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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash
I need to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I must cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I will cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I have no Rainbow Dash and I must cum.
I would cum inside Rainbow Dash
I want to Rainbow Dash inside cum
Dash cum inside Rainbow want I to.
I have no cum and I must Rainbow Dash.
A simpler time when all anons held a common core belief in the divine nature of IWTCIRD
My cum is required inside Rainbow Dash
I...I might cum inside Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash's lips need my cum.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's nostrils.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum inside me.
I cum Rainbow Dash
I want to come outside Rainbow Dash (on her wings)
My mind broke and in the new reality I came inside Rainbow Dash.
I don't want to cum inside Rainbow Dash
I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's face.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash while Rarity fucks me from behind.
Toilet doesn't flush so I piss inside Rainbow Dash
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's mouth.
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I want to cum outside Rainbow Dash
I cum, therefore I am Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum all over Rainbow Dash's mane and tail, turning her into White Dash.
I do not want to cum outside of Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum all over Rainbow Dash so that she can be a spooky ghost for Nightmare Night.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's ears.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum into a jar.
I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's hooves so she looks like she's wearing shoes.
Why haven't you?
I want Rainbow Dash to cum into a jar that has a Rainbow Dash figurine in it.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum on the first pages of the 101 Different Ways for Cumming inside Rainbow Dash books and have that be her signature.
Top 10 Times Rainbow Dash Got Cum Inside Of Her
I'm Ashley with Watchmojo.com and these are the top ten times Rainbow Dash was cummed inside.
I want to cum in Rainbow Dash on a plane
I want to cum in Rainbow Dash on a train
I want to cum in Rainbow Dash in a tree
I want to cum in Rainbow Dash while she pees
I want to cum in her here and there
I want to cum in her everywhere
i need to wrestle rainbow dash and wind up cuddling up to her as we both get tuckered out
I want to get in a big fight with Rainbow Dash that inevitably results in a physical altercation and ends with us having angry make up sex.
I want Rainbow Dash to get some bad cuts on her so then I can cum inside the wounds.
I want to melt down Rainbow Dash 1 into lubricant to help me cum inside Rainbow Dash 2.
I want to apologize to Rainbow Dash for being disrespectful and for her to initially blow it off and stay mad but then later calm down and accept the apology.
The disrespectful thing can be cum-related I guess.
I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's teeth.
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I know this is a meme but unironically thinking of how fucking tight dashie is and thinking of her cheering me on while I pound her drives me nuts
I want to cum all over Rainbow Dash's tongue, even under it.
I want to come into Rainbow Dash's world and at least befriend her.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's behind.
does it get you at least 20% closer
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more, desu
I want Rainbow Dash to lick the cum off my dick like it's a melting popsicle.
anything that isn't cumming inside her is a waste
But what if I had cum inside Dashie and now she's licking off any cum that hasn't been fully released yet?
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tamers has no goddamn right drawing semen demons
maybe I'm biased but I have no refractory period
the first thing I would do after cumming in dashie is cum in her again and again and again and then probably die from happiness
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i NEED to knock up tamers trixie
i need to explode inside her while she's in heat and ovulating
Truly the best way to go out. And even if you die from too much ejaculation, Rainbow Dash will always remember you and be grateful to you for giving her the best night(s) of her life.
need to dom tamers trixie while she's domming twilight
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash. And when I do, that amazing moment will prove the meaningfulness of life.
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I want to cum outside rainbow dash
I want to hold hooves with Rainbow Dash
I want to find the Rainbow Dash connection with Kermit the Frog. Then, once we've found her, the Rainbow Dash connection, I want to get the lovers, the dreamers, and me and I'll shove Kermit into Dashie's vagina and cum inside her while Kermit is still stuck inside.
I don't think I would die I'm extremely well practiced
I just don't know how I would be able to handle the overwhelming happiness of cumming inside her and feeling her clench all around me as I fill her up
like I think my brain would just go poof
Fair. I mean, it is Rainbow Dash. Cumming inside her would be the most literally orgasmic feeling in the world.
I want to feed Rainbow Dash TGI Friday's, Applebees, Chipotle, and Taco Bell all in one night, causing her to become constipated. Then, the next day, when she wakes up with a terrible stomachache, I want her to try and rush to her bathroom, only for her to end up leaving a trail of rainbow-colored diarrhea behind her and creating so much of it, that it floods out of her house and rains down on the ponies below Cloudsdale. Oh, yes. It would be just like Rainbow Falls which also uses Rainbow's runs for the waterfalls.
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I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's mare boobs.
I want to cum inside this fanart depiction of Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's throat.
I'm gonna cum inside Rainbow Dash.
Classic creampie filling of Rainbow Dash's ponut
I want to cum rainbows.
I want to fuck Rainbow Dash while we listen to the Italian intro of FiM.
I'm indifferent to cumming inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's uvula.
I want to milk Rainbow Dash, I will turn her milk into cheese. I will then cum on the cheese and stuff the cum cheese inside her ponut.
I want Rainbow Dash to milk me. She will turn my milk into cheese. She will then cum on the cheese and stuff the cum cheese inside my ponut.
I simply must cum inside Rainbow Dash. It shall be divine!
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I'd rather want to cum inside Rapidash
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash with no strings attached.
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I want to cum inside of Rainbow Dash everyday for a year.
I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's belly.
>these are my husbands
>and my children
more like getting cucked by rapidash lmfao
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I want to cum on her feet
Probably a bad translation. Anons aren’t doing honest translation work and are reportedly just running these things through chatGPT. The rapidash tells the human man that it’s okay to kill all the male rapidash who don’t have offspring. That doesn’t sound like husbands.
>and the ponyta are like your children
this is also just modern hunting practice put into a half-assed legend
I want to cum in between Rainbow Dash's toes.
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How do I control my desperate need to breed a pony
nothing is working
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's plot while she's having bad gas.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash when she's got no strings to hold her down, or make her fret, or make her frown. She had strings, but now she's free. There are no strings on Dashie.
I want to cum inside Pinocchio while he's partly a donkey.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
I want to In-Vitro Fertilize Rainbow Dash with Soarin's seed for sole purpose of procreation, breeding the next best flier with the best pegasus genes
I want to get Rainbow Dash pregnant so she can birth our beautiful human/pony hybrid child.
I want to take turns with the lovers, the dreamers, and me as we all cum inside Rainbow Dash, but since Kermit will be stuck in her cooch, our semen will be getting all over him instead of Rainbow Dash.
Where's the ants, Anon?
Mankind is a failure.
Freewill is a flaw.
Let the evil of their own lips consume them
Then I shall begin again with my word as law
As one of the lovers, I dream that Kermit will be screaming to get free, kicking his legs up and down, and flailing around in a futile attempt to escape his vaginal prison. Then once we're all done filling Rainbow Dash with our warm, slimy spunk, I want Kermit, drenched from head to toe in Anon seed to utter his famous line, "It's not easy being white."
>The lovers, the dreamers, and me
More like the lovers, the creamers, and me.
I want Pinocchio to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I want Pinocchio to tell a whole bunch of lies while Rainbow Dash points her ponut right at his face. I want his nose to grow so long that it goes right into Dashie's tight sphincter and then, somehow, Pinocchio's nose develops a hole at the end which Pinocchio then uses to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's marehood.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum inside my stallionhood.
How hard can dashie squeeze her insides?
Hopefully not hard enough that she risks breaking off part of Pinocchio's penis nose.
I want to throw a cream pie at Rainbow Dash's face, temporarily blinding her. Then, while she's preoccupied with trying to wipe the cream off her face, I want to creampie her vagina.
I want to gather all Anons who ever had the wish to come inside Rainbow Dash and from them assemble a research team with a sole goal of developing an advanced computer-brain interface capable of immersive, interactive simulations then implement just a single simulation where you come inside Rainbow Dash and finally lock down the technology so it can't be used for other purposes.
~I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash but only if it makes mares real~
~Brain surgery erotic~
~Unf plap plap, plap-plap, plap plap, plap-plap~
~Mom, I posted it again, yah!~
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Have...you have you descended upon our world, Lord? Oh, glorious of days! Our Lord has finally been brought to us so that He may lead us to paradise! Through the noble sacrifices of Rainbow Dash and Anon, our Lord has been given form and shall free all mortals of their pain and suffering. All you must do now, Lord, is speak aloud your true name and provide us with a visual of your true form! Speak aloud your true name and reveal to us your true form so that we, your loyal followers, may begin our journey to paradise!

hasD wobniaR edisni muc ot tnaw I. hasD wobniaR edisni muc ot tnaw I. hasD wobniaR edisni muc ot tnaw I.
I want Rainbow Dash to be an Optimist Prime, not a Negatron.
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I want to take Rainbow Dash to the 2000s so we can go to a mall parking lot early in the morning and cry together as we listen to American Football's Never Meant. I want to give her the authentic 2000s emo experience.
I want Rainbow Dash to get the entirety of Ponyville to join her in pooping on the ground, filling Ponyville with massive piles of horse turds. Then I want her and the rest of the ponies to roll around in their anal excretions before they go up to all the Anons here, the mares and fillies demanding that the male Anons call them "Daddy's Dirty Little Piggy" while the stallions and colts demand that the female Anons call them "Mommy's Messy Little Piggy."
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I want to cum on Rainbow Dash's snout.
I want to coom inside Rainbow Dash.
I can't stop cumming inside Rainbow Dash. Help.
you've died, this is heaven anon
I want to pet rainbow dash because she doesnt deserve the abuse
I want to shrink Rainbow Dash down, put her in a jar, and just coom, coom, and coom until I can't cooms no more.
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I want to cum inside Arizona. I'm not even kidding. Ever since I first played Them's Fightin' Herds, I've had an insatiable urge to fuck Arizona silly and make a proper country gal outta her. Then, a little after we've had hot and rough sex, I want her to give me a hoofjob and drain all my milk into a glass so that she can then drink it. Oh, Christ almighty, Arizona gets me so hard.
>You cant make me have fun
>My morality is interfering with the thing that isnt real
Where do we stand everypony?
A pony transcends the ordinary human
A pony is an ideal made flesh
A pony never gives up
Sexuality is transcending and therefore naturally targets ponies
My morality tells me that Rainbow Dash is in desperate need of some nice big human man meat and that if I don't give it to her, that would make me a bad person. Therefore, if I wish to keep my karma in check, giving Dashie what she craves, that being large man penis would make me a good person. In other words, I will cum inside Rainbow Dash and it will be beneficial to the both of us.
Our Lord speaketh not His true name. Unnamed Lord, why do you refuse to reveal to us your true form? Why do you not share with the world your true name? Do you not wish to lead us, your loyal subjects, to everlasting paradise? Do you not wish to free Equestria of all pain, all suffering, all loss? You need only unveil your true self to us and speak aloud your true name in order for all creaturekinds' journey to true paradise to begin.
I want to get underneath Arizona, grab her teats, and milk her while I have my mouth wide open and she releases her fresh milk right into my mouth and down into my stomach.
Your skills in negotiation are lacking. You will never manage to recruit the flesh creature known as Rainbow Dash to your side. But I can give the small blue creature anything she desires. Whatever Rainbow Dash wants, I shall provide it for her.
I cum cum rainbow inside dash dash dash
Abuse? Is it abuse, though, if Dashie likes having her loyal anons cum inside her? We don't cum inside Rainbow Dash to hurt her or make her feel insignificant. We do it because we love her. Dashie is a good pony. We cum inside her because we care. We all want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's butt or her vagina, but what we truly want, what we all yearn for, is to cum...I mean come, inside her heart.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash because it is a moral imperative.
I will cum cum cum
Inside Dashie's bum bum bum
I will cum cum cum

Inside Rainbow Dash

What will she do
When inside of her goes my goo
What will she do
If she has a baby or two

Rainbow Dash

The sexiest pony of all
Her diarrhea is used for waterfalls
When we're alone
She nibbles on my balls

The kind of love we share
Makes Scootaloo wish she could be there
Two ponies and a large green ape man
It sounds like a winning plan

Rainbow Dash

The sexiest pony of all
Her diarrhea is used for waterfalls
When we're alone
She nibbles on my balls

Rainbow Dash
All other ponies
Just can't make the cut

But Rainbow Dash
Makes me bust a big nut

Her so soft blue coat
Her rainbow mane and tail
Whenever I see them
Her ass I just

Want. To. Raaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiillll

Rainbow Dash

The sexiest pony of all
Her diarrhea is used for waterfalls
When we're alone
She nibbles on my balls

Rainbow Dash

The other ponies just do not compare
To such a beautiful cerulean mare
So don't run and hide
Because I want to cum inside

Rainbow Dash
At least he has a mare wife, unlike you.
I want Quentin Tarantino to cum on Rainbow Dash's feet.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum inside Quentin Tarantino.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum on Quentin Tarantino's feet.
I want Rainbow Dash to fuck me until I cum on my face.
/pts/ - Pony Tech Sanctuary
PTS - Pony Thread Simulator
I want to cum inside rainbow dash but really seriously I cannot stop thinking about how tight she is and how much fun it would be to fuck her and how into it she would be and how fucking hot and tight she is as she winked around me and milked me so hard I can't take it anymore and explode balls deep inside her while she squeals in that adorable fucking voice and I hug her so tight while I empty myself in her and nothing else in the world matters
then I want to take responsibility and stay with her as she grows with my children she smiles so hard when I look at her that I feel like I'm home as long as I'm with her and our beautiful children and I keep giving her more because I love her so much and sweet celestia her pussy is so tight it's like we were made to complete each other and I don't care about anything or anypony else as I blast so hard into her winking marepussy I see stars and I kiss her as deep as possible while knocking her up with endless babies
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash so much that she inflates like a balloon and is about to float away. Before she can, however, I'll grab onto one of her hooves and float away with her, the two of us going on a fantastic journey to who knows where. Then, once Rainbow Dash returns to normal size after running out of the fuel that is my semen, I will fill her back up, causing her once more to swell to five times her normal size so that we may continue on our exciting journey. I will continue this process until we get back home from our world trip.
Rainbow Dash is just so damn sexy, but what is it that makes her sexy? Share your reasons for wanting to cum inside Rainbow Dash here.

1. Her voice is hot
2. She's a tomboy, and tomboys are sexy
3. She gives fantastic hoofjobs
4. Rainbow Dash loves a challenge, so she can see having sex as a challenge depending on who it's with
5. Her butt and vagina are both nice, soft, and plush, perfect for taking in BHC
6. Out of all the Mane Six, Dashie's mare regions are the most compatible with BHC
7. Out of all the Mane Six, Dash would be the best fit for being a mommy
8. Rainbow Dash has a wide array of interests, from sports, to reading, to having fun and throwing parties. This opens her up to many potential suitors who might share her interests
9. Rainbow Dash is an adventurous spirit. This means she might be willing to try different kinds of sex positions with you
10. She has a mouth that's perfect for sucking dicks
11. When giving blowjobs, Dashie can go however fast or slow you want her to
12. She's good with foals, as shown by her interactions with Scootaloo. This makes her not just perfect wife material, but also prime mother material
13. Rainbow Dash is loyal. This means she'll never cheat on you. Don't take that loyalty for granted, though. Show Dashie the same kind of loyalty and respect she's willing to show you
I want to cum outside futa Rainbow Dash
I want to hear her cum
I bet it would be adorable and really hot
imagine her giggling and squealing
You've become addicted to cumming inside Rainbow Dash.
Hey, that's a good reason for the list. Thanks.

14. Rainbow Dash makes the cutest little sounds when you're cumming inside her
15. Rainbow Dash is experienced in all different forms of roleplay. She can be your obedient, yet horny pet, she can be your master. She's even willing to do ageplay for those who are into that sort of thing, which leads into number 16
16. Rainbow Dash is extremely kinky. She's been exposed to so many different kinds of fetishes and has developed many an interest in these fetishes herself
17. Rainbow Dash won't judge you for your own fetishes
18. Rainbow Dash is willing to be degraded or even degrade you all for your and her satisfaction
19. Rainbow Dash doesn't mind being a dominatrix or being dominated herself. She's a tough pony. She can take it as well as she can dish it out
20. Rainbow Dash loves to film herself having sex with all kinds of sexual partners. From dragons, to griffins, to other ponies and so many more, Dash has seen and done it all. Doing the sex with a big green ape man will be foal's play for her and she'll still have enough energy left over for a second round right after. That is, so long as you're up for it
Now that the dust has settled, I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash as more dust settles.
fake, nobody actually has sexual feelings for ponies
You've never heard of Mr. Hands, have you?
I want Mr. Hands to take Big Mac's big apple-headed dong in his loose anus.
21. Rainbow Dash is very knowledgeable about all different sexual positions, having read the Pony Sutra. She can get really creative if you want her to, with Dash even coming up with her own sex positions
22. Rainbow Dash has a magical unicorn friend who can use her magic to send Dashie's sex drive into overdrive whenever Rainbow Dash asks her to
23. Some mares get aroused from having their vaginas played with. While Rainbow Dash enjoys that herself, she also gets turned on from having her belly scratched. If you're into more wholesome sex, Rainbow Dash won't mind. Same goes for if you like it kinky
24. Rainbow Dash is compatible with all sizes of human cocks. Big ones, small ones, medium sized ones, even ding dongs as big as her head. She can fit any and all sizes into her naughty places
25. To get you both in the right mood, Rainbow Dash is willing to watch all matter of porn with you, so long as it's nothing fucked up. Dash does have her standards and isn't cool with FP or anything like that. Show her FP and she will report you to the Ponyville authorities
I want Quentin Tarantino to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
26. Following up from number 15, Dash can really get into roleplaying. If you ask her to do some petplay with you, she'll happily bark like a dog, meow like a cat, make horse noises, she'll even hiss like a snake if that's what it'll take to get you off.
27. Rainbow Dash has distributed her sex tapes onto Ponehub. You won't have to worry about your session with her being the only one that gets recorded. All creatures who've cummed inside Rainbow Dash have ended up with their videos on Ponehub
28. Her hooves might be rough, but Dash knows how to be gentle, whether it be giving you a hoofjob or hoofing your ass, Rainbow Dash will try to be as rough or as gentle as you want her to be
29.Rainbow Dash makes the cutest little sounds when she's cumming inside you
30. When Rainbow Dash sits on your face or has your wiener in her pooper, you're always guaranteed to feel nice and warm just from the feel of her body heat. Stick a part of your body in her chocolate factory and it will feel nice and snug even after it's been removed. It's like having a warm, tight blanket to put parts of your body into or have sit on your face.
>Pony Thread Simulator
Hi, BGM Pony Degeneracy. Hi, k00l
31. Perfect orgasms. When Rainbow Dash cums, she can control the amount of cum she puts out, be it little, to reduce mess, or a bucket load, if you're looking to taste the Rainbow.
32. Though her virgin kisses reserved for (You), Rainbow Dash is a natural in tongue holding, both in bringing out it's sensual nature, and it's loving embrace.
33. Rainbow Dash is an undisputed master of recognizing desire, she can tell when you need it.
34. Her hooves are the sexiest. You'd go mad (you'd cum right on the spot) at the glance of them.
35. Having the perfect womb and genes, Dashie is sure to produce only the best and sexiest.
36. Rainbow Dash's womb is perfect for having either fully pony children or hybrid children. Either way, she is guaranteed to produce talented, strong, and athletic offspring
37. Rainbow Dash is kind and caring, but can also be tough and firm when she needs to be. She is the perfect motivational speaker for any man who is looking to better himself
38. Because she's the element of loyalty, Dashie will always be by your side, even into both of your final days.
I want Rainbow Dash to rip a loud, wet fart in my face.
39. Rainbow Dash has the most beautiful eyes of any mare in Equestria. You could get lost just staring into her beautiful magenta eyes.
40.Rainbow Dash is great for cuddling with. Her nice, soft blue coat combined with her warm body heat will make any cuddle session one you'll hope will continue for a long time
41.Rainbow Dash is crafty and mischievous. This includes when she's hot and horny. This makes sex with her unpredictable and fun.
>sexy hooves
Doubt. There’re probably nice, but not to the extent that you say they are.
I want to cum inside all of Rainbow Dash's orifices
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash, and like cartoon tears, so much comes out that my cum floods Ponyville.
Then in the next episode, all of the cum-flood-destroyed buildings are back to normal as if nothing ever happened.
I want to nearly cum inside Rainbow Dash, then right before I do she pulls away and points my cock at my face, onto which I cum. Then she says "Hehe, gotcha."
I want to be a complete loser simp for Rainbow Dash, following her every command and consequently spending time with her. After a while I regain my self respect and confidence, not being so lame around her anymore. We then fall deeply in love and I cum inside Dash while she is in my loving embrace.
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I want to cum inside Homer Simpson
I want to cum inside the webmaster of http://IWTCIRD.com/
iwtcird.com HTML contains:
<meta itemprop="recipient" content="http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash">
<meta itemprop="fromLocation" content="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis">
<meta itemprop="toLocation" content="http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash">
<meta itemprop="actionStatus" content="PotentialActionStatus">
<meta itemprop="agent" content="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous">
<meta itemprop="instrument" content="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis">
<meta itemprop="location" content="inside">
<meta itemprop="object" content="http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash">
<meta itemprop="result" content="cummies">

UNF! Man, that's hot!
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash's mouth. If a human was sucking my cock, then that would be deepthroating. But since Dash is a beautiful mare, her sexy snout extents out a ways, so my erection would comfortably fit inside her mouth, possibly without triggering any gag reflex.
And Dashie will still remain pure and unfucked. Goddamn status quo.
Me: (standing outside in the rain, knocking on the door) I want to come inside, Rainbow Dash :(
Holy shit, foot fag is back
42. Rainbow Dash can moan as loudly or as quietly as you want her to when you're plowing her. She's an expert at controlling her volume during sex
43. Rainbow Dash's tongue is long and soft, making her perfect for French kissing or even tongue-punching fartboxes or vaginas. You might even say that Rainbow Dash is a cunning linguist
44. Dashie adores performing reverse cowgirl. It turns her on greatly when her non-pony sexual partners ask her to ride them like ponies
45. Because Rainbow Dash is capable of performing the Sonic Rainboom, her orgasms can be as intense and as powerful as she wants them to be. As stated in reason 31, this has granted Rainbow Dash the ability to control the amount of cum that releases from her snatch, so if you like it rough, she can put in enough force like what goes into a Sonic Rainboom, but if you don't, she'll ensure that her orgasm is more to the level of the average human
46. Though Rainbow Dash is straight, she doesn't mind experimenting with stallions and mares. This makes her a great fuck for both males and females of all species
47. Rainbow Dash isn't religious, so she doesn't follow any sorts of religious figures like Pony Jesus, Celestia, or the Unnamed Lord. This allows her to be as freaky or as degenerate as you want her to be without fear of offending whichever deity Dashie may have prayed to
48. Though she isn't religious, Dashie has had wild dream sex with Luna, the sexiest of all the princesses. Luna normally doesn't have dream sex with just any pony. She only goes for the ones who she deems to be the sexiest in all of Equestria. Rainbow Dash happens to be one of those ponies. Others on Luna's list of sexiest pones include Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Derpy, Trixie, Cadence, Celestia, Shining Armor, Lyra, Cloud Chase, Spitfire, and Sweetie Belle among others
I want Rainbow Dash to fart in jars and throw them at other ponies, shattering the jars and unleashing a horrendous stench that will cause her poor, hapless victims to suffocate on the horrifically stinky fumes and pass out.
I want Rainbow Dash to climb into Luna's womb and stay there for 10-12 months so that she can be reborn as Luna's daughter.
I want to mind control a group of living beings so that I am able to jump from mind to mind. This would enable me to cum inside Rainbow Dash 100 times in one day.
I wish I had 24 penises so I could use one for each hour of the day so that I could cum inside Rainbow Dash every hour on the hour.
I want to shit inside Rainbow Dash
I want to fart inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to bleed inside Rainbow Dash!
I want to pee inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to poo inside Rainbow Dash's ass.
I want to shout curse words into Rainbow Dash's vagina.
I want to swim in Rainbow Dash's vaginal juices.
I want to vomit inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to be digested by Rainbow Dash
I want Rainbow Dash to steal the CMC's lunch money.
I want Rainbow Dash to fly so fast that her vagina whistles Learn to Fly by the Foo Fighters.
I want Rainbow Dash to crack my skull with an aluminum baseball bat
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I want Lil' Slugger and Rainbow Dash to take turns smacking me over the head with an aluminum bat. Then, once I recover from my brain aneurysms or come back to life because status quo, I want to cum inside both Lil' Slugger and Rainbow Dash at the same time.
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I want Rainbow Dash to Rainbow Dash inside Rainbow Dash, I will Rainbow Dash inside the cum.
I want to queef inside Rainbow Dash.
So many Anons say they want to cum inside Rainbow Dash and Lil' Slugger, but how many are actually willing to go out and truly cum inside Rainbow Dash and Lil' Slugger? Words mean nothing, action means everything. If cumming inside Rainbow Dash and Lil' Slugger is what you want, what you need, then get off your butt, get out there, and get your boners ready for jizzing inside of them. Don't just say you want to cum inside Rainbow Dash and Lil' Slugger! Go out there, and cum inside them! Dashie and Sluggie are waiting for you, their plots are waiting for you! Achieve your goals! You! Can! Do! It!!!!
So many Anons say they want to cum inside Homer Simpson, but how many are actually willing to go out and truly cum inside Homer Simpson? Words mean nothing, action means everything. If cumming inside Homer Simpson is what you want, what you need, then get off your butt, get out there, and get your boners ready for jizzing inside of him. Don't just say you want to cum inside Homer Simpson! Go out there, and cum inside him! Homie is waiting for you, his plot is waiting for you! Achieve your goals! You! Can! Do! It!!!!
I want to cry inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to become Rainbow Dash and fuck myself fucking the me that is posting on 4chan pretending to be someone who wants to become Rainbow Dash and fuck themselves
I want to stick my boogers on the walls of Rainbow Dash's vagina.
Twilight looks like she's about to make out with that zegro.
So many Anons say they want to cum inside Arizona, but how many are actually willing to go out and truly cum inside Arizona? Words mean nothing, action means everything. If cumming inside Arizona is what you want, what you need, then get off your butt, get out there, and get your boners ready for jizzing inside of her. Don't just say you want to cum inside Arizona! Go out there, and cum inside her! Arizonie is waiting for you, her plot is waiting for you! Achieve your goals! You! Can! Do! It!!!!
I want to die inside rainbow dash
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In light of recent events in the Pokémon franchise, can someone please make a Rapidash version of this?
So many Anons say they want to cum inside Pinocchio, but how many are actually willing to go out and truly cum inside Pinocchio? Words mean nothing, action means everything. If cumming inside Pinocchio is what you want, what you need, then get off your butt, get out there, and get your boners ready for jizzing inside of him. Don't just say you want to cum inside Pinocchio! Go out there, and cum inside him! Pinoke is waiting for you, his plot is waiting for you! Achieve your goals! You! Can! Do! It!!!!
So many Anons say they want to cum inside the webmaster of http://IWTCIRD.com/ , but how many are actually willing to go out and truly cum inside the webmaster of http://IWTCIRD.com/? Words mean nothing, action means everything. If cumming inside the webmaster of http://IWTCIRD.com/ is what you want, what you need, then get off your butt, get out there, and get your boners ready for jizzing inside of him. Don't just say you want to cum inside the webmaster of http://IWTCIRD.com/! Go out there, and cum inside him! Webbie is waiting for you, his plot is waiting for you! Achieve your goals! You! Can! Do! It!!!!
I want to sweat inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to sneeze inside Rainbow Dash.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash then cut off my hardon and shove it up her ponut.
I want to take a dump and then grab the longest turd and shove it into Rainbow Dash's vagina so that it looks like she has a giant black man's cock.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash for the last time, because I'll then cook her a breakfast of scrambled testicles. I will remove my ballsack then crack open my testicles and cook them in a frying pan like scrambled eggs.
I want to use candles made of my cum to illuminate a romantic dinner with Rainbow Dash. After the meal and I lovely conversation, my cum ends up inside of her.
impregnate her and keep impregnating her until she has your entire generation of foals and fillies.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum in me.
she would totally step on my balls.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash and get her pregnant every day.
Is this thread proof of the amount of newfags onboard?
i want to cum inside Zee
she secretly wants it too
Rainbowdash cumming inside of (you) with her futa horsecock desu
You're just saying that because machines aren't capable of cumming. You will never be able to properly pleasure Rainbow Dash like us flesh creatures can. Rainbow Dash has desires. Desires which only flesh creatures can properly provide her.
I want Rainbow Dash to play with desu nuttsu.
I want to marry Rainbow Dash. Over the span of our wedding day I will orgasm five times, each time cumming inside of her.
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All you fruitbowls talkin' 'bout how you want to cum inside Rainbow Dash? Well, let me tell you nipple clamp lovin', buttplug up the ass havin', chicken eatin' cornboy pieces a' crap somethin': I wanna cum inside mah one true love: Applejack. Next Ghost show, if we get $1,000 in donations, I'll film mahself on stream fuckin' mah Applejack plushie. Ha ha ha ha! Whoo! Engineer, get me another Bud Light!
I want to give Rainbow Dash an enema.
I want Sonic to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I want Rainbow Dash to cum inside Ghost.
I want a changeling to turn into Rainbow Dash so then Dashie can lick the changeling's version of her cutie mark. This way, Dash can also taste the rainbow.

Is that your plan? Huh...I bet Megatron wouldn't deprive us flesh creatures of our ponies.
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I want to be Rainbow Dash's boyfriend.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash multiple times. Like how Pinkie Pie's magical mare power is clairvoyance, Dash's power is foreskin regrowth. Each time I fuck Dash, my foreskin grows back some.

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