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Yeah, we’re still talking about Tamers12345 kino. This man is sinlge-handedly propping up Sonic Underground and My Little Pony by his massive fucking balls. Discuss his masterpiece that came out on Friday.
we don't need another one
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>Does she know?
I want to cum inside Flawless Sparklemoon.
Tried watching this in the anni and it was aggressively unfunny. Is this zoomer humor and I'm just getting old?
>zoomer humor
No this much closer to 2009 Internet style humor. It's not for everyone, and as a fan even I admit a couple episodes suck pretty hard. But on the whole it's pretty creative and there's a genuine effort on display.
Not just you.
Edgy humor do get old if that's all I consumed on newgrounds when I was 12 years old.
You're just jaded.
Why the hell do so many people like this guy? His threads always reach 500 posts
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It's a millennial humour and I like it
I absolutely don't get the hype around that merge OC tho
It has cute mares kissing
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Am I the only one who could not watch more than a minute of his stuff? Its zoomer cringe level shit.
But I don't like yuri
it has cute stallions kissing
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Does it have cute mares kissing a human man?
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god i wish i was twilight
>No this much closer to 2009 Internet style humor.
I'll take your word for it cause I am legit struggling to remember any internet stuff from 2009 other than stuff like Fred or annoying orange. Everything between 2007-2010 is just a blur of high pitched screaming in my mind for some reason.
>But on the whole it's pretty creative and there's a genuine effort on display.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate the effort and creativity he's put into it. I'm thrilled to see people still making long form animations, especially for ponies, I just wish it was funny.
>Name is Flawless
>Created by Rarity interacting with Luna's pact
>Rarity has diamonds for a cutie mark
>Its zoomer cringe level shit.
You're just regurgitating buzzwords that you don't even understand. Like the other anons said before, its millennial humor.
Zoomer humor is just repeating a handful of memes over and over in rapid succession because they're all dopamine addicts, shit like this is zoomer humor:
Its not that its edgy that's fine. Its that the comedic timing and pacing are shit. Bits go on for to long and his punchlines don't land a lot of the time. The delivery is also really hurt by the AI voices but I won't count that against him cause the art makes up for it most of the time.
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I'm almost 40 and I really like this dude. He's a pretty polarizing creator, but to be fair, it takes a very high IQ to understand Tamers. Have you considered that maybe you're just retarded?
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why did you make another thread instead of just taking over Vogels. We already had like 3 fresh ones back to back and we aren't getting more than a creditless ED this week
He poured his heart and soul out to make an hour long Twixie movie all because he wanted to see Twilight and Trixie kiss. People respect the grind
He's both funny and his story telling, theming, and even sex scenes are story 7 character heavy activities. His Trixie is one of the most interesting side grades to exist simply due to how he configures her story. He's almost making more use of Celestia and Luna than the original series and putting respect into both
I'm hyped for the PrinceWhateverer song
The humor is extremely juvenile and dim-witted, but he also doesn't care to pretend it's not, therefore making it funny. Due to his plot creating convention (I.e there isn't) it differentiates itself from the other popular series being made in the current year (there isn't unlike others who couldn't be bothered to get off his fat ass, Tamers animates, effectively making him peak).
>Spectacle tier song in which he repeats he's Flawless for three minutes straight.
Why do people glaze tamers so hard in this ironic way
No. His joke is usually pedophilia, shit, or farts. It gets old fast and this is coming from someone that watched most of his SU stuff
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>be Anon
>in Equestria
>meet Flawless Sparklemoon, some mysterious unicorn with a top hat and a smug smile
>she’s got this aura, like she knows something you don’t
>turns out, she does—mainly how to make you feel flustered as hell
>you can’t stop staring at her, she's basically pony waifu material
>she catches you staring one day, smirks, and says you owe her a "favor"
>next thing you know, you're in her weirdly cozy house
>candles flickering, the smell of lavender in the air
>Flawless saunters over, that hat still perched perfectly on her head
>she’s giving you that look, like she’s about to perform the greatest magic trick of her life
>she steps closer, her body brushing up against yours
>you can feel her breath on your neck as she whispers, "Anon, let’s see if you can handle real magic"
>suddenly, you're on her bed, clothes vanishing in a shimmer of magic
>she’s on top, taking control, horn glowing softly
>her soft fur brushing against your skin, her tail wrapping around your leg
>your mind's spinning, not sure if this is real or some kind of fever dream
>Flawless starts moving, slow and deliberate
>moans fill the room, hers confident and teasing, yours barely contained
>her hat never even budges
>the whole thing is like an orchestrated performance—she's clearly done this before
>you're trying to keep up, but it’s obvious who's in charge
>finally, she lets out a satisfied sigh, rolling off you, her magic gently pulling the covers over both of you
>"Hmm, you did... better than expected, Anon"
>feeling completely drained, but also strangely proud
>Flawless glances over, still smug as ever
>"Don't get too comfortable. I might want to... practice more."
He's already made more use of and respected Celestia and Luna more than the original.
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I think you're taking it at face value. I'm sure in like, the Mincraft Movie or whatever, they're going to have a scene where they pan over to the sheep farting and then a reaction shot of the black woman saying, "Umm... what the heck? Did it just fart? Pee-yoo."

I think Tamer's poop jokes are in a different category. Tamers rides the line between jest and sincerity. While watching his cartoons you're constantly wondering what this guy's deal is. Is he an actual sincere creator who cares for the source material or just some degenerate that encompasses the worst tendencies of the fandom? The entire character of Tamers12345 is a bit of an anomaly given he's very skilled but also this weird fetish goblin. The creator is just as much a character in the movie as the ponies are.

Sometimes he just inserts a five minute scene of the mane 6 shitting themselves. You wonder whether he was just really horny and gooned to this weird shit all day. You ask yourself why the fuck the creator thought this was necessary to include in the video and whether it has any relevancy to the plot or he just gets off on it. He later gets his act together and actually makes a sincere story in the end.

The idea of this fucking weirdo being the torchbearer for these autistic fandoms is endlessly funny to me, and I think he deserves to be that too. Like it or not, this man is the embodiment of everything that's good and bad about autism.
is this the first Flawless green?
Tamers gonna get banned from xitter again
it's just funny, I don't know why people try so hard to pretend farts aren't funny
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I mean, fart humor varies. Like I said with the Minecraft movie, the reason they'd put a fart joke in that is because kids will probably laugh at a fart and the movie has to have a joke at least every thirty seconds or the kids will get bored. The fart is the least disgusting as possible as not to offend anyone.

With Tamers the joke isn't just the randomness of it. The shit is gratuitous, so much so that there's something else going on, something that the viewer can only dare to guess. The joke is the himself creator, Tamers. The fandom as a whole is a also a joke - he encompasses the good and creative along with the weird sex stuff that comes along with it.

Although, yeah I'm probably overthinking it.
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He is funny, bitch
Farts aren't usually funny in media because they're in a context where the shows take themselves seriously (compared to tamers), while tamers is just completely nonlinear and abstract, which makes them somehow feel less fetishistic than normal shows. The fart jokes in G5 were fucking disgusting, rancid, while with tamers its somehow funny or inoffensive.
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It's completely unmonetizable millennial humor. It is very reminiscent of the early pony fandom, when people weren't good enough to wow each other, but funny enough to make each other laugh. I think off hand the only thing I can think of to compare it to would be AMV hell or Mmmm bananas
He's funny and creative.
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Who is the twin?
The twin is dead though they aren't a named character they're just both Trixie now.
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Serious talk. Tamers is nearing the end of the MLP miniseries, however he clearly is enjoying it. It is wishful thinking that he would do 1 SU and 1 MLP video every 4 months, but I doubt it. What would we have to do to get tamers to pump out 3-4 videos every month? Not saying we harass him, but how much money and what resources could we realistically gather to enable and incentivize him to do it? If does more than 1 video every 2 weeks, the odds he would be willing to continue MLP videos on the side goes up. Bronies organize conventions and projects all the time even now, surely there is something we could put together to help Tamers or give him more money. Also...
>No Flawless Sparklemoon flag yet
When are janny wannies fixing that?
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>1 SU and 1 MLP video every 4 months
I mean every 4 weeks, holy shit I'm retarded.
>Nearing the end of his MLP series
He already said he still gonna make more videos
genuinely, watch the movie again with the anniversary live chat reaction, it really amplifies the constant mood swings he has: comfy, funny, cool anime action, sad, funny, interesting, ... A fart joke is so much more enjoyable when accompanied by 30x :lul: emotes. Its an emotional rollercoaster.
There is absolutely no basis for that. He even introduced entirely new characters and concepts in EqG and Sunset, along with the OC.
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He said the movie was the finale and he is just making a few more episodes to wrap all the plots up. There will be more episodes, but 1-2 more. Do you really think tamers isn't going to go back to SU? He also is working on the zatch bell miniseries. I'm just saying if We want a S2 of tamers MLP anytime soon, he will need an incentive to do it with his other projects.
He has said many times the movie would be the last episode and more recently said he wants to do a few wrap up episodes to tie off the plotlines. The episodes we are getting after the movie are an unplanned gift.
>He even introduced entirely new characters and concepts
Thats literally every other episode of SU, that's just what he does. If he does mean to explore them, it wont be for a year of SU and zatch bell.
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I'm not saying this shit to be a downer. I'm saying if we can get tamers another 2k a month, he might do 1 mlp video a month along with his regular scheduled programing.
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Any uploads? I watched it on YouTube like a pleb and missed out.
People on /co/ felt the same way until tamers beat them down with kino so hard that everyone either knelt or respectfully avoided his threads. You either get it or you don't, and if you don't get it know, you may in the future. Just watch the first episode (the rainbow dash birthday video) and see how you feel.
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Soarin... we are leaving

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