Make Equestria Great Again editionPrevious thread: >>41446490Thread links:Voice archive (embed) (embed) (embed) playlist of Applejack songs
>>41626277How can one make Equestria even better?It's literally perfect
Morning bump.
>>41626277You put the subject in the name field ya goober
>>41626403More apple trees
Silly anon I was looking for the thread
>>41626293>>41626661OP here, I was really tired when I started the thread last night, and I'm also kind of retarded. This won't happen next time. Anywho(ove), gotta catch some Zs. Goodnight!
>>41629552Don't sweat it anon, everyone makes mistakes, the important part is that you made the thread in the first place
>>41629930Why is she like this?
>>41627398Maybe if people would stop cutting the tree that feeds then there wouldn't be hunger.
But what if she had floofy mane?
>>41629552>This won't happen next time.OP...
>>41631216She would still be pretty
>>41631216pinkie and applejack are so cute together.
>>41632863>giant Applejack opening your tent
>>41630326She just loves (you) a lot
>>41635725she's going to get 3 cancers if she smokes that whole thing all at once
>>41635725AJ finally found a fag bigger than OP
>>41635776Gosh, she's strong
>>41636468This is amazing
>>41636468She's branching out
>>41636468Not surprised, she is a fashion icon too
She's coming
>>41634595definitely one of my favorite deliveries from the drawthread.
>>41626751Applejack, what do you think about zebras?
>>41638417Too lewd
>>41639889so true
sex with appul
>>41641464Why is she so smol?
>>41641906Considering the fillies in the picture, solely to use (you) as a bed
>>41640313My body, her choice. Forever.
>>41642282I belong to the apple
>>41641126Wished she could hug my aches away.
>>41642817An Applejack hug would cure me
>>41644106Good Morning
>>41644106But what if she pets me
>>41645683You receive it with love.
I met someone who said they'd never eaten a banana and I thought they were bullshitting me, then I googled it and found this article on a garbage news site. Imagine not knowing what an apple tastes like.
>>41646362>Quarter of children have never eaten an appleBased
>>41646376Hardly two minutes go by and the Strawberrynigger is already on the job. Do you just lurk in the apple thread all day?
>>41646382>Do you just lurk in the apple thread all day?Somebody has to keep the appulfags on their toes
>>41646382This is Strawberry's home thread. She's irrelevant in any context without Apple.
Man what a week
up you go
>>41646376suck a punchable face
>>41648199>sucking face with the strawberry mareSo that's how you really feel
>>41649135her hair looks good enough to eat
>>41648045Got damn
>>41649658I love an honest workin' gal.
>>41650051Good morning
>>41649742She works so hard, I wanna help her so bad
>>41651478Whoa, that's me
>>41640313I want Applejack to find me broken down by the side of the road, give me a lift to her place with promises to bring me to a shop, and then rape me and keep me in the barn forever
>>41653485Finally some good shit
>>41654439How is this pic so lewd
to the appul drawfag who frequents this thread and made this appul: could you please tell me what typeface you used here/what similar typeface inspired "Saint Malum" in this image?
>>41656385Good morning
>>41657301>piercingsis that a worm?
>>41657620From the thumbnail, I thought you were implying Wormjack's braided mane was her body.
>>41626277Is there a working playlist link
>>41659640Does this one work?
Did a sketch of her last night. I love her so much bros.
>>41661326cute mare
Morning bump.>>41661326This is lovely, anon. Thank you!
>>41661326I really like this one, it's perfect
>>41660351Recommend more Apple Songs
>>41662851Have these ones from the Applejack Appreciation Appointment Archive
>>41661326It's great anon
>>41663951nighty night