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Airpaca edition

Previous thread: >>41536871

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

Possible mirror mirror tourneys at undefined times

An update is supposedly coming... eventually. But don't hold your breath.


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/
>Patch Notes:http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=574980
>Notation and Input Primer:https://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?threads/785/
>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide:
>Mizuumi Wiki:

>1.0 trailer:
>Shanty trailer:
>3.0 trailer:
>Texas trailer:
>Stronghoof trailer:
>Nidra reveal trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi725FRDS88
>Baihe reveal trailer
there isn't one
the publisher deserves at most 50% of the blame
probably less
but if the devs were capable of finishing it they wouldn't have needed to sell everything off in the first place
I never understood why the last year they said they were going to release all episodes at once... like why? Who asked for that?
let's be real man the reason we don't have a story mode is because the team prioritized competitive balancing for a shrinking playerbase instead of cementing the thing that keeps casuals in the pool.
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>because the team prioritized competitive balancing
not really, they didn't actually do that either despite all the words spent on it
the only thing that got actually done that took a lot of time that maybe could have gone elsewhere was the mac/linux/console ports and crossplay, which was really impressive for a team of their size to manage but ended up being a bad idea in the end because while it presumably bought in a nice cash injection it also meant they had to support and develop for three+ different platforms at once, but we'll probably never know how much of the terrible pace of releases was because of problems that caused, or just them being lazy and atrociously disorganized and terribly managed.
>letting the last thread die
Its not the publisher, you fucking moron. Blame the incompetent, smug team peddling lies.
to be fair we have zero way of knowing if the "we're almost done with story mode" claim was just made up, or if they really could have made it with just a little bit longer and got the plug pulled anyway

both Mane6 AND Modus were extremely obtuse and secretive about everything for no fucking reason so all it leaves is baseless speculation
You know its obviously false and a scam if you are older than 12, who the fuck are you kidding?
"scam" implies the intent was always to rip people off, which seems clearly untrue
they definitely did TRY to make an actual game and succeeded at it for a while - pretty damn well actually
their productivity just fell off a cliff at some point and we'll never really know why
You must be a shill. No one is this retardedly naive to not see such an obvious scam coming. They LIED to your face about product they had NO INTENTION of making just so dumbasses would keep the hype going,

>their productivity just fell off a cliff at some point and we'll never really know why

Oh wow, I'm sure chasing easy patreon money for no effort had nothing to do with it,
if you can't see the difference between what happened with this game and an ordinary patreon take the money and run type scam, you're simply retarded and there's nothing more i can do, i'm sorry
Yeah, you are shilling now. It is blatantly obvious it was a scam.
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Do not suplex the deer
Do not super sex the deer.
I have already super sex'd the deer
this will only super vex the deer
>They LIED to your face about product they had NO INTENTION of making
You're retarded and >>41580019 is right. M6 made a detailed training mode, chapter 1 of the story, and Shanty... all of which were solid additions to the game. A dev that straight up "runs away with pateron money" wouldn't have made anything after the game's EA release.
>trying to defend scams
>for free

diehard fanboys of dead games are the worst shills
Which of the girls are heterosexual? It’s impossible to tell in a Lauren Faust related project.
Fuck off retard. No more (You)s for you.
Pom is 100% hetero
Prove it
always hangs out with mostly men, with the only female being the mother and wife of those men
Arizona (she's just innocent and thinks nude statues and artwork are lewd)
Velvet (has taken literal miles of buck dong, half of which was in an effort to outpace Vixen - she failed)
Tianhuo (lesbianism is dishonarabu and against the Longestma's orders)
Pom (though honestly she'll probably be whatever you want her to be, the only spine she's got is the one the dogs dragged in front of her after they ripped it out of a snake)
Texas and Stronghoof both have families.
Baihe (same reasoning as Tian)

Oleander is either partaking in gay teenage rebellion before going back to straight or just gay. Pap loves everyone, to their dismay. Shanty is treasuresexual. Nidra is debatable because anyone could do anything while she's asleep and she probably wouldn't care.
Incorrect. Velvet is with me. She's definitely hetero.
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weird looking cat
The story mode was funded with the Indiegogo campaign. Furthermore, Modus/Maximum were a last ditch attempt after Humble Bundle kicked them to the curve.
it's "kicked to the curb"
I was under the assumption that Mane6 severed their Humble partnership so they could be acquired by Modus, not that Humble didn't want to be associated with the game.
that is a silly assumption
Comments like this are a diamond dozen
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Very skinny cao
Modern writers have no concept of dishonarabu and spite in things like family values and chain of command.
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Silly cow
Take it back
She won't make it past 40 in human years
She's a magical tapir she'll be fine
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How does a fuck this lazy become a Key Seeker?
Sleepwalking I guess.
Is she even a key seeker?
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she can seek the key to my pants if you know what I am saying
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>Saddle up, A-non! You’re ‘bout to see a real rodeo!
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>Arizona will never host a rodeo starting her, just for (You)
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I don't think anyone ever documented this because 6.0 had no patch notes, but that patch actually added tutorials for Tianhuo's Volcanic Dash and Belly Flop, something missing from the game since their additions in 2.0
better late than never, I guess?
It feels bad knowing that Tian's flames will never be animated during her victory animation
with who?
with you___
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but I'm not an ungulate
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Now for pap
*turns you into one*
hopefully i'm a hot deer
>Blocks low
How's the story mode coming?
im working on it
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He's gonna make it guys
I'm sure it'll be very easy to keep the nuts out of his reach.
You just put them on a higher shelf.
God I wish that were me
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Did they even do it for Baihe?
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Stronghoof has eighteen unused intros
>that heavy gay tone in the last one
no wonder is unused
I mean, he is Velvet's dad. Being self-absorbed is what all reindeer are like.
how the fug did you do that
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>the last one
Sometime tells me he would adopt Arizona in a heartbeat if he could
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>says he'll need to wash his hooves after touching Pap
mean :(
Many of those are lines are good imo I wonder why they weren't included
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I don't know why, but the idea of this unicorn teasing me to get me to cum for NNN is kind of hot.
Unicorn pussy is a powerful thing also what's going on with her face
>"Don't worry, guys, I can make NNN easily."
>"Oh, but there's no need. I know a spell that can help you. Have you read 'A lose hero in the Castle of Succubi', per chance?"
>"Then let me help you all the entire month..."
>Unicorn pussy
She cheats because of marepussy control

>What's with that face?
Don't kill me for this, but back when I was a furry, I saw this face a lot. I feel the artist wanted to do the dreamy eyes dog face, but remembered it was a pony midway, so it just left it like that. The mouth should be lower.
>the artist wanted to do the dreamy eyes dog face, but remembered it was a pony midway, so it just left it like that
Strange but alright
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>Commenting on Ari's muscles
Uhh stranger danger???
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Spooky goast. Boo!
Qt goast
spooky bump
Imagine being sandwich'd betweent hose two
A very floofy hug
Add Velvet and it would be the floofiest
For starters, we need to convince her to hug Paprika willingly.
just let it die in peace
we gotta move on at some point
And why haven't you "moved on"?
If FiM could live on, so could TFH.
The Publisher actually managed to get you 2 extra characters which otherwise would have never happened.

The Mane"6" are just incompetent retards with 3 people doing the grunt work of programming and only 1 animator on the team, the other 3 slacking off out of an already small team.
They wasted how much money now? $586,346 , it took them how much just to release story mode? 5 years. How much to release the game without story mode? 3 years.
September 21, 2015 is when the Indiegogo got released. why did they use Indiegogo instead of Kickstarter?
Why didn't they make a Patreon or a second Kickstarter? They are absolute incompetent idiots like all furfags.

What can you honestly expect out of 6 elitist lazy losers with only 3 doing work. This is why they don't have jobs. 586k seriously? what did they with they money? they obviously pocketed it. 3 guys working and the other 3 slacking off and worse; sabotaging the other 3.

They were lazy and incompetent since day 0 with Fighting Is Magic. That fat retard grabbed the controller away from the player who accidentally accessed Rarity before she got released. They ignored contacting the tournament to take FIM off the tournament and they used the C&D as an excuse to stop working cause working IS HARD.
They also refused to give the final build when they received the C&D , remember that if it wasn't for one of their QA leaking the build you wouldn't even have the version with Pinkie+Rarity and you wouldn't even have the few animations for Fluttershy & RD.
What's retarded though is that they weren't even going the Patreon way of milking you, Patreon wasn't popular back then. They were just genuinely asinine idiots (who weren't even employed at the time) wasting everyone's time like all lazy incompetent teenager nerds are. That's why you never hire NEETs, they cannot get shit done.
The WhiteTail Woods musician debacle was retarded "Oh we have RC88 making good music, but let's hire this other furry retard cause he's buddybuddy with one of the slackers"
And their constant bullshit about "It isn't balanced or that fun to play because we didn't implement all the basic features!!" and aren't basic features suppose to be implemented in the first prototype? you lying pieces of shits.
Mane6 & Max deserved each other. Humble Bundle treated them correctly.
If it wasn't for the goddamn leakers then none of you would even have the playable build of Fighting Is Magic.
Just like those Double Rainboom FLA files.
Manchildren are natural introverted paranoid elitistic secretive losers with 0 responsibility/accountability and 100% ignorance. They need to be coerced, forced and beatne to a pulp in order to take out the trash, do their homework, do what's right.
I had to early on tell some Korean pony gamdev to release his fucking source code and he only released it cause he already had a bigger better sequel game in the works and his reply to me when he released the source files was "Okay I'll release them, I don't see why you care though it's not like anyone will do anything with it" that abysmal fucking ignorance and that lack of standards/responsibility/work ethic is why nobody hires these people.
IT IS COMMON SENSE to release your source files if you're not going to work on it anymore, especially when you don't even own the IP. IT IS COMMON SENSE TO ADVERTISE YOUR DEVKIT/Source files, something nobody seems to understand why it's so important. These creatures have no vision, no responsibility, they're literal 5 year olds who forget to flush the toilet out of sheer incompetence and ignorance. This is why nobody wants to be friends with them, introverts are incapable of caring about others. They NEED to be bossed around, it's in their mentality to do everything in a forced way and having to be ordered and told "get this shit done... NOW" or else they slack off for all eternity. I know their kind well.

Quote me: What can you expect ouf of lazy incompetent furry manchild nerds who haven't made a video game in their life and can barely hold a functioning job?
They got their money, who knows how much Max bought the rights for.
They're bad as scammers too, not just as game developers. They never once made a Patreon or added microtransactions and subscriptions to their game. Not because they're goodie two shoes, but because they're just THAT incompetent when it comes to business, let alone game development.
I haven't seen such slacking off since the creator of Freedom Planet took 8 years to release a shittier version of his Sonic fangame and literally scammed his artist's goodwill to make art assets for free.
Another imbecile who refused to setup a Patreon. Indiegogo/Kickstarter is for really popular people who can get 3-10 million dollars. getting anything less than 3 million dollars as a Californian for your project is a death wish.
>waaah why didn't they add microtransactions!
Fucking kill yourself, seriously.
Go fuck yourself and kiss my ass, poorfag ESL.
You can't even afford a coffee, ESL so shut the fuck up.

If you thought or even Maximum thought it was okay for devs to not even complete the moveset of a character when they "release" it then you deserved your treatment.
Mane6 literally are like "Here's your game, bro. 1 level without an ending... it's not playable because it's not finished but we'll give you levels 2 & 3 ... when we feel like it :3 levels take time bro, plsu understanduu. Running, powerups? That comes later, bro, the game isn't finished bruh. Super Mario Bros wasn't made in a day broh. "

What needs to be done in such situations against such manchildren with Dunning Kruger syndrome playing hotshit with you?

Exactly what they deserved. I hope Max bought them for barely 40% of what they were given out of their Indiegogo campaign and I hope 90% of the money went to Lauren Faust.
ACTUALLY defending microtransactions. I'd slap the shit out of you you myself if you ever showed your ugly mug in my vicinity.
>They never once made a Patreon or added microtransactions
Did you even play the game? The shadow and zombie palettes were like $10 combined and the even REMOVED the option to get the shadow colors through in game challenges until the most recent update.
Surprised they even bothered, yet they didn't bother with setting up a Patreon. I guess there was too much "who's going to actually get this money?" talks going on. But I think the problem in their minds was "Who's going to take care of the Patreon?" cause that's how lazy some people can get that they can't even handle a tiny Patreon account.
It's either that or subscriptions. Game got to make money. There were a bunch more places they could have posted and advertised this game on other than Steam.

Thing is they could have made money if they had just made a damn Patreon , posted the game in a lot more places and put some budget in someone who knows how to advertise.
And again they should have understood that Blazblue gameplay is a niche of a niche. People would rather play Mortal Kombat over BlazBlue, that's why the RPG exploration element was so important to appeal to the masses and have something unique in the sea of fighting games. Otherwise might as well make a Smash Bros clone.
Still, the fact they had 500k+ at the start of the project and couldn't even be arsed to hire external help or just hire a separate small studio to do it shows that they had 2 problems; greediness and arrogance thinking they're the only ones who can achieve their vision of BlazBlue gameplay mechanics with cute talking animals beating the shit out of each other. I know another group I'm involved with which pocketed 450k cash and it's only 2 people .. and they are absolutely not capable of making a good game, they're far far less talented than the few 3 members at Mane6. But dumbasses giving money to hacks, what are you going to do.
In a way... in a way ironically the fandom should feel happy Mane6 never made a Patreon to actually get "scammed" albeit Patreon was and will always be treated as donations and the fact you expect a finished product ... is secondary.
>Game got to make money.
They made money though. Tons of free money they didn't have to pay back from the indiegogo, then there was game sales itself, and on top of that they sold the IP to a publisher. Were they really hurting for money or was this the classic "draw it out for as long as possible, promise everything, deliver less than the bare minimum" scam?
I don't think they skimped on a patreon due to laziness, it takes no effort to make one and you only have thousands of dollars to gain. I think the issue is that you can't really act like a professional selling a fully fledged product for real money while at the same time holding a cup full of coins like a beggar. TFH isn't some fan game that runs in a web browser, it's a decent production with TV quality animation and voice acting. Yes it's still "indie" but indie doesn't mean 1 guy making a game in his mom's basement between shifts at his main job anymore, indie companies have HR departments in [current_year].
I heard that mentality out of a rich college friend who had no idea what he was doing(more continued in my next post cause this is going offtopic)
Me: Why didn't Blizzard just Kickstart the funds for a Warcraft 3 remaster?
Richkid: Giant billionaire Activision Blizzard making a Kickstarter to get the graphics for Warcraft 3 funded? sounds kinda sketchy and cheap, doesn't it?

He said the exact same thing you said and to answer him and you kindly see Hazbin Hotel's Patreon. And a bunch of other Patreons.
The point is however ... you're not Blizzard. Mane6 is not Blizzard ... stop thinking you're a mogul giant. Even Moguls like Blizzard are incredible cheapskates hence why they hired that Chinese studio. The fact they hired someone capable for Starcraft's editor is only because that someone advertised himself well enough to even be noticed and also shows how incapable today's companies are to TEACH people on the job how to do things and are required to hire modders for less than minimum wage(oh yeah they still treat them like shit with abysmal payment, just look at IDW). IDW does the same bullshit where it is incapable of finding quality people and when it does accidentally find quality people it treats them with ignorance or like shit. It's a free for all.

Vivzie made Helluva Boss with the Patreon money while with Hazbin Hotel she pretty much separated it and she gave the IP rights to A24, Amazon Studios, and the animation studio Bento Box Entertainment. A24 funding her stuff.

Vivienne ironically is more business savvy to the point she fires voice actors for better or for worse (for better)
What she sucks at and what A24 sucked at was putting her on a leash, taking the IP and putting a competent writing team in charge. It seems like the ability to find talented people is now a talent in itself that no longer exists in HR, producers, recruitment teams and they instead just let the dumbass animation director hire the voice actors, writing team, everything and it ends up with Brandon Rogers & Vivziepop writing your fanfiction from when you were 12.

Another retarded thing happened with Freedom Planet 2 where the voice actors including Christopher Sabat who provided a recording studio ... still sounded like dogshit ... because apparently Sabat(the shitty anime dubber) is incapable of being a good voice director and no matter how good your equipment is if you have bad direction then you'll sound like dogshit. Chris Sabat sounded awful in Freedom Planet 2 when he normally already sounds like dogshit since he's an anime dubber, not a professional voice actor, just like Canadian animators.
where he thought he NEEDED an office building to operate and me and another guy kept telling him you don't need that or else you're going to end up severely in bankruptcy and without a product. He tried to hire an entire studio but when he noticed how much money it costed and how he had 0% chance of making his money back he called it quits. He had a bunch of bullshit diplomas & courses in business that meant nothing and his parents inherited the money and put it into stocks but were secretive about what they put it in. I haven't kept up with him after me and my brother pretty mutch ditched him on the game design part cause 1) we didn't want to get blamed on the game failing 2) we didn't want to babysit a richkid who had more money than brains.

You know what was funny? We had another guy in our little meeting who was even dumber than him. He kept going on about logistics about how many people you need to hire for an office building including the janitor and me and my brother had to him to dial that shit down, but weird enough the richkid would have ironically said yes to the office building if we didn't say no. And what did the logistics guy also contribute? Waste of time obsessing over how important the story is ... in a goddamn video game ... when we had 0 concept/no GDD. And when the richkid asked us "Okay what should the game be about?" everyone came up with 0 ideas including me because I knew since day 0 that you do not just "lol let's make it kinda like approximately like Earthworm Jim and AVGN's video game" , I instead rightfully told him "Check out Newgrounds, Armour Games, etc. there's a million true and tested prototypes out there which you can copy. Don't slap shit on the wall or else you're going to have a bad time". I believe I still have the abysmal excuse of a GDD on my folder that makes even my top-down to-do list for my programmer look competent.

It just goes to show the average "common sense" of a person which is 0.
This is the reason why richpeople hire dogshit studios because they at least "get the job done" in a dogshit way, but they at least get it done. The fact everyone cries afterwards is part 2. Mane6 are not capable of getting shit done unless they're put at gun point.
Best case scenario Maximum sells the rights to Netflix or some other place ... if they even bought the rights since Faust owns a good portion of the IP.
And finally it seems to be various MENTALLY retarded American problems.

I never thought I'd hear this line in my life: "You're requesting too little money for your project, you can fund it yourself" goes to show how retarded Americans truly are with money and how little money means to them.

Then there's the second problem which is even more important.
You Americans genuinely have mental problems with third parties. You also have mental problems with giving 0 shits about budget & saving money and preparation plans and sticking to a plan.
So you have the game director who's a programmer, a concept artist and who can also do the work of a janitor and a myriad other things ... and then you complain he can't deliver on time. The word "delegating" does not exist in your vocabulary.
I've seen numerous people hold jack of all trades in high esteem, not understanding how retarded it is to pile up 7 different job on 1 person.

Because of this you naturally go into the other extremity. It's not like in Europe where you outright pocket the money and don't do jackshit ... it's instead more like, you put yourself under; executive producer, engineer, director, supervisor, manager and suddenly give yourself 90% of the budget because then nobody can say you pocketed the money because you were supposedly the big boss getting the big cheese .. now what happens when you do this ..
you become a dishonest incompetent moron who REFUSES to hire other people far more capable of you to not look bad in front of everyone. Other people see "homemade in USA" and think it's good despite your art being abysmal, your animation skills non-existant and your only programmer never coded a game in his life and knows jackshit about game design.
And of course the other extremity is true too when you're a "director" just in name, you're given an incompetent team , but you're even more incompetent than them and so you end up taking all the credit(if it's a competent team) and if you end up with an incompetent team then you skiddadle outta there and say God Bless to the NDA cause other jobs/companies can't ask you what TRULY happened behind the scenes.

There's countless companies who abstain from completing the project and go back to the bank asking for more funding... and the banks are dumb enough to give it to them. The smarter ones don't.

Mane6 along with being lazy incompetent furries are also typical Los Angeles American retards who don't understand how a business, a project and a quality workforce is supposed to work.
So they only hired freelancers at gunpoint because they knew they can't get 4 characters done in time in under 1 year when it usually takes them 1 year lollygagging around for 1 character.
Something they should have done since day 0 including with Fighting Is Magic by throwing off the non useful members and hiring competent animators and a game designer who knows what the hell he's doing.
Whitetail was decent, at least.
I only ever see patreons for stuff that ends up being free, or for artists who want their lewds to be behind a paywall. For Hazbin, it goes on youtube for everyone to watch, but I'm sure patreon subscribers get early access plus other random junk like sketches and name in credits. TFH is a paid product. Consider the $20 you spend on the game to be your 'contribution' or 'donation' or whatever. It's debatable whether there are enough whales who would out-fund normal paying players if TFH were to go free to play and give small bonuses to players who donate loads of mone.
There's also the fact that Mane6 already asked for donations once and broke their promises and lied about it to the very end. What trust does the consumer have in them to donate AGAIN?
Why did this game need console ports again? It runs fine on a $100 dual core thinkpad with an integrated gpu.
ask any anon pre 2.0
they were adamant that console ports would increase the playerbase dramatically
I'm almost certain it cost more to certify this game for xbox than however much they made back from xbox sales. Literally who in the fuck buys a HaloGearsForza box to play a pony (niche) fighting game (niche squared)?
Not me
I knew console ports would have shot the game in the head because I understand accommodating different platforms wildly inflates dev time and since consoles have a certain number of updates you get "for free" it would kneecap the ability to hotfix issues.
True, I just wish TFH had even a fraction of the fanfiction that FiM has
4 extra characters actually if we count the Tianhuo recolor. Everyone was expecting Fred to be playable and instead we got a different character.
Fred is already a character.
maybe that one anon will host a tournament again
He's too busy having outrageous sex with Shanty
I'm planning to host another tournament this month, though I'm not sure what kinda theme I should have. What character would y'all wanna see next? We seem to have alot of cao mains.
I don't think we've got pure cow mains left, aside from one. The other good cows are probably just people picking up more pockets after they labbed the fuck out of the other girls a while ago.
Dead and irrelevant offtopic game.
Just play the real FiM in their discord server at this point
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I love the ungulates more.
Fighting is Magic plays like shit
Holy Autism, Batman!

You aren't wrong BTW. Mane6 fucked up royally. One piece of the puzzle you are missing is how the game is connected to Skullgirls and therefore CURSED.
Skullgirls lent their engine to other games that had bad results? or Skullgirls itself also went the way of the dodo?
I thought Skullgirls was doing fine. Did something happened to the game?
Something about censoring some of the girls, not sure if affected the player count much
it was probably the mobile game that was the last nail in the coffin honestly.
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Why do you mongrels still cling in to this game and franchise? There aren't even 16 players. Let It Die!
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Wtf does an oftopic game to do here?
Stupid mods and that’s literally the reason.
I prefer it here over /v/ because it's the only way this thread would survive and not be ground under the treads of 30 gacha generals and sperged about constantly by anime fighters who still have an aneurysm over a pastel horse (even if only tangentially related) even now.
You have reading class in school to learn to read and you failed that.
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I'm a cow main who is a genuine shitter, I can't read my way out of a wet paper bag
additionally, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would understand the image was in response to the question. Your reason and request were unimportant and thus ignored.
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>Your reason and request were unimportant and thus ignored.

How if you responded to it?
/vm/ would be nice but alas mods are dumb as rocks
sex with pom
sex with Pom's mom
What does Pom's mom even look like
just like pom but thiccer
/vg/ is hell and I don't wish that evil to my worst enemy
we always have /trash/
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Velvet has found another rival
Them’s Fightin’ Herds 2 should be a timeskip with a new generation where every one of the original character is a lot older (only Tianhuo physically stays the same.)
Pom players would cease to exist in TFH 2 if that happened
You say that like we have any right now
This desu
Is really that bad? Never been there.
It's full of gacha cancer
Of all the boards on this piece of shit, /vg/ somehow manages to have the worst posters in the whole website
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While you losers were busy clinging in to dying trash, I was improving my art skills.
Velvet's hooves
A new generation means we’ll have a new fresh piece of lamb ass to lust over.
i'd play MILF pom as long as she still has broken ass mixups
Velvet has the worst hooves on the roster, tiniest surface area of them all. Someone give Shanty a pedicure, there'd be no competition
I imagine gacha games brought the worst kind of animefags: the sex deviants.
Well, I can't throw stones, since I play PUBG and I see Nikke memes, but I can see how the damage has happened.

Until you make an image of the TFH cast being raped by Fred's tentacles (including the men), a picture of that catgirl you post having her pussy smashe by Chad Stronghoof or Manly Texas, or a scene where Himmel has all the nuts of this month being pumped into Pom's tiny and virgin pussy, all I will say is "good for you man".
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I can't draw pathetic excuses for creatures you call ungulates. And the girl isn't a catgirl.
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Ungulates are way cuter than your generic weebslop
Worse, it brought the gooks, and the SEA people
It's not evenanime, bro. But I don't feel like mentioning the obscure thing as it does feel rather queer.
Terrible take
What's the point of a hoof that isn't nice to hold? Of a hoof that you don't feel when it's in your face?
Three years ago the publisher sieged a hostile takeover of the game because Mike Z flirted awkwardly with an adult woman and made a George Floyd joke on a stream. The dev team tried firing Mike Z, he had the power to stop them, then the publisher fired the entire company and poached employees from there to a new team owned by the publisher.

The people who rabidly seethe about Modus firing Mane6 were 100% in support of this coup btw
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You don't get it
The kockoraches?... sorry, koreans? I thought they were busy with games like Starcraft.

>The people who rabidly seethe about Modus firing Mane6 were 100% in support of this coup btw
Because cancel culture > fucking self awareness. Any idiot that believes a publisher will save their game deserves to have his Steam bank account robbed twice.
Publishers and companies ARE NOT your friends, they only want your money. And if ANY product has at least 1 dollar of revenue, they will hold onto that license, even if they don't do anything with the IP.
Concord was one thing, but Astro Bot should be crucified for this sin as well. "Look at all the references of games YOU CAN'T NO LONGER PLAY". FUCK YOU!!!
>I don't feel like mentioning the obscure thing as it does feel rather queer
You are posting in a niche thread about a niche fighting game in a niche board. I think we don't need to keep anything obscure here, we are as obscure as it is.
Go to Goggle.cum and type "Flare Smash". If you can't figure it out, then you're less intelligent than Oleander_Simp.
Would a new team working on TFH be worth it to have the game back? It's not like they have anything to censor.
If I were in charge, I'd buy the product (not a license), become the new owner, remove TFH from all digital stores, and this time focus on the story.
When I have all the pieces put together, I resell the game (for cheaper), this time called TFH: Chapter 2 (mainly as a nod to people who complained about wanting Chapter 2 already).

It would be a sour yet satisfying end for this game. The story finally being told. No season passes, no DLCs, only a game with a story to tell, the rooster of characters we already have (with a few extras. Nothing crazy, just 3 or 4 more), and the arcade mode with online support.
Koreans are really into their own gachas, to the point that the VGL has a korean restream complete with AI translated narrators
>Smash Legends
>A pyromaniac who wants to help the world by making it warm
Cute character. Would smash.

Considering many gachas are starting to come from both Japan and Korea, I'm not surprised they are starting to feed them to AI programs.
It won't be long until we get the first 100% AI gacha game. And when that happens, either it will be a massive break in gaming, or a massive catastrophe for the entertainment media.
dead game rest in piss
>help the world by making it warm
She actually wants to warm it up with fire.

She has a massive fireball cannon that has flamethrower like functionality (not much in-game) called the Match Maker.

She is also based off of The Little Match Girl from 1845 by Hans Christian Andersen.

She was rescued by a witch who runs a group of anti-villain criminals who want to change unfair fates of "Legends". Though 2 members are genuinely evil.
Would you like more lore on this cute girl? Or is this too queer?
I don't think is queer, game lore is just that: game lore.
But maybe I'll check out the game. But if it is another live service "f"2p game, I don't see myself playing for long. Still, cute character.
>Based on the Match Girl
Good to know she was rescued and willing to save the world by giving the one thing she needed the most: "warming" fire.
>live service "f"2p game
It is a free to play cross platform game between PC on Steam and mobile. It is similar to something like Brawl Stars where the game is mainly 3v3 but it's 3D and you can jump.
Sounds fun. Maybe I'll check it out.
I have a mighty need for necc.
She isn't saving the world. She is burning down buildings and destroying property because of the fire. She does this because she thinks the entire world is cold and people who are against her are cold. She has some sort of permanent hypothermia. She thinks people running away screaming are happily playing in and with the fire.
Shut the fuck up already
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You stupid nig
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She must not like wet dreams. She probably would feel them wet and sticky at the same time.
What if Nidra eats dreams through mouth-to-mouth?
She can eat all my dreams if it means sloppy make outs
nah she just shoves her trunk down your throat and shlorps them up like a vacuum
Is this a Nidra thread now?
if people post about her enough I suppose.
But generally we keep seeming to tapir off
its anything you want it to be
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Why not
every single mop drawing is a wasted opportunity for a good pom drawing
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Pom doesn't have cute balls
Pom is ultimately better than Mop but Mop serves a purpose that Pom doesn't
Pom has a cute bell
What would Mop sound like?
>soft, petite femboy with an excessively deep voice
It's original I'll admit, I've seen it with women but not femboys.
Mop sucks
Like a vacuum. Can barely feel my legs.
its not gay if Pom also joins in
It's still kinda gay
yeah but its bisexual now
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Knowing Paprika, the water actually lands inside her mouth.
why would it not land in her mouth
alpaca reasons
Anyone has that pic of the arizona hand puppet?
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I don't
Silly paca
Every Mop drawing? There’s, like, twelve in existence. Just enough to make a decent character LoRA…
Yes, every mop drawing.
you guys ever get deflated after spending hundreds of hours learning how to do cool stuff in this game and then realize nobody cares because everyone else can do it too

this discord fighter playerbase that's been filtered down to mostly just advanced players being left sucks actually
but the same could be said of all defunct multiplayer games.
>dropping games to keknel
uhh my GOAT is washed?
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i do not care for the astra era of competitive tfh
What did he mean by this
Well, that's what happens when people jump to other things, but OG fans stay.
On the plus side, TFH is a good game to start getting used to fighting game mechanics. The tutorial is quite handy.
would be nice if someone made another fighting game that's good so i can play that instead
until then i'm stuck here
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Bravo Nolan
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I wish i could learn Pom but my brain is only big enough for Ari
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we can learn together
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cow is a complex and powerful character
there is no shame in her taking up a bunch of your headspace.
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Why couldn't she be this caked up in her official artwork?
Cause its suppose to be a ripoff of Ponyshow and not Ponyshow porn.
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She is kinda is
I need to play this bitch more often.
it's all fluff
Wouldn't that be Velvet?
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idk what you mean, plaprika is canon
Velvet's fluff is clustered about the neck, her ass is closer to what you see.
>Pom about to have the worst (or best) day of her life
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Serious question: If they were to continue the game at some point, what would you want for it?

Non-serious question: How powerful is Pom's plot canon-wise?
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finished story mode and a playable giraffe.

as powerful as Fluttershy when enraged.
Dating sim mode.
The rest of the chapters we're owed.
And a sincere apology.
Version select with the gameplay of notable past versions (1.4.4, 2.3.1, 3.0 I guess), a la Street Fighter 4
Future balance changes and the 5.1 patch added to the aforementioned version select
Release the script for the story mode—I don't think a new team would do it justice but Faust said the script is entirely written. Alternatively make it a comic, but as long as we get it is important
In-game palette editor. Cat's out of the bag regarding palette modding, may as well make it official
>version select
this game has like 20 active players already WITHOUT splintering them into different groups based on whichever patch their main was the best in
>playable giraffe
How would a giraffe play? I know she could have reach, but what about attacks or movement? Is she fast? Tanky? Hard hitter? Glass cannon? She could cover a lot thanks to her neck, so maybe like Dhalsim?
>How powerful is Pom's plot canon-wise?
My tier list

Pombros we're almost last...
nidra not being on this list when literally half her body is ass is a crime

oh my god.. frank allen ball is the man who made behind iron mouse, tex. whoops! he's wearing a cheap star vs the forces of evil wig right now to cover up his putrid balding hairline. 50 year old. watching bluey the dogshit show in his ex wife's things that he yelled at her not to take. poor cat, he'll never be the same. she took that, too. she took it. daddy's pantyhose
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The Japanese version of Rival Schools features a dating sim mode, I think TFH would be the perfect game to bring that back. Also the story mode
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Shanty isn't on the list either
Literally all I want is a finished story. I don’t care if they write a book.
A final story mode with all the characters is a must, but importantly, they should be uniquely crafted to show how the character you are playing uses their skills to interact with the world.
Even more importantly, every character should have a boss battle you but only some that the character you are playing as can reasonably deal with while still being challenging. The whole, you beat characters once fair and square, then they get up and give themselves a slight advantage and if you beat them again, they get up and start going all out was really appealing to me. Especially because the way the use of their abilities in story mode does not translate into the actual game makes it more immersive, and you get to express the identities of the characters more in a fun way. It would also be interesting to see how some of the more honest characters, like Tianhou and Arizona, as well as some of the less honest characters, like Shanty or Pom.
Oh, and obviously, unique interactions between all the characters. I know we have some for them, but you’re telling me nobody has anything interesting to say to Baihe or Nidra bottom line, all characters should have at least one, maybe two unique interactions with every other character. Heck if they really wanted to be cool, give them a unique victory line based on who they beat and how maybe that would slow the pace of the game down, but it would still be cool characterization >>41639155
is important dang it even if it's small!!!
I was using the main cast, because if I add the DLC characters, the tier list would change radically
Stronghoof > Velvet
Fag detected
it's objectively true
I feel you could have the giraffe be some kind of footsie..actually I think they would be a perfect mix-up archtype
there's something about paprika specifically that makes you feel like you're fighting someone with 75 IQ and yet still getting your ass beat
It's the tard strength
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It's the bell curve where the retard thinks pressing random buttons is a good idea, the midwit thinks you have to be deliberate in everything, and the genius knows pressing random buttons is good.
she speen
Longma ball
Can't be mad at silly ass paprika
arizona stinks
>Arizona stinks

You forgot the last word.
Does Foenum has sentences enhancers? Like *dolphin cry* or *boat horn*?
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Paprika uses them almost exclusively
look, i'm not a zoophile, but
We spawned from a board of zoophiles so it’s okay.
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I mean is it really zoophiles if they can consent?
I don't think so. Having human level intelligence is a big separator in that regard.
No, at that point is Xenophilia.
but they aren't an alien
the xeno- prefix is in reference to the "foreign".
Xenophilia covers a wide range of whatever isn't human but is also sapient enough to hold a conversation and self-determine.
lets just call it feralphilia
feral implies a degree of uncivilized and unthinking behavior.
The creatures of Foenum are capable not only of complex thought but also multiple cultures and civilizational accomplishments. They are, for all intents and purposes, "people" and therefore xenophilia counts.
If all AZ could do was moo and look at you stupid, then it would be zoophilia.
the term feral in the furry community is around the body physiology, not their mind and intelligence
do I look like I care what furries think
we are furries
You are, probably.
Furries have been trying to smudge the line between themselves and xenophiles for years.
/xeno/ would call you a furry for posting our ungulates there you know
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Not me.
and they'd be wrong
but their thread is more concerned with actual ayylmaos than human men fucking anthropomorphic females.
Who gives a shit about what /xeno/ thinks?
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hmofa is furry
you are furry
ponies are furry
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and most of all

kemono is furry
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A furry wants to BE the dog/cat/whatever-person
A xenophile remains human.
Your assertion is invalid.
that's an otherkin.
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that is a furry.
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no, the actual real definition of a furry is simply: someone who enjoys anthropomorphic animals
you don't get to change the definition of words to make yourself feel better about jerking off to animals
that has never been the distinguishing characteristic for the ~30 year history of the term being widely used. JustinRPG is a furry, not a "based xenophile chad" because he self inserts as a human getting shit on by moltres. Doug Winger was a furry drawing skyscraper sized anthro futa dog dicks despite playing himself as a human on furrymuck.
your definition is nonsense and does not map to reality.
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>if all AZ could do was moo and look at you stupid
That IS all she can do
no dreams
no hope
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wow rude
Sounds like someone wants to get hooves to the face
I'm a furry and I don't want to be an animal. Where's your shitty argument now?
boop her
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Well, *pfft!* to you too, lady.
Shanty upsies
More like cross-upsies
the goat detected salt in your piss
Don't go there...
don't goat ere
do goat
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After some thought I have determined that Tianhuo has the best butt out of all the gals. Since she's part horse her butt would still be nicely horse shaped and unlike Oleander she does a lot of physical training and would be toned as a result.
Too bad scales aren’t as soft as fur or fleece.
anon stop coping please
Stop coping about what
we know Paprika wins that
Not as soft sure but smooth scales are nicer when wet or oiled up
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Dude, did you seriously just do longmawings? Not cool.
Most enthusiastic paca fan
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>Tfw no Cashmere wife to visit every day at her stall
>No hearing about all her different customers, some from far off lands, after she gets home from her job
Comfy sales deer
she's comfy because she knows she overcharged you specifically for that hat
Where else am I going to buy a whimsical hat in Reine? Is there a secret underground hat trade that I'm unaware of?
Yeah there's a red light district.
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I'm mirin, hard
Trading bodily fluids is different than trading hats
Why is she so FAT?
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don't pick on my waif pls
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I miss the soul
danger noodle
she is a doodle
She could totally eat her own boogers with her tongue alone
I doubt Velvet would be littler than a little pony
God I wish that were me
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Stronghoof's strong hoofsies...
Stronghoofs strong hoofjobs...
Would you buy Cap n’ Cash’s hats if you learned their stock was made from recycled shedded antler velvet?
Anon you're supposed to say something that's NOT appealing

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