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Goddess: Will you join the unity? Or will your DIE! Edition

previous thread: >>41355650

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:


>Murky Number Seven:

Though, a reminder; just because these are the most well known, that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there! There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance. Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite? Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!

Fan games:
>Fallout Equestria: Remains
A Fallout Equestria Roguelike. It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently. Seriously go play it https://foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html

>Balefire Blues
A Hearts of Iron IV mod. In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2307988796

>Ashes Town
A derivative of Pony Town, set in the Fallout Equestria universe.

Thread Topic: Who'se your favorite Alicorn character(s) in all of FOE?
Least repulsive piece of F:E """art""".
Mother fucker couldn't spell the name right.
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i love when she says that before sending me to the goddess dunk tank
Just finished Pink Eyes.
I was not expecting it to hit me so hard, but it did.
I teared up at the end like a little bitch.
Yes, she is. The reason for that is that she bound her soul to the SPP complex, turning it into a nigh unbreakbale soul jar.
dash is a hellofa chem
tell em the jacket is cool on that griff
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that was one of my favorite endings, puppy was a good filly
>big ass stallion afraid of a foal
Moments like these are great.
word travels fast of a pink ghost filly roaming the highway
That is a correct spelling of it. FoE is actually an incorrect spelling. Or rather one that refers to a different story.
I remember finishing that in Puerto Rico all those years later. The ending was pretty sad huh.
i always assumed the natural processes of equis had taken over in the absence of pony intervention, i.e. pegasai not stopping the cloudcover or really doing anything with the weather
the same is probably true of the sun and moon, being as luna and celestia are dead some other entity took over
Yeah sure I'll "join"
>Enters combat with hardened power armor, fast shot, 150 unarmed and a high crit chance
>150 unarmed and a high crit chance
best build lmao
what was it somewhere past level 20 when that crit perk shows up?
art is still art, even if grotesque
>past level 20
It can't. Level 21 is the max level.
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Ive been thinking of 3d printing my own Pipbuck though was wondering if I should just base it off one o the other already done Pipboy 3000 projects and and somehow modify the interface or modify a 3d model like pic related which would be a lot more effort and time.
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i meant fallout 2 and i just looked it up
level 24
realistically it would be a frozen snow planet then, since the Windigos would come over how divided ponies are. that, and it would be either eternal day or night
>it would be a frozen snow planet then
being as it is in fact not it can only be assumed that the windigos either fucked off for good when the war hit or died out
Honestly, I thought the story had a happy end, considering it has a definite afterlife. It takes a lot of the weight from the shit that wasteland ponies have to go through in their lives.
I'd go with the one that ends with the design that's 'more pony'. Not sure which one that would be though.
I'm getting married to Littlepip at Mare Fair 3 and everyone's invited!!!!!
Petition to explode Homage with nuclear bombs
Don't. You'd ruin a good tower.
Can't have a thread without the booze horse.
boozy floozy
Pipfag, that you?
This what I look like btw
>a skeleton stuck on a clogged golden toilet
My condolences.
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Just like my wife
I am a Blackjackfag this is what I look like IRL since we are posting photos of ourselves
I can confirm this is the trvth
I didn't know Horus was so deep into ball busting.
That's not so far off. But at least she can still leave hers.
and have spike brings her friends there, celestia herself said she can teleport people out.

she doesn't need to stay in her pod 24/7, i'd say she got a really good ending.

(a plus if you take PH epilogue as canon)
Pretty sure she still needs to stay in the pod else she'll die from how fucked her body got during her adventures. She can leave for a bit but not for long, probably only a few hours a week.
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in my headcanon she may freely enter the pod or leave it.

of course she would need to be inside it to manage the weather which would take a lot of time (presumably)

but answering you, with celestia's help i'm sure theres something there that would heal her up, maybe even the pod itself does that.

she also will live up to 200-500(?) years due to the radiation absorved during her adventures .(which is where PH epilogue comes in)
>due to the radiation absorved during her adventures
Wasn't that caused by the time she spent in the IMP pool, causing her to mutate into a partial alicorn?
I need some context for that image.
And what would a Rampagefag look like?
Remnants Anon here, I have made a concept flag for my take on a FOE Lunar Republic, a democratic Bat pony society led by the electated Lunar-Regent, they are a powerhouse in the region, they are basically a city-state and one of the rare factions in the Fic to an Air-Force.
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Isn't it obvious
Ironic, considering he was one of the worst primarchs.
Yes but he was very angry, hence the name
He did nothing wrong.
>got enslaved
>failed to conquer his planet
>failed to protect his soldiers
>failed to lead his legion properly
>failed to protect his legion from chaos
He did everything wrong.
Zigga, that's basic subversion, nothing amazing for anyone, who read more than 2 books in their life.
>>failed to protect his soldiers
Happens when you get teliported against your will.
>>failed to lead his legion properly
World Eaters were quite effective during the crusade, a bit too effective.
>failed to protect his legion from chaos
Dude got transformed into a Daemon against his will, what else do you expect him to do?
I will try and cook something up in Ashestown for a citizen of the Lunar Republic soon.
Littlepip is a qt
In what?
Ashestown, its the Fallout Equestria equivalent of Pony town.
A upper class Lunar Republican, the higher class Bat ponies make and wear clothes simular to the ponies of old Equestria, the Upper class is made up of mostly Bat ponies with mixed raced and non Bat ponies being a sight in the inner city.
It was especifically when littlepip left Maripony after the "catastrophe" she made there (Chapter 39), in which she gained the Perk "Touched by Taint (3)" which says at the end of its description "Your natural lifespan has increased dramatically."

A reference to the famous Spec Ops: The Line, love that game and its history.
Sad that we'll never get another game like that.
>"Touched by Taint (3)"
Pip is probably the cutest mutant in the whole wasteland.
Who's the green one?
fake murky from ohio
Could be. The one in the upper left is supposed to be Redeye, I presume.
Applesnack maybe?
Bump, keep the thread while I survive the hurricane bros.
Good luck with your apocalypse survival training, anon.
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Ah shit you're in the hurricane too?
I'm in Lakeland, how bad is it for you?
Also in Lakeland escaping up north.
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gonna attempt some foe lucid dreaming
wish me luck
Trickshot a frag off a gas station into a raider nest. I wish you luck with the trickshot.
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Indeed she is.

Yup, thats him without his power armor before the great war.
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>there was a foefriend in my town all along
You're invited to me and Littlepip wedding at Mare Fair 3
Also there's no fuel to evac so I'm stuck here
Page 10 bump.
No, that would be Murky. Pip is more like the cutest mutated raider.
>foe lucid dreaming
>end up with a dream of gettung dunked by the goddess
Go for it.
I wanna marry Littlepip!
I wanna adopt murky
I wanna fuck Blackjack
>end up with a dream of gettung dunked by the goddess
wasnt even lucky enough to get that last night lmao
least i tried
Maybe next time.

>I wanna marry Littlepip!
>I wanna adopt murky
>I wanna fuck Blackjack
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>even the colors match
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Imagine you look down at your pipbuck and using the e.f.s watching as a dot goes from green to red after you say something dumb
Blackjack had a couple of these cases where the color switched back and forth.
Wasteland bump.
I wouldn't be mad if that mutie came ot my dreams.
i appreciate art like this that shows accurate blackjack legs where she still has her cutiemark
Yeah, there are some great pieces.
So, are you guys still alive?
Power came back on this morning
mmmmmmmm crazy mare flanks
What's your favorite story?
I'm in a motel, I will post more remants shit soon boys.
late night bump.
Hard to tell. Many have their own strong points and weaknesses. But none ever got so intense for me personally than the original. So I'd stick with that, I guess.
So, Littlepip. Does she have green eye or brown eyes?
Asking for plush project.
There is no canon depiction of her, other than that she is a unicorn mare with a small body. That's all that's ever mentioned in the text. But the image of her that was ultimately cemented within the fandom shows her with green eyes.
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Which one that was? This Johnjoseco's classic piece has her with brown eyes.
The first one I saw was ec's. But yeah, there were still some variances in her depiction back then. I think there was also a blonde Pip somewhere even. Though the green eyes one has become the dominant interpretation over time.
>green eyes one has become the dominant interpretation
That's what I was remembering too, and was bit surprised of some of these early pieces. Even WIP of that ec's piece had brown eyes.
Its kinda funny that the fan depiction of Littlepip would later become the offical, due to Kkat using it in interviews and other stuff.
Her snowpity (radpity) manifested itself through the brony zeitgeist.
Brown eyes serve her idea better ("not described because the only remarkable thing about her is the stature"), but green ones look better.
it looks so strange when compared to every time ive seen her with green lol
luv mares with green eyes the most anyway
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hey is the fella what was gettin the murky full size still lurking around?
A bump in the wasteland.
Why do the brown eyes serve her idea better?
You anons got any foe reading suggestions? Im between jobs while i get my truck fixed and need something to do with myself
Could always start Broken Bonds, but don't exprct an ending. The author became a weeb and abandoned pony.
FOE:Starlight. It has a mutiecorn as a protag.
And don't get fooled by the name. It has nothing to do with Glimmer.
I love hime, he's so cute!
Are the best mare flanks.
checked hitler dubs
probably one of the top ten horses ever, hard to understand if you havent heard his story
>hard to understand if you havent heard his story
Yeah, I guess this is why I don't get it.
Murky is such a sweetie
He's just makin it through the day
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its right there in the op, you have no excuse not to
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>you have no excuse not to
How about shitty rl schedules?
Or the long length of the book?
After having read PH a long time ago, I can't claim that in good conscience. My time schedule genuinely sucks donkey balls though.
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everyone can make time for reading anon
yourre bullshitting me if youre trying to say you have zero (0) time to read at all
Murky is cute
Not when you're trying to write stuff yourself.
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whatever you say man
When Blackjack says that, you better believe it.
just finished the chrysalis
was a pretty feel good epilogue compared to a lot of other foe endings ive read
makes me smile that i finally finished it
Is it worth reading for someone who doesn't particularly care about changelings?
nta but it's pretty fun and the story has good elements, I especially liked the way it depicted large scale battles, it's a pretty unique take among other foe books since the main character is more of a strategist than a fighter, the mysteries are also fun to follow along and starlight (not glimmer) is a cutie
This will end in death, won't it?
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yeah he >>41544726 said it about as well as i could lel
its not as bug centric as it seems, but its more like a foe story through the lens of a bug
pretty good read from start to finish, kinda fast story too all things considered in terms of pacing when compared to others (but thats a personal thing, i like long stories)
>and starlight (not glimmer) is a cutie
also true but i like sickle more personally
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Duly noted. Thanks for the reading suggestion.
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Have a talon hen
cheers, any time fren
what a bitch lol
cute art though
What's your favorite recent FoE story?
I havent really looked at the new stuff
Any siggestions?
>mutiecorn in the cast
You have my attention.
is this more like Fallout, or more like Equestria
It's Equestria. The Fallout stuff has been included in a way that (mostly) makes sense in the early show setting.
It's equestria that's gone the way of fallout
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shes pretty awesome yeah
cutie mutie quads
Checked those numbers.
>cloudcover on high
>churning waves of green and gray
>all you bring is rain
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>she has five full bars of AP to use for murder now
When you already reached top murder, can you even go any farther?
Huh? Where'd she go?
Into (you)r heart (wth a bullet).
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i think id be okay if she killed me
No, you'd be dead.
oh i meant like i would be okay with it i think
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rampaging into the night <3
I feel like the armor design is lacking some joints. I can't see how she can move with that at all.
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getting shot by her (in any way you wanna imagine) must be a honor.
That is one of the cutest murderers I've ever seen.
You say that until she reaches for the zebra gun.
whoa my wife is so pretty
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queen murdermare herself
shes perfect
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Except, you know, she wouldn't fuck you.
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uhhhhh no duh
i want her to kill me
Remnants Anon here, I'm here to post a somewhat major side character in remnants, a former Stable Dweller that is the towns #1 alcohol brewer.
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Guess again, nerd
she sounds cute
i like that youre still at it derpybrah
Specs tapped his hoof impatiently as the stable mare’s kicking legs were wolfed down, the dusty brown hooves vanishing from sight, followed by the last few hairs of the dark blue tail. He opened his mouth to make a comment when a resounding belch came from his companion, a few errant navy hairs being forced out along with a hot wave of pungent air. “Very nice. Can we move along now?” he asked, waving his hoof to emphasise the point.

The armoured mare nodded, even as she traced the last decline of that thick bulge down her throat and then into her belly. The armour was lighter on the underside, and the thinner, flexible alloy stretched out with the new size of her gut. Specs couldn’t help but look at it for a second, more in morbid fascination than any sense of desire as the mare ran her hooves across the distinctly pony shaped bulge that squirmed within. “Sure,” the mare then replied, giving him a smile which drew his eyes back to her face.

“Good. Then let us be off. We’ve wasted too much time here already,” Specs stated, stepping over the discarded scraps of the stablepony’s armour and weapons. He stopped for a second and levitated out the medical pouch, looking inside and then pocketing it as the only thing she had of any real worth.

The mare set off herself as well, her belly swaying from side to side with each heavy clop of her armoured hooves against the ground. Specs could hear the muffled screams and begs from his companion’s stomach as she trotted alongside him, even catching the occasional pressing of a hoof against that burgeoning belly, but he paid little mind. This sort of thing was common with her. Specs had much on his mind and he settled on thinking about that as the two began to trot in silence, well, verbal silence.

The mare’s belly was anything but silent. Every stop prompted a loud slosh as the jiggling sac of digesting stablepony was shaken back and forth, ensuring that every inch of her meal’s flesh was coated in thick, powerful acids that went to work immediately. It wasn’t even five minutes from setting off that the screams and sloshing was joined by the much louder and stronger sounds of digestion. It started with a light gurgle, but within seconds it had evolved into a constant loud churn, punctuated by the occasional glorp, all set to the desperate screams from inside.

The sounds were loud enough to draw Specs from his thoughts. “Do try not to digest that Pip Buck,” he reminded her as he caught sight of the clear shape of a mare muzzle pressing out against the tight stomach flesh. He pointed to it with a hoof. “You’ve got a fighter,” he pointed out.

The mare looked down and grinned before pressing in against the muzzle bulge with a hoof and shoving it back into the rounded, gurgling balloon as it loudly worked on converting the occupant into little more than slop. “The best kind,” the mare replied, “And don’t worry about that Pip Buck. They were designed to survive a thaumaturgical fallout, remember?”
Last thing I was expecting to see in this thread was vore. But very well done.
thank you for saying that before i even started to read that textwall of shit lmao
Blackjack or Pip?
that about sums up this general.
initially i thought more pip but now that i think about it if she killed me she would probably go on some month long tirade about how shes bad or something
i feel like bj would probably find some sick satisfaction in it and then go on a self destructive im the bad guy bender
id probably be okay with either at the end of the day
Lmao, you're welcome I guess? I just saw it and wished I was friends with that anon but guess my comment serves as a warning too
Thank you Changeling bro, Whiskey Rose has been a early character concept and is the only side character that has tempted me into making her own side fic, she also does have a ancestor that had a "reputation" in Pre War Equestria.

Pic related.
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Accidently posted a different Image.
Well anons I finally did it as of now I finally finalized the big five being
Fallout Equestria
Fallout Equestria: Project horizon’s
Fallout Equestria: Pink eyes
Fallout Equestria: Murky number 7
Falllout Equestria: Hero’s

In that order feels good to finally tackle them and to know that I cried during each and everyone of their endings feels good to finally be through them all
>i feel like bj would probably find some sick satisfaction in it
Don't forget that she's likely to mutilate you before the killing blow too.
thats pretty much the order i did em
just with murky and heros switched
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which one did you prefer and why is it murky?
Fuck, I still need to finish Pink Eyes and read both Murky and Heroes. I got the AE Novels but I feel like im gonna tear the pages out they're so thin. Kind of wish there was a full Murky audiobook.
I feel called out, but unironically enough, Murky Number 7 is my favorite out of these five. Everyone in that story stood on straight business, especially Murky. I love the little guy. It felt so good to see him get small victories. Even the bad guys were enjoyable. I don’t know how to spoiler things and was going to make a very funny joke, but I won’t for the anons who haven't finished the big five. But in my opinion, I’d rank them like this Murky number 7 has the best story, characters, and message. Hero’s is next. I like what it was doing. It took a spin on the whole adventure thing. Fallout equestria deserves no less than third. It literally started everything. Pink eyes short, sweet, and a good read and a much needed pallet cleanser after... PROJECT HORIZONS It’s a good story, but holy hell, it is long. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. My main gripe with it is that I did NOT care for Morning Glory. She upsets me. That’s probably just me, but that’s my ranking.
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wtf are you me?
ctrl+s to spoiler selection
so does it work like this then?
Apparently not because I still can’t do the spoiler thing correctly not being a smart pony sucks
you can also put [spoileR] [/spoileR] around your text (without the capital letter)
I don't get it.
What if pip became the master but instead of just making alicorns she made lesbian alicorns that justifiably killed cannibals and slavers?
Heroes is the only one of the five I never finished, I followed it for a while when it was releasing and it just seemed dull and mediocre compared to the others, didn't find I cared about anything in it. Was always puzzled by its inclusion in the big five, it just didn't seem like anything special besides that it existed and was fairly long. Is it worth giving another go now it's years later and it's finished? Maybe I was unfair on it or it gets better later on or something.
i think its some guy from friday night funkin
huh? i always pictured her as a holographic like giant floating alicorn trixie head. I don't recall them saying she was meld to the computer physically like this
I’m no expert reviewer, but in my opinion, it's highly worth it. It’s not your typical we gotta save the wasteland; it comes out swinging at you hard and fast for the first few chapters, and you’re like, a lot happens very quickly, but once you get to disembark, the story finally pumps the breaks and starts explaining things, which is weird because it’s kind of a character-based story but doesn’t actually do that until you get to the main setting. It’s kind of a mess, but that’s fitting for Silver Storm. I feel like maybe it takes a bit to actually set it up, but when it does, it’s really good and does some interesting things, but that’s just my two caps.
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>mutilate you before the killing blow
i could only hope so
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it was more like you described in the story, this pic is more inspired by fallout1's master
>holographic like giant floating alicorn trixie head
Pretty much this. Trixie channeled her inner lawnmower man in the story.
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I will turn you into a somalian meatsuit
We're off to see the master
korean BJfag from marefair is that you?
Well, no more rad in the miss tournament. Pip got fucked by a DJ again.
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>Recently discovered a finished first chapter for a fic I did seven years ago
>It's awful and I despise it

it's over, bros...
Here is another prominent side character for Remnants, her name is Moonracer the first pony that the MC helps, and also is the first dashite the MC meets, she plays a somewhat major part early on in the story as the MC helps her save her baby from a bunch of cannibals.
>Got fucked by the fake Pon3
>Not gets fucked by the real Pon3
>Both Pip and Vinyl were voiced by the same person in fanon
Come on, there's got to be some lewd potential in that.
Lmao, could not understand a word he said when he approached me about my blackjack plushie
Rigged as usual
Miss /mlp/ is run by the rewatch trannies
Idk who the fuck that is.
Wait what video did she voiced Pip in?
Me neither.
At marefair there was a fat Korean guy walking around with a giant Blackjack plushie
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the entire original radioplay

Four episodes were made, i'd say these are one of the best audiobooks i've seen, its sad it never made past 5 chapters..
He was such a nice dude too, I need to overhaul my lifesize Littlepip because he wanted to see it even if it was badly done.
Sounds pretty based, not gonna lie.
I will forever saden me that project died in its crib, would've been cool to see who they would've goten to play Steelhooves.
Yeah he was pretty cool, he approached me cause I had a blackjack shirt on and had my blackjack plushie with me that was signed by somber

Dude was a korean plushmaker, I have his card somewhere
>who they would've goten to play Steelhooves
some fag with a voicemod probably
no big mystery there fetlock holmes rofl
alas we've got this one tho
and this one
Wutin is ok for Steelhooves, I still hear Crazedramblings voice every time I imagine Steelhooves talking.
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murky is one of the few stallions that gets a pass from me
hes one of the good ones
I'd pass my tongue over his ashen scrotum if you catch my drift.
yes anon i think i understand
She's about to mug you.
Better prepare to get your nuts slashed then.
Why is a disappointed looking Pip so hot?
cuz its real for a character like her
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I wonder if you can fuck a smile on her face.
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Up, now.
Littlepip's radpity is extra glimmeringly bright today
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what a slut
i wanna do pic related to pip
Pip wears the pants.
dunno about her but bj for sure
Guaranteed. It's her certified reset button.
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extra radpity doesn't even come close to it.

i have some more if wanted.
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i do not remember asking for this slop so i will not be thanking you
wtf man
Added to the pip folder
>going into 4chan not expecting lewd stuff
c'mon, you're not fooling anyone.
I think he was referring to the fact it is AI
I wish there were more AI pics that give the ponies proper equine teats. In 95% of all cases it just slaps human tits between the rear legs can calls it a day.
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The Ponykind will bring about the master race
Yes, however... big booba.
bet you anything that if foe was written a few seasons later princess twi would have been the master
my little pony
Would only have been half as cool in comparison though.
...She is though, kinda?
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fucking hate that dumb whore
Too out of proportions. And horse teats can grow gracefully. Pregnant mares prove that.
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based natural teat appreciator
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Would this be more to your liking?
>ywn smell that suit after Blackjack takes it off
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It's the better pairing. Simple as.
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Shitty redraw of a piece I found. Don’t have the original saved but I’m pretty sure it’s the pic of volvo retard being a dumb whore and pissing Pip off
wew lad
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yeah that one, its shit
Is this AI generated, or just badly drawn?
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They’re be an artist.
It's pretty good art, what are you on about fag?
>the last one
if thats not really the whole pic, why would you catbox cropped porn?
That is the whole pic.
thinking about how there should be a link to writing resources in the op but then i realized how desperate that would look
Littlepip wife...
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>wake up
>no Littlepip to cuddle
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The sexual tension between the two is off the charts.
What is he looking at?
Isn't this the moment where Littlepip tries to prove shes not crazy and Watcher is real person to Calamity and Velvet, only for Watcher to instantly revert back to a normal Sprite-bot?
Could be. They look too grumpy though.
at (you)
I think it is, has the artist drawn more moments from the book?
Murky cringing at the femshackles art
lol indeed, that shit's cursed
Fair enough.
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>Age restricted
Draw her like one of your french mares.
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i dont think anyone linked the last two episodes of this
thicc mare
Should I be worried?
nah theyve just been recapping and critiquing ever chapter of a decade old fic
its wasteland pone flavored background noise at best
Okay. But kinda cool to see that the fic still inspires though.
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resin pips
yummy forbidden jellybean
Radiation flavored!
very funni lookin mares
How rad!
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did he ever wear clothes?
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there should be a foe general certified foe fics list on top of the "big 5" list in the op
He always wars his gear, and one time he did wear an Enclave armor at least.
why won't Fallout: Spaghestria die?
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The council of pips
All in a different state.
>pips in different states of matter
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Is there something like this but for FoE?
I wish there was
Not as far as I know. It would be fitting though.
Because FOE is our little brand of autism.
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think more critters roaming the wastes would be okay with the wasteland if they had a little sunshine in their lives
ya know, before the lightbringer went and split the clouds
looks like something someone would tape on their bedroom door
I have it on the outside of my work laptop
Based pony appreciator.
I really love these paintings.
It's tame for wasteland standards.
It's kinda hot
>Wasteland appreciators find raider/slaver play hot
That's not such a big surprise if you think about it.
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Would they love or hatefuck each other?
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Simping for Stern
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as seem on PH's epilogue, but more on the *love* part.
>BJ would bring a gun into the afterlife
Classy. That's our mare.
Imagine fucking Xenith on her still warm and mangled corpse.
ill be damned if i dont love a girl with green eyes
midget horn
She'd live easily with all the other ailments if that were to happen.
>Her horn grows massive
>Easily as big as an alicorn, despite her body size
>So big if fact it affects her body balance when she turns her head now.
They are so slow people forget they exist.
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wasteland aint all bad when you have friends
>changeling on the left
Is that the cast of The Chrysalis?
>the cast of The Chrysalis
Horny mares are pretty and cute.
Holy shit the artist remembered that Littlepip is actually small for once, and instead of drawing her the same normal size used for normal mares.
Anon... It's an edit. You can tell by the lack of upturned nose.
Huh, I thought this was AI generated.
There's a story called FOE: The Chrysalis. Now take a guess what species the protagonist is.
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a man can dream.
Rad dream.
All of them are though.
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saw someone say that earlier in the thread
needs to be said more
more stuff needs to be classified as rad in teh raddest thread on the board

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