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>>41589925 Previous thread
Welcome to the conclusion of the 2024 Princess /mlp/ pageant, where your favorite ladies from across all aspects of the franchise be it canon, fandom, or memery were judged and selected for who is most deserving of being crowned board royalty

Once again, a round of applause for this year's Miss /mlp/ 2024, the premiere background pony we've all adored and looked out for since the start, that cutest and klutziest of cross-eyed mailmares, Derpy Hooves! Along with our lovely runner-up for 2024, the awe-inspiring magician Trixie Lulamoon, Marble Pie on her impressive 3rd place win, Nurse Redheart for 4th, and all our wonderful winners in the Mini-Brackets and Royal Round Robin, this thread will definitely serve as the final one for this year to give us all one last chance to celebrate Derpy and all our lovely contestants.

The Post-Pageant Questionnaire is still ongoing if you would like to offer any feedback, commentary, or suggestions to Miss /mlp/ pageants, as well as voting on a few exhibition match-ups featuring Derpy going up against previous Miss /mlp/'s to see how she measures up to her predecessors. I will release the results of the questionnaire the day after tomorrow, or as the thread hits 500 posts, whichever comes first. Otherwise, feel free to chat about our muffin-loving princess of the board, any of your favorite mares to have competed this year, or the tournament itself as we wind down and start the wait for another year of pageantry.

Post-Pageant Poll: https://forms.gle/UskUrngZby7N8kg76

And as always, thank you all for making this contest what it is
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Full results of Miss /mlp/ 2024
132. Matinee (3-way) (21.8%)
131. Zippers (3-way) (21.9%)
130. Fleetfoot (3-way) (25.6%)
129. Royal Guard Mare (28.1%)
128. Shimmy Shake (29.4%)
127. Apple Bloom (3-way) (29.7%)
126. Candy Apples (29.7%)
125. Cinder Glow (30.1%)
124. Dyx (3-way) (30.2%)
123. Little Pip (30.3%)
122. Carrot Bun (31.1%)
121. Mean Twilight (32%)
120. Pipp Petals (32.2%)
119. Sonata Dusk (32.5%)
118. Cloud Kicker (32.7%)
117. Moondancer (3-way) (32.9%)
116. Strawberry Sunrise (32.9%)
115. Numget (3-way) (33.2%)
114. Twinkleshine (33.7%)
113. March Gustysnows (33.7%)
112. Sea Swirl (34%)
111. Stellar Flare (34.6%)
110. Anon Filly (3-way) (34.6%)
109. Anon Mare (34.8%)
108. Jasmine Leaf (34.8%)
107. Sci-Twi (35.1%)
106. Aryanne Hoofler (35.2%)
105. Stickmare (36.3%)
104. Surprise (37.1%)
103. Inky Rose (37.7%)
102. Nasapone (38%)
101. Izzy Moonbow (38.1%)
100. Sunny Starscout (38.2%)
99. Nyx (38.3%)
98. Minuette (38.3%)
97. Rainbow Dash (Mentally Advanced) (38.6%)
96. Ms. Harshwhinny (38.9%)
95. Lighthoof (39.2%)
94. Snowdrop (39.3%)
93. Copper Top (39.3%)
92. Floor Bored (39.7%)
91. Little League (40.9%)
90. Tree Hugger (41.3%)
89. Wallflower Blush (42.1%)
88. Pinkamena Diane Pie (42.1%)
87. Dark Rainbow Dash (42.3%)
86. Terri Softmare (42.5%)
85. Somnambula (42.6%)
84. Star Dancer (43.5%)
83. Linky (44.3%)
82. Comfy Cuddles (44.4%)
81. Noi (44.7%)
80. Lily Valley (44.8%)
79. Daring Do (45%)
78. Cloudchaser (45.6%)
77. Fleur De Lis (45.7%)
76. Petunia Petals (45.9%)
75. Sweet Biscuit (46.2%)
74. Sugar Belle (47.1%)
73. Epona (47.1%)
72. Sweetie Belle (47.1%)
71. Junebug (47.3%)
70. Amethyst Star (47.4%)
69. Daybreaker (47.8%)
68. Fausticorn (48.1%)
67. Kerfuffle (48.3%)
66. Daisy (49%)
65. Screw Loose (49%)
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I just don't know what went right
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64. Lady Amalthea (30%)
63. Lotus Blossom (30%)
62. Echo (35.6%)
61. Morning Mimosa (38.1%)
60. Photo Finish (38.2%)
59. Coloratura (38.8%)
58. Cloudy Quartz (40.5%)
57. Raven Inkwell (40.9%)
56. Thursday (41.1%)
55. Tracy Cage (41.1%)
54. Vinyl Scratch (41.3%)
53. Nightmare Moon (41.8%)
52. Aloe (42.2%)
51. Fair Flyer (42.7%)
50. Cream Heart (43.2%)
49. Cherry Jubilee (43.5%)
48. Autumn Blaze (43.7%)
47. Milky Way (44.2%)
46. Lemon Hearts (44.2%)
45. Cozy Glow (45.4%)
44. Sonata (45.7%)
43. Starlight Glimmer (45.9%)
42. Carrot Top (46.4%)
41. Vapor Trail (47.5%)
40. Blossomforth (47.8%)
39. Maud Pie (48.2%)
38. Soiree (48.5%)
37. Sweetie Bot (48.7%)
36. Spitfire (49.2%)
35. Roseluck (49.3%)
34. Tempest Shadow / Fizzlepop Berrytwist (49.5%)
33. Princess Cadance (49.8%)
32. Flitter (34.6%)
31. Bon Bon (38.7%)
30. Silver Spoon (40.3%)
29. Lightning Dust (40.8%)
28. Zecora (43.2%)
27. Scootaloo (43.3%)
26. Coco Pommel (43.5%)
25. Diamond Tiara (43.8%)
24. Torque Wrench (44.2%)
23. Limestone Pie (45%)
22. Octavia Melody (46.1%)
21. Wheely Bopper (46.7%)
20. Sunset Shimmer (46.8%)
19. Lucky Roll (48.8%)
18. Berry Punch (49%)
17. Flawless Sparklemoon (49.2%)
16. Mayor Mare (32%)
15. Frosty Flakes (38%)
14. Windy Whistles (42.9%)
13. Cherry Berry (43%)
12. Rainbowshine (44.2%)
11. Pear Butter (45.3%)
10. Twilight Velvet (48.4%)
9. Princess Celestia (49%)
8. Queen Chrysalis
7. Rarity
6. Pinkie Pie
5. Cheerilee
4. Nurse Redheart
3. Marble Pie
2. Trixie Lulamoon
1. Derpy Hooves

Mini-Bracket Results
>Best Background Pony
Minuette (Runner-up: Roseluck)
>Best OC
Frosty Flakes (Runner-up: Milky Way)
>Best Villain
Trixie Lulamoon (Runner-up: Flawless Sparklemoon)
>Best Filly
Anon Filly (Runner-up: Apple Bloom)
>Best MILF
Twilight Velvet (Runner-up: Cream Heart)
>Best Sister
Sweetie Belle (Runner-up: Apple Bloom)
>Most Autistic
Anon Filly (Runner-up: Minty)
>Tastiest Hooves
Pinkie Pie (Runner-up: Candy Apples)

Royal Round Robin Full Results
1. Twilight Sparkle: 3 (Applejack, Verity, Rainbow Dash)
2. Princess Luna: 2 (Twilight Sparkle, Applejack)
3. Applejack: 2 (Verity, Rainbow Dash)
4. Rainbow Dash: 2 (Luna, Verity)
5. Verity: 1 (Luna)

Current Mini-Bracket Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jBkv-OSc3oPj-i7riaRP2s3Zvm69ezxJ0q4hXvV8kDE
Results of Qualifiers: https://forms.gle/XNrYrDwe1oXwf13q9
Results of Round of 128: https://forms.gle/2D3YXXmhqMVtk7a18
Results of Round of 64: https://forms.gle/9KCqx23rPotYmpUEA
Results of Round of 32: https://forms.gle/t75naEfBPGDDyVNn8
Results of Round of 16: https://forms.gle/UzFECaZanuioWnkm6
Results of Quarterfinals: https://forms.gle/SG9gw5PXox1qZfL66
Results of Semifinals: https://forms.gle/eJFfG5yzVRcEoR3H9
Results of Finals: https://forms.gle/WMw89FzCDXz7dh6y6
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First for Dashie
She's looking forward to finally getting to peg Derpy
Wonderful work, anon, Derpy would be proud
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go bubble butt
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i love my mare wife so much i came inside her!
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She got so close
Next time?
hopefully against rarity
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I will still cherish Trixie beating out Marble by 15 votes
just woke up, who's
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>Trixie (to hide the tears)
By this logic, either Celestia or Fluttershy is most likely to win next year then
Not dabbing, just merely happy that derpy finally won.
>able to do all four AT ONCE
my wife is so talented, other mares can compare
My only regret is that Derpy did not get a Rarity rematch to complete her run
Think we will have a thematically appropriate mr for Derpy, just like Twilight did last year?
Yes. This year's Mr. /mlp/ will be Trixie
David Tennant?
Depends what you mean on thematic
Like >>41591901 pointed out, Derpy's most popular fanon love interest is Doctor Whooves but I don't recall he usually gets that far in Mr.
on the other hand is a good pair for Derpy because they're both in 4cc, which /mlp/ has actually been good at again this year, even hosting the autumn cup which might even be taking place around the same time now that I think on it
its his year
>derpy chads, it's the best part about being one.
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Imagine the Rarity vs Derpy finals if that had happened...
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>Applejack -- Twilight
>Rainbow Dash -- Luna
>Verity -- Derpy
So, if the pattern remains, the next winners will be:
In this order. Feel free to cap
I tend to think we have thematic match-ups every year, not intentionally but the mindset is similar between the contests
>Applejack / Dan
Applejack is a very comfortable, well-liked pony that while not the main star of is a rep everyone could agree to, and Dan represents MLP's 'brother' show at the height of its popularity on the Hub. They work well together in remembering the good times the year the show ended for good.
>Rainbow Dash / Larson
2020 was a pretty memey year, with the election and covid everyone needed to laugh more than usual and I think that fits both Dash who I think caught a boost from 2020% cooler and IWTCIRD memes, and Larson of course is prime meme material and it's fitting that the guy who gave Twilight wings is paired with the main flying Mane 6
>Verity / 15
2021 was a year of taking pride in the board's accomplishments. Verity was a IRL filly the board saved through the Marenheit art pack the previous year, and 15 created the foundation of AI voices that while he's sadly not very active anymore I'm pretty sure formed an important foundation of where the AI is today
>Luna / Haggard
A dark year, not for any particular reason I can think of but Midna/Jack winning in Queen/King /v/ 2022 kind of lends itself to this, people wanted dark horses to win, literally in Luna's case and Haggard is as dark and foreboding a character as MLP adjacent could get.
>Twilight / Spike
The OG's, probably the most thematic pairing of the bunch but both Twilight's win was a long time coming and a actual show character was due to win Mr. sooner or later, and Spike is one of only a handful of male characters from the show who gets genuine focus and development.

For Derpy, I would place my bets on another character popular with fans or specifically made popular by fans, Whooves is a possibility but I could also see Red making it again since he went pretty far last time
If Trixie had won he'd absolutely have my support but he doesn't fit as a match for Derpy
I'm really glad Turnabout Storm has inexplicably picked up in popularity this year, it's one of my favorite (and longest) creations of this fandom.
People say Tamers gave Trixie a boost but honestly I think Turnabout Storm's renewed interest did even more
>Still no art just a recolored tracejob
My vote goes for Trrrrixie for Mr. /mlp/
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What about Soarin.
He likes pie.
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thats true but him interacting with derpy was great
im about to rewatch it a second time its amazing
elements of justice is good too but turnabout storm is one you can not miss
no matter how long someone has been in the fandom its a must watch
He will rig it for himself
I will vote >rape in a year where I hate the winner and want them to be raped. So probably when Trixie wins
>just cute mares hugging, no chest fur, no weeb shit, no futa
Why is this so rare?
Because you don't draw.
pick up a pen and be the change you want to see
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I made an Elite 8 image for this year
What do you think of the chosen quote for Derpy? I know the "I just don't know what went wrong" line is way more well known but I was worried if it was a little too 'Say the line, Bart!' for this. Plus i think the quote is meant to not only represent the winner but also be somewhat inspirational, and the chosen line I think does well to represent Derpy as wanting to be helpful and having good intentions, despite her clumsiness
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I think the quote should be this.
Also Derpy does have a boyfriend and she's always there to comfort him.
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>no hooves
>no chest fur
that's why: it sucks
My boy was so focused on horse-pussy he missed the qt 3.14 consoling him and showing interest in him all along. Then he missed his shot when she got swept off her feet by a REAL man.
But anon... we need our marecock to mancock pipeline! how are anons supposed to deal with their sex surgery?
Imagine losing to a disabled pony. Trixiefags cannot recover from this.

gg wp derpyfags
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Nice try, Flash never scored
Reminder that this pageant has always been an absolute JOKE. Twilight is the smartest, best, most beautiful, cutest, and most important pony in Equestria. Anyone who prefers any other pony over her has legitimate brain damage, and the fact that she ever lost proves that this competition is not based on merit but on pettiness and spite. In a REAL miss /mlp/ pageant, Twilight would have won 90-10 in the first year (the 10% being those with IQ < 70) and the pageant would have been cancelled afterwards because we all recognized there is no point competing with Her majesty. The fact it continues at all is pathetic cope.
Because you're a huge faggot who likes dykeshit, so everyone hates you for that
seconding this
Because it's stale.
Nigga can't cum unless he have a log inside his ass and a dildo sonding his penis
Flash pounded Sunset out before she was even on screen. Never forget how much of cucks EQGfags are, watching a show for their used goods waifu.
No lies detected.
KEK can you teach me your language? because you speak facts
In 2040, when enough oldfags have died of old age and enough newfags have taken over, Sunset finally wins Ms. /mlp/. To commemorate that, everyone decides to give her a fitting winner in Mr., the one man who was always right for her. Finally, after years of being overlooked, Ace Thruster will get his win!
the furthest Flash ever got with Sunset was letting him touch her boob out of pity on his birthday
no man is this fixated on a girl he dumped if he already went all the way with her
Do you really wanna get into cuckposting? Do you really need to remember about the epilogue? Do you really wanna talk about how that? Do you really wanna talk about how you watched your waifu get fucked in your face and you clapped?
Sunset pussy game is addicting man, the poor boy got a dose of mare pussy and he aint coming back to human girls anymore
That won't work man, There's not that many male characters that are ellegible for Mr. /mlp/, he will eventually win one before any of the EQG girls (unless you count the mane 6 counterparts as being the same character)
Post Sunset Flash was emasculated and retconned in the same way that Hitch was attached to a goblin parasite.
Twilight lost to Trixie once in 2021 you know
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Post your favorite Derpy video for /ourgirl/
the weak should fear the strong
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Do you really want to admit the epilogue is canon?
>Your waifu
>Your face
Swing and a miss.
But you did, FiM last episode cucks everyone, to deny that is to enter in the same fantasyland where you came to call EQG a cuck show
2025 will be Celestia's year.
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Trips confirm. Praise the sun!
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Sure bud.
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Do you have the stats WHEN most of the votes were cast each round? Was it right as the poll opened? Or spread evenly thought the day?
I wanna figure out does the shitposting in the thread actually change anything.
I remember liking this person voicing her back in my early brony days.
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If you change your vote for which pony you like best because of what some faggot in a thread says your vote shouldn't count anyway
I changed my vote over the marecock spamming. And I'm not sorry
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But all the finalists had marecocks.
I just not noticed.... Trixie is a four time Elite Eight Member.
kek it would be fun it trixie was cursed to never win but every single time become one of the finalsts
>Trixie as the gatekeeper to the trophy
Sorry that's for Eggman only.
Requesting art of Eggman telling Trixie it's okay at least she had not lost over 15 times.
Yes, each vote comes with a timestamp that lets me know when it was cast. I will try and see if I can get a working graph in Excel for visually demonstrating how the votes typically come in, but in general it's very front loaded. The first hour alone will account for ~100 votes on average. After eight hours, more than half the votes will have already been cast. The last 2/3's of the day is a slower trickle with the remaining half of the votes coming in a bit more evenly paced, generally slowing down as it goes with a small surge at the very end, presumably as the thread builds up in activity and people who forgot to cast their ballots earlier scramble to do so with the last 30 in the final 1-2 hours.
According to the wiki, Eggman has been in 10 main tournaments but including the side tournies and proxies (such as Waltus for /an/ and Mama Robotnik for Ms /co/) he's been in almost 30.
The best part of this? No trixie in the next year
Yeah 2nd-4th place is quite the cucking
You still lose but also you don't get to participate next year
I say let them compete next year and see how it goes.
>I will try and see if I can get a working graph in Excel
Ok. But if you can't, can you export JUST the timestamp column.
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/mlp/ has surprisingly good taste in mares, all things considered
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I was able to get a simple graph going, showing how many votes have come in by each hour (note, this is including ALL the votes, even the 36 that were removed for failing verification)
There is the opening flood of votes I mentioned, as you see it jump up to almost 100 by the first hour, but from there it looks like a fairly average pace of votes coming in through the rest of the day. It appears to pick up slightly in the morning for US hours and then I can also see the slight jump during the final hour.
You can see when the Russian derpy fag went live and gave out the answers in that chart.
i wish i could go 12 years back in time and tell my idiot teenage self to stop crying because derpy can never be taken away from us

im so proud of muffinhorse
Crying over pony? Mare schizo moment.
Woke shit will never win
either a trans icon in the fandom or a faggot in Tamers universe
Not crying over pony? Heartless moment.
They already won if your willing let them take a shows character and make it into their icon.
>either a trans icon
Good thing there's no such character in mlp.

Oh but wait, let me guess, you're now going to be angry with me for NOT wanting trixie to be a trans character, because for some reason you actually want her to be one.
You just really really want trixie to be a trans character, don't you? I'm so tired of people like you, you literally can't shut the fuck up about the things you hate even when you're among people who also don't care for those things.
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>Good thing there's no such character in mlp.
From the episode that trannies hate? An episode that treated this as a joke?
Don't engage with the big mac retarded, those people will ruin pony then move on to the next thing. you are based
I agree it kind of sucks for more minor characters like Redheart or Marble, but I do like it for objectively popular main characters like Mane 6 or Princesses that would probably roll through next year's competition otherwise if not made to wait. It's a rough trade off to make lesser known characters benched but worth it IMO if it means super obvious characters don't win every year
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like the other anon said a thread or two ago, it literally doesn't matter if she is trans or not because all it takes is one magical fart from a strong enough unicorn and congratz you're now a biological mare

both roads lead to the exact same trixie and the only difference is that one of them vaguely remembers what being a stallion was like
Someone take this fraud flag away. golly don't deserve this shame
I say fuck off. Not having that noise is the only upside to this shitty final.
>doesn't matter if she is trans
So this is what rigging looks like. Just a constant stream of votes up until the very end.
Need some Kleenix for those tears?
on the flip side: what happens when only minor characters are left to make it to the top 4?
Half the Mane 6 and Princesses and now Derpy have won, there's only Ponk/Fluttershy/Rarity/Celestia as 'major' characters left, will we still really need this rule if the Top 4 consisted of, I don't know, Lyra+Octavia+Redheart+Marble?
>Yes goy, vote rate always looks like a linear botted graph
Redheart and Marble are objectively popular characters on /mlp/, you fags can't get enough of them for whatever reason. I'm looking forward to not having to vote them out next year.
Look at the graph carefully. It's not votes per hour, it's votes over time. Yes, the overall number of votes increases over time!! Wow!!!
Every character I don't like is trans.
dressing in drag to compete in a female-only competition is an old fucking trope and trannies hate it because it reminds us all that they're doing the exact same thing except real and not comedy
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Derpy's ass solos the strongest setting you can think of
can she beat goatku?
Superman: powdered
Goatku: pulverized
Saitama: crushed
Popeye: flattened
This is true. Surprise surprise, the three characters I dislike the most are Trixie, Starlight, and Sunset, and their fags will propagate to no end, "hey look Lauren said this!" or other cringe headcanon that a mare wishes she were anything other than what she is.
Posts like this should result in a ban no questions asked.
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sorry tranny, the jannies aren't your personal army
Why are you posting trannies, trixiehaterschizo?
those mares have the worst fans, that's why i dont engage with most trixie fags
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Derpy would CHOKE the fuck out of DIAPERku
Derpy fags talking and posting anime instead of her. I would be lying to say this surprises me.
Oh no, here it goes again.
I shid my pants.
the strong don't need to show their strengh all the time. only the weak do that
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