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Previous thread: >>41524134

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map and leaderboard - WIP

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
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i didn't notice until this thread, but
>List of known Open Pony Vendors
thank you OP for including the list! not to nitpick, but could it be changed to something more like "known marketplace vendors"? there are vendors that are inworld only, and even i don't know them all. either way, i hope the list has been helpful to somepony.
also planning to update this list this week, since i have about 30 more stores saved.
Sure, will change title to reflect that for accuracy. Just post info in thread once the list is updated
I also feel like the list should have little notes on what each vendor specializes or has most of, could be useful
thank you and will do.
definitely, that's the next thing i plan to do with it. i might start when i add the new stores.
loaf all popens

but they don't loaf me back
i loaf a decent amount back
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sex with and between femcolts and nothing else
sex with nothing
sex with no bucket required
I just want to say anonymously thank you all for letting me be a mare and treating me like one. It helps more than you know.
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Has anyone made a Button Mash popen yet?
Quick has one, I think
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Not yet he doesnt it's just route hopper with button mash colors
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I'm happy these two are close and all, but this is just getting ridiculous.
route hopper is just button mash
A lot of these background pony picks says a lot about their controllers
Well what the hell did you want us to do, Game of Clones?
Yeah it says a lot about what designs they like
I still use a Wii U Pro Controller, the battery is insane
ok maki
Probably not her, but whoever she is thank you for being a cute mare around me, it makes me happy
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RIP Koriik my favorite vacuum cleaner
Thoughts on Naval?
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We're watching Paprika tonight (same director as Perfect Blue). Noon SLT in the hangout as always.

dl: we . tl/t-zoC4ONOLUP
Sometimes I like to think about all the interesting little customs that have developed over the past 2 years.
For example:
>booping and boopers that are unique to the pony. also slappers
>doing some action before logging out. Some will explode, others faint etc
>the weekly sim restart emergency evacuations
>popens seeing popen stacks and can't resist so they put themselves on the stack
>if there are more than 2 dots on the mini map for longer than 5 minutes somewhere the location MUST be investigated (eventually leading to a bigger crowd in said location, also known as popen gravity)
>making sure the cuddle pony partner is comfortable before leaving
Related and my favorite:
>giving the partner a plushy of yours to cuddle into before you leave
you forgot
>if there are windows you MUST crash through them
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Decided to post a couple of old recordings I didn't feel like were worthy enough to post cuz of UI showing or other reasons
>>giving the partner a plushy of yours to cuddle into before you leave

aaaamm how?
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Some have tiny miniatures of their avatar with button eyes that they leave their sleeping partner with before leaving. But of course before you can do that first someone needs to make that item for you.
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Nutsy POV
sound warning please do not die
Those screams kek
also the music ended fucking on point
>Sees the wall
holy, thats old
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Have another one
I fucking love doppler effect in SL
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I loaf both of these two a lot
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They love you too
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Nutsy's very own human
holy kek. i miss these days
why does this feel so good when headphones on
oh and soundwarning of course
Keep those videos comin
Thank you anon! I try my best to cheer everypony up.
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the snorms are filling the lake with marecubes
whats wrong with more than one
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juicy hoofa
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Meadows getting petted
Meadows is so cute!!!
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Staffie is a menace
I love the ponisu!
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This music kept me blueballed for the coming "huh?"
So you know how Ponyville doors sometimes play pranks right, and sometimes it's just a bunch of spinning lights and some dance music

Well earlier it was the fucking fork in the garbage disposal

I was caught completely - COMPLETELY - off guard
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Do a flip!
In a perfect world I would get posted at least once every few months, sometimes I feel like literally no one would even notice if I were gone
In a perfect world ponies like me would not exist. But this is not a perfect world.
Oh so THAT was what all the racket was! kek
Watched the stream and wondered what the hell was going on over there but the cam was at the hangout and not near the pond
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Have lumi bean
you gotta run around and be funny or be extremely sexy
if you give me a hint who you are i will post you lots
99% of those who say stuff like this do fuck all and then wonder why no one cares.
if you do stuff others enjoy you absolutely will get the attention you want so much
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i loaf this popen
i loaf them too
I want to marry her.
>be the only one not sitting afk 95% of the time I'm on the server
>just be more active lolol
>popen that is bot-tier afk gets free art posted seconds later
Pensive is quiet but not inactive. You don't pay attention much, do you?
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Couple days ago when I saw Pensive move I felt like in those movies when someone is noticing that the pictures on the wall showing ancient ancestors has moving eyes
>being angry about others receiving free art instead of being happy for them
No wonder no one wants to post your pony
this almost reads like blackjack posts
Anyone else enjoying background pony life? I like it this way because I don't really like having all attention on me.
i love stallions i want to KISS stallions
its ok i feel this way about mares too i just don't feel it needs to be specified
What pensive has done in like a year and a half of sitting in baltimare:
>spend thousand of hours sitting afk in a corner or bush
>spend a few hundred hours sitting on popen of the hill with an automated bot script
Wow so active
background powy rights
background powy rights
background powy rights
background powy rights
Why do you care?
I forgot about the boxen arc
I don't want to be the subject of most discourse that happens here in thread but it is nice to be occasionally cared about by others. I like making popens happy even if I'm awkward as fuck and usually can't bring myself to start conversations
t. background popen
if you exist you will likely have someone who just doesn't like you that's how it goes sadly
i care you popen no matter what
it gives me the warm fuzzies when I find out some people do like me despite feeling that most would prefer I stop coming around and yes I do my best to introspect and fix why folks wouldn't want me around to begin with, but it can be hard
Hell Deeraw,
you stiny deer
upset because soemone wouldn't let
you win the hill without a fight
Shitty poem, D-
... is this m**i???
i love you especially so do not worry so much
>everypony who feels unliked but tries to improve is m***
get better material
no, but they're lucky to have you say that about them c:
im just guessing of course anon could be anyone but just in case
>back to the stupid as fuck censoring
Here's an improved version of the poem, maintaining the original message but with better structure and form:

Hark, Deeraw, you sullen stag,
Why does your antlered head now sag?
The hill's contest you thought you'd clinch,
But competition made you flinch.
A rival dared to give their all,
And suddenly your win looked small.
Fair play, it seems, has soured your mood—
An easy victory you pursued.
I used to be a background pony, then I wasn't. If I return to background pony status, I won't complain either.
The absolute BEST meta is background pony with a few (2-5 or so) close friends that you love and trust (and who love and trust you). Whether they're fellow backgrounds or actual foreground ponies, doesn't matter, as long as you get to stay in the background. (If at least one of them is a foreground pony it can be nice because they'll be "in" on everything happening and can drag you around or at least fill you in on stuff; but again, that's just a nice bonus, if you're a background pony with 2-3 other background pony friends you're still living the life.)
if you're someone who's perma-jealous and always whining, i usually avoid taking any pics of you.
if you're some creature and not a pony ill most likely also dont take any pics of you.
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wtf you don't gunpoint people in pajamas!!!!
and yet I see blackjack being regularly posted, so your goals are noble but ultimately futile
he whines depending on the phase of the moon
pew pew
gimme hugs or gimme death
>and yet I see blackjack being regularly posted
that's because a part of those posts are made by him and the other part pity posts after threw another shitfit of asking to get "included". the last 3% are pics of him doing something good for once
Not everyone can be a main character like I am (my name was mentioned one time in the previous thread)
what qualifies as a creature? a bat pony? a sea pony? a stallion?
Anytime there's a thread "event" going on and a bunch of pics are being posted I never get posted.
I'm so background that I'm forgettable.
It kind of sucks, actually. Maybe I'm too background.
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That's basically my existence.
I never cared about collecting "friends" and don't need recognition or shit like that.
I'm perfectly happy with even just one who likes me.

Also, the whole "popularity" thing can deceive so fucking EASILY.
I know several "popular" people here who regularly feel lonely because for some reason everyone thinks they're popular but in reality barely anyone cares about them. People who seem like massive foreground ponies but then get left alone when it's time for gayming or other activities they're not getting invited to.

Always make your own opinion about someone and never let yourself get deluded by public perception of someone and assuming the same opinion about them without having talked with them.
I was put in the front, dead-center once for a photo event, it surprised me to not be stuck in the back.
in general the more you divert from the pony standard the less likely it is to get into pics (if you're not actively creating some interesting situation that is). in other sims it's the opposite. the more sparkledog you are the more likely it is for you to get recognized. every place has its own rules
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>its getting hot in the best hemisphere
no snow allowed, we deserve THE FLOOD
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The chances of showing up in pics would be magnitudes higher if some more would fucking shoot photos and post them.
The amount of photopopen increased a bit over the years but still the regular posters can almost be counted on one or two human hands out of around 200.
We need more noob photopopens that don't have fossilized standards yet of what to photograph or whom.
Don't be shy and post stuff. Literally no one has been bitten yet for posting pixels on a mongolian basket weaving enthusiasts bulletin board.
>best hemisphere
you guys have SPIDERS
>wsis in the background
nobody uses the thread anymore bro
What would be the worst place to find a pony skeleton?
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I take lots of photos but I have several issues
>a lot of the time I take spontaneous photos with mediocre/default lighting, I don't enable DoF, etc., so it's a nice memory in my folder but far too mediocre to post anywhere (I have tens of thousands of these)
>I don't like getting posted and I've also seen some ponies get shit-talked due to being particularly frequently posted, and I take lots of photos of my closest friends, so I don't want to "spam" the thread with disproportionately the same 3-4 ponies and earn my friend some shitposter haters
>often screenshots are gonna be above 4MB, or might have NSFW, and taking a photo is easy but then opening an image editor, cleaning it up/resizing, saving, posting the correct one... etc., just takes effort and often stops me when I just wanna relax in-game
and perhaps the biggest one
>a lot of the time I'm posting in the thread from at work, or in bed, or otherwise not on my desktop PC that runs SL, and I don't have access to my screenshots, so I can only actually post screenshots when sitting at my desk and actively playing the game (and see above for why I usually don't)
what a way to die
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i volunteer. my pictures suck but i will do this for the greater good. i just took this smile
thanks very nice but now I'm horni
what a shame
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a second poner pic
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a third poner pic has his the hmart tower, and i see another has joined me. i'm gonna go for now but expect more
I hope Red swaps out the fish every now and then for a fresh one otherwise....

I wonder if those skeleton popens feel a cold autumn breeze way more intense. I mean there's no fat covering that skeleton, it must be quite drafty
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is public pegasus preening indecent display?
dont stop
I'd let my marewife preen me in public.
Hi, pony, I'm a schizo.
Have you ever had this happen when you're sitting cuddling with some pony, and you have free time to play your favorite game, but you don't want to leave the pony alone. After all, she'll be sad and cold and lonely. What to do? What to do? I've already taken my pills.
even if you don't do the NMN event at Luna's, it might be worth it to grab the free stuff. the school uniforms are edited version of the sailor outfits, but the stallion version is something else and both versions come with shoes that aren't normally freebies.
the shoes that come with the mare uniform are the heels from the maid set, and the shoes that come with the stallion uniform are nice dress shoes that come with socks.
Buy a second screen
swap to mobile viewer
i turn my sl graphics all the way down and i don't fullscreen the game
bappus preening bappus when
If you're unable to run both SL and the game, then there's no solution, get a better computer
If you are, but are unable to see both at once, then get a second monitor
If it's neither of those then I don't understand the issue
I wish I got more comments/good things said about me when there's a picture posted of me here. I'm a pretty well liked popen too so it's not an issue of me being disliked.
>no solution
turn down graphics on SL for a little bit. Sometimes I do that to play /pf2/
be wary of where the pressure to give company is coming from. if it's from the kindness of your own heart then that's sweet but you won't feel like you're missing out if you are made to choose. if they are pressuring you to drop your hobbies to afk cuddle their corpse then maybe they are the real schizo
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Bald! Bald! Bald! MY EYES
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The overwhelming majority of photos just aren't commented on in general for whatever reason, no matter the quality. Tidal, Gooey, and Marble (for example) showcase great shit on the regular, and clearly put some real care into what they post here, but barely anyone sends a (You) their way despite this.
For anyone reading this interested in getting into the photo game: Do so because you want to, not in hopes of becoming popular. It can be a blast to tap into your creative side, so long as having fun is your primary goal rather than fluffing your ego, because you won't often see much of the latter here.
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doing anything in balti purely to gain popularity in general is also just not the way to do things
No! No! It's just me and my autism
Ponies are to cute ...
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Ponice brutality and I am even tot a zigga!!
The thing is often there's just nothing to say about a photo. "Cute ponies!" - nice, but maybe there's 50 photos in a thread (and sometimes 100-150+). In every, or at least most, threads. How many times do you say "cute ponies!" or "nice pic!" or "good photo!" without it losing all meaning and becoming complete spam?

Sometimes there's something extra to comment on, but oftentimes there simply isn't. It's a nice cute picture of some cute ponies. It's nice. And if you say "cute" or "nice" every time you see a cute or nice picture, you will literally end up spamming.
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I'm also a bit bummed out when I post stuff and it seemingly does get ignored BUT then, this happened many times, people later refer to something I posted or even repost the thing.
So, even when you don't get (You)s there's a big chance people looked at the thing you've posted and potentially even saved it.
Is there no reset today?
lindens are toying with the idea of abolishing reset day and there hasn't been one for like 2 weeks now
deer playing the bad cops just works so well
This is why it makes more sense to post to a website where people can hit Like
I always imagine deer being the SUPER CHEAP daywage men in a pony society. They do the jobs ponies don't like to do.
watch it reset during anime night

I love this couple, they are so cute
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Usually when I'm in SL I'm either 100% focused on it or have it on a second monitor so I can see when someone or something needs my attention.
If I'm really busy with real life I simply don't go online in SL at all. In some rare occasions some ponies want me to stay online being cuddled up and I'm happy to oblige (whenever I can) but in those situations they're fully aware that I'll be afk for a while.
Also, in case I am online in SL but am in fact AFK I take great care to have my popen's eyes closed so it sleeps. You won't find me AFKing for hours with open eyes.
>Also, in case I am online in SL but am in fact AFK I take great care to have my popen's eyes closed so it sleeps. You won't find me AFKing for hours with open eyes.
This is important. I don't mind sleeping ponies at all, but it's weird when somepony's just sitting or laying there with wide open eyes being completely unresponsive for hours on end. Then they'll randomly move and start talking and do some stuff and then freeze again. It's just inconsiderate.
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>afking for hours with open eyes
I was a hard-line voidicus purist and I don't care anymore honestly
Tired of fighting
A reminder that being closed access, Cloudsdale was exactly what Sid wanted, yet sid chose to autoreturn the entire sim and forced Sky to purchase a rollback. Sid is not the good guy he thinks he is.
who is Sid
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>they're forgetting
I'm a returnfag and remember there was barely any good pussy for open pony mares. Did this situation get better? Are there good pussies now?
>Did this situation get better?
we returned to featureless excellence
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Another banned from Balti tourist pain.
Moar please
there's one by nording
I don't have pics sadly
This. It's way hotter if you leave some to your imagination.
4/10 bait, made me reply
I would've been inclined to possibly pay attention to sid if he didn't just run away to be a complete furfag
He has the gall to talk about muh /mlp/ or muh community and then just goes on to be a full-time anthro leopard or someshit
Sid was the biggest tourist. Acting like his opinions mattered.
Camarea has so many usecases
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I think in these trying times with SL fucking up popens left and right, Camarea should wear a vanity desk to get the message across. You can just use her to check if you're complete.
that's a giant cope, every anon knows other anons can and will be absolute retards
the Mare Bits by PuddingPone are decent
he probably doesn't even use the board
His idea of a perfect 4chan (not even /mlp/) sim is to be le epic /b/tard paradise where you can spam nigger porn and post gore
I have always liked the Black Vinegar mare bits and have bought/gifted them about exactly 20 times
/b/ pony sim would be awesome if you could, y'know, post ponies on /b/
At least in the beginning, anons were banned from SL every few months for saying nigger in chat. A /b/ pony sim would never survive even if you could post ponies on /b/
I never said it would survive. I said it would be awesome.

Linden's leftpilled ToS has always made it a shitty platform.
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Ready for service
kek what a faggot
That's the thing, lonely or shy popens, especially newfags, will see groups of close friends talking in a group and will feel intimidated by them. I've always empathized with them because I know how hard the initial struggle of trying to fit in is, and because of this I've tried to interact and be friendly to everyone, though it results in most of my friendships being somewhat shallow which I guess proves your point on popularity.
me too
i don't think you need to have deep, complex, conversation every single day to still have a good quality friendship. i don't talk to friends every single day, but the times we do talk are pleasant, like genuine conversation and not just small talk.
Let's create a club of tourists^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H newponies and horse around together
I know at least one pony who I think is very nice, but we're not really close together and I've never really hit it off talking with them to get closer, and I often feel like they are somewhat lacking in close friends and somewhat isolated - but I don't have the capacity to spare to really dedicate enough time to them to be a good friend.
I end up just being casual and friendly but semi-distant around them and I'm always either too tired or getting pulled over to spend time with my existing friends to really stop and get to know them, but as a result I feel like I'm directly contributing to brushing them off and keeping them lonely. I KNOW they're nice and I truly believe they deserve some good friend(s) but I keep failing to be one for them myself.
lets say there were actual differences and we could measure them, which popen would be the fastest horse? is it really snorm? which would be the slowest?
people assume my friendships are shallow because we do sexo together

they don't see me play games or other things because those activities aren't as visually represented within SL
I'm in a similar situation
ask if they want to tag along and join you with your other frens
So? You’re criticizing a furry when your SL sim can be found to have people fucking any animal that has hooves - doesn’t have to be a pony - in the middle of the hangout. The rules welcome furfags on sim and you pretend to be a pony exclusive sim. You are hypersexual furfags.
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I bet I'd be the second slowest
I do need to do that more, good point anon though a lot of the time I'm the one tagging along when my friends happen to decide to do something so I'm not usually one to be inviting others...
Sounds like you're describing me
Everyone is always quite nice to me, but I haven't made many actual friends. Just short casual conversations/temporary fun
I have never made a friendship on the basis of sex in SL deeper than a puddle.
sometimes they are shallow, othertimes they grow into something nice. just like friendship over any other hobby.
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i wish someone would re-enact this scene with popens
even though i have frens i feel like i don't and i want to an hero and go to real equestria /unblogpost
relate heavily, especially since mare fair. sometimes our minds are just mean to us. I would hug you if I knew who.
that's why i stopped doing cons forever ago : (
forever hugging you in my brain with my schizo mare mental powers
Ugly and generic OC
i'm realizing this looks a lot like that huge fandom artist person who made g5's artstyle i can't remember their name cus i hate g5 but i'm sus
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it’s true.
not me.
my favorite shitter
shidding and farding rn
I really like them too. They seem to be friends for a long time and also always do silly popen stuff that is fun to watch for me
Which popens do you wish you could befriend? Maybe they'll see their name in the thread and pay more attention the next time someone tries to approach them. I know someone tried to approach me and got stung when I didn't engage with them more than a few words, but whenever someone compliments my pone I have very little to build on beyond going "thanks, you too".
every reply is about to be somebody posting themselves for an ego boost
Hope somebody posts my name
Hope nobody posts my name.
I hope everybody posts my name.
I'ld really like to befriend >>41542556
and hope somebody posts their name.
Weird question cause nothing is stopping you from literally just talking to some popen and making friends.
i want to be closer to rose but i am scared
You could get turned into a monolith any moment
ah heh. now I will forever wonder if that was me
think she defriended me ages ago :c
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I want to play "where's the popen"!
someone please hide a popen and post a screenshot to find the popen in it, NOW
You're thinking of Imalou
But no, pretty sure that was drawn by Lumi(nousDazzle)
>nothing is stopping you from literally just talking to some popen and making friends.
This is true, but the problem is that some ponies are really bad at both and could probably use some help. I had good intentions, but I guess it was poorly thought through.
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Let's maybe come all together near entrance to sim (where you can set home location). There is cafe so we can assemble autism team and be friends. Tomorrow at 12 SLT
I have work forever alone
Does anyone make popen x biped/anthro animations? Someone in the Pony Lust group keeps mentioning them but I'm not sure if they're just bed mixing or not.
There's one bed out there that was never finished, the poses are...okay
don't know the quality, i found it while making the shop list
Quality is probably ass judging from the images, thanks though!
quality is ass, can verify
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I wish I could make a living as popen item creator. This is the most fun I've had in a long loooong time. Fuck [normal job].
Saw your pussy on derpi. Nice.
thank you anon. that really means a lot to me <3
am happy you're around even if i don't know exactly who are. am so grateful for all the popens who spend time in baltimare. there are some who don't behave as much as the others but each and one of you all mean a lot to me, even if i haven't met you or even if you're a bit of an asshole. every pony deserves boops and scritches. thank you
Thats a cute lookin powy
I actually like donkeys.
They are also true fighting machines. No one fucks with them and those who do get limbs ripped off.
Tough talk for someone in mule-making distance.
soff seems sad sometimes even tho she's always so nice
zigga most ponies around seem sad
Im sad but present myself happy around others (mostly)
What do you expect from an escapism game like SL? Nobody is perfectly happy and well-adjusted on here.
This sums me up perfectly too
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I'm not always sad, but when I am I do this.
that pumpkin is photogenic
was it glorious?
>wow tea you're really that rich from 2 items on the marketplace?
>sometimes I have to worry about not being able to buy the bungle lmao
blackjack could you guilt trip a little harder please it's not obvious enough
extremely cute popens
tbf tea probs makes more off those than I do my entire store so
God I am a sucker for pretty pony princesses. Hnnng.

I think I would choose an earth pony stallion and represent my 'sona in-game.
>in and out of sleep all day again
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I am not the one who does it usually but have a few they're not great tho
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Tea Love you are next
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Myrtle is dead.
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It's over
She needs bigger underwear, that looks uncomfortable
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Camarea looks to be in a predicament
The culprit caught in the act.
There are worse fates than being sunbeamed to death
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I'll fuckin do it again
>what the scallop
>[tripple flutterscream while tantrum move]
>[those horse screams when slapped]
>[happy horse noises before and after typing]
sunshine yellow
>[tts of compliments]
>[bird noise]
Yee always has the comfiest burger music when hes doing stuff with Camarea
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I can tell you waking up and watching ponies do stuff while enjoying morning cereals is the fucking best
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>twin air conditioning
>surfboard and camping stuff strapped to the roof

is this the scooby laugh i dont get it
was thinking of this in bed but i was trying to understand the hard rule on hooves. there are many canon furfags in the show (most notably the diamond dogs and the cats in the movie) but there's also dragons and shit. is the rule just to keep out the furfags? since it has nothing to do with canon or not canon, clearly
i'd understand banning obvious fursonas but if someone was just cosplaying a diamond dog or spike i dont really see the big issue although they would look very out of place
might as well just say "open pony avatars only" but that doesnt prevent the weird ones either
The rule was always intended to essentially ban furfags, yes. The intention being to filter out those who think "oh baltimare is a cool and active sim, even though I don't care about MLP" and basically making an OP-based avatar of their fursona just to the bare minimum to avoid a ban.
Conversely, that means it's NOT intended to filter out things like actual anons making funny avatars, or occasional cosplays.

"No hooves" is just the ultra short version that fits on the big sign, and is the most obvious application of the above principle for when random anthro or normie tourists TP in - they can immediately be shown the "sorry, hooves only" sign and disappeared from the premises. It was never the only principle, nor even an inviolable principle (the human Anon has never been an issue, for example).

In terms of making a canon "weird" or anthro avatar, like the movie cats/birds or the S5 dragons or the diamond dogs or even griffons, or even shit like discord for that matter, the general attitude is that it's perfectly tolerated as occasional cosplays. Nobody has as of yet been in a position of being both a) a trusted regular (and under no suspicion of being a tourist) and b) deciding to go with some canon-anthro or non-pony avatar full-time or at least for an extended period of time; so I don't know what the jannies would say to that.

By the way, the above interpretation of the rule is also why shit like sharkponies are tolerated - because mostly you see those as occasionally worn by regulars. If somebody
*If some furfag with a shark fursona in their profile came to Baltimare and made a sharkpony and just wore it full-time with clearly no interest in just making a normal pony, then it'd be an exact violation of the spirit of R1 precisely as it was originally intended, and would in theory be bannable (of course I can't speak to whether the jannies would follow exactly this reasoning in such a practical case, but one would hope so).
Of course there are always slightly grey-ish cases - for example, Quick Service, a semi-regular sharkpony wearer, has professed at various times that he's not above enjoying furshit too. But even QS still spends most of his time as a standard pony, in fact has multiple OCs of which most are ponies except for I think one single sharkpony and regularly switches between all of them, and browses the board, so it's reasonable to assume that his sharkpony really is just a creature-pony that perhaps might not be to everyone's taste, but is still a bona fide MLP OC and not some disguised furfag infiltration.
They are technically allowed already, trouble is that there's practically no show accurate avatars of those creatures to begin with.

There's Ember and Discord and that's about it. And Spike too I guess, if you count the ancient prim avatar.
you got that right
hmm. shark ponies are just ponies with different tails. can edge the grey line for sure. bat ponies have special wings and ears and etc - but are semi-canon. kirins are... something. they are canon but the season wunners will silently seethe. (me, don't really give a shit but never cared for them. kirin songs good though)

then there's cows, deers etc. which are *hooved* but very clearly furry in origin. especially since we have some canon designs for cows and deers and other creatures. others in the comics and rpg games as well

what is "pony pure" and what is "other" is a very thin line. so i get the rule... it's just weirdly convoluted. damned furries
The original speed version in full length is also really good
>semi canon
it either is or it isn't there is no inbetween.
well there's vampire bat pone ala flutterbat, but there's also the bat ponies that work for luna that were canon in the comics but again, not exactly "confirmed" in the show since their appearance is so brief iirc. this semi-canon. i could be wrong
I don't think an appearance being brief has anything to do with if it is canon or not. They were shown and there would obviously be more than two that were seen pulling Luna's chariot. The show's writers not expanding on them further or featuring them more doesn't make them any less canon than anything else in the show though. Not sure what you mean by "not exactly confirmed", because they ARE in the show even if only for a small part.
the show, sadly, has incredibly inconsistent lore and writing and background species. so I don't really know what to think. but I see your point. i think being fully a show purist is silly, it's usually pretty clear what's a furry oc and what's a pony oc. the rest of the board thinks we're cucks anyway just for having "ocs" so no one is winning here
Physically speaking, "just a pony with a different <X body part>" is a description for a lot of ways an actual furfag could adapt their fursona.
>just a different snout!
>just a different tail and paws!
Bat ponies are semi-canon and, perhaps most importantly, have been part of fandom and in particular /mlp/ culture since very early days. Pretty much everyone except actual contrarians accept bat ponies as ponies everywhere on the board, so naturally they're also accepted in Baltimare.
Kirin are the kind of canon species that is basically hooved and in the show but not actually strictly pony - but they happen to also be very well-liked all across the board, even faustfags or S1fags rarely seethe about kirin.

Deer, cows etc. are all the kind of canon species that's hooved and in the show but don't necessarily enjoy the same appeal/acceptance as kirin, or the same kind of board culture. But then cows are very seldom seen, only as occasional avatars and even then rarely. Deer are probably the biggest exception and grey area as far as I'm concerned, since they are the only ones actually walking around full-time; but they were accepted in pony town and they have become accepted here over time, so it's just how it is. There are deer threads occasionally on the board, nowhere near as frequently as say bat or kirin threads, but the few times they pop up every few months (or couple of years) it seems like most anons don't necessarily hate them.
i can kinda agree
i don't know some ocs are just way cuter to me than "generic deer" even if they are a fish, robot (ie tapi) or whatever
In what way is a ponysona not a type of fursona?
the truth comes out
the troon argument is the universally accepted/historical answer
I could write an essay on this but the simple answer is that this is the case if and only if you consider ponies a type of furries. This is not the predominant opinion/ideology on /mlp/, and the disctinction is quite important to a large amount of anons on this board, thus the distinction between "ponysonas" and fursonas is also baked into the sim rules, simple as.
A pony sim unrelated to /mlp/ might not have a concept of this distinction (and in fact, many don't, such as Luna's or Neighberry). But the /mlp/-based sim does.
>I could write an essay on this bug the simple answer is that this is the case if and only if you consider us men because we have a penis. This is not the predominant opinion/ideology on reddit, and the >disctinction is quite important to a large amount of redditors, thus the distinction between "women" and men is also baked into our stolen memes
>a site like 4chan might not have a concept of this distinction (and a lot of ebil -chans don't, such as ones that are too sus to name) but here at reddit, we do.
Ponies can talk and have other human characteristics, thus would count as anthropomorphized, so isn't this a matter of people crying "It's an anthro not a furry!!" like wild furries do in their SL profiles sometimes?
I don't personally care about the /mlp/ sim itself, there are other pony sims, I just find the ideology ... let's call it interesting.
Well you're in the wrong thread for that, it's been debated so many times that it's just considered shitposting and baiting at this point. If you're such a tourist that you don't know how /mlp/ works, go ask in another thread somewhere
>le dots
it's gate keeping plain and simple, i know some of the hardest proponents of rule 1 initially were furries on the side but precisely cause they knew them and they wanted to keep them out from intruding the feel, vibe, whatever you wanna call it, offf the sim
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I'm just waking up and when I gave the image a quick glance I thought it was anthro Dyne
I personally find "anthro" and "furry" to be synonymous with one another. Anthro is a talking sentient animal-based character. We cannot refute that what we are portraying at /mlp/ to be anything other than talking sentient animal-based characters. Thus we are anthro, and thus we could be considered a subset of anthro or furry.

I also wholly support the idea that our particular "subset" is the supremely best there is. While we might technically be some form of anthro/furry, there is nothing wrong with wanting a place that is purely pony and I enjoy that aspect of /mlp/ and the sim.

>We are all >nohooves irl. By calling ourselves "gamers" or "anons" or "retards" we aren't saying we aren't >nohooves, just that there are better, more specific describers we'd prefer to use for ourselves and others. Any of the above that says what they're describing isn't >nohooves is just coping hard.
bappu STRONK
The rain, rain, rain came down, down, down
In rushing, rising rivlets
'til the river crept out of its bed
and crept right into Popen's
can we do a townhall again?
(with the mayor and audience just vibing to music)
portal eyes
that's literally just a party. you're describing a party.
>we are furry
get lost furfag
i miss Top Clue
Tea doesn’t make enough to pay for the mental help and antipsychotics he needs though.
Note, hooves not ponies. Which is why you have deeraw and metal who flagrantly are mot ponies and are furfags to the core. The rule exists to allow certain furfags to run rampant while banning others.
>accepted in pony town
This is not Pony Town. What is wrong with you? Oh a couple shitter furfags clung to the /mlp/ group in PT so who cares if they do the same in SL too. Like any other furfag they should be taken out back.
>and have become accepted here over time
Read, retard.
>What is wrong with you
Same thing as with you, actually: and that's that I wasn't made supreme dictator of Baltimare so I'm not able to just ban every deer.
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I don't like vr anything. I'm glad I can run SL with a minimalist setup
just so you know anon(s) the people making the shark and deer mods and etc are all hmart employees, many the makers of our beloved pony avatar in the first place
seethe, cope, mald etc
Your point being?
being that the building blocks of our community is furries. so there's no point policing odd species as long as they retain the base and aren't obvious furbait
I want to make a changeling but I've struggled to find the stuff to make one. Please reply with changeling assets, thank you.
this concept extends beyond SL. Ponies are welcome at furfag cons because we're seen as furfags by them. many are both. many were furfags before pony even existed.

that said, nothing wrong with keeping the sim pony-only. if hollowfarts come in with knotted cocked >nohooves avatars like they use elsewhere, kick them accordingly please. Balti should be for pony, not furfag shit

no one cares if you're a furfag. just be a furfag elsewhere
i made one stringing together old assets on the marketplace, it is possible
based take
And we're playing a game originally created for normies and largely populated and primarily known for furry sex.
Despite that, we do our own thing in our own sim, because the game does make it possible and enough anons decided they liked it enough. Notice that most anons didn't care about SL until /opg/; they weren't interest in "the furry game", nor were they even interested in hmart's openpony models, not until a thread was made and sufficient anons joined simultaneously to actually create a self-sufficient sub-community.

The building blocks of our community are the anons who all joined at the same time, Seth who made the first thread and shilled it, and the anons who made Baltimare possible (Rose for creating the first parcel and organising the group, Rara and everyone funding the Baltimare sim, the builder-anons like Quote, Tea and any others who made assets that made Baltimare into the comfy place that it is).
Hmart is irrelevant except by the fact that it allowed the setting to exist, so to speak. It's no more relevant than Garry Newman is to gmares, for example.
snorm slapper makes me feel bad
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I self medicate though so its ok
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>most anons avoided the furry sex game until /opg/
>except for the anons that were already on the furry sex game that we owe everything to
>the catalyst for all of this isn't relevant at all
>not a single furfag was ever involved with the creation of baltimare, ever
There's two main kits on the marketplace:
>Queen-like: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FLUFFTOP-OpenPony-Changeling/22930175
>drone-like: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WP-Changeling-Mod-for-OP-Mare/24132988

Even if you want to make a drone, the flufftop (queen) one has much better legs, and imho the wings and abdomen are also better, so I'd still get it unless you're on a budget and then mix-and-match. The drone one is the only one with a non-queen horn, and also includes the ear-fins and a proper drone tail if you want; the wings are really down to preference.

Then there's a few miscellaneous thingies that are relevant:
Apparently acura made his own wings, I haven't tried them though.
Nice fangs, optional but good if you want something more accurate than the stock OP bat fangs
I just found this actually, hadn't seen it before.

Speaking of eyes, drone eyes are somewhat annoying if you want a show-accurate look; I think Umbra has some good textures you can use for them.
Thank you so much you're truly a chad anon
>we owe everything to
Fuck off and suck more dog dick furfaggot. You will never be accepted here.
yeah the horse really sounds in distress.
Everyone around you thinks you're a joke. You're the kind of mentally ill retard that would be institutionalized if you acted out IRL like you do online.
It's exactly the same as a fursona.
The difference between pony and furry behavior is like balancing on a knife edge from what I've seen here.
Let me just say that I'd much rather spend time with ponies in Baltimare than furries in general though.
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it's how you sound, and the fact that you don't/won't understand that is telling. keep coping
>specifically blue x pink
gay sexo only
>furfag dresses up as a dog
>calls others clowns
>no public sex
Literally 1984. I am going to have public sex today in Baltimare and nopony can stop me.
how do you know >>41545271 is a furfag?
The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. If I had but one bullet and I were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.
You betray yourself if you let your clouded judgement blind you to the actual facts. You know what you must do.
Whats the deal with the buttercreambrewster tourist hes always in the same corner of the sim with a half 70 percent dissambled popen who never says anything, never moves and bonuces off the sim borders to hh
>the furfags are just like us!!!
You will never be a horsefucker.
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>>most anons avoided the furry sex game until /opg/
>except for the anons that were already on the furry sex game that we owe everything to
Very very few, and the majority of THOSE were there from the earlier iteration of the general - you know, from last time /mlp/ had a self-sufficient pony (non-furry) community. When the OP didn't exist at all, by the way.
>the catalyst for all of this isn't relevant at all
I literally named the catalyst. Anons started joining en-masse when Seth first shilled it and organised the thread, not when the OP was released.
>not a single furfag was ever involved with the creation of baltimare, ever
Nobody said this, meds
i will breed this mare (stallion)
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>be me
>originally joined sl in the ancient prim pony days (not the first but like around the combo pony time), just to be a pony. never liked gmod ponies or the gmod community so i made do in SL.
>the community slowly waned
>and waned,
>and waned.
>eventually it was just a bunch of furfags poseballing and afking around a fire (especially in lovestruck, i think that was the sim name, it's been so long i don't remember)
>there were some events but no real sense of "community" just little cliques here and there
>at least I never found the community, and i wasnt super active on /mlp/ at this time so that might have been on me
>the worst thing happened
>the fucking furfags got to me
>the few pony friends i DID make were also furries
>i wanted to have friends so badly
>in my young idiot brain, i had to be like them
>i made a fursona
>it was shit
>but i actually made a few friends
>fast forward like ten years
>holy fuck that community is ass
>made me a worse person
>come crawling back to /mlp/
>hey there's a pony community on second life! that's literally what i always wanted!
>be me now
>but feels guilty because i used to be the enemy
>hate self and furfags
you don't have to believe me but this is all true. also i know no one gives a shit and >blogpost but i feel better having said it.
bros never go to the furry side just trust me okay. horses are good
if you have to be a little gay that's fine just don't go anthro on god's green earth never go anthro
Lovestruck was pretty bad yeah.
I worked there for a time, can't believe the owner of that sim is still even allowed in the other pony sims. They were fucking horrible.
i'm glad you feel me anon
that sim lead to things that literally ruined my life
it is more common than you think. I am pretty sure I know who you are and wish we still talked.

I miss sitting at Everfree, watching the episodes come out with our fucked up mero/combo pony selves. That's about all I miss out of those early cringe days, but Ronoak was a pretty sim.
GOD do I miss Everfree
if you're sure of who i am feel free to send me an IM, I would love to catch up
>the enemy
There are up-front and sociable ponies who are also furries on Baltimare, there are ponies from (or more who were previously from) Baltimare who are not furries but who have caused more problems than any furry has in Baltimare.
Its not about if you are a pony or a furry, its just about being a tolerable person. Sid of all people has proven being autistic about what cartoon characters and trying super hard to be the archetype of a social group doesn't matter more than if you just suck.
To be honest it just sounds like a typical instance of a SL community that sucked ass, it may as well have been sandbox griefer cliques or most of the other 4chan groups.
Either you're offline or I'm wrong.
I have to ask.
Were you one of the idiots who gave Chyuu money?
>the enemy
I think the problem is that you're taking internet tribalism too seriously anon
>Sid of all people has proven...
Sid was 100% a furry and didn't even hide it very much. He sorta passed it off as meta-ironic shitposting or something, but then him "quitting pony" over Balti drama and going back to being an anthro cat furry leaves no doubts about it.
What does it matter that someone is a furry if they only appear in pony places as a pony?
this is how everyone but the coping purists think
inb4 "kys furnigger" from one of them. Any second now
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Are you happy with your current main avatar look?
He spent the whole time rallying against them and other groups only to immediately to go hang out with those sorts of people. If anything it proves he was a hypocrite and that someone like Sid can exist exactly the same way regardless of what virtual uniform they're putting on. This also isn't counting how there are other people out there who are still purely pony or mostly pony who are shitty people both from and beyond Baltimare.
not really
For the most part but I feel like an house owner boomer - There is ALWAYS something to do.
it's funny how many pony sims are "staffed" by fags that used to talk about how much the owner(s) suck at running them. They will say or do anything to suck the dicks of the others in their cliques and the second they fall out, they're sucking someone else's nuts instead
sometimes i feel like my design is a knock-off of an obvious canon pony, and that my colours are way too played out an unoriginal, but I've invested a lot of my identity into my avatar and its hard to both say it's literally me but it also needs a complete redesign
It matters what they do in those places
>I like anthro and I visit furry sims but I also like ponies and here is my pony OC, I'm gonna talk about ponies here because I like them and it's the pony sim!
>I like anthro and I am a furry, hmmm this place only allows ponies guess I'll make a feral avatar for once, hello how do you do my fellow diet furries? Ponies are furries btw
very bad
mine is a whole lot better than it used to be. I experimented with the body a bit recently and tried a different mane. I envy the motivational energy of the popens that are always in a different outfit.
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>but it also needs a complete redesign
friendly reminder to only work on copies.
copy every part used and work on the copy.
so many ponies have fucked up their avatar not knowing that they're editing parts already in use for other looks
anons i was being a little facetious, yes i have personal history with them so I dislike them slightly more than average but I don't actually believe in pony furry clan faction wars
I feel you, anon. I switched cutie marks after several years, it felt like throwing away a big investment. New one feels a lot more aesthetic though, so it was worth. The sooner you like your (re)design, the better your future enjoyment will be.
anon every time I go to edit something I make a copy of it
every time i open a box i make a copy of the folder it created inside of itself called "original" and then also have fresh copies in the surface level i always make copies of
that being said I don't think I'll actually totally redesign any time soon unless i get a picture perfect vision of myself as a pony in a dream or something
Being a furry, on a pony sim, makes you intolerable. Keep your furfaggotry elsewhere. Was Sid a furry at Baltimare?
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You guys just reminded me of that day when I talked with some anon in this thread who told me to IM him, I had the wrong idea who it is based on the "sMoKe sIgNaLs" and in the end I spaghetti'd all over some completely unrelated popen who wondered what the fuck I was babbling about
somepopen that did this is exactly who >>41545519 reminded me of
are there any popen offering cm-making services? I could really use a few, and imagine others would be interested too. Could be an easy way to make some spare lindens
I don't care to reveal myself or get paid but I could do something for you if you like. Got a concept in mind?
I too am willing to take a crack at cutiemarks, i have done it anonymously before. I don't need payment but I never turn down a tip if someone wants to when it's done.
I love tea (I want to see her musk drunk on my marecock)
R1 still applies on Baltimare. I'm not debating that and I'm not sure why you brought it up, but if you're rating R1 adherence over filtering out malicious assholes you suck.
Someone said there are more earth ponies in the herd than others and for me that's hard to believe.
I was 100% sure we have more pegasi than earthies.
Honestly i was pretty sure unicorns were the default and earth were the rarest barring alicorns
pegasi are definitely at the top. Baltimare probably doesn't represent pony demographics in the fandom as a whole but it probably gives a decent idea, the ration is roughly like 2/4 Pegasi, 1/4 Unicorn and 1/4 Earth Pony and trace numbers of everything else
forever broken mare
wy are there so many pegas..........
Yes, you're a stupid fucking gooner and homosexual male. You also fantasize about being a tranny if "marecock" is anything to go off of. Anything else you'd like to share with the class? Do you think we're interested in your masturbatory fantasties? Because I think you should be castrated.
Telling the class you're a furfag without telling them you're a furfag.
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I have this one id like to make cleaner since its a poorly edited combination of stock vectors, it's like an abstract wave around a moon. And then a variation for my bat where the moon is yellowish, and the waves a purple cloud that wraps around the moon closer like a mist. Ill post a drawing in a reply
A spreadsheet was made a while ago. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k5G90jzZWcAOPO8zStYKCupGl4TYbGpb2vtWlnpHxU8/edit?gid=592734764
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something like the top left drawing. Would be thankful for the help, really appreciate the offers.
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Grain of salt, the spreadsheet includes ocs besides just a popen's main, unless that chart is filtering for mains only.
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That's more like it. Pegachads we stay winning
>more bats than unis
boneheads? Your response?
flap flap flap flap
hi sid
High degree of cringe.
which one is right??????
Earthies numbah wan
Kirin numbah seven
I think kirin are either number eight, behind deer, unless they're tied maybe
Ok but what does that have to do with MLP:FIM the 4th generation iteration of the MLP franchise?
can i be your fren
ponka is my tulpa and waifu
do you feel better now anon
go back to the barbie and /jdb/
there's also currently a g1 thread which is pretty cool
>dolphins are related to hoofed animals
that's the catch!
and monkeys and donkeys are related to wiwaxia, your point
Don't dolphins like... rape a lot in their spare time?
that's actually a myth and widely spread rumor. but i can rape you if you want
Miss you too, ALL OF YOU. These days without a pc have been boring af, I NEED TO HOST STUFF, I NEED POPENS SO MUCH ARG
I just wish they wouldn't have forced creatures so fucking hard since the middle of the whole series
it's a meme anon, please take your meds
caught one, keep the dolphin porn going
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who cares, post popen
IMAGINE being this upset LMAO
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always with this specific image...
Link to full pic?
um... you asked anon
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a bit similar
wtf naked
worse than the original
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here's a 1024^2 of it, but upload the .tga and you won't have shitty SL texture clipping

hope you like

noticed a flaw so if you saw the last post before delete go ahead and chuck that in the garbage
Tidal confirmed for Rara clone
Not Tidal but holy shit this looks so clean
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how's this one? willing to workshop a bit if you have any critique
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ok now remove rara but leave the diaper
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I better not find out who you are because I will ban you for that.
IM me: empressluna.starchild
Ban bones
porpl princessbug has made many cutie marks in her time and is willing to draw more for payment.
This is so sweet, thank you a ton anon, I've been wanting this for a bit. IM me so i can tip, tidal.

Also thank you! I'm at work so I can't do a drawing, but if you dont mind tapering the top and bottom of the fog into more of a point (the bottom more so than the top which is already close), and make the gradients end in a medium-light purple instead of a white, I think that'd be perfect. Or IM me too, and i can explain it better later & tip. Appreciate it a lot
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so this is just a recolored/retextured busy business suit right?
It is a LOT like it to the point I wouldn't be surprise you can redo it. For those that have the suit? Shitty rewards. For those that don't? Free expensive suit
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I'm a Pegasus
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>There was a period where people thought these models were acceptable
Pony in SL really has come a long way.
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That's actually a custom commission only Tresia has. It is also mesh, never limited by prims. Specifically it is shit.
When you're listening to music while playing SL, do any of you do this with your pony? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7ZBV2Mxa_w8
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Same sweater! Even the color!
blessed horse saver
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minecraft is real now
Pretty much the only thing you'll need is the pattern on the shirt.
lunas event is the worst one
i hate these events i really dont wanna play lunas or neighberry but i dont wanna have fomo about outfits for a year. im very thankful for powyville’s event not being a pain in the ass.
has Anon actually ever bonked a popen
Anon is for vibing not bonking
why are you 2 fps
Is anyone in contact with Reburst? Haven't seen that horse since the whole hurricane shit and I'm getting really worried
reburst is prone to disappearing on a whim without a word to anyone, I wouldn't stress too much
They're safe. They made it through the storm and last I heard they were waiting on their internet to get fixed and that was 3 days ago.
created a pr for adding a teleport here button to firestorm
NC or FL popen
new HMART release just dropped
Animations with no previews. Awesome!
>[...] double click teleport because some of the scripts I interact with causes an accidental teleport
nigga just change the keybind and add a modifier so you don't do it by accident
didnt even know you could kek
Maki have you ever looked at alchemy? There's a few missing things that are infuriating compared to firestorm but probably wouldn't be too much work to add. Such as being able to cam to an avatar on right-click in all context menus (like firestorm does), rather than just one or two of them.
Not gonna lie it's amusing this troon is featured in a HMART ad. If Izzy knew anything about him then she might realize it's not a good look.
He's detransitioned THOUGHEVER
detransitioning doesn't magically stop him from being disgusting and disingenuous
I guess it's Desu shit hours again
is he though
blaming all negative talk about maki on desu is pretty funny to me
keep using him as your scapegoat so I may continue to shit on maki uninterrupted :)
*has he though
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So cute and sweet!
What's people experience with running SL on mobile? Is working ok or is it completely janky?
Can we ban these two for this threadshitting?
I've never tried it but it is very much janky.
As far as I know there's two options: the ancient app that was really good once upon a time, but got abandoned; it still works but because it hasn't been updated in literal years it's missing a lot of features, so lots of things will look janky. Like I think even it's BOM support is either broken or nonexistent, for example.
And the other option is the alpha official app, which I think you can become a tester of by being a premium plus subscriber and some other shit I don't remember for sure (I haven't heard anything about it in months, actually), and that one has the opposite problem in that it's too new and thus... also lacks a ton of features and is janky as fuck.

And the openpony basically uses tons of modern SL features, given that it was made to be more or less the best avatar that can be done today to replace the legacy ancient stuff that existed, so ponies look like shit on mobile no matter what you do.
>knew anything about him
What? That they like to post silly things sometimes? That they have a hard time with identity? Pretty sure they just want to be a force of good. They've also become increasingly quieter it seems, I worry sometimes. Maki has always been a good friend either way.
You're replying to a threadshitter turd
that he admitted himself in thread that he "accidentally" recorded someone doing something unsavory with intent to report them to jannies
"unintentionally" tho, he didn't mean to ask the exact right question to gather the proof he needed from someone who trusted him
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I just wanted to say that I will be at Ponycon Holland for the weekend, so someone else will have to send a notice about the grid drive.
idc what supposed crime there was in Desu drawing art of someone who was already banned from the sim to piss them off, and not even posting it to thread, which means no action occurred in a place that matters to the sim
But the way Maki got the proof of it is so shady and makes me super wary to share anything at all around him that could even have a tiny possibility of being used against me
someone can't let go
Thanks for the headsup.
Grid drives are almost impossible anyway with SL's servers being in shambles like this.
Also nice trips
yes anon, I can't be comfortable in my favorite place to be, I can't let go of that
yes, i do this
what could possibly be "unsavory" in this community we're a bunch of weird fags
unban scan
THIS will be the last post in this thead:
I love ponies
I hate all of you <3
I only hate you faggot
desu shared private dms to maki of tea asking if they made the art, where desu clearly lied. maki then shared proof with tea that desu did actually make the art. maki's reason was that they had more respect for baltimare and also felt uncomfortable around desu for many months and could not get on even grounds again
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maki also shared private dms of people with others :)
you really like smileys :)
ok desu
I do, anon, thanks for noticing! :)
do keep pinning all my posts on desu, it's pretty funny <3
maki also likes being hurt which is pretty funny
damn, a glutton for punishment, if I threatened to kill him, do you think it'd make him hard?
ironically yes, unironically no. faggot
what a damn shame
desu is a two-faced shithead so its justified. i would do the same thing
so what you're saying is they're perfect for each other!
>page 11
We’re at the very bottom of the catalog.
It’s been an honor posting with you, gentlecolts.
guess thread baker can't be bothered, it's all so tiring, after all
last post for fillies
>catch supposed friend being a slimy piece of shit to other people
>exposes supposed friend for being a slimy piece of shit to those people
remind yourself that any "friend" that shit talks someone behind their backs will turn on you in a heartbeat the moment you've outlived your usefulness
last post for horses
shitting will continue until morale deteriorates completely
what a sad fuck you are
we all shit-talk ponies behind their backs
also drawing filly of pumpkin was funny asf, and she was already hated so I don't see the issue
last post for sad fucks
Speak for yourself
Last post for stallions
am i the ONLY ONE that isn't in an HMART ad for fucks sake

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