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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Resource Bin:
https://ponepaste.org/9401 (really needs updated, bug me about this later)

Tempo Music Archive:

Drawing Room:

Previous thread:

Current /bale/ thread: (a great place to learn/practice drawing)

PPP thread for all your AI-generated voice needs:
Work on your project, anons
Procrastination makes mares sad
>(really needs updated, bug me about this later)
Are there any plans to fix the pastebin link for FL Studio 20.8? I'm thinking of upgrading from FL 12.

Any idea on how to improve the ponies in here?
Make a new OP without this and I'll consider posting art here.
Come on, it's a fun art, make something better!
we both know you don't draw, Anon. That's too much work for you.
Source or proof?
>Make something better
Not hard to do considering this pic is as ugly as a s9 face.
We're waiting, Anon.
Did I stutter? I'm not posting any art in this soulless rebrand until you make a real thread.
Actual artists don't throw autistic fits like this. You're probably just that retarded babfaggot trying to cause trouble again.
Cool story bro. Bare minimum effort of OP is an edit. /bale/ doesn't blatant shill garbage
nobody in this thread is creating nor posting. whats the point?
Any thread I post my work in instantly dies
t. last poster in previous thread
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trying to learn shading, pls help
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Checked & true. Look at the shill replies.
You are not allowed to dislike Tamers!
>nobody in this thread is creating nor posting
i will save create very soon
Fuck off or remove your flair.
When was the last time your posts have actually gotten deleted?
this is so weird. see how people feel about tamers i fealt about seans weird unfunny animations, with the off brand celestia and chrysalis. feels weird to be on the other side. tamers gets a little... weird. where the jokes about farting stop feeling like jokes, and more genuine fetish stuff disguised as jokes. but it's funny over all and has some serious work behind it. yes it's a bit abnoying to see the art all over the place, but that seems like more of a thing of mild jealousy other artists have. i know I'm jealous, but in a productive way. i want to make stuff that's loved both inside the fandom and out on such a level that they have. i want people stunner gooning to my little ponies.
anon pls stay on topic and don't prove the image right.
Gross, one of them leaked here.
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Was it a good use of a hundred bucks that I don’t really have? Time will tell. It will make pipes a lot easier!
neither of you anons are making anything. please present something.
so what started as me and a pone sperging about avenged sevenfold turned into me making the first ever m(are)talcore album, heres one all the edgelords will know:


i present to you Unholy Convention. will post moar if i get enough (You)s
Still waiting on some source of proof of your bullshit. So far you've just been speaking hallucinatory lies.
File deleted.
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

10/24/24 — 10/26/24: https://ponerpics.org/images/7089459
png: https://files.catbox.moe/3lrbhf.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/w6iw5y.psd

10/26/24 — 10/27/24: https://ponerpics.org/images/7090526
png: https://files.catbox.moe/xt7sa4.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/ols3d9.psd

Previous canvas: >>41578456

Cleared the /clop/ canvas

png: https://files.catbox.moe/jk6y0l.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/hst0pe.psd

Previous canvas: >>41566622
Those are some horsey bits right there in your image post. Yep.
Why is nothing ever easy
All I want to do is produce horse and theres all this math shit standing in my way
anon... what are you talking about?
math shit? like programming or what
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I have no idea what you're working on, Anon, and I'm legit intrigued.
Link to full please.
You're an accountant, Anon.
WHERE do you get the mares from?
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you don't get the mares,you have to make them.

it's on the OP go take a look
>I have no idea what you're working
Because I've not mentioned it beyond complaining that it's hard to do and taking forever.
I don't want to hype folks for something that might never happen, and more than that I'm still in the part where I have nothing to show after several months.
I finally have some time where I can sit and work on things. I just have too many ideas and plans and projects, shit's hard to manage in my little head. I think the day will end up making an overview, do some brainstorming and mindmapping.
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

png: https://files.catbox.moe/l6nfmn.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/96u1al.psd

Previous canvas: >>41590469
aw shit
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also that's a bit the goal of this thread, i mean, i made this thing not using anything but magma. so point of view software it's all in there, you can literally go and practice, there's always people to help and share tips.
i mean i found out bout that program three days ago and I can confirm it is very good.
It's like she's going to stab me with that pen. Please, teach me!
Caught, can I get a (Mare)
yet you come here to bitch, where you won't let us help? that's pretty fucking pointless
As an average, how much time do you spend on art?
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Yeah it is. Sorry about that. I have asked for a couple ideas when I'm too dumb to come up with something but the vast majority of it is gruntwork where all I can do is grumble while chipping away at it.
I don't think anyone would be able to help with the majority of it, it's just a lot.
I'm hoping to be able to share something by the end of the year at least.
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stop being retarded though and just say what it is? like do you think we expect you to actually finish? do you have any idea where you are anon?
It's a day of productivity, I can feel it.
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5-6 hours on this one max, gone like brushin, since it works well on it to dig into insane pixel scale details. It's really a progress from Aggie, which wasn't bad already for collabs and sketches.
>Hmrrr hrmrph bolorhim zum gorobyr...
okay I guess I have a bit of progress yet I can't show any screenshots
would you guys play a game where ponies are fucking b&nthro or what
I ripped off some royalty-free fantasy icons and chose a multiplayer capable engine, rehashed and fixed the outlines for days
if there are any artists I would appreciate a 32x32 pony + unicorn + pegasi icon in the artstyle of dungeon crawl stone soup
this is a genuine fucking endeavor
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>Trying to post the thread roundup
>Our system thinks your post is spam
I hate these new "Anti-spame measures"
I'd call you slurs in the thread and secretly try it out, but it depends.
Is it a porn game? Yeah I'd play it
Is it a regular game? Then no
multiplayer rpg, like mmo without the massive part
persistent world with player economy
There was a mare.
Not sure about the size, but you could see if any of these are close to what you want:

Maybe also try looking through https://derpibooru.org/tags/sprite+sheet

For some reason I thought DCSS had horses at some point, but I can't find any in the git history
>nightmare night
>pumpkin carver anon is nowhere to be seen
it's over
File deleted.
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

png: https://files.catbox.moe/yxursv.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/tc08tr.psd

Previous canvas: >>41594868
kek wasn't even me who posted it that time. who's the fucking schizo now YOU FOOL
I scanned the entire opengameart for pony icons already and saw these, maybe the first one could work considering I need only 1 direction
didn't know derpibooru had spritesheets, thx
bro just gives zero fucks about clop
chad indeed
Well, as long as no one reports it it'll be fine. I don't think jannies actively patrol these threads
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Lots of lewd but
is this proper guitar form, fingering and plucking or do i look like a jackass?
Yeah it is a bit unusual to fingerpick an electric guitar. So there's that. Your fingering hand looks like it's kind of dangling off the edge of the fretboard at an angle, likely because you started only using only the first two fingers, for some reason. Try to get that lined up more and use all the fingers. I don't even know how you managed to curl up your pinky like that. You want your fingers to be roughly over the frets and not extended like your middle finger is so that you're ready to immediately plant them when you go to play a note, so your finger doesn't have to travel far to get there. Also it's difficult to tell at this angle but it looks like your elbow might be tucked in, try to relax it and extend it a bit
Oh, and for the fingerpicking hand, if you're going to do that, try to alternate between the thumb and first finger or two instead of just using all thumb. You can probably find guides online about how exactly that works
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I hope you nerds like cider. Just gotta give it yeast today.
bump :(
I couldn’t find a better thread to dump this. The best one finally dropped.

based cider maker
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Fortified with more sugar, so I can get more of an apple wine. A little experiment.
A idea has rounded my mind since a while is to make a series of review of every movie, cartoon, show and comic of MLP but not just FiM but the entire franchise since the very beggining. The idea is to cover every little detail in the plot, animation, voice acting, production and more in every single episode or part giving as a result an almost hour video. My main problem is being a dirty ESL and not counting with a professional microphone.
hop on the drawing board / magma thing when you have time, i'll try to be on it that week, so if you have a good tablet, that's all you need.
I knew something was missing
Hey, I have that same press!
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It's like a very generic one around here. I'm not super happy with how the thread seems to grind and gunk with metal, juice and pulp, when you're really giving it all. Next year I'll get a workshop press and see how that can work out
I just need to mention it again but /bale/ /create/ amd other drawing rooms are an amazing space, everyone should get in.
did AZGchip fucking die? haven't seen him post in a while.
based. thought about making a brewing thread months ago but never got around to it. love making pony themed beverages
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I just need to get off ass and make some labels. 2022 and 2023 brews are still in naked bottles.

It's all just apples in my own garden i am experimenting with. This time, since the yeast I use states that it can survive up to 17.5% abv, I have mixed in sugar enough for 18%. I have yet to see it bubble, which makes me a little nervous, but last year's brew also took a bit of time to get active and i have this batch considerably sweeter, having added about 3 kilo of white sugar, so it's gonna be an even slower start. 1140 on the hydrometer. It'll be fine. I just have to be patient and not think about it.
Excuse my rambling.
Did shydale really make that on the aggie or did he just copypaste?
And then I double posted my image. Yay me being an idiot.
You ever just feel you've min-maxed drawing ponies leaving you effectively stupid on how to draw anything else?
Tamers12345 totally stole my idea. Here's an idea I had for how to make Trixie's appearance both competent and a fraud at the same time and how not to associate the bear major episode with Trixiee.

and the reward for the least transgender user here goes to. ohh not you
What on earth are you with a dictionary?
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i made resin art of Flawless Sparklemoon
Do you just hang it on a wall or what?
it's for hanging on a wall or window. it's got holes to tie a string to hang it with
Amazing work Anon!
Send it to Tamers
eww psyop trash
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG

png: https://files.catbox.moe/2bzrxm.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/bsu1hf.psd

Previous canvas:>>41603173
What kind of stitch should I use for plushie making?
Try harder shadows and use smudge/fingertip tool on the creases.
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Organic content does not need astroturfing.
self check

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