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Are you ready for no pony november?

Go to Derpibooru and add:
-griffon AND -hippogriff
to your complex filters.

Going griffon only for even just one month has enormous health and social benefits. Trust me. Can YOU complete the no pony november challange?
yes, creatures only
honey wake up, they found a way to make nnn even more jewish
Bronze tier: only jerk off to creatuers
Silver tier: Filter out ponies, only post creatures
Gold tier: Filter our non-griffons, only post/jerk off ot griffons
These threads are so fucking stupid but they always make me pop the hardest boner imaginable, thinking of ponies being transformed into arrogant griffins.
Go one step further and only allow griff versions of ponies.
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The griffon filter should already have this covered, but yes. If you have a waifu you should 100% commit to only looking at her griffon version for the next month.

Griffons have that effect on people. You could always filter out non-griffonized versions of your favorite ponies and commit to only posting their griffon selves for as long as possible. Then it's like she's been transformed into a griffon!
Store up that griffon energy.
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>Go to Derpibooru
opinion immediately discarded
Creature November let's go
What kinda of CREATURED propaganda is this?
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Dawg, last year I gave up ponies for griffons and by day 30 I had so much more energy, girls were talking to me at the store, I felt so much smarter!
Then I posted a pony in December and lost all my #griffongains LOL
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>What kinda of CREATURED prop- MMMPHH
Kek, how would be the name of the griffon equivalent of CREATURED?
Who would you?
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Another griffon thread? Splendid
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How would be the human equivalent to those?
>Luna visits Celestia's dreams and sees this
>Starts having Griffin dreams of her own
How about 'hell no'?
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>Make sure everypony's first wet dream involves griffons from then on.

Reminder that pony x griffon always results in a hippogriff. griffon x anything = new type of griffon.
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It's a challenge anon. You gotta. Just one week griffons only.
You wouldn't a faggy bird boy.
I want to hold his body.
What's my reward? Do I get to become a griffon at the end?
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AND you get a voucher to perminently turn one other person of your choosing into a griffon too.
I'd rather use the voucher to turn Twilight into a griffin. She'll figure out a way to make the rest of Ponyville follow suit.
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It's you and a voucher for one other person so you and Twilight could be a griffon couple afterwards. Twilight would be a great Griffon GF.

But yeah, she'd be a high value choice for griffonization.
I want to fuck smolder til she faints,same for the nu-changeling and silverstream
Twilight wouldn't be my griffon gf, she's just the best choice because she'd turn more ponies into griffons. My griffon gf would be Dash, she's halway to becoming a griffon already.
Not happening. Turkeys will never beat equine perfection.
This and also Gallus
>no pony november
we're executing you by firing squad and trapping your soul in an eternal crystal prison where you will be subjected to the constant sensation of being flayed alive forever and ever in 2 days.
Gotta be real, tho.
Gabby is probably the only griffon I would boink.
I would sure as hell boink Silverstream though.
What so you wanna do with gallus?

She is too adorable not to bonk
Why are griffons hotter than those stinky horses
Is silverstream legal to boink?
>What so you wanna do with gallus?
Nail his tight bluebird ass so hard he can't walk straight for a walk
Yes and it's your duty to cum inside her

They have better attitudes
Ah, so much happier now
That guy is a lazy bum
All griffons would
Hey, if there's grass on the field, play ball.
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But anon, they're always covered in fur.
Why is she posing like that?
Fat chicken-cat
Whats her name?
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I absolutely would.
Honestly I want to suck his teen gryph cock and let him have his first time in my ass.
That's not a griff
What makes griffon gfs better than mares
The reason Griffonstone is so isolated from Equestria is because griffons are... somewhat contagious. When a pony spends a lot of time around one, they feel envious. Not jealous; they don't resent the griffon for the confidence and power in that feline-avian frame, but more themselves for failing to aspire to such heights. Look to Rainbow Dash, who grew up a close friend to Gilda, and how assertive she is... as well as how she sought to be turned into a griffon, though turned down.
If Twilight had fulfilled her wish, allowing her to shed her pony body for a griffon one, this effect would have spread. The Elements would be first from proximity, justifying it to themselves one way or another: claws are more dextrous, a larger frame is stronger, better eyesight is helpful. But under it all, they realize: they feel better as a griffon.
There are downsides: most strongly, griffons are harder to lead. This is foremost why Celestia keeps pony-griffon contact relatively low; ponies must be ponies to be harmoniously led (and, to her own sacrifice, she must remain a pony, herself, to continue to lead them). While allowing or encouraging ponies to become griffons would let her and her sister finally bear their own paws and talons, it would come at the cost of court and legislature being drastically harder to handle.
Yet, sometimes, in the privacy of dreams, the sisters let out a triumphant caw and look over an idealized citizenry bearing leonine tails and proud beaks, in a similar form to their own.
rubbable bellies
the paws
remove the beans first
Their fuzziness
Do griffons have snowpities like mares?
They have 2
Where are they
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Remove yourself
I love beans
Beans are gross. Chestfluff or talons are better
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chestfluff + talons + beans
Gilda is going to be mad
Celestia didn't expect that when she went on a diplomatic mission to Griffonstone that she would end up with her head in the middle of two griffon asses. She expected even less that when those two lionesses stopped torturing her she was a normal griffon just like them. Least of all did she expect to see Princess Celestia leave Griffonstone while telling the new queen that next time she visited she would bring along her sister.
Turning Luna's head all feathery and bird-brained, mind settling into Griff thoughts
That's trouble
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She cast the make-me-better spell
I want my head between two griffon asses....
How did Celestia even get put into that position by two normal griffins? She probably played along because it was her fantasy and didn't know she would end up having her identity stolen.
I think poochie would look better if her beak and talons were light purple instead of green-ish
saving ggf thread
But I like spearmint flavor
Survival of the fittest
I never see a Luna Griff
Nobody cares about your gay retard drama
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Grumpy griff!
Post mares turned into griffons
It's a good idea
You first
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Dont let her stinky butt sit on your face
Bird brain
>Verification not required
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thats not a female griffon
>Griffoness qt
I love Gilda.
nta but does it have to?
>Go to Derpibooru
Haha, NO. No, I will not.
Dont you mean everycreature?
But does Gilda loves you back?
I think so
Bad Yaktors
Griff it up
I'll take a griffonized AJ
And a griffonized Fluttershy
Saving ggf
griffon enjoyers wake up
I'm awake
And I thank you for that
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So did anyone actually take the challange and use the griffon-only filter
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You have a button that will perminantly replace your favorite pony with a griffon. Every picture of her will be griffonized, she'll be a griffon in the show, in every fanfic, etc.
Would you be tempted to press the button? And if you would what does that really say about you?
I'd press it immediately just for the chaos
I only watch griffons pictures
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New challengers have appeared
On a serious note, switching up what you jack off too can have some pretty beneficial effects on your sex drive and enjoyment. Whether that's changing what fetish you fantasize to, or what kind of creatures are in your fantasies, it can really help stave off the kind of "orgasm dopamine tolerance" you develop when you repeatedly masturbate to the same thing over and over again.
My advice is to try a sort of "fetish crop rotation" method. Jerk off to only one thing for a period of time, then once you start getting a bit bored of it, completely switch to a new fetish and masturbate to that for a while. Then either switch completely back to the first thing, or move to a third thing before circling back. It can be really satisfying, especially when you realize you can actually restore your arousal for pretty vanilla fetishes you'd thought that you'd grown completely apathetic to.
I want to hug Kirin Twilight, so unbelievably cute and fluffy
Pinkie should have a bigger mane
Rarispider was in the IDW odyssey parody
Rarigriff works so well
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Imagine if those gals were barbed...
I did not
Well I did.
And how did that go?
Oh no
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I came here for alternate species mane6
Very difficult, honesty
I thought the minuses meant those things wouldn't appear?
A minus hides the term
-Fluttershy means anything tagged with Fluttershy won't appear
Is it gay to?
If you filter something with a - tag it means anything without that won't appear

Complex filter out -griffon means you filter anything without griffons.
Good to know
I understand
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Real life Griffas
And princesses at that
Why is it wearing underpants
No diamond dogs?
what are your thoughts on hippogriffs?
The duality of man
I like all of them besides Queen Novo
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Why the spear
The good kind
Should be -pony
I can sympathize

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