain what I'm missing by chance?" I asked.
>The girls exchanged silent glances, turned to me and said "No Anonymous" in perfect unison.
Only two weeks away now
Along with a drink, Slutdagio... I mean Adagio is serving up something else: cunt
If she was really her she’d charge a fee

Slutdagio certainly serves up cunt when she's whoring it up in her fuck-me heels:
>Genshin Impact
>Rarity as Goth nun Rosaria

Sunset as 'Ara~ Ara~' Yae Miko who force-feminised a dog boy :
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Poor girl. She's not too far off from how those bunnies feel rn.
Cool to see this update.
…dog boy?
You know, like catgirls.
Same, it's wild.
Very cute filename
I didn’t mean to reply to your post with that but enjoy the (You) anyway I guess.
I bet her fee she charges is in nuts
>like catgirls

A Raricat is fine too...!:
Very fine in fact
You mean Halloween is two weeks away.
Spooky season is all month long.
Halloween is the finale.
Still looking forward to big titty committee writefag’s return.
I want to cum inside rarikitty
He's still here, right?
Yeah, just kind of stuck on something and real life keeping me a little busy. I'm going to try to keep finding the right time to continue, but I'm not sure when I'm going to manage to do it.
Mainly stuck on what I want to happen that night Wallflower. I keep thinking I want something lewd to happen with Anon being made pent up by Twist and Wallflower being handsy, but I can't seem to settle on what exactly should happen in terms of what would be too much escalation before the group dinner date and such.
I want Celestia to be tutoring me, then run her leg up on mine as I’m forcing myself to ignore it and study hard.
>”I admire your dedication, but some things can’t be found in books. You need to learn them physically. I want to see you bring out your full potential…”
>You need to learn them physically. I want to see you bring out your full potential…”
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>If there were more greens where Wallflower has the memory stone and Anon had past interactions with her he doesn't remember because of the stone being used on him
Glad you're still around
>that spoiler
If you're looking for some ideas on what should happen next, I can suggest some stuff
Although posting actually seemed to help me a bit with it you're more than free to make any suggestions you want to.
I'm glad it's going better for you
>free to make any suggestions
These were the ideas I was gonna suggest, if you were still stuck

>Maybe Wallflower wants it bad, and Anon isn't sure if they should fuck yet or not
>It ends up not mattering because the other girls keep calling on the phone and interrupting them before anything can really happen
>Almost as if they know Wallflower is gonna be sneaky and try to make a move on Anon before one of them can

>Maybe Twist can even show up at his house at one point
>Tracking down where her senpai lives and coming to visit him seems like something she might do

>Maybe Harshwhinny surprises them both by showing up at Anon's house for some one on one time with his parents
I don't know why she would do this though. I had an idea for a green similar to yours, and in mine Harshwhinny lived next door to Anon, for plot convenience. That could give her a reason to be there, I guess. I just like the idea of a super awkward dinner between Anon, Wallflower, his parents, and Harshwhinny. And maybe Twist.
Those do sound like interesting ideas. Harshwinny actually could show up because she feels uncomfortable taking him on the dinner date without talking to his parents first. Though I think where I'm at with it it's a little late in the evening for her to show up. Perhaps the next morning or lunch time. I'll keep the others in mind to and see when and how I might fit them in.

Trying not to be too specific and spoiler, my idea basically is about Anon trying to masturbate when he thinks he has a moment of privacy because Wallflower went to do something like brush her teeth. Only for her to return before he 'finishes up' and involve herself with what he's doing.
>October is more than half over
Stoker where are you
Is Grey still here? I want to know if that Milky Way titfuck what-if in the Cadance and Chrysalis story is still going to happen?

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