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Secret Santa is back in action!
Come celebrate Horsemas with your fellow anons; spill your horrid desires to an internet stranger, and spend a few months being a little less awful than we usually are.

>How’s this thing work?
Read the FAQ!
The short form:
Gifts are given Round Robin style (A gives to B gives to C who gives to A) while cards are exchanged traditionally (whomever you give a card to should send one back to you). You will be randomly assigned anons by email after the signups are over so please keep an eye out!

Sign up at: https://horsemas.anonfilly.com/

Schedule of events and deadlines:
Oct Now: Signup doc goes live.
Oct 31st at 11:59pm CST: Signups close. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Nov 1st onwards: Gift assignments will be given out. After gift assignments are finalised card assignments will be given out, please be patient.
Dec 1st - 10th is the latest suggested mailing period. Consider mailing on the early side if you’re shipping internationally.

FAQ here : https://fag.anonfilly.com/
Have thoughts/suggestions? The suggestion box is here: https://reeeeeee.anonfilly.com/

Coordinator email for comments/concerns/general inquiries: ponyclausmlp@gmail.com
Card Ambassador and assistant dragon supreme: thecardslut@gmail.com

And yet every year someone will break my heart and come late. For now you have a whole month to sign up, go enjoy the anni streams, shitpost with your soon to be holiday friends and figure out your Spoopmas outfits.
In the meantime, now is the time to get hype! Share stories from years gone by; say hello to your fellow horsefuckers; talk about your plans for the year; maybe write a song or poem to pass the time while we wait for signups together.

Previous Thread: >>41527778
omg Lyra is me!
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...you mean you live like THIS?
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I suppose the start of the thread is a really good place to post a game giveaway!

>Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek
>Call of Cthulhu
>Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
>Last Oasis
>Out of Space
>We Need to Go Deeper
>As Far As The Eye
>Cepheus Protocol
>Drake Hollow
>Nowhere Prophet
>Blue Fire

As always, the anti-bot measures:
F = $
M = *
X = %

GoG game code:

(see above for character repalcement)
You can see the toxoplasmosis infection physiognomy.
Thank you Anon! Wasn't able to redeem anything but Happy Horsemas to you too!
Everything was redeemed already??
I’d let her bounce on my blueberries.
Thanks anon! I don’t game but you’re a sweetie for doing this!
Yeah Blue Fire didn't work sadly. I went for that one cause it didn't have any swapped letters so I thought I could get that the fastest. It's alright though, thank you Anon the gesture itself means a lot
The asterisk, Anon
You gotta swap that out with an M
I'm an idiot, nevermind. It's okay I don't game, someone else can have it.
The new thread seems strangely inactive?
since I have to write in every thread to not be kicked off
You do?
i read the rules and realized im too much of a nervous autistic freak to even try to participate in something like this lol
Nah, he’s messing. You just have to post one time in November for the ghost list thing. It’s in the faq.
Don't worry Anon we're all autists here. What specifically spooks you?
the responsibility part of it, having to put together a gift for another person
makes me anxious to think about
Have you given gifts in the past? Are you concerned that they won't like what you get? With their wishlists people provide a lot of specifications on what they're interested in, it should be possible in any situation to find something that fits their criteria.
I'm super anxious of a person too that's why you just put aside like 60$ to buy wishlist things and buy like 40$ worth of merch before October just to be sure you don't make your Santee hate you and then you still feel all year that you should have done more and AHHHhhhhHHHH
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Nigga just participate in the giveaways, you have to post your name for those anyways and they're usually good fun even if you don't win a thing.
Consider the following: >>41537242
This is the first time I've actually been excited to hear what people say in a general. Too bad this isn't year-round.
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Let’s fuken goo
She gave you a long ass name didn't she
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Here is your pony Dusty Bin
I love her! Gumdrop hooves is such as good idea
>just participate in the giveaways
where, your sekrit clubhouse discord?
damn, I was thinking of asking you for a design but if that's what you think of make your mark I'll pass
I remember when people were arguing about whether gradients on eyes meant a pony was one gender or another. Thankfully were long past those days
No, retard. In the thread?
nice, I was thinking of asking you for a design and if that's what you think of make your mark I'll accept!
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Cinder dick, it burns when he pees
not even listed in the FAQ so you might want to update that
I thought there was only one giveaway
the thread has giveaways all secret santa long
Oh, that's cool. I hope PC doesn't run out of money for stuff to give away
>G5 skub
any participant can host a giveaway, they can work with PC to get the details to mail to the winner and such as well, coordinating is better than not anyway
What stops someone from lying about a giveaway and rigging it for a specific person to win to find the details of someone they dislike for bad reasons?
ok so when do we get our people? wanna start on this asap
End of October because it takes time construct the large orbiting rings of human centipedes (gift loops)
Just finished signing up! LET THE GIFT GIVING!!! BEGIIIIN!!!
1. All assigned names relate to trains.
2. You must post once per thread
>all assigned names relate to trains.

Wait what, when did we decide that?
I don't really think my name relates to trains.
Check thread #1 & #2
I have seen the train names, I just don't think mine is. So not all, just most.
Oh I see, the new names are train names... Well, I decided to keep the old name.
>Verification not required.
cant wait for gift time
Christmas, Imprisoning me. all that I see, absolute jolly
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I can't wait to see what you fuckers do this year
nigger my name is "Bar Brawl"
there is nothing train related like that
just because I registered at the wrong time I'm excluded?
It feels so good to finally close that tab with the signup sheet on it after like 2 weeks! I'll have my new name soon!
I swear it's not herpa-gonorr-syphil-aids. Thank you Maplecakes, I had a good laugh at this.
This Secret Santa is the only time I am absolutely terrible at budgeting. Once I find out who my Santee is I get the irresistible urge to spoil them.
Welp I unfortunately don't have enough money to spoil anyone, but I'll certainly do what I can.
I'm in this thread too.
Lucky I wish I was in this thread
I can't be in this thread I have a restraining order
Peanut will return
no he won't
For Christmas can I get one of you to bash my skull in with a sledgehammer for allowing myself to be on this miserable nightmare fuck helltrip for 13 years
Can I get a trip to equestria toi
Fuck it! I usually stick to the /toy/ SS, but I'll try this one too.
Post your address anon
Alright since obviously there’s a lot of newfags this year I’ll breakdown the giveaways for you. Anybody can host a giveaway, just be mindful that there are international Anons as well so you need to pony up for international shipping which can get costly. Yes giveaways happens as long as the threads are up, no there isn’t a giveaway each thread, no Pony Claus doesn’t host each giveaway. If you think giveaways might be unfair, they are typically hosted in a post with some sort of prerequisite such as post a picture, write a poem, give thanks to somepony etc. With each reply in order you’re given a number and when the giveaway closes a ‘4chan dice’ will be rolled and that lucky Anon gets the prize, so no rigging.

I host giveaways quite often but you won’t see much until everyone is fully signed up and assigned names for maximum cheerfulness. Hope this helps.

Though it's also valid to decide that a raffle prize can only go to an anon living on the same continent if the prize is very brittle, food that spoils fast, or you're too poor for international shipping. After all, raffles are done voluntarily and out of generosity in hopes of lightening the mood on top of any and all assignments, so expenses add up.
That's what you think
If I get (you) Anon, I will package your gift with some silica gel (it contains magic that will take you to Equestria when you eat it.)
End up in a chubbyemu video or die trying. How wonderful
Ayyy thanks friend! Now she can handle everyone's garbage safely
>page not available
In retrospect doing this the day of G5's death maybe wasn't the best call
I believe the timing is ideal
There are bars on old trains, can always be like a Victorian pugilist using magic to lift up a barstool? All while looking dapper as hell
It's in the first post, retards.
I'll fight you on a train
What a darling! 10/10 would properly divide up my recyclables again.
Calling Dr Needles?
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It’s ok to take things slow sometimes, and it’s ok to have moments to yourself. You’re doing great out there, don’t forget to get your rest, food, and self-care in.
I actually forgot about food, need to buy something. Thanks, derpy.
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You're up next 8th Notch. Your design kinda reminds me the pie sisters. I feel like she'd fit right in with them if she had a different cutie mark. I got a bonus for you as well that I'll post shortly
kek you may be right. Wasn't trying to upset anyone, was just a dumb joke
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Noticed you drew a backshot of your mare last thread so I decided to do one as well, except with the tail raised up. lewder version: https://files.catbox.moe/jm5krn.png
Oh no, it's totally perfect and timely. All trash must disposed of.
I think I will rework my horsemass OC.
Also , my appologise to Exit Ramp, I promised I would find a nice dress for Nasapone but I still haven't found inspiration for what she should wear.
But you look so dapper
Also look up Princess Rosalinas aurora dress as inspiration for NASA
To the anon asking about what happened with my silver stack I posted end of last thread.
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Hey, I'm sure you can whip up better ideas than mine
Aaaahhhhh she’s so adorable! I love her so much! She got good bottom too!
I've seen Kiwi at Harmonycon you don't want to do that
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Now i'm thinkin, in a hypothetical /ss/ battle royale, Kiwi would definitely make it far. But I would win ^:)
my dad says the most paranoia inducing shit to my cats.
>be careful, you never know what youre gonna see
what the fuck does he mean by that?
You are a big dude, it’s true.
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Ho Ho Ho and hello my dear friends! As we start off this new year, I want to do just a little housekeeping. I’ll try to post this every once in a while during signups for people who are still joining up. I know not everypony reads the FAQ (shame on you) so a couple short notes. First of all, the ghost list is coming back again this year. At least one time during the month of November, you need to put on your codename and post in thread. You don’t have to call out your santee with your name on. You don’t have to respond to your santa with your name on. But you need to make a post at least once so your Santa knows that they aren’t sending out into the void. I know that it’s perfectly possible for you to talk with your Santa without the nametag, and you definitely should, whether or not you choose to wear it, but I need to see it at least once just so I can find you in the archives and make sure you’re actually here. I know a lot of people last year wanted the rule to be more than one single post, and I realize that it’s still a compromise position, but sometimes we just have to settle somewhere in the middle. K? Everyone cool? Dope.
Part two: Grinching and tardiness. It was pretty rough last year, not going to mess you about, and I’m not going through it again this year. Before you sign up for that gift exchange you need to be bloody sure that you can follow through on it BY CHRISTMAS. I’m not running another Grinch rescue in April. It’s nonsense. The mercy rules on tardiness are going to be tightened this year, even if your Santee approves an extension, even if you are showing me WIPs. In past years I let those go on more or less indefinitely. This year I’ll be taking it out of your Santee’s hooves at a certain point and declaring it myself. If you need to send a safety net gift while you work on a more ambitious project then do it. See the FAQ for more details. If you really want to be a part of the event but don’t feel like you can commit to following through on a gift or cards, then just reach out to me and I will figure something out, even if that means I’ll just sign you up to receive some extra cheer cards from mass mailers. I’d much rather do that than lateness and grinching. The goal never has been to be the biggest /ss/ ever, just the BEST. Groovy? Groovy.
Third, hey, listen, I know some of you guys aren’t board regulars. You got an invite from your buddy, and it sounds like a good time, or you’ve not been around the board for a decade, or you’ve only come by for Secret Santa in the past. Hi! Thanks so much for being here and part of the season! It’s lovely to see you! Please remember this is an /mlp/ event. It’s a place for our little community to get together, hang out with other posters in a new way, and do something nice for folks we usually yell obscenities at. So if this isn’t your regular haunt please-don’t just show up for Secret Santa, get a gift, then disappear. That’s not very cash money of you. Go explore the board. Visit the drawthread or find a thread about your waifu. Watch the anni streams with other anons (yes the thread is still live as of now, go check it out.) Make some art in /bale/. Giddy up for us in the winter 4cc. If you don’t know what’s going on: lurk moar. We’re all newfags at some point, and I’m really happy that Secret Santa is an event that you want to be a part of, but, again, this is a community event. If you want to be a part of it, then try to be a part of the community, k?
Then just to address what looks like a little confusion: you need to post with your name on, ONE TIME IN NOVEMBER. If you want to post once per thread, great, it’ll probably be a comfort to your Santa and Santee, but you don’t need to.
Finally on a not-serious note: not every name is a train name. For one, I don’t come up with all the names, so there’s that, and not all of my names are train themed either. I just thought it would be fun to have a little theme running across the thread, so I came up with a couple dozen to pass out.
Finally finally: I love you. You’re all doing great so far, and I really feel like it’s going to be a good year. Stay jolly, ok, and be sweet to each other. /)
It’s gonna be great! You’re gonna be great!
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I hope so. I've been having a lot of fun with my Mars 3 Printer, and I figured that at the very least, I could fill my gift out with some MLP Prints!
I got some of the last keychains from Fallen Oaks at mare fair. I think I'm gonna send one out to my santee. :3
It's also acceptable to do whatever the fuck you want. I asked people to pick which filly in a picture they wanted, explain why, and I selected who got each filler because I'm a plush autist.
I kneel before this pretty pon you have provided. I love her.
>Your design kinda reminds me the pie sisters.
I really like Maud and I think Marble and Limestone are pretty ok too and well gosh I'd never even used my grey colored pencil so off we go
Thank you very much for making a qt version of my name.
Forgot to post on the thread after signing up! Here's to another festive year of mares! Love you all friens.
What do you think of Octavio Pie
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So which train pony's gonna be 9th from the start to get pegged by this cutie?
I'm kinda new to this whole secret santa woohaa, so I'm a wee bit nervous about getting everything just right. How do you guys prep for your tasks without getting all stressed out?
Well, for /toy/'s, I usually start with a set in stone budget to work from before anything else.
Honestly just wait for your assignment. But between now and then get a couple of neat stocking stuffers or stickers if you are going and doing cards

No need for the trip my fag
this is the 2nd secret santa I've ever done. and I usually start with a budget. maybe buy a few cheap pony things or candy so you can pad your gift. and then wait until you get the wishlist from your santee and plan 1 or 2 big items(I aim for around $20-$40) from their list.
>be me
>new name
Wow I have some competition for most cursed Maplecakes OC
Second that. Dude is a big and tall faggot
I love you too /)
Wait, shit, it's all one word. I suck at this, damn.
Alcohol. Try to scatter buy potential gifts. And knowing I will stress out regardless when assignment is handed out.
What if I couldn’t get anything from my santee's wishlist?
its a wishlist, not mandatory orders
fear not. we are all brothers in mares. a nice card and anything pony related is greatly appreciated.
Is there any way of signing up without using jewgle?
>inb4 everything goes into a docs spreadsheet anyway
And we've all seen what a good idea THAT is.
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The botnet wants coal in our stockings, anon.
Literally who google already told me but that should tell you how much of kino life I watched
I wait to see what pons they list, see what items I have from 14 years of retail therapy that might fit that, and try to work out something that goes with their interests to craft. Then I throw all that out the window and make whatever I have time to make within the three to four weeks I have to work with. Wrap and package with love / autism, remember I haven't done a card yet, re-open the box and put a card inside, remember I forgot to sign the card, re-open the box and the sealed envelope and do this again, finally get it all covered in horse pussy and mailed off.
As long as you make an active effort to try and honor their wishes that's all that matters. You may not be able to buy them a specific $15,000 handmade figurine that was a limited edition 5 of 5. But you can try and get them something special in the same spirit of their wish that still shows love and effort
Excited for my first secret santa!
Not enough cute crissmus ponies in this thread. Post some you fagolas.
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My heart. Saved.
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this is the first thing that popped in my mind, I had to do it
also have a flutterbat
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this is your secret santa OC now. there is no turning back.
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My gorl is prepared.
Can’t wait to exchange gifts with you fine folk
I always feel bad about not putting anything specific on my wishlist. Feels like I'm leaving my Santa without any ideas on what they could get me.
I always put at least my favorite type of candy, and a hobby that I'm interested in.
as of mare fair I'm collecting enamel pins and keychains.
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I just realized I fucked up and never posted a game giveaway for last thread, so, uh, I'm letting you know you're wrong and I did, I'll just repost it as proof.

>Amnesia: Rebirth
>John Wick Hex
>112 Operator
>Guts and Glory
>Ring of Pain
>Garage: Bad Trip
>The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
>Tools Up
>Hiveswap Friendsim
>Black Future '88
>Syberia 3

P got swapped with %
A has # as a substitute
I for an !
D replaced with +
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Okey dokey! Cotton Clump and Duck Down, your giveaway prizes are in the mail; I’ll email over tracking numbers shortly.
It was a close call actually! I set your parcels down for thirty seconds while I ran to the back to grab my sunglasses and by the time I got back my coworker had already opened them and sorted the prizes into the toy donation bin!
In other post office news, in my ongoing flirtations with the staff at the downtown post office, pic related has appeared on my PO Box door. To be clear, I did not put it there, someone on staff has just decided that I have earned a Kino Life decoration. Gosh I love my postal team. They really are the sweetest.
>Y Mr. Sad?
I ask myself that all the time, captcha.
thanks for the game moonfriend
I think i would beat all of you. not just think. I would 100% win against all of you. even the very large namefag, kiwi. ive seen half of your cocks.
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Found a nice STL of Luna. Gonna test print her this weekend and probably add her to the gift as the first goodie.
Brother we’ve talked about this. We all want to look at Kiwi’s cock, but you can’t go around saying stuff like that in public.
>already redeemd
>only one reply

you're either incredibly based or someone else is a nigger
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now that i think about it, games are exactly how luna would get more people up during the night with her
thanks for spreading her message of sleep deprivation with some good stuff anon, love you
redeemed John Wick Hex. you are incredibly based. thanks for making my day a little less shitty. /)
>he hasnt seen his cock
what are you gay? are you threatening mee?
I'm going to get grinched, I know it. I can feel it. With the normies here too it's just that much more likely. I spent three years mulling over whether or not to join and with offboarders it's going to be worse.
I'm probably overdoing it. One item I know I'll be sending sold for hundreds during the marefair auction.
File deleted.
Hey anon! I will fucking grinch you I swear to celestia i will do it. Im going to grinch you so fucking hard you wont know who even was supposed to give you a gift (the purpose of ss) and i will NOT send you a 7lb package containing a used american meat and 500ml of my cum you fucking faggot.
:O bro. I bought the challenge coin from the auction. $250, only to find out 1st awesome platoon sells the coin on etsy for $10. I know the entire point is charity but damn. I played myself.
What the fuck, nah I ain’t gay. You know what thou, yeah, I am threatening you. Show up to the next Mare Fair and we’re gonna strip down and compare cocks then fight this out, WWE style. See what happens, mofo.
Amazing foodpony
Gah! CUUUUUUUTE! I love goo ponies and monster ponies.
My cock will fucking break you, faggot. you will submit and sunk it QUICK
Dorples is adorbles
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What's the average Grincentage? It's my first year and I'm a little worried.
low since they get banned from /ss/ every year. and there are backups incase you do get grinched so you'll get something
>ywn feed the goo pony fruits and veggies she needs to maintain her intense metabolism
why even live bros
Heya Brown Box, could you give me an OC design sketch?
the thing i go for for my designs here is not making the character an obvious porn thing, that way anons can maximize the fun and games, and then go back for the lewds after the fact. I also opted for the pegasus instead of unicorn/earth pony for the sake of originality with a dose of femininity, same with the messy mane and such. to place him into the easy-to-picture-frotting, but not just a blatant walking innuendo. someone else can tackle the design if they want, but i consider it my definitive interpretation.
Grinchcentage for the past two years has been 0% and like 4.5% respectively, with about a 15% slowpokecentage for last year BUT THAT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN GUYS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND TRUST YOU AND YOU’RE ALL GOING TO MAIL ONTIME AND SEND ME TRACKING NUMBERS, RIGHT?
She needs the vitamins! She’s a very energy intensive pony!
We can't see the slugger behind your back in a text post, PC.
oh geez oh heck
putting me on the spot like that
Oh, that was your sketch? I somehow never realized and thought it was a random anon's sketch.
I respect and appreciate not making him a walking innuendo, but I would still like a touch of innuendo for fun. I don't mind if someone else takes that up though, since you did give your design sketch already.
If we have small changes to the form, can we edit the form or will original submit be the one used?
I’m sorry friend, that was not directed at you, just sort of announced into the void in hopes people are listening. And honestly this is one of those moments where, in complete and total honesty, when it happens I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed. I just want to see everyone have a good Horsemas is all, and last year I don’t think I did a good enough job emphasizing the importance of timeliness and as a result a couple dozen people got gifts well after new years and that stinks and I want to do better this year.
It's not that. Its an anniversary coin. I bought 20 and have given away around seven so far. Plus more.
You can edit away! The form will update automatically up until I close it for responses, so anything you change will be passed along to your Santa in the form they receive, and I try to go through and double check assignments at the end to make sure no changes effect anything.
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as penance for my hubris, have a lewd
Thanks. Superb.
he's got a real thick brush there
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Hot! Bananas are my favourite thanks so much!
PC, why is the wishlist required to fill out if you're only doing cards, when cardees don't get your wishlist anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to put it on the gift exchange page with a "not participating" button like with the other gift exchange options?
I don't think there's a reason really; I didn't divide things out into the separate pages until later in the process, so the option to skip to a new section was later in the game, and I just kind of think of favorite ponies and wishlist as two sides of the same coin so I kept them together. Probably won't change it this year with things already in motion, but if it bothers people I can move it over for next year,
I've done the gift exchange for the past few years, but I picked up drawing since the first mare fair and I'm interested in doing cards only this year.
What would be a normal amount of cards to try to do for a first timer?
The spice must flow.
You’re saying that Spice the Gingerbread Pony is a little leaky?
Ah yes, this year's recurring theme: bladder problems.
someone get Mud Puddle in here
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>just realizing that I'm the only one in this thread that made their wishlist like a stereotypical wishlist where you write out the specific items you'd like to get
Uh oh.
(You) fucled up anon. that spoils any chance for a surprise.
I was more aiming for horny, but k
I feel like writing a short green but not what. Thoughts?
Id regift anything thats not my waifu or sona, but thats not the bad thing, thats just an extra step in doing good gift.

Im close to putting something like 10 lines of textyelling RARITY STUFF RARITY STUFF RARITY STUFF RARITY STUFF with a small piece "ship Her with my ponysona please" somewhere in the middle
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How difficult do you think it would be to wrap an erect horse penis?
You should wrap it with a horse attached, and make sure its alive. Otherwise, it wont come to your santee erected.
Depends on how fast you draw. You have roughly 30 days to make and mail cards so they arrive before Crimmus (assuming domestic; international you have maybe a week less). Assuming you draw every day, if it takes you three days to draw, you can make a maximum of 10 cards. If you take a 2 day break between cards you can make a maximum of 6. And so on. I'd recommend going a couple cards under what you think is your max so you have a bit of wiggle room if things take longer for whatever reason.
Huh, is there a reason wav goes to automatic download but mp3 plays in browser or is it just me?
I mean. There's the surprise of which one they'll choose to get?
I diagnose this thread with chronic Horsemas cheer.
A sticker stocking prize pack! A little stocking stuffed with several stickers, magnets, and pins that I've had made over the past year.
Derpy is a good poner. Draw a picture of her. Use a fancy drawing program, ink and paper, MS Paint, crayon on a used paper plate, whatever. Skill not required, just draw Derpy.
Put your holiday ID on and reply to this post with your Derp drawing.
When the thread archives. Winner will be randomly picked in the next thread.
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For wynter wye

Thanks so much for the cute arts. I wanted to ensure things were even so I did a background and shaded. Hope you enjoy!
She so purdy!
I like Derpy! I’m gonna enter this! Drawing only or are other crafts acceptable?
Holy hell that is amazing! Thank you so much. The outfit you gave her is sooo cute I love it! That is more than even, wasn't expecting a detailed background or anything like that.
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If you want to go the extra mile with other Derp crafts, then that's totally acceptable!
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This is actually one of my better drawings. I am not a draw fag and used the note pad on my phone
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here ya go, ive never really drawn ponies before.
Heck I just "drew" her a few weeks ago for the draw thread and I just can't be bothered. She used up my paint.
Well you should cause she’s adorable. I like how rounded she is.
absolutely snowpitiful. I can’t conceive of a comfier artstyle than this. I want to have this framed and bolted through the middle to the screen of my laptop so I see it every time I open it up
Never participated in one of these before, i hope whoever i get enjoys having art and stuff, because il do my best to do good, but i cant promise my adhd ass will art 100% properly sadly
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lady luck please be on my side.. i’ve been a good anon this year
really good for your practically first try
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I’m glad! Wanted it to be fair because you did 2 characters. She’s a purdy pony
I've been wondering whether I should make an OC based on my codename, or if I should ask for a talented anon in here to make one. I already have a fair few OCs of my own but I realise it'd probably be inappropriate to use them for Secret Santa stuff. what do anons
Holy shit is that the MLP coin as a shiny sticker
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This is the first time I've ever drawn anything pony related. Thanks for forcing me to do that.

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i really hate effort but i love free shit and derpy so fine
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I love my new holiday codename!
Drew a Derpy on her laptop!
Good lord what is happening here.Nature sure is strange
Well call me Leland Stanford and hand me a hammer because I want to pound that boy so hard
Thanks doc for a fun giveaway idea
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oh dear LORD, that is AMAZING!
I'm kinda disappointed less then 30 people read the FAQ.
I did actually read it but I never wrote the mail
I also willingly chose not to participate in that.
I am guilty, but I will use the excuse that I didn't think it had changed from previous years. But it's a fun thing for newcomers.
Some people read but they're not fully comprehending it. It's the fault of our shitty education system that made kids read boring books that only taught them how to skim without retaining anything and not realizing it
Should oldfags read the FAQ?
I immediately connected it with >>41547448
I am so pleased with all these lovely derpos
Even better, it's a shitty shaky-handed trace of the mare coin design on a shiny sticker
Thanks for eating Kirkland pizza and getting tipsy with me in the back room of the Cope Pizza Party, I don't think you necessarily knew I was an /ss/ person
I do it like "anything is fine but if you need ideas here's a list, too". Some Anons really like having a list to work off of, others prefer to come up with stuff themselves, so this way either type should find a way.
Whoever I'm getting, if you decided to opt in to having shit on the outside of your package just know that I'm definitely NOT putting Aryanne stickers all over it. And even if I were, you wouldn't have to worry since it counts as free speech in the US
>"anything is fine but if you need ideas here's a list, too"
Same here but more autistic.
Don't do it internationally

Well yes, that is a given.
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I never draw so this came out better than expected, thanks for the challenge
How is her face so intact though?
Everything you know about hygiene is the exact opposite. Showering everyday is bad for your skin and hair (look it up if you don't believe me). Cavemen never have acne problems
>doesn't shower daily
>everything they tell you about hygiene is Wong
Your Santee is going to get to experience your "musk" forever once it permanently seeps into your gift
I shower maybe once a month, and my skin is garbage. At some point I thought I had plaque psoriasis, so I went to a dermatologist who told me that it's actually a fungal infection that you cannot get rid of. I still feel like that's bullshit. It's fungal - not viral. Hell, you can even kill viruses.
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pls no exiferino
Have there been any participants form Russia in 2022 and 2023?
I'm asking because i kinda wanna participate but considering the current international situation i wonder if there may be any obstacles to that. I just spent an hour googling and the postal service of Russia sends post to the US and to EU countries without any problems, for the US delivery time is 10-30 days, for EU countries 10-20/25. It's also not exactly cheap but the shipping fees are not exorbitant (i expected delivery to the US to be MUCH more expensive) so it looks like i can send a package without any problems (and i watched some youtube videos and it seems that people have no problems with sending their mail to other countries), but still, i wonder if it's as easy as it seems. Also there are sanctions, so sending, say, electronics either here or out of here is out of the question. And i wonder if there may be problems with delivering mail TO Russia?

Maybe i'm blowing things out of proportion but i just wanna be sure that if i do sigh up i won't leave anyone without a gift because it turned out i cannot send my package.
I think there was at least one russian anon last year if I remember well
I’d absolutely send some Horsemas cheer to some depressed slavanon if there’s a spot available
There were a few Russians in the last few years. I know as I shipped an item to one, however that had to be accomplished through a 3rd party in Germany (a friend of the Russian who would pick up the package and forward it onwards). Russia has a ban of the importation of certain items (eg. precious metals, etc) but the marecoin I sent along with the item managed to get to the slavanon.
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sorry is not very good. 1st time actually drawing since art class in high school and was using a mouse.
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Not an entry, but I'm just pleased that my gorl is getting lots of art love
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oh geez oh heck forgot the wings
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Awwwww, yeah. We made it to Friday, team. We’ve survived every day so far; I’m feeling pretty good about our chances of making it to the weekend. One hoof in front of the other, k? I believe in us! We got this!
Yippee Derps makes me happy.
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Dapi in da box
>leave anyone without a gift because it turned out i cannot send my package
You can ask Pony Claus to give you a santee from Russia. There should be several of them itt.
>You can ask Pony Claus to give you a santee from Russia.
What would be the point, in this case i could just participate in an annual russian secret santa they organize on russian pony forums. This is an international 4chan event
Did you have to use a middle man because of the coin specifically or to get the package to russia in general?
its okay fren, i read it, i just didnt wanna inject myself into the seasonal cheer more than im ethically able to
Herpes is a virus and you can't get rid of that. If you moved to an environment where there was no darkness and no moisture humidity then the mold wouldn't be able to grow. Start taking dry baths (avoid sweating if you can) and make sure that any skin you cover with clothes remains illuminated underneath to prevent fungal growth.
I'd let you inject yourself into as much of my cheer as you like if you know what I mean~
>you send a precious metal silver coin through customs of Russia
>yet was not stolen
Friend that is a one in a million Christmas miracle. I am Kazakh and Russia post has stolen many items over time when I used to send trinkets with my pen pal.
Anon that's a little bit gay
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starting early today are we
Open letter from a newfriend that hasn't signed up yet to the organizer of /mlpss/

Why is this secret santa, despite being one of the largest on 4chan, not have multiple tiers of gift giving? The /k/ Se/k/ret Santa has price ranges so that Anons can gift and receive gifts according to what they can personally provide. It ranged from Free/Card Tier, $20+, $50+, $100+, then finally $200 only for returning Anons from previous years. This system seems like it would encourage more participation and enthusiasm and variety/surprise in gifts given than having one tier. The problem is that the one tier may make people psychologically perceive a ceiling on what they can gift, and so the true potential for gifts is not reached because it is kept low. While it is ideal to have a low barrier to entry to allow as many to participate as possible, it is possible to do so while also allowing anons with greater means to achieve more with their gifts and that above and beyond effort should be encouraged in the spirit of "Horsemas" as you call it.
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As a PSA, MLP has been banned in Russia as of this year so it may not be possible to involve Russian anons in this year's secret santa unfortunately.
I thought so! That's awesome and the pizza cope was great. Didn't even have to wait in line.
I was already planning on giving around $100~ for my gift so I'll opt for a higher tier like that if it becomes an option
Kazahbro send your Santa some powdered mare milk. I know you faggots have it
Do people really go all out like this?
They will never take my mares
also they didn't actually shut down that convention and it was about rent, not lbgt stuff, but it's still pretty funny
discordmug-tier post
it's worked well enough the past ten years and imo it adds a bit of haves and have nots to the secret part of secret santa
I would send him prepared horse but its difficult to ship both cook and noncooked meat long distances regardless of state borders or sending to the EU. The taste isn't special but it represents our culture and identity
This is very good question. I'm not answering on any official capacity and this is just my two bits. For the past nine years this event has been running there has been a large variety of gifts and surprises already. Personally I've run the gauntlet of getting grinched to getting an /mlp/ scarf and some amazing custom 3d printing. It can be a dice roll and no one really things about the value of the gift, but the joy it brings. I can see the effort the anon has put in and it brings a smile to my face, the same even applies to cards as well.

I plead the fifth
and no I'm not including shipping
A good growing chunk of Santas have always given well above the $20 minimum because they like seeing their Santee's reaction
One of the elements of Harmony is generosity, people gonna be generous even with a 20$ minimum
last year i spent probably around $200-250
When I said I wanted to eat out a horse this isn't what I meant. I think the brand Saumal is Kazakh so just get a tin of that?
Without giving myself away last year I gave a custom gift that cost about $150 because I got along with my Santee really well in the threads after getting to know him when asking a question and we became friends
No need to fret over Frot my friend, it's simply a difference in style.
Some want a Brown Box that doesn't arouse suspicion until you look inside, and others want something or everything about the contents on display >>41550377
Tall order, I'd better get started
To get to Russia in general, was proposed by the anon since America doesn't do a direct ship there.
I did say it was a "novelty pin" instead of it being "a shitpost coin made of valuable material".
>no fun allowed
Relax anon. It's the best and comfiest holiday of the year
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Can confirm. It still makes me smile when I occasionally see my former Santee post pictures on this board of the plush I commissioned for him.
Where is the OC shipping and lewds, and W H E R E is the fucking Clerical Task green?!?!?!
I've got a raging hearth fire in need of stocking stuffers cumming down the chimney as bad as the nerdicorn herself!
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You’ll have to forgive some spotty communication today. It is turning into the kind of day at work that does not permit for lurking with thread on the side. Apologies.
That’s a great question, and it has come up before and I’m sure will again. There are no current plans to set the /mlp/ secret Santa up in a tiered list, and there are a few reasons for that.
First, we just aren’t one of the other boards’ events, and the culture here has always reflected a different approach to the season. The threads here are much more about fostering community and interaction than giving and receiving specific items, which is also why the minimum price point is fairly low and you’ll see (I hope) a fair bit of “off topic” chatter during the event as Santas and Santees get to know each other, build relationships, and tailor gifts that focus on personalization rather than price point. As an example, a couple years back I had to make a ruling on a possible grinching for a piece that was Twilicorn instead of Twilight, even though the receipt definitely crossed the $20 line, because the recipient felt that it hadn’t properly accounted for his wishlist. (After talking it out with both parties, it was not a grinching in the end but an honest misunderstanding of what the wishlist asked for, but it still left a bad taste in everypony’s mouth.) It matters more to this event to foster a connection and show understanding and connection to a fellow anon rather than picking up some merch.
There’s also a very strong tradition for handmade gifts in our /ss/ which can be a complicated issue when affixing prices. Usually it’s pretty easy to cross the $20 threshold with some handmade items, but beyond that… I make woodwork and some of my stuff could conceivably sell for triple digits at a good con, but I have crushing self doubt so I’d probably price point them in the low doubles. Which tier do I go in? Does a new plushmaker get the same price tag as an established vendor if they’re both aiming to make the same product? Is it worth less because it might end up lower quality? More because it might take more man hours?
And, honestly, a lot of it is simply because this is how we do it. That’s the tradition that’s been established, it has functioned well with only occasional snags, and those are often settled afterwards. I’m not looking to shake up a formula that I inherited and has proven itself, though at some point I imagine inflation will force me to up the minimum price.
Also, honestly, sometimes it’s just fun every few years to see someone in a poor living situation get blindsided by a fancy horse pussy or custom plush that would be out of the question if the gifts were divided up. It’s part of the Horsemas magic.
I appreciate the question though, and I do understand why it comes up every year. I don’t have any issue with tiered secret Santa events, I think that they work great and are the right fit for other boards. I just think the simple way is the right way for us.
Now if I don’t get back to work I’m a real ass to my coworker holding down the donation drive through alone right now! /)
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Behold my hastily drawn Derpy crafted on my lunch break when no one was looking
Sorry, I’m going to steal one more minute off of my coworker, because I knew I was forgetting something. I did mean to say as well: it is not as though I am unwilling to countenance people with specific preferences about price point. Every year, at least a few people include in their comments a note to the effect of “I’m quite strapped for cash this year, please try not to pair me with someone with a high-end wishlist, or, much more rarely, but it does happen, “I’m planning to go all out with my gift this year, and I’d appreciate receiving from a Santa with a bigger budget to even that out.” and I always do my best to accommodate. Feel free to use the comment section very liberally. OK I really do gotta go.
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As someone who was gifted a life size plush of my waifu as a CARD, yes, niggas truly be crazy. Generosity is a hell of a drug. I can remember spending like at least $250+ on a single /ss/ years back, just full of that santa high. That festive spirit, it just fills you up and you just want to give so much. It's addictive. I love making anons happy, and I love seeing other anons make other anons happy. /ss/ is crack, and you WILL be here forever for it. <3
Its not about getting, its about giving. Tiers come off as a way of saying "I can spend more, but I want more in return" and "I'm only investing what I can get back" which just feels wrong to the spirit of giving. I'm going well over $20 because it feels good to just make someone's day and see their reaction. I certainly don't expect the same I'm putting in, if I wanted that I'd just go to a storefront and buy what I wanted myself.
After all, isn't the true gift of gifting what it means inside? To show that you care and spread love far and wide?
My only hope each year is that I am able to make my Santee happy. Probably why I stress so much after assignments are handed out.
And seeing anons enjoy yours and other anons gifts is truly rewarding.
How bout you spread far and wide and let me gift inside?
Sorry, I only want grinches as my Santas, I'm here to gift, not get.
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I love you anon
Shipping meat or cheese to the US or EU through the mail is a big no no. If it gets caught in customs, the box will be incinerated and you can be fined.
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Okay, I did all four to get that one (1) entry. First with the pen, then with crayons (did not have a used paper plate, forgive me), then in MSPaint, then in Krita
I saw this in the middle of doing homework on my laptop. It has a stylus but I am so much better drawing with mouse on my desktop.
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i cant wait to get my assignment
Assignments went out two months ago, man. It’s Christmas today.
Where have you been? We’ve been worried about you.
This one is absolutely adorable.
How do you feel about a dignified silver-fox gentlecolt in a smoking jacket. His calabash is a little worn, a little cracked, but he puffs contentedly on it dreaming of the next adventure.i can’t draw for the record, im just imagining things out loud.
Do you smoke a pipe irl anon?
that stoll is about to break from the cargo freighter on top of it
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S’mores Soufflé

That honestly sounds so good I never had soufflé
I see (you) Wonder Waves
holy cutie!! her colors and mane style are adorable
I olve her
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I want all the drawfriends to know that their art is always a pleasure to see! I need to hurry and figure out a design for my own name
I would be a crazy gifter, if I had the money for it.
One day, maybe.
She’s very pretty and I would go camping with her.
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I don't intend to enter, I merely wish to draw.
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I love stickers! Here's my entry.
Make sure your ZIP is correct this year ^:)
dont have to if im not able to particpate :^)
no evn carbs? :(
not likely, if i participate i wanna do it as good as or better than i did last year, and until i get a call back for a job i cant manage it. until then ill still linger, doodling poners for the festive anons here
That right there is a pony who tenderly toasts all sides of the mallow to a golden brown with skill and care. No catching them on fire or charcoal-black going on here. What a true professional. What a treasure.
Man, what a freaking day. I think it’s going to have to be naptime before Derpy contest time.
had a nice ride today to get beer, the person who picked me up from hitch hiking was ALSO getting beer, and drove me home, that's what i call a good day.
also here's a song i like its the perfect song for drinking alone in the woods

you're a drawfag, why not make it happen?
to invite someone else to see the potential and make it their own doodle. i like to draw, but i also like to see other people draw too, its cozy
i support
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Nothing to drastic, just little bit of playing with the hair style that's all. Also doing some redesign for cutie mark as I feel like that at some point I would like to have a plush of it and I would hate to tape her cutie mark when going to cons to protect it from the eyes of normies and irl jannies
hmm, I can't really find something I like 100% but for some reason the simplicity of Star Trek TOS mini skirt striking my fancy fancy with some additional golden accents like pic related?
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and here is the first draft at redesign.
might do more another time
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fucked up my layering
woah cool :D
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Minty….with two socks ;)
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Ok Hawkeye
Well, I wasn’t really feeling horny before, but sure, I guess I’m up for a wank.
Please put me in bed with the snoozy mares.
first time participating in /ss/ what kind of boxes are good for this? does everything I put in the box need to be ponypony related? have any pictures from last year inb4 check archive
would I be a dick for listing a shit ton of things on my wishlist? I just want to give my santa some ideas.
Nope. It's a wish list, not a check list.
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I seriously cannot stop listening to the song Strobe by Deadmau5. HELP.
Depends on what your santee requests. If no spaghetti speaks for itself. Some spaghetti, maybe look at discretely placed stickers. No shame, then find pony wrapping paper or make some yourself (print out stuff yourself, maybe design your own and have some service make it for you like Zazzle or something). It all depends, plus you'll have to consider the shipping of the box, which most parcel services don't allow stuff on the outside, so you'll probably want to have your gift box wrapped up and secured within the shipping box. Also, some people opt to decorate the inside of their parcel so as to not draw attention before opening it up.

As for gifts, try to adhere to the spirit of the event and get pony centric stuff if you can. That's not to say you can't include non-pony stuff as I like to add some foodstuffs and/or maybe sneak a bottle of booze to my santee if they're of legal drinking age. Again, use the person's favorite ponies and wishlist as a guide; but remember a wishlist is exactly that, a wishlist, and not a "get me everything on this" list. Just put a bit of thought into your gift and it'll all be fine.
I tend to use flat rate shipping boxes. But you can use any kind of box, some people even like autism plastered on the outside of the box.
not everything needs to be pony related, but this is a pony based event. The main gift should be pony related based off the wishlist if possible. I've sent filler gifts to round out the package along with the main pony based gift, baked goods are always a fun option.
imagine her flicking her ears up and down
What the fuck anon you can't just post that here
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Eighth Notch and Wynter Wye are both kinda qt imo thank you for drawing Eighth Notch, friend!
>avoid sweating
I think that's one of the hardest parts. I sweat a lot when I sleep. The human body produces an absurd amount of heat - enough to easily change the ambient temperature of a room. I guess I'll set my fan to run higher and not be so liberal with the heater this winter.
Aww they are so cute together! Thanks friend, seeing that put a big smile on my face. I think some people mentioned it before, but you should really consider posting in /bale/, I'd love to keep seeing your art even after Secret Santa is over.
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Please enjoy your vacation once mods find this. Still very UNF.
I just want to see how fucking based this artwork is going to be in a few months if you keep doing a pone-per-day.
Keep up the good work, Anon.
Sorta like a Sherlock Holmes pony! I forgot Calabash wasn't just a gourd, I love that idea for a Holiday OC.
I don't smoke anything in real life, not even weed and that's legal where I live! Why buy things to burn with your money when you can buy pony toys and books!
>Why buy things to burn with your money when you can buy pony toys and books!
Bubble-pipe and smoking jacket confirmed.
Remember to remove your code name before posting in/making a new thread.
I used to lurk /bale/ and even taught sewing to make a smol plush but that thread always moved too fast for me, so despite some really talented people giving me lots of advice, I never started drawing. I'll consider popping by, but in the meantime secret santa runs for about 9 months and I'm sure I'll draw some more festive honses.
Thank you! That's the goal, get faster and better by doing. The couple times a week I was drawing wasn't getting me where I wanted to be.
You shut it with the artist self hate I was one of your cardees last year and I fucking loved it
Sweet Celestia...this is worse than grinching you degenerate
Please never say that name again. I try to ignore the fact they still take part
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8th Notch is top Notch
That is quite literally accurate.
>Be Cracked Calabash
>You stand by the grandsire clock and wait patiently, pipe in hoof, watching the seconds tick by.
>The second hoof rounds the twelve and the minute hoof moves forward with a satisfying click.
>Major Curio Cabinet once told you that the minute hoof jumping by increments instead of sweeping along steadily made your clock a true gem, clearly produced by a master of the craft. Something about “complications.” You forget the details. You forget a lot actually. You forget where you got it, for one thing. You have some vague recollection of a noisome bazaar and a little pony…or perhaps zebra? in a little booth, tools and gears on a rough wooden bench, hooves dancing like a pianist over the delicate assemblies. Was it Saddle Arabia? One of your tours in Giraffrica?
>You take a gentle draw on the pipe stem and let the smoke out in a warm, salty cloud that hangs in the still air of the study. It’s an Imperial blend, Virgineigha and Latacka, though you’re not really supposed to call it Imperial anymore. Equestrian. Celestia has been clear about that, and with her sister back on the throne as well you suppose it’s just as well that you move with the times. Certainly time would move on without you if you didn’t. Your gimpy left foreleg is enough of a reminder of that.
>It aches with the change of the seasons these days, slowing you down a little. That damn young lad Cinder Dick from the club beat you at a set of tennis the other day, and that never happens. Well. It never used to. Wait. What were you thinking about again?
>Oh yes, of course, Giraffrica, it must have been. You were looking at the clock, after all, the one from Giraffrica. Or was it Saddle Arabia? Hm This bore some contemplation.
>The minute hoof jumps forward again, and suddenly things seem wrong.
>Didn’t seem. Was. Something was wrong.
>It was the feeling you got when the birds would go quiet in Griffonland. It was the feeling you got when the chatty, boisterous villagers stopped calling out their wares and wouldn’t look you in the eye right before an ambush. Something should have been there, and something wasn’t.
>The pipe burned cold and your mind whirred. Maybe not as sharp as you were thirty years ago, but thirty extra years of adventure were all stamping there hooves and pointing at the clock. Insisting that something was wrong.
>It was 8:37.
>What did it mean?
>It was 8:37…
>...and you didn’t hear the train whistle.
>And the train was never late. Not once.
>A train robbery? A derailment? Had the changelings finally attacked again? There was something very wrong, you could feel it in your bones. Someone was in danger.
>You carefully tap the ashes out and refill the bowl before striking a match.
>And smiling.
>Adventure is afoot. At last.
>be me, be private eye
>snow’s falling like secrets in my cigarette smoke filled office
>office smells like stale coffee and broken dreams
>get a call from a dame named Maplecakes
>A kirin at this time of year, nothing but trouble
>the Kirin's in a bind, and it’s got something to do with her friend, Minty, Minty Two Socks.
>Minty’s a legend in these parts, known for her vibrant socks and even more vibrant personality
>Maplecake tells me Minty’s gone missing
>rumors say she was last seen at the local sock hop, chatting up about her newest gift idea
>not the kind of mare to disappear without a trace
>head to the sock hop, a lively joint with jive music and dancing hooves
>real merriment in the joint, almost makes you wish Christmas was real, almost
>everyone’s decked out, but Minty’s signature candy cane colored socks are nowhere to be found
>ask a couple of chuds at the bar, but they just shrug like they don’t know nothin’
>spot a suspicious character in the corner, sipping on eggnog like it’s the elixir of life
>“You seen Minty?” I ask, leaning in closer
>he smirks, eyes glinting like frost on a cold morning. Just cold enough to cause some shrinkage
>“Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t,” he says, “But she was looking for a treasure, and it wasn’t just socks.”
>smells like I just stepped in cumjar of trouble
>listen to rumors all night
>start piecing the puzzle together
>Minty "two-socks" was onto something big—some old Christmas heist from years ago
>seemed like ol "two-socks" wants a piece of that peppermint pie
>the clock’s ticking, and I need to find her before the snow covers the trail
>head to the old warehouse, The old warehouse next to the stocking department store, where the whispers led me.
>the place smells like old wood and secrets, the kind of secrets you clear your browser history for
>on the rafters of the warehouse I lurk, checking out the joint
>there’s Minty, surrounded by a motley crew of sock thieves
“I told you I’d find the treasure!” she shouts, brandishing a pair of shimmering socks like a trophy
>as the thieves looks upward to gaze upon the prize, they spot me
>the thieves are none too happy about my eavesdropping
>what follows is a classic showdown—punches fly, and so do the socks
>one of the crooks tries to off Minty in the scuffle and claim the priceless stockings
>in the chaos, I grab Minty and we make a break for it
>back in my office, Minty’s recounting her wild sock caper
>she may have lost the treasure, but she gained a hell of a story
>Christmas spirit’s alive, and the socks are minty fresh
>guess you could say I solved the case of the missing Minty Two Socks
>mfw Christmas has never felt so right
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It’s midnight eastern! You know what that means? Two hours of uninterrupted aquarium sounds over at Neighborhood FM.
Listen in at neighborhood.horse
>smooth jazz intensifies
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I finished drawing my id this year. She enjoys traveling to acquire curiosities :)
QT 3.14!
That's a great Christmas green!
would, I love her thank you so much for drawing her
maybe joining this was a mistake
I don't have a job so how am I going to pay for shipping or gifts.
>its your fault you don't have a job
I'm leaf please understand, I don't have my drivers license and all the minimum wage jobs even for shit like janitorial work require "cleaning experience beforehand"
Yeah, probably a mistake, just sign up for cards. I've signed up for the gift exchange jobless before and it was stressful. You don't want to end up as a grinch.
i cant believe they fucking killed Sparky Sparkeroni

also hello I don't usually look at the index often since I just have a few particular threads I hang around on but I have discovered this and I am intrigued
>Be Gandy Prancer
>You inhabit an interesting state between consciousness and the void at the moment, aware of things going on around you, but, it seems, at a terrible distance.
>There were sounds, loud sounds, and movement, violent movement, but all experienced as though by someone else.
>And then a hoof slaps you across the face.
>”Chief!” Wheeltapper shouts, “You with us, Chief?” The hoof goes back again, but the world comes back into focus before it falls, and you raise your own hoof defensively. Your head hurts enough already. In fact, you realise as you tenderly put a hoof to it, it’s actually bleeding slightly.
“Wheeltapper? What in the name of Celestia?”
>”Dunno, chief. There was a bang and everything went sidewise. Derailed. Must have. I think we big holed it. You hit your head.”
“I noticed. How’s Coal Shovel?”
>”Haven’t checked, chief.”
“Ok. We’ll start there. Damp the boiler, make sure she’s safe, then join me.”
>You take a step, a little weakly, but give your head a good shake and get your hooves back under you before heading out the back of the cab and looking down toward the tender.
“Coal Shovel? You there, kid?”
>”You hit an iceberg, captain?” The black mare grins up at you from a sprawled position amidst the coal, almost invisible aside from her teeth glowing in the full moonlight,
“Har de har. Anything broken?”
>”Not on me, chief. What happened?”
>”Dunno,” Wheeltapper appears beside you,”Boiler’s good. Brakes are set manually, but I think they went automatically anyway.”
“Good. Alright you two. Let’s see what the hay is going on. Get your coats.”
>You take a moment to get the lay of the land as they don scarves and overcoats against the biting cold. It was a bad place to go off the rails, you think to yourself, just over the top of the mountain pass, but, as you look to your right and down the several hundred feet of sheer cliff just to the side of the track, you consider that it could have been worse, Thank the fates you hadn’t gone over.
>The other’s reappear, and as a group you carefully dismount the locomotive on the far side of the track from the precarious drop and begin the walk back towards the caboose, taking a lantern in your teeth.
>It feels like an hour in the alpine wind, but can only have been ten minutes or so before you arrive at the crash.
“Well bugger me”
>”You said it, chief.” Coal Shovel whistles.
>”What’re the odds on that?”
“Of a tunnel collapsing at the very moment a train is passing through? I shouldn’t have thought very high, but it appears to actually be odds of one hundred percent.”
>It isn’t a long tunnel. Forty feet, perhaps. You had barely even registered it as the cab had chugged through in a couple of seconds, but it was more than enough to bring the entire train to a instantaneous stop when the roof had come down on one of the flatbeds halfway along the line.
>A brace must have snapped, or some mild earthquake had shifted the arch in just the wrong way, dropping hundreds of tons of mountain down in a moment.
>”It could have been worse, I suppose,” says Wheeltapper.
>You grunt. It could have. You could have been under it when it happened, or run full tilt into it if it had collapsed only a few minutes earlier.
>”We’ve got to get around, right?” Coal Shovel chimes in, “Slug’s still back in the caboose.”
>You grunt again and look around. The tunnel is right out, of course. Even if you could find a path through the debris who knows what lone shifting pebble would bring even more mountain down. However…
>You point a hoof upward.
“I think we could just about climb around the outside. You see the little outcrop up there?”
>Coal Shovel whistles again. “Narrow going, chief.”
“Afraid of heights?”
>”Afraid of falling off a cliff, chief.”
>Wheeltapper coughs, “Slug’s got wings, you know…We could just wait for her to come to us?”
>You chew your lip thoughtfully then shake your still aching head. “No. She could be hurt. We can’t wait and find out. You two get back to the cab. I’ll go check on her.”
>”No fear!” Coal shovel punches you playfully on the flank, “If you’re going I’m coming along.”
“I thought you were afraid of falling off cliffs.”
>”Well…yes. But if you fall off and die by yourself that would leave Wheeltapper in charge, and I’d rather just go ahead and die too at that point.”
>Wheeltapper shrugs, “Yeah, boss, me too. I’m not going to sit in the warm by myself while Shovel gets you killed.”
“Right. Watch your footing. No fast movements, and make sure we can turn around if we need to.”
>It’s a hard scramble up the side of the tunnel to reach the ledge, which feels even narrower up close. The three of you press your bodies hard up against the rock face, trying not to look down into the abyss below you. It’s a small mercy that the wind isn’t blowing too hard, but a light snow is in the air, and every time a flake hits your eyelashes and causes you to blink you freeze up with a moment of vertigo. The traversal is not easy, but it is doable, and several heart dropping minutes later you round the other side of the tunnel to see the continuation of the train. A minute after that the three of you finally drop back down onto the rails.
>It’s a lot messier on this side of the collapse, as cars piled up against each other. You reckon you see four or five derailed, but miraculously they all seem to be upright, though the one or two nearest you show some definite crumpling and warping.
>”Bugger me.” it’s Coal Shovel’s turn to say it.
>”I take exception to that, Shovel.”
>Everypony’s heads whip up to spot the changeling perched atop one of the less damaged cars.
>”Hey, chief.”
“Thank Celestia you’re ok.”
>”A bit banged up, but still in one piece. I’m glad you came, though, I don’t think I’m up for flying with a passenger right now.”
“Flying with…”
>”I reckon you might should come see this.”
>”Hotbox Reefer, he says his name is.”
>”Luna’s horn, what the hay happened to him?”
>”I think he was up near the crash. Got tossed clear, but I think he must have hit something pretty hard.”
>”The ground. It was the ground.” The blue earth pony in ragged clothing smiles weakly up at your party, “Sorry if I don’t get up, for you pretty ladies; my manners ain’t quite up to the Canterlot standards at the moment.”
>Snuggle Slug rolls her eyes, but Coal Shovel only grins and fishes a dog-eared cigarette out from behind an ear.
“Is it broken?” you raise an eyebrow at the pony and point to his foreleg, held protectively against his chest.
>”Yep. Pretty sure I cracked a rib too. Oh if only there was something to be done for the pain. The horrible agonising pain. A medicinal brandy, perhaps?” He smiles winningly at Coal Shovel as she lights her cigarette.
“We don’t drink and drive, Mr. Reefer.”
>”I never suggested any such thing, bossman. But maybe one of these cars might have some in their cargo?”
>”You little beggar,” Wheeltapper narrows his eyes, “You’ve been poaching the load!”
>”I never did!” the blue pony says with convincing hurt in his tone, “I’m strictly along for the ride. I just might have happened to see it while climbing aboard.”
>Wheeltapper rolls his eyes, but you make an executive decision and nod over to him.
“Go ahead, Wheeltapper. It’s only a couple cars up. Bring a couple bottles and I’ll see that it comes out of my pay. For him, mind you, not the rest of you!”
>”Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, chief.”
>”Aw, party pooper,” Coal Shovel adds.
“Now then. Hotbox Reefer, yes? What exactly were you doing on my train?”
>”Told ya, just along for the ride. Canterlot to Ponyville to Neighborhood. It’s supposed to be a pretty trip and I heard they have a big party there for Hearth’s Warming.”
“And what’s a flipper like you planning to do there?”
>”Whatever comes up next, I suppose, captain?”
>You grunt.
”Right. Slug, how’re you feeling?”
>“Steady enough.”
“No way in Equestria we can get him around that ledge we came over, and you’re not flying him over that mess.We’ll set up here in the crummy. Should be plenty of fuel to keep the stove burning for a day or so, and someone will surely be by before then. Get up to the loco, get my papers and any food you might find and get back here.”
>”On it.”
>”And the rest of my smokes, too Slug, if you’d be so kind.”
“Coal Shovel.”
“What are you so damn chipper about? You haven’t stopped smiling this whole damn time.”
>She grins at you and puffs a cloud of rank smoke. “We always have to work Hearth’s Warming on this line, chief.”
>”Well, looks like we have the day off!”

Stopping there for now, we'll see if I have time tomorrow. It's bedtime.
Hi friend! Yeah, that's about how I found this place too a few years ago and don't into established threads usually. I'm usually pretty settled into a few comfy personal favorites, but this one's fun. Hang out, join up. It's a good time.
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I'm looking at the form and it's occurring to me that I do not in fact have any idea what I would want to put on my wishlist

Nor do I have any idea what _my_ gift would be, and if it's going to be anything handmade then I have to deal with the risks of shipping ceramic trees and/or ponies
Thatd be a sick gift. We’ve had a few clay friends in here before. I’m sure one of them could give some suggestions for shipping. And if something goes wrong then congratulations you just shipped a fun puzzle activity to your Santee!
They’re both so adorable!
That’d be pretty cool
>”Hotbox Reefer, he says his name is.”
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As long as you're careful, there's not too many tiny pieces, and you use something good like clear E6000 glue, pretty much anything ceramic can be reassembled! Wouldn't be the first time we've shipped something either, it's always just a bit nerve wracking, lol

Also, I have submitted the thing, and it's now 3:24 AM so i will go to bed and hopefully not forget about any of this
Ilove her
Give me your email I'll send you $50 to use on Amazon. Harder to personalize but it'll be better than nothing. You deserve to be able to participate
Russian shenanigans warning.
Ha oтпpaвлeния ИЗ Poccии пoчти нeт oгpaничeний, мoжeшь пpocтo нa caйьe пoчты нaйти тaблицy, тaм дocтaтoчнo cмeшнaя экceлькa. Инфa cвeжaя, пoтoмy чтo я oтпpaвил пocылкy в CШA 4 дня нaзaд и oнa yжe пpoшлa нaшy тaмoжню.
Ocнoвнaя пpoблeмa в тoм, чтo eбaный USPS и, cкopee вceгo нe тoлькo oн, тyпo зaпpeтил дeлaть к нaм oтпpaвлeния.
B пpoшлoм гoдy мoй пoдapoк в Aмepикy шeл cтaндapтныe 3 нeдeли (этo oк, имeй ввидy, чтo нa poждecтвo тaм пикoвaя нaгpyзкa).
Пoэтoмy ты мoжeшь быть Caнтoй кoмy yгoднo, нo твoим Caнти лyчшe чтoбы был чyвaк из Aзии или, нa кpaйняк, зaпaднoй Eвpoпы (нe Beликoбpитaнии).

Thanks once again, btw, your bottle was another reason for me to start lifting.
Dont be ridiculous. I was on pony market event in Moscow 1 week ago.
Don't do it
Did you inherit a ceramic shop from your parents? If so, I think I remember you from some thread a while back
I'm still waiting on my email 3 days later, not mad or anything, just anxious. I hope Derpy didn't lose it in the e-office
This camera angle makes me want to make out with her so badly
>Adventure is afoot
what's a foot?
I should do a giveaway this secret santa hmmm i could throw together some shit for it
It makes mustard gas
wasnt really self hate, i just know atm i cant provide something of similar quality because of financial reasons, i had the cards printed which costs money
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Do not accept food from these two.
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I think these are all the thread's baps unless there are some hiding. I added accessories to your bap, Sun Kink, as you mentioned a long while ago.
Cute Kirins, I love them so much.
how fuck thats cute
wow that's very nice, how long did it take you to make that?
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Here is your pony Saddle Tank, tried to add a fludd like device like you requested.
Holy shit that is incredible, I love it. So cute, really nice job bro.
Send the card to Horsefucker@protonmail.net
Me in the cloak
I'm sure there will be more baps soon, just traveling still
Are you actually sending a giftcard to this anon?
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Three evenings plus some of this morning.
I'd like to learn animation myself, I really like what you've made. I'm curious about your process and what program you use. Any advice for a complete novice?
How did you animate the changing perspective on the door?
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some programs, like CSP, you can squash/stretch/tilt what you draw, thatd be what i would do
I love you
I'm not an animator, but looking at it it seems like he's scaling 2 objects there; the edge of the door and the face of it. Both seem to be expanding/contracting at the same rate depending on the frame.
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I use Krita, with lots of layering if I notice I can reuse something. There's no real trick to it other than just dedicating a lot of time to it.

The door is me squishing and stretching rectangles.
Nta but the details on the door change too
Welcome back to "top ten words never heard outside of fantasy"
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its not box exclusive
Kinda, I moved in with my grandma in 2019 to help with the shop but she's at the nursing home for therapy to recover from a stroke, so for now, it's just me
Man I wish Paint.NET could do that, it's all I know
do not click on that link the actual URL is https://www.getpaint.net/index.html
YEEEEES I love her so much she's so cute and silly. I now headcanon that along with her rank cutie mark, she roleplays as a tank using the water canon on the FLUDD thing kek. Thank you so much for drawing her, having a way to visualize my holiday ID always makes the season so much more fun!
I love this, thanks for the added accessories she looks wonderful.

I'm still trying to learn how to draw a pony correctly.
So, what's different from the usual Kirin?
how much autism is too much autism? my favorite ponies section is 3 paragraphs
>Man I wish Paint.NET could do that
It kinda can. Paste your object into a new layer then go to the top of the screen
Layers->Rotate/Zoom (Ctrl.+Shift+Z)
Just play around with it
There is no limit.
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If there was a limit for "too much autism" in this event, I would've passed it years ago
I had 130 ponies in my favorites list and only managed to trim it down to around 50.
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Impressive detective! Glad Minty is safe!

But I got another sock related case for you:

Lemon Party and the case of the two stiff socks
>Lemon Party and the case of the two stiff socks
I am now worried about >>41555103.
Hooves are feet, though not all feet are hooves.
This is a good, good morning.
Damn, that's some fine animation work right there.
some cases are better left unsolved toots
Pony Claus please name more baps!
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Baps you say? file too big, me too lazy to resize
I had to miss last year, but I'm back and ready to spread Horsemas cheer
Wonderful animation
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Welcome back! Just try not to be bitter about it
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I'm so out of practice (and just bad)
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>has always wanted to animate
>”oh cool a new program lets check it out!”
>all those layers
>that time line
>thinking of using it makes me so overwhelmed that I wanna puke

Mad respect anon holy fuck
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An excuse to get out to the shop! She’s all ready for Hearth’s Warming!
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I wanna munch on that Brown Box
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hard to disagree with you
>this is my box
>I am cumming in this box
>this is my brown box
>and you can't cum inside
How can a mare be so perfect?
woah that looks cool
She was then bitten by no less than 3 brown recluse spiders because brown cardboard boxes are nightmares
I mentioned my favorite pony and wrote a lengthy essay exploring why I might like them. Doesn't help it that it was for a controversial pony. Probably screwed myself honestly.
Am I allowed to volunteer to be a bap?
With a name like this I think it works better to be a bap or pegasus. I dont want to get too off-canon and make an OC reindeer even the name comes from Rudolph. If there is a Rudolph, we must have a battle.
Foggy Night the Bap sounds adorable.
And thus was born Boxmare!
If you're a glimmernigger I'm grinching you
This, but it's Nyx.
>If there is a Rudolph, we must have a battle.
You're thinking too small. Rudolph is famous for using his nose to penetrate the fog after all~
That is too lenient for glimmerfags. Send him sparkledogs
If your a glimmerfag I'm gifting you a awesome gift, plese tell me which hair style you like on glim glam best
I thought that anyone who remotely gave a shit about Nyx one way or the other had begun the bell curve slide into the grave by now. Nyx has never been less relevant as it is all about The Mare in the Mirror now, grandpa.
Havent even been given our assignments and I already fucked up and forgot to remove the name before posting on another board.
Is that a bingo space, Chompy?
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this is my gay little drawing (i only had a trackpad, sorry)
well theres a familiar name, howdy bundle-up
Don’t talk like that to me you damn whippersnapper, or you’ll feel the end of my cane.
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The end of my what??
I bet you actually want a Nyx plush just so you can hate cuddle her.
>Be Cracked Calabash
>Your hooves click on the cobblestone streets as you head toward the train station, trailing wisps of smoke that mix with the light snow that has begun to fall.
>The cold is bracing, bringing back memories of your time in the Himarelayas, back when you were chasing down that bandit chief. You forget his name. Big bastard, though, very nearly tossed you off a cliff before the rest of your squad caught up with you.
>Ah, those were the days, back when you could outrun any other pony, even at altitudes above the tree line. You hate to admit it to yourself, but you’re feeling just the smallest bit winded after the two mile trot.
>The lifetime of pipe tobacco, you’re forced to accept, probably didn’t help.
>You take another puff in any case, and slow your trot to a walk as you reach the Neighborhood train depot, brushing down the sides of your waxed coat and flicking your mane back into a more dignified tousel.
>”Mr. Calabash, what a lovely surprise,” the mare behind the ticket desk says as you brush through the door of the depot, “What can I do for you this evening? I’m afraid the regular service is down for the holiday.”
“Quite, dear. I’m here,” you flourish the edges of your jacket like a cape, “To go and get your missing train.”
>”Sir, I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” she shuffles nervously and gives you a smile that says that she knows that you know that she knows that you know, but she plans to stick to her story regardless. You know the type, and it will require a lateral approach to get past her. Fortunately, you have an ace up your sleeve.
“Sargeant!” you announce loudly, “You’re not going to keep me away.”
>”Oh, blow it all down,” comes a put-upon voice from the far end of the depot, “Let him through, Ms. Boleto, or he’ll end up trying to get there on his own, the damn fool, what.”
>Manners always at the forefront, you give the ticket clerk a winning smile and slight bow as you breeze past her towards the heavyset stallion who had been speaking.
“Eiderdown, you old lummox, now then, what’s going on here?”
>The (now long retired) Sergeant Eiderdown pulls a cigar from his mouth and waves it expressively. “How should I know, Calabash? We’ve lost the Giftwrap Express. She should have been in half an hour ago, but no word. The lightning slingers in Ponyville say she left on schedule, but she doesn’t have any wireless on board. Eighth Notch was about to take an engine up the track to see what’s what, what-what. What’s got you all a fluster, chap?”
“Duty calls, Sergeant. I can’t be expected to sit in the study with missing trains out there.” >”Feeling the old call to action, what? The old warhorse hears trumpets, eh?”
“Don’t tell me you’re not feeling it, too.”
>”Harumph. No, chap. I am not.” he pats his belly, “Those days are behind me. Some of us haven’t aged like you, what. But I know you, and if I turned you away I have no doubt you’d be trying to take a pump-trolley out there and freezing to death, so, go on then, do…whatever it is you came to do. Eighth Notch will take you along, right dear?”
>A young blue mare springs down from a locomotive with an energy that makes you twinge with nostalgia and lifts an eyebrow.
>”Of course ‘Sargeant’” she leans heavily into the old title, clearly enjoying seeing her boss on the back foot, “I’m told the mountain air is good for old bones.”
>You grin.
“I like her, Eiderdown.”
>”We’ll see about that,” she smirks, “You’ll be shovelling coal the whole way, old-timer.”
“Young lady, I was once captured by a tribe of dragons in Scalediziland and forced to mine sulphur for eighteen hours a day. It took three weeks for Sergeant Eiderdown to organise a rescue. Decrepit old crowbait that I am, I’m sure that I can still lift a shovel for a few hours.”
>Eiderdown gives her a nod and she flicks her ears at the locomotive and attached tender.
>”Well then, Mr…?”
“Cracked Calabash, at your service.”
>”Well then, Mr. Calabash. Climb aboard. The boiler’s just come to heat and I was about to shove off.”
>You raise an eyebrow at Eiderdown.
>”We really aren’t young bucks anymore, old sport. I’m not sure what the crack is, but The Giftwrap Express always comes on time, so something is wrong. Do try to come back alive, what?””
“Sergeant, I have always intended to die peacefully in my bed surrounded by my doting grandchildren.”
>”You don’t have any grandchildren, Calabash. Or children at all, what.”
“Then I guess I shall have to put it off for some time yet. Ms. Notch? The shovel, if you will.”
Consider me corrected moving forward, thanks for the pointer!
>A young blue mare
>she's grey
I love this story and I'm going to love correcting you all the way through I promise
S-she just accidentally got some blue dust on her, and I definitely didn't get her color palette confused with Winter Wye, I promise.
I'd do both of them so I'd say it's fair.
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>tfw they wanna eat your box
>tfw you line something you didn't mean to and fuck the perspective which wasn't great to begin with oh wait I'm doing that thing where an artist complains about their own work instead of shutting the fuck up and just enjoying it for what it is hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr guess I'm an artist now
She's very pretty and I am very hungry.
I have no idea what's going on in this and it only intimidates me further about the prospect of switching to Krita from simple, retard-friendly Sai
Krita doesn't normally look like that. That's just the animation workspace layout. When used for illustration, it's like SAI/Clip.
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how about some pyxel trauma?
> P A N I C
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but she flap
Been fortunate enough to not have had a visit from Porona yet. No thanks Anon
She do flap though
She do flap tho
I'd handle her with care, if you know what I mean.
I'd eat her ass like it was my last meal on death row if you know what I mean
I'd like to take a close look at the end of his "cane"
Jellybeans PLEASE
This has a certain abstract expressiveness to it
Lovely and happy, good style
What a joyful girl. Poor muffin
You're welcome. How horrifying
What a silly potato. With a dump truck booty
This expression captures "I just don't what went wrong" quite nicely. Or maybe "what in the world am I looking at??"
I love her
Cutie patootie. Pleasing colors
That's some fine mspaintsmenship, especially just using a mouse
She's adorable! The perfect gift
Caught red handed, and she's completely unbothered. Cute little scamp
Secret forbidden Derpy is watching you
Holy shit, four cakes! They're all so fun. She's absolutely locked on to that muffin in the top right
Good vibes coming out of this, expresses peak derpyness
s-somewhat lewd
She is so happy to be alive!
Aww, I would always accept her packages. Doormat is a funny touch
Holy moly, you really did go the extra mile! I love it. Her Santa hat is adorable. I love wooden toys, I love the way they smell, they remind me of being a kid and playing with wooden train tracks.
Your little drawing makes me happy
damn, is the giveaway over already? I haven't gotten my ID yet
I like her regardless of hairstyle but the bangs make her look slutty
Not til the thread archives, according to the post. You could sign up anyway with a placeholder like Guy McName and sort it out afterward if you win.
really cute
it seems i have another dragonpony to create, this will be fun
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Ok bro you inspired me to give it a try. I've wanted to learn for a while but I've been to intimidated. Behold my first ever animation
Look at her goooooooooooooo!
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Postcard ready. Prepering for make good print quality and quantity
joke. i cant do good quality
i make the best ze magic quality!
i need to draw more ponies and learn animation, good job
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That's a very cute stocking! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I'll have to revisit this piece.
Loved your stuff from last year
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Entering the giveaway with this fun art project that may or may not be part of my gift for this year
Still needs the background but quite happy how it turned out
She either gives the best or worst head with those teeth. Thank you for the drawing, Maplecakes!
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Thanks! I hope I can do more this year.
Wait a couple hours to make the new thread cause PC lives on the east coast (all his elves are sourced from the inner city of Baltimare) and won't wake up until 12 PM EST
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Excuse me but holy fuck
I am losing my mind over this, this is so fucking AMAZING
No, contest isn't over yet, I was just commenting on the entries so far. You could enter under a placeholder name like >>41559248 suggested, but you better be quick, since we're at bump limit!
She looks like the perfect stocking stuffer!
Cutie! I look forward to seeing what the final piece looks like
That absolutely isn't me, and I take umbrage to even the slightest implication that it is
already ordered a bunch of stocking stuffers for my santee. tho a little anxious because I can't art, and it feels like everyone here is hand crafting stuff.
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>I can't art
Neither can I but I'm not letting a little skill issue stop me
I too have terminal skill issue. Not that that'll stop me. If anything, I hope my Santee gets a laugh from my attempts.
das it. you two have inspired me. I'm going out to buy one of those drawing book things and am going to do at least 1 pony a day and send the best ones to my santee.
You should hang out in /bale/ if you want ideas, feedback, or advice
Is that actually your assignment name or have you been namefagging this whole time?
I don't know what you're talking about
Nice try. >41560000
nice try
>no new thread
Christmas is... over....
All I want for Christmas is to feel the loving touch of a woman at least once before I die
>liking women
that's pretty fuckin gay
I'ma walk the pupper and I'll post one up when I get back.
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And so ends the Christmas tail; Pony Claus went out for milk and never came (back).
Go hug your mom, sister, aunt, or any other female family member. Your mission is complete.

Now if you want plap, that can be bought if you're in a rush.
Yes haha, I get it >3dpd
But in all seriousness, I find mares attractive for their femininity, and by extension irl women, but mares can't physically love me in this life. It hurts knowing real women are real and beautiful, but they might as well be in Equestria as well.
the ginger took it
it wont share the bread
Consider finding yourself a social hobby, friend. I'm about to head out to a knitting meetup and you can guess what the pole to hole ratio is.
Be the change you want to see in the world
You know what this means
baking please wait
Freshly baked
Hey anon, if you’re ever at harmonycon I’ll give you a hug. I’m a femanon
You're going to have to institute some sort of verification system before you get your own autograph line of people claiming to be that anon
thats what the succubus wants
to offer a hug in exchange for a soul
Any other cons? Post crotchtits or GTFO as well
now that the thread is dead I can safely say, I'm gonna spoil my santee so hard he's not gonna want to miss a /ss/ ever again
I've probably already got a hug from you a con before if you're tight with /ss/, but I appreciate it anon. I guess I'm just sad about the lack of a romantic relationship with anyone ever, and I know no one can ever fix that. I've played pretend for years, told myself I don't care, but my feelings say otherwise and it spills out sometimes. I just feel like something is fundamentally wrong with me, and I wish I was good enough to be desired by someone. I've just given up hope at this point.
It's okay anon as long as I have the wig and horsehead mask on you can call me a mare
I'm your santee, I'm expecting a life size of every character in the show and $100,000 cash. I'll only feel spoiled if you give me two life sizes and one million dollars.
>sips caviar smoothie
I bought a $20 derpy plush from ebay for my santee to be generous.
I am back from the store and I drew my 1st attempt at my SS name OC.
Nigga stop namefagging and use your assignment name
>verification not required
Got my name, shit's cash even though it only snows in my area once every couple of years
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It's actually cow, don't worry. It's some Vietnamese street food thing. That anon was thankfully mistaken
I’ve just been to harmony so far but I have plans to go to mare fair eventually. I’ve been in /ss/ for a while. For the anon requesting body parts, I know you’re kidding, but I do sell content privately. If you reach out to Pony Claus for info I’ll let him know.
I’m putting a flag on so any anon who does want a hug at harmony has an idea. Other than that, you’ll know.
Back to the new bread before this one archives.
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I don't have a pony reaction image close enough for this. so have this
as much as I hate to say it the pony version of this image would probably be Starlight
>whoring yourself out in thread
Be gone thot

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