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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Emotional trash written by teenagers!

ITT: Hating the taste of Tuna, Pissing posture, Etymology is for autists, Hoping Hiromoot delivers on a /fic/ board someday, An author's narcissism vs. a reader's attention span, Anon's an assburgerlicious chad, The horror of front page short descriptions, A straight con-goer with good taste in fanfics, Ponies drinking their pain away, Writing directly into Fimfic's editor, Interesting world building but shitty writing, Sleep deprivation spurring you toward necrophilia, Only bowing to the king of kings, The lowest rated (but still enjoyable) fics read across the clubs, Fetishizing mistranslations, Miscarriages into cheeseburger fucking, Disguising yourself with the skin of the righteous, EP vs. Unicorn Raven Inkwell, The cuteness of mouthwriting, Automated follower cleansing, The humanbin, and getting off on rampaging kaiju!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The eightieth book is 'A Scratch On Shining Armor':

If (You) want to participate, read up to (and also) the chapter 'The Calm' by the 20th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41489519
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First for best duo!
Enjoy some conveniently packaged Tuna: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/252132/approaches-to-preening
Luna given that pixar smirk
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I am lurking at the bottom of your bed.
Hopefully I actually notice when I get to the right chapter this time. It should be easier since it's right after an interlude
Just learn what's the title of the next chapter is, and stop once you reach it.
That would require Twiflag to reading comprehension.
>require (...) to reading comprehension
Deliberate. You're clearly not aware of the meme.
Tamers WOULD write a "shining got dateraped during the wedding and chrysalis had his bastard hybrid child" fic I bet
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>not aware of the meme
Fuck, time to kys myself.
I've always wondered how a short story would go if ponies found a Harbinger from the SCP continuity. For those who don't know, it was a semi-sapient bio-computer probe that was sent into deep space by aliens to find other aliens, learn their language, and translate a message. The message was as following.

"We will be dead when it reaches you. Our planet is dying. We do not have time to save ourselves. We only have time to ready ourselves, and to send a message.

"We have seen the signals from those who came before us. They were different, and we still don't really understand them. But if there were those who came before, there may be those who come after. It is in this hope that our harbingers travel.

"One has found you and learned your language so it can relay this message. Please listen.

"The galaxy is dark, and empty, and cold. It spins inevitably toward death. You will die too, one day. Perhaps you will have longer than we have. We hope so. But one day you too must vanish.

"Before that time comes, you must light the darkness. You must make the night less empty. We are all small, and the universe is vast. But a universe with voices saying "I am here" is far greater than a universe silent. One voice is small, but the difference between zero and one is as great as one and infinity.

"We waited too long. Our voice is gone to echoes. Find others while there is still time. Make a chorus.

"And if this finds you too late, and your time is also passing, please send this message on, so the next voice can speak against the darkness."

It died shortly after.

So how do you think ponies would take the message?
I read 50k each club without comprehending a single word, only the emotional tone of the story. It's like reader ultra-instinct.
Speaking of which, Daima seems good so far.
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I mean, it doesn't sound like it'd be too hard to reconcile the two. It's a fairly positive message, even if a melancholic one, that I think ponies would be open to.
You could even explain a technological boom due to them reverse engineering the Harbinger or it coming with schematics and whatnot as a way to give the ponies a means to continue the message.
The only (and fairly vital) issue I can think of is that I'm not sure how to make this story, well, pony. By design these probes could fall to any generally benevolent alien species' planet and the end result would likely be the same. Beyond perhaps the culture shock of the planet and its solar system not being the entire world, I'm not sure you could do with the prompt.
Yeah that's the kind of lame shit I expect out of SCP.
There's a distinct lack of Rainbow Dash flying east in this Rainbow Dash flies east fic.
>https://www.fimfiction.net/story/25966/austraeoh (2/5)
At least until the final portion of this week's chapters. One thing at a time, though. First, terribly sorry about the delay. I'll try to not have that happen again, but I can't guarantee anything, life tends to get in the way of things. Now, about the fic. A whole lot of action this week, and it's good action. Skirts writes fun actions scenes. They have this slapstick comedy quality to them that, while not strictly like the show, still works very well for a fic, and is in general a lot of fun to read. In general, it's actually commendable how the fic sticks close to the show's tone when it's focusing on fun action rather than more emotional bits. There's a lot of violence, yes, but it's toonish violence like characters being hit by explosions and shrugging it off. It avoids death at most every turn, even undoing implied deaths from the previous week. At the same time, the tone definitely skirts (heh) more T than the show itself, with a lot more quips and slight vulgarity and a general action movie feel to it. This is Skirts being true to his namesake. I remember him talking about his first plan for a cool fic, and in a way Austraeoh feels like a reinterpretation of that. And I dig it.
But we also get some more purely emotional, great prose bits this week, towards the end, and those are so good. The bit about Dash flying into the sunrise evokes such melancholy with just the strength of its words that it makes me fully understand why people like this series and Skirts in general. Though so far this entry itself is fairly good. Too bad it's also unpolished as all hell, with Dash losing and regaining her googles and inconsistent numbers abound. It's definitely it's biggest problem, alongside the plethora of typos and mistakes.
Suppose I should talk about the plot, too. I like this week's developments, though I'm aware of how much of what we got is breadcrumbs and setup for things we won't see anytime soon. At least we'll also get a better explanation on some things before the end of the story, if memory serves. We had the reveal of the world's most obvious twist villain, but his motivations actually work out. We also had one of those moments that really stick with me about the fic. Dash abandoning Gold when she realises she's not as much like AJ as she thought is, aside from Skirts inserting his Appledashery into the fic and how great her finding the rotten apple after is, really fucked up when you think about it. And that's probably on purpose. Rainbow is a broken pony in many ways. She's also loyal to the end. Even if she only stopped because of Gold, what she did this week was because of who she is.
Next week we're still reading:
Up to and including chapter 132, "Thanks". You should decide what we'll read after, too:
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(I read last week's chapters and those clubposts, but nothing from this week yet)

The one thing that hit me almost immediately after I started to read this was the feeling of witnessing something monumental that's been abandoned and forgotten by the time I got to it. It's THE Austraeoh, and it's impossible to overlook it while discussing the story. It's like raiding a tomb of some legendary ancient emperor. It's bigger than life. I'm really not talking it up much—this feels like more than just a story; it's a piece of pony lore.

This segues well into my second observation: It's more of a tale than a story. I've seen some complaints regarding the pacing. I don't think they're wrong, but I think they're misinterpreting what this fic is. For example, saying that nothing happens in the first five chapters is just incorrect—they paint the setting in large brushstrokes, they set the mood of the fic (or at least its first part) exactly where it should be, and they are there to show you what kind of a story this is. Because instead of an A->B adventure plot, this is a journey. The structure of the fic's tiny chapters lends itself well to this kind of storytelling, and skirts goes pretty hard on it. There is a story here, for sure, but just like some of the other large adventure "sightseeing" fics, the 'where' and 'how' are more important than what. The writing is on the more florid side, and the fic loves to go into very nicely written descriptions and long, almost introspective tangets that don't really advance the plot. It's like sitting by a fireplace and listening to a storyteller's tale. Seeing the clubposts, I was afraid that it'd be shit, but I changed my mind as soon as I read the first paragraph. I feel a lot less bad about Easthorse being unfinished, since so far this is exactly the kind of story where the exploration and the wonder are the most important parts of the fic, with the plot being at best secondary. This could go on without an ending, and I'd still like it. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the action scenes.

Austraeoh reminds me a lot of some early classic pony adventures like DB or OTEM. I really liked those fics despite their flaws, and so far, I'm tempted to say that skirts does the same thing perhaps even better than those two did. It's so very nice to read that I don't even need characters in this fic. Oh, and unless this changes later, I simply love how incredibly well he nailed the vibe of FiM's worldbuilding crossed over with classic fantasy. More of this, please! It's so extremely rare to see those kinds of stories these days, so reading it has been a breath of fresh air. Well, a fresh air coming out of a moldy tomb, but it is what it is.
But it's not all good. The lack of polish sucks. It's not as bad as I'll make it seem, but when you're an established writer with good prose, the standards are a lot higher. For instance, this bit from the fic's beginning:
>Unrolling the scrap, she stretched out a rich detailed map labeled "Known Realms." In the center of the amber parchment was a landscape etched in black ink. Rainbow Dash's eyes stared at the mountainous summit of “Canterlot Mountain,” then traveled to the right past “Everfree”, then past (...)
Known Realms are encased in straight quotes despite the fic using fancy quotes 99% of the time, and the comma after Everfree is outside the quotes even though skirts's style always puts them inside. Rich detailed map could use a separating comma, too. This wouldn't be worth noting down for most other authors, but since (You) know that skirts knew that it's not right, leaving it in proves how little attention went to proofreading. It only gets worse later, when a character changes name from Gold Plate to Sun Plate and then back again, or when the fic mentions a pony's "hand". He had a grammar checker, so typos only happen when the typo'd word is also a legitimate word, but you'll run into missing words or sentences where he clearly changed his mind regarding the word order as he was writing it down. As pointed out, sometimes a word used is not quite right. This isn't common, and you can always guess the intention behind the word, but it's still wrong. But the prose is nice anyway. Like, this was very obviously written by an author who not only knew how to write but also had the skill to put together words to form nice sentences. Paragraphs and sentences flow super nicely, and reading the descriptions of Dash just going west and sightseeing is pleasant. That's not to say you'll never see a poorly-written sentence, like this clunker:
>She savored it, as she did all pleasant flavors that still clung to her, and carried the weight of the pendant with her as she flew into the fire.
but they're rare, and the fic reads better than the vast majority of the stories on site.

>There's something great, terrible, and truly melancholic about starting this fic.
...and now I realize I practically paraphrased your opening. Not intentional, but I'm leaving it in the post since I feel the same way about it.
>A really good Dash. She kind of carries the fic on her back,
Oh yes! I forgot to mention it, but this is a very good RD fic so far. Though I'd say that, at least for me, the writing and the tone of the fic carry it just as much, if not more, than RD.
>Skirts is one of the better writers on the site
Absolutely. Reading stuff like this makes me realize how much you can get away with just by being a good writer.
>DB but done well
DB is done well; it just has noticeable flaws. This one also has flaws, and occupies a similar space, but it doesn't make DB bad by existing. Especially since DB was the first to do this.
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>Austraeoh is the epic struggle of an author's narcissism against a reader's attention span.
Kek, once again, I hold almost the exact opposite of your opinion. I'm not doing this on purpose, I swear. I already addressed the "nothing happens" part, but I'll state again that I think you're looking at this fic with a very narrow perspective and—since it doesn't appeal to your tastes—can't see what it tried to do and what it did well. "Pointlessly flying west" is supposed to be something that hooks you in.
>I have won contests in less than 10,000 words, so I was not impressed by the pacing.
WTF. Writing is not an exercise in producing the least amount of words! Not to mention that this comes off as arrogant; just because it's not your style doesn't mean it's wrong. Maybe the opposite, even, as seeing someone else's perspective can be a good thing. Sometimes it's really nice to just immerse yourself in an atmospheric story and just go with it wherever it takes you. This is Austraeoh, or at least it's how the first 20% of it read. If you started to skim this fic, then I think you failed to enjoy what it did well. Your view of what stories should be is too narrow.

>I don't want to be made to do the work of actually putting the sentences together to figure out what he was trying to say.
As was discussed last week, I can confirm that this hasn't been an issue even once (I think) for me. There are errors, yes, but it's always clear what's the mood that a given word was trying to convey. Because this is what the story does—many sentences and words serve the purpose of setting the mood rather than conveying plot-critical information. It'd be better if he got 100% of the words right, but if you were to edit all the pretty phrases and words out of the fic, I think it'd lose a lot of what makes it worth reading. Maybe there's more of a focus on a plot later, though.

>Just wonder. Confusion. Mystery. And a good ol' scenery porn.
>it was really just a matter of what kids these days call "the vibes"
Exactly this! I spent many more words rambling about that, but this is the tl;dr of what I meant.

>Right now we can look back and see the dozens of chapter of just flowery scenery porn, but back in the day, it was a sense of mystery, of looking for clues in the off-hand mentions of what happened back in Ponyville, then meeting new characters, getting invested (mostly due to the daily habit of reading the story) on the fate of these new characters and new places, the weird lore and worldbuilding that skirts pulled out of his ass but still managed to make engaging.
You can still do that now. Not everyone knows what happened. I don't, and I like that.

>Just learning about things a lot of people put a lot of time into, and the inevitable death of it all.
I stop myself before going too deep, but I'm content walking through these empty halls and witnessing what remained.

Just like this being the only thread concentrating actual discussion around that episode. I cannot in good faith call that a movie , it's barely even a special, it feels written like a normal episode.

Tamers takes on every evil Twilight clone Twixie fanfic possible.
>The one thing
Completely agree with all that.
>and so far, I'm tempted to say that skirts does the same thing perhaps even better
We're always so alike.
>an author who not only knew how to write but also had the skill
Emphasis (sadly) on the past tense.
>Dash just going west
Funny given the context of lacking polish, I suppose.
>but it doesn't make DB bad by existing
You're right, there's another fic for that. ^:)
>Pointlessly flying west
>I stop myself before going too deep
I wish I was able to.
I am finally breaking out the good biscuits today. The really good ones that are so good that it took a month to find an appropriate time for them.

Fics for this feel? I've brewed tea even though it's 2 AM.
I read that fic with Radish Root.

I kind of really don't want him to fuck Celestia.
>it's actually commendable how the fic sticks close to the show's tone when it's focusing on fun action
I can't comment on much due to being a week behind, but the action is indeed fun. "Close to the show's tone" might be an exaggeration—it usually is, like in the hydra scene and for most of the cartoony village defense, but that one scene where RD ripped off a bug's leg, then stomped him into the ground and forced the limb into his mouth until he chocked on it and died was really, really far from the show.
>Too bad it's also unpolished as all hell,
Yeah, but both clubs have read fics significantly worse than this. As I said, it's unpolished as hell when compared to what should be expected out of skirts, but it's really not that bad. It's miles better than the first 15% of the other club's fic, and most people didn't mind it that much there.
That's my fault alone. Thankfully I should be able to catch up by next Saturday. I still haven't quite finished last week's reading for the other club, which doesn't look great for my prospects of making it on time tomorrow.

>there's another fic for that. ^:)
I managed to not think of it as I wrote that, only for you to ruin it. It'd be nice to go a week without being reminded of it.
Hey, at least I didn't call it Westhorse. I blame it on having written a fic about ponies going west. Cutting sleep always sounds like a good idea when you do it, but not the day after.
On an semi-related note, I'm always surprised at how much new things to like I find when rewatching the show. It's better every time. Episodes I disliked gaining a lot of points, more than others drop from favor. I keep forgetting how good RR (the *pony* one) is. Or even characters. Once I go back to writing, I'll have to put Kerfuffle somewhere, maybe for some contest. And even as a certified creature hater, I now think Silverstream is very cute for a not canon character. Friendship Scho*l is like highschool age or college, right? Their competition was Flim&Flam's officially recognized University. Also, CMCs should be 14+ by S8, and the students are noticeably visually older than them. I'm asking for a friend.
Leave a >review. I liked that fic entirely too much.
I just upvoted it, I did enjoy it but the dude really does deserve a life where he's not hounded by the need to fuck god.
Smolder is technically anthro and neither the boorus nor Fimmy wanted to deal with the nightmare that would be policing all the porn she would get, so the community collectively decided they're all legal. For what it's worth the prom date plot in She's All Yak (among other things) has a very distinct late high school teen drama feel to it, so they're almost certainly intended to be in that age group.
I always imagined it as the mane 6 being early to mid 20s, the CMC being 10-11, and the young six being highschoolers.
That's reassuring. Arguing if they're 16, 17, or 18 is kind of irrelevant, imo, law enforcement aside. Just knowing she's around that age is good enough for. Er, for my friend.

Same, but a lot time passes during the show. If you include S8 and BGE, we see 5-6 Heart's Warming celebrations. If M6 start as 18-21, they should be in their late twenties before the end of the official show.
That's probably what was intended but you need to account for the passage of time. I'd place the M6 as early 20s at the start at the series, and late 20s by the late seasons just on the number of winter episodes we got.
That'd be a decade passing, and a decade definitely didn't pass. It's like three years at most, considering Flurry Heart's age.
It's like looking into a mirror.
Anon, you socially clueless retard, early 20s to late 20s means 6 to 7 years.
>It's like three years at most, considering Flurry Heart's age
The wedding to Flurry being born is a year alone at minimum. Also consider Flurry grew enough to stop needing direct attention. I don't know where you're getting 3 years from.
>Also consider Flurry grew enough to stop needing direct attention.
Right but she can't be more than a year old.
It definitely seems like her arriving at ponyville to becoming an Alicorn is a year, then about another year to flurry, then flurry's like two when the series ends.
Count the winters, anon.
That'd take the CMC from middle schoolers to late teens, which they definitely aren't.
I'm sorry to ruin your pedo fantasies like that, but they probably are, even if their models were never updated. Maybe they started a bit younger than you assume, and they're definitely still younger than Spur by season 9, but I'd say their antics line up well with mid teens. Cheerilee's school is in a weird spot where it seems to cover both elementary and middle school.
Right but that plot literally kicks off because they're mad about shit like having to go to bed early. That's like 11 at best, and we've seen actual teen ponies.
Middle teens is the most 'you have to go to bed early' period in your life though. The fucking schools start over an hour earlier than the jobs do.
>we've seen actual teen ponies
Again, that's on the show never updating the models.
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Fics about trying to derail the conversation because you’re bored?
Behemoth, in a meta sense.
>I remember him talking about his first plan for a cool fic
>It's THE Austraeoh
It's a circlejerk.
I still feel that way about ACW, but I've resisted the urge so far.
Being a circlejerk and being good aren't mutually exclusive.
Just like this thread.
I liked the Enchanted Library.
Most women brained piece of written media I’ve ever consumed.
Yeah that tracks.
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I did too. It's one of the longfics I want to read again. I'll skip the CMC scenes and forget them even harder.
I like to think he'd be the first to know how to actually hold the dark tension with one of those, instead of it just puttering out a la "I'm sad I got raped, anyway.."
I mean would he even know since he was mind controlled?

Then again the idea that he didn't know when Cadance got kidnapped and he ended up fucking Chrysalis and didn't realize it until almost a year later when he's talking to Cadence about it and she denies ever having done that and he starts to realize with horror what actually happened to him could be pretty good...
I've seen it attempted a few times to have Shining feel some kind of way about finding out that Chrissy raped him. They've all been bad at any serious emotional exploration (and half of them are about him wanting more bug pussy).
So you're right, it *could* be good, it just hasn't been yet.
But it was Cadance pussy when he got date raped. That doesn't even make sense.
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If you haven't read the one in the old starter kit, it sounds like you're just looking for the kind where he wants more bug pussy.
Poor Goldie...
Anyhoot. I don't have much to add to what's already been discussed. Windthrow was fun. The little tidbits of lore about the Machine World are fun. I don't remember how much we get to know in the first story, but I think we get more in the next big arc.
Look forward to the Duke.
I think three or four books from now, Dash says something along the lines of only starting this journey because she felt like it, and didn't know if she'd get to see the end of it. The comments took it as a confession on skirts's part about how he envisioned the Austraeoh series. It turned out to be prophetic, too.
>You can still do that now. Not everyone knows what happened.
Yes, but it's a different mentality.
Back in the day, Austraeoh was a funny sounding story. As daily chapters dropped, people started theorising. You can see that in the comments.
Then Eljunbyro happened and answers started coming, and people started coming up with more elaborate theories and the community formed.
When Innavedr dropped, people caught on the naming convention and realised there would be five stories. One for each vowel. Then Skirts said "fuck it" and included the Y, and doubled it for a total of twelve stories (something that actually has some level of lore relevance).
Experiencing all of this as they happened, without a clear picture of what would come, results in a different mindset to judging the series as a(n incomplete) twelve part saga.
Stars Will Aid Their Escape, just to read something short for a change of pace.
I've got morning wood, chop chop.
>Stars Will Aid Their Escape
That's the one I was planning to pick if no one voted so that's nice.
I'll bite, what's it called?
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Cadance in A Minor
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This title will never not be funny. Cute, also.
Hey, for that guy who liked the two horror sentences. It seem you're in good company.
As always, the rest of the internet lazily follows in our hoofsteps.
Ah, back to my old work schedule of getting off Sat/Sun at 12am, going to bed at 1:30am at the absolute earliest and then attempting to club at 7 am
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Should I go gay to improve my writing?
I'll try to make something resembling a post on time, but it's past 10:30 am and I've yet to go to bed or start this week's chapters.
I read it somewhere that gays tend to be more intelligent and creative on average, so also tend to be better writers, but I dunno how scientifically proven that is.
>tfw not gay
>tfw mediocre writer
>tfw still okay with it, because being gay sucks
Flattening anon, do log in at some point. You're up for the corpse again.
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Bookclub anons, I've neglected my club duties this week due to the anni devouring every waking hour I had this week. Apologies for that.
I can try to do something for the usual hour, but if it's not too much of a bother, I'd prefer to be an hour late. Most of you are often late anyway. Oh, and if any of (You) would like to make the anchorpost on time, that's also an option of course.
>anni devouring
is it bad that I read that as "anal voring"?
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I don't know.
The four genders.
I'd heard about this, but I guess I must have forgotten what it was actually about probably because the title is simply evergreen comedy. I'm really enjoying it so far though, seems like it's exactly what I'm looking for.
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>be me
>wake up at 10:15 still having yet to read the last chapter
>sigh in resignation at being late again
>finish reading, come into the thread to see this
I maintain that if Pinkie locked in she'd be the sexiest M6 easily.
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Getting demoted to bookclub kindergarten, in

Again, sorry that this happened. I've almost caught up, though: only 2 chapters behind (and I've probably already read them by now). But it's 4:45 pm, so this post might be less organized than even last week's.
So, first things first, I can buy the drama. I actually stopped one (1) chapter too early the last time, so in hindsight, bringing up Cadance's meddling as a potential issue was one of the best bookclub guesses I ever made. And it makes sense. That scene I brought up (picrel) can be really not okay if you read it in a certain way. Cadance's actions are disgusting, no matter if she meant well or not, especially meddling with Shining Armor. Like, WTF. So far, the fic has handled the drama surprisingly well, I'd say. There are some parts of the dialogues that I thought read a little immature, but it makes sense—Shiny and Cadance are barely out of their teens in this. The fic didn't dip into melodrama, and the way Shiny's broken heart was tackled in the fic was actually pretty good. I'm not sure I liked Celestia's "someone has to rule them and make them feel like they're not pushed around" speech, though, or mudhorses being genetically inferior.
Since I'm already patting myself on the back, I'll add that the anime-lite drama setup seemed like a good guess, too. I was wrong that it was only an initial idea that got discarded, though; the fic even calls Vinyl a tsundere in A/Ns! I'm all for it, though. Just as I liked their conversations last week, I like them here. In fact, both Vinyl and Shining Armor in this fic are written in a very enjoyable way. They're not flawless, but their flaws are good, and they work on them. Seeing Vinyl hold back her anger was nice. And while I'm talking about characters, the rest of the cast is generally good, too. Some characters are meant to be likeable whereas others are clearly meant to be disliked (something that was also very true in And Hell Followed), but while that's kind of simple, I don't mind it as long as the cast is interesting and/or entertaining.

I was really wrong about the fic's direction. Yeah... way too hopeful/naive of me. There was never any shift; the fic just prepared a big punch. The author said he had two directions for this story, but currently I struggle to see this not going straight for the Scratch-Shining ship. Then again, there's still more than half the story left. And the world continues to be a pretty shitty version of Equestria, but we've already seen that last week. Grammar and typos are much less bad, but still pretty bad. Sentences are not very smooth, a little too often for my taste, though the fic grabbed my attention well enough to make me not want to put it down. I don't think it's a masterpiece of a story, but I'm enjoying it. The fic also continues to sprinkle in some very nice humor without ruining the seriousness of the drama.
I probably missed a lot this week.

Next week, we're reading up to The Calm.
The Cadence bad guy arc doesn't seem very natural to me but I suppose now we have reason to believe VInyl ARmor / ARmor SCratch can have more potential. Especially since Vinyl has already touched his cock (?) and Night Light has practically made a 'you cloned yourself so you could finally not be a virgin' joke which made me kek. That said, I don't want Cadence to remain as a bad guy, and her apology arc was devastatingly bad. She might as well have said "I apologized and I'm a princess so I order you to accept it and forgive me."
>zebra's song of honor
>oh and btw 15 ponies killed themselves
>"Hey Shining... Can we talk about this?" "No."
>Uncle B(ased) has an empty spot on his portrait wall for Glory's foal
>she always thought that the anger and right amount of hate could fuel one's passion.
Wow, very Equestrian view Vinyl
>"He's in the The Gauntlet."
>"Cadence, wake up! Shiny is here!"
>"Hold on! I was going to agree no matter what, alright shining?"
>"You think everyone has a good heart."
Pony kino
>random colt cuddling (why would he even mention that part of the story)
>Grandma Twilight being ridiculous

>In fact, both Vinyl and Shining Armor in this fic are written in a very enjoyable way. They're not flawless, but their flaws are good, and they work on them.
Yeah I'm still enjoying the fic and the characters are definitely the fics strongest point
>the rest of the cast is generally good, too
Yeah, Uncle Based was great even though I read all his parts last week lol, also Skyward Glory finally did something remotely worthy of her name and told VInyl to fuck off for once. Even Captain Galea was being reasonable
>Then again, there's still more than half the story left.
who tf knows what's gonna happen. We 're gonna need some more serious arcs
Also kek at the author warning we got near the end of this week's reading
>though the fic grabbed my attention well enough to make me not want to put it down
Yup, the cast and the pacing really keeps me reading once I start
So I guess I should take the opportunity to write out a response in advance, huh?
I found this week's reading to be pretty similar in quality to last week's, although I'm slowly moving past my misgivings about the story. The poor grammar and occasional misspelled word are still jarring, but there's not much further to say. As some anons noted previously, the plot's becoming more focused and the characters are written more consistently. Less gratuitous Vinyl abuse overall, as well. There are still several parallel plot threads that the author has to jump between, but I'll admit that he does a decent job of integrating them into a single story. It also allows him to maintain the constant stream of little twists and hits of drama which make it easy to keep reading, if nothing else.

Unlike last week, where Vinyl was the unequivocable main character and Shining was relegated to being an accessory, this week he has a more interesting role to play. You all know what I'm talking about. His breakup with Cadance was interesting, yeah. The root issue of Cadance using her magic on Shining without his knowledge was a little cliche, but at least it was believable. Both ponies approached the breakup in a way that reflected their characters well: Shining tried to do what was right and stand up for his morals, while also trying to protect Cadance's feelings; Cadance tried to appeal to emotion and her duty as a princess, but ultimately took responsibility for herself. That's a big theme, isn't it? Taking responsibility for one's actions.

The effect that Cadance had on Intrepid was also very poignant. His relapse into his old reclusivity was tragic, and his refusal to forgive Cadance was an especially powerful moment. It's included subtly, but it has a pretty profound impact on the way Cadance approaches her role as a princess. At first, Cadance takes very seriously Celestia's message that a princess must fulfill her duties even if her subjects are unhappy about it, and consequently disregards the effects that her meddling on those subjects. She also has a notion, likely due to her being a princess, that anything she does that DOES upset a pony will be easily forgiven. In this way, she never actually takes personal accountablility for her effects on the lives of other ponies. Not until Intrepid refuses to bend the knee, so to speak. This forces Cadance to critically examine herself for once, rather than simply forgiving herself and then forcing other ponies to do the same with her privilege as a princess. This experience is a powerful impulse for Cadance to mature as a pony, more valuable than any lesson Celestia could serve on top of a bowl of ice cream. All in all, I think Cadance is actually one of the best-written characters in the fic. Ironically, being the "loser" in this soap opera of a fic gives her the freedom to explore her depth of character.
Now, I don't think that it's very realistic that Shining would grow as close to Vinyl as he does in the meantime. Sure, they spend the majority of every day together, which has powerful psychological effects, but they've also only been "together" for some weeks, if that. Their relationship is fundamentally professional, one of forceful coercion no less, and coming off of previously hostile conceptions of each other. Maybe that makes it hotter for the both of them; I don't know. Although last week I disagreed with some other anons, I think it's pretty clear at this point what kind of relationship the author is trying to set up between Vinyl and Shining.

I find Glory's character very frustrating. For a fic whose main theme is about taking responsibility, it's awfully defensive of her. So she started an orphanage because she felt guilty about abandoning her foal. She still didn't actually try to rectify her actions! She can't even accept responsibility and makes excuses at every opportunity. I side fully with Vinyl in their conflict; what Glory did was far more serious than either she or Shining makes it out to be. Unlike many of Vinyl's struggles in the story, she's entirely justified in refusing to forgive Glory.

"Forgiveness" is also a powerful theme in the fic. While it emphasizes how forgiveness is necessary to overcome past trauma, I also think the author treats forgiveness with inconsistent gravity. Vinyl's reluctance to forgive other ponies, while bemoaned by Shining Armor, reflects the fact that if forgiveness is to be taken seriously, it can't be given lightly. It is necessary to forgive other people to resolve issues, but if forgiveness is given prematurely, insincerely, such as would be the case were Vinyl to forgive Glory at this point in the story, then its consequences are moot.

Really, after writing this little essay, I've come to appreciate the story more. Narratively and technically, it needs work, but it deals with some pretty mature themes in a way that's (usually) well done.
>verification not required
Imagine posting in the ESL thread and not being from the euroland.

>The Cadence bad guy arc doesn't seem very natural to me
Less so a bad guy and more a "teenager with way too much power". She did get jealous, but her main intent was helping, she just approached it very immaturely. Using her magic on Shiny was completely unacceptable, but again, you can see why she did it and feel bad for her. She's a little dumb, too, which doesn't help her, but she never struck me as a bad pony. She's not one.
>I don't want Cadence to remain as a bad guy,
There are two ways this can, just as the author said. One is the Scratch on Shining Armor ship, and the other is them making up, with Vinyl getting shipped off to the spy dude. Feels like it currently goes full throttle for the former, but last week I said almost the exact opposite thing. Though I did acknowledge the possibility of turning around.
>I was going to agree no matter what, alright shining?"
First fic to make the gay (male) character's preferences funny.
>Pony kino
Shining Armor in this is super good. I don't think Vinyl need any more praise since it's kind of obvious that she's great (or maybe my preferences are showing), but the way Twily's brother is depicted as a good guy is perfect. He gets mad, he gets overwhelmed (by the events and by his unresolved emotions), he makes some wrong choices, etc., but you can always see him pushing forward to make things better without the author writing him like a pony machine. Kind of reminds me of Shining Armor from that one tailso fic. No, not the isekai; the family cygnet. Except with way less incest and with Shining who's much younger and more inexperienced.
>the characters are definitely the fics strongest point
You could maybe say that the side characters are a bit one-note and exaggerated (another anime-like trait of the fic), but they're not main cast so it's fine. Twilight was adorable, and her parents seemed like cool folks. Uncle Based is definitely the best, though.
>author warning
I'll try to read the last two chapters before replying more. I'm a little sad to be losing Kino Life stream, but oh well, I caught it the last two years.

>the plot's becoming more focused and the characters are written more consistently
It is, and it's important to note that.
>The effect that Cadance had on Intrepid was also very poignant.
You're completely right about this whole paragraph. That was an important scene for Cadance, and by the time she goes to Vinyl's apartment, she's already less immature than she was a few days earlier. I like her less than Vinyl and Shiny (for the reasons stated above), but she's not a side character by any means. We'll see more of her, I'm sure, and Intrepid will probably come back, too.
I'm not responding to your second post until I actually read Glory's chapter.
>4:45 pm
Keking at Euros
>So far, the fic has handled the drama surprisingly well, I'd say.
I agree. For all of the author's lack of technical skill, he can keep things moving. I'll say, though, that he'll often write in a deus ex machina or some other plot contrivance in order to keep things railroaded to the plot he wants to happen. Galea's an obstacle to Shining leaving Canterlot? She agrees immediately (and even with the deadline, this still doesn't really feel plausible). Soarin can't ditch practice without serious consequences? The coach lets him go at the first mention of an orphanage for publicity's sake. (This seems like it was mainly to give an excuse for Spitfire to tag along).
>I'm not sure I liked Celestia's ... speech
Again, I agree, but I think it served as a contrast to the perspectives of the characters whom Cadance did actually end up hurting. Celestia's position is that of the ancient, experienced monarch who always knows what's best for her subjects. Cadance, despite being a princess, is not that pony. Celestia seemed like she was trying to groom Cadance into a more effective princess (i.e. more like Celestia) but either overlooked or disregarded the fact that Cadance would inevitably end up hurting other ponies in the process. Celestia probably views it as a burden of the crown, but it's notable that even Celestia is fallible in this fic (she says herself that her skills as a mentor are rusty).
>Seeing Vinyl hold back her anger was nice.
Yeah, Vinyl is once again extremely sympathetic. It's nice to see her develop, not only because it's good for her, but also because it gives her more ground to stand on to assert herself when she's not the one in the wrong.
>others are clearly meant to be disliked
I only really got this out of Parry. Every other character had good nuance. Also, Parry being married was hilariously ironic to me. I'd imagine that he feels more free to act sexually aggressive BECAUSE he's married, and therefore can write everything off to himself as "it's a joke, I wouldn't SERIOUSLY pursue these kinds of things". He's still creepy, though.
I think I have finally written HiE that lives up to the HiE pasta:

Sadly, Goat Rule applies, so YAGTH.
Hello, Spook.
>I was really wrong about the fic's direction. Yeah... way too hopeful/naive of me.
>That said, I don't want Cadence to remain as a bad guy, and her apology arc was devastatingly bad. She might as well have said "I apologized and I'm a princess so I order you to accept it and forgive me."
Cadance isn't the bad guy in the fic. Her arc is fundamentally a tragedy, and you're supposed to find her sympathetic while also disapproving of her actions. I'll object to Shining getting together with Vinyl as a rebound from Cadance, for sure, but Cadance herself is well done. Regarding her apology, the point is that AT FIRST she tries to leverage her authority as a princess to coerce forgiveness, and really just by nature, without thinking about it. Then, when that tactic fails, she matures as a pony and takes proper responsibility for herself. During her final apology to Shining, she doesn't make excuses for herself because she recognises that, regardless of her intent, she still hurt Shining deeply and should be held accountable. This opens the way for some measure of reconciliation, and she even eventually agrees with him that a break in the relationship is necessary.
>>oh and btw 15 ponies killed themselves
Wasn't the train car only 40-50 ponies or something? I find it hard to believe that for each death, there was a one-in-three chance that a relative killed themselves in response.
>Vinyl has already touched his cock (?)
This was a weird addition
>>random colt cuddling (why would he even mention that part of the story)
This was also totally unnecessary and I would say even undermines the relationship between Shining Armor and Soarin as guard-school comrades.
>>Grandma Twilight being ridiculous
What the hell was that jab about evolution? I get that Grandma's meant to be the "evil oppressive conservative" or whatever, but this was such a clumsy and redundant way to go about illustrating that.
>Pony kino
Highly pony, agreed. For all the drama and angst, this keeps things feeling like friendship is magic and all.
>Uncle Based was great
He's such a good addition to the cast. He's the old-guy rock of wisdom, but also the neglectful mentor figure who's made mistakes and is trying to improve along with the younger characters. He also cuts through all kinds of angsty teenage bullshit that the others get wrapped up in.
>the pacing really keeps me reading once I start
I feel exactly the same way. I'll be reading, and before I know it I'm 5 chapters further than when I started. I think it's because each chapter introduces some new dramatic element or raises some question. There are plenty of times when this feels contrived, or like the author is deliberately creating a cliffhanger, but it serves its purpose of keeping the reader engaged. It's a bit like what Beyond the Veil of Sleep did with its shorter chapters, but a little more effective in my opinion.
>She might as well have said "I apologized and I'm a princess so I order you to accept it and forgive me."
I think that's meant to be a parallel to Sky Glory.
Wondering if there's any good fics, or any readable fics with Rarity and Sweetie's parents passing away and her having to suddenly raise Sweetie, Lilo & Stitch style.
>I don't think that it's very realistic that Shining would grow as close to Vinyl
I get that, but it's also the sort of somewhat unbelievable thing that you have to accept for the story to happen. Like I said, the feel I had for it in the first chapter turned out to be exactly what the author indented. It took a bunch of domino pieces to get there, but once you accept the setup, the fic isn't breaking your suspension of disbelief. Which to be clear doesn't mean it's not worth pointing out, but it makes it less of a problem than, say, a contrived twist 70% into the story because the author could write it like he wanted to.
>I side fully with Vinyl in their conflict
Same. She seems to truly regret it and tries to actually make up for what she did, but she has no ground to stand on when defending herself. Her "that felt good" when she shot down Vinyl's accusations did not, in fact, "feel good" for me. That is not to say Vinyl shouldn't forgive her, but Glory doesn't really try so far. I'd like her to try harder.

>he'll often write in a deus ex machina
Sure, but the sketchy writing made me worry a little about potentially poor drama and/or excessive soap opera, and that didn't happen yet. At first I was also worried that the characters acting a little juvenile was author's lack of skill, but reading more convinced me that it's intentional, to depict those young ponies' personalities. This is not Princess Cadance from the show; she's about a decade younger.
>served as a contrast to the perspectives of the characters whom Cadance did actually end up hurting
You're right. It's easy to think of Celestia as being always right, especially when she acts the part, but that's not how this writes her. Even in that short conversation with Cadance she makes a pretty stupid slip-up with the "moving on" advice that's right from her PoV but terrible for Cadance.
>I only really got this out of Parry.
Galea and the old Twilight family matron also have a similar feel. They're these older characters with cold eyes and colder words that the Good Characters (tm) can't really talk back to.
>that lives up to the HiE pasta
Considering that the author lurks itt, there's a non-zero chance it was inspired by it.
>Anon Comedy
>funny cover
Off to the top of the box you go!
>Grandma Twilight
I find it hilarious that she's called Satin and she's a dick.
Very subtle writing there.
>She can't even accept responsibility and makes excuses at every opportunity.
This is what I meant by a Cadance parallel. I think Sky is worse, but mostly because she's been lying to herself for years.
>Less so a bad guy and more a "teenager with way too much power". She did get jealous, but her main intent was helping, she just approached it very immaturely.
Fair enough, I suppose I meant it in a meta sense. A vinyl rehabbed by shining story and the first antagonist we get aside from shining, who is a main character, is Cadence. She showed up and retroactively made herself important by using love magic on shining throughout their relationship. What we get in the story is fine
>Shining Armor in this is super good. but the way Twily's brother is depicted as a good guy is perfect.
He comes off as the last remaining beacon of canon Equestria. Everything he does is for the good of somepony
>Twilight was adorable
Yes very much so. Very cute antics in her chapter and fucking with shining and cadence
>I'll try to read the last two chapters before replying more.
I'm surprised you commented on gay stallions before reading it kek, also the last chapter is great. I didn't really say it aside from my pic but I like Vinyl's sleeping talk

>Keking at Euros
>Galea's an obstacle to Shining leaving Canterlot? She agrees immediately (and even with the deadline, this still doesn't really feel plausible)
I think it does because we find out the reason she tried to stop his bind duty is because of Grandma Twilight. So it could be since she failed to cancel it she doesn't actually care and would just let them continue. Especially so knowing Shining has Celestia's blessing
>when that tactic fails, she matures as a pony and takes proper responsibility for herself. During her final apology to Shining, she doesn't make excuses for herself because she recognises that, regardless of her intent, she still hurt Shining deeply and should be held accountable.
I agree, I was mostly talking about Intrepid's scene. Her apology to shining is far better
>What the hell was that jab about evolution?
Even funnier because apparently evolution explicitly states that Unicorns are a superior form of pony, at least compared to mudponies. So I'm not sure why she would be upset at accepting it

Interesting thought, you mean like Glory trying to somehow make up for her past with the orphanage? And they're both kind of failing?

>This is what I meant by a Cadance parallel.
ah i c
>I'm not sure why she would be upset at accepting it
I imagine she resents being even remotely related to an Earth Pony.
>you mean like Glory trying to somehow make up for her past with the orphanage?
That too. They're both coming from a place where they see themselves as an unfair victim and the other parties should see things their way and extend forgiveness. They try to make amends while ignoring or downplaying their role in the problem. No accountability.
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How does this thread manage to have worse reading comprehension than an inner-city elementary school?
Spending too much time on imageboards makes you retarded.
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Lack of sleep will do that to you.
t. one-off
She's so pretty.
I want stories where poni ponies poni.
And now I'm done and have to say that was a really great time. Grounded and believable personal issues, and they were worked through in a nice way without egregious dallying. Everyone felt fairly believable, comedy was well used to break up the drama. Psyche wasn't too magical, even the BDSM shop scene surprised me by not being too special-interest fischer price horny, as those things so often end up being.
What a satisfying set of resolutions. And a smut scene with teenage Cadance, what a treat. I always love drama and dark, but I love it even more when it finds a happy resolution.

I confess I was wrong, such a fic does exist and it's this one. It was going to be tendies for dinner, but now I think it will be crow.
>Off to the top of the box you go!
Not looking likely at this point. I only barely made the feature box with M stories filtered, and I was never in it with them unfiltered. I'm close to the bottom of the new stories list, and I expect I'll fall off some time soon. This is shaping up to be the least popular story I've ever written.
I'm sure you'll get a boost once you win the contest.
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Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, you certainly read it at a fast pace. That's another one I'm hoping to re-read.
Sorry for jinxing it. I am apparently really bad at judging the box. Maybe it really is just mostly random. Well, you're still hanging in there for now. Good luck in the contest!
We'll excommunicate you for this. An /ourguy/ shouldn't write Anon stories, not even ironically örök
>least popular story I've ever written.
>18 likes, 3 dislikes for 153 views
Count your blessings, anon
>ending the sentence with nonsense
That's what I get for mobileposting
I think part of the reason that EAW sucks as a setting is because it suffers from a similar thing as 81 Days, except does so without the same deliberate malice and vitriol behind it. EAW still portrays Equestria as backwards, stagnant, and naïve, struggling to deal with the "real" world. I see plenty of people complaining about how many non-ponies there are, but that's a bit of a red herring and misses the actual underlying problem.
This is a problem in the game itself, since Equestria is already the largest and most developed country by far at the start. In order to create an interesting conflict, Equestria either needs to be implausibly weak (technologically/socially backward, disorganised) or there needs to be some implausibly strong enemy (changelings, commie secessionists).
It also goes without saying that a setting that tries to focus on the "horrors of war" and all will take a more pessimistic view of things. Either Equestria is, like you say, simply naive to whatever evil exists, or participates itself.
I reject your false dichotomy and choose Equestrian global intervention.
Did the world of EAW even have a WWI or did it just skip straight to WWII with the same tech because lol reasons?
>review https://www.fimfiction.net/story/566368/shy-curious

Everyone in /fimfic/ hates RunicTreetops. His stories are always sappy slice-of-life romances with a self-insert Anon. And that's what made me curious about "Shy-Curious." It's not his usual fare; it's porn. Real, genuine, honest-to-Molestia porn.

He writes that it's a "birthday gift to a dear friend," that "this is my first time making a story like this," and that "this is not going to be a normal occurrence." So how does he do?

Pretty well, I'd say.

The story is: Fluttershy and Anon have been dating for a couple of years. Posey Shy has been all alone ever since Zephyr moved out, and she's pretty lonely (you know what I mean). Fluttershy wants to fix that, and she thinks it would be really hot if Anon started a herd with her and her mother. So when Anon's pheromones send Posey Shy into a heat so intense that she has to excuse herself and go to her bedroom, Fluttershy convinces Anon to follow her. And then he kisses her, fingers her, eats her out, and tongues her anus. She blows him. It's her first blowjob, but she manages to deep throat him (even though he's "massive") and swallow. Fluttershy masturbates on the other side of the bedroom door. He penetrates Posey, and they fuck hard. Of course, it's the best sex she's ever had. There's an impregnation kink, so at the end, both Posey and Fluttershy are pregnant. (It's not clear whether the kink is Runic's, his dear friend's, or both.)

I never realized this before, but in a way, Runic has been writing porn all along. If this story weren't horny, it would be like any of Runic's other romances (except for the incest). Take one of his sappy slice-of-life romances and crank the horniness up to 11, and you get a porn plot. Just insert a few paragraphs at the end where they fuck, and the story would read like it was intended to be clop all along. Being Runic, this story has more emphasis on love than typical clop, but it only stands out if you know what he usually writes.

The other thing that makes this different from typical clop is that Runic is technically much better than your average clop writer. I learned the word "callipygian," and now I want to use it.

Judged as a clop story, I'd give it 7/10. But if it panders to your kinks, it could be higher, and if it doesn't, it could be lower. If you're an unironic faggot, or if you ree about Anon, this is the wrong story for you.
One good (?) thing did come out of this: My first ever time where someone downvoted every single one of my stories without reading them. If I can offend someone that much, then I've accomplished something.
herds a shit.
Damn, that is a good word. I'll have to use it in my trap Spike story I also found striated an interesting one to try and remember.
Statistically, it was 2008. That's when porn searches started skyrocketing. The dissemination of smartphones has been a disaster for the human race. Anecdotally, I'd say around 2012. That's when I started noticing people were no longer embarrassed and ashamed at their fetishes but were actively "fandomizing" them and trying to spread them around. You used to slink over to Yahoo Groups with a sockpuppet. Now you have an invite to the fetish Discord on your user page.

>best tyrantlestia fic
It's pre-canon, so it doesn't involve the M6 or Luna, though.

Too, though the Tyrantlestia's essentially world building window dressing and not a major plot element.

>nearly anything else is completely sapped
Ah, that feel. I found the first year to be hard, but once you get trained up on the job, optimize the workflow, and get comfortable with your coworkers, you'll find yourself with plenty of time to daydream about fic ideas (or other hobbies). I really don't get people who get new jobs every 2-3 years. That'd be agony compared to settling in and getting comfy.

I wont lie, your time becomes incredibly valuable and interests get into vicious fights with each other for it. I've barely read 10% of the fics I used to because vidya, Youtiube, fic writing, etc. all just seem like better time wasters for me now. I just don't have the time to sift through the 90% of crap anymore.

>No country respects Equestria
I still don't understand this. They're all getting ready for WW1 and no one's trying to get the continent-sized country packed full of cities on their side? They would all be schmoozing Twi to no end to score that geopolitical victory, or at least get ready to invade the fat lamb ready for the slaughter.

I'll start on it tomorrow.
I remember that one!
Damn, it's got to be close to a decade since I last read it. Maybe at your behest.
I nominate it for the club. I think it would be fun.
>They would all be schmoozing Twi to no end to score
You bet they would.
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>"this is my first time making a story like this,"
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>not clopygian
There aren't any world wars at all. The whole mod is more of a variety of regional wars as different powers expand their spheres of influence. It makes for a lot more replayability than base hoi4, but there's no grand overarching struggle. For context, the main war for Equestria with the changelings is called the "Great War". Tech levels also vary far more by country, and some are stuck in the pre-modern era. That kind of thing is represented by country debuffs and not actual military techs, though.
But was there any big conflict prior to the game's timeframe that pushed culture and military technology and strategy to where it is?
Not any single large conflict off the top of my head. Tanks were invented during the (contrived and poorly written) Stalliongrad secession some decades before the start of the game. Equestria's whole thing is that they're the equivalent of early 1900s America: still big and powerful, but isolationist and without a war industry. I never touched Zebrica, but a theme among the countries there is that they're all still reeling from attacks by the Storm King's airship fleet. The decline and collapse of the Griffonian Empire is the most significant event in Griffonia, but tech there is generally at or slightly before WW1 levels.
As a whole, EaW's countries start out less developed than those in base Hoi4, but they develop faster and to a further ultimate degree. It's also kind of taken as a given that tech will advance the way it does, even in the absence of a war. I think that's just due to the limitations of being a mod for a WW2 game, though.
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What do you do when you just can't sit down and write? I end up prioritizing other stuff, and before I know it, it's three in the morning.
Don't do the other stuff.
You know what I want to do some day?
Write the most cliched romance story possible. Hitting every single trope in existence.
But by the end of the story, the two main characters are just really good friends.
And I don't mean friendzoned or anything like that. Just genuine friendship and camaraderie.
EaW is better than 81 Days because there's a griffon nation where the harmonist leader is such an Equestrian fan that he's rumored to have written princest.
Well I know who I'm nuking first.
>I really don't get people who get new jobs every 2-3 years.
Speaking as a guy who did an interview and has only been in his current job for one year, it's because it makes you salary jump up super quickly.
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>They would all be schmoozing Twi to no end to score that geopolitical victory,
The fic explains this with the ponies naivety again. One nation tries to get Twilight to marry their prince (he gets assassinated). After that, there are indeed some attempts to secure trade deals with Equestria, but all countries know that Equestria will never support any offensive military action. Spike has to talk Twilight out of breaking an established and mutually beneficial trade deal when she learns that their business partner is planning to launch a preemptive offensive against the neighbor threatening them.
>or at least get ready to invade the fat lamb ready for the slaughter.
The reason is Celestia and Luna. Every country in the world still depends on the light of Sun and Moon, so antagonizing or killing them would likely spell doom for the aggressor as well. In the later part of the story Twilight wants to use this knowledge to threaten one regime with an ultimatum (to save tens of thousands of civilians from being slaughtered, since the regime wants to make more room for themselves), i.e. "if you do this, Celestia won't raise the Sun over your country", but the idea is immediately shot down by explaining that this would then *force* that regime into attacking Equestria and doom everyone in the end. So Equestria has to stay naive and neutral to prevent total planet death.
Still the changelings, but he's a close second.
>but the idea is immediately shot down by explaining that this would then *force* that regime into attacking Equestria and doom everyone in the end.
This guy's a retard beyond comprehension.
Jaxie writing something retarded? Say it ain't so.
Still better than any fic I produced.
As silly as the video is, the song always gives me a feeling of deep-seated longing. It's beautiful.
>someone downvoted every single one of my stories without reading them
Welcome to the club, then. That happened to me multiple times by now.
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Big whoop, all it took for me was almost Do or Deer-ing the corpse.
What sucks is that I know one of the people who piled on had read and enjoyed my writing, as my likes also dropped by 1.
I just finished reading your story, anon.
The meter and rhyming were both very well done, and your archaic style complemented them nicely. But man, what the fuck was that plot? Repulsive descriptions of Anon aside, it was pretty random.
I think you're in a tough spot, since the general audience who eats up shitposty anon fics might be turned off by poetic structure, and those who would actually appreciate a well-written poem wouldn't find the subject matter appealing.
People will downvote anything that's on the front page, it's almost like bot behavior.
>haha shining armor is having wet dreams
>wait oh... oh god no he's having wet dreams
That was actually quite good
>tfw your amount of likes is so little that you can easily count them
Wet dreams are bad?
Wet dreams in adults as a response to sexual trauma is something that I'm 90% sure is a thing, so yeah.
where the fuck are mine, then?
Repressed sexual trauma, of course.
>what the fuck was that plot
It's an expression of my deepest, most heartfelt feelings for Anon. Also, I thought putting a line break into "cockatrice" was funny, and the rest followed pretty easily from that.
Get raped nonstop until you're almost comatose by a shapeshifting demon bug posing as your fiancé and then we'll talk.
is that an invitation?
As the fic shows, it really really isn't.
Why can't I find this? Show Mature is on.
I had the same issue; it's "Cadence" (music), not "Cadance" (pony) and fimfic's search doesn't get it if you type it wrong.
Jesus Christ. The two maids read like they're from the best Carry On film ever made.
I just did five minutes of half assed research and couldn’t find anything even remotely saying this.
The pony is named Cadence in some official material too, and it's also the proper translation of her other name. Some people speculate they spelt it with an a for trademark purposes.
I mean her name is Cadenza so
>and it's also the proper translation of her other name
Classic /fimfic/ reading comprehension.
Be nice
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This is among the best fics I have ever read. I cannot stop reading. I made so many promises about what I will be doing today. They will not be kept.
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I read it because I truly don't truly hate the guy, and Anon getting absolutely fucked (over) due to acting like an overconfident idiot is/was a key trope of the genre before the castrated parody took over the site by wearing his name. But this is not really that kind of AiE. It's a fic with a character named Anon, and it's a neat little oneshot on top of that; the two are unrelated.
It reads like a thousand words of being mad at fimfic's anon. The writing is very nice, and I enjoyed reading the story because of it, but it feels like it has no target group. It's not the AiE people since your anon is not that Anon, and it's not fimfic's self-inserters because they—I'm pretty sure—wouldn't want to read a story about their champion being endlessly mocked without a payoff. At least this portrayal is maybe more relatable for them, kek.
So yeah, very good writing and a neat shitpost, but it feels a little pointless, at least to someone who's not a huge fan of crackfics. I think this isn't far from the best possible version of this story, but "a fat, horny retard gets btfo'd from Equestria" is not a very compelling premise, imo. And apparently I read 'derriere' wrong all my life.
It somehow manages to give catharsis and pain to a fic about Shining jacking off to his sister.
>But I was disguised as his wife, so it's okay!
>No, he was mind controlled.
>Chrysalis, what you did was rape. You raped Shining Armor.
>And apparently I read 'derriere' wrong all my life
The only time I've heard it spoken aloud was in the song Absolute Territory. In fact, that's the only time I can recall ever coming across it. How were you reading it?
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Heh, I like that this fic is getting a new renaissance, despite typing the name from memory and perpetuating that joke.
Well I guess I'm throwin this fic on the e-reader, but it better not be about some shit fetish or something
It's porn but it's also a good fic.
Two syllables. Something like dere-rear, with a long middle r. That messed up the line's rhythm so I had to look it up.
I probably didn't understand the word back when I heard that song.
I don't mind porn at all just hate cuckshit and other degenerate stuff
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Only the final scene is porn, really.
No real cuckshit, though the plot is "Shining Armor got raped and is legitimately mentally fucked up over it"
Nice, I'll probably read it after ASoSA so I don't get them mixed up
that's fine
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>review https://www.fimfiction.net/story/66834/cadence-in-a-minor
As soon as I touched this, two hours of my life vanished. I think I've even convinced a non-MLP fan to read it. It is the best thing I've read in weeks, perhaps years. Every promise that I made on the day I opened this was abandoned. And I say that having not even started chapter 5 yet.

The humour, reveals, and all other forms of scene-writing are excellent. The comedic innuendo could have been ripped straight from a raunchy 1960's British film and the medical scenes make me wonder if the author is either very well read or a former patient. Even the simple drama of Shining not yet being used to being a prince is done excellently. And I always give credit to something that makes you feel Luna's regrets.

However, what stands above all else is that this fic fits the show unreasonably well. If I had to point at an example of a fan fiction that gains heavily from not being original fiction, then this would be one of the first that I'd go to. It, correctly, frames the character they shoehorned in to get views from the 2011 royal wedding as a rape victim. He can't get it up for his wife because he was raped by a shapeshifter who took her form and also has the best reason to be the best in sex in the entire franchise. The dream princess even steps in on one of his wet dreams. His struggle to adapt to life as a prince also fits in excellently. It is fucking insane how well done this is. This fic has been gifted by not only a competent author, but also the most well-fitted premise I have ever seen. The mark of a truly good fan fiction is that you can no longer imagine in not being part of the source material. I will forever believe that Shining Armor cannot please his wife.
>that Shining Armor cannot please his wife
Well he can now
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I'm not gonna read it!
I'm not gonna read it!
You can't make me!
You can't make me!
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Should I just add it to the bookclub list at this point? I'm interested, too, and it gets bonus points for being from the old /fimfic/ SK.
Fuck yes. I've never attended the book club.
I'm reading it right now, it's pretty good. Sometimes riding a fad is fun.
Sir, the cumshot has hit the second tower.
It's already in the other list.
It ends with Cadence cumming so hard it sends Canterlot into a love frenzy.
I think I have ptsd from reading fics like this about this pairing because of one I was reading where abruptly there's a chapter where Cadence goes to some sort of masked sex club and just starts getting fucked by random stallions. Now I'm afraid I'm just gonna accidently find the fic again and not realize it
It'll have my vote, but the fic doesn't sound like too much for the Sunday one. Where should the line be drawn?
I am still searching for the fic where Cadence can feel everyone's orgasms.
All I got from this fic is that everyone just goes around with their junk visible in this world
The secret is that there is no line.
The most unrealistic part of it is him considering that he might get arrested for walking around with an erection. That'd definitely be a social taboo but not a crime.
Equestria is a matriarchy. Men can't get boners in public but girls can go around in heat.
Unfair? Complain to the sun goddess, she doesn't give a shit.
If that was the case every stallion would walk around with a saddlebag just in case they need to stuff their dick into something. It's like having a paper bag around an open bottle of booze, everyone knows what's going on but we all agree to pretend that it's something else.
What are the US laws regarding that? I'm in the UK and I don't even know what my own laws are.
kek @ just the first chapter
>His imagination starts running wild with images of cute mares lifting their tails high in the air to show how much they want him. They are cute, pretty little things, barely in their teens. The throbbing in his member is controlling him now, and without hesitation he mounts one of the mares in his mind. He imagines the bitter scent of her youthful arousal, the tightness of her flesh, her tiny flanks he is holding on to; it is all too much for him. He returns to reality as he realises in panic that he is about to orgasm for real.
On second thought maybe I won't be putting this on my e-reader
It gets a lot sadder as you read on
The US is a clown nation.
Probably more of a second club material, then? You know you can always show up there as well. While "barely in their teens" leaves some leeway, it's not that much. Not a fic I'd expect to see recommended by tuna, of all posters.
It's like high schoolers and again it's got a good reason why he's fucked up like that
>It reads like a thousand words of being mad at fimfic's anon
That's kinda what it is. Mostly I don't like him.
>it has no target group
I think there's a segment of Fimfiction's readership that takes Anon way too seriously, and in a way, they were my real target. I was hoping there were more people who, like me, thought it would be fun to knock Anon off of his pedestal. But I'm guessing that most of them filtered out the fic the moment they saw Anon was involved, not realizing that it was satire.
Goat Rule
>They are cute, pretty little things, barely in their teens.
This fic either uses actual horse years, or this is some primo pedoshit
While it varies depending on municipality, generally, drinking while you walk down the street is a minor crime that the police can cite you for; so if you want to do that, you stuff the bottle into a brown paper bag. You're still committing the exact same crime and are just as guilty, but people usually look away, and the cops might not care enough to stop you and ask what's in the bag. After all, it could be Perrier...
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I'd almost say nothing about the first chapter is sad at all. The premise, sure, but every other line is a sex joke or innuendo. Peppy Pickle, Sassy Swallow? Hard to have a serious scene with names like this especially when he just instantly cums on one of them kek

I didn't necessarily mean that, since it only has one red tag and is M. It's just that while doing a read of only the first chapter to test the waters, we already have shiny thinking about fucking what could be barely pubescent mares and cumming all over some random doctor mare. So it might very well get wilder than that later down the line

Only one way to find out ^:)
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Like >>41538964 said, that's not what the fic is about. Also, I didn't even remember it's present tense, much less that detail.
If you go by what the clubs were formed as, it is main club material. It's just that the main club has never read an erotica fic, and the schizo club has quit limiting itself to schizo fics, so the line they're split on isn't there anymore.
Is there a pony version of All-Might and AFO?
>It's just that the main club has never read an erotica fic, and the schizo club has quit limiting itself to schizo fics, so the line they're split on isn't there anymore.
This is ultimately what happened. 2nd club was for 6+ red tag monstrosities and then they started reading completely normal cutesy shit at some point
>Also, I didn't even remember it's present tense, much less that detail.
I don't care too much for the writing style so far (I only read 1 chapter and dont plan on reading more until after ASoSA)
>"Morning sun illuminates the lofty parlour of the two newlyweds. After they moved to Cadance's tower, the two opted to eat their meals in the comfort of their suite instead of sharing the long table downstairs with the Royal Pony Sisters. They would be welcome to join the elder alicorns, but both of the newlyweds felt uncomfortable with the idea. Cadance sits at the table and waits for her erstwhile husband to join her."
I hate this line 'Cadance sits at the table and waits for her erstwhile husband to join her.' and already in the 4.6k of the first chapter there's plenty of other similar ones that just aren't fun to read. And no, adding 'erstwhile' doesn't help.
Yeah I dunno if this'd be book club material. It's still a smut fic, just a sad one.
Whats the name of the princest fic where Twilight loves Luna but Luna only loves celestia and it ends sad as fuck? I always forget it but that's what this whole discussion has reminded me of. Something latin sounding, but that was a good example of a sad porn fic I liked
It's not that kind of sad.
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It will absolutely get wilder down the line, but take a look at this almost->review: >>39827537
That poster commented about how the length of the scenes that are in the fic that discuss sexual situations must mean that they're supposed to be pornographic, and it was a problem with them that they didn't find them hot.
The comment itself is such a fascinating window into the mind of someone who really just can't understand the fic they're reading, but they did latch onto at least one aspect we had in common, which is that the "sex scenes" weren't hot (except for the happy ending). Shiny is just all messed up because of Chrysalis' actions.
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I keep wanting to put it on my Tunafic list because the buildup of Twilight and Luna's relationship is basically perfect Tuna, except that Luna is "taken" already.
kek I feel like I can already 100% agree with that review 1 chapter in.

thanks, I should just make a new shelf for it because I'm always trying to think of the name kek. What a fic, I still haven't re-read it.
>they started reading completely normal cutesy shit at some point
I blame the shift from clop to lemon.
It happened long before Lemon I think.
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>It's like high schoolers
Could be an ESL misunderstanding, but 'barely teens' sounds a lot more like 12-13 to me.

Oh well, it doesn't hurt to take a risk every once in a while. If no one wants to read it, anons can just not vote on it. Write-ins are perfectly valid anyway, so needing "The List" for a fic already being discussed itt is kind of redundant anyway.
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You didn't misunderstand it, it's bad, and there was no cause for them to be described as being so young. The only thing between them and >>41539014 is that he's imagining them as being aware of their actions to attract him instead of acting naive.
I like how you can always tell when a writer has read Terry Pratchett. It just infects their metaphors.
Cadence NTR is the worst NTR of all.
If it's any consolation, Cadence does not NTR Shining at all in CiAM
Just blasted through this fic. I have to say, the incest thoughts subplot resolution was a total copout but I don't think there was any way to make it more satisfying without it taking up way more space in the story and that's obviously not what the story was really about. I'm sure there's some other fic out there if I want to read that psychological mess being resolved. The actual core story is great, love me some fictional trauma being worked through.
Yeah but it gets you Twilight being a secret pervert
I was embarrassingly guilty of this for an embarrassingly long amount of time.
Would you say you were embarrassed about it?
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Don't be. Pratchett's prose is still fucking great. But the beginning of that fic with the whole thing about the silence monks is lifted almost verbatim from Thief of Time.
Good, I'll definitely give it a read then
Cadence NTR makes no sense when her introduction was all about her and Shining having enough love to a) power up the rape queen and b) forcibly eject the rape queen's entire civilization via a forcefield
Have you considered that people are libidinal freaks who don't care about logic or reason? They just see pretty princess lady and say 'I want to fuck that'. Alternatively they're deeply resentful, that also happens sometimes.
Yeah that's why I got jump scared when it happened
I guess when they do shit like make Rainbow Dash a cultist that kills flightless babies and Scootaloo I shouldn't be surprised
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Shining and Cadance represent the most overtly wholesome relationship in the show, which is why they're the subject of the most corruption-focused fics on the site, and especially NTR.
Even Tamers sank a gay relationship to make it happen, that's some power.
What about Cadance being cucked?
>Have you considered that people are libidinal freaks who don't care about logic or reason
just like the dykes in the shiping thread?
>not posting the edited version
Those are mostly guys, I hate to tell you. Just like how most yaoi is consumed by girls, most yuri is by guys.
I'm tired of this revisionism about what the second club was started for.
They could be a fucking troon, it still makes no sense.
The secreter club must return to its Twinkie roots.
Even all the rarijack stuff?
Especially all that.
When Zaid finishes his fic we might.
On the one hand, it honestly, literally, unironically Isn't As Bad When It Happens To Girls.
It is bad when it happens to Cadance.

Serious answer: if it's haremshit coded then I'll jerk to it, but if it's Serious Adult Story About Adultery and Cadance is sad then I will consume it in a mature and discerning fashion and be sad along with the story. But not repulsed, in the way I get when I read a story about a male I'm intended to be sympathetic to "losing" sexually.

wrt CiAM: Shining fantasises about other mares, and has some mishaps with his doctor, but it is entirely focused around his psychosexual damage from getting raped.
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You mean TwiPie?
It's peak.
>getting raped*
Getting raped nonstop for several weeks to the point of unconsciousness while also being mindraped*
haha yeah but I already get bricked up hard enough from thinking about it you don't have to ERP with me
I snorted, good work.
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Nah, Twinkie is a much cuter name
Any good fics for it?
any good ships ?
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I'll make it easier for everyone and just direct you to:
These are pretty good and came out in the last year or so.
These are some of my favourites.
And, of course, evil Twinkie.
Just read it. It's good folks.
What happened to the collab plot? That was not the direction I thought it would go. Glad it lets me do the punchline ending, though, even if it probably breaks continuity.

>ponies naivety
I question this thesis, then. Twilight may be naive, but Celestia has the world by the balls and they all know it. How is it naive to extract a worldwide peace with your country without firing a single shot that has ensured a thousand years of prosperity? Equestria got exactly what they wanted and told the rest of the world to fuck off, we're full. Go deal with your own problems. Based and supremely isolationist pilled.

If anything, the supposedly cynical countries should be trying anything they could to wrest control of the sun and moon from Celestia and Luna, given that was the key to securing a millennium of peace and prosperity.

If we're generous, the author could mean it as in "not quite 20 yet" but it's bad verbiage in that case since "barely in their X" almost exclusively means entering X not exiting it.
>If we're generous,
It definitely shouldn't be interpreted that way. It is written as intended.
>That was not the direction I thought it would go.
Really? Because I feel like a corpse is one of those "expect the unexpected" situations. When I read the previous person's chapter, I could tell that a lot of context had been lost. I had no idea how we'd ended up in our situation, and I don't think they knew, either. All I could do was heap more stuff on top. I'll be a little surprised if the final story doesn't have somepony die in one chapter and be alive a few chapters later.
>collab plot?
It got killed. Hence why it's a corpse.
I look forward to see characters pop in twice and have contradictory information.
I look forward to seeing how many times the story becomes something completely different.
I expect at least two.
Since the corpse is soon to wrap up, and I offered to do the cover art.
Considering the plot is guaranteed to be ultra zany now, maybe doing something super relevant may not be plausible.
One option I had in mind was to do something akin to what Ponemurdered did and have the pfps of everyone who wrote a chapter featured in a collage of sorts.
To make it a tad more dynamic, I would've liked to do something akin to >picrel with whatever the title ends up being right in the middle.
Anon, it's long been established that antis are the biggest consumers of this stuff.
That's why you badger the previous writer for "clarifications" and make 'em spill some info about what they were working off of.
If you're feeling up to it, you could redraw the profile pics to inject some personality into 'em.
This sounds pretty cool, especially with >>41540663's suggestion if you're up for it.
>I could tell that a lot of context had been lost.
The best you can do is try to pass forward the bits of context that the author before you included to stay, but the problem is that it's unlikely that the next guy will also realize that you put it there for that reason. When it got to my chapter, I saw a bunch of plot threads that have clearly been passed down the writers. I'm pretty sure at least some of them died with me. Plus, piling on random stuff means something has to go with each chapter.
If we ever do it again, we could maybe have a 1-sentence prompt.

That sounds nice. I am once again tempted to swap my avatar for something prettier.
What exactly is "lesbian" about that pic?
Probably the artist intended it as a Rarijack pic? Like a date or something? I didn't even notice it's a shipping pic.
of course it's shipping, why would anyone put up with dresswhorse's bullshit if they weren't smashing?
Lesbianism is gross.

Pregnant Pinkie Pie's particularly pretty.
it's a shopping pic, not a shipping pic
The irony.

The anatomy on this is just as bad as the vore. Yuck.
im looking for a fic i read in like the 2013-ish era, im not really a brony anymore but i still look back on it as one of the best things ive ever read. cant find it on my fimfiction/fanfiction accounts.

it was about some depressed grizzled dude who met anthro applejack in a bar in an isolated farming town and helped her out with something and then they fucked and he couldnt cum because he was too sad about his dead wife or something.

im like 60% sure it was second person, and im like 80% sure he did similar works for the rest of the mane 6. anyone know what im talking about? i think it mightve been on pastebin which seems impossible to find unless you have a direct link.
Not anthro like you remember, but humanised. So slightly less degenerate.
oh my god yeah i thought they were the same thing, like i said i havent been here in a while but thank u so much. howd you find it so fast?
also, do you have any idea removed? i was confused when i didnt see it on my fimfiction account, i was pretty brazenly favoriting shit on there, i didnt know about this archival site.
>What happened to the collab plot?
Could we hold off on the blame game until everything's published?
Also they're really shallow characters so it's even easier for people to warp them.
>a bunch of plot threads
You must not have received my chapter. I only received one plot thread, and maybe (if you were generous) I separated it into two.
>1-sentence prompt
How about, "Fans of My Little Human who congregate on an anonymous message board decide to write an exquisite corpse"? And the whole thing can be them complaining to each other about the shitty chapters that other ponies are writing.
Sounds like some proper avante-garde ficcery.
>complaining to each other about the shitty chapters that other ponies are writing
Come on, >>41541157 is right. I can't wait to read the whole thing and see what I wrote get immediately discarded, but it'll be fun either way. It could also be that I just lucked out on the writer order and got the best seat, we'll see.
Having read all of them, Jessi is unarguably the point where the core plot element got shredded. That said, we were eventually able to land on a different set of tracks.
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What is a corpse if not an opportunity to shamelessly add concepts you like for others to regre-njoy?
One cannot overstate the T rating's importance in keeping this from becoming a 120 Days-tier crime against literature.
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The skis.
How can one anon be so wrong in just two sentences?
Remind me, who's editing all of this together?
>how'd you find it so fast?
It was easy to recognise after your summary. I also read it and enjoyed it many years ago—the Pinkie and Twi ones he wrote that follow a similar vein are good too.
As for why they were removed, the author deleted his account, wiping the fics off the site. I didn't realise that had happened either since I read Semi's fics on the now dead (explicit.) ponyfictionarchive.net kek
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No, I don't see it. Their shallowness makes it that much harder, because there isn't any nuance to exploit or exaggerate. The same thing that attracts corruption fetishists to them makes it transparent when they do their thing.
It reminds me of DoaM, in which the author injected his cucking fetish in an extremely obvious way by trying to depict them as liking it. But, there's no pathto write believable Shining/Cadance cuck porn, so he skipped it, and it's just him wanting to write OCs with their names for his corruption fetish. In contrast, there is a million word corruption arc for Twilight where it is plausible that years of exposure to the Discord MC would change her character.
We all are.
Surely not me, I don't even know what this "editing" thing is you're talking about
Damn a lot of people really wanted Twilight to be Luna's daughter
And every single one of them's an unfinished fic.
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Not quite Luna, but ___ is finished.
I guess I was on enough benadryls last night that the fic I started to read I thought was finished, but it was not, and it was left unfinished six years ago at a cliffhanger
Fucking flakes, all of them
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The one time spoilers should not fail me for the joke to work, they obviously do just that.
L(una's d)aughter really is the best medicine, except when it comes to writer's blocks.
>look for stuff where Twilight is Celestia's daughter
>What happened to the collab plot? That was not the direction I thought it would go.
This has to be a quote in the story description.
Oh god it's all diaper stuff too why
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I'm reading a Tunafic like that. Becoming one With the Night. The writing quality is very similar to the club fic I dropped for it. But has lots of cute Tuna, so I'm enjoying it a lot more.
Statistics guy be like:
>"today, I will write the ending of the corpse!"
>begins to read
>spinning tetrahedron, with four different nonsensical plot lines
Finally a meme to replace the AAG one
Twinkie Lunamom fic...
I'm listening.
>Things are actually happening
This is not how I thought this week's portion of the club would go. At all.
In the distant past Luna banged the court jester
Now Twilight bangs Pinkie

Turns out alicorns have a thing for funny folk
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So Blueblood descends from a whole dynasty of clowns.
No because Celestia is far less fuckable
Celly's just his aunt.
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but does anyone has any of RagingSemi's works? The ones that would violated FimFiction's rules, if you know what I mean?

Use to be you could find on the Explicit Pony Fiction Archive, but it didn't seem like it survived the move to AO3.

Any works would be great, but I'm mainly looking for Equestrian Renaissance. Most of it's on the Pastebin, but it's missing several chapters (probably due to Pastebin's rules about that sort of thing.)
Have you tried poneb.in? Works great if you're not Russian.
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I did a first draft. All as long as I don't have to write, eh?
It's a bit sketchy, but I feel it's a good start. Opinions?
Looks good, lower-right third exhibiting dangerous levels of SMUG.
What's on the other side of this page?
For a moment I thought this was a reply to >>41542128.
It may be. You never know.
It does seem like a good start. I think I'd like it if the middle, instead of being text like Ponemurdered, was related to the fic itself. For example, a giant poop emoji.
>related to the fic itself.
At this point, I'm convinced the are at least three different plots in the story
I look like some epic writer god, which is extremely fitting.
Overall, it's not too shabby, I think this could work, yes.
Say, Tunafag, what makes you simply drop a fic, but finishing others, despite saying you didn't enjoy them? Just curious, because you seem like to be pretty opinionated in many cases, which would imply a low reading completion rate.
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My completion rate for club fics is very poor, but it's high for fics that I pick for myself because I know how to find what I want to read. If I don't finish a fic I picked, I'll usually drop it within a couple thousand words for terrible prose or characterization. e.g. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/318019/of-love-and-loss was one fail out of I think 6 other fics, one of which was Beyond the Veil of Sleep, before the next dropped one.

For borderline fics, it's simple: if is makes me too frustrated, I'll put it down, and if I put it down too many times, I'll switch to a different fic. In general, I'm aware of my RIL and Tuna shelves, and when I saw the starting point for Condense in the club fic, I quickly decided I'd rather be reading Becoming One With the Night than Candy's downfall. The most difficult fic by far in the last year was H A Z E, which I finished.
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I guess to more explicitly answer "finishing a fic despite not enjoying it," that almost never happens. The last one was probably that Twinkie fic, and that was 90% from it being short and 10% from wanting to participate in the club.

I use the downvote button mostly to mark a fic so I don't come back to it later, having forgotten it, because I only read one or two chapters. Especially because reading with my e-reader doesn't otherwise show progress on the site.
How's fim fanfiction in general these days?? I feel like I've been in a coma for 9 years... I haven't thought about fanfic in general for so long because real life shit happened, but I was obsessed for a while and then it just completely disappeared from my life.

I still have WIPs I was writing from way back when that I doubt would make sense with the modern canon... should I even bother finishing those? is there still an audience for this?
>found myself in this
kek, nice.
>How's fim fanfiction in general these days?
The amount of porn remains constant, everything else has decreased. But only slightly.
You used to get tons of Fallout Equestria sidefics. Now it's mostly Equestria at War fanfics.
G5 doesn't seem to have made a splash in the fanfic scene.
Fanfiction scene is not as strong as it used to be but still going.
>I doubt would make sense with the modern canon
I think quite a few people ignore the canon of later seasons in general, Especially if it clashes with fics currently being written.
>should I even bother finishing those?
Yes. People choose to set fics in earlier seasons all the time.
>I doubt would make sense with the modern canon...
Modern canon barely makes sense. Just go ahead, Anon. You will have an audience.
Yeah, I was expecting it to either totally derail into a nonsensical crackfic or drift into some generic SoL territory. Instead, I can see the steady progression from the starting plot to the ending plot. Given how relatively "serious" the story stayed, what surprises me is how the protagonists completely shifted at some point. That seems like the one thing that would have remained relatively consistent from chapter to chapter.

Kek. Glad you were able to capture Tweyelight in all her glory.

There's definitely at least three from what I'm seeing.

>How's fim fanfiction in general these days?
Pretty similar to how it's always been, but it's shrunken quite a bit. Shift the decimal over to the left one spot and you get a good picture of the like/view count now. The "episode of the week" and "waifu of the month" oneshots canon used to do are now filled by AiE.

>should I even bother finishing those?
You should always try to finish your deadfics. From the earliest day, fanfics have never followed canon and have never been expected to. That's why the AU tag is reserved for "pre-story" changes to the setting.
Ain't seeing which one I'm meant to be, but I am blind. Looks fine so far though.
Are you just doing a sketch, or are you planning on lineart/colouring it? If not then I could always do that.
I'm inking it. But if you want to do colours, I'll gladly offload that to you.
Also, do we have any idea what we'll call this?
You're (in) the bottom.
Bit hard to come up with a title when you've got close to no idea of what the story's about.
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Though if you want something non-specific--as a working title, if nothing else--may I suggest "A Queer Tail"?
>Also, do we have any idea what we'll call this?
It's nearly Nightmare Night and, based on what I know about the story, "A Scary Book" or something similarly vague could work.
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I've got it: The Failed Abortion.
>Implying Rarity's backroom business deals aren't all anal to prevent this specific scenario
They're backroom, not backdoor. You think Fancy Pants or Hoity Toity would be satisfied with a shithole?
I imagine they're pretty used to that.
don't project your anal fixation on ponies.
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K I N O. Excited to see the final version.
If you're confident in lineart and colouring then that's fine, I just offered because I usually see people drawing traditional are doing digital far less.
I guess you have a scanner, I haven't seen one of those for ages.
I'd throw in "A Tale as Old as Time" as an option. It's a little cliché, but it has at least some plot relevance and it pokes fun at the amount of time the corpse took.
We could've had it done 3 years ago if it wasn't for this retard:
>project failed
A Tale Old as Time indeed.
We could've done it eight yesrs ago if the Superstorm hadn't gotten three chapters one
That's a good one. Maybe "timeless" can get thrown in somewhere.

I'm glad that attempt failed, because that was before I was here.
Also why not just call it what we called it? The Exquisite Corpse.
Description being something along the lines of it being an exhumed collaborative effort between authors to write a frankenstein'd story.
That's a bit too generic, I feel.
Eh, I figure it's perfectly salient. It says exactly what it is on the tin.
>not liking penis
fuck are you doing here?
Not him but, despite the shitposts, I think half of this thread isn't gay. It's just in the faggots' nature to make their affiliation widely known.
I do wonder though, why it was this current attempt that eventually lead to a finished story? Despite how we're well into the twilight years of the fandom. Was it because of the "anything goes" rule we established? Was it because of this particular group of authors? Was it something else?
Captcha: PAMG4Y
It was me. I carried it.
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The /fimfic/ secret cabal of [current_year] is just way too strong and must be stopped. First the successful Starter Kit revamp, and now a collaborative writing project!
Jokes aside, it might be that people simply got older and (dare I say it) more responsible. If you're on /fimfic/, on /mlp/, in 2k10+14 then you're probably at least a little serious about this whole 'ponies' thing. And it's easier to get 20+ year olds to do something together than it is to herd a bunch of teenagers. People say "twilight years" like it's a bad thing, but FiM's fandom has entered that phase very gracefully. G5 flopped supper hard and yet it did next to no damage to the fandom.
No, it was me
Title will be discussed once we have all the chapters, along with other details. As for what to put in the middle (Statistics anon don't read this yet), I'd suggest a book with Discord coiled around it in the shape of an infinity sign.
How about a composite image of all of the writers' dicks?
I'm afraid that's not possible.
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I'm a woman
Anon, there are no girls on the internet.
this kicks ass, wtf
Explain /co/.
Faggotry. The answer is always faggotry.
I believe in stupidity before malice, so women must exist on the internet.
The internet is also full of dumb faggots, anon.
I'm a prime example.
My wife browses this and she's the one who asked me to watch MLP with her.
Relationship goals. My gf is a Monochromatic fan.
Why are you married to a man pretending to be woman?
don't be so hard on yourself
you're only dummy thicc
Sadly, that is no longer the case...
I only started browsing this thread about 6 months ago, so I'm not part of the cool kids club. Wasn't the corpse in full swing by then? How long has the current corpse been going on?
First chapter was completed June 6th.
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don't spoonfeed glimmertards.
Welp, think I exhausted the list of mom luna stuff (unless anyone knows or has recommendations)
Never seen a particular topic be so popular but also so FUCKING unfinished
>June 6th
Huh, guess I'm just out of the loop. The corpse sounds like fun, so it's a little disappointing to miss out. Will def. read it when it's done.
I'm so, so sorry about being a latefag.
Glimmer's not even my top mare. I just don't want to be the third rariflag itt.
You don't need to wear a fucking flag.
you don't need to seethe about it.
>nooo you used a swear you must be seething
You need to be 18 to post here.
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>still seething about pictures of ponies in the post
Listen to me, you braindead motherfucker. It's not about the ponies. It's about avatarfagging and attention whoring. It's calling unnecessary attention to yourself. You're not posting a story or a CYOA where keeping track of the person in charge is important. This is not the book club discussions, where several people are talking and having different flags makes it easier to keep track of how the conversation is flowing.
You don't see most of the club people using their flags during weekdays, do you?
Every time you post you prove how hard you miss the point of anything anyone says. You poison every conversation you butt in. I hope every Tuna fic ever written from now on is disappointing at best.
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>He responded to tunanigger bait
>I just don't want to be the third rariflag itt.
Then use it just for the bookclub. There's no reason for this quasi-namefagging.
I just hate him that much.
Progress is being made.
I'll probably finish the main line art tomorrow, and then start shading to make it look like the original pic>>41540363, if only a little bit.
Then, I'll do the colours, and hopefully it'll be out by the weekend.
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Hey, I lurk, I see prevalent flag use, I go "Hmm, maybe I'll use a flag today". I'd say to bring it up to luna-, rari-, or appleflag if you've got a problem with it, but it looks like you've done that already.
This whole exchange just confirms my suspicions that this thread is half a dozen >cabal fags sucking each other's cocks while the other 10 people sit around and watch.
>>cabal fags
Not that guy, but those unironically are the ones wearing the flags. It's what namefagging of yore (another very bad habit that this thread kept for longer than most of the site) evolved into. Go into any other thread on the board and look for flaggots. You won't find more than one consistent flagfag in just about any general. Here, though, Tunafag thrives on negative attention and Applefag is a flaming faggot. That's the company you're keeping by putting on a flag.
There's also way more than 15 people here. That's maybe the number of regulars, but there's a large number of people just dropping by and disappearing.
>G% ends tomorrow
Did we at least get any good fics out of it? I should finish the one I was writing about ghost Rarity that's clearly influenced by my fetishes.
I suspect this is why /tg/ gets shit done.
I have never watched a single episode, nor lurked the threads. I cannot name any characters, plots, or dramas. I do not know how many episodes or seasons it had. I have read no fics.
>I have read no fics
Well yeah, you're posting here. That goes without saying.
>There's also way more than 15 people here.
EaW really is the FoE of our day, isn't it?
I wonder what'll eventually supplant it.
>FoE was WWIII
>EaW is WWII
So it'll be something with WWI. And then after that maybe we'll get a setting around wars analogous to the Napoleonic wars.
Is Mirror Mare the modern day Nyx? How I long to be able to have this kind of impact on the fandom. Is fics being relevant a thing of ages past?
Thanks for the cute pic of the real Luna. Not reading your posts though.
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You work yourself up into a froth because you're upset my posts stand out, yet you do nothing to solve the problem you're so upset about. All you have to do is use this site properly and my posts won't stand out.
I don't see any pictures of the best pony attached to your post. They're right there in the post form. Just use them. Post the best pony in the best pony thread on the pony board.
There's no Flurry Heart flag.
Shinzakura has died
His fics weren't good, but they were always entertaining
Wait, for real? Fuck.
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My poem is at 780 words, will get it done by tonight and then edit/submit tomorrow
>any idea what we'll call this?
Fantastic Faggy Futa Foalcon Festival.
Gods I hate the way puppet based animation causes her mane to be mirrored for part the animation. It's the one unblemished improvement 3D animation brought to the franchise.
Yeah. His wife was posting updates in the Berylverse discord the whole time he was in the hospital. Things were looking okay for a while, but at some point the doctors decided to transfer him to a long-term care facility, and his condition really deteriorated after that.
How's that writing going?
Got anything spooky for Halloween?
Even if I've only read the reviews rather than his full works, that sucks. R.I.P.
The club shall read AAG in his honour.
I can't think of anything scarier than >>41546881
What the hell are you talking about

Wet dreams happen because your brain gets horny, that's literally it. if you want to have wet dreams more often just stop fapping so your body has to get rid of the buildup of cum in your balls. No I'm not joking, I would know
"X happens for Y reason" does not disprove "X happens for Z reason". He didn't imply it's an only type of deal. It's just like how vomiting is a symptom of ARS but not everyone who vomits is suffering from it.
AAG itself is a bit long for that (unless you just want to do the first chapter, which IIRC was originally a oneshot). But Kind Hearts & Coronets would fit - it's only 133k:
I just wrote my corpse part, I feel like my writing goals for this quarter were met. Sadly.
I finally got started on the K'awka sequel.
I'm worried it'll end up far longer than the original. I'm mulling it over, but I'd rather write itnsooner than later, anyway.
You're all too giddy and it's making me sick. As someone with no stakes in this abominable corpse, I'll play devil's advocate.

The picture's concept and execution (although in progress) is mediocre at best and only promotes that the fic is nothing more than a circlejerk, as not even the story's theme can be gleaned from it, let alone anything actually identifiable from MLP. A solid color would provide more context than this. The people who think it's good are blind, showing faux encouragement, or just happy that their pathetic online personalities are getting free attention. It's purely masturbatory.

The one reason I can see why someone would voluntarily choose to read this collab is to get a quick summary of the degenerated mental states of the faggots that reside here. Perhaps the previous collabs failed because people then were self-aware enough to treat it as a joke rather than commit to a public mistake that will either be immediately brushed aside and forgotten, or serve as a symptomatic milestone of the end times. Even if you say that you simply had fun writing it and don't care what others think, you will still become what you hate: soft cliquey bitches that purposely upload low quality trash. I bet you'll all self-upvote it, too.
I also foresee Appleflaggot impotently arguing with some poor clueless fuck in the comments (if it even gets any).

Don't hate me because you know down in your disgusting little blood-pumpers that I'm right. At least it's free, good luck~!
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This thread is such a massive fucking circlejerk. Half of the activity in a week is just the same little group of flaggots bitching to each other about the corpse instead of actually writing shit. Sometimes I'm surprised they don't have a discord server together, since it seems like one would fit their dynamic perfectly, but then they wouldn't be able to attentionwhore in the thread.
The way they subject everyone to their little inside joke is fucking obnoxious. How about one of you actually write something that isn't just autistic self-gratification?

By the way, I talked to Rariflag during Mare Fair and he was as much of a pretentious pseud as I expected. He constantly talked down to me, as if I'd never published a fic or even read a book in my life, and pussied out when I actually tried to talk about writing fics.
>Rariflag: ... and I've had a lot of fics make it into the box before, so keep [...] in mind if you want to get a fic in there, too, since it can be difficult.
"Oh yeah, I had a fic make it to the sinbox about a month ago."
>Yeah, the site is slower these days, so it's easier to get in.
>Something people should do to improve their writing is read books outside of just fimfiction.
"Yeah, I agree. I'm partway through Madame Bovary [at the time] and I really like Flaubert's style. I try to incorporate bits of it in my writing. Are you reading any books right now?"
And the motherfucker just shut up and walked away after a few seconds to go off to someone else. I forget what panel this was, but it was in the Plone Hangar. Stringy dark hair, kind of fat, you know who you are.
>you'll all self-upvote it, too.
Actually, not a bad idea. And if we all also open the first chapter upon publication, we'll automatically propel this abomination into the sinbin, due to how the algorithm works.
>Is Mirror Mare the modern day Nyx?
Only when she's resurrected as Trixie and Twilight's daughter.
>Stringy dark hair, kind of fat, you know who you are.
I really don't remember myself being there, but maybe I've finally gone full schizo.
He told me he posted under a rarity flag, but wasn't the one who ran the book club. Is that you?
>By the way...
All lies. You should have been aborted.
We were both there, but I guess you were too preoccupied looking for cocks to suck to remember me. How about pulling your head out of your ass for once? Of course you'll think you're hot shit if you're eating it from the source.
I've decided to write an Eris story for this Nightmare Night. I haven't even started.

I'm sorry our conversation wasn't better, although I don't recall it being quite this bad, but it's entirely possible, sure.

>And the motherfucker just shut up and walked away after a few seconds to go off to someone else.
I don't recall snubbing you like this, Glimmerflag. I probably thought our conversation was over. I have a good memory, and don't recall you mentioning that book, but I could be misremembering.

>and I've had a lot of fics make it into the box before
I don't recall saying this. My record with the box isn't impressive, so I don't think I would brag about it.

>I forget what panel this was, but it was in the Plone Hangar.
That would be Ficwhores Anonymous. Have you considered that we'd just finished talking with Beeranon about writing stories, and that I considered our conversation to be a quick hello before I went somewhere else?

It's possible he confused someone else for me later on, but I think that to be unlikely.
Oh yeah, that was me: >>41547183
Well damn man, maybe I just read things poorly, but it honestly felt like you were brushing me off. I was trying to have a conversation with you, and you didn't really show much interest, and I guess I just took it personally.
Sorry for getting heated just now, though. What I wrote there is really my recollection of our conversation from my side, so take it as my perspective of things. I'm sure I misinterpreted some things you said.
I'm not taking back what I said about the thread being a circlejerk, though. What I posted earlier with my flag was under the (mistaken) impression that flaggotry was encouraged and that it was up to me to assimilate into the thread.
>not even the story's theme can be gleaned from it
None of us even know the theme yet.
>showing faux encouragement
I'd do that for you, too. Because you're my friend. We're all friends here. Friendship is magic, isn't it?
>The one reason I can see why someone would voluntarily choose to read this collab
Did you read Ponemurdered? I'm guessing not. Part of the enjoyment of reading an exquisite corpse is the meta aspect where you watch the story morph as plot points get forgotten and new ones get introduced. Maybe that's not fun for you, but Ponemurdered has hundreds of likes, so plenty of people must have enjoyed it.
>This thread is such a massive fucking circlejerk
Sometimes, yes, but I don't think the corpse is. One of the defining characteristics of circlejerks is that they're exclusive; outsiders aren't welcome. But as far as I'm aware, nobody treated their corpse chapters that way. Instead, they treated the corpse as a serious story, one to be read and enjoyed by everyone.
I hate them too.
>How about one of you actually write something that isn't just autistic self-gratification?
I bet the corpse authors have, collectively, this year alone, already published 200k words and gotten 1k upvotes, and I don't think it was all autistic self-gratification.
>pretentious pseud
He's a flaggot, so what did you expect?
>Madame Bovary
I read that in high school, and I thought it was great. But I tried to listen to it as an audiobook recently, and I couldn't do it. Flaubert's style is too rich. Even after slowing it down to 85%, I was hearing all the words, but the way he puts them together into sentences and paragraphs is unique, and I wanted to really study it, which you can't do with an audiobook. Right now, I'm nearing the end of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera. It has some good moments, though so far I'm not blown away.
>Well damn man, maybe I just read things poorly, but it honestly felt like you were brushing me off.
I'm sorry for giving you that impression, that wasn't my intent. In general, I only had extended conversations with a few people who knew who I was. I'm aware that I write odd things, and wasn't there to talk about that too much.

>I was trying to have a conversation with you, and you didn't really show much interest, and I guess I just took it personally.
See, I thought we were just greeting each other for the most part. We'd just spent the previous hour or so talking about writing.

>Sorry for getting heated just now, though.
It's fine.

>I'm sure I misinterpreted some things you said.
One thousand autistic people at a pony convention are bound to have some misunderstandings, yes.

>I'm not taking back what I said about the thread being a circlejerk, though.
Fair enough.

>What I posted earlier with my flag was under the (mistaken) impression that flaggotry was encouraged and that it was up to me to assimilate into the thread.
This general is about a website that requires accounts. Using a soft form of identity here is fine as far as I see it. I don't always use my flag here, but which is worse: using flags, or having people accuse each other of being certain people every thread?
>which is worse
>having people accuse each other of being certain people every thread?
Isn't that a direct result of the flags? Accusations of samefagging have existed for decades now, but the flags have certainly made things worse.
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My problem with the corpse is to be honest, slight bitterness at not participating but still having it shoved in my face every day, but also how twee the authors are being about actually writing the damn thing. I get that there's not anywhere more appropriate to talk about it, but enough of the
>Oh, so-and-so took x days to write his chapter!
>Oh, such-and-such is taking too long!
>Oh man, I don't even know what so-and-so is doing to the main characters!
>Oh, let's make a cover with all of our personas on it!
All this concern over who's who is just as bad as flags, in my opinion. You say you're not trying to be a circlejerk by being inclusive, but any discussion about the corpse is already limited to the circle of the dozen people who actually worked on it.
American high school didn't have me read many books, unfortunately. I loved reading as a kid, and I'm trying to rekindle that spark as an adult now. I took a note of your book to hopefully take a look at when I have time.
I'm glad I got to hear your side of things. I don't hold any misgivings against you.
I agree with >>41547366 that having flags is worse than not. Your identity is really only necessary during the book club and when you're posting links to your fics. At least the way I see it, anyway.
>Oh, so-and-so took x days to write his chapter!
That was just about shaming Gold Meddle into finishing his chapter. And it worked!
Actually a good move.
If Treeslops can game the system then so can we!
If we still had to have flags, I feel it would've worked better if they served as thread IDs.
You enter a thread, you get a randomly assigned flag. It would've lead to humorous situations, at the very least.
>slight bitterness at not participating
If you wanted to participate you literally had to signal interest in thread and message anyone that was already participating on FIMfic, because I would assume you have a FIMfic account. It was going for so long, and Filly joined in late when we were almost done, you could also have done so.
>what we'll call this?
I think we have to wait until the whole thing's together before we can come with a title/synopsis, given the story's shifted at least three times.

I warned him to use the Fimfic group like this one did, but he didn't listen.

>this current attempt
Most previous ideas got bogged down by structural details at the beginning. The anthology died because no one could agree on the genre, for example. This was able to break that by quickly setting the ground rules within a day. and whereas writing retardation doomed the superstorm, that doesn't matter here since it's partially baked into the very premise.

Confirmed. Didn't even know he was in a car accident.

>with an offer to make the laughably simple "complex" relationship chart of AAG
Top Kek. Even in a memorial post mourning him, that fucking chart still gets mentioned. Thanks for giving me one last laugh about it, Shinzakura.

>long-term care facility
So almost certain brain damage. Probably not the worst thing he went quickly, if that's the case.

1800 words in for the collab finale. Should be done by the weekend, then it's back to the archmage's wild ride.

None. I've never been a horror fan so have never bothered writing it.

>someone would voluntarily choose to read this collab
It's a crackfic. They'd read it to see the trainwreck that it likely is. I don't expect it'll do terribly well since it is a crackfic and the original corpse only managed 600 upvotes back in 2012, despite being co-written by some of the most horsefamous fic writers of the time.

>any discussion about the corpse is already limited to the circle of the dozen people who actually worked on it
You snooze, you lose. I don't get pissy when the book club eats up half a thread about a fic I didn't read. I just ignore the posts and move on.
>collab finale
>ground rules
I think one of our successes was that the ground rules were so simple. Pretty quickly, we reached consensus that we weren't going to try to agree on a premise, or an overarching plot, or background material, or anything like that. We agreed on some broad boundaries and trusted everyone to write like a responsible adult. That strategy was always going to result in a mess, but at least it was a mess we could finish.
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You really should have opened the conversation with saying that you were in your first, second, or third trimester (depending on how fat you are) and asked him for an autograph on your belly—maybe to blow a raspberry on it too. Actually, now that I'm thinking of raspberries and blowing men, I feel that the frequency of Rarity, and to a lesser extent the other mares, performing lip-trills increased exponentially as the seasons went on. Are there statistics on this? I'll have to study it and report my findings.

That would devolve instantly into threads of X flag controls the thread and unfair spitting on the poor spikefags who don't deserve the hate.
Last chapter.
Oh I see, so we are waiting on one more.
I thought Filly was the last entry.
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glimmer lives rent free in the minds of fags on /fimfic/
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His was the penultimate, it's xTSGx's task to pen the ultimate.
Fuck, you've gone and reminded me of a guy in the Princess Luna Love and Adoration Panel (I was just there to burn time) who kept joking that his male friend was pregnant, and even went to the front of the panel to talk about it while everyone else up front was there to praise Luna. That guy was weird.
pot, meet kettle.
>still having it shoved in my face every day
I don't have the time to, but pretend I went on an anti-Golly level tirade about how wrong you are. Discussion only became frequent recently because it's close to done. Also, until literally a week ago or so, you still had time to participate, which you would have known if you actually browsed the thread instead of just pretending to.
Stop circlejerking
I've bungled all my bangles
This is my flag now.
I'm sorry about your parents.
She's a supremely fuckable mare. That there isn't Glimmer though.
I truly don't understand the circlejerk accusation. What the fuck?
We don't stick together because we're arrogant; we do it because, as some of the last enthusiasts of well-crafted proseᅳwith grammar that hasn't gone feral and themes that stretch beyond "Anon Fuck ponies"ᅳwe're practically an endangered species.
It's not about superiority; it's about holding ourselves to a standard that, frankly, not everyone on this board can appreciate. Think of us as keepers of a fading art, an ancient guild dedicated to maintaining the flame of complex characters and coherent storylines. Without our little circle, huddled around our flickering candles of literary nuance, that flame would be snuffed out by a wave of greentexts and dime-a-dozen HiE retarded tropes.
So no, it's not hubris when we come together to encourage each other. It's survival. It's duty. And if someone has to stand as the last defenders of FIMfiction's soul, well, we're willing to make that sacrifice.
New pasta just dropped.
HRT load.
>He dripped lube on his phone rather than properly jizzing on it
Weak willed, lmao.
I really hope that's water on the phone screen
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Half of it overshot and hit my PC instead.
>implying I'd waste even the cheapest lube
What's wrong with your local water supply?
I am once again shilling the flag randomizer.
I am once again telling you to slurp down my semen.
I hope it's not >>41548113, because there is not much.
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Post your wank.
you were saying?
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can you @everyone when you publish pls
>the last things G5 did were giving Izzy godlike powers and laying the groundwork for incest bestiality
I can work with this.
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They did what? What the fuck happened to G%, this makes my shitty Sombrafic look tame.
>the groundwork for incest bestiality
With G%'s long-overdue demise, have you thought of doing one of those retrospective blogs on your first fic?
Haven jokingly refers to Zipp, Pipp, and Misty as Cloudpuff's sisters. Which is purely a joke on the whole "fur baby" thing, but if you want you can get kinky with it. And Izzy wills a water park in and out of existence by channeling her Nova Charm rainbow power.
I'm squarejerking
Why not write, instead?
That's some good sauce chef, thanks.
Meant for >>41548113
More of a Squarepusher bloke myself
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Do people disapprove of working in very minor G5 elements into a fic? I wanted to have hints of Skyros and treat it sort of like a pony version of Aldmeris.
Skyros is exactly the kind of G% lore that makes fans dismiss the whole thing as garbage.
Why not make your own alicorn lore and homeland, at that point?
Didn't G5 take Skyros from something else?
Skyros was directly taken from the Faust-approved Journal of the Two Sisters, you fake G4 fans.
Can you show either of those things?
I'd like the names to be consistent and Aldmareis seemed like too easy a pun to make.
The journal didn't say what their origins were.
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Ancient advanced civilization is like key fantasy lore 101 though.
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Finally got my poem out, with just a few hours to spare! Requesting criticism, comments, &c


Who knew writing in verse took so much more effort than a comparable amount of prose? It seems obvious in retrospect, but I was writing at a rate of probably 100 words an hour with this.
>Captcha: TVRKJY
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You can steal them from 9DD or even Sharing the Night, then? Even quarter assing something else similar would be better than using G%'s besmirchment of G4.
That just seems needlessly autistic.
The path I would take with Skyros would be to make it generally regarded as mythological and invented for the sake of founding myths and ancient legends, kind of like how Troy was regarded for hundreds of years before they actually found it. Keep it vague and utopian; it should be more of a motif than a concrete place. I think if it's minor enough, then people wouldn't care whether it's from G5 or your own headcanon. Your approach sounds pretty good.
Specifically "technologically advanced" is very cliche, though. It's more interesting for an ancient civilisation to be viewed as a golden age of culture and art, or maybe morality, to contrast it to the dull and rational present.
Desu if you're already borrowing from somewhere, I don't see why taking from a good fic is any worse than a separate generation that, if you set your fic still in G4, really is nothing but hasbro's official fanfic. Most readers probably won't care either way as long as there's no G5 tag.
"Golden age of culture and art" also implies a level of technology. The greeks had machines, computers, and steam engines IRL, to say nothing of Roman engineering.
A long ago golden age to try and return to is just a common myth in most cultures in general.
The "steam engines" of the Romans and Greeks were very few in number and only regarded as novelties. They were never leveraged in an industrial capacity; even if the tech was there, the culture wasn't suitable for an industrial revolution. The same goes for the mechanical computers of the Greeks. The Romans had highly advanced engineering, true, and I agree that there's generally a correlation between the development of art and technology within a civilisation. What I mean is simply that the cultural field is the main focus of comparison between the old and new civilisations. Consider that even after the fall of the Romans, metallurgy and agriculture continued to see technological advancement. However, classical culture (art, literature, even political organisation) was still romanticised as superior to western culture by many up until the 19th century.
Well done, Anon. I tried myself, but ran out of steam at like 300 words. Doesn't help that I chose an arbitrary and autistic restriction as a challenge.
I'm trying to find a specific fic. In it, Twilight was talking with the others members of the Mane 6 and found out about their lengthy criminal records. I remember Rarity did tax evasion and Rainbow Dash killed a pony during a sports riot.
That was by Jimmy I believe.

Yes! Thank you!
What's his obsession with making the M6 into such terrible people?
Humour. Comedy. Laughs
He's a convicted criminal, what do you think?
What did they get him for, aggravated buggery?
Write what you know, they say.
Why is that? Where's all the settings in which the world is young and blazing a totally new trail?
I ate them all.
A young world is too young to have mythology and fantasy settings often thrive off mythology.
It can have some, it'll just be more limited and primitive. Primitive as in the mythologies will literally be about more primitive societies.
>the myth of unga bunga's sharp stick
where's the fun in that?
Isn't this the plot of DDatHoD?
It's literally the opposite of that. DD and Caballeron are looking for the last remains of a technologically advanced civilization from thousands of years ago who, in turn, were the last to find Hand of Doom—a terrifying device of a pre-pony sci-fi civilization that lived in Equestria millions of years ago. The further they go, the more advanced the tech. There's a not-so-secret order of pre-Celestial unicorns* who wear pretty much just power armor and create robots.
The slow decay of all things is a major story point all fic, and some of the main characters hate Celestia for making the world stagnant.
If the alicorns are aldmer who are the dwemer?
The alicorns are the dwemer though.
>and some of the main characters hate Celestia for making the world stagnant.
Do you mean they hated her for preventing the decay?
I'm pretty sure an old pointy stick is a key plot element.
No, but to be fair it's an antagonist who says this. His point is that while the world will inevitably decay, the only thing slowing it down on the grand scale is the struggle of every next civilization before they go extinct. Celestia secured a safe place for all the ponies so they don't have to try nearly as hard to survive, and she also stopped any threats that could "make room" in Equestria for the next species.

Yes, but it's also not pointy unless it's in the magic lightsaber mode.
They have magic, not technology
But they're old and knowledgeable beyond compare and there's only two of them left.
Dwemer aren't knowledgeable they just hate the world so much they can ignore it's rules.
If any draconeququs are dwemer.
Six and a half.
Three of them were artificially created in the modern age. They're not the ancient ones.
Still, why would alicorns be aldmer?
I'm pretty sure one of them was natural.
>Artificially created
Cumming inside Cadence is considered artificial now?
>and the last one in existence is hideously deformed
That fits. I guess Discord's "magic" is actually sufficiently advanced technology.
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They're not the original ancient alicorns and that's the important bit here.
That's still three of them rather than two.
Three ancient alicorns in the series. DYEWTS?
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Im working on an edgy AU of my own and plan to spend 10 years of my life working on in and expanding a big universe of cringe autism so probably that since itll basically be another FO:E type thing
Anon, Nightmare Moon is not a separate alicorn. She is Luna.
It better be really cringe worthy, Anon!
It will be both less cringe than FO:E but more cringe in its own ways. A perfect balance is what I seek.
Not talking about her.
>the one they used to bully when they were young
That's Luna.
Wrong. She's much hotter than Luna.
I didn't know you liked Twist that way, anon.
But no. I'm talking about miss la da da de da da daaa evilbutt.
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Hey, Bon Bon grew up into a sexy mare.
Sunbutt or Moonbutt?
We see older Twist in the series. Genetics was not kind to her.
>Sunbutt or Moonbutt?
Neither. Wickedbutt.
That must be Nightmare Moon. She seems more of the "wicked" type.
Cease being so ignorant at once.
So you're talking about Daybreaker? That's odd.
Anon, please.

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