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>Prepare for trouble!
>Make it double!

Team Poochie shitposts at the speed of light! Give up your threads, or prepare to fight!
Glimmer and Shimmer fuck
On occasion, yes.
My Nyx would booty blast all these other ponies
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How is Nyx a poochie when she's a fan character.
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The High Council of the Federal Department of Social Administration declared me also the best poochie, Anonymous!
Nyx is many things
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>these three block your path
mlpchuds, our response?!
replace nyx with biggest poochie nigger of all times mistynigger
kill, marry, fuck
I still don't get this. Do people call anyone a Poochie now?
can you stop acting like such a fucking poochie?
What is the context behind this image
As a Nyx fan, I don't appreciate seeing her compared to these fucking stooges.
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each other with their fat marecocks.
While roleplaying as Twilight.
What, both of them at once?
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Double Trouble
Crying OCs
In the context of MLP, any unicorn with a "cool" feature and/or traumatic past who is added in the half of the show run.
-Sunsent Shimmer
-Starlight Glimmer
-Potion Nova
-Flawless Sparklemoon
But the middle one is from an episode?
Poochie means a new main character being shoehorned into a show
This level of newfaggotry and tourism shouldn't be allowed
She's fandom popular
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Oh sorry I insulted your waifu.
What's wrong with Potion Nova and Flawless though?
Never said I dislike any of those characters but they are introduced way latter than the show original run and has some cool thing to be loved both by the rest of the cast and the audience.
MLP movies are part of the series canon tho
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She is a forced meme, so she is the team (sadly).
Me against me will and force me to be their husband and father of their foals
I really never see anyone posting this oc nowadays so I thought they all fucked off by now.
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Mares have mareginas not marecocks.
Shhh dont tell the troon that real woman dont have penises
you may burst "her" bubble
They have both.
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quads of truth
Check em
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checked beyond belief
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I genuinely unironically hate them.
Stinking nerd spotted, innitiate erection.
But why? I like her quite a lot.
Nigga got checked beyond belief
What does this have to do with movies? Anon said this was meant to be a picture of crying OCs, but the hat pony is from Princess Spike.
Go suck on a cheeseburger.
You don't suck cheeseburgers, man. You bite them.
Is Poochie supposed to represent Starlight?
She did almost cause eternal night and cause her mom to get executed.
That's what you get for having terrible tastes

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