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This big mare walks up to you and says she sees potential. She says you’re going to train day and night to be a worthy husband for her and that you will bless her with foals who can chew stone and punch tree trunks into woodchips. She also says your pelvis won’t survive the ordeal.
sorry, I'm married
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>tfw she does this to you
Any news from the green writers of the last thread? They and the drawfriend did good.
I want my foals to be able to chew stone.
Imagine her passing gas
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>who can chew stone and punch tree trunks
Good thing healing magic exists in Equestria.
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Stella chads we're back at it again.
"What if I say no?"
Die in a fire.
Then you get snu-snu'd
I love the way you draw this mare
It's nice to see Steela finally getting some more attention. She's criminally underrated.
Big strong mares.
Goo is that you
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Oh my-y-y-y-y...
Okay, but what does she look like when she's not trying to appear unhinged?
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Steela is a WARRIOR!
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Would you go on adventures in Tamriel with her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5sTI_zBg40
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For sure. Someone must keep her safe.
These drawings are pure gold.
imagine her in heat
Your bones would be in peril.
Is she a good cook though
I want her to crush my head under her plot while getting a mustache ride...
Serious question. Would big mare be disappointed by my proportionally smaller penis (due to our physical size difference)? How to overcome this and ensure that big mare gets the pleasure from lovemaking that she deserves and that I want to give her?
I don't think the size of one's body is generally an indicator of the size of one's genitals. A big mare's horsepussy is probably roughly the same size as that of a regular sized mare, so if your size is good enough for one then it should be good enough for the other. If you're still concerned, you can surely please her with your tongue.
>She says you’re going to train day and night
Fuck that. Not worth the effort. I'll find another mare.
>he wants a mare, but he's unwilling to be the best he can be for her
What a weak display.
Mares can see into your heart she wouldn’t even approach you. None of them would.
She'd certainly be experienced. Her access to ingredients is probably limited in ancient Equestria though.
And that makes her awesome.
Big mare bump.
Alot of our hearts look will look like nuclear reactors on the verge of meltdown.
Probably. That doesn't mean they're beyond saving yet though.
As long as you aren't evil or a complete fucking faggot theyll give you a chance. They gave a demented chaos abomination a chance.
>They gave a demented chaos abomination a chance.
Several, even.
You just need to get creative, such as, using a different part your body as a substitute
It won’t be hard since, big mare means bigger “everything”
Does she have teats of steel?
>she keeps bucking your balls because she wants her foals to be battle hardened before they're even conceived
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Imagine watching her feed your foals with her rich, nutrient dense milk.
Where is this from!?
Me need sauce!
A dream come true.
Unironically. This thread was a gold mine.
God, I wish that were me.
You had to be at least decent back in the day. And porridge is easy to make
I have been procrastinating a bit due to stuff with changing the type of my work contract from mandate to a regular employment and I had a lot of paperwork to deal with but I haven't forgotten.
Thanks for the heads up. And please don't feel rushed.
Imagine the warmth
Smothering in a good kind of way.
She'd be a great snuggler
>Even her hugs are a workout
I can imagine that.
Making you sterile before you can make foals doesn't sound like the master plan you think it is.
The snuggles are a pre workout
Even better.
Big butt
I want to have a nice meal together with her.
I'll bring the wine.
Well toned and muscular.
Me on the left
Me on the right.
Me still on the mare.
Me already ground to dust.
It's the right way to go.
>this big mare walks up to you and slaps your ass
What does your waifu do?
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... I'm evacuating
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Big Mare Lovers:
(You) must choose:
Steela Oresdotter?
Or Nordpone?
Steela. Not just because I began writing a greentext about her but also because she is cute.
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>"Cute? What is cute?"
You realize that even sitting like this, Nordpone is still eye-to-eye with you.
She probably weighs 1000lb
Sacking Canterlot in 410AD with a horde of barbarian earthmares
Don't you mean Cantertrot?
>mares so big they can pin you to the ground and have their way with you
>she doesn't hurt you, but she puts just enough pressure on you to remind you that she's in charge
Steela commands enough authority without it. The leader of the Mighty Helm tends to do that.
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So a mare basically does this?
Nordpone is cute too. They're both precious.
They have the weight and the strength, and if you read the RGRE greens, yes. They do that quite a bit.
What's up with the breezie up there?
Haha! Fatty-
I am being kidnapped!
Yeah it's true. Gingers are cute.
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Part of the criminal gang Nordpone fought to rescue Anon.
Only the pone ones.
Wait, we have breezies posting on the board?
You know the rules. Post hooves.
But why did Nordmare take this one but ditched the rest? The headband mare looks hotter to me. Or the little one fought braver than the others?
"I don't care. There is nothing you could possibly teach me, that I haven't already learned from my waifu"
She’s the gang leader.
Steela isn't irradiated though.
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She looks like she needs a hug.
She's a mighty mare but that doesn't mean there isn't some weight in her heart.
A heart of gold is heavy, after all.
Jesus. I imagine her voice is more masculine than that of almost every stallion.This is a mare, right?
>>41642137 it is a mare, a battle mare
her creater, Phoenix_Dragon, commented on her voice:

"The huge, heavily armored mare is deep, gravely, and powerful. I'm coming up blank on people or characters to compare her to. She sounds huge. And probably very unfriendly, too. The perfect voice for her would probably be pretty hard to find a voice actor for, I imagine. I'm not sure how you'd end up with such a naturally deep female voice. If Sickle were a human, she'd be on-par with some of the biggest strongmen (Not women) in the world, and she sounds it. Heck, she might need a male voice actor, and even then she'd be pretty far on the deep end“.
Yeah, that mare wears the pants.
Also checked.
stay up need to update Nine green
Thank you for your service.
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Ya fucked it up ya dingus.
I couldn't even be mad if she accidentally did that to me.
>the green covering Anons entire body is actually hair
Is Anon the Grinch?
you don't have green hair?!
>Just'd the mare
Why though?
>"Y'know, I have a beauty waiting for me back at the village. If we ever make it back. Well dressed, smells nice. Almost as tall as you."
>Steela makes a dead stop and swings around to Nordpone.
>>"Anonymous? You're with Anon of-bucking-Earth?"
>Nordpone blushes in embarrassment.
>"W-well not yet. But I see the way he looks at me!"
>>"How does he look at you? Like he's going to flee if you keep staring at him?"
>"You do know him!"
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>Anonymous and Anonymous looked at the two arguing mares.
>"Big mare?"
>"Big mare." Nodded the other one.
>And that's how they became fast friends
The best outcome.
based, I can't wait
The only outcome
Green isn't his color.
Upping the big mares.
This specific rgre Anon? He is.
Is there green?
sickle was fucking awesome in that story, probably the best part of it when you get to know her
she was always described as a towering scarred mountain of mare and armor plating
cool to see her here with how obscure she kinda feels like
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This is fine.
This is not fine.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
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Fuck off
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Would you a G% mare if she was huge?
As always dogniggers can only shit up unrelated threads.
Living in any iteration of G5 sounds like hell. It's like an afterthought of something that was great once but has fallen far from glory and will never be able to regain even a fraction of its beauty ever again.
I know it may be controversial but Izzy is pretty cute.
You've never actually watched any of it, have you?
You're just recycling the cool kids' opinions.
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I lost interest after five minutes of the movie.
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A more appropriate tune for this lot:
> https://youtu.be/1XOrotJo3H4
I don't see the issue. The pipes are a cool instrument.
That was my page 8 boom this morning.
Fair. So like mine now.
(bump general)
Where is the green anon?
It’s up me fuckin sphincter.
That's pretty counter productive.
This guy loves to live dangerously.
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Love me big mares.
Steela is precious.
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Me tongue...
Steela is truly the best.
God, she's hot.
I wanna treat her scars.
Still holding out for
giant rump bump
Doing my part.
Looks like it isn't happening any time soon.
I am actually writing

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