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I love her so much
Would keep well-fed with all her favorite foods
It's important to keep your mare well fed. Maybe even overfed to help with warmth in the cold season.
I recognize that art style.
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What fare would you prepare to care for your mare?
Obesity isn't attractive
Pudgy Unicorns...
>Heart eyes
I guess I can kiss my pelvis goodbye
Chicken tendies
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Impressive, very cute.
HOWEVER, consider the following: Dashie tumby!
I want to lick a sweaty pony so bad
https://files.catbox.moe/3lnro6.png I tried
Sweet Celestia she's big. I love her thank you based Drawfren!
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I'm not a feeder by any means, but nothing excites me like the idea of feeding twilight just a little bit extra. Not enough that she becomes obese, but just enought that she gets noticably rounder about the hind area. She would be embarrassed that she was getting larger than other mares. I love being a twifag
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fat fuck
awww that's so cute, thank you based drawfren!
part of me wishes I had a plushie to cuddle like that, one with a bit extra belly. That'd probably come out looking pretty weird though, and I don't think I've ever seen a chubby ls plush (besides meme ones)
>*pat pat pat pat pat pat pat*
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the funny aaathebat guy
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same, need more (tastefully!) thicc sweaty ponies to lick...
thanks for all the continued draws friend! very based
yeah maybe should avoid using specific words. I hope the guy who wanted to write green today can find this thread
...nevermind I guess no fun allowed. Things were going fine, we're still getting along
Very cute tummies! Thank you for these draws again!
>she's sitting ponut-on-valve
>sitting on valve
>air up rumpa
>Dashie's belly becomes the yoga ball
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I wanna hug her big chubby body
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>Hating cute chubby mares
These tourists are getting out of hand
Lose some fucking weight, how do you expect to fly in the wonderbolts?
I wonder if he comes here.
he does
The gurgling sounds of lots of hayburgers digesting in that fat pony gut.
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I'm not surprised, that artist has kind of been blowing up recently
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POV: you're a hayburger
wtf how drawing talk???
hmmm that's an edit anyone could do though, prove it's you by making her wink and stick her tongue out at me
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(not the original artist posting to be clear)
Imagine how much air fits into a chubby plump purple pony.
>You hand the vial to Twilight, who drinks the whole thing in one quick gulp
>The long-lost (or so thought) potion was one created to allow one pony to consume another without any negative repercussions for either party
>Unpleasant things like discomfort or pain or death
>You give her chubby belly one last rub and then scoop her up and carry her to the kitchen
>It would take a while for the effects of the potion to kick in, and you had some preparation to do anyway
>You set her down on a chair at the table and start searching
>You've been thinking about this night for a while, and you had some some plans to help things go... smoother
"Alright Twilight, what'll it be, coconut oil or honey butter?"
>She blinks and stares at you
>"Uh... what do you mean?"
"Just a little something to help your meal... go down a bit easier~"
>A look of realization comes across her face, which quickly settles into a smug grin
>"Will my meal taste so bad I'll need honey butter to cover up the flavor?"
>You throw a towel over your forearm, stand up straight, and put on your best goofy fake french accent
"Why of course not madame, I assure you we use only the finest ingredients here. Ethically sourced, free range, organic, and very, very expensive."
>That gets a chuckle out of her, and a little eyebrow raise
>"Oh, is that so?"
"Yes, madame, but not to worry, your wonderful husband has agreed to... how you say, foot ze bill."
>Twilight is doing everything she can to hold back a laugh
>"And just how much is this going to cost him?"
"Oh, an arm and a leg... and another arm... and another leg... and ze rest of him too."
>Twilight bursts into laughter, leaning onto the table for support
>You crack too
>You share a moment of lighthearted goofy laughter
>It helped melt a bit of the nervousness and tension in the room
>You were both very excited for what was coming, of course, but this was still very new for both of you
>The laughter lets up and Twilight's smug smile returns
>This time it's the "idea face"
>"I think I'm having a hard time deciding, waiter. Could I possibly try a sample?~"
>Your heart rate picks up and your face goes beet red
>This mare sure knows how to press your buttons
"O-of course, madame, right away"
>You lost the accent and gained a stutter
>You head over to the counter where you left the "lubrication" and coat your left hand in coconut oil and your right hand in honey butter
>You make a bit of a mess in the process, but you're too excited to worry about cleaning it up right now
>As you turn around and head back to the table your heart drops
>The potion had some side effects included, most of them to aid in the process
>One of them was that she would get slightly bigger
>The book wasn't exact on how big she'd get, and you didn't think it'd be too big of a deal
>Even now, it's a subtle difference, but you're surprised by how much it's... affecting you
>She's about one or two feet taller now, if you were standing together she'd probably come up to your shoulders now instead of your ribs
>Even though it wasn't that much of a difference in height, the difference in mass everywhere was noticeable
>She looked... nice... this big...
>Twilight's taken notice of how distracted you look, that smug smirk right back on her face again
>Oh no, she's found another weakness
>You shake your head and snap back to reality
>You walk toward the table and offer her your left hand
>She leans in, grabs your hand with her hooves, and gives your palm a nice, long lick
>With the increase in size her tongue is now about the same size as your whole hand
>The feel of her warm, wet tongue sliding across your skin is heavenly, it shoots shivers down your spine
>She smacks her lips and thoughtfully ponders the taste for a second
>"Nice and slick... flavor is very neutral, but it lets more of the... natural flavor through."
>She ends her remark with a wink and you shudder
>She lets go of your hand and looks towards the other
>You raise the honey butter covered hand and offer it to her
>She gingerly licks it the same way she did the other hand, starting at the base of your palm and working her way up
>Before she's even halfway you notice newfound enthusiasm in her licking and a groan coming from her mouth
>She grabs hold of you tighter and excitedly slurps when reaches the end of your fingers, going back in right away for another lick
>After licking all the honey butter off your palm her attention shifts to the fingers, maneuvering her tongue around your digits in a frantic effort to suck up every bit of flavor possible
>Eventually she just takes your hand and plunges it into her mouth, licking and sucking and gulping to milk it of every last bit of flavor that she could
>The inside of her mouth feels incredible, the feeling of her mouth and throat working around you makes your heart skip a beat
>but it's not quite time to keep going yet
"Uh, Twilight..."
>"Mmmmm... ooohhh.... mmmm!"
>It seems she can't hear you at all over her moans of satisfaction
>"OHHHhhmmmmm... nomgnnn... OOOOHH!"
>Twilight's eyes shoot open and she quickly releases your hand from her maw
>"Heh heh, sorry... I guess I got a little... carried away..."
>Her voice trails off and her blush intensifies. She starts to look away in embarrassment
>You lean in and wrap your arms around her in a hug
"It's ok. I can't wait for the real thing..."
>Her skin twitches beneath your arms and her breathing accelerates. You know how to push her buttons a little bit too, at least
>After calming down a little, she pushes you away
>She's got that look on her face again
>"Well, let's get to work. My food's not going to season itself!"
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nah, that's not what I'm about, I can handle some chub though
she's better than the wonderbolts anyway
welcome back artfren! very cute (and sexy) Twi. Always feel greedy requesting art, but if you're ever inclined to draw Dash I would love to see it!
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Felt like drawing hungry big belly dashie: https://files.catbox.moe/9qx2ps.png
I still am up for requests later on if any show up and this thread stays alive. Again, no vore.
Gotta keep this thread fed
feed the mares
It is when it's a cartoon mare.
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Cupcakes HD (good version)
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I am going to draw something devious...
This is too much for me. I'm dying, thank you.
This you?
Apologies for my absence m(_ _)m
Here is a Dash sketch I just made https://files.catbox.moe/g772iu.png
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NICE. also trips.
How about a PHAT Latina Pinkie Pie?
Head to small
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Is that one mod back on his bullshit?
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https://files.catbox.moe/guez6t.png Another Dash draw I quickly sketched out
this pic is fantastic btdubs
unf i want to give pabbley a blowie as a thank you for all of his good art he dles
Because I'm Puerto Rican, I am obligated to do this joke.
Damn fine Ponk anon!
We need more like this so we don't have to block our own tag.
She looks so excited and proud of her gains so far. Do you think Dashie is a competitive eating type? If she weren't a competitive flyer I imagine the hole would be filled with anything pleasurable that can be called competition.
>Do you think Dashie is a competitive eating type?
If she wasn't a competitive flyer, she'd definitely be going for the title of "fastest eater in Equestria" and win
if not eater then maybe a competitive pumper.
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That mouth still bugs the hell out of me.
This isn't chub, this is morbidly obese and I'm tired of fatniggers moving the goalpost
Cry me a river low test. faggot.
liking chubby mares but not obese mares is truly a curse anon, I feel your pain
>ESL spittle
She doesn't look fat. She looks halfway through a pregnancy. If there are no rolls or other fattened areas, then all it is is a belly. Calm your tits.
Wapa have you tried searching "how to draw better" on youtube in your 9 years of drawing terrible pony asses
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I love it.
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Come the fuck on jannies, THIS is too fat? Doesn't even clear her flanks or the joints of her forehooves. Go fuck yourselves. You know damn well that pregfags can go three times as large around without even mild disagreement from you.
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Jannie retards deleting 4 fat mare pics. Actual troglodytes
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Just get to mass reporting it like every thread that goes beyond 5 pounds overweight you faggot. Always bitching, but never bitching when pregs and infloids funnel in and start dumping their shit.
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You fuckers infight so much you can’t even keep an active thread on /trash/ anymore don’t go dragging pregfags into this.
I cant handle this much twight sex
I want to hug and rub the qt dashie
The only "infighting" is when these threads find a rare occasion to exist on the home board, and then that one whiny faggot starts crying and reporting posts with images that are "too big". Then preggers show up despite having a protected general, and infloids feel emboldened enough to start posting, and then the thread gets 404d while five threads about eqg feet get made.
This. I hate the current state of this board so much it's unreal. I only post to like four threads a week because aside from waifu generals and puzzles absolutely nothing is even worth leaving unhidden.
This board is the only thing keeping me from toasterbath and it isn't even good anymore.
Mrs. Cake is so cute dammit.
>don't go dragging pregfags into this
Hmm. That's a fair point. Allow me to check what happened to the last thread on /trash/.
>oops, all pregnant anthros!
Wow! Just like here, /trash/ has both a furfag fat thread AND a pregnancy general, and yet they keep coming to our fucking threads. But pointing this out is "dragging pregfags into this." What a crock of shit. Go back to your preg general, pregfag.
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if this board is the only thing keeping you from testing the structural integrity of your ceiling fan you should probably branch out a bit anon
Already tried. Already been around the block enough to know there's nothing for me out there. Online or in meatspace.
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remember that fat neets are just as cute as fat employed mares
https://files.catbox.moe/31jrtp.png RD facesitting
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I need Dot’s teats and belly on my face
I need to be sat on by a fat Derpy!
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Would you rub her belly?
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>"Never trust a skinny baker, eh Nonny? Yeah, I think you know what I mean, with this li'l tummy here, hehe..."
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Nice, love the breast-powered breathplay.
If you're still taking /r/s, I have one for you:
Flutters sleeping on her belly, an unbirth'd anonpony using her love tunnel as a sleeping bag, with just his head sticking out.
The big fluttermilkers would make for some truly comfy pillows.
Basically this, but with bigger booba and a smaller Shy:
Incredible taste. Both the image you posted plus the request. Not enough good unbirth out there.
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This is what peak performance looks like.
me in the background CHUGGING
soda and milkshake chuggers are based and blorp pilled
I could seriously go for a shake right now...
I tried https://files.catbox.moe/3x39ye.png
And yeah, I'm still taking /r/s \o/
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Aw, you flatter me. UB's generally overlooked in pony vornography, but it's particularly noticeable with Flutters' strong motherly nature.
>check thread right before bed
>get hit with this majesty
I'm not even horny, but this looks so incredibly soothing that I NEED that to be me.
Absolutely sublime, tovarish!
Update: after looking at it again, I'm now too horny to sleep.
Why does this fluttershy have a carbonated mane
She’s a robot
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And a damn sexy one, at that.
soft ass robit. I guess I just don't know the extended universe of this artist since I'm not really into vore. Or cockvore.
Needs a vacuum hose to eat people with
Glad you like the drawing man \o/
this is really good
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Pinkie Pie, drinking soda drinks and swallowing pop rock mints.
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Guess robots aren't immune after all.
No idea why the second one got deleted. Nothing about it was big except the belly, and it didn't hang that far either. Whatever. No fun allowed.
hey guys. I'm back.
I just got in a nasty crash, and I might lose my job because of it all.
physically fine tho. just some scrapes from glass and bloody nose from the airbag.

also, I'm back from a weird ban, even though I did nothing wrong.
so I'd like to actually deliver those greentexts for y'all before I become homeless.
in case I become homeless.

what was my queue again?
I'm not saying I don't love the twiggy piggy you posted but good lord man
You're not gonna win against the jannies by baiting them
i second pinkie pie with a big fizzy tummy
Your spoiler’s why I stopped following them honestly.
The jannies ban anything that goes a hair over a normal stomach size. So who cares?
I sympathize with that. Had a melty about it some time ago and spammed slobs and blobs. But I wasn't right then and this ain't right now. I'd say the best we can do is take up janny positions next opening and be better/less strict than them. Beat 'em by outlasting them. That's sadly all we can do unless we migrate to /trash/'s thread which is just.... /tof&m/ meets /malp/.
fellas, how do I see what pics the deleted replies had?
4search neocities
I use desuarchive on my phone
I also have an extension on tamper/violentmonkey called 4chan X that shows the deleted posts most of the time
Honestly I wouldn't mind a consistent thread like this to draw for that isn't at risk of getting deleted
Ideally I'd want to be able to do vore requests there too, but beggars can't be choosers m(_ _)m
Use desuarchive
fucking her on a pile of trash in her pig pen
>pop rock and soda bloats
>not the OG bloating method of mentos and coke
Still cute ponker. Would rub her tummy.
Nice. Thanks!
Smooze. Choose your mare.
Oh yeah, forgot to add to this
I don't remember what the queue was, but I think you can find it on desuarchive
>I just got in a nasty crash, and I might lose my job because of it all.
Jesus fuck I'm sorry to hear that
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And a more degenerate, sort-of edit of the above drawing https://files.catbox.moe/fd50us.png
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Unf that's so good. You continue to be a blessing to this thread anon.
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extremely common oc artist draws canon pony W.
I can't breathe.
It would certainly explain their hatred of pregnancy.
Do you have versions of these pictures without the teats?
confirmed gay
>You continue to be a blessing to this thread anon.
It's always so weird to hear for me (I'm just not used to it I think), but thank you nonetheless \o/
lmao this. we do call one camp 'pregfags' to get under their skin.
>to get under their skin
I...is this a real reason? When did we stop using -fag as a basic descriptor of what someone does or likes? I'm a flutterfag, and I'm not insecure about calling myself a ponyfag.
it's bellyfags who don't appreciate a good full body.
Hold on, you saying fatfags, pregfags, inflationfags, or what
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> but preferably I'd like to draw more vore
do you draw digestion? because I got something REALLY good I'd like to see
>do you draw digestion?
Teats are great but being able to see the whole belly like that is neuron activating.
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alts https://files.catbox.moe/qsycns.png

>Teats are great but being able to see the whole belly like that is neuron activating.
Yeah, the eternal dilemma between drawing them in and not drawing them in
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then I'd like to request a skull inside a pony tummy. whichever pony you choose, she could say something along the lines of "I think I'll keep this in my tummy as a trophy (/ or as a reminder.)"
I like all characters that are not named Applejack.
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Hen's smaller mares are almost as absurdly hot as their huge ones just by virtue of their cuteness
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I figured Lyra would be a good choice for this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVrYbKBrI7o kek
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Lyra loves humans so much, she wants to make them a part of her. And Bonnie would never say no to a softer unicorn to fug.
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Twily's mom has got it goin' on
Honestly, if you have two foals and your hips don't look like that, I'd consider that a genetic defect. Gorgeous.
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I had another idea based on this dialogue. you seem to be a vorefag after my own heart, so I think you'll enjoy it!!

I recall a piece of dialogue like this:
"oh, I can feel you struggling, but I can't see it! maybe try a little harder?"
anyways, what a wonderful gift for getting home after a long day of work! I'll keep this one in my favorites for sure!! it reminds me of my greatest fantasy!!
>anyways, what a wonderful gift for getting home after a long day of work! I'll keep this one in my favorites for sure!!
Glad you enjoy it man \o/
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I need this mare to suck my blood.

Through my cock.
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They look so concerned. What are they thinking about?
Their BMI.
And that number's only gonna grow bigger from here.
Not quite the same thing, but I drew something else with that little dialogue blurb as inspiration
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File deleted.
/r/ some ponk mouthplay/teasing a small anon about vore
I want these mares to lie on top of my back and cure all my spinal pain forever.
That they've been getting to thin and need to eat more.
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>hattsy doesn't draw this stuff anymore
>hattsy hardly draws anymore in general
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Poor twiggy looks so sad...anyone got a cup of fries to cheer her up?
Just to let you know this post >>41658960 got deleted, so check on desu or something for it if you still haven't seen it
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hnnng my heart
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thanks anon, it looks wonderful
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https://files.catbox.moe/7hp5vy.png Dash x Anon kisses
Yw, I'm glad you like it \o/
unf, human andmare at equal lengths lying down together, and with a chubby tummy too...
I love fat fuck ponk so much.
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belly button seems a little high on this one. I'd move it down to about where the outer line of the legs meet the stomach.
Alright, I will join the chorus of requestniggers with a thought that's been rentfree in my brain a while. Lounging Twiggy, looming over a tiny Anon and lifting the top bun off her hayburger and saying
>"Get in."
if you interested, and have the strength
>>41662333 (nice trips)
Get in the fucking EVA, Shinji
Ooph, she needs some greens on that burger! Thanks for that mang.
Yw \o/
>she needs some greens
I may have just had an idea involving that pop into my head that I may draw later today or something
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She's so beautiful bros
Why can't she be real
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d...dashie tummy........must.......resist urge.......

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