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Previous Thread: >>41533122
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8
Sunset Shimmer sings - https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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First for my wife
What's the difference from the other thread? Also how often does Shimmy get hit on?
Appreciated to create it again with the name.

>Still want to jack off to Sunset without her consent
>Also how often does Shimmy get hit on?
Enough to get a develop a mean streak, I'll still tell Shimmy about how I'd make her walk funny, even if she tries to hit me.
How did you feel about Holiday Unwrapped? The last time Shimmer appeared.
I had two feelings

To that point, writters and storyboarders made aware to the fandom of this being the end. Watching thinking of that was a strong goodbye almost equivalent to what I felt on "The Last Problem". I was a crying faggot.

Watching it since movie 1, throught the movies, specials, shorts, comics, songs and novels, to that, a new 15 minute specials, was a huge a change
>Is this the end?
>No more lore?
>This kind of 15 minute was what we were wanting
>The girls finally show themselves in the end

Shimmer didn't stop there. She keeps living in my c̶u̶m̶j̶a̶r̶s heart
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Sunset's out of the main running but reminding anons she's still running in the Best Villain subcategory
Just thought those who enjoyed her as the BIGGEST MEANIE might be interest
Evil Shimmy was such a bad bitch

Evil Shimmer is underrated in our autistic faggot threads.

It's funny that fanart VA who make NSFW Shimmer audios rely so much on evil versions of Shimmer
Kek Wubcake was kinda fucked up like us, that's why it works.
Does evil Shimmer need a rewrite?
But we didn't fuck teens anon.
We might if we were gay
I actually was refering to LewdWhorse. Wubcake didn't need to pretend apparently
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Nah, she works well enough for EqG1
Kek she really was an irl evil Shim
She's more like a pedophile Adagio.
Oh really then why the movie suck?
Pretty sure their the same person.
>Implying EqG1 actually sucked
>Not that the following movies were just that spectacular
Post some audio so we can see.
True, she got puffball hair girl attitude

Is there a story where Sunset confronts a person that crosses the line?
Pretty sure even Adagio would have been disturbed by Wubcake.
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>tfw Riot! is pretty much classic rock now
Jesus Anon...
>what have I done
Wouldn't surprice me, their voice is extremely similar

Good option. I had it lost, and very ad hoc to the subject.
Sounds pretty similar to wubcake. Not 100% sure, but I'd believe it if they were the same person.
I fully believe that pedophilia is an unthinkable crime for any Equestrian for all but the worst villains.
She needs better motivations for sure. I buy that "I wanna take over Equestria with my personal army", but
>My highschooler army

Sounds to lazy writing to me.
>Sounds to lazy writing to me.
Well they couldn't make Shimmy an actual smart villain who's truly bad if they wanted to make EQG a thing, Shimmy was misguided and childish.
Still don't see Demon Shimmy beating three alicorns and spirit of chaos.
Damn that would've been cool if Shimmy got btfo by Celly herself
LewdWhorse IS Wubcake. She changed her name to avoid new people learning of her crimes and drama, so she can continue working on Hazbin Hotel stuff and MLP stuff if she really needs the money.

Going by the fact that some people don't know they're the same person, I'd say it works. She still has the best fan Sunset Shimmer voice, though, pedophile or not. Most of her old audios aren't hard to find, either.
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Cool, I will continue to not give her my money.
How much despair would Shimmer feel about the events in G5? Focusing more in the fall of Equestria..
No clue, I never watched G%
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Time to repeat history on the Best Villain brackets.
Hell yeah.
Hell yeah.
Hell yeah
I mean, the script for EqG1 is objectively poor, and the writer admits it on the commentary track. Thank goodness for 2 that they realized Sunsets redemption was the backbone they could hang the entire movie on, but even that came in pretty late in production I think. Another good reason to rewatch the movies I guess.
Equestrian magic tend to make people stupid. Think about it, every villain who was corrupted by Equestrian magic had their initial motivation twisted up to eleven.

Sunset's motivations and powers were similar to Sombra's. Mind control, magic attacks, etc. And Sombra took over Canterlot and the Crystal Empire with mind control and an average army alone.

Midnight Sparkle just had curiosity. But her lust for knowledge had no calms about hurting others in the crossfire.

Gloriosa just wanted to give CHS a good camping experience before it was closed off. That desire twisted into isolating the camp from the outside world to avoid it having be closed.

Juniper wanted fame. Her own transformation is in a constant delusional state thinking herself to be a tall, conventionally-attractive, imposing figure.

Wallflower and Post Crush had Equestrian artifacts, not magic. And their issues came from overusing them due to their issues.

Vignette is just naturally that bitchy.
I'm honestly not even talking about main villain character motivation, and more about the entire premise and structure. Sunset's character in 1 is very simple, even though the idea of an evil Twilight could be much more fun. Nothing wrong with that, and you can explain it away with magic and such.

The script is poor in my opinion because it's obviously slapped fast together by McCarthy by corpo mandate to sell dolls. The setting is in a human high school? Alright, how do we get the characters into a high school? What do they do there? What are the stakes? What kind of challenges do the characters face? How do we introduce all dolls in doll line?

So McCarthy goes "Bad pony steals macguffin to attack Equestria from the high school AU. How does high school Twilight get the macguffin back? What do high schoolers do? They do cliques and bullying and homecoming dances and stuff. Lets make it so that Twilight has to do high school things to get the macguffin back."

That's what I mean when I say the script is poor. There's a lot of just cramming the MLP world into a high school mold by force. Quite frankly she did a great job as far as quick hackjobs go, I have to applaud that. And the silly first movie got us the second, much better movie, Sunset, and the entire EqG universe, so a net positive all around.
Do you have proof on that? Or at least suggestive screenshots?

Lewd and Wub voices, interests, marketing are oddly similar.
Hell yeah
Red skinsuits with yellow goggles. Boots optional.
I think they're really neat.
Is Shimmy aware on how attractive she is?
She definitely is
Consider she was a high schooler meanie. Being attractive is important in that context.

What would she do after reformed? Who knows.
Maybe rape Sci
Hell yeah
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Do a quick Google search. Many of the outdated Wubcake sites still lead to her Onlyfans or her Gumroad where she goes as LewdWhorse.

Yes, she is.
There's people that thirsty for her body?
Panels that go hard
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She knows what she wants
I've inadvertently jacked off to Wubcake. What a good news.

Her links drives to lewdwhorse
There's no shame in it, Non. Many have jerked off to Tara Strong, and she's pretty nasty too. Just not as rapey.

Once you learn to separate the art from the artist, you can go back to enjoying all the work she has. Because it is plentiful, and she is pretty talented. Probably the best Sunset voice in years.
I wasn't being ironical, I was being cynical.

I like her voice and can't care less what Wubrape did on her childhood. While she's not death, she'll be doing something. Faking Sunset's voice is beneficial to me.
Wubcake, currently known as LewdHorse, molested a 15 year old girl named Jennabun and lied about what happened. Her first response was to confess under the guise that "Adagio" controlled her body and forced her to do it; her second response was to completely deny anything ever happened and that Jenna made the whole thing up. This was after she already confessed to it happening, by the way.

Wubcake is a pedophile who has yet to face justice for her crimes. We need to have her put on blast so the authorities can finally do something and get this cunt off the streets. Who knows how many more victims she's made since Jenna?
>Adagio" controlled her body and forced her to do it
Bro she might've, Adagio looks like she would molest your ass and gaslight everyone.
Wasn't the poor girl who didn't want to take legal actions?

See, nigger. All of the mentally healthy people agree she is a pedorapist and should be eating beans and dick in a metal box. But she is free.

While she is free, she will be doing something for a living. If she is doing something, at least that be something beneficial for my dick.

Do you follow?
>she's pretty nasty too
What exactly did she do?
She's always been a rapist. There's a reason she's immediately attracted to Sunset, Adagio and Aria, and have so many audios of them either being doms or straight up futas dominating others.

And this goes on with her Hazbin audios too. This bitch has always been a wannabe controlling, dominating powerhungry monster who seeks to make others submit to her.

But her work is hot so she's cool in my books. >>41576119
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She's such a silly filly
>Probably the best Sunset voice in years.
All of her voices sound like Adagio.
Jewish and also killed a kid by not getting them cancer treatment after raising money from bronies because she used the money on alternative medicine rather than proven medicine
You say it like it's a bad thing. Adagio has a pretty sexy voice. And even still, her Sunset is pretty close.

And she's a decent artist to boot. More Sunset content for us to enjoy.
>her Sunset is pretty close.
It's about as close as any of her other voices bar Adagio. My point is that while she's better than many other fan VAs she's not really that good. Her art is acceptable but feels less soulful than most other Shimmer artists. Ultimately Wubcake is a pedo rapist with an okay voice and okay art, so you'll have to excuse my lack of caring about anything she does.
Besides, this thread has more soulful artists like Peel and the Koikatsu anon.
Hell yeah
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>shotacon who does NSFW Shimmer and people are mad?
God, some of you are just straight up retarded.
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1. This isn't related to Sunset. If you want a Wubcake thread go make it and stop shitting up an otherwise good thread.
2. Sexual abuse fucks people up for decades, so you'll have to excuse me for not blowing smoke up a pedo rapist's ass.
Now post something actually Sunset related or fuck off.
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We just had a Wubcake thread last week, it took a while for it to die. How long did it last? 300 posts?

Not doing that again...
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I just don't want it here. /shim/ is a comfy place, and I want it to stay that way.
*Molests you*

Sorry it had to be this way!.... Jenna.
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>This isn't related to Sunset
It literally is. I'm not talking about someone doing NSFW stuff for another character, am I? Stop moving the goalposts.
>Sexual abuse fucks people up for decades
Yeah, if you molest girls or guys molest boys, but getting sexually """abused""" by a girl is something you brag about and fap to for years.
>Now post something actually Sunset related or fuck off.
See picrel for my direct contribution, or is that not "related" enough for you?
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>Yeah, if you molest girls or guys molest boys, but getting sexually """abused""" by a girl is something you brag about and fap to for years.
Yeah, you're a piece of shit, no need to engage with you after this.
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Did Sunset visit Celestia from time to time after season 9? Did they even become friends again after A Friendship to Remember?
They still write to each other.
Shouldn't that be considered an inconsistency?
Tell-All was published in 2016, and Forgotten Friendship was aired until 2018

Doesn't change she could be writing Celestia after.
I believe that unless it's contradicted and disproven by the highest canon (aka the show itself), everything else remains canon. Even if a little inconsistent, it gets worked into as much of a unified canon as possible.

The show contradicts itself many times on which size the girls are. The novels give a more specific answer, supported by some specials? I'll go with that one.
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It's kind of contradicting if we place Tell-All in 2016. Even though, they didn't explicitly say they weren't in touch, it was obvious they weren't.

>I might just got an idea, but you may not like it
>I'll do anything to get my friends back, Twilight
>There is one pony who might be able to help, but I don't know if you two wanna se each other
>WHO? ... oh

We could just move Tell-All after Forgotten Friendhip just as a book the girls made after de Yearbook in the special.
Shimmy's side mane is so hot aahh
Tell-All is supposed to be a book the girls wrote with Sci-Twi as a way to help her get acquainted with CHS after FG. It's written around the same time of Sci-Twi's Sleepover Party, before Camp Everfree.

But I don't see why we can't just pretend they write to each other, considering that an officially released book says they do, and they left each other on good terms after Forgotten Friendship.
I find her cute rather than hot, but I can see both things being true at once.

I admit I have never thought of Sunset and Celestia having formal or flat conversations with each other. Tell-All never says they were texting like besties. Tia could've been asked Sunset to write friendship-lessons like Twilight to keep track of her not trying to take over the world again more like trying to know if they could have her own friendship back, and that could've been the reason why Celestia accepted Sunset "so quickly" in Forgotten Friendship.

I will need some greentexts for all that.
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We need more fanarts of that
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Peel stop samefagging lmao
wtf happened to her face
I don't even have the self-esteem to be in a spotlight. I wish I wasn't mentioned this often
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Cute, casual Shimmy.
You are a narcissist and a liar man, of course it's you, reason why you spawn each time you're mentioned, you love being mentioned, even if it's by (you)rself
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Stop pointing fingers and point me to cute Sunsets.
I'm not peel you moron.
You'll be fine. You mostly keep to your barbie threads, it's a niche within a niche. You have nothing to worry about.

But going back to the topic of posting Sunsets, I love Mojot's style.
A vocal minority in this place has always had a bad habit of doing that.
“Everyone even remotely complimenting person I don’t like are all the person I don’t like”
Can’t simply let people enjoy things. That’s all I’m gonna say about that anyway.
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Deliver arrived. Our most cute mare for you.
*puts $5 in her little outfit*
Have a good night, bro
Ah, sweet thanks! I...
...where's my drink?
It's in the bag.
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Only human to have snowpity.
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Celestia's own truth.
That's my ectoplasm on the seat and window.
it's in the name
The thread for it died but I'm still amused to know most people who watched EQG did it solely for her.
Now that the thread is a bit more active, it's a good time to ask again. What do you think Sunset Shimmer's magic pony smell is? I bet she smells like smoke and dragonfruit or cherries or something.
You mean her old pony magic, or her new pony magic?
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Whilst I do find it amusing as well, I suspect that poll had some issues.
I'd be interested in seeing each answer you could give to that question.
I mean like ponies are magical, so each one probably has its own unique smell. Like Rainbow Dash probably magically smells like petrichor or something

Probably made up numbers
That's what I think as well. It's probably all made up.

There's no way villains is so high. Only the Dazzlings are popular.
no idea who that is but her face looks fucking ugly lmao
whadda ya mean "who"? name includes "boxy", face has a squared-off muzzle - like a box
I have a hard time thinking of what she'd smell like. Mustard? Bacon? Gold?

She's very fire-themed, would she smell like cinders and ash?
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Damn, that's really cute.
Yeah, vampire Sunset is cute.

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