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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:

Topics discussed:
>ember visits the thread
>is starlight chubby or not? you decide!
>She got a pretty good deal all things considered >>41418663
>S5 Glim would be a great mother >>41421508
>she's too strong
>Glimmy has her highs and lows >>41438562
>hop in, anon
>thread gets a little red
>then it gets a little horny
>appreciating her cutie mark
>analysing her cutie mark >>41475158
>bad(good) end
>anons share their mare fair hauls
>discussing show writers
>deploy the glimbeam

Legacy archive: https://ponepaste.org/7897

Art created:
>Glimmer by the fire

>Starlight Glimmer

Photographs taken:
>Mare backpack spotted at mare fair

>Glim drip

>Anon's Glimmy haul

>Another haul

Titbits scribbled:
>An interesting sequence of events

>A comfy night with Starlight

filter has been a headache
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Some selected fanfics and greens:

"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

"Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights
>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go.

"Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain
>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.

"Public? Sexo" by jrudie
>Sexo? In a public space?

"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse
>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place.

"Starry Darling" by Climaclysm
>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

The Pink In Pinko by HK-47
>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her.

Some essential fanfics and greens:

Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:

>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if..

"Because I Choose To" by Mercury
>A very influential and iconic SPG story.
part 1 - https://ponepaste.org/2560
part 2 - https://ponepaste.org/2561

"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher
>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.

Grim's pastebin
>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.
>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.

karwler's ponepaste
>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.
>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.

Glimbrain's ponepaste
>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.
>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.

Unlisted List
>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
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Tamers is making the board fast, lol. But we were pretty much at bump limit anyway.

I hope Tamers adds Glim at some point, I know people say she already died but so did Derpy, numerous times.
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I love Glimmy!
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My is excuse is the anni distracted me...
But yeah I'd love to see her in the Tamersverse. A lot of characters get gag killed and revived so its not a real indication of anything, plus the fairly high effort response he made when asked about it made it seem like she's still on the table, and I heard he made a similar response to Trixie's first death. What made me even more hopeful is Sunset's addition (and Daybreaker), I thought perhaps he was only going to stick to the Faust era, but that opened the gates, anything's possible now.
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Who/what is Tamers?
What do glimfags think of sunburst?
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You have no idea
Need moar rare angle Glims
I hate how the Tamers video showed how Glimglam is a completely unnecessary character and her traits could have just been given to Trixie. I still like Glimmy in her current incarnation.
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frontal belly shot!
There should have been a former villians (Luna, Glimmer, Trixie, and maybe Discord) adventure episode in which they use their darker talents to win the day. Imagine Luna going full beast mode, as NMM, on an enemy, Glimmer brainwashing the diamond dogs to assault the bad guy's fortress, and/or/also Trixie using illusion and deception to turn the bad guy's thugs against each other. I think it would have been a fun episode.
>plus the fairly high effort response he made when asked about it made it seem like she's still on the table
Don't get my hopes up anon
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It is my belief that FiM's true potential can be unlocked in an anime format and increasing the target demographic to teens. That's the type of fun episode that can happen there, plus expanding the mechanics of magic to make it even more interesting.
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I can't believe it was 2 years since Can I stay in your house already. Time sure flies.
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I want to nibble on glears!
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glimmy's so cool...
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Dashie approves.
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... and POWERFUL...
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I don't watch Tamers. Feels good man.
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Glim bout to fuck shit up
He was just shitposting, Starlight isn't in Tamers yet.
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unf glimmy plap plap
FiM is fucking full to bursting with goddamn stupid characters with copious screentime. Tamers only sticks to pre-Season 3 canon. He never draws Twilight with wings for a reason.
He did draw Twilight with wings, multiple times. There was an episode about her losing them.

Also makes an appearance.
The tree library is still a thing too so I guess he just picks and chooses.
Since Tamers is going full anime that actually makes Glim a more necessary character as a powerful mage unicorn that can compete with alicorns through cunning and sheer force of will. Trixie was just given free power, while Twilight's power was taken away, Glim however is somepony who worked hard to gain power on her own without the assistance of alicorns. He will need another villain after Flawless is taken care of which Glim would be an excellent choice for and I'm sure he'll give her a much edgier backstory to go with it.

>only sticks to pre-Season 3 canon
I thought so at first until Sunset appeared so that theory got shattered. Curiously he also had the m6's element bearer status revoked by Celestia and he made Soarin an alicorn, SB and Scoots gain powers from exchanging eyes, Rarity is randomly powerful, so he's just doing whatever the fuck he wants.
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>"I heard you talking shit about my Anon."

That chair kinda reminds me of Gumby.
Need a green of Glim interrogating and torturing a mare who made fun of her Anon.
I bet Glim gets scary when drunk
She's already impulsive and emotionally driven as is sober, she'd be really fun to party with. I can see her getting scary when she starts getting ideas but in a making my dick diamonds kind of way. Imagine the wild drunk sex with her.
Glim Glam is one crazy mare and they say you shouldn't stick your dick in crazy but... crazy girls do crazy things when giving you a head...
What will you and Glim be doing this nightmare night?
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>starstruck by Starlight
I honestly have no idea how I'd react to meeting her for the first time. Hopefully she finds someone spilling all their spaghetti endearing.
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Oh... glim was so excited...
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Why the face?
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Glimmy was flying an 80 in a 55, the naughty mare!
Would Starlight enjoy handing out candy?
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She would, she's very good with children and loves to see them happy!
That speed demon
She'd like it at first until she finds Anon scaring away all the non-pony children so that only foals can get the candy.
What's she gonna do? Get on a soapbox about the E-word.
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That would be super adorable!
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How would she react if you told her Firelight is hot?
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Glim likes pistachio ice cream
Glim message: >>41556902
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Wow! Her voice is so amazing
Nintendo switch ass boy.
Sorry Starlight, but I'm going to steal your dad
He is a weakling cuck. Glimmer would never be attracted to him as anything but a friend.
Does anybody have any pics of Glimmer in roller skates?
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Ok here you go
It's s good choice, but I'm more of a mint chocolate and salted caramel type of guy.
Very cool Glimmy!
Nice! Thanks!
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Glim got frosting all over herself again hahaha
what a silly clumsy mare
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It's okay. She's been living without Firelight for who knows how long so she's out of practice making sweets. We'll work on it.
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The impact marks are low res? Do they just reuse them? They look really flat here like they just distorted them in 3d software too
Her stomach should not be that high up
They messed up her body proportions here, for shame
They probably just drew a small sprite and then, instead of drawing an increasingly larger impact sprite for each frame, they just took the smaller one and made it slightly bigger for each frame.
It looks fine, and you'll never, ever notice it in motion.
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>"The Starlight I love is passionate, lively, and yeah, sometimes angry. Those are my favorite parts of you. That and the fact that you forgive me every time."
>Proceeds to both of them making out on screen for five minutes with sexy jazz music.
I think they might been went too far with this part of the episode
No, they didn't go far enough
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Unf scolding glimmy
God she's so cute
Trixie's childlike wonder is so cute
Glim likes coconut candies like Almond Joy's, Mounds and Bounty bars.
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When I'm done with her she'll hold 13 times
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Too small
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Listen to me, lads.
playing minecraft with starlight would be cozy
>she can't help but make villages
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Gonna tear that ass up
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Seriously what the hell was she supposed to be wearing on her hooves? Socks? Shoes?
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At least she wouldn't create a glorified prison like most modern Minecraft players lol
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Sexo outfit.
trixie is gonna be the death of her
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BHC would've stopped Glim from becoming evil
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Friday glumpy
Holy cope. You know Sunburst is her actual intended true love, right? Your delusions, they'd never work out. You weren't made for her.
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Anon is hoofcrafted for Glim
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Hi Glimmy!
You have failed to change my mind. Sunburst is a sniveling, whiny, weakling. No mare would respect him, let alone Glimmer, a mare who can psychologically manipulate large numbers of ponies. She would constantly need to compensate for his psychological weakness in their relationship. Why would she want that? Why would anyone want that? It's exhausting and annoying to have to constantly reassure and validate someone who is psychologically weak, like Sunburst.
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Holding glimmys hoof during sex
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Sunburst is incredibly easy to self-insert as. It's easy to cuck him anyway, imagine having to compete with Cheesie or Discord instead, no contest.
There's more sexual tension between Startrix anyway.

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