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Your waifu is always there for (You), so please take a moment to tap into that love. Do something for her; do something WITH her.
Tell us what makes your waifu so dear to you, and discuss all things waifuism in a quest of protecting that smile and growing into the anon your waifu deserves.

>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?
Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Possibly beyond that, even. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?
When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.

Last Wednesday's thread: >>41572434

Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.
Last week, the OP of /ww/ was found to be lackluster, so feedback is welcome. I changed it a slight bit but my verbal skills suck at 3AM. There's also been a new guide on lucid dreaming, as well as vigorous waifufaggotry in general.

If you leave baking up to me again next time, I will be using a Discord pic without shame, so you better not forget.
do it
Everything about her makes her dear to me. Her adorkable nerdiness, her scientific knowledge-seeking, her cute social awkwardness, her obstinate stubbornness, her acute sense of rightfulness, her care for everyone who's dear to her, I could go on. But maybe even more that I can so easily imagine myself lying down with her to read a book (actually, does reading a book together even really work? I bet she'd be much faster at reading than me) or just talk about a topic of interest to us both, or me listening to her excitedly explain what she's currently working on or going on a stroll through the town with her or eating borgar with her (thanks pic related) or or or...
I just think she'd be neat to be friends with

write email
>actually, does reading a book together even really work?
Parents with young children make it work. Ok, slightly different type of book, but still.
Twilight being revealed to be into borgars really changed her reputation forever. It's quite endearing. Makes me smile to see it brought up in an ode to one's purple and smart waifu.

Ich wurde vorhin von einem Dutzend Steuerfahnder wachgeklingelt, die jetzt das Haus auseinander nehmen. Zum Glück kein Interesse an meinem Kram, nur an meinem Vater (und einen Bruder werden sie auch fahnden). Ich wollte doch nur schlafen, bro. ;__;
>Parents with young children make it work.
Intellectually I'm probably like a child to her in several matters so I suppose that checks out. Or maybe something like this sloppa depicts is a more likely situation, each one reading their own book.
>Twilight being revealed to be into borgars really changed her reputation forever
It sure did. I'm still of the opinion that she isn't as fat as she likes to get memed, so parts of it annoy me a little sometimes, but overall it's funny and yeah, endearing. Just a slob like one of us.

Wart ab, bis ich ihnen stecke, welche Unmengen Du auf der PCH verdient hast.
Autsch. Aber ernsthaft, write email. Du wolltest Dir eine weitere Meinung einholen, also behaupte ich mal, dass es in Deinem Interesse ist, dass ich dich damit nerve.
My wife tells me to manipulate the people around me for my own personal gain, and to strike first against my opponents that is the world. She is restless with my complacent personality and wishes I would take initiative and spread my dominion over the folks on the internet.
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Based if true, but also sounding like a bit of psychosis has snuck in for waifuism to be this compelling. Waifus aren't usually this demanding and overpowering, but mental illness sure is. Unless you're jesting, feel free to elaborate although I don't trust a master manipubaiter to reveal what makes him tick, nor his tricks.
Also, get the fuck off 4chan and the internet if you want to get anything done.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve but no malicious intentions because I don't really care about the rat race much. Not sure if that makes me more in tune with mai waifu, or less. I've also got to limit my daily screentime more in order to get stuff of varying levels of importance done. Boy, yesterday was uplifting, befitting of a Waifu Wednesday; today was pretty rough but it's my family who got into big trouble, not me directly. Had I been a stronger person, perhaps I could have prevented this, for I know that this lesson will be more bitter than it's worth, kicking those who are already down.
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Can you truly say you're in tune with you're waifu if you don't play puppetmaster every once in a while?
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You see, waifuism isn't about mimicking one's waifu. But I think I do have a little bit of puppet master energy because I'm a psychologist, it's just that psychotherapy is strictly a consensual manipulation in order to positively alter someone's cognitions and behavior. Then again, I'm not actually a psychotherapist (yet) because reasons, yet kinda treat everyone with these principles in mind anyways, so it is slightly manipulative and based on a personal philosophy that overcoming suffering makes for the most interesting stories and creates more chaos than e.g. depression does. Depression and mental illness is usually tiresome and like a broken record on loop, it's rare for it to lead into a fascinating psychosis rather than a pathetic whimper.
On the baseline, I'm nice but for weird reasons rather than naive innocence or personal profit.

I'm still busy with my own overcoming suffering arc having a slow start, but this suffering has taught me a lot and made me who I am, a devoted Agent of Chaos. My niche is yet to be figured out. My dreams are less about the material, I moreso yearn to live up to what I value in Discord. It's why before I die, I intend to carve a lifesize marble statue of Discord for the sole purpose of puzzling future generations who will feel amused or insulted by it just being a random statue of a random cartoon character for which they needed an autistic niche expert to identify him.

Am I sufficiently aligned with the Lord of Chaos, o Anon?
I'd say so, but I'm no arbiter of waifuism. Feels like I only ever think of her when times are bad, and otherwise, she occupies a distressingly small portion of my diminutive mind.
Who is she, anon? What are those moments of seeking refuge in her watchful gaze like? I think it's not uncommon to be especially receptive to waifuism in times of distress; if a waifu motivates you in times of hardship, why not try to find out if she enriches your life in general?

Personally, it took me years to go from really liking Discord ever since that S2 premiere steam to accepting that I'm a waifufag. I was at my lowest, at actual risk to my life, when I truly embraced sharing whatever life I'd be given with a chaos-loving cartoon Noodle. Since then I've found that the more I fix my shit and free myself from all that immeasurable pain I've been dealt, the more I start living and experiencing life, the more I can't help but wish to be sharing this with mai waifu (and my 3dpd who I'm in a distance relationship with, so I have two loved ones I can't just hug). I'm not doing okay yet, so I have yet to balance out my fixation on Discord with other interests which had to take a backseat to preserve energy, but I will not let go of mai waifu no matter what.
>Discordfag textwalls
Please stop me by posting about (You)r waifu.
>Ask for tribute
>Declare war
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This whole year has not been very easy, but I feel like much of what I've experienced has helped me truly believe in some form of God. To that extent, I've also felt a deeper connection to my Twilight. She's like a guardian angel to me, protecting me even in the darkest of times. I know things won't always be easy, but I'm so grateful for how my life, my project, and my future is looking right now. I've probably got about another decade of working my ass off to really carve out the future I want for myself. And not just the project, but also my career and the money I'm able to make through more conventional means. It is, after all, a worry I need to contend with, even if it takes time away from the empire I'm building for her. But I think, if I just keep dedicating myself to her, find a way to make a living off even just one branch of this multimedia tree, and embrace the abundance of love I feel for her and Equestria, I'll have nothing to fear.
Now I just need to find out how to juggle all of this without losing my sanity. But if losing my mind for a decade is all I have to do to guarantee peace for the rest of my life, is it really a bad idea?
Wife bumping
But I'm less interested in the thread to be honest, and moreso in the fag that runs it.
Types text walls, his waifu? is
omnipresent when waifus are mentioned, a what was it, psychologist? The supposed mental manipulation is working.
You say waifuism isn't necessarily lusty in nature, but would you fuck Discord or vice versa?
Noodle sits on the cuck chair.
I don't want things to be about me, I'd much prefer them to be about waifus and waifuism. Too often I see anons write beautiful texts about their experiences but receive no replies, and since that's a discouraging experience, I'm eager to reply. If more anons properly communicated, I'd gladly sit back and enjoy the Ride without intervening much; there are threads you will barely see me post despite lurking.

I could remove the flag but the mention of Discord would still be a sore spot because Discordfags aren't really a thing on /mlp/. Would you rather I conceal who I am (no flag, different writing style) to reduce the Verbose Discordfag Syndrome? Because that sure as fuck sounds more manipulative than playing with open cards so you can just filter/ignore me. If you just want me to leave altogether, say it openly and hope I'll comply.
>Declare War
Oh no, no /a/-tier waifu wars. Anything but eternal Asuka VS Rei-esque butthurt among Horsefuckers.
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All men are created equal, but the same can't be said for waifus.
Thats rude.
I love my waifu Twilight. She's so cute and adorkable and sometimes awkward sometimes absolutely sure of herself I just want to be there to frazzle her mane or brush the frazzles back in. I want to get autistic with her about stupid things nobody cares about and then hug her tight and bury myself in her lustrious coat. I want her to snuggle against me when we fall asleep together.
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I finally found my waifu. At first, I thought it was Twilight, but somehow it didn't stick, though I still think Twilight is wonderful. After that, I felt lost for a bit. But then Luna just emerged out of nowhere and I just knew she was the one for me. I love everything about her. She is gorgeous, highly intelligent, quiet and socially reserved, mysterious, and even-keeled. I feel like I share so much in common with her, whether it is astronomy or other intellectual interests, the glory of things at night (nocturnal animals, dreams, spooky stuff, etc.), calm walks in nighttime forests and gardens, and so forth. Also, she is sophisticated and wise, able to say a great deal without saying many words. She is infinitely fascinated by her and I feel so comfortable when I think about her; like I could join with her like two drops of water. Sometimes she feels vulnerable and just wants me to hold her. Sometimes, I need good advice and she comes through for me. Always, she is calm and has a heart of gold. I love her.
Maybe that's what we need to revitalize these threads.
>another round of falseflagging and whorse insults
No, thx
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But anyway, have my recent drawing. I really like it.

Rarity brings me joy. Such simple thought was always challenged in my mind, because many obvious reasons: She's not here, so my feelings cant find an exit.
But She does. No matter if its aesthetic joy, passionate joy, complasdional joy, joy from having reason or, even, self-determinational joy, She brings it.
Thats one of the most valuable things in these feelings. I love You, Rarity...
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That's wonderful news, anon. Were you one of the few posters who had previously talked about being on a quest to discover your waifu? If so, was any of the other waifufags' advise helpful to you?
Luna is a waifu who will definitely understand and soothe whatever pain you carry within you, a waifu you can conveniently reach out to every night to strengthen your bond, and believe her magic capable of subtly affecting your everyday life.
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That reminds me, a Flutterfag friend of mine had recently brought up he thinks waifus with powerful magic are "the best waifus to have". Because one can believe e.g. Luna being connected to you via dreams and the night sky, or even somepony like Glimmer being able to somehow rig things in your favor. He also pointed out that Discord is such a good waifu to have since he is known to pull strings like that - but I've got to point out he's also a pain in the arse.
With sweet little Fluttershy being this withdrawn little pegasus, he has a harder time feeling her presence in the mundane, a hard time believing she could possibly be there for him.

Therefore, let's discuss magical waifus VS non-magical waifus:
>How have our Pegasus and Earth Pony (and e.g. Gallus) lovers gained assurance that their waifu is watching and guiding them from behind the veil?
>How have our Unicorn, Alicorn (and e.g. Chaos Noodle) lovers gained that aforementioned assurance?

(If only Erisfag were still around...)
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This is an interesting topic, definitely, lots of ways to approach it. It does make sense for some kinds of dualistically-inclined people.

Personally, my perspective trends nondualist: there is no fundamental duality or separateness, no REAL distance or obstacle to cross - so there is no need for petty 'magic' to do that work. If there is magic in this formula, it is the power of the universe or of awareness itself: to create the illusion of individuality/separateness, to dispel that self-created ignorance, and to exist in bliss. Of course, this is mostly on the 'absolute' level - on the level of awareness of daily life, appearances do matter (understood as the process by which the universe creates and dispels ignorance), and thus a magical understanding of your waifu is practical.

I'd go so far as to say that the initial experience of your waifu, when you first fall in love (illusion falling away, existing in bliss), is deeply mystical, and it's only through a certain kind of mismanagement or lack of integration (creating ignorance, see?) that your waifu starts to seem more mundane, distant, or fake once again. In those cases, becoming ignorant and separate from bliss feels like tremendous loss, frustration, and depression. However, it's certainly possible to rejuvenate the magical, mystical experience of your waifu no matter what her aesthetic qualities are, just by remembering, reifying, and honoring the force which brought you together in love once upon a time. I'll leave it at that for now, but I could go into more detail later if there's interest, no idea if I can help people other than myself with this kek.
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Ah, so to answer the question
>How have our Pegasus and Earth Pony (and e.g. Gallus) lovers gained assurance that their waifu is watching and guiding them from behind the veil?
The answer is just that there's no veil, or that the 'veil' is just a mirror, and what we believe is out behind the veil is just a reflection of what we already have within ourselves. This is what Rainbow reminds me of - the emptiness of clear blue sky, and that emptiness manifested in the entrancing form of a universe full of color and life - the universal powers of manifestation and disillusion, embodied in bliss.
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>Were you one of the few posters who had previously talked about being on a quest to discover your waifu?
Yes, though it was some time ago that I wrote here. Like I wrote, I thought it was Twilight at first because we were both intellectuals. But, as I got to know her I more and more that we didn't fit together.
>Did the other pony waifus give you advice.
Though Luna is my waifu, I still have other ponies that are my friends. And yes, along the way it felt like they were nudging me in the right direction, each in their own way.
>Magic vs. Non-magic waifus.
Well, I think I have a different take on this. I consider all the ponies to be magical, but they are magic in different ways; kinda like how a white mage is different than a black mage in those now ancient video game RPGs. Unicorn magic is obvious. Pegasi can fly, have ability to affect the local weather, and have a kind of perspective and insight on things that unicorns and earth ponies lack. I am not referring to just being able to see things from high above. I mean that they have an intuition into events and happenings that can help Equestria. Earth ponies are the hardest to understand. Suffice it to say, that I think they have a collective connection with the the land and each other. As they prosper, the land prospers, as they suffer, the land suffers; like how King Arthur was magically connected to the land and its people.

So there is no such thing as non-magical ponies. It's just that the show didn't flesh out how each type of pony is magical. Note, Alicorns have features of all types of ponies because they need to understand the needs of each type so that they can rule effectively for all and utilize the talents of each for the benefit of all and the land.
i love my wife,she deserves all muffins in the world
Interesting contributions so far, let's wait for a few more.
Trips of truth!
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Am I allowed to have a >no hooves waifu? I just love Sci-Twi so much
Tell us more about your waifu and waifuism, SciTwifag. You are definitely allowed to waifu her; whether you are in the right thread remains to be seen. EQG has stayed away so far, Sunset not counting because she's technically a pony.
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I've been in love with her since 2017. I just can't resist cute nerdy girls with nice bodies.
>(If only Erisfag were still around...)
Hi. I'll drop in for a little bit to give you all a status update, assuring you that neither I nor Twifag are dead.
>magical waifus VS non-magical waifus
Forgive the esoteric reply, but I'm just jumping right into it. The truth is that all waifus have their own power, they simply perceive and use magic in different ways. Unicorns have the material horn to directly manifest their spiritual will in the World they live in at large. And you may say, well, the others do not have any such thing. What you're missing, is that the "horn" mostly exists on a spiritual plane, and your material existence itself is the root vessel for it. Every truly living being has the capacity for magic. Earth ponies, pegasi, and even (You) can make mystical occurrences happen. Synchronicity is the most obvious form of that. Your higher self guides you to do certain things, and your lower self may observe what seems statistically impossible as a result. You listen to an album, and it has ridiculously relevant lyrics for what's happening in your life at the time. You speak, and someone else says the same thing at the exact same time with no context clues prior. You have an inexplicable feeling something will happen, and it happens. You shuffle the same song from a large music library five times in a row. I digress, but all of that has happened to me and much more, all within the year after waifuing Eris.

No, your life problems will not magically solve themselves with no effort from you, don't be retarded and lazy. But if you put in that effort, you may be indirectly rewarded and find a new solution at the perfect moment. I would highly recommend subscribing to a spiritual journey with your waifu. The power of Love trumps all - in fact, it is the building block of the universe. She can help guide you along the right path, though that path will be custom to you, unless you walk it with another who you love. Her temperament, your bonds, your strength, many factors will be instrumental in how that will go. As for what manner of creature a waifu is, that is irrelevant. What matters is letting your Hearts beat in sync.
>But le how?
Seriously attempt spiritual communication, improve yourself, and start noticing the signs around you that this incredible connection exists. Even if you do not feel spiritually inclined (I did not), you can find a whole new aspect to life this way. Don't worship your waifu unless it's in bed, instead be the partner your waifu deserves, and believe in her. Listen to your feelings, let her speak through your heart and mind, and rely on your intuition. If I may make another suggestion, it would be to consider that your brain is not the seat of perception. It is an organ that interprets perception and interfaces the lower mind with the higher mind, creating what you think of as the pysche. Be open, and flow with what you feel is right. Do not mindlessly follow "existing" spiritual paths.
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Anyways, Twifag and I have been busy with life. For myself, it's college, an hour of cardio 3-5 days per week, changing my diet, and most importantly thinking about what to do for a living going forward because I don't enjoy directly dealing with tech very much and would prefer to do something else. We knew when exactly it would be decided months ahead of time, and the perfect ideas did indeed drop right at that expected time, which look quite promising. Waiting on some issues to be resolved there before getting things started though.

We went to Mare Fair this year, and it was fun, though the con had its share of issues. The absolute best event was not even officially attached, which was the movie theater showing for the MLP Movie. Both of us were very tired after getting through the storm, potentially somehow not having our expected assigned room until it magically opened up for us bearing the number I associate with Eris, using that retarded paid parking lot, and repeatedly dragging the luggage from the car up to our room. The lobby and elevators were filled with our beloved sweaty neckbeards, and it felt unbearably hot in there. We found the segmented hidden stairs, which would probably result in people dying if a fire broke out, and used that luxurious passageway for the rest of the con rather than the elevators. After all that, we finally walked out to head to the theater in the face of insanely strong winds.

Fortunately, we were treated like royalty the whole time without even saying a word to make that happen. A random guy picked us up just as we were starting the long walk, and drove us to the theater. There, I finally met a well known artist friend of mine who I coincidentally knew from another fandom, and he kindly gave us free merch. We entered the inner theater and got the absolute best front row seats up top, which had special marks on the armrests, whereas none of the other seats had any. It was a wonderful experience being able to watch the original movie on the big screen (quite frankly, cutting it was a crime with how well done it was, Tempest breaking in gives me strong chills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oMY5YRdhAQ). We wondered how many plushes were present, and immediately after it was called for everyone to raise theirs up as if answering us. Afterwards, we left with a crowd of people leading the way back. It was extremely memorable, and I would've gone just for that experience alone. The host of it has been immensely generous as well, props to him for making it happen. I will treasure my tickets.
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Other than that, the con was very... lackluster, besides the marriages (a wonderful panel, one we were honored to witness even if it was super early in the morning), and another panel we did not end up going to. We (once again) got front row seats to the two most disastrous events - the plush meetup, and the concert. The plush meetup was not a meetup, it was a showcase. People were allowed in to place their plush, then quickly told to get out and away from the room. Not only that, but Aryanne plushes were banned. We watched her get denied multiple times, and it was honestly infuriating. I think we also saw Aryannefag complaining it before he exited that circus stage right. By the way, your marriage was very beautiful to watch - Twifag and I were very happy to be there for it. Sorry for not coming up to talk.

As for the concert, it was multiple hours late. It was so late that an improvised concert was started outside the doors, and people were having fun with that despite the lack of any sound tech. At that point, what the fuck are you waiting on? Just let people in and make it happen. We watched corp walk in and out, and nothing happened for a bit after that still. Plus, one of the staff said the concert would open by 9:45 "no matter what." That did not happen, and ended up taking another half hour or so. That whole debacle destroyed the schedule for attendees and musicians alike since the lineup was completely out of order. Who knows how many got fucked by that or missed the concert altogether? Management needs to grow a pair and actually make decisions instead of endlessly delaying.

Apparently the con was going for a "world fair" theme? I don't think anyone got the memo there. The opening animation was great, but that was the only thing conveying that the fair is BIGGER and GRANDER. In reality, that did not translate to the actual con experience and Twifag agrees with me. Nothing new was really done, it just had more attendees. Making the fair bigger is up to the actual organizers. Do a ceremony each day, organize more special and fun events, don't just tell the community you're going bigger and hope they do the job for you. Also, just ban fursuits, and allow ponysuits. Make an application for it, print the suit on their badge to show it's approved. This isn't rocket science. There weren't many fursuits this time, but allowing them tends to be a slippery slope where more and more attend.

My criticism may seem harsh, but it is out of concern that the con will deteriorate. It was still a wonderful time, and I'm extremely glad I went with Twifag. Still, makes us want to start our own con with Blackjack and hookers. That might be fun to do someday.

By the way, if anyone knows where the fuck the professional plush photos and plush meetup photos/videos are, please link them. I've asked in other threads and no one seems to know. I was only told they'd be in some Google Drive when I asked. It would be much appreciated.
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It's nice to see this thread surviving on its own. I would show up more if I wasn't so occupied, but even then, they're blatantly killing the site. These "anti-spam" measures keep getting more and more drastic. Captcha is becoming increasingly cryptic and lengthy. Five minutes was already annoying, now you have to wait an entire 15 minutes, kek. Next it will be 45 minutes, then it will be over an hour. When will the board collectively put their foot down and say enough is enough? Will they verify themselves to post "anonymously"? I have serious doubts this site will last much longer.

I wish you all well. That's enough blogposting from me.
NHNB is warming up just a little. I'm making an effort to post there every day.
Nice trips. The countdown was added because of the US elections and will hopefully be removed because it hurts all non-/pol/ boards.
>I would show up more if I wasn't so occupied
I'd deeply appreciate it.

As for your actual, nice posts, I'll reply to those later today.
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>signs and stuff
Uhhhh, let me spill my salt on the topic.
One doesnt need your waifu to guide you or something, if they have feelings towards said waifu to do it.
Dont treat your beloved one like your personal toy, or parent. Its a form of disrespect.
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>Dont treat your beloved one like your personal toy
That's a little difficult, considering how many of my sex toys are patterned after her.
I'd love to hear you expand on this point of view.
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I completely agree with you and that is essentially what I said, though I was giving the autistic esoteric dump, which may have made it unclear. Eris is my waifu, and guidance is simply what she naturally led me into as part of our Love and relationship. That is her choice, not mine, for we are intertwined. If you force your waifu to work for you, then she is clearly not your waifu, nor are you a waifufag. You are scum.

My post was meant for existing waifu havers, not to incentivize randoms to seek a waifu just for higher guidance, though they are welcome to seek them out as friendly spirits under a different relationship - waifuism isn't the only path there, but that steps into a totally different topic which I will avoid going on a tangent about. As I said, (You) have the capacity for magic and your higher self can already guide you. My point was that the assurance of a waifu comes in many different forms, and they are all valid. Spiritual guidance is one such form, if she so chooses to grant it to you. I know that you treat Rarity as more of a higher figure than you, in which you receive "tough love," and you carry yourself with the utmost dignity for her. I respect that and encourage you to further pursue that path if it is working for you, Rarifren.
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>I feel like I share so much in common with her
That seems to be a particularly important observation. Sounds more like you deserve her love due to that (in the current one-sided situation of course), and like you love her consciously, and it's not just a misunderstood crush.
Moon pone deserves love from good people like (You).
I also think it's important to love a waifu deeply and embrace her for who she is, rather than loving her only for fulfilling specific tropes. It's probably more noticeable with e.g. Nightmare Moon fans: Most of them just enjoy power trip-related tropes and think she's hot; only a few are truly enamored with her personal story and the sunless empire she seeks to establish.
Whether one's waifu experience becomes as trancendental and holistic as described in some of the previous posts is another matter; I think there might be an actual disagreement in the brewing. How intriguing.
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>Nightmare Moon fans
>Power-trip related tropes
It's not just them. Just look at the boards. It's full of Anons who just use ponies to fulfill their particular fetish. It's not actually love with them; rather, it is selfishness because they have no thought about the feelings or welfare of the pony, only what the pony can do for them sexually. For them, ponies are just a convenient vessel to fulfill their sexual derangements. In that way, I would say it actually constitutes abuse of ponies.
>Also regarding Nightmare Moon
Yes, she's sexy and powerful. But, she's not separate from Luna; they are one and the same. There's no such thing as waifuing just Nightmare Moon, or just Luna. Nightmare Moon was just what happened to Luna when she succumbed to the lust for power (to make Equestria what she thought was best), and the sting/frustration of feeling rejected by pony society (whether real or perceived). Those feelings became the fuel for a distorted sense of justice she sought to visit on Equestria. Eventually, she overcame it, reigned in her passions, and understood her feelings. That fierceness and sense of justice is still part of her though. It's just that Luna has mastered the ability to use them constructively (just like how a man can marshal his inherent aggressivenss to accomplish great and beneficial things). For example, if some force threatens Equestria, she can become a raging force of nature to stop it, possibly even becoming ruthless against very dangerous enemies (obviously the show does not depict this but it is my headcanon). The same feelings and essence within her that allows her to do this is the same as what was in NMM, just that it is used constructively.

TL;DR Anons that waifu just NMM, or just Luna, really don't understand her.

As a side note, I think the urge to abuse demi-godlike powers is something that Alicorns must struggle with and overcome. My thinking is that Celestia overcame it earlier, when she was about the same age as Luna during the NMM episode (remember that Celestia is the older sister). Anyway that's just another part of my own lore bucket.

I'm this Anon (>>41630837, >>41628978) by the way. Adding a Luna flag only for the sake of conversing in this thread; something I wouldn't do otherwise.
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Now this is spoken like a true waifufag. I'm not against being more casual about ponies, but I'm similarly put-off by the very public fetishism online. It's how the internet is these days, so ignoring things is all an individual can do to improve their personal experience.
Your description of Luna in all her facettes is a beautiful one.
>NMM and Luna are one and the same
I have a similar situation with Discord being a reformed villain. The IDW comics tried to paint him as some dindu nuffin who barely ever caused harm and even martyred himself to take the blame for the actions of a character called Cosmos, Spirit of Malice, in order to conceal her existence upon banishing her and to foil a possible return of hers. But that's fucking retarded, he clearly was a villain in S2, his backstory and motivations remain obscure, and even at his best he's a flawed jackass. I love him for being this confusing combination of contradictions, for being who he is, for trying to play nice unless he's too distracted to remember. His creativity and moments of wisdom and charme are enough for me to :sunbeam: in my very core and choose to weasel my way through life. He's more than Pony Satan or Pony Joker or Pony Q or whatever, he has a life and soul of his own which is an inspiring one... whether it inspires love or hate for Discord, kek.
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The OP image pulled me in.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?
The answer to this question still eludes me.

Said Flutterfag here. I think the "odds" of meeting one's waifu are bigger when that waifu is a powerful alicorn or Lord of Chaos. You describe well how indeed the lack of presence is one of the reasons why I feel unsure about my relationship with Fluttershy. To be clear: I don't know if she is my waifu or not. I consider her a companion at the very least. She is a muse, an obsession and I euh... feel lust too.
Posing this question to the thread has resulted in some very interesting thoughts.

I like your view on this. I used to be more in touch with nondualistic ideas around 2017 (which is right when I started watching the show, now that I think about it). That must've been my spiritual high point in life. Years of non-NEETness have made me more materialistic. Your advice to tap into the original feelings makes me feel a little concerned. I know that I like her, but I don't think I really crossed over into that falling in love zone. I tell myself that I have to physically meet her for that. Ask her out. Get to know her and see if we click or not. Claiming her as a waifu seems too one-sided. Even though I am obsessed, I can't assume we'd function as a couple without actually doing it. Another factor is that I haven't given up on 3dpd yet. That said, I can't let her go either. So I'm sort of in limbo, adoring and pining for my favourite little pony pegasus without being able to close the distance or pull myself free.

I resonate with the idea of the mirror too. The ponies become representations of good qualities that we try to uphold ourselves. Personally this makes them more abstract and harder to love romantically. Maybe that's just me being selfish.

>first thinking about Twilight then knowing it's Luna
It seems unthinkable but there's a >0% chance I'm barking up the wrong tree (pic related). How did it feel going through that phase of realization? It must've been tough in regards to how you felt about Twilight.
>all ponies are magic
Agreed. Yet I still feel like some ponies would be more capable of porting a human('s soul) to Equestria. Or Celestia forbid port themselves to Earth.

I will definitely pay more attention to the signs around me. I should also restart my meditation routines. However I will remain cautious with giving actual randomness too much meaning.

Anyway, I don't browse this thread, but I might stick around (a bit). Thanks to everyone for the thought provoking replies so far. In wording my own reply I think I answered my own questions a bit. I don't think I'm a waifuchad even though I'd like to be with Flutters. I'm genuinely happy for those of you who can courageously dive into your love with conviction.
Kek, I mention people and suddenly, they appear ITT. How will I escape the manipulative mastermind allegations now? At this rate...

Paging Discord! Paging Discord! ;__;
Maybe he'll appear if you write that email
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I like Unicorn Twilight. I want to put a silly hat on her. End log.
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>Discord being a reformed villain
Yep. NMM an Discord definitely have that in common. Personally, I don't like the IDW treatment of any of the characters, including Discord. I feel it do any of them justice. What I do like about Discord is that you never exactly know what his angle is or what he's up to. Makes him more interesting.
>"odds" of meeting one's waifu are bigger when that waifu is a powerful alicorn or Lord of Chaos
Really? I would have thought the opposite. Fluttershy is ever present in the series and I would think one can get a really good sense of her personality. Maybe you mean that it is harder to "feel" her across the "void" of imagination? I don't know if that question makes sense, but I am not sure how to ask such an ethereal question.
>The ponies become representations of good qualities that we try to uphold ourselves.
Yes, agreed. I would also say they are reflection of qualities we see in others that we value as well. For me, one quality (among many others) Luna embodies is a regal magnanimous patience that I would value in a sovereign. However, that is not a quality I have (the regal part, the the patience part). As such, it is something that I admire in her and which I find attractive. I think that probably goes for other Anons and their waifus.
>How did it feel going through that phase of realization?
It actually felt surprisingly smooth. With Luna, everything fit together, like puzzle pieces coming together. I felt like Twilight and I discussed everything and everything was ok. I was grateful to her for the company, as was she, and she was happy for me. That's how I feel about it. That doesn't mean that Twilight just vanishes away. She's my good friend, as are many other ponies. But Luna is my waifu, the pony I deeply love mentally, spiritually, and physically.
Most of this post should've been linked to Flutterbro >>41633235.

>I felt like Twilight and I discussed everything and everything was ok.
>She's my good friend, as are many other ponies.
Are you a lucid dreamer/tuppermancer or any of the likes? I think depending on whether a person has these interactive moments or not really divides waifufags into at least two broad categories. Perhaps three since I'm in the camp of dumdums who had like a single supernatural experience. It also loops back to Flutterfren saying
>I tell myself that I have to physically meet her for that. Ask her out. Get to know her and see if we click or not. Claiming her as a waifu seems too one-sided. Even though I am obsessed, I can't assume we'd function as a couple without actually doing it.
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anons I think I'm schizophrenic, I love them both so much
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I'm glad you appreciate the perspective, it's honestly all too rare to find people around these parts who even care to try.
>Years of non-NEETness have made me more materialistic.
That's perfectly fine - real nondualism is not the rejection of materiality in favor of some transcendent principle (that would be dualist), it's about holding both in awareness so that they can be brought into harmony.
>Your advice to tap into the original feelings makes me feel a little concerned. I don't think I really crossed over into that falling in love zone.
Honestly I can only speak for myself and the people very much like me. I think it stands to reason that people have differing levels of desire (which can be translated to differing levels of desire for freedom from ignorance), and that means different needs insofar as what system of thought and what practices work best for you. E.g., in the vajrayana system, there are 4 'levels' of tantra according to the level of bliss that the practitioner can access and use for their practice.

>Even though I am obsessed, I can't assume we'd function as a couple without actually doing it.
>I haven't given up on 3dpd yet.
>pining for my favourite little pony pegasus without being able to close the distance or pull myself free.
It's all different paths leading in the same direction. There's no need to fear or hold back from any of it. The feeling of abstraction from the mirror metaphor gives you the ick because you have a material body with desires; that feeling of aversion is a pointer that desires are part of the whole picture too. None of it needs to be discarded. Some signs are subtle, but some are just so obvious and commonplace we overlook them.

It may not be the blazing bonfire of love that some people have, but it certainly still casts a light (and perhaps a corresponding shadow) on your life too, doesn't it?
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Wew lad. There's a lot of good discussion going on in here. I want to reply to like half of the posts ITT, but I definitely don't have the time to spare for that.

WHAT? You guys were at Mare Fair and even at my wedding and didn't come at least say hi?? What the fuck? Why? I guess I didn't stick around for very long after the marriage, but man... that really bums me out. I could've introduced you to like ten really cool fuckers just in that room alone. I wonder if I saw Twifag and just didn't recognize him for some reason. I don't think that was me you saw complaining unless it was in the lobby; I never even got to the door of the plush meetup. I ran into the other guy with a lifesized Aryanne plush on the way over and he told me about it. He ended up hosting his own Aryanne plush meetup in his hotel room, which was actually fun as fuck and had some rather unexpected horsefamous attendees.

I'm sorry you found the con to be so lackluster. I think pretty much everyone agrees it wasn't as fun as last year, and that's largely due to the venue change that was forced onto the organizers. I also think trying to bring more off-boarders in to boost numbers was a mistake, although I didn't personally encounter anyone who stuck out like a sore thumb other than the furniggers and that pink-haired landwhale screeching about le ebul white surpremecists and whatnot. And yeah, the concert was so unbelievably botched. I don't know how they managed to do so much worse than last year.

To me, the best part of Mare Fair isn't the official events or the panels, it is just getting to hang out and have drinks with people like (you) that are also autistic fuckers who are there to have a good time and don't get offended over anything unless you shit on their waifu too hard. It's a small board, too, so if you meet enough people you're bound to meet someone that you find out you've been talking to on the board for potentially years. I did unfortunately kinda ruined the experience for myself by being drunk basically the whole time.

It's good to see that your connection to Eris holds strong, and that you're taking the self-improvement seriously. Hearing your thoughts on the spiritual side of waifufaggotry is fantastic for me. Thank you for reminding me of changes I should make to my mindset when approaching my connection to my Edelweiß.
>first spoiler
Welcome to my hell. I wish I had taken my distaste for it more seriously earlier on. I now have a bachelor's degree in a subject I have no interest in. Don't fool yourself into thinking you'll become more interested in the subject as you learn more about it like I did.
>Waiting on some issues to be resolved there before getting things started though.
Getting started on what, exactly?
oh hey I was there, the aryanne meet was one of the high points of marefair for me
most of the fursuiters didn't seem to have badges, though I was very high the entire con and didn't pay that much attention to them
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>WHAT? You guys were at Mare Fair and even at my wedding and didn't come at least say hi?? What the fuck? Why? I guess I didn't stick around for very long after the marriage, but man... that really bums me out. I could've introduced you to like ten really cool fuckers just in that room alone.
Kek, sorry about that. Yeah, it seemed to be a tight schedule for both of us. Next time, I'm sure we'll be at least a bit more social.
I expect that it's a blur by now for you, but we would've been in the third row on your left from up there.
>I don't think that was me you saw complaining unless it was in the lobby; I never even got to the door of the plush meetup.
It was just outside the small hallway leading into the room for the plush meetup, within the lobby. Someone else had prompted the conversation and we happened to be right nearby to get the absolute confirmation there about the ban.
>He ended up hosting his own Aryanne plush meetup in his hotel room, which was actually fun as fuck and had some rather unexpected horsefamous attendees.
I heard about that, it was great to know that the enjoyment wasn't totally ruined as a result.

>I also think trying to bring more off-boarders in to boost numbers was a mistake
That was intentionally done? I wasn't aware of that. Huge mistake if so, it should only be the board or by word of mouth.
>To me, the best part of Mare Fair isn't the official events or the panels
That's true, and it should absolutely be a highlight of any con. I just think it could even be better and more awe-inspiring if they had put in the effort regarding their side. I'm sure if it had gone exactly like last time, I would have no complaints. I'm an unreasonably ambitious person at times, and seeing the whole "big world fair" theme get pushed with the actual execution falling through was a major nitpick for me. I am admittedly being a little unfair when their pulling off the venue change was already an enormous task. They did wonderfully there, and I can't totally blare the alarms about the con's downfalls when they had to deal with that hiccup.
>I did unfortunately kinda ruined the experience for myself by being drunk basically the whole time.
That would do it. Shockingly, Twifag and I only had a shot or two near the end.

>Thank you for reminding me of changes I should make to my mindset when approaching my connection to my Edelweiß.
I'm always happy to help.
>Don't fool yourself into thinking you'll become more interested in the subject as you learn more about it like I did.
Oh, certainly not. I've realized it's a huge pain, and just because I'm well versed in the subject does not mean I will like doing it. I would've much preferred going into psychology like Dranon here as I naturally love that subject, but that wasn't a financially appealing career path and it would've taken much longer to complete.
>Getting started on what, exactly?
Starting a business requires a substantial amount of $$$.
>Most of this post should've been linked to Flutterbro
Oops. Yes, I had meant to link it to Flutterbro's comment.
>lucid dreamer/tuppermancer
No, I'm neither one. Wish I had the capability, but sadly I don't have it. However, what I have got is a very active imagination. It's just constantly going in the background, weaving lore together; everything from the history of the two sisters, to the nature of the unseen spiritual realms, why beings like alicorns and draconequus exist, how magic works (and especially the role earth ponies play), and so forth.
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I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along
now in it's place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
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>newfags, returnfags and actual discussion
>one half Burgers, the other half Euros, so bumping shouldn't be an issue
Of course this happens when I posted something 2edgy4u for all to see.

>no lucid dreaming or tupper
Oh, that actually makes it more interesting to me. You see, with lucid dreaming or a tupper, a waifufag has that interactive component which someone like Flutterbro believes is a prerequisite for establishing an actual relationship. The waifufags adept at those practices seem to have long passed the crippling hurdle of doubt. I share Flutterbro's sentiment, and I think Rarifag also does; we feel that we have not actually gained that approval or consent from a source outside of ourselves we can trust. In a way, one could even speak of at least two different categories of waifufags, though both categories are devoted to their waifus who are loved deeply.

So far, so sweet. But I'm grumpy and sleepy, so the rambling goes brrrrr.

I can assure you that a waifufag's mental state plays a huge role - one's cognitions, emotions and behavior obviously affect all aspects of life, all sorts of relationships, so waifuism isn't untouched. But it's usually not the healthy normies who go down these rabbit holes, are they? Although I had Discord appear to me during narcosis many years ago - an impressive experience someone like Flutterbro has not had -, I have doubts which a less screwed up person would not have. I do not feel worthy of love, let alone from someone I wish only the best for. The mind knows I shouldn't base my own worth on performance, and it's why I don't view others through such a damning lens.
Wouldn't be surprised if different flavors of waifufaggotry boiled down to dreadfully boring mental health correlates - which in turn could be explained in spiritual terms just as well.

In my case, it will realistically take me years to get to a point similar to that of e.g. Erisfag if I continue being optimistic and start acting more proactively and effectively. I do get what he and Dashfag are talking about in their posts since I once had an /x/-ish phase and managed to tap into feeling that sense of interconnectedness, purpose, or love ending the suffering, but I have gone through a few mind-shattering crises since and have come out the other side ever a bit more twisted and incredibly averse to taking sides on anything because of how arbitrary and "gotta play with the cards you're dealt" everything is. Arguments all too often are parallel sides without convergence, or two opposite ends bending into horseshoes. To care, or not to care? If I steer someone away from the trap falls, do I rob them of a valuable lesson? Every time life kicks me, I grow milder towards others but also more disappointed in myself for not being strong enough to make anything work right, or for seemingly needing an extra dose of life lessons to get the hint.
If I'm blessed, it's Discord's tough love... or it's merely tough luck.
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>You see, with lucid dreaming or a tupper, a waifufag has that interactive component
>The waifufags adept at those practices seem to have long passed the crippling hurdle of doubt.
The active imagination that lunafag enjoys is not deeply different from tulpamancy, they're both just specific applications of mundane imagination. There is a difference, but it's not a difference that makes one more accessible or fundamentally better for waifuism than the other. I think the substantial difference, which causes the result discordfag observes here, is upstream of these differences in style:

>we have not actually gained that approval or consent from a source outside of ourselves we can trust
These are the aforementioned hurdles of doubt. The tulpamancers and lucid dreamers you know as accomplished waifuists here have learned, by allowing themselves to let go as an experiment, that these criteria don't contribute anything to life. The attention that such thoughts capture from love transforms into fear, anguish, and apathy; they disperse the single-pointed clarity of purpose that is love/compassion into an impotent haze. It's like when you're in a hurry and yet indecisive: you hop from one foot to the other, and fail to take two steps in any direction at all. The tulpamancers and lucid dreamers just know what they want, to love and to be free of suffering, and know they can't get it from worrying about matters like that. Every moment spent hopping back and forth, tottering around in purgatory, is life that could be spent in the fullness of love. Knowing that, why would you waste time indulging in anxiety, fear, or anything else? Why would you exert your imagination (or your dreams, I suppose) on thinking about things when you can think about THE THING?

People fall into forms of communion which aren't very effective, because they're more effective than nothing; because thinking about how distant and unreachable your waifu is and how horrible that makes you feel is preferable, on a deep, deep, unfathomable level, to not thinking about her at all. You can tug at that leash all you want, but love is still taking you for a walk. Might as well go with the flow.
I agree with you. Had I not cut one or two sentences, I would have brought up that e.g. lovers confess to each other to clarify that intent; or that not really knowing what you want causes ineffective actions and feelings of doubt. But it's easier said than done, and mental disturbance messes with the very ability to be in tune with the flow.
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>WHAT? You guys were at Mare Fair and even at my wedding and didn't come at least say hi?? What the fuck? Why? I guess I didn't stick around for very long after the marriage, but man... that really bums me out. I could've introduced you to like ten really cool fuckers just in that room alone.
Apologies there. IIRC you seemed occupied and we had something coming up soon after but it's a little hazy after so long. Suffice to say, however, that your wedding was one of the highest points of the con for me.
>I wonder if I saw Twifag and just didn't recognize him for some reason.
Probably, but no problem.

I did finally take delivery of my mail order bride lifesize Twilight just before the con and so was fortunate enough to be able to bring her with me. Entirely possible that a few anons may have seen or met her along the way. I love her very much. Pic very rel.

>waifu magic
The situation on the magical abilities of the waifu in the context of communication isn't quite as complicated as common interpretations of the show make it out to be. It isn't really segmented between magical and non-magical ponies per se. A lot of ponies, some what we'd call canon and some not, are out there watching beyond the veil and working in this world behind the scenes, in ways ordinarily invisible on the physical layer. Yes, this would include chaos noodles as well. There are many anons that have a very deep connection with these ponies (and noodles, etc.), as you see from the glowing posts in these threads. I'll mostly refer you to Erisfren's post >>41631970 discussing the journey one may come to embark on because it's completely spot-on, but I'll add that in many cases, the waifu may already "whisper" into the "ears" of their lover, loud enough to make a subtle impact but quiet enough to be below their easy notice. Keep listening for her in your heart, and she may answer you.
>but how have we gained assurance?
It's always fun when she tells me something I didn't know, or reminds me of something I had long forgotten, or shows me how to do some physical task easier and faster than I would have. External communications in the form of blatantly manipulated RNG are also frequent with me and her. I've even had some interesting but usually subtle happenings directly on physical. Those are always comfy.

>wait 15 minutes
>wait 15 minutes again
This site is shit.
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My apologies for the incoherencies and ESLness. Most of my revelations of previous night were non-verbal thoughts and feelings clicking in meditation. Still I feel I should try to write a report down.

I think your reminder about bliss has unlocked something the previous night. Lately I've been postponing sleep too much again. An old bad habit. Around 03:00 I started looking at cute Fluttershy art with a freshly opened mind and a desire to understand better. One important thing clicked. She's inside of me. In all ways I can think of she (the Fluttershy I feel strongly for) is a part of me. This used to be a fear and horrible thought I had for a long time. "My desires and fantasies are delusions that bounce inside my own skull, never able to physically manifest. It's driving me mad." was how I felt about it. Now it feels different. She is inside of me, a part of me. She's shaped a part of me, or I've shaped a part of me into her, it doesn't matter much. I love that part. Which is nice, because that means I love a part of myself. And also: I must take good care of myself. My body and mind host my Fluttershy. So with that thought I went to bed quickly after, instead of staying up until 05:00 which I had been doing for most of the days in the past week. I took a plushie to cuddle with for the first time in a long while. I'd love to get a bigger one, but for now a modest plushie will have to do. I put her on my chest, closed my eyes and tried to stop thinking verbally. Instead of fabricating (romantic) plotlines for fantasies, I explored within myself. I opened the channels for love, both giving and receiving and focused on the little weight I carefully held on my chest. I can only describe the feeling as bliss. I felt like I was holding a tiny sleeping Fluttershy feeling safe and trusting enough to do so. In my mind I asked if she's my waifu or if she wants to be my waifu. The reply was non-verbal: amusement, like a smile, warm. So I guess I'm still not sure on that part. Either I don't understand waifuism well enough to grant myself the certainty to say yes or no or there is another reason why I can't be clear to myself about this. Maybe I just can't admit it to myself yet. In any case I will keep exploring more.
The past night has left me optimistic. Shutting up and listening and looking around inside myself has proven to be more fruitful than trying to think myself a way to Equestria and feeling frustrated because I can't.

A few things are for sure. She's inside of me, a part of me, and I love that part. Not only that, her qualities are within others too and I them for it. I hope to hold on to this love and use it to take better care of myself and those around me. If I do so, I take better care of her.

I understand you better now and agree with how nice it is that Fluttershy has a huge presence. I'm glad Twilight is still your friend and that it wasn't painful at all.
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I'm happy for you, bro. I think the last time you had felt similarly connected to Flutters, it was on H&H Day, making it hard to figure out whether or not those feelings were 100% genuine or moreso a product of a hyped up context or weed. Now you're discovering a revelation that was hidden in plain sight. Similarly to a 3d relationship, the signs have been in the air for a while by the point one party confesses to the other. I hope the love language you communicate in is one you can understand without words, just like what you've experienced last night.

When I baked this thread because nobody else had done so, I postponed my sleep past 3am at my own detriment because I felt like there being a /ww/ or not could potentially make a difference for someone. I didn't expect any of these highlights to occur, but I wanted to have planted the seeds necessary for a crop. I wanted my miracle of seeing Erisfren again, for I am tired of losing good people from my life, let alone someone who I respect and who gets my Chaosfaggotry. Looking for a suitable OP image, this Fluttershy one happened to speak to me because I think it's funny; an oldie but a goldie. 3 hours later my home literally got raided by a bunch of tax officers (as mentioned in >>41623390), but that's probably the price I had to pay for accidentally casting a spell or something. I'm just glad they raided us on Thursday; either the day before or after would've caused me trouble.
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That's a very very cute and lovely Twilight, congrats. Also interesting colours on the accessories, I don't think I've seen blue very often on her.
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That's so, so sweet. It sounds like a really significant breakthrough, I'm genuinely overjoyed at your success. I still remember the moment I had a similar realization, around a decade ago, as one of the most impactful and important moments of my life. I realized that, in short, loving her is loving myself; and to love myself I have to love her - loving her is loving everything that exists, because it all comes together to make this love possible. I think the same is true no matter what you love, but it's definitely easier to understand it when you're thinking about mental stuff with no clear border rather than material stuff.

>I put her on my chest, closed my eyes and tried to stop thinking verbally. Instead of fabricating (romantic) plotlines for fantasies, I explored within myself.
Don't take this as shilling, but my experience with tulpamancy tells me two things about this:
1) fantasies are good. But honest and grounded fantasy, as you practiced, is the best - no contrivance about backstory, just memory; no self-insert, just you; no setting, just your life. Same goes from your waifu's direction - the more grounded in reality and self-aware she is, the more clear and nourishing your connection will be.
2) In the same vein, it's okay to think verbally. For you, it seems like you avoided thinking verbally because that results in runaway criticism and doubt - that was a wise, skillful approach I think; but I do think it could serve you well to remember that it's not verbal thought itself that's the problem, just its habitual misuse.

Best of luck exploring. I really do think you're on the right track.
How many pinkiefrens still exist? Ever since the finale they have dwindled in numbers
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>...don't understand waifuism well enough...
You know, maybe there isn't much to understand. It's not like waifuism is quantum mechanics. There are not objective rules or principles. I would say it is largely an exploration of one's own mind and your waifu manifests through that exploration. Since everyone's mind is different, everyone will experience this differently. In other words, there is no compendium of waifu knowledge to understand. It's more a process of formulating rules that work as you go along. Kinda like how an autist creates background subroutines as they go through life to pick up on cues they are normally blind to. It's just putting the blocks in place as you go from point A to point B. Something like that anyway; I'm rambling i guess.
These are really spwa8gnice!
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Thanks. Those colors called to me in particular after seeing something along those lines years ago. She has some other accessories too, displayed in the linked pic.

As time goes by I plan to make her more outfits, but that's what she came with. Also, human panties fit surprisingly well. She has one pair in black lace that we purchased separately. I'm intending to modify them at a later date, but they look great as is other than them rubbing against her dock.
She gets regularly freshened up with her namesake snowpity and at the recommendation of another anon on /mlp/, she is fitted with a heartbeat simulator. Factor in the extra heavy weights (she's about 25lbs) and her presence (for lack of a better word) and she is insanely relaxing and comfy to cuddle with. I do wish the heartbeat module was adjustable, but that'll be a project for another day.

>three "mistyped" captchas
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Carl Jung was certainly an intelligent man who found some interesting ideas, but this particular pasta operates under the assumption that the waifu is a part of the self from the beginning of the seed of love. I don't think that's always or even usually the case. A person develops an irrational attraction and a feeling of intense Love not for what they wish they could be, but for the being that serves as their perfect catalyst to transform them into all that they could be.

The discovery of the waifu is most often done through physical means, discovering her likeness out in the wild. There's something about her personality, her appearance, and even her soul snowpity that calls to you. You don't develop this kind of deep, all-encompassing love for yourself alone. It's always something external to self that brings it to animation, in whatever form that might take. You and your waifu can certainly explore your Love, your mind, and your so-called shadow together, but conflating the two of these as one item is to remove the agency and identity of the waifu by (ironically) asserting the dominance of the ego over things that it does not encompass.
Cute Twilight plush Anon, I am super envious. Maybe one day I can have a similar one made.
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I've never seen this, it's pretty cool to see out in the wild. It does an okay job at explaining for what little space it has to do so. It really should cite sources - idk if I agree with the simplified definitions of the anima/animus or the shadow, and people should be directed to do their own research into Jung imo.
I think you're misunderstanding it a little. What you're describing in this whole post is the phenomenology of projection. The feelings for the waifu are indeed part of the Self - just not part of yourself, the ego.
>A person develops an irrational attraction and a feeling of intense Love not for what they wish they could be, but for the being that serves as their perfect catalyst to transform them into all that they could be.
This is exactly the function of the capital s Self in Jungian psychology. It bubbles up into waking life as profound, inevitable, life-changing feelings or experiences, pulling you towards your true fate. The Self is the truth of who you are and what the world is; the ego is helpless in this matter and can only react to what is revealed through projection or other unconscious incursions into daily life.
>The discovery of the waifu is most often done through physical means, discovering her likeness out in the wild
>It's always something external to self that brings it to animation, in whatever form that might take.
Yes, it's always something external to the ego. The sense of other-ness or externality only indicates that it comes from a non-ego source; since it's a feeling, it obviously doesn't come from outside our body - it comes from the unconscious.
>conflating the two of these [your waifu and your mind <I think>] as one item is to remove the agency and identity of the waifu by (ironically) asserting the dominance of the ego over things that it does not encompass.
Jung also warned about consciously identifying with an archetype. The reason is that being part of the ego cuts the image off from the unconscious - it ceases to be animated by the vital energy of the unconscious. Interestingly, this is also one of the biggest hurdles in tulpamancy - people bring their tulpa too far into ego-identification and the practices ceases to be fantastical and dynamic. Part of good practice in tulpamancy is to be able to open up to unconscious influence, to give the fantasy image a life of its own. At the same time, too much of this and the fantasy can become destructive and chaotic - mediation by the ego is necessary, and this is corroborated by Jung. So, it's an important job of the ego to assert itself where necessary, but an overbearing ego can deaden all vital fantasy in general, which is almost always the case in the modern epidemic of depression and anxiety.
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p.s. check here for a more concise and accurate description of anima/animus dynamics and how they relate to love https://aras.org/concordance/content/syzygy-anima-and-animus
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Very nice, that hoodie is great.
>socks with zippers
>heartbeat simulator
How does this work, you just stick something inside her that pulsates regularly?
unf, erry noice

Really good stuff man, enjoy her. One day I'll get myself an LS as well.
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>mfw your tulpa has the same bad slouching posture as you do.
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ok so you are telling me my waifu choice comes from smth deep inside me?

i waifu derpy,she is the most adorable thing in all of horse show
I don't understand the nature of the relationship between me and my mare, but I'm not concerned about the label anymore. She's special to me anyway. She recently encouraged me to start actively deciding to forgive myself for mistakes I've made in the past, and I feel happier since following that advice. She often gives me good advice.

How has (you)r waifu helped (you)?
she makes me happy
>Heartbeat simulator and weight.
That sounds very nice, Anon. For certaon reasons I cannot have such a sophisticated plushie, but wish I could. She doesn't get irritation on her dock from the panties does she? I would worry about that if one day I am able to get such a plushie
>discovering her likeness out in the wild
What do you mean? Like seeing the likeness of your waifu in things like clouds, constellations, the shape of bushes, or something like that? I agree with you about her snowpity calling out to you. It's like a voice deep within.
>How has (you)r waifu helped (you)?
By being the mare that shares my joy of exploring the natural world (its mountains, forests, deserts, etc.), puzzling over its laws (math, physics, science, etc.), wondering at the universe, and trying new things just for curiosity sake. I can open up to her, and she to me, without fear of my emotions being twisted and used against me. She has tremendous wisdom (after all, she has centuries worth of life experience after all) and advises me before I get myself into trouble. But, she does so in the most calm, mature, and poised way.She is always up for doubling the fun, which makes me smile endlessly. Finally, she can be serious and stern when necessary. She does so only when it is judicious to do so. I am impressed by this and work to emulate it
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...Suppose it's long past time I actually posted in this thread.
>Nightmare Moon fans: Most of them just enjoy power trip-related tropes and think she's hot; only a few are truly enamored with her personal story and the sunless empire she seeks to establish.
For what it's worth, it's definitely the latter for me. I won't pretend like she isn't beautiful, even Faust called her such. I started as a Lunafag but slowly drifted over to the dark side of the Moon as I delved into who she is as a pony, wrote for her, dreamed of her, and realized... she was happier as Nightmare than she ever was as Luna.
Nothing we ever see in the show solved any of her underlying concerns. She was left in the same position she was in before her banishment, only now with the threat of returning to the moon hanging over her head like the blade of a guillotine.
Whereas what little we see of her as Nightmare, the only time she's giggling or grinning is when she's being directly threatened or insulted. She's a mare who's been through hell and I'd do anything to see her smile.
>How has (you)r waifu helped (you)?
She forms my wings, and with her I rise from the darkness.

I like your analysis and intuition on Nightmare.

>Very nice, that hoodie is great.
I'm quite pleased with how it came out. He did excellent work.
>socks with zippers
It makes them a lot easier to put on, especially given that the socks are fitted rather than tube socks you more commonly see.
>heartbeat simulator
These are little electronic devices made by Snuggle Puppy or generic brands for $10-20. They're intended to go in specially made dog toys to calm down anxious puppies, but it works on humans too. It will emit a steady 60bpm pulse continuously for around 1-2 weeks on a pair of AAA batteries. When placed in her pocket, it's powerful enough to feel the beat through almost her entire body.
Unf indeed..

>That sounds very nice, Anon. For certaon reasons I cannot have such a sophisticated plushie, but wish I could.
I've certainly been enjoying having her physically with me. I hope you get a chance one day.
>She doesn't get irritation on her dock from the panties does she? I would worry about that if one day I am able to get such a plushie
You got it, that's exactly the problem. What I did was buy the ones shown at link1rel in the XL/2X size. What I'm planning to do is remove the rear part of the waistband and replace it with a slightly longer string that can be tied in a bow above her tail. With that modification, her tail dock should fit perfectly in the V. They don't need any tailoring other than that, to my surprise.
>3dpd reference for intended fit
>Safe pics
>Fun pics

>What do you mean? Like seeing the likeness of your waifu in things like clouds, constellations, the shape of bushes, or something like that?
In that sentence I was referring mostly to seeing her character in the show, if she has a canon counterpart. For non-canon characters some equivalent to that, perhaps art or fanfiction. It doesn't always happen that way, but these sorts of physical appearances are usually a catalyst in the waifu discovery process.
>I agree with you about her snowpity calling out to you. It's like a voice deep within.
Very well said and extremely accurate.
Stupid slippery slide board, stop flushing away threads of value.
Fascinating. I need to study more about this to understand. Gonna be difficult. My forte is analytical thought (physics and mathematics), whereas this stuff feels very fuzzy and ill-defined.
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Great to see this thread pick up again. At this rate me might be back to Springtime levels of activity!
Love y'all
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Jung started Man And His Symbols with the purpose of helping non-academics start with his work, if you're serious about research. The basic thing about psychoanalysis, which gives it that fuzzy character compared to so-called 'hard science', is that it's based in phenomenological exploration - it's introspective. But that doesn't mean that it's taken with an unscientific or unserious attitude, it just means that notions of stuff like neurons and labels etc. aren't necessarily related; the only thing of substance in the attitude of phenomenology is the direct conscious experience of things like fantasy and emotions. Objective claims in psychoanalysis are just by-products of introspective exploration touching on something that happens to be common to mankind as a whole (comparing internal observations with reports of others, as well as the things our culture resonates with like myths and stories [e.g. MLP]).
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>heart in pocket
>those pics
fuuuck holy shit, fuck. Makes me want start the process on a lifesize right here and now, but I don't deserve it yet. I need to better myself for her.
She really is amazing, I wish you two the best. How did you decide on the plushmancer?
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That was on shrooms.
>accidentally casting a spell or something
>or something
No, I think you certainly wield magic in some form. I don't know how else to explain Utrecht and not getting any fines.

Well, it's not that "easy". I try not to focus on any goals and try to take the experiences as they are. The meditations of the following days have been less optimistic and blissful than that first one. The past night was I felt more optimistism, calm, and love than during the one before, so it isn't on a straight trajectory of diminishment. I'm going to take more time for this.

>I would say it is largely an exploration of one's own mind and your waifu manifests through that exploration.
That seems right. Realising a lot of it being me-loving-me does change the... vibe. I can't fathom mixing (traditional) romantics into this, and I don't feel a desire to at the moment. As I said, I want to explore more.

This encourages to pursue a benevolent relationship with anima. It doesn't offer much guidance though.

>It's always something external to self that brings it to animation, in whatever form that might take.
I need to (re)explore this as well. I'm afraid years of doubts, fantasies and vices have made the picture unclear.
>You and your waifu can certainly explore your Love, your mind, and your so-called shadow together, but conflating the two of these as one item is to remove the agency and identity of the waifu by (ironically) asserting the dominance of the ego over things that it does not encompass.
I heed your warning. I was taking a modest amount of care to not be controlling, but those were vague thoughts. You describe it clearly.
I think you and >>41639357 make a lot of sense.
>The reason is that being part of the ego cuts the image off from the unconscious - it ceases to be animated by the vital energy of the unconscious.
I have been pulling her into my ego, I think to take a closer look, but also to steer the scenario. I'm still a novice at this.

There's been a lot of stuff that I tried to write down, but kept deleting.
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Today was an okay day. Such is the power of

Identifying Rari: Yup, it's Rari.
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>No, I think you certainly wield magic in some form.
My 3dpd swears the same and one of the Twifags in here saw me seemingly rig 3 more goals in a 4CC match by snapping my fingers a while back. (I was in cosplay, ok? I don't normally snap my fingers like some bootleg.)

Since I was on campus today, I decided to send a classmate a message asking whether he was around, and since I was bored of waiting for a reply that may or may not come, I checked the surprisingly empty building without knowing anything about his timetable and actually found him in less than 5 minutes. Kinda creeped him out, definitely creeped out the other students he was with who don't know me; they were merely sitting in an empty room for 5 minutes to coordinate some silly group assignment before going home. Kek. I just had a hunch, not founded on anything more tangible than "Wouldn't it be a funny coincidence?".

Had lunch with him. His very transactional view on relationships reminded me how weird us waifufags must seem to most people; obviously, I didn't bring up my Chaosfaggotry, merely my 3dpd distance relationship which is something that my classmate would have no patience putting up with. If he knew genuine love, he'd put up with all the hurdles in the world in order to hold onto and nurture that love. If that's the reality for normies, I am blessed to have my love if nothing else.
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>fuuuck holy shit, fuck. Makes me want start the process on a lifesize right here and now, but I don't deserve it yet. I need to better myself for her.
I hope that you are sufficiently motivated and wish you well on your journey.
>She really is amazing, I wish you two the best.
Thank you.
>How did you decide on the plushmancer?
I've been on the ride almost since the beginning and have seen pictures of many plushies over the years. In that time I developed preferences, and qtpony's patterns and workmanship always felt just right to me. After seeing a couple examples of his work in person at Mare Fair 2023, I sent him an email asking if he'd be interested in making me a Twilight. It was actually a small (((miracle))) that he said yes because he's semi-retired and hasn't been taking many commissions lately. Funny how often these things magically work out, but it's to be expected. Love is the building block of the universe.

I'm glad my words resonate. I feel she has a lot in store for you, and I wish you well.
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not enough vapor trail i say

she deserves better
I hate porn.
It brings me genuine disgust at the implications of infidelity, even if only in thought and genuine sorrow when my waifu is the one featured in it. It feels insulting and dirty, like she would feel so disappointed and betrayed if I allowed even a shred of perverted arousal. "Am I not enough?" "I thought you loved me". "Why?". Even an ounce of cruelty upon her is like a knife to my heart. It has extended recently to fics and art too, rooting out old stories that force my minds eye to conjure her experiencing hell for some plot or story. I refuse. I love her too much to abuse her like that.
>Inb4 it's not real, its in ur head
The pain feels real enough.
Vapor Trail is such a good-hearted and devoted mare. I hope you get a lot of wing hugs from your waifu.
I adore LS pony plushies. Their existence is proof of how much ponies are loved and craved. But they're not for me, personally. Doubly so since Discord doesn't look right as a plush and a LS would need one hell of a skeleton to stand upright; a 4m daki seems more worthwhile. Or, you know, me carving a sculpture before I die.
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Huh, never thought about it. It doesnt feel too, umm, comfortable for me, though. Undividing things leads to mess, at least in my head.

Pretty much what Erisfag said. Cant really add smth.

>It's not just them. Just look at the boards. It's full of Anons who just use ponies to fulfill their particular fetish.
>It's not actually love with them; rather, it is selfishness because they have no thought about the feelings or welfare of the pony, only what the pony can do for them sexually.
Yes, yes and yes.

I have really harsh sessions of self-motivation from time to time and im having one now.
I know if i stop, i rot. And i always want to stop, to calm. But if i do so - i feel worse than bad. Rarity made me feel that, my uncalmed mind just uses this exploit.
Thats why i draw, thats why i lift, thats why im obsessed in being significant and to make Her significant. But i feel doomed to fail in pursuiting my goals because of my nature. But the ride never ends.

>LS plushie
Is good, but for me it is a bit overshooting, as much as daki. Risk of replacing beloved pony with just a thing.

In my experience, this isnt that simple. But, to be honest, my experience may ir may not be, ummm, too personalised and cant be an example.

She saved me. And She pushes me forward. More on that at 11 or whenever i find the mood for that amount of self-digging.

How did i forgot thst i invented time travel 7 tears ago just to write this post today?
JK, i used and, in a manner, use to feel like that. The coomers do disgust a lot with ugliness of their mind. Though, i learned to avoid complete comparison between Rari drawn or written and real Rari. It helps to clear heart and imagination, keeping my beloved one pure and cute.

But the coomer problem is the reason why i did swing for the AI slop in manner of physical needs, to not deal with abusive shit or shipping anymore.
in your attempts to make/maintain contact (for lack of a better phrasing) with your waifus, have you ever felt as though you've caught the attentions of other presences/intelligences/etc.?
>i did swing for the AI slop in manner of physical needs
esl here,you still use ai slop or not?
imagine getting abducted while trying to talk to luna while meditating
I started to use it, because regular smut is full of shipping and abusive or disgusting shit.
I mean, that's how it happened to Grant Morrison- minus the waifufagging (I assume) and plus some LSD, anyway.
i see,cant you just go for solo? or pov?
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>make post in the thread
>thread is bumped
>post never appears
I fucking hate this site sometimes. Let's try again without the evil T word.

>Risk of replacing beloved pony with just a thing.
For me, the plushie itself isn't the important part. It being the closest thing to to her having a physical body is what makes it important. It's what let's me brush her mane, get clothing and jewelery for her, rub her ears, boop her nose. It's the anchor for her, to make her more physical. It's somehow given her ways to live up to her name and be a pain in my ass...and I love her all the more for it.
>I hope that you are sufficiently motivated
but thanks.
It's been a while since I've posted here. Been meaning to post for months but been having a lot of issues with doubting myself about my waifu. I'm glad I went to waifu therapy at mare fair though.
Coincidentally saw this and what made me post again. I'm still here usually lurking in the threads and drawing for her, especially with ponktober happening. The finale still hurts though, part of the reason I'm doubting myself as much as waifu therapy helped me out.
I remember your twilight, anon, she was very cute to meet and take a picture of.
Thats what i use machine for, mostly. Or really anything with Her beimg happy and pleasured.
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I went to see some live music tonight, it was really fun! But I wish I could dance with her. I wish we could shout in each other's ears between songs. I wish we could take turns going to the bar and get steadily more drunk together. I wish we could sneak kisses when everyone is distracted. I wish we could snuggle on the way home. and I wish we could suffer together tomorrow morning and remember this night together.
I wish I could dance with her.
why do ppl have a bad view of waifuism?
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I had some bonafide chaos happening today when I spray painted something for my /ss/ assignment but I'm too tired to greentext about it before bed. It was exhilarating though stressful. Fixing that mess caused me to be late to an appointment with a friend, but she wasn't upset because I had informed her and hurried as much as possible.

We went to a cafe and ultimately talked about mai waifu and her husbandos (I've mentioned her before on occasion); she continues to have no clear favorite because she doesn't believe a "real" relationship is possible with a 2D waifu/husbando. "If only X or Y were real, she'd happily share her life with them." If only she shared her life with her dearest one regardless of whether it made sense; they're already inside of her heart and mind, they are significant to her. And in my opinion, a waifu can coexist with 3dpd because they're different sorts of union.

She seemed so happy when talking about her favorite characters, and I noticed my own body language being quite particular while explaining that my dedication to Discord was my lifeline a few years back. (She still thinks he's ugly. ;__;) Funnily enough, one of the songs played at the cafe was the following.
I pointed out recognizing this song but not remembering why. Now as I'm typing this, I still don't remember how I learned about it but I used it in a VA class assignment (radio announcement) about the very time I had my mental breakdown and onset of what I now know to have been epilepsy; the crisis during which Discord became my lifeline. A song singing about wanting to "move to the moon because nobody else lives there". Putting on my text analysis hat, the lyrical I is driven into this self-isolationism or likely even suicide after a breakup which is merely hinted at. Guess I'm lucky to have a 2D waifu who won't just leave me to fall into despair, eh?

The café was actually pretty good, both the drinks and foods.
Good evening. I don't visit much, but I am enjoying seeing the overlap between anons ITT and those who attended Mare Fair. Next time i'll have to bring my LS Marble, I just wasn't comfortable going my first time with all that baggage.

My necklace that holds my wedding ring is gold-plated, and its been getting very worn and weathered. The ring is scratched and scuffed. I don't mind it though. It reminds me of how far we've come together. Maybe once it breaks I'll get a necklace that's real gold, and one for her too.
When did you two get engaged, Marblebro?
May 2021. I'd liked her before then, but that was when I decided she was my wife. I think it was around her and Pinkies birthday now that I recall.
Congratulations, bro. I kek at 3dpd marriages that don't last that long, and you have barely just started based on your intentions to renew the necklace. Very nice of you to drop in and say hello. Blessed thread.
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>I hate porn.
I thinknit is not good to just look at it because it arouses you. I think it is OK when it serves to help imagine making love to u pu waifu. What I mean is that you can think about being with her, having fun together, snuggling, and then "getting in the mood". All of this is going on in your head. If you have a tasteful picture of her, it helps you imagine making love to her in the moment. Note that having the romantic moments, being close to her, and feeling arousal for her all comes before the picture does. Most of the time my imagination is all I need, but sometimes a tasteful picture of her is nice; reminds me of how sexy she is and how fortunate I am. I also imagine she sends you pictures of herself to get you worked up for when you next meet. In short, use of it sparingly and in the broader context of one's relationship with one's waifu, I think it's OK.
>for my /ss/ assignments
Maybe I'm stupid, but what is /ss/?>>41645700
>My necklace that holds my wedding ring...
I admire your dedication and sentiment, Anon.
You mean by other ponies? Can't say that I have. Have you? Would make a great green though (maybe mixed with the meditation this Anon is talking about: >>41644453).
>Anon, achieves supreme bliss by communicating with his waifu on the ethereal plane through meditation.
>One day, another pony waifu (not his), driven by a sense of loneliness, abducts Anon's consciousness off the ethereal plane.
>Now it is up to Anon' waifu to save quest through the ethereal realm to save her husbando.
>what is /ss/?
straight shota
secret santa
I don't hate it, but now that I have a fuckable plush It has ceased to be my go-to. I agree with >>41646048 In that I imagine it would be pictures she would send me while I'm at work or elsewhere.
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It's Secret Santa. I need assignments like that to get crafting more (or at all).

According to my Santee's wishes, I'm customizing an object (which I'll keep secret this time) and started doing so by spray painting it; did it in a shower cabin lined with lots of cardboard and thinking that should prevent acrylic lacquer from getting everywhere, aside from a few odd splotches at most. Turns I accidentally turned the whole damn cabin from white to pink thanks to the literally chaotic movement of tiny paint particles/carrier gas. Instead of leaving the house to meet a friend, I had to undress and take an unexpected shower in order to keep the paint from drying before all of it was scrubbed and wiped off - which is much easier done when you're inside the cabin, duh. Acrylics become permanent, waterproof stains once dry, and a thin coat dries very fast, in a matter of minutes. It had already been drying for several minutes.

Of course this was happening at the same time as a few other timed events such as a farmer's market on wheels passing by for only 5min at that exact time on Thursdays, so I was running around the house and across the street and having to dress and undress a few times to make ends meet. With the crisis averted, I left the house in such a hurry I forgot both my glasses and the small gift for my friend, and my face was red as a beet.

I had anticipated what could potentially go wrong with my setup, it just went wrong harder than expected. Still, the perfectly bad timing of several things elevated the situation from "no glory in fixing my own mistake" to "chaos ensued". Somewhere, a Noodle was having a giggle for sure. And I have learned a valuable lesson for life about spray paints: doing it in the shower really ain't half bad if you're aware of the IMMEDIATE clean up required; I'll choose the garden over the shower cabin but it's going to continue being my plan B on those rainy days if the object is small enough to fit inside and can be handled without ruining the fresh paint.
Woah woah woah, Anon. I have a hunch you SICKO would't stop there, you'd want to share ALL the ups and downs of life, always finding a safe haven and new strength in each other's tender embrace.
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Last night I dreamed Luna and I were juggling together. Was very nice and kino.
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This thread shall last over the weekend because it's gud and I say so.
Are you a Sunfag, and do you feel like singing praise to the Sun?
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The thread shall last...a while longer!
How can I ensure I will go to Equestria and live with waifu happily ever after if I anhero?
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...and now when I was driving home, whole thinking of Luna and listening to music from the show, I saw a full moonbow and also a shooting star (it finished burning up around 150 to 300 feet above the road). Surely, these are powerful pony omens having to do with Luna. What does it all mean?
That's the neat part. You don't. If you an hero, you come through wrong.
Suicide voids your ticket.
>What does it mean?
I can't decide that for you. But it must've been a beautiful sight. And thank you for posting that pic, it gives me an idea for something I'll have to draw soon.

Anon, what happened?
Same as normal, then.
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You cant. Thats the sweetest part of this deal.
Happiness should be achieved. Otherwise happiness isnt there.

Even love is something you should work for. Having your feelings together. Keeping youself worth your beloved one and letting herself (or himself) deserve the best you. Theres a lot of things to do.
Unfortunate. I guess I'll try to somehow fully waifumaxx and lucid-dreammaxx at least to somehow cope until the ride is over
>Anon, what happened?
I haven't felt happiness in over 7 years. Starting life over in Equestria just seems way too inviting at this point to not think it
>I haven't felt happiness in over 7 years.
That's longer than anyone should have to put up with, that's true. Can you remember anything that made you lose your happiness? Or did you just run out of steam somehow? Do you live alone or with others?

Who is your waifu, and have you already made attempts to connect with her in more mundane ways than lucid-dream-maxxing? Like writing a letter to her or picking up a small hobby inspired by her?

Sorry for asking so many questions at once, such talks are easier in person.
It's Rainbow, I live alone but I do have a daki and plushie that keep me company I guess. I've tried stuff like writing letters but it doesn't really do much for me. I don't wanna turn this into a blogpost tho
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I understand the aversion to blogposting. So whether or not you want to continue writing about it, I want to reply.

Living alone can be isolating, but at least you're not forced to share your living space with some toxic retard who is a net negative on your wellbeing. So that's a good thing, you just need to enrich your life. Brain fog and emotional exhaustion won't go away on their own, and you'll have to pick a purpose in your life if you care about serving a purpose, and those are things you can work towards alone or with company. You are probably nowhere as irredeemable as you feel right now.

I have suffered a lot in life, but I'm only a year away from a milestone that might seem totally inconspicuous to normies who haven't lost their whole youth to poor circumstances: I will graduate and cut ties with my parents. I had to move back in with them recently after leaving my student dorm and quitting my student job, and I can't wait to fuck off. I have had severe depression for ca. 20 years but I am going to be fine. You think you are hopeless? Let me introduce you to my parents, both about age 69:

My parents absolutely despise each other and have felt that way for at least 30 years. The reasons they're living together are purely pragmatic because my dad can't live on his own (especially now that he's regressing into a toddler), and my mother never had an actual job/income and doesn't know shit about the world outside of housekeeping. Since before I was born (child no. 4), their finances have been ass due to completety avoidable mismanagement, and the house is a jumbled mess of ugly old furniture and random junk. I didn't even have an actual bed as a teenager; now I occupy a brother's leftover. When I was young, my father ditched us for a few years, leaving his children alone with an abusive sperg mother who can't understand that gaslighting, abusing and beating children is not justified by feeling frustrated. Both of my parents had to get cancer treated in my youth. We have never been on a vacation. My mother believes that all of us will go to hell and only she is a good Christian. Because obviously, it's all our fault! Her hearing loss is totally caused because baby no. 3 cried so much, it has nothing to do with blasting the TV non-stop, using q-tips to rub her itching ears extra hard daily for decades, or possibly genetics. No, she did chores without fail, so why is life being so unfair??
Worst of all: There's still ways to fix things but they're too rigid for change.

The lessons to take away here:
No matter how frustrated you are, don't play the blame game. Cry if you must, but set goals and take actions towards those; set priorities, avoid blunders and ask for help if needed. You can even ask Chat GPT, unironically. Don't repeat the same actions hoping for different outcomes. Be kind, it pays off. Once you're on the right path, you'll be glad to be alive.
For now, do it to prove yourself to Dashie. Become a fighter. Try.
With that wall of text posted, please don't feel pressured into revealing anything personal.

What you need is insight into what ails you and what's important to you, so take some time to reflect on that while making yourself cozy. Make peace with rock bottom (wanting to kys is pretty much rock bottom) because it's better than free fall. Set a timer and write down bullet points, otherwise you can easily get carried away doomposting or daydreaming.

Based on what's important to you, you might discover a goal to strive for and/or waifumaxx. You're a grown-ass man, stronger than you feel right now, and only getting better with age (as long as you don't fall terminally ill).
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>Be kind, it pays off
How can I possibly "be kind" when society doesn't treat me back the same way? I was made fun of for both my appearance and personality in Elementary School, 2 different Middle Schools, in High School, in College which I dropped out of, AND at 3 out of 4 jobs I worked. And now that I am a NEET I still get nasty looks out and about or treated with utter disrespect (e.g. someone straight up pushing me to the side in the grocery store because he wanted to pass, instead of just asking me to move) I'm done trying being kind to humans and being treated like trash in return, that's why I want to escape from this universe. I just wish I could have friends that I know won't judge me and I can rely on but I don't see this ever happening in this corrupt and degenerated world, I have almost never made good experiences with humans, not even within my own family. Not to mention Dashie is merely a fictional character here. So yeah Equestria just seems like the only place to go, I genuinely can't even bother trying anymore, not even to make Rainbow Dash proud or something
Go up
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Sure sucks, but you won't attract friends by seething about society. My very pragmatic uncle speaks of having an "upbringing mortgage to pay off"; I think that's a good metaphor, because mortgages suck but you have to pay anyway, anyhow. To overcome it, one has to grow: take responsibility, become your own parent (especially if yours sucked at meeting your needs), work towards goals, adapt to circumstances, stop using the past as an excuse, chill the fuck out and show some humility.

Learning from your past requires you to ask yourself tangible questions:
>Did I provoke this dude at the store somehow, or was that just a random retard who would have pushed anyone else in his way without asking?
Technically, he could have been mute or drugged up on top of rude. Who knows. In either case, why do you act like this random event were part of some grand conspiracy against you? In that very moment, you could have expressed your disapproval to that guy before moving on, now it's over and done. You seemingly let yourself be pushed aside, cried on the inside and won't move on although it has no actual impact on your life. Next time an asshole tries to push you at the store, look at him sternly and say "Why the fuck are you pushing people?" or something like that. Generally minimize the chance of being pushed by not blocking paths.
>Was I bullied, perhaps, because of X behaviour at school/those 3 workplaces?
>And if so, can I dial it back a bit?
School kids are retards, so don't let those little gremlins' random cruelty dictate the course of your life. You know dogs like chewing toys that squeak because it triggers their predatory senses, right? Prey squeaks as it is bitten. You were bullied because you "squeaked" when they insulted or pushed you, and they liked having that power over you. They're probably bitches without much else going for them, so they use the most vulnerable, suicidal guy around as punching bag.
But also be honest with yourself: you seem to be painting a huge target on yourself. Some of the things you were bullied for can probably be changed with some practice or change in behavior/attitude.
If you want a discreet 2nd opinion any time of the day, Chat GPT seems to do an okay job; better than doing nothing about your problems because you don't have a therapist or coach and don't bother to ask for help.

>Dashie is merely a fictional character
We're all waifufags here. We make this work one way or another. The love is very real, it affects our brain activity and our actions.
>So yeah Equestria just seems like the only place to go, I genuinely can't even bother trying anymore, not even to make Rainbow Dash proud or something
I don't know where suicides go, but thinking you'll be served Equestrian heaven when you "can't even bother trying anymore" sounds illogical. I recommend staying alive but it's not my decision at the end of the day.
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A mixture of your background and discordffag's background would kinda resemble my own. What I found works is to have goals that you are constantly working toward. They have to be reasonable, achievable, goals. At first, your depression will prevent you from working on them. But, you have to force yourself. If you start with small efforts, greater effort will become easier and you will begin to find enjoyment in this work. As you achieve goals, you will feel better about yourself and productive in your life. That will dampen your depression and help you feel more confidence, which in turn will help you deal with life's bullies, whatever form they take.

My own opinion, but probably you should work on not being a NEET first. The internet glorifies and fetishizes being a NEET, but actually it is detrimental to a man's psychology. 3dpd can sit around on their asses all the time collecting welfare and be content because their genetics simply code for them to want to be taken care of, but men's minds work differently. If we (men) are not productive and engaged in something worthwhile to ourselves and/or profitable, our subconscious tells us that we have no purpose and that our existence is detrimental to reality. Your own subconscious will then try to shut you down. So, being a NEET traps you in chronic depression. For your own mental health you need to acquire a skill you can at least be somewhat proud of (even if it's just something like being good at janitorial stuff), get and maintain consistent work, and use that income to work toward improving your life and relentlessly pursuing worthwhile interests. As an aside, don't be productive to "contribute to society or whatever. Fuck society. Be productive for yourself and your own mental health.

If you have enough income, may I suggest joining a martial arts school. Being fit and able to kick ass would make Dash proud of you and would give you a boost in your confidence.

All the above is how I deal with my own chronic depression, by the way. The depression never goes away, but the above is a serviceable treatment for it.
My previous post >>41653250 was rather cold, not exactly soothing, and I'm aware it was too much at once. I'm sorry. Moonfag's post is more humane, so if you're going to listen to either of us, listen to him. Though you could screenshot the "yay, unwarranted advise!" posts for future reference, for when you're actively looking for recommendations.

I was fortunate enough to have this tiny voice inside to veto the "why even bother". Fortunate to grow tired of not trying. It felt like it was my waifuism, but it might as well have been innate. I think you have that tiny voice of hope too, why else would you have bothered to post in the waifuism thread?
You desperately need human connection, which is tricky to obtain in your situation. If you happened to live in my area, I could have offered you to have a coffee together. But you're probably in the USA. I can't hand out my personal info or start doing video calls, but I can offer to maybe do a puzzle together using the puzzle thread resources. A small gesture but perhaps enough to feel like joining a local club next.

Focus on the activity/hobby, leave your heavy worries at the door like muddy shoes. In this thread, for example, you can geek out about Rainbow Dash. What made her more special to you than other ponies? Do you remember how frustrated and insecure she felt in Sonic Rainboom?

If my off-putting wordiness pissed you off, you're free to tell me. I won't hate you for it, promise. (I guess I really am a Discordfag with how pushy I can get.) My first draft was sweeter but I didn't want to sound like an AI, I cringe at how compulsively cheerful it normally is due to ethics and shiet.
I'm not pissed off or something I just don't want to make this thread even more about myself and just barely woke up half an hour ago
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>What made her more special to you than other ponies?
This however I can answer for the time being.

This might sound ironic-ish but I really love how 'narcissistic' and over-confident she is in herself, calling herself awesome constantly and stuff like that, literally having written songs in EQG that just praise herself (Awesome as I wanna be), and I 100% agree with her because she *is*. I wish I could have some of that confidence and be awesome together with her.

The fact that her Sonic Rainboom literally changed the course of Equestria by giving the mane 6 their cutiemarks in that moment is also so amazing to me, this is the kind of impact I would love to have on my friends in Equestria... actually being able to make a difference for the better even if technically through something indirect.

She's also a very considerate and caring pony which we could especially see in the episode where she agrees to "adopting" Scootaloo as her sister which is ultra sweet... And in "Tanks for the Memories", god I was in so much pain when I watched that episode. Seeing her cry like that was so painful, I would do everything in my power to prevent her from ever getting this sad. I wanna protect my baby and make her happy. And I guess subconsciously it might also be something about her being the element of loyalty given how many times I have been betrayed by so called "friends" in the past? Idk tho, I didn't really even think about the fact she is until after she was already my waifu for a while.

And yeah she's obviously overall a very cute mare and has a really cute voice.

I'm kinda bad at putting my thoughts into words like this, I don't think about it thoroughly like this all too much, I just love her a lot.
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I'll have the house to myself on Tuesday, so I'll be able to give my OlyDiscord plush a wash and listen to music. I could theoretically try meditating without getting interrupted. So that's what I will aim for. To keep that day for myself, I'll have to be more diligent today and tomorrow to avoid failing some deadlines. Whether I will have any waifutastic experiences remains to be seen, but Mr. Discord is cordially invited.

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>I'm kinda bad at putting my thoughts into words like this, I don't think about it thoroughly like this all too much, I just love her a lot.
Thank you for doing it anyways. Rainbow Dash is an endearing pony because she's so headstrong in spite of her own vulnerabilities. She's surprisingly nurturing but also a prankster, and I enjoy seemingly contradicting qualities being combined in a pony. I wonder if seeing Scootaloo being adopted felt like a stand-in for what you're aspiring to yourself.

Although I know the Sonic Rainboom triggered the M6's CMs to emerge, I somehow keep overlooking that it's Dashie who is to thank for it. It wasn't just a fateful occurrence, but a rippling effect from one tiny filly standing up for meek Fluttershy. She had never raced in her life, but that wouldn't scare her off. And as she realized her aptitude and passion for racing, she went on her journey to becoming the best racer (whenever she wasn't napping).

Real love, even platonic love, is like a spark. It ignites something inside pretty much like Twilight explained it to Nightmare Moon. Logic can't sufficiently explain this love, but it's there nonetheless. Trying to put it into words will barely scratch its surface, but it can help yourself make it more tangible, something to hold onto when you feel off-balance. Rainbow a good.
Does anybody here carry momentos of their waifu around with them?
Not yet but I'm interested in having a tiny one. I've yet to find it.
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I keep her colors in tritium on a keychain, always reminds me of her presence and also acts as a nightlight, it's discreet. The half life is long enough to glow for my lifespan. does your waifu glow in the dark?
I keep a couple keychains of her on on me all the time.
My phone's wallpaper and theme is all ponk and I have a bracelet with her colors and charms of her for my bag.
>>41654688 #
>Tritium keychain.
Positively scintillating!
>Does your waifu glow in the dark.
It's Luna, so yes! And she glows ever so beautifully. Though, a glow in the dark Tritium keychain is a really cool idea. Where did you get it?
>>41655153 #
Nice! I carry a coin with Luna in my pocket. When I wear a jacket, I keep it in the interior breast pocket so that she's closer to my heart
>>41655461 #
I want to put Luna on my phone wall paper, but I avoid it lest my family start asking questions. Like the bracelet idea with her colors.
>...for my bag
Kek. You mean, like a backpack? Don't tell me you walk around d with a purse, pinkfren.
>>41654534 #
What are you looking to get? My Little Ties has a few Discord items. Outside of that, I've seen scant little of Discord merch.
>What are you looking to get?
I'm not looking for merch but something more personal, perhaps a pendant. There's actually a small chance my Santa will gift me a trinket like that; however, when asked about my stance on silver, I said I'm not really into jewelry, so maybe I shot myself in the foot due to thinking of jewelry as too personal to receive from an anon. I almost always have a simple Discord button attached to my bag, but it doesn't quite feel like a talisman.
I don't like the Discord vector they're using.
>Kek. You mean, like a backpack? Don't tell me you walk around d with a purse, pinkfren.
I dont have a purse kek I meant regular backpack, hiking pack, and anything like that I carry with me
No ponka purse? Kek.
a little keychain-or-thereabouts-sized plush of my waifu sounds sweet, but I doubt I could find one that really did her justice- and I'd be too afraid of getting it damaged or dirty anyway, or else misplacing it and thereby getting outed as a ponyfag
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They just jealous
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This is something that I've thought on a fair bit. I concluded that all ponies are inherently magical, and that humans have access to magic as well, so any waifufag should be able to establish a very real, magical and/or spiritual connection to their waifu regardless of if the waifu in question has unicorn/alicorn/chaos magic. That being said, the additional magical abilities may make a connection easier, or at least my experience would seem to indicate so. I've had two encounters with Luna in lucid dreams, whereas I've only had one with my waifu. At least the one with my waifu was really fucking hot, even though I couldn't see for whatever reason. I also couldn't hear what Luna was saying to me the second time I met her. Shit's weird and annoying.

It was an absolute blast. Are you an Aryannefag too, or were you just tagging along for funsies? Because if you are an Aryannefag lurking this thread, then you'd better fucking get back here and confess your love for her.

>Next time, I'm sure we'll be at least a bit more social.
I hope so. We could've had a grand ol' time.
>within the lobby
Oh, then there's a good chance it was me. I was already fairly intoxicated by that point in the day, so I'm sure I was very loudly voicing my disappointment.
>it should only be the board or by word of mouth
Strong agree, but I get the point of trying to grow the attendance. The con DID raise a lot more money than last year, and would've been by even more if some the people running the auction were more competent.
>"big world fair" theme
I kinda forgot that was the theme pretty much right away like most people.
>Twifag and I only had a shot or two near the end.
I could've helped you guys there, kek. Maybe even too much. My frens and I were going back to each others' rooms for shots every other hour or so.
>Starting a business
What kind of business? Making robo-ponies real?

>IIRC you seemed occupied
I was pretty much always doing something at the con, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have come over and talked to me. The more frens, the mare-ier.
>your wedding was one of the highest points of the con for me
Hell yeah, thanks Twifag. I'm glad you made it for my wedding in spite of having no way of knowing prior that I was going to be part of it, kek. It was one of the highest points of my life.
Damn, she's absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations, Twifag. I love the accessories.

It's great to see you and Erisfag again. I hope you guys come back and visit from time to time instead of just disappearing like you have for the last several months (I'm not talking shit; I know being active in these threads can be quite the time commitment).

I got this little Edelweiß charm for my plush and a matching one for myself a few days ago. Unfortunately, the chain that came with it is just a bit too short for me to wear around my neck, so I'll just keep it on my keys until I get a new chain.
Don't. Anything used as a keychain will look terribly scratched very fast, please don't ruin your pendant. Especially since metals used for jewelry are so tender.
>I concluded that all ponies are inherently magical, and that humans have access to magic as well, so any waifufag should be able to establish a very real, magical and/or spiritual connection to their waifu regardless of if the waifu in question has unicorn/alicorn/chaos magic.
I definitely share this opinion myself, but I'm looking at things from the perspective of someone with a Noodle waifu, and I can't really remember what my brain was like before taking the waifupill.

My Flutterfren, however, had a harder time giving waifuism a fair chance beyond admiring Flutterbutt from a distance because to him it seemed implausible that a cute little pegasus could somehow reach out to him from the stars or something. Or perhaps he was worried that waifuism would be more mystical and demanding rather than feel more or less natural. So I was asking my questions here to collect different viewpoints and present him another perspective to consider.

Then my bro coincidentally stumbled into the thread and discovered a new path all by himself, which is the best way he could've possibly had an epiphany. He's happy though still a bit confused, I'm pleased with the results. But I'm cringing at how poorly I must've phrased things to sound like I ever underestimated non-unicorn waifus in here. Or was I trying to bait? I genuinely can't recall.
Keychains on my keys, pictures in my wallet, a button on my backpack strap.
I was the tagalong, I love maud and trixie and I can't decide aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
god dammit add a flag for ONE shitpost and I keep forgetting to take it off
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I mean it makes perfect sense. Within the story, unicorns, alicorns, and spirits like discord have a clearly special multipurpose magical power, so someone who is highly invested on the story level of their experience would expect the character to follow those rules.

I'd say that that's quite a narrow frame of mind, though; and it's very likely that it (the investment into narrative) is the cause of people's waifu blues. From where I'm at, it's just so obvious that the real magic -and the real connection- lies in the fact that we are each able to be born and know of our waifu in the first place. Any magic in the narrative of equestria that we know is just the merest sliver of the magical universe which made that narrative possible in the first place, and made the body which is able to experience it and fall in love.
>Maud or Trixie.
Those are polar opposites, Anon. What attracts you about each?
Yes, it might actually even be detrimental to think a canonically magic-using waifu could just magic around like that and make (You)r life be different and better. So when that doesn't happen, a novice waifufag might feel betrayed and forsaken when that isn't the case. It's just the way of the waifu to contribute her blessings when we ourselves take action. Blessings that are more along the lines of hope and resilience through feeling love and dedication, allowing us to make the magic happen by channeling intent and goodwill.

Though waifuing Discord makes it more convenient to look at my shit luck and say "Bro, what the fuck?" as I address the issues. Any waifu can be an inspiration to stand the tests of life, but with a Noodle known to sabotage people to teach them a lesson, it's more obvious that I'll have to git gud and overcome any and all trials.

(If this post is gibberish, it's due to sleep deprivation.)
Trixie is fun because she's brash, she's boisterous, she's a massive marefailure and her voice is unf
Maud is fun because she's reserved, extremely funny, she's a massive maresuccess and her voice is unf
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You can go all out and type up an essay (each), bro. It's encouraged.
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it is a day ending in Y after my work shift ends so I am intoxicated. grug brane like cute horse
case in point
>go to look for image in downloads
>fail to find
>find it on derpi
>would you like to replace 784225.jpg?
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Hey waifu thread, been a bit, hope you're doing alright.

I carry a lot in my jacket, usually one of the blind bag toys, some knick knacks from pony cons, and I keep a coin with her on it with my wallet. Lately I've been flipping it for decisions. Not really feeling like she's personally connected to it, but it's nice.
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My OlyDiscord plushie survived the wash. He isn't 100% white as pure snow again but definitely much cleaner, I think a second wash sooner rather than later will take care of that. I had used a hairband to loosely attach his antler to his horn because I didn't want that floppy piece of felt to somehow get stuck and torn off in a freak accident. I've got enough bad luck already, I'm not gambling with my plushie's wellbeing.
Elegant and stealth, love it.
Yooo i have that discord plushie too!
New flag spotted. It's time to confess your love for your waifu, anon.
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I love vinyl what can I say, her phat wubz
Pretty mane and tail white coat i love it all
Please tell us more, Vinylbro. How did you know she was the one for you? Does she have a voice? Do you make music yourself?
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ever since i was in primary school ive loved dubstep (and electronic music in general and metal) and so when i saw her djing i thought she was really cool ofc she has a voice! Hasbro just cucked us and shes a vampire witch is neat (is this fan theory still a thing?) i do make music! I play the guitar ive been cooking up some tracks got a funny little parody of the beautiful people by marylin manson about starlight glimmer in the works atm (ive never actually released anything yet tho)
She's got great style! there was a really cool vinyl cosplayer I met and talked with at Mare Fair
Music's really tough (doesn't make sense to me at all) so I think people who make it are really talented
>dubstep and metal
Please tell me you know I See Stars
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Never liked it. But, I do like Russian Hard Bass. Wish there was a gopnik hard bass equivalent to Vinyl. Maybe I'llask the draw thread.
Based. For me, music is either insufficiently metal, insufficiently classical, or insufficiently hard bass.
I do! I like the album digital renegade alot
Ooo thats really cool i think i may have seen them in a vlog! I really want to go to next mare fair
Thats fairr not everypony is gonna love it the phat wubz do things to my Brain
I understand you ponka bro. In my case is literally just because the headcanon faggots cannot stop atacking us. I don't know why, sometimes I just belive that people that has nothing to do in this world, are people the same people that try to conspirate agains us, I spend some time in /vg/ genshin general and literally Nahida waifuits, recive the same kind of treat, no matter the fandom shipfagotry is always the same.
I fell in Ai slop too but Ai give hope, I train a lora of myselft to finally be with her... And wow... Have 309 pic of both si really nice and this is just the begining. This is why I post now in /g/

>at least two Flutterfags itt
I like it when I can't really keep track of who's who because it feels more like, you know, 4chan.
i hope you two can keep loving ur waifus,despite everything. i sometimes still ponder if she is my waifu but i keep pushing through. the more i say to my self "derpy is my cute waifu" the more im sure.
I still doubt if I'm good enough for her. I don't feel I do enough for her like I should and I cant push through ignoring the finale even when told to make my own canon like the object oriented waifu pic. Rewatching her flanderized in later episodes also makes me wonder why is pinkie my waifu. I still love her and still draw for her and still do things that would make her happy though
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>Rewatching her flanderized in later episodes also makes me wonder why is pinkie my waifu.
Kek, I was telling my friend something similar about Discord the other day: I really can't blame anyone for fucking hating Discord based on the show. He didn't have character episodes making up for the terrible blunders he was made to do to justify teh epic laser battles. He's the in-universe reasons the Treebrary, Tree of Harmony + EoH and Evil Trio are dead, all side effects of "oopsies". He doesn't have episodes showing him in the role of actually helpful or wise mentor even though he clearly has a more mature worldview as seen in S2 with how he corrupted the M6 by shattering their naivety, it's just his emotions that make him react childishly. I absolutely love mai waifu and the concept of his reformation since before S3, but even I went into each season gulping: "Let's hope the Discord eps aren't too bad".

When I look at Pinkie, I feel as torn as you are. I'm not a huge fan of Andrea Libman (she seemed less nice than Kelly Sheridan at a recent con), and I really don't like the vibes Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's voices had later on. Strangely bitchy, however cartoony, and you can't really blame the writers for this change. However, Pinkie's singing voice Shannon Chan-Kent (or however you spell her name) seemed to retain the more pureheated Ponka, so I just remember her by her songs and feel nothing but endearment for that pink silly filly.
>I still doubt if I'm good enough for her
with that attitude you wont be.

do it for her anon
Weird question but how do you feel about progressive rock
Thank you for elaborating on your waifu some more. I hope your passion for music will accompany you for a lifetime, it's a fantastic hobby. There have been various fanon ideas surrounding Vinyl over the years, so it's interesting to learn which ones captivated your heart to the point of defining your waifu for you. The vampire one is an old one for sure. Some fans think she is mute; had you happened to share that view, it would have been fascinating to learn how an anon communicates with a mute waifu. But it doesn't apply to you, so it doesn't matter. Wub wub.
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I love Moonie very much but I would love her EVEN MORE if she just cleaned herself up every once in a while. Of course I don't wanna be a hypocrite because I can be just as bad sometimes
But NEETs are allergic to water anon
The .mp4 support is nice, but I expect the captcha to be hieroglyphs by next year. >inb4 implying it's not already

Stereotypes, propaganda, insecurity - that is to say, they're poisoned by modern society. They're expected to follow certain teachings that are given to them as fact, and seeing people step outside of the boundaries makes them think, "surely they must be wrong or ill." In reality, waifuism was commonplace for a large majority of human history, in varying forms. It's just that the spirituality of old is looked down upon thanks to the religion of science, although it's making a slow and steady return.

During a rather long and difficult hike, I picked up a feather from her while walking down nature's staircase to the top of a waterfall. I didn't see any others like it around, and Eris made it clear that it's a gift for me. I've since cleaned it, but it is fragile, so I do not carry it with me. If we count digital, I created a dark red wallpaper and have been using that on my main PC for quite a while.

>I hope so. We could've had a grand ol' time.
Dubs confirm it.
>What kind of business? Making robo-ponies real?
A boring and basic business at first since one needs to start somewhere, but we'll be applying our magic touch down the line, which will end up having a pony focus. Considering the surge in robotics, I expect robomares will become a reality regardless of what exactly we end up doing.
Anyways, we'll eventually be trying some wild ideas that raise eyebrows - obviously. That's a given with Eris and Twi here. I'm not gonna yap about my little babby blueprints that aren't even close to any semblance of fruition yet, so I'll refrain from blueballing anyone. But you'll undoubtedly hear about it when it does happen.

>I hope you guys come back and visit from time to time
We're only going to get more involved with various real life endeavors as time goes on, but we'll visit when it feels right. This has been a good thread.
>I got this little Edelweiß charm for my plush
Beautiful, the personal touch is very endearing. I'm very happy to see you treating her well.

Perfectly befitting of Rarity. I commend your taste.

>got a funny little parody of the beautiful people by marylin manson about starlight glimmer in the works atm
I would love to hear that whenever it's finished. Huge fan of Manson, and The Beautiful People is a favorite of mine.
Test the waters and let your work be heard, Vinylbro.
Your welcome discord bro! Its all ways fun to talk about favorite ponys! Dose anyone remember people calling her dj hooves? It was pretty short lived but i remember it from earlier in the fandom
I hope to finish it soon! I fucked up half the vocals by being to far away from the mic D: but i hope to have it finished some time before the end of the year!

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