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i don't really understand this guy's fetish for transmogrifying mares into unnatural shapes and forms
xhe should draw more fat ponies instead of fucking pies and cakes
>not a new tamers vid
Shit's boring, who cares
>not a new tamers vid
Finally, something actually good and not AI+MSPaint-tier slop
his twilight bubble gum video is pure unf, need more chubby ponka
Go back.
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I do understand.
Imagine a thicc fat pony who has enough magical power to put you in cube shapes and flattened and stuff
>makes an inflation vid
>no joke fucking two million views before it got taken down
I don't either, but it's weird seeing someone with essentially a deviantART-autist-tier fetish making animations that are actually good quality. Usually people into this type of shit are making mouse-drawn MS Paint garbage.
not everything is sexual, faggot.
my nigga, those who sell don't consume it.
everything is sexual, straggot.
Some things are sexual, biaggot.
I know a girl who likes his booms.
To think that this all started from a fetish for fat little girls
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, transformation stuff makes my PP feel hard.
Ugliest art style in the entire fandom.
I don't know if it's sexual
Can you repeat the question?
Huh? is this artist allowed now? a few years ago my threads about this artist were pruned in minutes.
I don't care if it's sexual, you're not the boss of me now, faggot.
Life is unfair...
These kinds of bizarre nonsexual fetishes perplex me.
Are you people jerking off to this kinda thing or not?
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Damn, that's a shame.
Genuinely this. Bizarro transformation fetish is just weird and knowing it was specifically made to jack off only makes me less comfortable with it. At least I have a fat fetish and can enjoy the fat fetish stuff on that front. Not much that cube-pony can do for my dick.
Bro needs to do more inflation animations
>most cartoonish kink
>perma angry userbase
kinda amazing contrast.
rarity wouldnt do that to her girlfriend
It's okay, AJ likes it.
Why are they fat?
it's hot
it's hot
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So if you got to spend a day with applejack in any one shape, which would you choose and why? Stool or chair shaped is tempting, I like the idea of something that will let her stand on her own while still leaving her helpless and objectified. I think the best has got to be towel or blanket shaped though. It's a cuddly shape, and I'd get to roll and fold her. There's so much to do with a blanket shaped pony.

I guess you could choose pony shaped if you're boring.
I honestly have no idea. I don't know what the fuck I would do with any of her forms. Maybe the ball? she didn't seem to mind that one too much.
90% of hanging out with any pony in a shape without legs is just going to be holding and carrying her. A ball is a great pick if she's down to be played with. You'd think getting bounced off the floor would hurt, but I like to imagine it feels a lot better when you have a body made for it. If you're going just by what applejack would like, judging by the way she blushes at the end when licked, I think she has a bit of a thing for that.
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hmmm geometric poni
Even Dobson gonna be confused
supposedly he was a glowie.
His brother was a glowie that lost his job because of him.
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Oh noooo
shes going to get eaten by Rarity
soo scary
This shit is so retarded and obscure it's funny. I can't even fathom where the sexual element comes in.
Look at Rarity's body
square, the shape of evil
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is this the divine shape?
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evil twi
It's hard to explain so I'll try my best. Malleable body/shape change stuff is like the purest form of a transformation fetish. Rather than focusing on what a character becomes and the humiliation or situations that causes, keeping the character's appearance and the properties of their body mostly the same, it helps focus on imagining what the sensations of having a body molded and reformed in impossible ways would feel like. Since applejack is the subject here, I don't think the intent is to self insert as her, rather it's for people who've already enjoyed fantasying about shape changing to imagine her enjoying the same sensation, which makes it another step harder to understand if you aren't the specific brand of freak that already gets it.
no, he was one and his own ratted him out.
where is the inflation
give me her number
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you missed a digit
That's the reupload.
>those who sell don't consume it
This dude has been making art and animations involving things like the subject matter of the video in the OP, vore, feederism, inflation, etc. for over a decade. No one was commissioning him for shitty drawings of Zecora vore or morbidly obese DT back then.
He does this because he likes it first and foremost.
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how is a board dedicated to the discussion of a cartoon made for little girls populated by grown men that want to commit bestiality so judgemental of someone who likes something "weird"
When you're as weird as the average horsefucker you don't get many opportunities to feel above someone on the social ladder so you gotta take what you can get
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My nigger, you must like anthro
For me it's the fetish about being sucked into bottles and other tight spaces
I jerked off to anthro ponies for years while never getting into the show
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What the fuck?
you're god damn right
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This is your mindset
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>All the children in the comments section
I get how they're able to find these, having stumbled upon Kphoria when I was their age, but it's still off-putting to see them in droves in comments sections of videos like this.
You know how a lot of people are surprisingly into inflation? The act of making the belly of a character swell up in some way.
I'm honestly surprised flattening isn't just as popular considering it's the direct opposite.
I'm surprised the act of making a character paper thin doesn't turn people on with how vulnerable it makes the character in question. They are literally at your mercy, and you can do things like hang them up on your wall like a trophy or use them like a blanket. I don't think I need to mention this but you can also use them like a Cock sleeve if you really want to, kinda like a personal flesh light, only it's your waifu.
Not to mention, you can just fill them back up again when you want them to go back to normal, you could even just inflate them like other inflation artists. Just saying, I don't know why it's not more popular and considered niche.
>made for kids
oh youtube...
so you don't understand eqg?
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Cause we all got the sickness for the thiccness. Even when it’s not the focus of the art/animation, their smooth, plump, curvy figures get me going.
bump thread
Dude’s a snuffer feeder. Cringe.
>says the one posting anthro
last thread save again
Goomba man thread?
wtf is a snuffer feeder
Give it some time to this thread and we're gonna have people unironically finding these videos arousing, writing greens, making art, etc.
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How are kids doing this? I was too stupid to figure out how an email address worked when I was a child
Give me green ideas.
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If this dude made some twerking videos i would gon for those animations
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Shame we don't get a rear view of dat flank.
Man this guy is disgusting.
Man this guy is based.
Man this guy is okay.
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I've been sparse around these parts the last couple days and I'm glad to see this thread is still going. I'm glad strange shape ponies isn't a sexual thing for me btw, I just like 'em
personally I love seeing mr. goombas art
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dude you're going to love it when you find out about Delta-P
it's hot
This dude made a butt slapping gif. and it was a humanization. it's over
Hideous moustache lips
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last thread save yet again
need... more... fat and tf content...
old, but
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So I can sit on her.
not into this transformation stuff or whatever but the way that face is drawn is really nice
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I just so happened to have this image saved conveniently on my computer for just such an occasion as this.
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i'd want a little time with her first to figure out what would bother her most before choosing. maybe even let her have the final say between several particularly squirm-inducing options.
I don't know why I'm chuckling so much over this smug chair. This is peak Rainbow.
He does.
He is.
why are you guys the biggest freaks
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Good artists who draw things like this remind me of pic.
Women love loss of power.
I miss when this guy made fat animations instead of "le wacky toony transformation/flattening xddd"
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Yeah, there's a really nice animator "sachasketchy" or something, who is fuckin' great at animation but wastes his talent doing hideously autistic shit like sandbags with tits on them
>Implying amy as a sandbag isn't the hottest thing you've ever seen
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i can't believe twiggles is fucking dead
im sure she'll get better probably
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I can sorta get other fetishes that I don't have, butt this one doesn't make sense to me. You blow up with air and then you die. I need an eight-hour youtube essay about why people like this.
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many such cases, but i think applejack would be something of an exception in that some part of her would always absolutely dread what was happening to her even if she could eventually be made willing to indulge. but i'm not sure what she'd dread becoming most.
I presume it's a humiliation thing mostly, and people largely ignore the snuff part just like vore? I don't think that's all of it, but it's the best I got.
Is this vore? How do you get something like this?
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first thought: why
but then: imagine being the candy that Rarity is licking
you're a big lolly and she's just licking you
This is comedy
Is that why ponies are afraid of vacuums? They don't want to be vored?
don't think too hard about it it's a thing that was in the show and literally tens of millions have watched on yt because >>41650379
It's a cartoon trope
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>be there or be square
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wonder if the drawanon who drew this request is still horseing around
I feel the same about him as I do the guy doing these videos, I'll never really be into the fetish but game is game and the art game is solid so I'm down with em. Plus with Sketchy I actually do like some of his normal stuff since he mixes in some more basic art where, if dialogue is ignored, it's pretty much just titty or ass art or something like the pokemon and trainer fusion stuff.
I guess the answer is like any other fetish but how does someone see a character getting cubed or sucked into glass bottles and find it hot
>find it hot
Immobilization + flexibility. Extrapolating it out to something more normie-tier, it's like bondage with a gymnast/contortionist.
Ok this actually gives me feelings of anxiety. I dont get this fetish at all wtf.
Why is this terrifying
that's fucked up
how so?
twilight killed her friend and ate her
It's funny
Why is twilight gutted at the half?
For all you know she might be planning to reform AJ into a pone once she's done tasting her apple-form.
That's AugustBebel. They're still alive, but I'm pretty they don't browse here anymore.
I wish she'd kill me and eat me
It simply is.
it's probably not as good as you're imagining it anon.

on that subject though i'm reminded of a fic where she gets mad at pinkie and transforms her into a ginger bread pony then eats her, only to regret it later
By any chance, do you have a link to that fic?
Think about it there's a young woman discovering her sexuality.
Right pony for that reaction.
She pretends to be a man on the Internet.
Youtube sure is a place sometimes, huh
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incidental exposure to pone fetish art must have fucked a big number of people up

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