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/mlp/ - Pony

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Previous thread: >>41539162

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map and leaderboard - WIP

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
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Took a god damn while, for a second I had hope it was over.
you're welcome anon. someone had to take up the reins. neigh
finally, shitting can continue!
anon's already started the job for me :)
>Continue shitting
How about that Desu? Let's unban Scan and Gilded
Why the FUCK did you make this.
For a moment there I thought it was over. For a moment I had hope. For a moment I felt freedom. That bliss, that sweet release of nothingness, that precious feeling of absence.
I dared to hope, and you come and shatter it. Fuck you. Fuck you, anon. The first time in months, I think years even, when we've had peace; and still you felt the need to come and break it. To restart the cycle again. To perpetuate the same.

I hope gookmoot rangebans you and kakuma mass-reports you.
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Wild Nommy caught her prey
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fuck, im sorry, I fell asleep last night before I could post the new thread, even had the post ready to go and everything, all I had to do was wait a bit longer.. then my eyes closed. I only just now woke up- thank you for the save anon, and cute collage. Heres what I had ready
I'm not selling my likeness to the furfaggot conglomerate. I've even been approached by hmart before and declined.
I will never understand bing-bing-wahooing over getting your photo plastered on a marketplace listing.
Now I know who fucking stole the drumstick from my fridge!
It's so hard for me to not threadshit. I need a stickerchart.
Pony retrieving and herding
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zhe ponisu danse!
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Alt (we couldn't decide which to post)
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sorry I went to eat breakfast
I'm not Desu, and I will continue to shit until the end of time and nopony can stop me :)
give into your desires, anon
I woke up today and chose threadshitting
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>Feral Nommy - A Mare Denied Her Sunflowers
Oh shit. She didn't actually kill someone, right?
Still would.
is she eating that pony? is this vore
It is nightmare night, zombie ponies are canon
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Adding to last thread's webm collection, here's my favorite one
Riddle me this. If Maki has respect for Baltimare why was he copybotting stuff made by people there without asking?
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I'm retarded
>I'm not desu
>I will continue to shit until the end of time
>I woke up today and chose threadshitting
> :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
okay desu, I hope not being able to be in any future events and pictures was worth the threadshitting I know I won't miss your fullbright ass ruining the shots
I want to die
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Went to a sim with only prim builds
It was mostly a nightmare
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>105 LI

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um sweetie desu wasn't banned for threadshitting
>great to be a pegasus.png
That's a weird pegasus on the left
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New RiverOak patch just dropped
I want to marey her...
It is not Desu, RV is off his meds again
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>highly detailed prim builds
I kneel
Fuck I accidentally picked the bow pic. Ah well that will do too
>NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is Tea is to even demand information about stuff outside the sim he moderates? It was something outside the thread relating to someone banned from the sim. Desu shouldn't have lied to Tea he should have told him to fuck off because it was none of his business.
>he's really really desperate to ignite some discussion
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
It was about Tea using any thin excuse to ban him, not about moderating.
well yeah lol i mean who is going to speak out against him, no jannies do anything besides tea who does what he wants
ok desu
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post popen numgets
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I missed the chance of getting mine so all I have is this one
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my prim raines is 100 land impact
Link them all together and set physics to none
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Thank you horse very cool
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Birth of Popen
W...Why did they give him such a defined bulge?
The craft just got real
Underage ponies on an adult sim hmm
Who made these?
Lumi just played a melody on the xylophone that could work really well as ringtone
dusty feathaaa
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There was one made of me but I don't see it on here. Either way, thank you.
I like how flat and squished Flutterbutter is
That horse gets vored a lot.
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Vibin with the snoofs
BlackGryphon approves
plap plap plap
unf unf unf
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shitty quality field trip photo
t. mare
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Field trips are one of the best traditions. Always love seeing pics of them but sadly rarely get to attend them myself. Really need to take part in one again, it's been a long time
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you will never find happiness through destruction
ok desu
>never played simcity
we're so back :)
Tea isn't much more than a gay male gooner.
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ok desu
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I miss the time when all these shitters were busy at marefair
I went to marefair and also agree with this. I was still active on /opg/ checking it regularly
Obsessing this much over whatever wacky fetish art people >privately< enjoy is 1,000x more pathetic and faggotry
Your public Derpibooru fetish art, bro?
2 years ago it wasn't private. Rara has stopped talking about it publically because people started bullying him, like they should. I remember when it was a meme he was in on and gestures were even played about it.
It's called running a joke into the ground btw
It's not a joke though it's really his fetish?
My fetish is balloon inflation bondage with pool toys if that helps
I don't care about Rara privately having a strange fetish.
I get annoyed when we get our resident satanist talking unprompted about his stabbing and murder fetish right in public.
it's really funny to me bc I am not someone you'd ever expect to be a threadshitter
you're really targeting someone who's innocent in this case, bc last we talked Desu doesn't even use the thread anymore (we don't talk much so I might be wrong there)
But I already have, anon! Seeing this thread burned to the ground brings me so much joy, you have no idea <3

I do really wonder what the point is in pinning my shitting on someone who's already banned? Shouldn't you instead try to find out who else might foment unrest from within the sim? Get rid of me so at least you don't have to deal with balti's biggest shitter sharing space with you?
I've been ruining threads from the start, and it's SO funny that you'll pin the blame on anyone else just because you want an excuse to hate them more.
then he proceeds to posts his ugly ponies to the thread.
you've done nothing
I've apparently made some ponies hate Desu more than they did for something he has nothing to do with
you have a very warped perception. everypony knows the real fun is on-sim either way
but the thread matters enough that Desu got banned for things that happened there, twice. Technically the second one wasn't even on the thread, just got brought up there by other anons. So funny.

Also I do know how fun the sim is, I'm there almost every day, after all.
man I don't even catface anon, how could you accuse me of such a thing :(
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do you remember her oldfags.....
thread is being shit on already so I may as well say I miss gilded
hag eyes
is she related to Pear Butter?
I unironically miss desu
Gilded lost any respect I had for him the moment he dipped into Pumpkin
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hnhhhgnnhnn im so fucking old my bones hurt fdnfnddn
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canon pony supremacy
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Instances of me having to switch to a PBR viewer just to see what an outfit or a sim were actually meant to look like are getting more and more common.
Bros... it's getting hard to stay a blinn-phonger.
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>>41551488 (check'd)
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Hory fug
I used to use a picture of her as a wallpaper for years

Celestia damn it I feel old now
On the bright side apparently they're making the performance better and better, so once you do switch, it might not be so bad
SOMEPONY WHO REMEMBERS! you are fucking based anon
she's probably the closest oc to my heart, to this day. i actually knew her creator so that probably adds to it
why is there so much ketchup on that floor and why is it in the shape of a star? very spooky
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can't figure out what mane/tail looks good on a pale unicorn mare. reccomendations appreciated
grab some demos
dead thread
All you do is post screenshots of your game. The amount of you who actually produce content is next to none. Your sim builder commissions and jerks off to anal fetish porn. Your other sim builder and so called creator just jerks off. Your other, other sim builder draws futa porn for money. What is supposed to be the content here?
ok desu
ok desu
you say ok desu but desu was right about pumpkin twist by the sim owner's own admission lol
zigga i literally just made a mane from scratch and mod of safe haven
>>41551445 if that isn't content i don't know what is
most of the threads on here are anons gooning to fillies and gay stallions anyway literally who gives a fuck??? do you not have literally anything better to do than to say the same thing over and over again
this is my first and last reply to (You), do something fun and eat a donut or something jesus lord
rara being bitter over his broken heart doesn't make desu any less of a retard
I didn't said that, you're replying to bait. I already told the thread how much I cared about what happened.
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>there was nothing wrong with pumpkin, rara had a broken heart and desu was a retard making a false callout
lmao even
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I really like this one
i really like that one too
Didn’t you care so little you abused estate scripting rights to unsit Pumpkin and Gilded if they ever sat together, until both stopped showing up very much at all?
I unsat them a couple times the day after she added me back to the discord, then she blocked me on everything. I didn't do anything after that. I used my standard headbutt unsit.
>estate scripting rights
If you mean an experience, I'm not premium, so I can't use it, and I don't think they'd have the power to do such a thing (as you have to accept it). I also have no idea how to use it.
roses eyes with those lashes are so fucking cute. Also I adore the contrast between such a cute looking pink pony and then the deep booming voice that emanates from their plush little body
I guess I gave you an opportunity to bullshit, you know what you did.
>The agent is over land owned by the scripted object's owner and/or a group the owner has land rights for.
You had a script to unsit specific UUIDs using this function.
yeah that's what I have in my headbutt, it's no secret. I told you I did it, but you're making it out to be a continuous thing, which it was not.
Maybe you forgot that you drove your users off to the point they complained publicly while in a drunken stupor. Get your act together.
fillies really are the best goon material
don't let the shitter ruin your day, they're just mad that most of us are having fun and they're not.
Bring back the sim selling story arc.
I'm not the same shitter, but I have quite a lot of fun threadshitting
High effort post.
You understand why this sounds like bullshit when the unsitting kept happening over multiple days, yes? Either you're lying or another janny was antagonizing them
I'm nopony's favorite mare so I won't be posted.
>drunken stupor
nta but I do believe that you have something of a drinking problem. The part of me that likes you hopes that it isn't as bad as I worry it is, or that you'll someday do better.

>caring this much about relationship drama that doesn't involve you
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this one is a sweet popen

I have no idea how to talk to them, though
This is it, this is the one where someone will post me!!
I saw him fuck hind once
very sweet irl too. just message them and tell them you like their popen. don't think too hard about it, am sure many other popens would love to meet more frens
woh nice
booper>talk-to. it's that shrimple
I alone watched them fuck the first time they ever did.
talking to them irl was a lot easier than talking to their popen

Good, I hope it makes you madder every single time, obsessed schizoid
I want to bend over for him
>talking to them irl was a lot easier
I feel this way about most popens I've met at cons. We hit it off well in person and then hardly ever talk once we go back to SL.
Is there anything more wholesome than a Marj field trip? Just popens exploring a neat place for an hour and enjoying the insanity of SL.

I will quit popen if she ever disappears.
this post is definitely maki lol
sorry but I'm not maki. They might be sleeping, their popen hasn't moved in over half an hour.
Ok, I do know who you are. Carry on though.
post popens
bost bopens
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Popens who have commissioned them before, how much does a commissioned mane/tail usually run.
$40-$50 give or take on the complexity and who the creator is.
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if you have a design in mind, post it and I could maybe do something for you for free. I can't rig though so don't expect animated tails
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This scene took 512 LI.
Any theme for party tomorrow?
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What outfit is this??
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Woah. Mail from boggee!
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nvm found it
» Furry » Apparel » Anthropomorphic Clothing
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>still mad about this
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it’s true but fags on this board are in denial
liking a thing is nice and all, but mutual hate for a common enemy is the glue that binds society. why do (You) think most religions spend so much of their time talking about what behaviors and groups of people they don't condone?

nobody is in denial. so long as some "not me" group gets hate, folks will stay focused on hating that and not the things we like. as long as we can point over there and hate "them" we get to feel cool and be a part of "us"
Maybe if desu put as much effort into his art as he does into threadshitting it wouldn't look like such a steaming pile of shit
There's a desu in my walls.
I am still grateful to the administration for the desu ban. Baltimare is being cleaned up.
No matter how much he astroturfs and tries to brute force public opinion through samefagging, everyone still hates him because he's just that much of a deeply unlikeable person, and I find that beautiful
Talks about astroturfing, forcing public opinions and claims to speak for literally everyone. That's fucking rich. I wish I could achieve this displayed level of self delusion and lack of self awareness because if I were you I'd go get a job as a clown and do astoundingly.
It's probably Tea Love those are Tea's literal words lol
>You had a script to unsit specific UUIDs using this function.
By the way, typical headbutt scripts use a sensor to detect what's in front of you to set the UUID, in case your post is implying it must be a whitelist or something it's almost certainly not
We're watching desu seethe in real time
it's funny how (You) only seem to hate what everyone else around you hates. you come off like a grade-schooler bullying a nerd just to retain the approval of your friends?
i'm still trying to find any pony in balti who actually likes this guy and hasn't already realized he's a piece of shit
wow nice mare!!
I keep hearing about some Pumpkin pic, can anyone link it?
I knew it. :(
This but replace it with Tea Love. I think everyone I've talked to has said he shouldn't be a moderator anymore.
I'm amazed that somepony posted me actually.
me to
And it was worth every LI
how do you have a pickaxe on noob level this isn't lore accurate
Are we stallionposting now
This is my post but I don't remember making it
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Not too bad. Might go that route then.
I'm glad Scramble and Silver are in this picture. Some of my absolute favorite horses.
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The urge to pet this mare through the screen is unbearable
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I love these shots so much
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pettable and plapable and cuddlable and kissable
If you don’t categorize it “right,” LL would take down the listing from the marketplace
I remember back in the day when I uploaded something they silently changed the rating a couple months later simply because I had "horsecock" in the description even though the item wasn't really lewd
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please do, i love them
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Movie poster right here, Tron shit
I guess the studposting will continue
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Haze could do better than this I think
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why is ducking under the camera frame so effective? I instantly got a lewd thought
WTF anon!
Wet hair Mulch is surprisingly hot
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this mare is pretty
if you want to join me i'm dressed as a lethal company employee for nmn! if i get three more mares i can make a full ship
I had a dream today that desu got unbanned because he got framed for stuff he didn't do
Good thing that was just a dream.
I mean, he definitely did do the stuff he got banned for
unfortunately the stuff in question was stupid fucking reasons and literally shouldn't have been bannable offenses
especially since he was right about pumpkin
>looks at clock
oh right
Did you guys change the sim windlight?
Seems like a different one got chose that has a ton less ambient light, looks "colder" and darker. IMO this doesn't fit the almost completely clear and blue sky though. So maybe add a sky that is less sunny and more cloudy if you wanna go for the misty Halloween vibe.
the dodge/chrysler experience
i see stuben's inviting all his pony town friends to the sim today
unironically many such cases
yeah i woke up
im not going to change my outfit at all because my costume represents the horrors of what happens when the real world consumes every waking moment of your life until you can no longer popen
average "American" made Jeep product after 45,000 miles (the transmission was already replaced twice)
are you on pbr? and do you have probes on?
imo it looks darker but overall way better, it was using mostly ambient light before which made everything extremely bright (at least to me)
I changed the ambient probe setting at someone's request and that made everything darker. you're right about the sky though and I will at some point today edit it a bit more
but god do I hate editting windlights they're so dogshit to get looking correctly and if you move any of the sliders at all it fucks up everything else
Here's an idea: make season 9 finale Twilight, and make her skit during the contest be all about representing the Haberverse as a whole. Speak about defending the rights of creatures and turning lost fillies that misbehave to stone. Throw in some exaggerated facial expressions too, if you can. I already have an outfit for the costume, so I won't be doing that myself.
Hone your autism for light
Wait, Whats happening today?
So Scarlet Flare is totally a stuben torusit invite right?
>barely a few days on and already cuddling with stuben non stop
>their character clearly created to appeal to him
>now this
Time to nuke the sim
I miss the marefair thread
And they get mad at me when I call someone a tourist. What a hypocritical ponies...
come on back >>41514841
current topics include underground foalcon sales, how much the auction sucked, and identifying a random romhack someone played.
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yes, as well as Altus and Nebbu, who are in the pony town mod click too
moar stallions
imagine the smell
none of them were invited by stuben, scarlet and altus were with the popen group at mare fair and encouraged to come to balti since they yse the board, neb was a voidicus join but they rarely visit
no wonder I didnt recgonize them at the con
what times/days are the NMN festivities?
Can I get a pic of Altus?
auction only sucked because shitwise was one of the auctioneers
easily could have gotten 50k more out of it if it wasnt for his utterly useless presence and fuckups on stage
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Ok Bitwise. Here's your (you) so you can stop fishing.
days without accidental sexo - 0
see: >>41517714
idk anything about stuben but his oc is ugly as fuck and he spends 24/7 on ponytown so he's most certainly a retard (in a bad way)
forgot this got posted, thanks. any estimated time for the costume contest?
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I know that he likes giant mares, mommies and facesitting, so at least he's a retard with good taste.
nvm he's based then
I don't know if there's an official one, but I think it usually starts around 1PM SLT?
Would you sit on this face for 500L?
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and that's enough of OPG for today, I should have known the threadshitting would turn literal someday
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What causes this to happen? I've noticed it only happens in Balti/HH.
Giant offsim prims. They load in on-sim first, before your viewer correctly renders them moved way out.
Most other sims don't have giant terrain prims to cover the horizon in hills or anything like that, they either have walls or just leave the ocean border.
I've definitely seen sim surrounds that don't do that, though
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>theres enough art to show he likes eating ass and pussy
I've only found 3 pictures of him engaging in such activity in the boorus. Is there more out there? For research purposes you know haha
chuckled at the jpeg cutie mark
That's enough to form a pattern for me.
what if she farted just a little bit when he leaned in
everyone know luna's is the worst pony sim
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preaching to the choir anon

so can we stop bitching and post more popens or what
God I wish I could. I'm away from home right now but I have so many ideas for popen pictures. Can't tell tho or someone might steel my donut. I've really been liking the canon pony pictures, does anyone have more of those? Anyone have a canon avi that hasn't been posted?
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well i have my woona av but it's already been posted. i do have a surprise popen (not CANON but faust-canon)
so here's that!
Surprise is so cute, nice. What are those eye shines/eyes called? Ive been trying to remember so I can find them on mp.
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I insist that ponies from any MLP generation count as canon. Yes, even G5. When is the beach photoshoot with G5 ponies to celebrate the end of the generation?
>not CANON but faust-canon
Surprise is from multiple generations, I don't know how much more canon you can get in my opinion. I was planning on making my own surprise popen, this is awesome. Thank you for sharing, I would be down to see more pictures of surprise.
here you go anon
It happens because they're leaving and entering your draw distance. Most sims that use sim surrounds are single-region affairs, with the megaprims in the middle (i.e. they're only 128m from the edges), so it's easier to keep them rendered the entire time you're in the region.
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is there any gallery or platform that i can check out for popen photography? so far ive been just using the thread as my main source of inspo
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Thanks jannies for the cleanup. You can be alright sometimes.
I don't think there's a booru for pony photography
inb4 THAT booru. no you pervs I mean second life photography and virtual ponies
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that's fair, she's more based on faust's surprise but technically is g1 I suppose. have another screenie, i just updated her scripts
Yeeah thanks!
A booru has been requested a few times, but I don't really want to direct pictures off the thread. You know people are going to just take pictures and upload them to the booru, ignoring the thread.
I like when people imply someone has a predictable posting style and they just know when it's a specific person shitting
meanwhile I will ever get away with shitting the thread because everyone always assumes I'm someone else
all while I quietly cuddle cute mares on sim
imagine spending every day of your life FUDing on a Mongolian basketweaving artistry bulletin board thinking you're some super clever evil mastermind
Trying to rip online groups apart by seeding discord is anon narcist babby's first power play. Many such cases.
You use that word but you don't know what it means. You can't even spell it lmao
it is a spelling variant of "narcissist" and considering you're trying really hard to push the focus of the thread on you and your faggy little agenda I'd say he's spot on
I'm biting this delicious bate for a sec.
So, you keep saying your goal is to gradually degrade the thread and the sim but you're also saying you enjoy the place. That makes me curious. Why would one actively attack the thing he enjoys? Is it a mental illness thing? You can be honest, we're all friends here.
hi lonely
Altus was in balti before marefair but is a tourist, yes. Them and neb are from gryphs discord and Altus tends to orbit lucy.
For a show about friendship lessons, y'all sure keep flunkin 'em
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hi anon
I, personally, haven't ever said I want to degrade the sim. Just the thread. :)
I do very much have several mental illnesses tho, so there's that too. I mean, I'd have to, to find enjoyment in shitting up others' enjoyment.
This is really disingenuous when they're all offboarders from a discord clique.
Interesting. So what happened in the thread that made you turn so hard against it?
Okay scramble
I never felt we needed a thread in the first place. I've been a major threadshitter from the start. I've not yet been discovered as such and so I will continue.
So you don't care about all the ideas for the sim that originated from this thread? Or the pics and video clips? I mean the thread is more or less just an extension of the thing you supposedly still enjoy.
I say more OP should be posted to derpibooru
Shes really so cute. Thanks for the snowpity.
You are a fool
>giant mares
The almost utter lack of macrofags around here surprises me unless they hide it well.
you thought the blue in the sky was the windlight this entire time. you've been fooled
you still have no clue what narcissist means
Nta but thread is a tool so much easier used for evil than good. The problem stems from having mixed anonymity on the thread and namefaggotry from the sim. Thread will never go away unless jannies ban it though.
there's more art of it that he con'd someone I know into drawing, he sucks up to anyone making art for the sake of his fetishes
While this is mostly true, if the thread was removed those people would just seamlessly move over to Discord for that kinda thing. I mean it's even right in the platform name. It's not solely a 4chan issue, it's just that the internet in general enables that kinda behavior. Nutcases gonna nut.
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I want to join the ponies in Baltimare but I'm afraid of being called a tourist and banned. Any tips for fitting in?
are you a tourist
No I'm just afraid of being called one
if you are here asking that question you're not a tourist, unless this happens to be your first time ever using 4chan or this board in general.
Then join, the jannies are cautious and don't really ban unless you're blatant or they are given/find proof that you're lying
I have these same fears and I actually go to the sim pretty often. It's probably a natural fear for anxietyfags to have. Some probably think I'm a tourist but nobody's called me that to my face yet or made it an issue.

show up, don't be annoying, make frens, follow the damn rules, and you'll be fine.
why would being called a tourist even matter? if you've been hanging out on this site for a while you should have a thick enough skin to absolutely not care. on top of this I don't even see what's to bad about this. we're calling each other way worse things in almost every post anyway.
the only time you'd have to worry was if you'd try to actively annoy others or force some retarded shit views for a longer period of time so basically if you lurked on /mlp/ for a while you should know "if you fit" in or not. it's not fucking rocket science
Wanna know how to actively fight anxiety? It's just two ancient words

They do do it though, even if you've approached here first. Bans on sight are so fun.

Clean your profile of anything that could be controversial (even if you know there are others that'd connect with you on them), and stick to a more plain and simple pony avatar.
Had to step away for a bit, but no. Most ideas from the thread would have eventually come to the sim anyway, as we are all the same brains nonetheless. Pics and clips could be shared to any platform available, and sent in sim.
Ponies on sim almost consistently say the thread doesn't matter, fuck the thread, etc, so it's not even fully wanted here.
And like that other anon said, it is more consistently a tool for evil. Like me, one might say.
>and banned
can understand the fear if they've never been around. Especially if they're an sl oldfag, getting your long-invested-in mane pony account banned from a place you really want to be at would be a nerve-wracking prospect. I don't think this kind of fear would come from an sl newfag since they'd just make a new account if they got banned and really wanted to be back. Not like the avatar isn't free.

lurking the thread is a poor way to resolve anxiety since ingame popens act a lot better behaved and nice in my experience
Well, I don't agree. Baltimare became a successful and special sim because of /mlp/. Name some other pony sims that are just like it. If it was just like the others, everyone would have left long ago.
Also, since you said you find enjoyment in shitting up other's enjoyment, how do you feel when someone else fucks with the things you love? Do you feel joy for them or does it turn into some kind of competition from that point on? I find those psychological anomalies fascinating.
why are the ponies here talking like they're giving super villain speeches?
inferiority complex in rl
>Pics and clips could be shared to any platform available
such as?
If you get called a tourist say "fuck you nigger" and reference a board meme easy
>you can't use the still popular 4chan pony board for posting ponies nooooo
>go post them on some private discord or on one of the dead pony boards instead!
why over-complicating things needlessly? what exactly makes this board unfit for this oh ebil majesty?
Question to you then. Why didn't any sim like Baltimare exist until a thread on /mlp/ was made? Why does one still not exist other than Baltimare itself, the one attached to the /mlp/ thread?

If the thread is so unimportant, why is it that the sim that just happens to be born from the thread is the one you're hanging out at?
really curious what our local supervillainlet will say about this
only desu would say this
Retard take imo. Say the people in world forsook the thread, it would be equivalent to sweeping a problem under the rug. You won't get rid of the two faced bastards lurking in world and you won't get rid of the shitters either. You'll just be axing a way of communication and a source of community. What would we do then? Become yet another Discord-centric pony sim doomed to fail?
>discussion is bad mmmkay
desu is that retarded
severe case of rent free
new bungle is out
a few things that I have posted / posted about made it into the paper. It is a nice feeling.
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>a tool for evil. Like me, one might say.
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Please understand, Bugnle is small family company. MIstake hapen.

A 4 page Bungle? At this time of day? In this part of Baltimare? Localised entirely within my newspaper stall? It's more likely than you think and for just 10L you can even see it...well or just look at the newsstand itself but you do you. This week we got so many things: Hmart content drop, boggy exposè, quickie exposè, the sunbeam revolution, cannibalism, staffies mayoral bid, extremist rituals, mare delivereies

Yippie! Please always feel free to mention things that should be in there to me.
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>a tool for evil. Like me, one might say.
>MIstake hapen.
i thought it was a statement lol
KEK, uhhh yes of course it was a statement and definitly not me forgetting to update that part of the Bungle haha.
you need to give us two cute pictures as compensation
File deleted.
locked in a dark room with the only source of light coming from an old arcade machine running a ranked competitive filly sex game, a voice comes from a nearby speaker
>I just want to play a game

Saw: Popens. Coming to theatres this nightmare night
>anthro pic in background
Yeah I guess you won't get an answer
it keeps happening
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please ignore I forgor the pic....

This is correct, but we're an /mlp/ community first and so having a presence here at all was key to existing in SL.
Remove the thread now and an /mlp/ community built around /mlp/ use has no presence on /mlp/, even if the thread can be easily reduced to shit and become meaningless to anons who aren't just in it for shitting or anonymously soapboxing it's still an /mlp/ thing. If you made a Discord/imageboard that follows all the same rules as 4chan but has better moderation and cultivates an atmosphere of not shitting everything up you have still removed the key thing which is exposure to the ancestral homeland of /mlp/ and its population of anons, as well as the every steady trickle of new 4chan browsers it brings.
The only real solutions are to either accept that /mlp/ is actually bad in many ways and that you shouldn't let yourself take it any more seriously than the shitposters, just browse /mlp/ without /opg/, or make a whole new community that doesn't have a thread on /mlp/ and accept the consequences of that.
I don't like Halloween but the dressed up ponies compensate. I wish I also had dressed up ponies in real life so I had something there too to distract from all the ugliness everywhere this month
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>dressed up ponies in real life
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New neighberry candy reward. I gotta say... I REALLY don't like it. The human eyes and no ears gives the impression it's just a human Deadpool head slapped on pony.
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You're just getting last months pic dump from me now kek
I think it kinda looks like there could be ears folded/tucked underneath the fabric and the eyes area also makes it seem like the popen eyes are still sufficiently hinted while maximizing character resemblance. I'm more concerned about the blatantly poking out dock in this official (?) pic
he would do this
Now this is some 9001 IQ attacku
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I hope I have paid my dues with those
I actually don't care that much when someone fucks with things I care about. If it's people, it's a different story, then it becomes competitive for me to fuck up their day, but it's not really an anger response, I think.
I have never said Balti is just like any other sim. The closest I can compare it to is some of the older pony sims from 12+ years ago, that had 4chan elements, silliness, good community, genuine fun. But those are a breed that are long dead these days.
We already use catbox, ponut.space, etc. Some ponies post screenshots to derpi. Whatever is available.
Putting words in my mouth. Also /mlp/ is meant for topics that relate to the show. If I had my way, I'd wipe it clean of many a general.
This is answered a little earlier in my post. But also, money. Thread is pretty inconsequential, money is what is important. If no one had stepped up to fund a full sim, we would probably still be at a little parcel, Voidicus or elsewhere.
There are constant issues swept under the rug. And yet still constant issues that are blown vastly out of proportion and made bigger than necessary. I don't feel a source of community from the thread. The community is found in the cute ponies I spend time with in sim.
We are already a separate community from /mlp/
It has already long seated and I know for a fact a good chunk of active ponies either do not browse the board and have been coached on what to say and how to act, or they only began using the thread as per a requirement to seem like they fit in.

Anyway, I have actually done fairly minimal shitting today, outside of discussion. Expect worse soon. Tonight I go to bed.
-local villainlet <3
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Ponyville beloafed.
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Wheel of Popen returns Saturday at 1:00 p.m. SLT. A rule change to the game will be implemented, perhaps to stump popens further. See you there.
That's what makes it so scary
beware the ego stroker
>Stolas pony in the background
who stroking whos ego
baltimare speedrun any%
I wish someone would stroke my ego (the name I gave my dick)
>We are already a separate community from /mlp/
Honestly if the thread fucks off completely then I'll have no reason to log on anymore, except maybe when a friend tells me to.
Then again if /opg/ fucks off another SL thread will eventually take it's place, I don't know how it would look like but there's a demand and it will manifest as such.
he IS bald after all, so no tail
I essentially did this and now I'm a respected member of balticiety
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>furshit pony
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nta but it does just feel like some ponytown level of faggotry, ie pony base used for whatever furshit imaginable
Baltimare was flooded with Pony Town trash. Metal, Stuben, Deeraw, Zippysqrl, so it checks out.
Sign is a pony.
Imagine being a loser complaining in the thread about purist poseur shite when you could be a pony dancing with other ponies RIGHT. NOW.
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It's YWNBAP poser
too busy gooning to ponies
>This is answered a little earlier in my post. But also, money. Thread is pretty inconsequential, money is what is important. If no one had stepped up to fund a full sim, we would probably still be at a little parcel, Voidicus or elsewhere.
You seem to believe the location is somehow defining for the entire community.
The location is definitely very nice, but it's the actual ponies that make the community. There's no fundamental difference between Voidicus and Baltimare - when you control for the natural differences that happen over time as a community ages, of course.
So I just really don't understand your point. Substitute "community" for "sim" in my original question; the question would be the exact same even if we had stayed in voidicus, or moved to some large 128x128 parcel rented off some land baron to have more space, or whatever.
how come im always too tired to come to the friday party. i dont even work it makes no sense

happy friday from harvest
I am scared
Miss you havesto
Put Blackjack back in charge of the music. Today is once again un-fucking-bearable.
Ok Blackjack
Music seems fine to me!
The fuck are you talking about? I fucking love the set so far
Put Scan back in charge of the music
>There's no fundamental difference between Voidicus and Baltimare
Was Voidicus ran by diaperfag with a personality disorder and a drinking problem who never contributes anything besides bankrolling?
It's like if Tresia was in charge of the hangout except possibly even worse.
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ok let's go
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she knows what you did
I hope so
Ceiling Meadows watches you masterbate.
I maresterbate actually
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the party is flawless
I feel out of the loop
Why is everyone making clones of this pony?
Because she is flawless
i have an album full of pics and videos. its more "my popen's adventures" though, but it has stuff from the thread and frens and more. wish i could filter by videos since there are few really good ones. https://art.hotmilk.space/share/tvYKHOpP5no0MGutuTRtI17KIuNk1rCm3rY_eEdVnlut_Bq4PuVJwxRNKqGcVKgMdQI
nice virus
Nice pictures
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The stack grows!
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>can't party because of irl obligations
I'll party for you anon and more luck next time. I know how it is
SL on your phone soon™
>can't party because I have to goon to fillies
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It's gooning time
Check your spines everypony
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holy shit anon is busting it down sexual style
Okay and what does any of this have to do with hating the thread
You're going way off-topic, go back to the original points raised here >>41554447 and counterpoints here >>41554517
Last night I had a dream that silicon skies asked me to have sex with them
Did you say yes
Did he ask you to be his little anonfilly plushie?
I think you're thinking of the wrong Skies my dude
i want to be somepony's anonfilly plushie. how do i get started?
post name
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as always, thank you for your company tonight powies, i was having a really really bad night and you lot cheer me up. i love the ponisu
wtf fag!
sorry you had a bad night and now I hope you sleep well
Take good care little horso /)
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>popens barking in sync with the synth
my sides
lilac breeze
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noh >>41555714
am too much of a pussy to say
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you're not me
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unrelated but i like this angle for popens
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I am happy others are finally seeing the superiority of this angle for a better experience, increase the fov too
Because it is the MOST POWERFUL ANGLE
I looked at >>41555657 and chose the most subby popen I could find sorry not sorry
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I'm going to rape you
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Flower being raped by Skyline was this week's wild dream.
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give me your personal list of orbiters
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Moar blurry snoofas
idk the moon is kinda cool ig
ok but who do I orbit
I would spread the asscheeks of that stallion...
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this is what i was doing tonight instead of being at the party

worth it i guess but quite lonely
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Spread them.
whwhy are you at a parking lot
i burn youtube videos to dvd and then go get taco bell and eat it in an empty parking lot while watching the dvds (usually I just stream from my phone but physical media is always easier than using up data and fucking around with the miracast box)
....I'm trying to come up with an actual explanation as to why I enjoy doing this but I really don't have one
it is the small pleasures of life, anon. you don't have to explain it
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Whatever boats your float.
Van was broken down until just this month so I'm trying to enjoy it before I have to put it away for the winter again... also, the projector works fine, but I can't seem to find a smooth white building in a dark area where people aern't going to call the cops because some weirdo is projecting an audiovisual shitpost onto their property.
Hopefully I'll remember to bring a spare camera sometime here so that I can be the first anon to put Camarea on some automotive screen(s).
you are wonderful
That's just park bench fluttershy
n-no u?
noh you anon
Based retard
thanks anon
Well you're making the best out of your situation so you're ahead of many here
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I miss you guys but I know if I start spending time on the PC again nothing will get done... and no point wasting power by leaving it run all day just so I can AFK on a cushion somewhere.

Still, those two weeks I got sick and spent all my time on baltimare because I was too sick to do anything, you popens made it not so bad. <3
desu did nothing wrong
We're unbanning pumpkin twist just to see you cry, desu
waiting for you to actually do this so I can finally free myself from this godawful place and have a good reason for it too
Join today's party in ponyville, anon!

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