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We talk about the best chudmare in all of MLP. Post pictures, draw art, post AI voice overs, make websites dedicated to her, make video edits of her, make stories about her, discuss the episodes she appeared in, and pour your heart out for her.

Previous Thread:41354969
Fixed previous thread link: >>41354969
The ride never ends
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posting again because i love my chudwife
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Always here for my lovely chudwife!
Censor Misty, please
my eyes.
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OP here. Here you go
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we will never have an episode where Posey makes Misty cry and run off......... might be a fun fan project
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I'd thought about it before... But I haven't gotten serious enough about writing a script.
I like to headcanon that Posey is Discord and FS's great, great granddaughter
>We used to have a high trust society...
Never thought of that before, it would be interesting to see the generations of that lineage before Posey
>not only a filthy Unicorn like Izzy
>but also a coded nigger
Posey would be furious
This is how g5 should have been like.
If you guys help me with the script, and getting Posey's voice even if it's with AI, I can do something...
Misty gots to get dem rangz
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Got any ideas of what you want in the script?
Posey keep an eye on your purse
>a coded nigger
She's blue.
Hot about Posey doing... I dunno, whatever she wants to do, and accidentaly, the black(blue) unicorn interrupt her.
Misty asks if she want to hang out and Posey just beats her up mercilessly and call her a dirty child of a zigger
Misty tries to give a speech about Earth Pony history but blunders it. Posey calls her out on it.
this got me thinking, maybe there's some earth pony holiday, and just like every other tradition, Misty doesn't want to respect it but this time she's become much more audacious. She tries to rally support to change the day where the famous earth pony explorer discovered Maretime Bay to some bland DEI day. Posey goes off on her, and instead of Misty gaining the support of the mob, Posey does and runs Misty out of town. Might be able to work out a script/shitty animatic with this
Please do. Anything with Misty losing is a worthwhile endeavor
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Why is Anon forbidden?
I like it!
If you make the script, I can do the animation.
I'll just need the voices... Can be AI voices, I don't mind.
Based Posey
Because she doesn't tolerate Anon's bullshit compare to other ponies.
All I wanted was to use the bathroom in her house
awesome, I'll try and figure out how to make an online Posey AI RVC thing so other anons can try and voice lines too

Anyone have a good ponified Columbus name? For the discoverer of Maretime bay?
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it begins
I can also help with rendering if you need it. I've got a computer dedicated to GPU work when the time comes for that.
VERY rough draft, never did a script before. I think the next part will be Posey objecting off screen
then camera back/pan to our chudqueen ready to deliver her devastating rant
Oh no, Misty's trying to ruin Maretime Bay.
Great script!
Good luck with that, anon!

It's a good start, yeah!
And about the rendering... Thanks, Any help is appreciated.
My PC is powerful enough, but some hoof help would be appreciated.
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>My Wittle Pony
you wike wittle pony?
He smells
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okay here's a first draft, totally open to suggestions, better dialogue, etc

I wanted an episode with the secondary characters
Love the script! I think the Team Rocket ending would be funnier.
You're cooking. In the good way
Hitch can't even get rid of that annoying baby dragon
I like it!
Souns very Poseyly.
I think I can work with that.
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Thanks! Looking forward to some animation
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They smell like garlic
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a sip and a bump
please make the last episode a Posey or Opaline ressurection episode
We saw Posey smilig and having a good time one last time...
She's even with her two friends...all is right
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>with Daliah and Windy
PoseyBros, we won
Even though this might be the end of G5, I believe this isn't the end of Posey's story if we keep her memory alive through greens and art.
Just look at it no hornheads and they are all happy.
Sonic boom
Right into my arms
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no thread for the episode yet?
I'm sort of surprised they didn't show grumpy Posey after Izzy made the water park disappear
The mares are about to jump onto my mattress
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tried doing a storyboard
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love it!
I like it!
One friend can help with Misty's voice, she'll send me a demo later today.
That's so Misty
Posers are making moves
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we do it for her
did a take of Posey's lines with the RVC model
Pretty convincing...
My friend already sent me her demo... It sounds pretty good, but she speaks too fast, she'll send me another audio tomorrow.
And maybe I'll see her on Sunday, I can help her record and all that.
Thanks anyway, Anon!
might work on training a Sunny and Misty model sometime, if anyone wants to collect clips of them talking without sound effects, music, that would be useful. The Posey model was trained on just under 6 minutes of audio, but at least 10 min would be good (and easier to get of the main chars)
Let me hear them when you get them
By the way... I'll be using that Posey one for the animation, I'll be practicing a bit during the week.
cool! sure thing, I just tried running inference on a VPS but there's a bug in RVC-CLI, but it's looking possible. Maybe I can get a slimmed down G5 haysay up someday
I feel like Hitch would kindly ask Misty to leave
I think Hasbro should've cashed in on the fact that some girls actually like mean and grumpy characters like Posey or identity with them.
Love the work you guys are doing! You're making Poser proud!
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Yeah nah that aint Posey cunt
She went through an emo phase.
And it is Posey
Posey's high school years
What are her royal duties?
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Well... Our queen deserves the best of the best, right?
I would sweat a lot in a chair like that she'd be miserable
Yes. I want her to sit on me, **especially on my face**
no hooves, but nice
Tomorrow is my birthday, I don't mind ff the first thing I see when I wake up is Posey's plot...
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AYYYY Happy early birthday man!
Might post some artwork I did awhile back tomorrow
Peach-shaped. Must smell like one too. Must be fuzzy as well
Thanks anon!
And... I found my religion...
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oh it's fuzzy alright
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gn bump
Opaline knows
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Obligatory bump
Np, got some greens that are continuations from the previous thread being made right now. One's winter related since the holiday's almost here
That's good
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Even though Posey didn't make it to round 1, there's always next year. But we had 51 votes for her which is a lot more than I expected.
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damn, missed the voting somehow :(
What the hell
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sweet dreams
Anyone got archive links to when Posey first appeared? I need to read past anons' reaction
Neither Posey or Opaline made it to round 1. This board is a lost cause
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This board is always a lost cause... I am here only for our queen...
twitrannies rigged it
None of the g5 ponies did, did they? A lot of bad will and brigading. /co/ tourists watching tamers and offboarders stuck around after the anniversary.
Might as well do our own miss g5
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Here's the first part of the green and OC I did that isn't related to the story.

>Maretime Bay was in the grips of winter. Winter was never Posey’s favorite season; it was too cold for her liking.
>But there is one thing she loves about winter and it is Winter Wishday.
>The holiday makes her reminisce of her childhood with her parents and helping locals with the decorations around the town. And when dusk finally settled, a comet rushes by and she would always make a wish on the flaming ball before ending the celebration with a bonfire.
>Sadly, this year’s holiday was canceled due to a blizzard that was currently devastating the land in a blanket of white.
>Posey thoughts about her past wanders to the few friends she has after placing the fresh cookie dough in the oven.
>She hoped her friends were hunkering down from the storm, especially… Anon…
>After closing the oven door, she trotted to the living room as she checked her phone for the weather forecast.
>Out of the corner of her eye, she notices something peculiar out in the snowy distance.
>The creature’s features were hard to pick out due to the raging blizzard, but Posey knew for certain that it was tall, big, and lumbering towards her humble abode.
>Posey stood there, frozen with fear, as she looked at the creature.
>The creature came closer and closer until Posey noticed something unusual about the creature.
>It is no windigo or the abominable snowmare, but something humanoid and bearded.
>Said bearded humanoid is wearing a thick coat and looks like it’s holding something deep inside its person.
>The cogs in Posey’s brain turned for an answer until she saw that the humanoid is none other than…

I wasn't expecting a lot of G5 ponies to get in since it's the year G4 purists are celebrating this not so great generation's death til the cows come home
3 made it in: Pipp, Sunny, and Izzy
Sir may I have some more
You, my dear Anon, I ask you to please continue with your literary work.
Way ahead of you. Got some more chapters ready and will post them sometime in the future. Just want to complete some more before I post the already completed ones
waiting for moar
that drawing of Posey makes me wanna smack her right buttock with my open palm, also cool that I'm guessing anon is bearded wait, is it Santa Claus?!
Take your time, anon!
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I mean >1
beat me by 2 seconds ^-^;
Good luck next time, PoserBro.
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heh, k
Nah, it's cold outside so it's best to have nature's insulation grow on his face. Thx for liking my art! Realized that I fucked up her back legs.
She just saw Anon trip and she laughed
thanks for fixing her eyebrows
>3 made it in: Pipp, Sunny, and Izzy
got eliminated in round 1. Last year Opaline and Posey got qualified and some of G5 characters reached round 3.Now none of them win anything
I blame g4 purists for their faggotry
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”ANON!!!” Posey cries out in horror as she sees her favorite human struggling to reach her door.
>Posey didn’t hesitate to run out of the door to get to the struggling human.
>As she canters out the door, the snow pierces Posey’s fur like spears; she prefers to be in her warm house right now. But for now, she has to get her favorite human out of the blizzard.
>Anon looks at his favorite pony rushing towards him and smiles. He felt weak, but it didn’t matter to him.
>The weak smile on Anon’s face falters and falls as he feels his body getting heavier.
>He was about to fall into the snow until he was stopped by Posey leaning up against him.
>Posey and Anon struggle towards the house. A half of Posey felt like they wouldn’t make it but the other half had to for Anon.
>She really wishes that her earth pony magic would work, but the blizzard and piling snow is affecting her ability to grow plants to aid her and Anon.
>Closer and closer the two struggle onward.
>Posey looks up to see the human wearily staying awake.
”Come on, Anon!” Posey yells through the harsh winds, “We’re almost there!”
>Inch by inch, crunch by crunch, the wide open door was getting closer. It’s warmth welcoming them with its embrace, indicating that of safety.
>With one final crunch of wet hooves and boots on snow, man and pony enter the door.
>Anon looked on at the foyer and the living room that connected it.
>Anon was about to speak up until Posey decided to do it for him.
>Anon’s weary smile was completely drained from its warmness and replaced with a depressed dolefulness.
>The buzzer on the oven let out a harsh beep, causing Posey to not notice Anon’s change of demeanor.
>”UGH! Bucking annoying thing. Just go wrap yourself in those blankets,” Posey grumbled as she trotted off to the kitchen.
>Entering the kitchen, Posey’s brain caught up with all that just happened. The blizzard, Anon in the snow, the piercing cold, the struggle to get him out, and… yelling at him for braving the storm just to see her…
”Oh what have I done…” Posey mumbled to no one in particular. She felt awful at herself for the attitude she just showed Anon, her favorite human…
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This green will make my love for Posey grow...
Good work, anon!
I wonder what she's baking, I hope we get to have some hot drinks too to warm up
I like it
It's brigading. We should have a miss g5
She's baking cookies
waiting for our chudette to throw anon in the oven after she finds out he is a je..griffin
kek never thought of that but this is more of a heartwarming story than the previous two
Bump to comfort Posey
Poser no I didnt mean it , Anon is pure like the snow he was wading through.
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always comfort your Poseys, frens, no matter what form she takes
Poser glows up so nicely
Posey will never look at me like that
y live
Bratty or demure?
So bratty
The G5 Bible's been leak.
Here's some things I find interesting they wrote for Posey and Windy

>her love for flowers and new magical abilities gains her the power to grow them instantly
>can give flowers any scent she wants

>admires Zipp for her amazing flying skills
>often will try to ask
Zipp for pointers, though she’s pretty good at flying herself
>total movie geek
>loves Maretime Bay for its pretty ocean
>loves the slower pace outside of the big city
>The yellow pony grabbed the pot holder by the mouth and opened the oven with her hoof.
>She turned around and spat out the pot holder onto the counter.
>That regretful feeling festered more and more as she trotted over to a draw to pull out a rack puller.
>Using the rack puller, she tugged on the oven rack. She gazed at her golden chrisp chocolate chip cookies. Such cookies would’ve made her happy.
>She sighed before holding onto the pot holder and grabbing the tray of freshly baked goods.
>Placing the tray on the counter while using her back leg to cut off the oven and lightly bucking the oven shut.
>Posey slowly trotted through the doorway that connected the kitchen to the living room.
>The first thing Posey noticed when she entered the living room was Anon’s wet clothes on the hardwood floor.
>A part of Posey wanted to blow up at Anon for leaving his wet garments ruining her floor, while her rational side wanted her to deal with the clothes later.
>Posey slowly and calmly began doing the breathing exercises Windy taught her months ago.
>After Posey felt her heart slow down and heat from her forehead cooled down, she promptly trotted towards Anon.
>She stared at the chilly human warming up in the pile of blankets that covered him like a burrito.
>Anon looked up at Posey with regret in his eyes before looking back down to the floor.
>Posey cleared her throat to attract the human’s attention.
”I… I’m sorry that I yelled at you. It’s just… you scared me out there in that damn blizzard. You could’ve gotten yourself lost or worse…” Posey muttered as she felt her emotions bubbling out of her mouth.
>”That’s okay, Posey. Looking back at it now, being out there wasn’t one of my brightest ideas,” Anon replied with rekindled warmth in his voice.
“It sure wasn’t… But I don’t understand, why were you out there and not back in your apartment?” Posey asked with curiosity.
>“Well, it’s because I have a gift for you,” Anon answers honestly as reaches under the covers and pulls out a present.
>Posey looked at the present wrapped in red with patterns of comets, cookies, and holiday banners dotted all over it. And looking on top of the present was a green ribbon hugging the gift and a tag on the side saying “To Posey Bloom, From Anon Y. Mous”.
>The yellow pony was taken aback by the gesture. Even after yelling at Anon, he still wanted to give her gifts.
>Posey’s thoughts raced throughout her brain. She felt like she wasn’t worthy of Anon’s kindness.
>Posey carefully untied the ribbon and tore into the wrapping paper.
>The present inside its paper prison was a simple wooden box.
>She lifted the box lid up and to her excitement, she saw that each tube color was made from rare natural materials found throughout Equis.
“ANON!!! How did you manage to get these!?!?! This has to be too expensive for even you to buy!!!” Posey exclaimed.
So it's the best gift for the best mare...
Good work, anon!
wtf I love Windy even more now
wow! anon gave Posey a artisan hand crafted fingerbox?! VERY rare in equestria... makes me want to dig out my old fingerbox from when I was a kid it was just made out of cardboard and stuff, but I know I kept it
What's a fingerbox?
Thx! Say, how's that Misty project going?
moar Sah
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In stand by at the moment, the unitober and the Posey's animation will take me a lot of time. It's just do the fur and it's done, actually...
That's alright, take your time dude. Cute unicorn- I mean what a filthy poochie. I hope Posey kills her!
real? looool zoomies will never experience the joy of making and using a fingerbox. One of my friend's dad made a really cool box since he worked at a machine shop, purple anodized aluminum, 2 holes. He never brought it to school, but I got to use it a few times when I went over after school. So jealous
We missed out on more Posey + Windy kino
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looking good, I should work on stuff again too, been slackin'
Thanks. I'm doing her just because the mane... It's very complicated...

Thanks! And if you need help with something, I could help.
The face of marecel
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No problem
Blessed image
I love it
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>"So you've got a semi-angry earth pony looking up at a human in a human supremacist military uniform holding her chin up. Why does it look like they're about to kiss?"
The next one I'll do is Posey, actually...
Fuck yeah, dude

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