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Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread: >>41552426
Blessed butt
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>be gymbros with Rainbow Dash
>have hot sweaty sex after every workout, sometimes sneaky sexy time in the locker room
I want her so bad
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Is bro gonna be okay?

God I love when we get new leggings butt
bro just keep your shitty thread bumped im tired of having to hide it every time your thread dies at 30 posts and you have to make a new one.
Better start hiding, Anon.
I want sex segregated gyms so I dont have to deal with women invading my male space
enjoy sliderfag's dick
Uniroically based take, the hoes and zoomers in general loitering in gyms is a problem.
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Rainbow, no!
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Rainbow, yes~
If it wasn't for the mainline episode where Dash sold Fluttershy into slavery for a book, I could've seen this happening at some point.
that was pony Dash. EQG Dash is much more loyal
captcha: GYMY2
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they did this on purpose, didn't they?
You had to create multiple EQG Rainbow dash threads in the same day?
Board can't handle this butt, apparently.
Damn horny animators making me horny when I’m babysitting girls
I forgot to reply to this post.

Appledash is a shit pairing in the long-term and is only liked by retards who haven’t ever been in a competitive relationship. A good romantic partner doesn’t complement your strengths, they supplement your weaknesses.
>A good romantic partner doesn’t complement your strengths
yes but tomboys like Dash still pick their gym partners or other muscleheads and look down on everyone else
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Hey! She regretted it and got her back afterwards. All healthy relationships have growing pains like that
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Agree. This is why Flutterdash is better IMO because they have contrasting personalities and can correct each others biggest faults
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Hootershy and Rainbow Flat
I genuinely agree with you on that. I don’t necessarily like friends turning into romantic partners since that diminishes the value of platonic friendships in my opinion. However, both Fluttershy and Dash do have the appropriate dynamic that wasn’t really touched upon in these shows beyond small, easily skipped moments. The only immediate EQG example I can think of is Rollercoaster of Friendship, which was almost dead-on accurate of my evaluation of the Mane 7’s friendships, what with the writers’ barely disguised shipping.

Dash gives Fluttershy the motivation to be more assertive without falling into the trap she stepped in during Putting Your Hoof Down, and she gives Dash that sanctuary she needs to not burnout from the effort of being the best. That’s what makes it work so well, since neither of them conflict with the other’s personal ambitions.
Agreed. That's why Rarijack works. So is the natural counter for a Rainbow ship Twidash?
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Fluttershy + Rainbow Dash works.
Rarity + Applejack works.
Twilight (forma del alicorna) + Pinkie Pie works.

I forgot what thread this was my bad
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>C-cup but binding them down
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A all the way!
i prefer Raridash and Appleshy because they feel more compatible this way but i know that i'm in the minority
I'm Raridash too Anon, they work so well, that the show had to make an episode and act like they're such different ponies when they could've been married just like AppleDash.
Nice artstyle
I like how they drew her thicc enough to reach out and grab without being unrealistic.
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do you think dash could try and rock shy's cruncher outfit?
She'd definitely become a fellow cruncher.
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How much you wanna bet Dash is wearing this underneath her clothes, just in case athletic shit is happening?
She probably doesn't wash that very often too.
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>“This guy?! This is the guy you’re dating Aj?! He’s so scrawny! You expect THIS GUY to buck apples?! That’s hilarious!”
>rape (non-vaginal so I don’t cheat on AJ)
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>“Pfft you call that a rape?! I barely felt it! Geez, I’ve had muscle sprains that hurt more. To top it up all off I don’t even have to worry if you got me pregnant. No pain, no trauma, barely an inconvenience. You suck at the macho thing dude. Just wait till AJ hears about this. I don’t know what she sees in you. Because it ain’t performance”
Wait till Dash sees how "scrawny" his D is
The ponytail boosts her femininity so much it is difficult to describe.
Just blows my mind how the most crass female in her friend group manages to be the prettiest
it makes me wish that girls existed in real life that were sporty but also feminine instead of feeling like they have to be anavar-huffing gorillawomen that never smile or wear cute stuff
>hold her hand
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Glad you see things the way I do, Anon
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>honks u
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is “angry flat girl mercilessly gropes sensitive huge boobs of shy quiet girl” a fetish and if so what is it called so i can find more
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>“y-y-you dirty whore! Taking my hand like that?! You’re……you’re SHAMELESS. Disgusting! I don’t even like you like that! What? Me cracking on you for your poor performance force you to sink this low?! Quirked up green boy! I gotta keep AJ away from you! Who knows what you’ll do to her!”
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I don't know what it's called but there seems to be a lot of it starring RD and Flutters
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EQG TwiDash is rare
Shame, because Dash is stealth smart and they work as friends

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