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Her name is Flawless just like you'd name someone Precious. Unless iperDbooru wants to suffer copyright infringment as we name her her true name; Wind Sprint. Fuck iperDnigger. They don't deserve to even have their name pronounced, parasitic fucks ruining a good Ditzy Hooves Bright Eyes name.

I would say congrats Tamers, but pfft c'mon. If we didn't bitch at you to get the gay shit out and at best put the lesbian shit in, you'd still shove for secondary gay shit.
As such I was morbidly curious how the hell did Tamers do with pic related. Was this suppose to be Luna x Trixie's fusion? Or Trixie upgraded? What got everyone so positively riled up over this character including myself? I needed to see the crashing car in slowmotion as Tamers took the retarded gay fanfic of Princess Luna taking Trixie as a protege and to see if Tamers was smart enough to not make Trixie an OP bitch because "muhhh potential". Just like watching the Glimmer and Creature6 episodes so I know wtf everyone else is talking about.
Also pic related reminds me of;

Carrying on with my review in the next post, gather up. I won't even ask for 50 replies this time.
Taking my name off cause I want to see if anyone is willing to troll. Also because nobody but me is capable of the level of reviews I do. Albeit this will be a quick review as I am absolutely not doing a scene by scene analysis of this unless I want to have an aneurysm over Microsoft Sam.
>Luna's tomboy voice actually acting and sounding good
Hey maybe this won't be so bad, maybe I can do a scene by scene review...
>Celestia low-effort teenager voice
>And Luna is back to Microsoft Samantha voice

The first 15 minutes need to be skipped since Luna's motivation barely has 10% of her to do with doing some gay bonding spell with Trixie. Nowhere in these 15 minutes do we ever hint at Luna wanting anything to do with Trixie or that made up bullshit bonding spell.
Bad pacing so far.

However if there was a nugget of gold to extract out of those 15 minutes. OH so you do know what AI music is you piece of shit? or was this copy-pasted from somebody else?

Shut up, don't say a fucking word, even if you had amazing voice acting you'd still ruin the moment. This is why Courage the Cowardly Dog became a mute after the first season. This is why song sequences remove any SFX and vocals.
SSSSHHH... do you hear that? it's the sound of you shutting the fuck up while I enjoy this here NIGHT SNOW SCENE ;_; my God why can't we have good things.
Why must all movies today suck so much ass that I can't even get good atmospheric scene with a good story and a good plot?

My god ;_; just mute this part of the video. Just mute it and play something euphoric.

Anyway 2.5/10 dialogue, very fanfic, very generic, very MLP Movie 2017 tier. Worse than the Emoji movie. I'd rather make up my own dialogue.
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I guess I should thank you for not trashing up a Tamers thread this this.
I read this all and loved it; you seemed to have a really in depth comprehension with the media, and you were even able to take it and compare it to other shows, demonstrating your superior knowledge in analyzation and reviews.
If I may so be humble, and request that you make more thread reviews? Specifically of the kino EQG movies and G5?
Times Tamers fucked up: 58
Trixie gets fucked over counter: 1

A quick backstory; I fucking despise secondary characters. I hate characters who don't know their place. I hate charlatans who think they're hot shit and deserve to be SUPER villain material. So whenever Trixie gets put in her place it makes me happy. I so wanted for Rainbow Dash to kick her ass at the end of Boast Busters.

>Letting Rarity do the spell
For what fucking purpose? Oh yeah this is a shit parody.
>Twilight and Trixie fucking die
See kids this is why you don't bet on sinking ships, they'll turn your chips to dust. ;)) if it was a TwiDash episode they would have turned out more than okay.
Trixie gets fucked over counter: 2

Where did the mirror suddenly appear from, Tamers12345? you fucking hack, you were just deciding where to make her pop from just like you'll decide how to unfuse them.
Oh what is that? classical instruments instead of some electric guitar? You have sense, Tamers? oh no because Trixie/Twilight = Magic, obviously and classical music = magic.
Times Tamers fucked up: 96

God I love cellos.

>Twilight darling
Pay up, Trixie. Twilight's genes are dominant. Still interesting that Zipp would end up being white if Dash's genes were dominant.

>Can't tell if the grey-black robe & tophat A FUCKING TOPHAT, REALLY? is to symbolize she's a moustache twirling villain or Tamers has some color theory sense in him to not use light blue on the lightest purple he could have possibly picked.

Look at that little :3 shit just walking around with that smug cat lips, look at that cute little shit. It's like a magical Gary Motherfucking Oak

Twilight's child killed Pinkie, HOORAY.
Gold specks found: 0.01
Gold nuggets found so far: 1
Diamond found: 1: This cheap OC fusion. She's fake as hell but so are diamonds.
>those eyes
reminds me of...

Unicorns are a special kind of automaton android golems that kill on instinct while smiling. Their innocence and incapability of feeling bad for others puts them at Perfect Organism status. Unicorns have my sympathies. They're like robots, they cannot feel regret, love, etc. they cannot feel most normal human emotions. I wonder what emotions do pegasi feel compared to unicorns...

>Celestia jumping in saving everyone TOO EARLY, RETARD.
>The villain just running the fuck away because she's too smart.
See, there's a reason why Hasbro constantly makes Celestia a jobber.
There was once upon a time a show called Godzilla ... the humans constantly struggled to summon godzilla at the end of every episode to fight the big monster. They couldn't just summon Godzilla early on to protect them.
Same deal with Goku, same deal with Sonic X. Why should the "hero" appear early on to protect half or everyone? why not just let them die?

Times Tamers fucked up: 101

>Pinkie,Fluttershy,Applejack dead, but not RariDash
Gold specks found: 0.04
>Twilight died
Times Tamers fucked up: 102 >:P

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, if this was properly animated and arted that bitch would look unhinged, scary, insane ... and yandere fags would be all over her including myself ;_; finally a Twilight clone who gives no fucks to contrast with her nicegirl responsible demeanour.
>Bbut Tamers isss is an artist!
I SAID PROPERLY ARTED. Not off-model trash.

>more fanfic pseudo intellectual chatter trash
>tthis is a le lelelelele potential I am le tired
> k you took your nap?
>Nightmare Moon & Celestia fighting ... in the middle of the fucking day...
>Firework sparks effects DURING THE DAY
There is a reason we launch our fireworks during THE NIGHT, Tamers. Times Tamers fucked up: 121
>Playing a synthwave song, kind of a crappy one but eeh
Gold specks found: 0.05

And oohh oh boy this is where the plot really derails harder than Sweetie Derelle.
Holy shit half the movie is already half over?!?! great pacing/sarcasm.
>This whole sequence
>Flawless sitting on hindlegs and just sitting there far far far away watching
>They're le fighting over me xD
Times Tamers fucked up(peeking into the future): 154!!! 210!!! 256!!! 296!!!!

>What I truly am
A cheap ass walmart fusion OC that makes me either raise my points higher or lower based on one simple fact?
>and which is that?
Are you a combo of TwiLuna, TwiDash or Twixie?
>Twii twiixie (the future: minus 500 points for Gryffindor)
>err Twidash?
Good answer, 50 points to Ravenclaw & Gryffindor EACH.
However the's a secret answer
> or Trixie's long lost superior sister? OVER 9000 POINTS, VEGETA. (Actually 8000 points in the original Japanese
Trixie gets fucked over counter: 3
Holy shit we're just now looking what happened to Trixie & Twilight? Do I even need to bring out the counter, Tamers?

>Hey gurrll don't make that face, I didn't actually mean it (literally)
What the fuck is this dialogue.
>It's because of the spell
SPELL MY FUCKING ASS. Learn to read, write & spell.

Boy what GREEEEAAAAAT AND POWERFUL CHEMISTRY THEY HAVE XD enough to warrant them spoilers spoilers pretending to have sex at the end cause mares can't fuck each other roflmao!! you will never be a stallion, Trixie!! I'm surprised Tamers didn't fuck up the fact Trixie only has 1 eyeshine instead of 2 like most mares.

38:02 Oh you just now remembered that you can draw expressions besides the psycho ones on Cozy I mean flawless wind sprint?
38:12 would this automaton golem bitch even be able to scream and show this much emotion over her own demise? out of character, Tamers.
Flawless gets fucked over: 1 >:( why must you do this to her, she didn't even have time to commit any atrocities
>Kills Fluttershy, Pinkie & Applejack. Spike doesn't exist in this universe.
Not a single villainous thing. >:(
Jesus Christ the expressions on this bitch make everyone else look normal.

38:29 Flawless: wow and you're suppose to be the smart one? everyone else but me is stupid.
Jesus Christ stop flipping the voices around. Do I even need to bring up the counter?
Anyway if this was a cheap fusion OC I'd give her a faggot teenager voice ... a FAGGOT FEMALE teenager voice, not Chrys's deep boyish voice, fuck you Kevin.
And if it was a serious longlasting character then ... fuck you Tara Strong... she'd get a much much deeper voice, a suaver voice. Not Tara Strong's gypsy jewish voice that should go back to voicing Timmy Turner & Bubbles, who hired this talentless bitch anyway?
Purely hypothetically speaking if this fanfiction tier trash was ever animated IN THE CANON SHOW. Or if somebody bothered to Udio or Eleven Labs redub all of Tamer's videos.

38:44 not even the parody characters can believe this fanfiction bullcrap.
39:16 seriously if this was Trixie's bigger or younger actual talented sister then this would be kino.

Trixie fakely gets fucked over counter: 3(1)
Flawless gets fucked over: 2
Jeez good job Trixie... you can manage to be powerful... inside your fucking mind.
>Trixie gets blasted by a cannon
Trixie fakely gets fucked over counter: 3(2)
>But oh no wait it was all in her mind BECAUSE WE ARE IN YOUR MIND PLAYING MIND GAMES, NIGGUUHH nigga niggeR.
Flawless gets fucked over: 3

Fuck off, Fame and Misfortune.

>Why the fuck is there a princess here?
Flawless gets fucked over: 4
Oh look the golem pony is malfunctioning.
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>You don't belong here
Yep, this was suppose to be her episode, but holy shit what comes next I can't watch.
Flawless gets fucked over: 5
Flawless gets fucked over: 6
Flawless gets fucked over: 7
STOP STOP SHE'S ALREADY DEAD. ;_; This is worse than that time Surge & Scourge got gangbanged and one upped respectively. This is worse than when the Platypus got her/his shit kicked in by Eggman.

I can't feel bad for this villain, she didn't even have time to become a villain
>Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy dead
she didn't even have time to become a villain ;_; how am I supposed to enjoy watching her getting her shit kicked in if I have nothing to hate her for?

>She is the fusion of a being who pales in comparison to the power of a real God.
If we're strictly talking magical automatons with like 1-2 pros and no flaws also called mary sues and elite villains of the week...

Otherwise the white 100x descendant child of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle would like to have a word with that.
>Queen Zepheryna Storm of Equestria decanons seasons 8 & 9, Cozy Glow & Storm King return.

So the disadvantage a fusion has is that she has to live up to the expectations of both parents and then parental shit begins like; she's a failure because Trixie is a failure. But because she's also Twilight's brother/sister/child then that's when people start bitching.
As opposed to if she was Trixie's sister .. Trixie being a character nobody gives a shit about her family , so Trixie having a superior sister suddenly makes her not a shit OC and actually a good canon character just like Pinkie's shit sisters or rather Pinkie was the OC at the rockfarm, but it's easy; we can just call Pinkie adopted.
Just like in Boruto with Shinki. IT'S OKAY GUYS, HE'S NOT AN OC... HE'S ADOPTED!!! which kinda makes it less awful in a way? k nvm.
>Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy
Flawless gets fucked over: 8

Story of the Blanks tier or rather Tails Doll tier.
>Twilight: She's still alive
>Falls to her knees(do horses even have knees?)
Tamers are you being cereal right now?
>is she planning to take us down with her?
I DUNNO, TAMERS. IS SHE? I think she's just trying to heal her ass or teleport someplace else. Bitch can't even sit on her hindquarters for God's sake. What the fuck are you trying to write here?

>Haha this is my final stance ... is what I would be saying IF I DIDN'T GET STABBED BY 3 UNICORNS AND A HALF WINGED ONE.
This is literally reviving a dead horse from the graveyard just to beat a dead horse again. Do you have no mercy, Tamers? are you sadistic?
Flawless gets fucked over: 9

How the fuck could she even be alive if Trixie & Twilight are out there and she's inside there. Shaggy: Boy I sure am glad we're out here and he's inside there.

>It could very well give waste to Ponyville
And that would be such a bad thing to lose Ponyville ;))
>Yeeaah so I was trying to write this creepy crying automaton who feels bad she's not the greatest and cries out of inadequacy/being a sore loser rather than crying out of any positive emotion and wanting to just survive and get the fuck far far away from them, but I kinda don't know how to write... yeeeaah.. I kinda write about as well as Sonic IDW/Archie's writers which is still slightly above S9 but not too far from it either.
>We need all unicorns
Why? you only needed 1 alicorn to kick her ass, why do you need everyone?

Oh here comes the titledrop.
>The Death of Twilight Sparkle ... 's fusion/baby/golem/magical construct/yet to be aborted fetus.
>Oh my God just wrap it up already
>Tamers not appreciating a good second boss phase
>Tamers not appreciating a second act
I bet he wouldn't appreciate Bad Guys which just keeps going and going after Marmalade reveals himself.
>Does anyone even care about this OC bullshit?
-_- apparently I do. Thanks, asshole. I haven't felt this bad for a villain since Surge.
>same old unicorn favoritism bullshit
You mean lazers, it's your bad if you keep copy-pasting A Canterlot Wedding's Star Trek excuse for an inventive offensive spell that makes Harry Potter 8's lazer bullshit look good. I miss when spells were actually spells and magical, not lazer blast bullshit, but hell even DBZ looks better than A Canterlot Wedding's pink machinegun bullshit.

Hey Tamers/storyboard artist ... that Twilight , Shining, Cadence , Celestia is still off model and don't even make me mention the others

You're also still using adobe after effects during daytime you retard.
who the fuck is this faggot talking to? nobody cares about your shitty review kys

Wha... wha... was that in the script?
>and then Rarity farts everyone away like a retard
>Rarity it's all up to you now, you're the only one
>Shimmer in the next scene
Tamers did you just forget about Shimmer 5 seconds ago?

>only requires 2 unicorns (Celestia's protege Shimmer) to kill some faggot unicorn that wasn't even stronger than Twilight and couldn't even manage to kill a pegasus who can't even fly and 2 earth ponies.
Flawless gets fucked over counter: 10 KILLED BY FUCKING RARITY? BY RARITY'S MAGIC? BY RARITY'S LAZER OFFENSIVE PROJECTILE MAGIC? ROFLMAO. This is worse than that time Surge got defeated by a bucket.

Give it a rest, Tamers. Rarity can't do literal magic worth a shit, only metaphorical magic.

>Shimmer still clearly there
>Only Rarity gets praising
Tamers what kind of plot hole on top of plot hole inconsistent production goldfish memory bullshit are you running here?

Trixie fakely gets fucked over counter: 3(3)
Boohoo Trixie didn't get to kill her own clone and she's still Luna's bitch ... is that even a bad thing, to be Luna's bitch?
>84 minutes later
Oh my God it just keeps dragging on with made-up fanfiction lore bullshit.

>one passes away and the other absorbs the magical essence of the other one (what if the other doesn't have much magic?)
After they're outisde the womb, right?
> Tamers: >:)
> Right? :(
He almost went with my idea there of Trixie having a sister but he just had to fuck it up.
>It makes sense
It fucking doesn't.
and by that fucking logic Twilight had a sister (not Trixie) who she killed or by that logic Twilight could kill Trixie to INHERIT her MONEY, but Trixie has none lmao.
By that logic Twilight should kill Shining Armour... they're totally twins..... if she time travels to the past.

>She's channeling power from two sources
ARE YOU GOING TO GO WITH MY IDEA OR NOT? Except that in my idea Trixie's sister is alive and upstaging the shit out of her.
Don't you fucking dare give that piece of shit secondary attentionwhore the attention she craves, don't you fucking dare attempt to turn her into a super villain, she WILL NEVER BE A STALLION, SHE'S A TRANNY. KILL THE TRANNY, DON'T GIVE IT ATTENTION.

Oh you poor sucker. Smart girls are trouble.
You should only go for the ones as dumb as you so you have something in common.

*slowclap* you made me laugh exactly once. I give you exactly one (You), Tamers. Don't spend it all in one place.

Now excuse me I have to reeee at how undeserving Trixie is and how lesbian sex is even less possible than gay sex, you might as well fuck your hand at that point.
Oh vey you finally managed to draw some semi decent eyes and not those creepy butterfly eyes I'd expect out of those shit Russian drawfags.
Here's a cookie, storyboard artist, maybe one of these days you'll evolve into a full on drawfag and not a shitty storyboarder.

So let's see what this scene has going against it;
Trixie fakely gets fucked over counter: 3(4) - did this bitch just win? Holy shit this tranny bitch just won at life.
1. I hate Trixie, I hate secondaries, I hate undeserving little shits.
2. I'm straight, Tamers. I'm straight.
3. I'm a Twidash or RariTwi fag or hell even a TwiLunafag.
4. I don't like this song. Too fast, too frilly, too pop for a love song.

>Video not taken down
Youtube doesn't register lesbians as capable of having sex.
Kekeke hehehe all is right in the world.
>Tears and biting so hard it bleeds
>Head moving due to climax
Oh fuck off, it's not like you're having a 9 inch cock shoved up against your cervix. Overacting porno bullshit.
It's not like somebody cut off the top of your cunt and stepped on the entirety of your clitoris, so give me a break.

And watch as Twiggerss gets preggies and then spawns Flawless for realzies this time because twelve year olds who write this fanfiction garbage who think they're into pregnancy/breeding kinks haven't got the slightest clue what pregnancy entails such as XX x XX cannot make babies together you dumb fuck.

1:03:41 HOLY SHIT IT'S STILL GOING? Jesus Christ and Tamers was complaining about bad pacing through Ponka Ponk?
>That fucking face on Trixie
I swear I've seen that expression before. Dalmatians 101 on Pongo?
>Can this plot be used as the basis for a good story?
No, it's fanfic trash. Very badly paced. This story could be told in 15 minutes at worst and 7 minutes at best.

Luna/Celestia were unnecessary, you don't need excuses for a spell to go wrong and a rival to be born.
Trixie's superior sister is a much better concept muh illegitimate magical fusion baby golem that's totally not an allusion to Nyx.

Trixie doesn't deserve jackshit.

>Twins absorb each other's powers or use each other's powers
Likely story, Baby Cakes. Tell it to the judge.

>The OC
She was so cute & smug while she was pretend killing yellowautism and 2 earth ponies
So this is what Cozy Glow apologists feel ... can't say the same for Glimniggers, Glimmer fucked time 300 times over and fought an alicorn.
Flawless got fucked over 10 times.
Trixie only got fucked over 3 times and won 4 times over.

Maybe I wouldn't have been rolling my eyes as hard over the sex scene if it was Dash & Twilight or if ye know the dialogue between Trixie & Twilight wasn't absolute fucking dogshit where one character literally tells her to go kill herself and the next second she's "Lol JK, stop crying bitch". Learn to write character chemistry.

I give it fanfic/Magic Duel/10 no worse no better than Magic Duel ... plot wise, not voice acting ,art n everything else.
>and with everything else?
7/10 ... -7/10 you see that - ? that's a minus. Story should have been about Trixie's sister. Created with an actual production company or someone who isn't afraid to use AI and isn't afraid to not be a parody to pretend his shittiness is on purpose.
You're not American, newfaggot. Owned.
i'm sorta drunk and that's a lot of words. i beseech thee summarize.
Just read the last post if you want a summarized review. >>41526349
If you can't summarize your point, your opinion is not valid.
>skips half of it
Okay retard
I did.

Okay, retard(S2+ Dash). Learn to read and learn English and not from the Youtube's comments section.
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Not reading your blog, fuck off now.

Anon did you samefag again? Anon I told you to stop pretending you're a college drop out ... oh ohh.. you're a high school drop out from Russia? oohh.
If you are happy with the quality of your post as a summary, you are actually retarded.
>insulting someone as a school dropout in 2024
i bet you love S8/S9 you retard
OOOOHHHOOO BABY YEAH it feels just like 2011 except I now have the knowledge that I'm being insulted by ESLs from the bumfuck of Lithuania, Poland, Russia, etc.

Go ahead review my post, go ahead. This will be a laugh.
Anon you're drunk, go to sleep. This is why you're drunk in the first place, to forget, remember?
I only judge writing critique from people who can write. What have you written?
nah man
nah towards what? I have a soft spot for drunk people, they're not arrogant, just forgetful and lazy <3 they're like asians, the lesser of two evils.
What have you written?
based sage announcer
Actually, it's jannies who intercept the reports and send them further up nowadays.
then send them further up already
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C'mon all you "European" posters , you got something to say to me? I'm right here. ;) say it before I go back to my 12 month slumber again.
>you're here le forever, the ride never ends.
I wish the ride never ended :/ sadly that isn't the case.
I accept your concession.
I accept yours as well, Poland.
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I want to cum inside Rarity
this has to be one of the worst threads I've ever seen on any board, bravo
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This is now a dashie thread
Honestly find myself partially agreeing. I don't think Tamers gave himself enough time on this one, in his effort to blast a movie in 2 weeks TM. It's really all over the place, lacks a lot of his essential zany creativity in favour of the more serious tone, and he makes up the difference with canned bits like the 2hu montage. Individual scenes weren't terrible, but they jumped around very suddenly. Flawless was poorly used and underdeveloped for sure. The fight between Celestia and Luna was just bizarre and umprompted. "Kill yourself lol jk" was weird, although I otherwise found the shipping stuff pretty compelling - it's kind of obvious that the lewd scene at the end was his big idea and a lot of the episode got built up around it.
Technically, weird lag in places and sound mixing during the Flawless mindscape fight all over the place. Very rushed.

This could have been 2-3 parts and way stronger, Tamers needs to give himself more time to breathe. He mentioned he wanted to do less "filler", but at the end of the day the filler was the soul and instrumental to the pacing. My time did not feel like it was being put to its best use in these scenes.
>barebacking imageboards
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Applejack Appreciation activated
Nice try, but you still have at least nine more posts of pure autism to catch up with Vogelfag
I'm not trying to catch up with anyone, just offering my sense of things in a more sympathetic thread
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>sympathetic thread
dude this a garbage thread
That's an assessment of quality. What I valued about the thread was that the OP was critical of the episode, so I'd be in better company voicing my criticism here than in the main thread where they're all riding the high. That is not in any way refuted by pointing out that this thread is also very low quality.
You should spend some time talking about the things you like instead of just being eternally peeved.
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thanks for using my art for the op, but next time don't be super gay
tell that to people in the anni
This. OP is a underage newfaggot mods ban this nigger and sage this retarded blogpost.
This thread is still alive? I'm impressed.
>he wasn't watching last Friday/Saturday
Remember, we're among the kind of company that sees the word sympathy and decides to hate your guts for cribbing the style of a rock band our dads listened to. It's the same company that sees the word "they" referring to a group of people and has a political aneurism.

Incoherent as always, muchacho, but you're on the right side of history.
... ok actually we're on the wrong side of history but I'm pretty sure this episode of tamersmlp was a fucking mess. It's a fucking mess that did it's absolute best to conform to the expectations of a movie, which might be it's saving grace.

If you wanted to see shiny ass, sweat drops hotter than 100C, and an evil drip clone do sudden murder just because it feels like what she should do, you'll love this movie. People will love this movie. People will love sunset shimmer just showing up for a "typical" "epic moment". Even if it's a trash movie, it will be received with near universal audience approval.

It's also possible that, on further close analysis, the framing device of the movie theater and also sunset shimmer suddenly appearing like that will do wonders to justify the existence of and behaviors of Flawless, and also the 4 step 30 minute process of decapitating a 1 hour old and completely pathetic existence while pretending that she's a threat, or else making her a threat as obvious justification to continue a plot which is already over. There's a fine line between creating a multi-layer satire where you make fun of the trends in anime and simply doing the same bullshit that anime does.

A lot of the incoherence, including Rarity holding Dead AJ, and also be explained by some attempt to be dream-like, maybe.

So you're probably right, or at least right enough, and the only reason I'm not being really harsh on the movie is that the movie was so narratively confused that I'm not sure how to judge it.

>In conclusion
My favorite thing is that trixie's only actual move in the dream fight was to flip her cape a bit.
Times I've been called: the worst thing ever: 3654
Times I've been called trash: 257
Times I've been called garbage: 196
You ESLs really need to expand your vocabulary and stop pretending you understand the English language, you can "understand" a few words at face value, but not the meaning behind them.
Roflcopter. Boohoo I am not sucking dick 99% of the time like you Malaysian asian niggers. ;)
I am one of the few Dashfags capable of reading because I am also Twifag.

Yep they were really quite positive with the Sounds of Silence episode and a lot of things, even during the S7 finale they were positive whenever Neighsayer said right-wing redpilled stuff.

Little "anon" little tamers child.. This is me enjoying myself. Do you think a grown ass man uses roflcopter when he isn't enjoying himself? This is me liking certain things like Flawless. And that snow scene and that AJ AI song. And a few other things.
You should have seen the positive things I had to say about G5.

However if I want a good manchild show then I'll watch Dan Vs. if I want diet coke Dan Vs then I watch Mao Mao.
If I want a good action show then I'll watch Generator Rex. "For some reason" Action shows make for the best slice of life shows, rofl.

I can't feel NOT bad for this villain, she didn't even have time to become a villain, she didn't do any villainous things like Dolores Umbridge/Glimmer to make me hate her.
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So if I was to rate Tamers12345 against other indie animations I'd say he isn't faring any better or worse than Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss writing & jokes wise.

This episode was about on par with Lavender Town, but below Rare Candy, below Wild Orangberries and waayy below Ditto Disaster that's almost on par with S1-S3 South Park.
It was still worse than The Room. I had more fun watching Disney's 1 vampire movie starring Dr Who as a guest character vampire hunter. Or that other retarded teenager show about a nerd girl making a fetish sex list and fucking everyone, we kept saying "This is like watching porn without the sex. That's how bad the acting is."
Did I manage to enjoy Tamers? only by shutting half my brain off like you alcoholics.

Oh I forgot my counter;
Times Trixie got fakely fucked over: 4
Times Trixie actually got fucked over: 3
Times Flawless/Mare in the Mirror got fucked over: 10
Times Tamers12345 fucked up: 625+ (if I were to review this scene by scene).

Tamers's pseudoanime art style reminds me a lot of DaiLevy. I wonder what Tamers is capable of when spending 4 hours on 1 frame like those overly detailed freeze shots in Ren & Stimpy.

I'd hire him or Petirep for a South Park styled show.(If Tamers was a solo act)
Not sure if I'd hire him for animatics full of camera movement, expressions, poses/perspectives.
>I got more to say I guess
Pinkie basically verbally bullied RainbowDash into agreeing at the end of the last lesbian episode and everyone ate that shit up. In a relative sense, even I described that as rainbow deciding to care, because that's what it is and it's progress.

Very next rain-pie scene is pinkie physically abusing rainbow while accusing rainbow of upsetting her. If there's one really strong, direct, and obvious pattern which tamers beats people over the head with, it's that. At the end of the first mlp movie, Big mac told braeburn he hated him and then died, only to offer a mere sheepish and horny look after being revived. The credits sequence depicted breaburn being lost without the embrace of big mac. Next time we see them, they are being fucked up again. The problem was not solved, only swept under the rug with all the emotional manipulation tamers is capable of as a creator of cute things.

>pinkie-rainbow shipping 1 step forward
>wait turns out we weren't meant to ignore pinkie being a fucker
At least rainbow is way tougher than pinkie, physically, but that only does so much and somewhat enables the bad behavior.

Anyway, a very strong theme is that you shouldn't ignore problems just because of sweet sweet (mac's dick/ RainbowPie Shipping/ hot lesbians instead of gays/ whatever other examples I'm not thinking of). The series tells you not to turn your brain off just because it's being silly.

This means tamers is framing himself as being like pinkie/mac and is continuously pointing out that he's yanking our emotional chain. The metanarrative is that we're the bitches, which makes his twitter persona make WAY more sense.
It's not well explained, but Flawless'es motivation actually works.

Flawless is finally mindbroken when luna appears and claims to outclass both of the mares that flawless is made of. "If I can't kill you, something something panic attack" Twilight lives as a near-mercenary who's self identity is tied to the approval of her master and trixie created a persona of a perfect and confident autist so that her personal insecurities would not need to be faced. Flawless was unwilling to acknowledge that celestia and luna would beat her, but did act based on the knowledge she would get rolled. Anything that exists is a threat to her gaping insecurity and she believes in the hierarchy of violence first and foremost. Thus, if something near Flawless breaths, it must be defeated.

This is the same kind of mechanism that leads to abuse in the rest of the series, a need to protect one's ego and hide from one's desires. Even if the details regarding her motive are wrong, I think the basic idea that other life is considered a threat holds up.

>the themes
Still not too sure, but this is actually very bare-bones in terms of the meaning of the conflict. Flawless represents one set of philosophies, trixie and twilight represent another, and they have a literal argument in their head where the winner goes on to have control of the body. Every time you ever tried to decide what you wanted to eat for dinner, the same kind of conflict as this occured in your head. The version of you who wanted chicken fought to the death with the version of you who wanted fish, and the chicken one generally emerged victorious after pointing out that fish is slightly harder to obtain and use properly.
Oh, and vogel, directly for you

Yall said I was generic in a review you can't find and used that to characterize me.

So, like, here's probably my least-hinged review work. I've already accepted that I'm not getting that link and literally my first thought was "is this fucker making shit up to manipulate me when he doesn't even need to?" anyway. Just confirm you saw the thing. There's like at least 31 relevant posts. You should be able to tell which ones they are. If you don't give a fuck, I guess you can say that too.
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Tamers funny.
Right, finally remembered.

I think there might be some episode-mirroring between this movie and the first movie if you watch them at the same time.

For instance, the first movie starts with sonic's house and ends with him playing with toys.
This movie starts, kind of, with a movie, and ends, kind of, by showing this was all a movie.

In both cases, this excuses some of the otherwise unexplained plot.
Will have to look into that later
Oh I remember the autism.
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stupid namefag
/mlp/ keeps marking my post as spam.
Ahem: Stupid baby flagposter. Octavia is a shit non-pony, she's a donkey.
Women's problems are often the same problem as a little 6 year old boy begging for attention and who wants to be respected, but without the responsibility of behaving like a leader, their responsibilities fall on doing menial tasks but that was only because they were taught to and forced to, nowadays they don't even do that. Only single 40 year old women still know how to behave in a social way and to take care of themselves.
let me guess, you're single
What was that thing young women said? single by choice, yet at the same time desperately having to say they have a bf so nobody calls them single & lonely and all that jazz.
Beat up your redneck wife some more, kazak.
Conclusion: Impressive 28 posts across 4 days and a unique take on each episode through a unique perspective that's tangentially similar to discussing what adults see in children's cartoons.
I wonder if that was me who bumped that thread or if it was somebody else.

This stuff is worthy of turning into a voice acted video, I just hope desuarchive doesn't crash like moe and hanrakissen.
Oh man Runescape... back when nobody had any idea how to play Runescape, no good money making ways were available, let alone ways to manipulate ticks.
I wonder when will MLP have its resurgence of content creators who are actually good at their jobs before they realize other fandoms are more lucrative, like WoW's fandom.
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It's like a less productive form of Tamers autism. Imagine if this passion and autism went to creating something.
The world wouldn't be ready for something that based.
I hope AI can change that. There's lots of creative people but without the technical talent/ability.
The reason why video games and TV Shows are so hard to make compared to books is because they require an entire team of overly specialized people. Overlyspecialized technical people are usually unable to become jack of all trades due to min maxing just 1 stat.
At the same time I keep wondering how are books written by just 1 person instead of an entire team of writers which each specialize in something.
AI still needs to be heavily filtered by quality content to approximate guesses correctly, sadly it's been taught by the internet. There has been programming AI and it's being used, but atm it's still just for boilerplate and it's still CleverBot tier in its replies.
Neuronal networks unfortunately will never be true intelligence since it's literally a parrot doing guess work but not even knowing if it said something correct, let alone understanding the Chinse Box problem. AI atm is kindaa like having to tell your ESL artist from Fiverr 15 times over how to do it to your specifications, but AI does it for free.

I hope AI becomes better cause atm what visual AI is lacking severely in is the ability to give source files with layers in them. Same with that Chinese animation AI.
Udio atm can give you the sound stems so you can modify, remove and add any instrument, vocal, sound channel.
I hope they can give us the useful version of the AI before the jewish Disney shareholders shut it down.
/mlp/ seems much faster during anniversary periods.
The amount of Rikafag energy in this thread... so . f*cking... kino....
Now I'm interested to know who Rikafag is.
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>I hope AI can change that
Opinion discarded and point proven :^)
>There's lots of creative people but without the technical talent/ability
Don't sound very creative to me, sounds more like a skill and dedication issue
Anyway I'll stop reading there, thankfully I didn't skim your "review" or whatever this thread is, thanks for the new name for my filter
>new name
Holy newfag.
Poland shut the fuck up. AI is free, you should be happy that you can use it to make money by selling fake nudes on the internet you useless polnigger. Just be more creative than that (sell both EQG and pony nudes with a specific fetish) and you'll make your $500 a month which you need to live in your shithole country. And don't bullshit that you're American AT THIS HOUR.
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>stopped namefagging just to be seen
sad, please enjoy fading from my memory
Look man I haven't been here since season 5 or 6 maybe, The tamers kino is here so I'll be here too so I can jack off and shitpost while I draw
Whatever this is I'd like it to no longer invade my sight, simple as
Please refrain from replying to me again and get some sleep
Returnfags don't get to have an opinion.
Ew a Sonicfaggot. Go back and slurp Sega's shit. Also tell them they're retards for not making a sequel to Alien Isolation way back in the 2010s
So the way you try to rewrite some episodes more logically shows FIM's weakness in storytelling like how Faust wasted an entire 44minutes for the premiere of DC SHG which barely felt like 15 minutes due to massive pacing issues because 20 minutes are used up on montages and 2 action sequences and the other 20 are used up on very slow dialogue that barely progresses the plot.

Your suggestions remind me of much more normal storytelling adventure shows like Hilda, Rescue Rangers, etc. or action slice of life shows like Ed Edd Eddy & Dan Vs. where there's a cause and effect as opposed to things happening for the sake of happening to move the plot faster.

Your suggestions remind me of cartoons which implement character problems that sound complicated on text, but are actually very simple to understand once on screen and so finely written that you don't even perceive them as anything out of the ordinary.

That's an entirely different discussion to be had there for what the brain perceives as unique/refresing V.S. generic/boring.
Why do the pegasi's weather control feel so unique in MLP and Winter Wrap Up feel more unique than Tinkerbell's movies which have seasonal changes & nature control just like if not superior to MLP's ?
Why does The Last Unicorn where The Unicorn is capable of keeping a forest always Spring during Winter appear so much more mystical, out of the ordinary and neat than Disney's Fantasia & Tinkerbell movies and many other shows that have characters controlling the elements of nature and people go "too fantastical for me" "well of course they can control nature, they're fairies, damn fairy magic" ?
nobody knows or cares who you are, go shit up the tamers containment thread
Every oldfag who uses capitals and punctuation knows who I am. It's too bad you're such a newfag.
Hi! New here! How much does tamers12345 chad-tier animations make /mlp/ seethe and how many can see it for the making ponies great again kino that it is?
It makes every homophobe seethe and that's about it. That's a disproportionately large portion of our userbase, I think, but they still seem outnumbered significantly by enjoy-chads who stay winning.
>A quick backstory; I fucking despise secondary characters. I hate characters who don't know their place.
Sounds like projection faggot hahahahahaha
Shit like this makes me thank god every day that I'm not this autistic.
It makes fags seethe and that's about it. What I find interesting is that there's people from other boards and communities come to /mlp/ just to discuss and enjoy tamers kino.
I'm glad I'm not you. Can you imagine being this braindead even without alcohol? Oh yeah SonicSatAM > Adventures of StH forever and ever.
Get your weak ass attempt at Felix The Cat Looney Tunes out of here, AoSTH, Adventures is SHIT.
because homos HATE it when shows depict abusive tragic gay love

Seems like praise, mostly, so that's good.

Your examples are at least somewhat explained so that you sort of made a point, which is better.
The earlier responses didn't really provide relevant commentary which I could respond to, left a conversation gap that is now filled. Go off on whatever tangent if you must, but that's why I didn't say anything.

Anyway, I skimmed the thread and couldn't find a point where I mentioned "patriarchy" or a narrowing of my perspective. At one point I differed to the op to define the question they desired a response to, but that's not the same. So, what part of what post were you talking about? a 2 word direct quote from the relevant sentence would probably be enough for me to find it.
So that this thread maintains the barest thread of on-topic, I'll point out that flawless appears at EXACTLY the moment of unbearable uncertain maybe-cringe as trixie and twilight both realize what their flaws and desires are going to force them to become. Thus, flawless is an expression of the union between those two in the case where they don't first grow as people in some manner. Flawless is walking lesbian sex, abuse, and social decay. She is breathing dysfunction and the strong desire not to face what one is.

From this angle, she is now the same as celestia in episode 1, refusing to admit flaw.
The anniversary dragged me out, but I missed it 4 times in a row and even missed S1.
The ride is not forever and I have other things to do, other shows to watch, etc.
If you ever want to discuss the show, a song, either in DMs or just summon me on /mlp/ then here's my temporary contact;
Damn that was a strong set of posts, how refreshing and informative.
Hot take but there has never been a good Sonic show (aside from the obvious Sonic Underground, which, like mlp, was made kino by tamers). Sonic X has some good moments in the subtitled version but its bogged down by shitty human centric filler.
When it comes to non game media, the reigning king is the OVA.
I actually autistically analyzed a Sonic X episode SCENE BY SCENE; the Cosmo conspiracy bot ENG and JAP versions. It was either on /co/ or on /a/.
OVA definitely, but it was still missing a bunch of stuff I could go into detail about. Sonic is just furry Megaman, a very poor attempt at Megaman. SatAm also pales in comparison to goddamn Gargoyles or 2003 TMNT or BikerMiceOnMars and similar testosterone-filled shows.
Prime was interesting for evil Tails, but he jobbed and got screwed over by the plot and Sonic's plot armor.

Anyway Fearless, Boneless, Flawless is still enjoyed because just like evil Tails she's just evil Twilight and got fucked over by the story. She ironically wasn't hateable enough to want to see her gone. Glimmer/Dolores Umbridge you want to see them gone in the first 5 minutes and say good riddance before they parasitize the whole movie/show.
>Sonic X has some good moments
Alright, you can live.

>human bad
I mean... the conclusion of his time on earth was fucking weird. Do you remember that?
Also yes.
I dont mind the humans. I ship Sonic and Elise and I kind of think Chris Thorndyke wanted to fuck Sonic.
But the issue was the show focused too heavily on the humans. You'd sit there not feeling like you're watching a Sonic show.
The pilot episode is great, theres humans, but its all about how they interact with Sonic and co. Thats how the whole show should have been. But its mostly Sonic sitting on his fat fucking ass while chris chan goes shopping and beats up homeless people while crying about how rich and lonely he is.
Like image a mlp show where they were in the human world but instead of the ponies interacting with the humans (which would be cool)
its just the fucking humans in like 50% of the episodes. Like what the fuck?
Hey Sonicfegeleins. This one is for you: check the replies to this post:

That is true, shouldn't we be in a containment thread?
We had our containment threads, and then we filled out the Flawless thread. Now it's time to turn this thread into something better than what it started out as by coming here and continuing to talk about the movie.
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71k views in 53 hours since the episode aired.

Currently projecting 100k views between 22 and 59 hours from now.
this is the greatest and most powerful pov shot i have ever witnessed
fucking bless tamers
absolute king
So real talk, did Trixie just go for it and shove it all in at once or do you think Twilight gave it a nice little stroke first?
>i showed you my marecock now answer me
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Aggressive throatfuck that made Twilight's voice drop two octaves because of the damage caused by its thickness, then hit Twi's g-spot in seconds, giving her first vaginal orgasm in her entire life.
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Now was that skill from Trixie, her twin, or was it both.
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She gave Twilight 3 seconds to adjust before the biting began, they were laying under that tree for longer than we know.
>continuing to talk about the movie.
Are you capable of doing that, Tamersfags? You have my sympathies and admiration if you can manage to reach my power level.

Aw :( this is your discussion? there's nothing there, is the cock imaginary? like a tulpa?
I want art of Trixie's twin cheering her on in her sleep as well as rooting for her from above as she absolutely blows out Twilight's back.

If we design her before Tamers I want her to look more like their mom since Trixie looks mostly like her dad
Isn't this her here?
on the left
That is but it's with the filter, no clue if Tamers will alter the colors or if it's the filter that makes her hair look pink
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>trixie's dad left trixie's mom because they thought she had miscarried both children
>didn't realize until later that trixie still made it to the third trimester
>trixie's mom proudly called trixie "great and powerful" for surviving something trixie shouldn't have and treated her as the most important thing in the world, with trixie never understanding just how special she really is just for being born in the first place
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What thrusting style do you think she used? how big do you think her mare cock is in terms of length and circumference? how tight is Twilight? Did Trixie use any substances or magic to enhance her imaginary cock? are they going to have an imaginary filly?
Trixie's sister would have eaten the lasagna with her, this we know.
>What thrusting style do you think she used?
Burst & Lance sister combo
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Careful when you're discussing porn around me, Tamersfans. I tend to take it as a challenge and turn everything into a high-octane discussion. I can analyze anything and I do mean anything.
"While we are jerking off at stuff from this site, this guy seems to get aroused by hammering his
conspiracy theories here" - poor users from F95 who suffered my glorious glorious autism.

Memes -
The Japanese were right about the sword representing the spirit. Pokemons, Beyblades, heart of the cards, etc. so let’s have graphics cards represent your dick. Just like friends represent your personality.

RTX 4090 TI = 9 inches + condom thickness (if you're one of those fags who counts the condom) basically only pornfags would want this to work in the porn industry.
RTX 4080 = 8 inches , still overkill, but nobody, no bitch, no faggot, no woman can ever call you smol unless they work in porn or took too many dildos and cucumbers up there.
RTX 4070 = 7 inches , lucky 7-7-7 , absolute perfection, you don't need anything bigger nor smaller than this.
RTX 4060 = 6 inches, very average sometimes considered above average, nothing extra, it does its job well, still leaves a little to be wanted, but only a little.
RTX 4050 = 5 inches, for budget fags who only need the bare minimum, sometimes it's not considered enough. (Often times fags lie that this is the average)
GT 1030 = officefags I'm sorry, but you need to go to China where the land of the smol is.
>GTX 580 couldn't even run a stable 60 fps back in the day , you needed SLI.
Stop running unoptimized queen-sized porn studio software hookers, bro. Just turn the setting down on that Hogwarts hooker, bro, you don't need 16GB to fill her up.

4060 Ti++ = 6.6in and 6.8in(with overclock) the most average of women will enjoy this the most, running at stable high settings and even best settings without overwhelming neither your average girlfriend nor the CPU(your cock stealing blood from your brain and not keeping up)
She will think you're massive because she hasn't felt bigger, but especially because she can't handle bigger. Any bigger than this and the extra inches will be wasted on her.
Made for very optimized women with barely 3-5 partners before the age of 30. The 4060 Ti is an ideal choice for your optimized GF.

Your optimized GF will think the RTX 4070 is almost too big, even too big when she's not nice and optimized enough.
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The majority of anons turned their attention toward the shiny new pony and didn't give this whore any appreciation.

4060 Ti (16GB)
+NOW WITH DOUBLE THE STAMINA. Your GPU really pulled those kegel exercises and now it can go DOUBLE THE TIME before running out of breath.

RX 7900 XTX = 7.9 inches "gets the job done" "budget porn industry" not anyone's first choice. Ironically slightly better at making your software horny and ready to go but can’t make you climax, but often comes with a lot of bugs, caveats, accidents. It's big and it's dumb, it's not the size but how you use it and the RX 7900 XTX has either a dumb driver or a lack of driver in charge of it. It doesn't come with all the polish, all the bells and whistles of Nvidia's cock that is 70% better at foreplay, moving in rhythm, keeping a consistent pace, learning new positions, knowing how to move its cock in circular movements and natural S movements, giving a satisfying climax. Radeon is the big dumb brick you thought you were going to have fun with, but the driver is completely absent minded and doesn't know what it's doing. It is completely unoptimized for what you want it to do, it does the basic minimum requirements and that's all you can ask of it, ask more of it and you'll be disappointed. It's second choice and budget choice for a reason, enjoy your big dumb lug. For a big dumb woman with zero standards.

>I have a gtx 1660 super, what does that make me?
A time traveler.
Future Trunks kills Android 17 & 18 (youtube.com)

GTX 1660 Super - You're a grower , motherboards and software, especially vidya games look funny at it at how flaccid and small it is before you get the blood pumping and it grows to a nice 6.9 incher, the Super is extra thick. Sacrificing the longboy's 1060's 7.1 incher for 6.9, the 1660 sports an insane 6.5 inches in girth. Its GDDR6 memory and speed helps it keep up to date with her partnering software and its low watts keeps it relatively cool compared to other cards of its stature. It’s a superior 1060. It's a small card with a lot of punch and some alright bells and whistles, letting you max out almost any software. However its shortcomings do show off when you try to throw it at the big boys in the porn industry, it absolutely was not made for render farming.

Unfortunately because this is 2024 I have to deduct 1 inch to keep in line with the 4000 series cards

"What about Intel GPUs?"

"What about rendering farms?"
Vibrating dildos, bad dragons, very expensive porn gear which only people who know wtf they're doing would get.
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I gave her attention. I talked about how Luna is indirectly responsible for the laws that demand the deaths of homosexuals in Equestria, too.
It is a well known fact that people like new stuff that isn't completely alien and Twilight's crazy yandere MAGICIAN GIRL daughter offers that level of NEW and FAMILIAR.
Princess Celly looks like a very plain-ass Fleur De Lis or Twinkleshine OC with nothing NEW/EXTRA.
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Trixie will convince her to let Luna hit, trust
Will tamers show up in person in Season 2 like how he does in Undergrounds? Will he be a man or a pony?
>most annoying retard reviews lowest quality shit
very cool
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More For Me
>Whore eyes
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Reminder: Twilight says Trixie is often alone by choice despite the fact people and friendship are naturally drawn to her
>afraid to not be a parody to pretend his shittiness is on purpose

so i've categorically avoided watching all of it and it seems like that's the right call.

the thing with the rainbow dash presents series is it had no such fear, it was played straight and sincerely -- it isn't the best-looking thing out there and the guy can't really sing or write songs or animate but here we are, watching a static rainbow dash bob along in the woods to a tune and it's amazing. the sum is better than any of the parts. this is too busy being ironic, it sounds.

i'm back. i was drunk enough not to see that, sorry. thank you.
Is this the new Flawless thread?
Who the fuck is Vogelfaggot
Lurk moar, faggot. Damn Lamers/Tamers tourists.
My greatest critique of all is that Celestia only said absurdly hot predator shit to Luna this episode, nothing for Twilight who I guess was off cheating on her.
I hope we get back to The Cage.

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