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Warm spirits edition

The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/
Previous Thread:
Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html
Archive of snowpony thread art: https://mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg
Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819
On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony"

>What is a snowpity?

>What are snowponies?
Lore dumps for the newfags
https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1646/33/1646333439218.png (embed)

The Great Snowpony Expedition

Reading material:
>Anon and Frosty Flakes
Throw https://ponepaste.org/7611
>Comfy lore snippets
>Cirrus Wisp and Filly
>Lichen greens
>Bury Me in White
>Surehoof's First Ice Step
>A cute (hopefully) snow pone short
>Frost Fringed Letters [WIP]
>My Winter Storm
Kinderquestria Greens
>Agate's Vigil
>The First Fish
>New Life with Frosty Flakes (Lewd)
>[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa
>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos
>The first step north
>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf
>A Crystal Forest Rescue
A Snowpitt vignette
>Russian snwowpone fics (use google translate or something similar)
>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter
>Lights Going Out
>Granite and Fireweed (Lewd)

Pine Ponder approved tea:

Snowpone patches:
One job, guys
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Sorry, Anon, something weird happened. Thread showed that it was on page 2, and when I refreshed, it was suddenly archived. It's like the page numbers aren't refreshing normally for some reason. Maybe the new "anti spam" features are fudging something.
This new rule thing is making it harder to bump during breaks.
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Also, someone maliciously sage killed the last thread
Fucking jannies. Gotta make the site easier to sweep if something angers the plebs in the next momth. Totally unrelated to the multi board wipe, I'm sure

Imagine being so dark and spiteful that you have to wipe away snowpity
For any Snowbros who missed it >>41559307
OP forgot to add the poetry from the previous thread
I love the design very much!
Sorry, but the 15 minute bullshit crippled my attempts to save the thread. Total retard move of the staff.
Holding an autistic hatred for pony content made after 2014? On 202X /mlp/? Couldn't be.
Why is there isn't a snowpony CYOA?
11th for I want to cum inside Pine Ponder
No cyoa fags got on it, you got an idea Anon?
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Fast today.
Oregon Trail style journey to Snowpitt?
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Our girl is in the round of 16, also posting this from the miss /mlp/ thread cause I thought it was pretty funny
His thumbnail scratched beneath the wooden figure's chin. The ebbing shadows cast by the fire still gave off enough light for him to criticize this piece. He had tried to make a horse, but the proportions were...less than horse-like. Thick legs, a round head, and his attempt at texturing made it look as wooly as a bear. His mouth twitched down in a half-scowl as he placed it on a shelf - the latest in a long line of carvings, all of them a medley of craftsmanship. The ones of local animals were better. He saw those often enough not to forget what they looked like.

He rubbed his eyes with a groan, only now realizing how tired he was. He shuffled a step closer to the fireplace to toss one last log in for the night, then stepped over to the pile of furs he called a bed. Wrapping himself in a few, he closed his eyes and let the crackling flames sing him to sleep.
Unfortunate that she had to throw Lucky to get there, but oh well. She's a good mare too.
We actually beat Batfang's bat? Unexpected.
We also beat Teri in Best OC
Aйыы Taҥapa! Mин Mapehы тaптыыбын!
To be fair, snow pones have much more meat in total than Teri.
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Nightmare Night soon!
Guys we need Frosty in Formalware
Is this enough?
That is literally the only image of Frosty wearing ANYTHING. We have no other options.
Closest we have right now.
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Wish we had something similar to what Cold Shoulder is wearing for Frosty
I think thumb nail should be two separate words, anon.
if fingernail is one word then thumbnail gets to be one word too
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Guess we'll be going with this, hope whoever wins between Frosty and Derpy goes on to win it
How did Derpy lose her wings? How did she snowpone?
Frosty couldn't beat Derpy, but at least she beat Numget in best oc. Very narrowly though
Surely Boreal knows how to make boots. Why do the fillies have to steal ours?
Honestly I would've been surprised if she had managed to win against one of the most famous background ponies out there.
>How did Derpy lose her wings
Unless she was still very new and very popular, yeah.
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Tis the season.
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Do these even contain actual fish?
Apparently Alaskan Cod and New Zealand Hoki
On further searching, it's Alaskan Pollock in the US since 2020
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And somehow it is equally as bland. Or maybe frying fish in general just sucks all the flavor out of it.
Niveous has something in mind with that snowball...
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>Actual Yakut words
Fun. Looking if there's any others in the thread?
But only when they expect it the least.
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Tough round for best OC
Indeed. I like them both too.
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Fausticorn is just rather sad at this point.
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I'm not sure who got this picture of me but it better be removed from the mega immediately
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We're still in, Frostychads. But now we have to beat Milky
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snowpones before they invented rods and spears
It would be embarrassing to lose to Milky.
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Don't get too cocky now Anon
Its the opposite if anything. I expect loss.
I'd expect nasa to lose to milky, much less frosty
Which I think is sad.
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wish I could post the full size thing.
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How large is the original?
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Frosty Flakes won the Best OC!
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Pleasant surprise! I think she's not the best snowmare, but its nice as a representative of the whole.
Frosty was strong this year. She had a really good run overall.
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Gotchu covered, tech illiterate retard anon
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Happy Ponktober, snowfrens
y-you too
Ponka would blow the snowpones minds with sweets and then they'd try to mix it with fish
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>imagine distributing caramel cod to snowpones, as they circle around you and jump up and down, giddy with excitement
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Do they even know caramel this far in the north? Sugar should be a rarity there.
Same reasons as before.
That should be a thing.
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100% agree.
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It doesn't let me upload images
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based drawfag
Some butthurt anon in one of the later Miss /mlp/ threads was insisting Frosty's a Pinkie ripoff. She's clearly her own mare but if she's close to anypony it's Rainbowshine
Hes been here before to argue the same point, just some schizo
The contest threads were a shitshow near the end anyway thanks to the remaining roster.
New anti-spam stuff messing with you?
Honestly I think her to be more like Minuette in Amendming Fences, but more of like a naïve child kind.
Have there been changes on the picture posting too?
Super cute as always!
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G4 show style
>>41597569 (where's her blaze reeee)
Cute, cute!
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Of all snowponies, who is the fastest runner
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I have some story ideas floating around. Problem is, I've done two greens and both were sexual. And imo it doesn't feel right to just do lewd snowpones even if it's wholsome-lewd or curious-lewd. I do intend to do some of those but I'm really struggling to do other things too
Try to tone it down just to hinting of lewd?
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all dressed and (extra) cozy for the cold weather!
That'll mostly work. I think I have only one idea it might not
replace all allusions to sexo with cuddles. ez
-not a writefag
Damn, this is neat.
Not all lewd is the same. Snowpones still need to procreate. I'm fine with lewd if it's lovemaking, not fucking. Build-up and the lewd being part of a story rather than the entirety of the story is good too.
Fastest? Maybe. Highest endurance? Definitely.
>snowpony thread didnt get halloween makeover
they are too powerful
Ya know, funny enough, witht he Halloween background going on right now, this picture looks a lot more hellish in the catalog...
Fits in with snowpone lore. All the spirits and stuff are spoopy to outsiders, but for the ponies, it's just business as usual.
No, it's applied on existing threads when a new reply is posted. That's how it always worked.
Absolute cutie pie.
Happy Nightmare Night!
She's acute, anon.
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>where's her blaze reeee
here (also changed colors a bit (used better reference pic))
Looking good there.
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Happy spoop night!
Much appreciated
First snow on a ground here!
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I love this.

Lucky, blessed by fresh snow!
>I am just a fish
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A beautiful snow poner meal in the making.
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First snowfall here this season, so naturally i had to take Frosty outside
Comfy too.
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You fool, she won't want to come back inside for another 4 months. Your house is too warm.
Wouldn't snow pones use blankets to stay warm at night?
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Depends on how cold it actually is, I guess. I remember reading about polar bears, and one of the problems they have is overheating, because their coats are just that damned effective.
I want wiki articles, I want fanfics, I want more information on the equivalent of the Everfree Forst but under snow & ice.
>Frosty Plush peeping out of an indoors ice-cooler
What happened to the wikipedia? I wanted to read about the crystal forest.
There was a wikipedia?
I went back to 2022 in desuarchive and didn't see anything about a snowpone wiki. At least not in any first posts
How fucking new are you replying to an unironic schizo? He saw that wiki in his broken mind.
I just wanted to be sure I wasn't going senile
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>I won't get snow for at least 2 more months

Also new doodles found
Guess I imagined it and the actual thing I remember are a few images and posts going with said images.
I still haven't read the 500k word fanfic, is there any mention of the forest in there and how it works?
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There is a section a good way into Agate's Vigil about the forest
Near the end, yes. Lots of words to get through until then. It's a bit of a side story, though, with characters that are otherwise mostly not present in the main story, so if you're interested exclusively in that, you could read just those chapters.
That's even better cause I don't need to know the characters beforehand.
Which # chapters are they?
Re-reading that part, it's just the one chapter, and not all of it is about the forest, either. Unlike the other musings, in this version, the forest is dangerous as fuck, so the adventurers go in and out as fast as they can.
The whole chapter is about the forest. It's something, but I'd definitely not follow his idea and just make my own idea about the dangers of it. The fact they already knew beforehand what to do with it however didn't really end up in much of a horror story.
Huh he wrote a prequel for how the crystal empire even came back to begin with.

Sure. The MC is a crystal pony, after all. The story if sort of a "cultures meet" thing, though the actual meeting only happens at the very end. The rest is very lore-heavy adventures.
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Floofy booty
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You could probably wrap yourself up in an abominable's floof and sleep cuddled up to her
It's 5-6 months actually. The snow isn't going away until mid-April to the beginning of May. Too bad for the snowpones since it's all going to melt at the end of this week
The best world design is when you take an already fleshed out world and insert it somewhere else without telling anyone how it actually works. You just let it do its own thing and people keep assuming bullshit about it.
One advantage of this is that it gives license to the reader to come up with their own theories about how everything works in that world. Makes it more fun in my opinion.
She'd give you tight snuggles though. Very tight ones.
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Frosty and Rainbowshine have a snowpity-off. Who wins and why is it Pine Ponder?
Because Pine is most like Marble, and the restrained snowpity shines brightest when revealed.
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Found a new (3 year old) pic of Frosty on a really obscure booru by complete accident. Go figure. Don't think I saw it before.
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Vodka booru, I presume?
Which one is that?
Haven't even heard about that one. It was Manebooru.
Someone uploaded some batpony unicorn hybrid and tagged it as a snowpone for some reason. Followed the link to the source out of curiosity. They only had some thirty snowpone pics there, including that one new one.
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That site is tainted. I'd never venture there, no matter what.
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I do think Ice Elation's cute when she is shy and flustered can be knockout powerful.
A-anons... I was assuming it was a russian booru, given snowpones were pretty popular among ruskis at the start
I figured that might be the case.
Hours after I replied, that is. Don't actually know any Russian booru names, though I could go take a look. It'd be interesting.
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Well, trying to access Tabun gives me the middle finger. Says I'm blocked, because it interprets me as an attack. Going to a mirror address gives a broken site. Looking for a "пoни бoopy" in Russian only gives the ponybooru.org in the results. I just can't find an actual Russian pony image booru. Hilariously, there's apparently a "snow ponies" movie that was planned as far back as 2017
Found that one by accident.
None of the websites that I looked have any links to vodka boorus. Oddly, it would seem that the slavs have none at all.
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Well, there will be bitching about this.
>snowpone socks
All the shedded mare floofa when she takes them off
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Oh look! A LoRA Model has been built on the Snowponies!
She wanted an Equestrian style wedding.
Well, the results are nice, but severely limited. You can only make the two. I tried making Pine Ponder, but there's apparently no data on her, and I got a garbled mess.
Scenery is also mostly a no-go. Forests look like trash.
Tried making a dramatic mountain view. Got Frosty with her... Twin brother, apparently?
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Yeah, as expected. Fun to screw around for a bit and make some funny pics, but still inferior to actual drawfags.
I did manage to make this scrunchy Cold Shoulder getting pet before I ran out of tokens. Grump mare needs lots more pettings.
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Targets for stealing shoes includes visiting foreign princesses, apparently...?
That's something I'd expect Lichen to pull off.
Snow poner bump.
It's usually spelled like "бypy" but I don't think this will help.
>only Frosty and Cold.
A little dull. Pine, Oooo-mare and Cirrus would have been nice too.
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yup, there's nothing. I found some pony wiki, and all the links that were there only had their version of EQD (Tabun), and fanfic sites. No boorus.
Other snowpones are possible - see picrel. But there results are... Ehh. I tried to get a picture of them pulling a sleigh, and it gave me a bunch more than I asked for, and in different coat colors, but you can see the results yourself. Maybe if I was a better proompter, I could come up with a way to ungarble it. As it is, I was only screwing around for the very first time.
Cursed snowpity
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Yup, which is why I didn't post it before. Here, have a Cold Shoulder when she was trying to emulate her sister by keeping an extra long mane.
That's actually cute!
>Blushy, sweaty, while lying on her side with tail aside
what could the reason be
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This guy fucks
What makes you say that, Anon?
Wait, I have a sneaking suspicion why that model only does the two mares. I bet the dude is a derpinigger that trained it only on the mares that are on derpi, which is far less than the actual total sum of snowmares on the non-faggot boorus.
Think I'll keep the AI stuff to myself from now on, unless I manage to get something that's actually real cool. In the meantime, though, I'm probably going to make HUNDREDS of pictures of scrunchy, annoyed snowmares getting headpats for myself.
These are mares though.
Blind one isn't. At least not in Agate's Vigil
He's got twins so he impregnated a mare at least once.
Mistake by the artist. This particular shaman is a stallion.
Puffy cheeks+maximum overscrunch combo!
>These are mares though.
It's funny how this happens every single time that picture is posted.
I still enjoy the idea of him having a sister and they enjoy fucking with everyone in this way. Maybe North Star and Kochab are the only two who can actually tell them apart.
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God damn it. Fell for the trap.
Webfishing in a snowy environment with snowpony avatars would be so fucking cool
Up with the snow pones.
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Can it do Pine Ponder?
No. See
It appears that it has been trained only on Cold and Frosty. I tried making Pine several times, with no success.
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If you played minecraft at the dawn of MLP:FIM, you might have played on a pony minecraft server, socializing with other ponies in the horse themed environment.

Recently, a game called webfishing came out with 12-player chatrooms/servers, the focus of the game is split between talking to people and hanging out, but also fishing for a variety of fish and such on a big island or whatever it is.

It's cute, and it's one of the few games I can play with my fucked up schedule, but it makes me wish I could do it as horse.

So like, snowy environment, snowpony village instead of cabins, option between fishing pole or spear or even just snout...
>Look it up
>one of the first results is an article about devs proudly adding tranny tags for players and shitting on people that asked why there wasn't a straight tag
I guess that explains the $9,999 "straight" tag in the shop when all the other ones are $75

Idk, I don't really give a shit, but if you do then call it even more reason to have a snowpone version
Update: I talked to the guy that made the LORA and he apparently used pics from Twibooru as well, so no clue why it can't do other snowpones.
Improper tags, maybe?
Interesting. I don't know how that actually works... How do you train an AI? Feed it an image and copy/paste all the tags off of it?
In that case, derpi's retarded calling it "Yakutian horse" while Twibooru is calling it "Taiga pony" might be giving it conflicting/incomplete information.
Using the "Taiga pony" tag, I have been able to make a different snowmare, though the AI still gives just the one, with surprising consistency. Light gray coat, light blue eyes.
After a few more tries, I did get some variation. Still all blue-eyed, and coats much lighter than Pine's. Maybe it's doable with enough attempts.
You have your own general. Can you stay there.
What are you malding over this time?
Go back to Africa
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Probably at us using AI and doing something instead of just going "snowpony bump" 10 times in a row.
Mmmm, hungry, are you? Cute.
These are really cute, though the one with the two ponies...I'm not sure if thats supposed to be a third on the one's back or what. Really like this one
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Presumably it's the guy who comes in to bitch every time a snowpone or something related to snowpones is posted in another thread.
But we aren't in another thread
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Yeah, it seems that some things just don't work. I tried generating some real hardcore stuff, like human on pony belly rubs, as well as nose boops, but there's clearly not enough data, or AI doesn't get it.
I also tried making an eskimo kiss with an Anon, but it doesn't look like anon has been fed into the AI, either. Only get ponies. But hey, I got an almost Pine Ponder in there.
>Feed it an image and copy/paste all the tags off of it?
That's necessary in one way or another. The AI needs a point of reference to 'understand' what is what. And booru tags can help a lot with that. Provided they aren't a mess, of course.
One day I'll get eskimo kisses from a snow mare... one day
>Aitroons immediately spam thread
Good to know this general is useless now.
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Chill out nigga
t. lost his job AI
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I think you'll need to add another LoRA that has Anon and other actions in the data to the mix. Have to add extra tags into the mix for specific details or might get candy colored floofs.
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Bundle Up a cute.
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saw a short lewd in rgre, part of a series of 'every pony subspecies >rapes anon', but while a little pushy there's no >rape in the snowmare edition
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More Frosty art, unfortunately the art fag is losing motivation and is taking a break so it'll just be a wip for now, hope he finishes it
Ooo. Bundle definitely made her boots, but I'm torn on who made her scarf. It's simple enough Bundle could likely have made it, but considering it has color Boreal is also a possibility.
Mm, interesting. Looks new, I don't recognize the art style.
spoonie is the name on the boorus
Looking good. Hope it will get finished one day.
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Well, that's sort of new.
Unf I want to bury my face in her chest floofa
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Getting somewhere. Slowly.
Super cute scarf and boots!
Blue board, Anon! Don't teach the AI how to lewd!
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>Don't teach the AI how to lewd!
Yeeeah, about that....
I'm afraid it's a lot harder to get the AI NOT to lewd in the first place. It's like tard wrangling, seriously. Besides all the broken pictures, it keeps drawing the hands on anywhere else other than the hooves, and very often, it puts them on the butts/tails. It's absurd, I think there's over a dozen pictures now of hands grabbing tails or straight up booty, even when I specifically added "Butt touch" and "tail grab" to the negative prompts, it STILL draws them around those areas, often grabbing the hindlegs.
And when it doesn't, it makes pics like the Cold Shoulder one. The hand just hovers somewhere in the vicinity, without even touching the hooves.
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Wonder if this is what that other anon was bitching about. This is nice though and desu I'm not sure it counts as >rape
if she just turns up the snowpity
>being disingenuous on purpose
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I don't see how. Ever since snowpone threads started, there's been a few anons with a burning hatred for them, and every time snowpone is posted on another thread they have a fit and come in to demand we stay in our thread. Usually with more autistic rage and hostility.
You know damn well that anon talked about the AI spammer, not snowponies in rgre.
And I must agree with him They indeed have their own general with resources and instructions and whatnot. So they can perfectly stay there without shitting up other threads
Oh. No, I actually did think he was complaining about snowpones being posted out of thread somewhere.
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>When you tell her you think her sister is cute.
>"Anon you say that about all of us"
And it's true!
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Do mares really?
No snow mares on page 10.
How many names for ice do snowponies have?
Dozens, probably. One for every notable variation of ice. From the thinnest sparkly ice covers to the thickest layers of permafrost.
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Good night bump.
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Honestly not sure whether this is AI generated or not.
My bet is on 'yes'.
Those trees in the background look weird.
Also, fishing pole is bizarre.
Yup, it is. AI can do decent ponies by themselves, but when you start making them interacting with things, then the images get weird.
True. AI still struggles to grasp contexts.
Lichen has a few for funny shaped ones, she gets into trouble for teaching fillies them.
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Yeah. Some pics are almost acceptable, though.
Hey look, a white-maned Frosty Flakes. Interesting result.
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Big fishe?
Not a fish. But a potential problem.
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I was trying to make one of Frosty riding a really big whale, but the whales kept ending up mutated, silly, or comically undersized. Or Frosty was standing on it weird.
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The new pins have arrived! If you wanna pick one up, I just updated my ko-fi store, and you can use promo code PONE to get 15% off. Lemme know if the code doesn't work because this is the first time I've tried using that feature. https://ko-fi.com/s/525876a3f6
Awesome. So far as the promo code goes I don't see a place to type it in
Thanks, found out I needed to change a setting. It should be working now.
Thanks for making this Anon, hope to see my fellow snowbros repping this at cons
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Well now that there's more than two ai images, I guess it's time to consider whether to separate them into their own folder or whether to bother archiving them at all.
Archive the generator AI, not the slop it produces. The slop is endless, replicalbe, and cheap - the generator isn't.
>and cheap
Not really, to produce stuff locally you have to have a pretty good computer, which I don't have, plus these generators take up a sizeable amount of space; all the slop I ever saved still doesn't take up as much space as only one of them.
These are looking great, Anon. Really nicely done.
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Honestly, I'd say don't bother, unless they're "perfect" images without any messed up fails that AI does, which are far and few between consisting of only basic images of one character, like
But even then, eh. If people really like them, they'll drop them in the boorus, I'm thinking. I've been bumping with AI pics just because they're still better than an empty "bump", but yes,
AI pics are pretty easy to come by now.
Currently, you can make a little over 30 images in CivitAI for free. I toss a lot out since I try to do pics like the fishing ones, but if I did pony pettings and the like, I could probably get 20+ good ones in a day. So, I'd agree that they're fairly cheap.
>Harp poon
>Shipping not available to your country
Sigh, but it looks lovely!
>Shipping not available to your country
Same, but it's really cool as hell.
What are your countries? I haven't been able to sit down and figure out shipping costs for most places, but if you tell me where you are I can figure something out tonight.
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A trio of snowmares.
>Now it creates an act of fishing other snow mares
The AI really can't help it.
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Yeah, it's silly. Far from the only time it does that, either. It actually makes multiple snowmares more often than not when you ask for fishing. Go figure.
And hey, look who I made.
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And naturally, many results are quite suspect
Just updated my shop. There should be a shipping option available for you now.
That's a cute looking Cirrus.
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Made a few more, if you like her.
I particularly like picrel, with the glowing? eyes. With the lighting, you can't quite tell whether her eyes are actually glowing, or if she's looking towards the sunrise in the distance, and it's just a reflection. Appropriately spooky/mystifying without being menacing.
Cutie marks are all over the place, though.
I like her.
>Cutie marks are all over the place, though.
Noticed that too. Most models struggle with cutie marks really badly.
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For AI, that's a lovely Cirrus.
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It doesn't get much more concentrated cute than this
That'd be quite a sight to see when you're walking through snowy woods.
This would be great for chrimbo cards. I'd be surprised if someone didn't use this this year.
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I didn't ask for this.
It just gave me a very prettied-up snowmare.
Now that I see this, I don't think there have been many images with snow ponies carrying any kind of jewelry.
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Can Cirrus even exist when there's no snow? That mane would get SO DIRTY.
What if magic keeps it clean?
Beeg filly! Looking good can't wait to see this finished
Maybe she's born with it
Maybe its Magic
That'd be a massive magic expenditure for something silly.
I guess it depends whether you think she's just a shamare with a gimmick, or if she's an actual, somewhat immaterial spirit, so things like dirt aren't a concern for her.
Its one of those handwave things. If Celestia and Luna's hair can do that...thing that they do, Cirrus's hair can remain spotless. Unless splattered by a little shid...
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human/pony eskimo kisses just don't work for me. Ah well.
>anon pounding the mare from behind while he watchs she kiss a woman
Cute without Frosty borrowing Yoshikage Lyra's arm collection
Ooh, nice.
Yup, it just keeps blending different characters together.
Looks cute. Is that third mare on the log from the left blushing for some reason? She looks like she's trying to hide her face.
Of course instead of asking someone to scoot over she gets stuck inside the log...
>six young ones
They aren't slacking. That's for sure.
Aww, BEEG filly a cute!
Those six are all adult Snowpones. The Abominable is the young one
Really now?
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Midnight snack.
How does their digestive system react to this diet?
Would boop.
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They probably only pull them out for special occasions, you wouldn't take jewelry when going fishing or foraging.
Tail braids, finery... I'd guess that one's getting married.
>unbothered. comfy. happy. insole. focused. flourishing.
Sneaky snow mare.
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So that's what they use them for.
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Is this new? I don't remember seeing this before.
I was gonna say I don't remember it either, reminds me of some of Le Soldat Pony's album covers
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Found something new on xitter
I think this is new, beautiful Cirrus!!
>Le Soldat Pony
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
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>Appleautist losing her shit over ponies eating things other than apples again

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