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Previous thread: >>41565376

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

>Where is the /mlp/ hangout?
Baltimare, open-access: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baltimare/109/160/36
Cloudsdale, invite-only: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cloudsdale/39/57/1581

>View Baltimare's live map, Bulletin and Leaderboard

>After that, visit one of the many other Second Life pony hangouts:
Luna's Empire / H-Mart Tower (Free goodies in the gift shop): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Las%20Pegasus/137/71/12
Ponyville shop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ponyville/234/32/1503

>Content creation resources:

>Open Pony Census

>List of known Open Pony Marketplace Vendors

>Baltimare design/planning channels:

>Live Baltimare stream
The time of baldness may be over now that LL supposedly fixed the issue but I'll always remember how everyone helped each other out when there was a case of baldness. I love it when not so great situations get turned into something cool.
>got my go buy hambur
Truly inspirational.
"Penis horse," oh, what a mess,
Never thought I’d have to deal with this stress.
Do I neigh back or let it ride?
Feelin' confused, torn up inside!
please, no more penis horse
please more penis horse
You better don't provoke the penis horse
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from: ND Go
to: whom it may concern
The ancap tyrant has finally let the birthday letter through and it has landed on my face (so no I wasn't ignoring it, scream) THANK YOU to all the powy(plural) that signed it. much LOAF

terveisin Indidoe
a warm surprise
I had to rez like 30 of those bombs just tog et the right frame cause i didnt feel likle using my brain
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>cause i didnt feel likle using my brain
can relate
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sorry I am so sorry

Oh shit they got her with the bomb that deletes the word mares
Technically, all bombs delete mares
what if it's a mare bomb
>snoofa deformed due to pressure
Attention to detail
The mare's little apartment is getting equinpped
Oh shit
guys you're ripping the server, the entire grid apart
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I'm happy to announce a pega preening photoshoot!!
On Sunday 3rd, it will happen at medieval build's baths, and will last from 6am SLT to about 11 am SLT, or maybe a bit more if we could squeeze in into the movie time.

Photos will be taken in small groups with your own ideas on preening, as soon as we have photopopen(s) ready to take them, more precise time will be announced later.

Only pegas and alicorns are allowed this time
>pega preening photoshoot
Preenhub is becoming real
Unicorns were offended again
>Only pegas and alicorns are allowed this time
Skychads can't stop winning. In reality though, is there any reason a non-pegasus couldn't take part as the one caring for another's wings?
they dont know how to do it
I will be there to ogle the mares
I can fix them
I keep getting these two mixed up.
Captcha: HHHH4
I'm bringing my marewife to preen me with her magic and you cannot stop me
they could, but they have less of bird brain and soul to put care on someone's wings, and it will be less of a pega photoshoot if other races are allowed.
Exceptions can be done, but other races can preen their feathered partners at any other day as well
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Camarea & BaltiMare are whole and together, forever
Could Snowstorm and I maintain the ailerons, elevator, flaps, rudder, etc on a Ki-84? That would be preening right haha?
Hot pegasi in your area. Big wings, soft feathers. Ready and willing to be preened. Gold members get to chat with mares while they get their wings oiled and massaged. Watch them flash their wingpits like saucy birdbrained sluts for the camera.
Can you believe it, Anon? The Nightmare night pageant, just a week away! I'm so happy about this information!
who is this
Earthchads need to do a photoshoot already
Start brainstorming everpopen
Fellow earthchad here hehe. I think we should do a photoshoot where we all wallow in mud and look wistfully at the clouds we will never reach haha.
Yeah we can have a peasant revolution

We'll have an alicorn in a guillotine and chant
earfie photo could be a big picnic or something of the like with every pony bringing a food or drink related to their cutiemark, if theirs is related to something else then they can be doing whatever
Most basic earfie photo idea would be a big farm photo. Have a few ponies tending to crops and other farm activities, all dressed up in farm attire. Or just has mud all over them
dont steal this this is from my planned victory speech
Really happy to see that popens are graduating from sex-based segregation and embracing racial segregation. Looking forward to the coat color discrimination arc next year
roundhouse kick a beige
That would be cute. Just little ass-tattoo related things in the shoot
no horny???? not supporting you sorry
Now I kinda want to do solo pictures that depict every pony's special talent. Almost all staged photos are just ponies doing random stuff, Is like to see more that actually depict character.
Ruby I love you
You're right.
I need to stare at flanks to get ideas
this is such a good idea I'm doing this tonight
I can and will usurp the false princesses and establish my own rule over Baltimare.
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i'm not good at pictures but it's such a cute idea...
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very original joke.
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being hot and making other things heat up like my dick
my talent is sucking cock
>implying she won't consent
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It's not a solo picture, but it still showcases her talent pretty well.
Maybe not all talents can be displayed properly in a solo picture. What if a pony's special talent is being a chatty socialite?
So what you're saying is I just need a photo of my kirin ploota heating up a dick? I can't do that solo!
zee hhhh
there already is color racism. have you seen how many beige ponies there are
so cute. i loaf them
If you're still taking ideas;
Simple strap tank top/camisol please, maybe with longer dress variant
you too huh
I'm gonna have to get some brushes and try to find some models on marketplace if I am gonna show my talent
>heavy blush
Are you sure it's preening?
adventure awaits https://files.ponut.space/yTmZmepx.png
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science mare with her favorite assistant
plus a bonus clop pic https://files.catbox.moe/lzcxkb.png
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I was actually expecting the second picture to be all of them fucking her
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love you too!
Kill yourself polaris
welp. thanks for that one firefox. so much for that field being on a tab by tab basis.
I'm trying to make a new pony but I can't think of colors that would work for them that isn't beige, brown, white or black I am stuck think of generic horse colors and while not bad I already have 2 beige ponies I don't want another, any suggestions?
How about using colors from fruit juices or flowers?
>mare has a cock
>mare has a cock
Pick a light pastel for the coat and a darker, bolder color for the mane.
Ask your AI slave.
Chat gpt are very good with color theory
Creating a pleasant and unique look for your pony avatar involves balancing colors that are soft yet vibrant enough to convey personality. Here are three color schemes that aim to be visually harmonious, ensuring your avatar stands out without overwhelming the viewer.
Scheme 1: Soft Pastel Elegance

This scheme uses gentle pastels for a friendly, calming appearance. Perfect if you're aiming for a kind, approachable look.

Body Color: Soft Lilac
Hex: #D8BFD8
RGB: 216, 191, 216
Reason: A gentle, soothing shade that’s easy on the eyes and gives a magical vibe.

Mane Color: Sky Blue
Hex: #87CEEB
RGB: 135, 206, 235
Reason: This light blue contrasts softly with the body while giving a fresh, airy feeling.

Eye Color: Aquamarine
Hex: #7FFFD4
RGB: 127, 255, 212
Reason: Adds a pop of color that’s still light enough to be gentle, bringing attention to the eyes.

Cosmetics (e.g., Blush or Shadow): Pale Pink
Hex: #FFB6C1
RGB: 255, 182, 193
Reason: Complements the body color subtly, adding warmth without overpowering.
in other words: simply use pastel colors, dummy
i would like to see it too, theres a lot of possibilities for pictures in a farm setting
>pulling out crops from the ground action shot
>lazy erfs relaxing while others shoot glares at them
>earf magic turns a carrot into a house-sized carrot, before and after shots
>making hoof wine
>roasting veggies together after a long day of work
and a lot more
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>erfs relaxing while
while zebras working on a fields
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Making hoof lettuce
>some pones see huge fps improvements with the new firesnorm that came out a couple days ago
>meanwhile I don't see literally any difference
>ensuring your avatar stands out
It won't when it looks like every other pony lol
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This is why usually need to ask for 3-5 variants and experiment. AI is just a tool it's not magic black box capable to do everything
is there a way to mute someone's gestures specifically without having to derender them?
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sry for any aneurysms incurred have funny video https://files.catbox.moe/mmpaz3.mp4
when is marble posting the images from the photoshoot? actually when it marlbe finishing the year book that has taken over a year and a half to make?
>Avastar (IMPORTANT)
>The file you are trying to download is no longer available
Any advise on were I can get the files for making my own stuff?
Literally me when mares
Works with Blender 3.x
Vaguely recall him saying he'd finally get that out sometime early next year, but it was in a thread several months ago and I'm 2tired to spend an hour digging through the archive for it.
Part of me can relate. If I don't commit to a project in its entirety and end up drifting away from it, the odds of me coming back to where I left off are pretty low. And he went through relationship bullshit not long after taking all those yearbook photos, so that couldn't have helped.
improtant mare poll
Someone had just posted the new versions a couple threads ago
The OP needs to be updated reeee
>And he went through relationship bullshit
Awww poor faggot
Starting my vpn now
t. pumpkin twist
Posting AI slop outside of AI threads should be a bannable offense
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>earth ponies doing farm stuff

Yeah that's all nice and all but I have a different suggestion.
How about an earth pony event that showcases all the workarounds we come up with to compensate for the lack of wings and magicfag horns?
An event held in Baltimare's Copenhagen district showcasing all the wild contraptions we invent/use to keep up or even surpass pegasi/unicrons.
Hard not to threadshit right now. Started to type something up but I deleted it. Now pet me.
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This is how Anon does it
>Now pet me.
I would if I knew who you were
All good, non-shitter mares deserve pets for behaving
>Your face is being touched by a stranger
Do you ever mobile phone popen?
open thine phonepen (phone popen)
I remember a saying that I heard being circulated on business/software development circles that goes something like:
>If you give a project infinite time to be completed, it will take an infinite time to be completed.
I think that's exactly what's happening here. As long as Marble doesn't pressure himself to release the yearbook in a specific time frame, regardless of who got in or what state it's in, he'll always be able to tell himself that he still wants it to be more complete first, or that there's still something else that's a bigger priority.
Work expands to fill the time available.
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I love mares doing science.
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Yeah, that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law
Is he doing fancy editing to the pics? I understand he's been busy and he's been doing a ton of other events for us, but maybe other popens could help out with this? Marble tries to do too much on his own.
I am so sorry I keep nutting inside Marble causing a ceaseless amount of pregnancy within Marble's womb
That is actually looking kinda neat.
>inb4 some going phonepopen just for the visuals
A pega's wings are an erogenous zone, so somepony else caring for them is an intimate act.
I wanted to be the one to do that
A popen expands proportionally to the amount of oats available
does this mean snorm is impoverished or malnourished
yes and it's not exactly news
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I think the ancient custom of leaving some food is pretty based like some of our ancestors did. Maybe leaving some for Snorm every now and then will bring us good weather, who knows
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holy shit yes
>the horse is 2/3 genitalia mass
I will never understand it.
Are they just okay with every sex event being a fatal stabbing or does every mare have some sort of magical nexus inside her with infinite space?
and that's based
it looks hot when it's outside, and you can't see it when it's inside so it's easy not to think about the logistics of cartoon sex
basically this
t. foalcon
they just toggle the ZAF_Horse Animesh bits v1.5.4.1 [100] alpha so it doesn't hit any important organs
>not letting it clip right through to assert dominance
It's expensive and practically non-functional. You can walk around as a pony but the IM system is bested by Speedlight. Linden Labs just needs to match that functionality and it would be the best mobile viewer. not to mention this uses quite a bit of mobile data...
are you saying zee is getting masturbated? And in a blue board?
ok desu
but you are already banned
wtf why are pegasi getting all the spotlight? BATS also have wings can fly too!
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Bats are not that important.
Bats don't have feathers, and therefore, cannot be preened. Sorry not sorry sucks to suck! (blood)
>Bats don't have feathers
they have really soft and warm leather there!
Bat photoshoot where they’re sucking on ponies necks for some tasty blood
Yes, but no.
Now I had that mental image of those really early and super goofy horror movies where some fluffy fur ball flies towards humans and then the next frame is some closeup of some really crude furry fluff something drawing blood from someone's neck
I wanna masturbate Zee.
i wanna zee to sit on my face and masturbate me.
masturbation for zee but not for me
I like to think of ponies as living sex toys that are meant to be sexo'd with no vital internals to worry about. Also helps to headcanon out the unpleasant biological functions
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>with no vital internals to worry about
Terrible. Why does there have to be such an obsession with disgusting futas in this group?
On this board you mean. You can't have mare threads anymore without futa people storming it.
I really wanna fuck Quote.
i support this notion
people like mares more than stallions but still want to see mares getting fucked
I don't get what's hard to understand about this sentiment, mares breeding mares makes more sense than diaperfagging
Because gluing a penis onto a perfectly good mare ruins them instantly.
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>mfw looking at the coomers infighting while being a featureless chad
This is what I want. I need the hate inside me tamed. I want to be a cute little pony but I'm so angry. If I had simple punishment and reward for my behavior I would be a good little mare. Thank you for petting me.
I hear HRT is good for that, anon.
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Your loss
is the dance going to be at the photoshoot build? i may not be there in person but i can be there in popen if i go sit on it now
I still dont like it however, its not hard to understand
I didn't say you have to like it, but it's not a hard concept to understand which >>41579247
has a hard time with. read the thread
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This should answer your question, updated it for today

Reposting from >>41556397

Here's an organized schedule of the upcoming events for the month of October that you'd want to look forward to and prepare for! Trying out something new before a more official form of event announcements is implemented.
>Oct 4th - Anon pony Friday Party - DJ Green (Red)
Already happened!
>Oct 11th - Friday Party with DJ Kozzle
Already happened! 90s/00s trance/dance/house "same shit as usual kek" - Kez
>Oct 12th - 13th - Canon Pony Photoshoot - Ruby as the host
Already happened! Gathering begins at 6 am SLT, continuing to 10:30 am SLT before taking shots
>Oct 18th - Friday Party with DJ Reburst
Already happened! Featuring Drum and Bass, Big room Techno/House/Trance, Dark Synthwave, Hardstyle, Dubstep themed music
>Oct 21st & 22nd - Medieval Photoshoot days - Marble host
Already happened! The Medieval Photoshoot taking place in the Castle build Neri made. Specific start times yet to be decided, but a good estimate is that it will start around 2-3 pm SLT and end until I pass out the following night on both days. More details will be posted soon
Photos will be posted in this thread soon!
>Oct 25th - Nightmare Night themed Friday Party with DJ Marble
Thats TODAY! Spooky rock, metal, and Surf music, taking place in the Medeival build at the stage!
>Oct 31st - Baltimare Costume Contest
It will also take place in the Medieval Castle build. Last year ponies made little skits or performances apart of their costume, and these are highly encouraged. More details regarding how voting works, and rewards for winners/participants will be unveiled later tonight! Get to work on your costumes powies- time is ticking!
>November 1st - 'After Halloween' Friday Party

If any of you have questions regarding the Medieval photoshoot, simply contact Marble!
>More details regarding how voting works, and rewards for winners/participants will be unveiled later tonight!
I just like horsecock man it doesn't have to be political
if you vote for me, I will make horsecocks mandatory.
Done, thank you.
Check the paste again
White is right.
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i want zee to tell me how proud she is of me while sitting on my face
the rl case this is based on is a classic case of "it just keeps happening"
Who has the biggest butt?
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Ms the Mare found her left-hoofed screwdriver to pry open the core!
she's the biggest?
thicc is out
STICC is in
Personally I am patently waiting for the era of hyper-average
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Wild suggestion: manes and tails need for alpha huds so we can hide part of it. Usually you have a problem with choosing a mane because it can stick out through your clothes.
Just alpha it yourself and save as a separate object?
Any tutorials how to do it?
You can rez the mane out, use edit linked to shift-click and select multiple pieces at once. Then you can unlink those pieces, or change the alpha value to 100 until you get your desired shape.
u r all qts
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Idk if I'm genuinely the only one autistic enough but as an artist, something about increasing transparency instead of lowering opacity makes my brain itch
oh god why
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It's an alpha value of 0.0 to 1.0 if you're using PBR materials, but most people who are editing manes (especially SL beginners) won't be messing with those.
doesn't matter considering it's worn
yes it feels wrong, and what's weird is that in LSL it's a value of 0.0 to 1.0, former being invisible, latter being visible (regarding llSetAlpha() at least) which just shows the inconsistency (i hate boomers)
This isn't about gender
>yes it feels wrong, and what's weird is that in LSL it's a value of 0.0 to 1.0, former being invisible, latter being visible (regarding llSetAlpha() at least) which just shows the inconsistency (i hate boomers)
I swear every time I use llSetAlpha I have to look it up to see which is which
Which popen has had the most tragic story arc?
not me
Party in moon meadows
Gayest popen on sim?
ask em
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Is it possible now to assign an alpha map independently of the material texture used since PBR or does SL still idiotically rely on transparency data being provided by the material texture only?
what the fuck why
It happens when two objects are exactly level and overlap. It's why you see most creators have different objects just slightly above each other.
Transparency still comes from the base color's alpha channel, yes. PBR is just base color + (AO/metallic/roughness) + normal + emissive, with slider overrides.
I don't see why it's idiotic. The channel is there and it's more sensible to pack it with the RGB, same as you pack metallic-roughness.
Sorry, didn't see that when I was working on it. I'll ask someone who is there to fix it.
We need a new villain couple with pt and g***** gone
No we don't
me and your mom
I'd step up to the plate but I'm too nice and my image is too pure
shut up
We've only got a couple couples right now, and I don't think any of them actually do anything besides sit together.
Be the change you want to see
your mom and your dad (they made you)
This is not what I am talking about.
Usually with mane problem is the curls stick out through the collar of the clothes So the curls need to be divided horizontally, so that it would be possible to hide them as if under the clothes
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Ok let's go
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Right, well that's not a problem that having a HUD would solve. That's just a question of the the creator dividing up the model into separate material faces... but I'm not sure that's practical, given how many strands you would need to account for, and how many different hat/hood/whatever shapes and hair shapes there are.
A better, bespoke solution would be to make a texture that's partly transparent (with masked alpha mode of course) for the offending strands
Frosty Pines
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Never forget.
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>short not underage
my favorite dog whistle
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Ann Pone cosplay
to be fair you can just be a natural midget but sadly it IS cop-opted by filly fondlers ||may or may not be based||
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>discord spoiler
linden ziggers glow in the dark
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yeah i exposed myself whatever fuck you
i want to make love to this horse
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yandere Ann Pone
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Most FLAWLESS mare of 2024
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the smug aura of this donq....
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Marble thamku for the amarezing music set
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You know... In a way she's kinda cute
>i want to make love to this horse
Explain why.
Shortstacks are valid and real. My shortstack mare is in her 30s.
I'd love to have a shortstack of cash
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30 or 3000, still the body of a foal
dw the based animes do this too your secret is safe with me
you took a picture of every popen except me, you hate meeee aaa
I don't hate anypony
Maybe you don't have costume or joined after I re-logged from baddragon back to alchemy
Anyway powy its nearly 5am for this tired horse, have a mercy
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I am thinking how bring BD quality to Alchemy (I hate to relog every time). Shaders?
You can't achieve 1:1 the same results, BD works a bit differently.
You can still get really neat results if you fiddle with all settings though

Found the next Popen Dansu to be animated.
time to update shitstorm for the fourth time
we already have a popen club penguin dance, but this version is admittedly sexier.
this is already animated for op
>xitter link
Download it and post it directly for us based anons that don't have a Titter account.
I don't know how with Twitter gifs.
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nta but here. she certainly has the fat ass of the popen down
We use rape whistles around these parts.
what a slooot
they were villainous enough to last a lifetime. I hope they learned their lessons
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how do i get unbanned
post popen, or appeal in the matrix
scan come to my house
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same horse!
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ok what now?
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what were you banned for
What lesson exactly? All the ban did was give them reason to grow closer.
Rara did him a solid honestly. Now there's no competition.
i joined with iirc two other newfags and we were all banned for being "alts", i got pressed by a janny about it who thought i was playing dumb lol
huh that's fucked if true, jannies ree
I'm speaking with them about it now.
You got banned on April by Marble it seems
We're on the case and should get to the bottom of this by tomorrow.
message him ingame retard.
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why is there such an autistic serious undertone to the way this is being handled lmao
That's pretty obvious
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I love her
The Custodial Council is assembling as we speak. Waiting for the High Janitor to start the proceedings.
email i got from second life
Did Neighberry ever release new costumes? The month's almost over.
The ones i seen was a bee , lara croft, lethal company employee, wolverine , and a deadpool costume. I haven't gone back to check in 3 days tho
awful sim awful event
LL is cringe but something about seeing a developer apologize for messing up without it being couched in a "sorry your standards are too high for us to reach :((" undertone is kind of refreshing
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how does she sleep with that thing in her mouth
yeah im happy they're reaching out at least. it's just that philip's avatar is pretty silly. i used to work with him at high fidelity vr and we'd sometimes joke about how silly his sl avatar was/still is
unrelated but this year I got a birthday email from World of Warships and they wished me happy birthday and gave me free stuff. I wish more games actually sent out nice emails like this.
Rent free
An idea I had for an earth pony photo shoot could be a market in Ponyville. A pony like Meadows could have a cart with some flowers, Lilac Trail's carrot pone could have a cart with vegetables, Sweet Cakes selling some baked goods, etc. There could be other earth ponies doing things. Some Like Myrtle or Hind could be trotting around, looking at the carts, Tidal Drift's blue earth pony could be sitting on a bench near a fountain, admiring the water, and Silverflank could be riding her skateboard around, perhaps doing a cool trick over the vendors, while the ponies below have varying reactions. Just a general idea and there could be room for other things in here.
would any of you fuckers be interested in this? I found it in my files trying to find some shit and I guess I completely forgot about it
I'd prefer drawing some popens over randos if I can, otherwise I'll probs end up posting this to the funny ych website
They did that with me too
too lazy to reinstall it so
the size difference is a little offputting
That is some hot shit right there. Would take/10
big stallions are unf tho
for some reason my brain went Pumpkin and Gooey
How is one to contact you about the stallion slot?
And how much you asking?
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is there a popen version of this horse
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Be careful where you step in the Everglow Glade
message me in-game if you're interested
I prooobably wont be around very much today, but I'll get back to you when I can
I don't do nsfw very often and I'm juust getting out of a shitty funk I've been in all month+, but I wanna put some more pieces out soon
also, price wise, I was thinking 15 per slot, but I'm really bad at pricing so that might be underselling it lol
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absolutely cursed
I should specify USD probs
also also, if you got art from me in the past, and I haven't gotten back to you in a while, message me pls, I lost track of a lot of bullshit during a particularly rough few months, and I'm trying to get all that back on track
Is there any bigger snake on sim than arclight?
gryph, frost, marble
Early start on threadshitting today.
Proof or btfo
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I am more of a macro mare kind of anon than a big snake/big lamia kind of anon, so I couldn't tell you, although Arclight appears to be a regular sized unicorn and not a snake or lamia, so I don't know what to tell you. Unless of course this is a solid snake reference that we both messed up.
yeah, the one in neri's pants. have you seen that thing? its fucking huge
This and its venom makes you pregorant
Arclight isn't much of a snake, but then again, the biggest snakes all got banned and are no longer "on sim"
Means shitters like you really have to reach
neither of those are
I think Staffie and Acura are the only Solid Snakes in the group
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comfort ponies are best
/r/ more pixelated goodness
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Her. I wish she was on sim for real.
the longer I scrolled the more I got erect
underrated post
I like the idea too but also in general it's nice to see that there are more and more doing their own little photo events.
When I did mine I was so excited while managing the thing my ears felt glowing hot lol
I appreciate it, but I am merely an idea anon when it comes to photo shoot ideas. My computer and I are both potatoes incapable of nice pictures.
I still need to do some photoshoots of my outfit and of a promised popen
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And Acura's venom is just beer
Drop a hint at who you are and we might be able to make this happen, I'd love to see an earthpone shoot.
Maybe even do it in Ponyville after the NMN stuff clears up.
i'd love a longstack desu
>My computer and I are both potatoes incapable of nice pictures.
Which is why I'm trying to bother some photopopens to help me, I can't take high quality photos with more than 10 ponies in shot reliably.

If you have an idea you can ask them as well!
Arclight is on par with the three stooges with none of the ambition
Easy, Baltimare, Builder Pony, Buttercreambrewster, and Pensive Stroke
i really want to lick and kiss zee and tell her she's a good pony and ngghh aaaa
i want her to worship my cock
hey anon https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OP-rainbowshine-kit/24806876
acura is so fucking based
hind and toppy NOW
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Holy fuck
define snake
That threadshitter has gotten too many replies.
The medieval event kinda made me contemplate making a house in a more rustic look. Originally wanted to go for something modern but that would look cold in comparison
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MBIYM rule: it doesn't count as taking the bait if your reply is funny and enrichens the thread.
I'll invoice you 30 bucks for it
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money, my only weakness, we meet again
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>sometimes we move too quickly with major updates
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I guess i'm a kirin now
never got around to remodelling this, there's a model on deviantart that's one solid block of mesh I could reference (you could probably just use that, rig it to the op and upload it too) but i've also been thinking about how it would translate to being made of strands like the typical hmart mane
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unrelated nsfw:
need more mares with big tails
i want to pet zee, i want to boop zee, i want to kiss zee, i want to tell zee how much of an amarezing poner she is, i want to be zee's support in everything, i want to wipe her tears and console her, i want to cheer zee up when she is feeling down, i want to give zee the biggest of hugs, i want to always compliment zee, i want to make sure she is always happy because i love her smile, i want to tell zee how talented she is, i want to tell zee how skilled she is, i want to tell zee how special she is, i want to be one of the reasons of her smile, i want to make sure she knows she is a damn pretty pony, i want to tell her she has beautiful eyes, i want to cuddle zee, i want to keep zee's heart warm.
I love zee and i want to make her feel loved.
I want to rape Zee
I wish I had someone express even a quarter of that affection towards me
I love you, random anon
I don't care about zee
I like that zee will to talk to anyone. She's so nice and very creative. I'm not horny for her though, sorry. I'm glad zee joined SL.
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Old post for last years contest details, for reference https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40483018/#40483649
Sorry I got too drunk last night to make my post before bed. Anyways..

Baltimare's official 2024 Nightmare Night Costume Contest Details!
>When is it?
Thursday October 31st. Pony gathering begins at 3 PM SLT, and the Costume contest itself will start when either enough ponies have gathered, or two hours pass! Whichever comes first. Contest start time will ideally be 4 - 5 PM SLT
>I cant make it to that time :(
AFK sit cubes will be set up so you can put your powy into place the night prior. I have new and improved sit cubes that allow me to change your animations myself! If you have specific animations you want for your costume to be played, please make sure to message marble with the animations or the names in mind!
>Where is it?
The party stage in Neri's spookified Medieval build. Bleachers will be provided for a powy audience and the 'line up' will begin in the Marketplace square on the side where the stairs lead up to the stage. Positioning boxes will be placed down so you can better keep your spot line- IT IS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!
>Okay but how's it work?
Same as the previous years, Ponies will be called up onto stage and state what their outfit is! Show it off, go through your skit if you have one, have your photo taken, and exit stage right (participants left on stage). The next pony in line will then be called up to repeat this process. Once the contest has been concluded, there will be a large group photo right after for all the contestants, and anyone that wants to be in it!
>So what about the voting?
Voting is done by the audience, and any pony watching. The votes will be hoof-counted- message who your vote is for to Marble and it will be tallied up into a notecard which will then be passed around once the voting period has ended. VOTING RESULTS WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS! And no, there will be no straw polls, automated voting processes or in-world clickable signs. These options were explored previous years, and each one was more effort than it was worth compared to just counting them manually.
>Skits? Costumes? VOTING? WHAT DO I DO?
You do not have to come up with a skit, merely a costume you are proud of and want to show off. Come with your best, and have fun- the contest portion is just apart of the tradition.
>Contest means prizes right? What are they?

In order from left to right: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Participation. The 1st 2nd and 3rd places winners will receive a personal photo taken with their trophies at the end

If any popen has any questions feel free to ask here in thread or message marble directly in-sim!
fuck that low poly moon looks pretty cool but i dont have a costume nor do i really wanna participate
I'm gonna give the moon out full perm by itself on the 31st, like I did with the pumpkin last year so dont worry. It'll be in the group announcements
turn your shadow blur up slightly, there are SSAO artifacts on the trophies
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Quick addition I forgot to add: Bitwise is providing audio stream control service if you have a skit/costume that requires music for the whole sim to hear. Send music his way and he will play it during your time up on stage!
what do you guys do when youre to exhausted to be social?
I go non verbal
It's called selective mutism and I do it too
very nice. the 1st-3rd prizes should include the competition year like the participation trophies do, though
Tourist who was coached onto the sim by lucia and gilded and expressed hating 4chan and its culture. Purposefully excluded ponies they disliked from cards, backstabbed friends when they got close to ponies they didn't like, etc. etc.
it's based
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Already banned
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I really really really want snake ponies
I would unironically pay real money to whoever makes a proper, long lamia tail with a good selection of animations for slithering around, cuddling and coiling, and a public dev kit for it.
I know I probably couldn't afford the actual worth of the work if considered in IRL terms based on the time investment required (which would probably be thousands of dollars even at a pretty low hourly wage), but if anybody is already autistic enough to embark on a project like this, I WILL throw a couple hundreds bucks at you for making pony snakes real in my favourite pony escapism simulator.
too bad balti would probably ban them for being too creature
And I want the mod for my fetish too. Back of the line bud. You know deep down it is for the better you don’t actually get things like this.
why would we not allow that? monster ponies of all sorts have always been allowed
>helmet offset 3 inches forward in default possition
>move option is turn off
popen life is pain
>magik pony
there's yer problem
uhhh, but the 3d model looks so nice
what's your fetish
you can't move rigged mesh
They're talking about Arclight
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you obviously have never interacted with pensive
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STRAWB is not pure??!??!?!
never has been
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If you had the choice of being pure or being on Strawb's place here, would you really choose purity?
wheres horsehugger i haven't seen them in a bit
where is this?
he changed his name to songbird serenade
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Do NOT cast void magic.
You'll go to jail, and then the world is destroyed.
That's gooey not strawb

This however is definitely a smashed strawb
molest this guyra, then throw him into the void.

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