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It's out.
My queen haven post in the other thread was prophetic
I can't believe we ended on a fucking beach episode.
"Hasbro Giveth and Hasbro Taketh Away"
>"beach episode"
>they don't ever wear swimsuits
That's it?
Just random slop?

EqG had a better final episode than this.
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Same energy.
Now that the dust has settled.

Did Misty really ruin everything?
not even some lore shit? they really didnt know what to do with this one....
That's nice for you, but not related to ponies.
TYT had a list of episodes. This one was just the last one they decided to finish. They really didn't care for a finale
Don't you get it? It's an allegory: Izzy is Chris Cocks, and the water park is the funding for G5.
I've noticed that everything went down hill in S2 EP 5
>It's out.
It's over.
They couldn't have pulled a finale out of their asses last minute. It's not like they had voices and animatics ready for that. They just finished whatever was available.

It could have been worse. They could have introduced a new character or concept. Instead it's just a comfy beach episode (clearly more at home in its original late June airdate) with some returning characters to kind of close the loop neatly. Out of everything they could have released last, it's the least damageable.
It’s less of a high tide and more of a low ebb. Like sand in the surf, it washes away slowly, not with a wave, but with a ripple, barely leaving a trace.
It would be funny if the franchise just ended like this.
Dahlia.....play Komm Susser Tod
can you even consider this a whimper?
inb4 two weeks from now another episode comes out anyway
>Alphabittle stealing Bailey's catchphrase
>replaced sunny who had this whole alicorn thing that never got fully explored
>barely any conflict
>gets random book and randon crossover dimension becase???
>takes away episodes from the other cast
>boring "woe is me" personality
Just when she dyed her mane
Having a Fluttershy-type for a villain is fun.
If you add her to the main cast and steals episodes, she doesn't add anything new and ruins everything
Everything wrong with Misty is Opaline's fault
Did they bring Opaline back?
>It’s just a normal episode
That’s a relief. I can say this one hundred percent without any irony: better ending than MYM and FiM.
When did Opaline make Misty a poochie?
>Opaline craved power
>Misty become a Poochie for power
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I'm really going to miss some of these ponies. Goodbye new frens, maybe next gen we'll meet again.
so in your opinion was it better or worse that it didnt end witv some major lore shit or revelation?
Fuck off already
No Shot this is how it ends
Wait, is this the final one?
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>TYT peaked with her defeat and has been downhill ever since
>Avoided being ruined, unlike Posey and many other characters
>Mogs Allura on every metric
Stay here indefinitely
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>Mogs Allura on every metric
The Mane 5 go to Brazil when?
Shitbro cut the cable right in the middle of production.
Of course they were not able to make a "farewell" episode if they just get thrown out
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>AWHOREa is not only a non-pony, but a slut, too
>Opaline is will never put out for anyone
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What part of canceled do you guys not understand? G5 is undeserving of a true ending.
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i have a theory

What Izzy just did in this episode will connect to G6
yes, the leaks did say tyt got cancelled at the beggining of the year and everyone stopped working on it, that means no time to make a finale or even a decent cliffhanger
every single thing will be left unanswered until some fag that worked on there comes out and tells people what was supposed to happen, or at least jow far did the plans go
better obviously, loreshit was the bane of g5
it killed mym and it killed tyt s2
all these retards had to do was make ponies doing ponies thing without all of this "EVERYTHING IS MAGIC" shit and they would have been fine
instead they opted for shitty lore
skyros is shit
sunny's mom being alive and missing is shit
the brighthouse being alive is shit
seaponies are shit
fuck everyone who likes this shit
I don't think there was a better way to end this unnecessary, sloppy, miserable, calartsy and overall boring gen than with a beach episode. A generic ending for a generic show.

I guess this is fitting for the occasion
so thats it? only that comic next month and then no pony content until 2026?
>mocks the dying with the dead
you have a lot of things wrong with you
take the Wild pill
The comic isn't pony content since its g5 so its dog content
Not anymore anon, gotta wait until 2025 or 2026 for more pone adventures in Rio de Janeiro where they'll meet the big statue guy.
Lore on its own wouldn't be an issue if they knew how to introduce it and make it feel natural like FiM used to do at some point.

But this show can't do lore nor SoL. It was just a waste of time from beginning to end, so I'm glad it got such a Whatever ending.
Twilight takes the knot every day
Twilight takes the knot every day
Shoo shoo twifag, go shill that animation where you're cucked by the transgender horse
Its confirmed twilight is made for diamond dogs
>Lore on its own wouldn't be an issue if they knew how to introduce it and make it feel natural like FiM used to do at some point.
lore was shit in FiM too
>But this show can't do lore nor SoL.
The slice of life season one was good ninety percent of the threads were people actually talking about and enjoying the episodes back then
all s2 episode threads are just arguing
of course not it was not built to deliver lore yet the nigger writters tried anyway and it caused the entire fanbase to implode
fuck misty
fuck comet
fuck sunny's mom
fuck s2 posey
fuck the allura
fuck skyros
fuck the amusement park
and fuck you hasbro killed g5 by listening to youtube retards that wouldn't shut the fuck up about lore and "muh where is x g4 characters"
they should have just stayed the course and made more s1
And this is how G% dies
>lore was shit in FiM too
Nah, some of the best episodes used lore to its advantage to further the themes, even on the SoL episodes

>The slice of life season one was good
That shit was never good. TYT (even from season 1) was slop regardless of what it tried to do.

>it was not built to deliver lore
I can't exactly argue with that considering TYT was meant as a distraction, but MYM was the big one for lore and such, which is why their episodes were much longer than five minutes (it still was shit regardless so it doesn't really matter).

But anyway, lore isn't inherently bad and you're a retard for thinking so.
This feels like every le quirky post 2010 bean mouth cartoon. Soulless.
>some of the best episodes used lore to its advantage to further the themes, even on the SoL episodes

And I don't mean as "Using lore" as serious episodes or ones with a lengthy explanation about the origins of a character or location. A new species IS lore, knowing about an in-universe festivity IS lore, understanding how certain locations work by just seeing them in action IS lore. Anything that expands our understanding of the world and its history is lore.
>"We'll it was fun while it lasted"

Sunny Starscout's last words
So basically it ended on a light farewall party episode just like Hanazuki's disco party.

However the ending of Izzy taking it all away and Sunny saying "It was fun while it lasted" still feels like they might have modified something.

Does the shit Izzy create even come in toy form or Hasbro once again refuses to communicate anything like a bunch of antisocial savages just like refusing to give full completed seasons? Cancellation in mid season is something only the incompetents of the incompetents do. A normal company doesn't do this unless they want nobody to work with them anymore. It's basically job suicide/industry suicide/employer suicide.
I'm surprised nobody blacklisted Hasbro. You don't do that shit unless you want to get severely sued.
>Better ending than FIM
Lol, Lmao even
My words when describing season 1 before Faust was fired. Fuck season 2, never pile that trash together with S1. I already will have it as a shit question to filter people for my Discord's subchannel for elite discussion.
Opaline died when her castle got destroyed
>Nah, some of the best episodes used lore to its advantage to further the themes, even on the SoL episodes
how can any adult say FiM's lore is good when villains and other characters show up without any prior mention or even a hint
then you have retarded shit like the apples being the ones to found the ponyville while still being poor
>That shit was never good. TYT (even from season 1) was slop regardless of what it tried to do.
but enough about mym that piece of shit has zero redeeming qualities
people actually enjoyed tyt just look through the archives
the characters moments and relationship were more than enough to carry the show
>But anyway, lore isn't inherently bad and you're a retard for thinking so
all mlp "lore" is shit and you're a cock gobbling faggot
So, is mlp going the way of GI Joe? Is Transformers the only franchise keeping Hasbro up?
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>Fuck season 2
Fuck you.
>how can any adult say FiM's lore is good when villains and other characters show up without any prior mention or even a hint

Many of them were from far lands, some were literal children and various do have a history recorded that's from a long time ago which is no longer relevant to present day. They won't mention or hint at literally everything from the first moment, else they'd be no mystery to what comes next.

>you have retarded shit like the apples being the ones to found the ponyville while still being poor

Bunch of stuff could've happened between the foundation and the present day that was never explained, and there are surely people in real life who have made made great foundings yet they didn't make as much usage of their resources as they deem fit. And while the apple family isn't rich, they're not poor either. They most likely spend most of their funds on keeping the apple farm.

Nah, I'm right. Tell your Tale is shit and you're defending Calarts slop. Those who enjoy it are either retards who don't know better or delusional trying to convince themselves than what they're watching is good.

>all mlp "lore" is shit and you're a cock gobbling faggot

Nice projection there, tranny. Go wait for your new calarts slop somewhere else.
>then you have retarded shit like the apples being the ones to found the ponyville while still being poor
This brainlet take is the kind you make when you are searching for a reason to hate something.
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ITT: gaytroonsexorgy
>Many of them were from far lands
ah yes the far lands such as canterlot castle's garden or canterlot in general where shinning armor, the main character's brother who lived in canterlot the entire time and is extremely important to her, or candance the main character's childhood friend and babysitter
just admit this shit is badly written
>Bunch of stuff could've happened between the foundation and the present day that was never explained, and there are surely people in real life who have made made great foundings yet they didn't make as much usage of their resources as they deem fit. And while the apple family isn't rich, they're not poor either. They most likely spend most of their funds on keeping the apple farm.
nice cope faggot it has not been that long because this all happened within granny smith's lifetime
yet another reason why they should have never gone into detail about the founding of ponyvilel
old money is a very powerful thing and has survived literal destruction of the countries
your family does not just suddenly poor just because you run farm
in fact you should have more money because you own land and influence food production
>Nah, I'm right. Tell your Tale is shit and you're defending Calarts slop. Those who enjoy it are either retards who don't know better or delusional trying to convince themselves than what they're watching is good.
says the retarded faggot defending objectively bad writing and thinks lore was a pillar of fim when it killed the show
tyt s1 is great
>Nice projection there, tranny. Go wait for your new calarts slop somewhere else.
go back to primary school and read books so you can learn what good storytelling looks like
retards should seen and not heard
pipe down
Show us on the doll where canterlot hurt you
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>old money is a very powerful thing and has survived literal destruction of the countries
The Apple family were settlers, what old money?
>your family does not just suddenly poor just because you run farm
t. doesn't understand the difference wealth and money
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>the last thing G5 did was making Izzy into a god
You know... maybe I'm okay with this.
>like the apples being the ones to found the ponyville while still being poor
And yet being able to spend all your money on a trip to Las Pegasus. Hmmmmm
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And not a moment too soon, we need more threads to celebrate G4 fans newly discovered cuckold fetish
I'm about to watch what am I in for?
The Creator
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>they tried to steal our :sunbeam: with the thumbnail
This pisses me off. The voice is so bad, it falls apart as soon as choruses and multiple voices come up, and yet it still gets posted with tons of views. I've shelved projects for lesser faults.
What are your guys thoughts on the episode?
It does look better, Haven and Zipp look good with their hair down
They always do
Posey and Opaline will never die faggot.
Dumb. Izzy's new power is just inspiration manifestation, but treated as le good actually.
I'm sure that was brought up the first time it happened, but I haven't been following TYT2 that closely.
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I like that they put all the fan contest ponies in a final shot.
I'm so glad this ugly shit is over.
You forgot to turn on your monitor
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This fucking show
The only good and honest thing that the entire gen beyond the movie was including all those children OCs, nothing else.
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what about Posey?
A bit shame it ended without ressurecting Opaline. Now Opaline fans are in the same boat as Chrysalis, Tirek and Gollyfags
consoomers fucking love aisloppa regardless of quality
No resolution for Allura. That's disappointing. Could've at least done that.
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Twilight will continue to live on despite all the failures of Hasbro. The same cannot be said about G5, which was never alive to begin with lol.
As if I’d lower myself to indulge in Tamer’s slop. I’ve had it filtered since day one. Unfortunately it’s starting to leak outside of its containment threads and pollute the board.
Unicorn Twilight will, not McCarthy's mary sue.
And I agree. I’ll give G5 credit for one thing: it made me finally understand why some of my fellow Twilight enjoyers hated wings. If I could edit photos, I would go through every Twilight image and remove them, but alas, I cannot.
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The fun begins now
We had wingless edit threads for a stint
At least 1 person liked g5, I guess
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Goodbye horses
I'm flying over youuuuuuuuu
Seek therapy
On The Hub!
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what am i looking at here?
twilight has been dead since season 9
You can't even say that because makryos whole shtick isn't loving g5, it's "standing up for anyone who might like g5"
Nobody likes g5 so it's just your average run of the mill leftism mental illness of standind up on behalf of people who don't even exist
Janny this thing is delirious. Fetch its dilator and there will be an extra hot pocket for you today.
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Just watch some Caillou or Teletubbies, you'll get the same exact quality.
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Transformers is in the exact same state as MLP in regards to their media; hell TF media has been in a rut for 12 years now, you guys have only had objectively-mediocre shit since S6 began in 2016. The only difference is that TF has a toyline currently that fans actually care about.
Hell, even G.I. Joe has a toyline that its fans care about.

Where the fuck are my super-articulated Pony action figures, Hasbro???
S9 premiere and finale made me understand the bad implications of twilicorn.
It's impressive how some understood and predicted S9 back in 2013.
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I watched every episode of FiM season 2-9 live as they aired for the first time. It was legitimately depressing as we hit the Haber years. We watched the mane 6 grow up into something ugly, old, and unlikable. They stopped feeling like friends and started being bitter colleagues on
a quest to spread friendship as a political identity.

G5 was a huge release of tension, allowing me to fall in love with ponies again with a new main cast that were genuinely friendly and innocent. MYM's character rigs were gorgeous and made me believe in 3D even if everything else was low budget trash. While TYT was of lesser interest because of it's runtime, it still had some fun moments. Overall I'm not sad that it's over but I am happy that we got to experience this cast. Here's to what may be possibly the final new cast in the MLP franchise as we look toward and endless slew of hollow FiM reboots.
wrong thread candyass
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Well said. G5 was overall disappointing, but it had lots of good moments and I really love the characters.
That's basically my feeling. I'm disappointed because it could have been so much better. It was just good enough to get me invested in the characters, and it let me down with the rest.
That’s rich coming from you. I’ve seen you accuse others of being me all over the board. Don’t worry, now that I’ve won and G5 is dead you won't see me anymore.
She’s been dead since season three, actually.
Hind sight truly is twenty/twenty. Oh well, what’s done is done. What’s important is that we’ve seen the error of our ways.
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>Don’t worry you won't see me anymore.
LMFAO not only does G5 live rent free in your head but so does G1-G3, The Last Unicorn, Wild Manes, and other horse shows that don't have twilight in them.
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>G5let still delusional even at the very end
Somethings will never change.
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>That’s rich coming from you. I’ve seen you accuse others of being me all over the board
Kek. If I had a dollar for every time this guy accused me of being you, I could probably buy 4chan right now.
>can you imagine a G5 of my little pony where there’s randomly imposed things we can make toys and playsets of like a flying rv and a carnival and a waterpark

>can you imagine if it wasn’t very good and got canceled right in the middle and then we couldn’t sell any of those toys we planned and all the money just vanished leaving us totally stranded with nothing

I guess that was a fitting end for such a forgettable episode if it had to be last

It really just felt like “what is the fastest bullshit way to get into an animated scene of random ponies enjoying a waterpark for 70% of this episode?” No character moments, no plot, just “haha woo yeeee woooow water is so fun hehehe wooo look at us go 3 year old audience who can’t understand humor so we won’t have any jokes, see the smile and hear the laughing! It’s so enjoyable!”
>No character moments, no plot, just “haha woo yeeee woooow water is so fun hehehe wooo look at us go 3 year old audience who can’t understand humor so we won’t have any jokes
Nigga that's TYT in a nutshell
>>No character moments, no plot, just “haha woo yeeee woooow water is so fun hehehe wooo look at us go 3 year old audience who can’t understand humor so we won’t have any jokes
>Nigga that's TYT S2 in a nutshell
Tirek and the Chimaera and the bug bear all escaped Tartarus in “its about time” in season 2 and we didn’t see it or understand completely till season 4 and then 5 and then really the end of season 8 (that episode did fuck lore in other stupid ways)

And Grogar was mentioned in a flurry of emotions in season 7 and didn’t get picked back up till season 9

I think mlp actually has an amazing amount of lore but a lot of it is unspoken but implied and in the background.

Things like the origins of the chimaera creatures didn’t need to be in there but they were, technically we’ve been seeing the work of grogar ever since the manticore in episode 2

Not that most of this stuff was probably pre planned or even any of it, but I admire them working with what they already had, clearly some people cared

In G5 nobody cared, it was all magic for the sake of magic with no consistency or purpose and things that were obvious questions never got answers while random bullshit kept happening instead, considering G5 was supposed to be more serialized than episodic they let plot threads hang for what felt like hundreds or years, I fucking forgot that comet existed and allura disappeared so they could play at the carnival that fucked her ass for 4 months instead of showing her, nothing in G5 mattered at all after Opaline and stuff hardly made sense back then, G4 is golden and made bronies and this board exist, G5 is made specifically for 3-6 year olds but we were doomed to watch it only off the heels of G4 and nobody at all would have cared about it if it wasn’t for fim
Of the top of my head I can only think of two episodes that I really actually enjoyed completely and it was monster party and rocky <3 jazz

There’s probably another few that I’d say I liked, last week’s episode had at least a slightly better than average song for G5 and Opaline Alone was kinda sorta fun
They told their tale, it's too bad that it just wasn't interesting.
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Oh well, I liked some of the characters, but I'd rather them be in G4 instead. I can't see myself rewatching any of G5 except for a few parts of MYM. I haven't bought any G5 merch either. No good plushies.
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It's still unfortunate that G4 ended on a dumbfuck massive timeskip right at the end when it could've been left open for the series to have movie continuations at a later date.
It's also unfortunate that G5 had the tedious task of being related to and somewhat retconning the G4 timeskip finale (Giraffelight).
This. I've never agreed with a post more.
Of course they had to include
>Le epic mandatory time skip to make the fans cry because Adventure time and Regular show did it.
>now that I’ve won and G5 is dead you won't see me anymore
I'm gonna miss you Twisharter, you were pretty based, and you were an example of how dedicated a hater can aspire to be.
Transformers had over 12+ generations/shows with the central main character being Optimus Prime or Rodimus Prime.
MLP FIM S2-S9 was a special retardation on the level of Lego Ninjago except even Legos have different shows like Monkie Kid going on.
G5 by comparison was a normal generation that ended decently in 4 years, but it took forever just to get barely 2 seasons out for MYM & TYT.

I will never understand why they refused to use the original G4 designs akin to Bambi.
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These two deserved so much fucking better.
I'm going to miss Sunny, I already miss movie Izzy.

Kill G5, I don't give a shit, but these two and Pipp were worth saving.
>Image reaction shitposter ESL >inb4 &underageban
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>Transformers had over 12+ generations/shows with the central main character being Optimus Prime or Rodimus Prime.
That's literally all they had in common though, and even that little wasn't guaranteed if you include the anime or Beast Wars shows. It means even less when you consider how different each Optimus was:
>80s show is an idealistic fun uncle. >Armada is, deep down, addicted to brawling and war, but fights hard to keep it under lock and key, but as such sometimes struggles to understand basic morality while still holding himself to those ideals.
>Animated is a young, disgraced military flunkee who can be a bit awkward; trying to tie together his dysfunctional repair crew, hopefully someday growing into the leader he always could've been. More in common with BW Optimus Primal, but if he were a decade younger in human years.
>Bay OP is just fucking tired of this shit.
And I could go on.

Imagine if you will, that every time MLP rebooted, it was a completely different genre. One year it's a comfy slice of life, couple years later it's rebooted into an animated Sentai series. Then the next it's a serious drama about the characters in their 30s-40s. And after that it were a fast-paced comedic sitcom. Each iteration, having a near completely different cast, save for a couple too-marketable faces. BUT: both G1 MLP and FiM also still exist in this world.
For the first 30 years of its life, that's what Transformers was like. But around the mid-2010s, they decided creativity was lame actually, and that they should fixate on marketing and recycling the two most famous and IP-milkable iterations of the franchise, while gutting the writing department and making generic garbage that only looks like what you used to enjoy.

That's what I meant by TF and MLP media being in the same state. FiM gradually devolved in writing quality, and after it ended, Hasbro only wanted to either repackage FiM like in Pony Life and stuff, or repackage FiM and scratch off the serial numbers with G5. Thats what's happening with modern TF media too, they just ape G1/Bay aesthetics and hope you'll ignore the shit writing and cheap visuals. The only difference is we have comparitively way less MLP iterations pre-2010s than TF iterations, so really only G1 MLP is left notably standing out; meanwhile TF has decades' worth that nerds still territorially bicker about to this day.
So what's going to happen now guys?
Now that G5 is gone?
Less shitty g% threads to clog the board.
I remember that one anon said that it was going to die next year. Guess he was one year off.
This episode would have been better if it ended with them all drowning in the ocean.
Imagine if the final shot was Sunny's waterlogged corpse.
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Don't give me that shit, you have HasbroPulse, HasLab, HasCon, your franchise is among the ones that Hasbro decided to focus on ("focusing on fewer, bigger brands"). While MLP is basically in the trash can at this point.
I watched every episode of FiM season 2-9 live as they aired for the first time. Aside from Faust era, every season was progressively worse (except s04 was better than s03, and s07 was better than s06, but that's because s03 and s06 were shit). That said, MLP: FiM is still better than 100% of other cartoon shows. That's because Faust's foundation was extremely strong, Haber&Co couldn't break the bedrock FiM stands on even when he tried.
>you have HasbroPulse, HasLab, HasCon
Hasbro's webstore where they sell all their toy brands, a FOMO scam that I keep falling for, and a thing I don't know about. Sorry, how do these relate to the discussion..? What's the link that I'm missing?

And okay, but like. Saying they're focusing on it in an investor's presentation is one thing, improving the quality of associated media is another.
Like I said, the ONE good thing TF and G.I. Joe each have going for them are their action figure lines. That said, half the reason TF's is doing well is because they're recently digging deep into the barrel for characters/iterations that they've ignored and never made toys of before. That barrel's gonna empty one day; might not be soon, but it'll come. Maybe a decade from now. If they don't come up with a GENUINELY GOOD new show/movie/comic by then, TF's doomed.
As far as I'm aware, I don't even think Hasbro produces any MLP toys in-house? I think everything's outsourced to other manufacturers already, no? Again, I think they should. I'd kill for good articulated pony figures. Get into pie-throwing contests with my TF galactic warlords and interdimensional demigods. Hell yeaaaah.
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>Where the fuck are my super-articulated Pony action figures, Hasbro
In the fucking garbage cause nobody bought them. Little girls don't care about action figures you dumb motherfucker, they care about dolls and shoving dildos up their ass for only fans simps.
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Okay, where do I begin:
>Released in 2017, when most of the adult fandom that would've ever hypothetically liked such a thing was taking a break from the series.
>Had to advertise the Movie, so focused on characters like the furries/bird pirates instead of PONIES.
>Packed with bullshit accessories like gigantic battle armor and chariots, in a short-sighted bid to win over kid boys, of all demographics.
>Most figures had laughably angry/serious expressions, it was a trial just to find ponies that looked normal.
>Normal Fluttershy was exclusive to an SDCC pack with a Discord statue, and I dont think they ever even made Rarity at all.
>Oh yeah, large characters like Discord and Celestia/Luna were still statues anyway.
This line was such bullshit lmao. A shame too, the basic molds for the characters weren't [terrible].
Gimme an action figure line that appeals to actual fans of the series, thanks.
>first line is a zero effort bait
stopped reading here
Thats rich coming from someone who chopped their dick off
>The Movie was a massive financial success with kids and adult fans alike, and totally didn't release years too late. The show's popularity didn't spike in viewership immediately after S5 ended at all!
We're talking about toys rn, not your delusions, anon.
You are unwell
>I don't even think Hasbro produces any MLP toys in-house
What the fuck does that even mean? The "main" MLP toys are never licensed out. Never. Licenses are for things like plushies, suggestive anime girl figurines, half-dissected pones, etc. When they licensed out Littlest Pet Show toys, it means they considered LPS brand truly dead. MLP is not at that point yet, and likely never will.
Man this was just starting to get good - they finally gave Izzy something to totally differentiate her from Pinkie Pie (her creativity creating stuff she dreamed about.)

Music has been good, animation isn't terrible. It's just shitty ass Hasbro mismanagement - the same thing that killed FiM (from being as good as earlier seasons.)

They NEED to get another Faust creator who has a lot of control and care for the brand, they NEED to bring back 22 minute episodes and NEED to bring back weekly releases. That is it. The rest will fix itself. Fuck sakes.
oh yeah i forgot this was released
i expected nothing and got less than that
rest in shit TyT s2
you were a downgrade on every level
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>it was fun while it lasted
Is it me or did this episode felt like it was heavily rewritten to be the finale halfway through.
>Introduce gimmicky and new addition to the boardtrot to sell playsets, I mean, for story potential
>Draw new backgrounds, for a low budget show, which doesn't come cheap
>Lol no, Izzy uncreates the water park in a contrived way. Some how she doesn't accidentally undo the boardtrot either
>"It was fun while it lasted" comment added to throw a bone to the G5 lovers
Tried to watch the "show" but most of the time stuff comes from or go to nowhere. Is like they can't manage the time to stuff to happen and suddenly and without any direction. Doesn't help that the magic is used as a cheap Deux Ex Machina where out of nowhere a spell is activated or the CM does some shit because yes. Can't say it was a fun ride because it feel so hurtful how Hasbro doesn't give a shit about ponies and made this in the really cheap.
>first two points are excuses
>this type of figures are always expected to come with accesories, if they didnt they complaint would be "lacks accessories for the displays"
>figures were meant to be more action oriented, of course their expressiln wouldnt be the friendly one, maybe if people bought it they would have included different expressilns for autists
>thats a fair point, pretty normal for assbro
>and those are the most popular ones and makes sense considering luna and celestia have massive manes which would be a nightmare to put articulation on it for mass production
so all in all, horse fuckers DON'T actually want figures with articulation
Ah thanks, I'm not in the loop on current MLP toys so that's just what I remember being told on here before.
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Of course figures should come with a few accessories, but they should be fitting ones, not whatever the fuck this is:
Marketing it as an action line for little boys was a mistake, they don't care. And when you're trying to get people into your new toyline, maybe immediately warming shelves with the fucking furry characters nobody wants, to such a degree that the M6 were never even completed, is a terrible idea. That's what makes toy companies bleed money, ask Marvel Legends and SW Black Series anytime Hasbro's contractually obligated to make toys of a shitty new film nobody liked.

And who the heck's asking for Celestia/Luna to have articulated manes? I just want the same articulation as the normal ponies bruh. Now you're making up excuses.
i love this image
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>Kill off main villain, concluding a multi season storyline.
>Air one (1) additional episode setting up new antagonist and introducing new cast member.
>Get cancelled.
>And who the heck's asking for Celestia/Luna to have articulated manes?
its not about asking, it's because they have gigantic manes and tails that will either a) need some articulation to not look bad or b) have no articulstion and look terrible and ruin the figure
>visit the pony clock
>completely barren
bros... I don't like this
Wild Manes actually has better plots (heh) because they don't have random magic bullshit as a crutch. It's real, relatable friendship and SoL problems like pone should be.
Some shitty countdown site made by a commie.
tyt being five minutes long meant it was always going to be shit with every moment falling flat
But the Wild Manes are also kind of mean fake friends
It's ok because they're sexy.
Is the opposite, too few fantastical elements to keep my interest.
I thought there was magic in that show
When is the G4 reboot? Or G6
>YouTuber sits on animatics of unreleased episodes
What an attention whore. Either stay fuckin' silent, or just release them. Instead he keeps bragging that he have them, but would never release them. Get off your high horse, dude.
I think Hasbro will just announce the Cutie Camp
Make animation is too expensive
The whey will reupload G4 stuff over and over to YouTube and make merchandise with the M6 forever.
Help is on the way, G%ers!
inb4 c&d
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>this autist
>accomplishing anything
good night sweet prince
Daily reminder G5 was going to be great but Goldner's death, Chris Cocks' selfishness and retardation, and executive meddling killed it and (soon) Hasbro as a whole:
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>G5 was going to be great
hasbro is going to strike him into oblivion
Oh boy... Can't wait to see the Mane 6 be in the same boat as the transformers have been for well over a decade. Because how dare people make new main characters.
>last episode can't even stay off of page 10
Tell your flop
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>Tamer’s slop.
Yes Mr. Revisionist the movie was a genuine success despite the coof.
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Tamers won. The fandom loves him.
>G5 turned into cancer because of cancer.
>3D slop could have been better than G4's 2D
G4's artstyle is unbeatable. The moment they made G5 3D is the moment it turned to shit.
This. 3D is the opposite of art. It never looks soulful. Even the most expensive renders look like shit compared to hand drawn concept arts of it, every single time. 3D is shit.
I mean, Tales from 1992 was a flop, and while MLP didn't do anything animated again until the 2000s, Hasbro still made merch for the franchise. Unless they want to call and quits and go under forever, they better just learn from their mistakes and try again.
I doubt they're gonna spend any money and time trying to come up with a new gen when G4 is already successful.
ANG and MYM are better looking series than FiM
nuh uh
He's just a squizo that I feel sorry for.
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Even Hasbro loves more FiM than anything else
I couldn't care less. Now I can only wait for G6 bring back FiM ponies.
Thank you ESL you are my greatest ally
>loves more FiM than anything else
If they really did a G5 won't exist in the first place. They'd do the same they did with Transformers ans milk G4 until something brings back the money.
This guy really likes G5 for some reason, kinda sad desu.
I knew it, I've called this shit before.

G% is the Beast Wars of MLP.
More like the Beast Machines to FiM's Beast Wars.
Beast Machines was actually trying something with plants and animals though
The Young Turks are pony now?
Gen 4 literally never stopped getting support throughout Gen 5.
I think people do not understand that G5 was never designed with the idea that it'd "supplant" G4. The merch, the ponyverse shit. The having Twilight/Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie show up every fucking year.
This was always a gimmick to them, hence why even initially it was slated for just 5 years. It failing hasn't changed jack, its just pulling back the curtain.
Dead gen
Dead thread
Yet you bumped it from page 10.
Because a part of me still cares
Beast Wars and Beast Machines were actually good and revitalized the dying franchise though (well, mostly the former, but the latter would definitely influence the writing and lore of future stories hard).
G% is more like the TF Prime of MLP. Boring regurgitated garbage.
You didn't watch the movie so your opinion is worthless
Why the hell WAS G5 made?
The more i think about it the less sense it makes.

G4 has always been the most popular iteration in the West, and it's been blowing up substantially in China over the past few years too. In contrast to the low quality toddler trash we've always gotten from Hasbro in the West, a lot of China's G4 merch is legitimately compelling for fans as well. But you can't buy it in the West because... BECAUSE????? Because fuck us?

They unceremoniously killed Equestria Girls, pushed Pony Life out to kill some time, then shoved G5 out the door three years ago only to just watch like retards while it floundered and died from a complete lack of any serious support from the people who insisted that G5 was a necessary next step for the franchise.
Was it? G5 is dead the years later like it never even happened and Hasbro seems like they are trying to find some excuse to revive at least part of G4, if not for us then for China... Because fuck us I guess?

What the fuck are they doing?
Why did they even make G5?
Are they just trying to sabotage the company so China will buy them out for pennies?
How is this not a blatant violation of fiduciary responsibility?
What the fuck is going on?
>Beast Machines



Optimus Prime wank the show.


It's Hasbro, they've been making shitty decisions decades ago. MLP isn't first franchise they beaten to the ground, just ask the GI Joe and Power Rangers fanbase
Kayou in China has printed My Little Pony trading cards that are selling on the aftermarket for tens of thousands of dollars.

Hasbro owns magic the fucking gathering.
This is beyond incompetence, they know exactly how much of a money printer trading cards are and China thought of it first? Bullshit.

This has to be deliberate, you can't even be this stupid on purpose and only in such a specific way.
Chris-Chan came up with the idea first
Beast Machines was good, anon. It was fucking weird and often ugly, but I will always be more lenient towards something experimental and weird being ugly on purpose, than something being ugly due to ineptitude. That and eh, the writing holds up genuinely; in some ways better than BW. More enjoyable when you can see the whole thing in a couple days, and not having to agonize as long over whether plot-twists to happen/be addressed, versus waiting for an episode a week like originally. Makes it feel more satisfying.

TFP Optimus sucked so hard man, it makes me depressed. Literal carboard cutout more than a character.
It should've ended with a wild beach orgy
1. Does he have an experience with leading a fan project?
2. Does he have an experience with longer multi-episode animation?
That motherfucker...
Incompetence all the way down. According to Hasbro themselves MLP didn't see positive sales growth since season 6. Everything after that from the movie to G5 has been them trying to right the ship, but they're retarded and cheap so they just burn money on half baked ideas before abandoning them.
>MLP didn't see positive sales growth since season 6
Most new characters introduced in S6-9 have absolutely no toys whatsoever because they stopped making them. And now they complain people don't buy shit? Because you made none you fucking retard holy fuck
You know the answer.
Everyone's ignoring my orgy ending idea?
She's perfect
Cocks went full retard corporate but cow slop has no appeal, it's just the most pitiful cope I've ever seen. Even Funtasia had more interest.
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quints confirm
>Even Funtasia had more interest.
Create a new FF thread, then. It's been awhile.
Vogelfag will ruin it immediately. He's been at it for years.
Autists always existed. Just report and hide.
Why does he ruin it?
No idea but he shits up every FF thread since 2020 or so. Or creates them himself, with as retarded OPs as possible. Either way the show is dead and not worth a watch without Italian dub.
>the show is dead
Just like your god
He's hoping people who do will join his project for free.
Flamingo1986 actually pulled it off, bronies worked for him for free, despite him being a huge piece of shit who deleted the episode when it became inconvenient. Because both 1 and 2 was "true" for him.
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Here's his trailer.
Why is her hair so weird lol
I cannot wait until G6. It might be another failure within the MLP franchise. Unless they are going to reboot G4 with it somehow...
Inconvenient how?
It's a cute girly fauxhawk
It looks like a pink cartoon poop. Like someone squeezed out a dollop of soft-serve onto her bald-ahh head
Stop talking like that, you think you're good or something?
Looks more like cake icing than shit
>pink [...] poop
I think you need to see a doctor if that's your first thought. You might have bleeding in there.
Is the Vogelfag in the room with us right now? ;)

>No idea
No you moron, he's asking HOW am I ruining it.
Once again the Greek faggot cannot shut the fuck up. Do you persian rape babies ever stop yelling at your own inadequacy? Unlike you I actually have smart things to say about each episode because unlike you I learned English at a young age and got it ingrained in me and also I'm not stupid like most persian rape babies.

Cow slop had about as many threads as FF. I was there. I remember being very disappointed when Wranglum still kept his male voice instead of being arsed to switch to a female voice to match his transformation.

Go ahead, make a FF thread. I won't post. Watch as it dies in 50 posts.
Always trying to find a scapegoat, always trying to find witches to hunt. You assbackwards eastern europeans are hilarious with how stuck in the 1600s you are. Americans are more civilized than you.

Also one more bump for G5's last episode thread.
Oh no, it's here
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