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Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Mythology Retold, Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder, Borderlands 2, Lethal Company
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41488400 (Checked)
been playing borderlands 2 with one guy from this thread, really starting to like the game now
you know what I mean, not this thread but the last one
>one off
>didn't move VS from before to last thread
Where do we play vidya in? Do we get in a discord server?
I would suggest, if you're interested in pony gaming, you simply ask for interest for a game you want to play, and see what you get in reply.
This thread has simply become a stepping stone leading to isolated pony-gaming groups.
You agree on a game and a time here. What do you want to play?
whelp time for a mega rubber/plastic plant on the gold coast in satisfactory
>Do we get in a discord server?
I'd advice against it. But it's up to you.
Usually justy coordinate here and throught Steam DMs, at most creating small Steam group chats but that's about it.
fuck off
PON3 squad on war thunder is completely dead…
Would anyone want to play German ~3.0-4.0 GRB as a squad?
I completely forgot about War Thunder. But I'd like to play tomorrow, need to download the game first.
Keep in mind that my typical strat for GRB is this
>spawn in a fast tank or a well armed tank
>push point/get 1-2 kills and die
>spawn in air and proceed from there

Depending on BR I really like that wheeled German SPAA for rushing points, and it’s 47mm pen HVAP shells are alright.
anyone wants to play some fighting games?
I have Them's Fighin' herds, blazblue centralfiction, guilty gear Xrd rev 2
btw I am pretty bad so anyone could just kick my ass
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>Enemy Titan
"lol", said the heroic mare army in unison
"lmao, even"
how well is the dwarf fortress mlp mod integration going with the steam version's graphics?
An full mlp blaz session would be kino
I haven't played in years and I can feel my joints hurting
if you want to add me on steam my friend code is 1663679101
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Does anyone make their own models here for fun?
I wonder how many people will understand the reference
I'm usually on during the mid-late night in the EST zone if you're on around that time and want somebody to squad with. If you see snake243 in the squadron chat just shoot me a message in the chat/DM or just throw a squad invite at me and I'll join you. The offer extends to anyone on here in PON3 or not.
Atlanteans OP.
plones are cool... Downloaded the game will be ready to play in ~4 hours
Does anyone on VS have spare rusty beams?
How's the new mode?
Feels alright, albeit a little undercooked, the first missions on Extreme solo was painfully and boringly easy, however it quickly ramps up in difficulty
Should be very fun to play with a teammate, the allied AI is either absent or useless
Oh, it has coop? That sounds pretty neat.
Any chance someone would take up the mantle and continue working on Silent PonyVille https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzUUxo4t1Ao ?
>>Is there any archive that has this game versions?
> I found one: https://archive.org/details/spv-xmas-special
> Got it from https://forums.lostmediawiki.com/thread/7420/silent-ponyville-game-crossover-fangame
>Oh, it has coop?
...The whole premise of the gamemode was for it to be played coop with another player.
It never said that anywhere. Either way, that sounds pretty cool.
>It never said that anywhere
The very first announcement stated it's coop or solo. Almost a month ago.
I dont watch dev videos.
It was an announcement on the AoM website and steam page. Also that dude is not a dev, just a caster.
You really did not keep with the news, anon.
the mane 6 wake up in the world of Monster Hunter
which weapons would they main?
Nah, I was too busy following POE2 among other things.
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Hello Anons, would you like to play Left 4 Dead 2?
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I usually play a higher BR then 3 - 4 but im down for playing whatever, im not in PON3 but you can find me by searching Red Leader
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Steam ID plz
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I don't actually play L4D I just wanted to bait you
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I'd play like always if you do
Is it invite only this time around?
I suppose it is. I'm not in charge of that server, I am just seeing if people want to play. Anyway, if you wanna play, steam IDs plz
Does it come with 50GB of trash mods and maps, 30GB of which are different every single time?
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Left 4 Dead 2 / Sven Co-op Anchor. Better late than never.

Enable the developer console for each game in the options and follow these:
To join Left 4 Dead 2, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best"
To join Sven Co-op, join via "connect sven.equulei.wang", password is iwtcirb
>Campaigns for L4D2
>I want ponies
Check this collection out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=240330680; it has (almost) all pony mods on the workshop listed, do NOT subscribe to all, it WILL cause conflicts, instead pick and match whatever fits your fancy.
Playing Left 4 Dead 2 right now, feel free to join.
The server is never invite only, it's always on. I just had to take over for the server owner.
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5/16 on Absolute Zero
New HOI4 expansion coming out soon.
Enjoy spending 3 hours downloading campaign maps
oh good, another dlc about minor nations but this time in africa?
get off your 10mbps connection circa 2001
No, it's actually a Germany rework along with new research system, special operations, and rocket overhaul, including finally being able to use them to nuke.
Doing some 4.0 germany battles on War Thunder if anyone's interested
Sure, I'll be down to get slapped around.
we are still playing, this time at 5.7
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Planning on hosting a HOI4 EAW today at 18:30 CET. Would be happy to see anyone here join.
Also if chiseltools is installed I will be able to use jonas paintbrush/the palette to make the niche in the tunnel even spookier.
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Will there be a discord or something where we can talk shit to each other?
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Lobby is up! Game will be starting at 18:30 CET. Around an hour and a half from noe.

ID: 90208169609276427
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Hotjoin and coop will be on, don't be alarmed if you cannot chat at first. It's a common bug that will go away once the game starts.

Yea, If you want, I can find a link for it. Its something that was made back in the EAW threads.
I'd like that, especially since chat is a bit buggy at the moment. btw I am pizzapatriot
Its always buggy at the start because Paradox is retarded, but I see that your already in.
No, but I wish they reworked South Africa.
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"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"
>the thread: "nobody will play gregtech!!"
>the VS server: someone carved out an entire wind tunnel with hollow pipes "carrying air" to bloomeries and forges, and grated floors, without abilities to copy shapes between different materials, chisel offset areas, or anything but differently-sized cubes, just to roleplay having a factory
The difference is VS is fun.
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i broke into an old abandoned mine and found a little goblin unicorn down there carving chickens out of limestone.
Just in case any of you retards who still haven't joined the Hell Divers 2 ponyfag group and have been diving solo
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Any high tier War Thunder players here?

Would also be up for low/midtier US/Germany

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If that's what you truly believe, then host a Minecraft server yourself.
yes and yes, Red Leader is username
Can anyone had played retro games with emulators? Idk using Kaillera or parsec as an example. It would be fun play with anons snes, n64, psx/2 or saturn games.
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12year relationship with my assumed soul mate just ended.
Any comfy pony themed games to help take my mind off it?
He's huge!
>mindlessly holding a button to pretend you're setting up machine chains is more fun than actually setting up machine chains
I have no resources for a public server and everyone who does are self-evidently dense retards.
>I have no resources for a public server
Oracle has always free ARM server that you could use to host one.
I feel you anon, sorry to hear that
"Stardew Valley" doesn't have ponies in flesh but it has ponies in its soul.
"A Hat in Time" also the same way.
>>mindlessly holding a button to pretend you're setting up machine chains is more fun than actually setting up machine chains
Okay, then why don't you go play Factorio if you want to set up actual machine chains?
Minecraft + MineLP
There's an outdated but still mostly functional (if you can tolerate characters having half the animations, all swimsuits, and all of 1.6's winter clothes being nonpony) mod to ponify it, Starswirl Valley.
>4 cores, 24GB RAM, 200 GB storage
Would work, actually. For Minecraft, at least - for some reason Harmony isn't ARM-compatible so VS server would be missing pony mod alongside anything else that uses the "nice, convenient" way to modify other code instead of hacking into it directly.
Because Factorio is bad at setting up actual machine chains. Shocking, I know. Though since the release of the "DLC" now is the perfect time for a server, whether with said DLC, or with the mod it's a (AFAIK worse) copy of.
>waaaah i can't and everyone ignores me demanding single thing for literal years on end
sneed, i guess?
You're requesting a niche modpack for a now-niche version for a now-niche modding scene for a generally unpopular-with-the-intelligent (for the next couple years until the kids fuck back off again) game.
I really don't know what the fuck you expected after the first three years passed.
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Play kh2 fm anon.
Its awesome fluid fast and a lot of fun
no thanks i like my sanity where it is
Youre missing out on a ton of fu there tho anon.
Why do you all play at fucked up euro hours
gorillaz is like cool
Exercising armies will now increase world tension in HoI4. I wonder how EaW will handle that given that Equestria has focuses locked behind world tension. Equestria could just exercise its own armies to build world tension so that it can complete its focuses.
>inb4 they just make it so Equestria isn't allowed to do anything until they get attacked by the changelings
you know full well that's what they'll do, enforced incompetence is the only thing they'll permit for ponies
Just modify the WT values for it a bit and be done.
Don't care. Just gonna build up max level forts along the border to prevent the bugs from pushing and rush nukes to carpet nuke them.
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Found these in the EaW server, but they're for Pax Solaris.
>hey bro, want some magical rpg in your map game?
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Post digdug.
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>first time playing the game
>set up first fort
>mountain on the map is just a one level high mound of sand
>wanted to do fishing
>no river or water source near by
>also dont know how to do stairs properly and think theyre glitched so i start a new one
>learn how to properly stairs for this new map
>set out
>theres a river this time
>but no mountain
>third times the charm
>start a new one
>its perfect
>small hill with visible gem deposits and a stream near by
>hell yeah
>get the ball rolling
>setting stuff up trying stuff out
>mining and making workshops
>migrant group joins up and double my fort numbers
>couple seasons pass
>caravan rolls through
>i didnt set up a merchant waiting zone or something so they say fuck you and keep walking
>talk to their negotiator
>tell em i want metals and shit
>after saying so i think they told me in return that they will be selling it to me at a two hundred percent premium when they roll back through
>they tell me they want ear rings and some other shit
>all the digging i asked for gets done shortly after the mountainhome dudes leave
>most of my population is idling sitting around the tables that i told them was their meeting hall next to the still and food stockpile
>save game and turn it off
i need to look up more on how to do the crafting side of things, i need to make more picks and give the crafters i got in the migrant wave some proper jobs
hope you've got at least copper on the map or else goblin christmas will be a !!FUN!! experience
i havent dug further down than the second level where ive been building stuff
no metals yet i dont think
will update tomorrow maybe if i get on
if i dont find any metal i think ill just throw handfuls of cut gemstones at them as a defensive measure when they come knocking
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played some barony today
>find steel boots that grant +4 Armor Class and Levitation
>i see nothing wrong with this and put them on
>next level, get shot by an arrow that sets me on fire
>it's the swamp level, so i instinctively run to the water to put myself out
>i'm levitating above the water
>burn to death before i can take the boots off
i hate this fucking game
I should reinstall barony and then immediately rage uninstall it again
I've only had a good experience with Parsec playing with people who live nearby.
Equestria rework is going to change it anyways
sweet glad to hear there'll be even less ponies and more furries
idgaf non-pony tags are always more interesting anyways
they should just cut the equestrian continent out entirely nobody that plays it cares about cartoon horses anymore
>anything horse related
>get's taken over by furries
celestial state and chiro were fun star mountain in effectively a pony path so i have hope the the equestrian rework even if I'm biased towards non pony nations
Yeah but that's not coming for a while.
Also the dev said he's changing Equestria's war tree so that it's not
>'lmao we win fuck off bugs' like it is now
in his own words, so it's not looking good.
>it's not looking good.
in what way?
>effectively a pony path
sounds like a bug you should report that so it can be fixed or removed
Because he somehow believes Equestria is currently too strong and needs to be nerfed.
I wonder what it's like to get so angry over nothing for no good reason all the time
they quite frankly are ai Equestria is cancer to fight late game and the ai changelings only ever win the great war if the civil war kicks off
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i accept your concession
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Would anyone be up for some L4D2? Just playing vanilla maps and fucking around? We can also play custom maps if y'all want.
Id be down
Very cool. Here is my steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/453453534543534534/
Playing some L4D2 out of boredom right now, feel free to join.
2/16 on Cold Front
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>dug deeper today
>went way deep and found a big cave with gold and platinum deposits
>further down i hit veins of silver
>did some research yesterday and set up some things preemptively for metal crafts production
>another wave of migrants came and brought with them increased efficiency
>not to mention their own picks for digging
>things all over the fort are getting done noticeably faster
>set up some doors for the front entrance and had the dwarves smooth the meeting and eating hall's floors and walls so the dwarves can be happier
>it took an eternity but it makes the room look nice
>in that time a dwarf running a loom got in such a bad mood that they up and decided to leave the fort
>got a fair few more workshops made as well as a handful of new bedrooms as well
>had to also had to expand the back wall of the gem cutters room below to hold a larger stockpile of gems
>a master weaponsmith dwarf adopted a little brown rabbit that was brought along with the caravan at some point
>she had named her Logem Logematham and the only way i found out she did so was the fact that the rabbit follows her everywhere she goes
>pictured is Mestthos Sarveshshoveth 'Mestthos Furnacemystery' with her rabbit there to the south of her
>i had Mestthos making silver weapons but moved her off when i wanted to switch to bronze armor
>hadnt realized she never went back to her work so she took up the task of working a clothier workshop making silk caps which she is doing in the picture
>on the note of clothiers a master clothier claimed the workshop just below Mestthos out of frame
>Sodel Zursulzuglar 'Sodel Chewship', she came in on one of the recent migrant waves and was struck with inspiration
>shes been sat at that workshop for a long while now
>in other news i neglected the animals sitting around my meeting hall for so long that they started to starve to death
>in all my workshop organizing and mining i forgot about learning how to care for them
>thankfully i set up a grazing area for the remaining animals
>a mare that was brought along with the wagon as a filly and a grouse of some kind
>need to learn how to properly train the mare and get her a name
>dont know what you can even do with horses besides eat them
>besides that in my deep digging i uncovered a cave after the initial set
>had gold and silver deposits and monsters
>monsters i neglected to kill or contain
>a group of monsters escaped one at a time for a while, interrupting my dwarves work enough to force my hand
>set up a military squad and killed every single one i came across on the surface
>but the main thing that made me militarize was the first death of my fort
>a giant cave toad killed one of my craftsdwarves
>i never even saw it
>currently waiting for my miners to get back up and expand the crafts hall for more storage and workshops
>have to get armor production up and running full time as soon as possible
I actually fucking despise boulders holy SHIT
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im ok wit chisel tools as soon as some pony send me version th@ doesnt add blocks & is just panto graph or something with jus the tools x,x
i know you're retarded and all but this is pushing the limits of believability. please read >>41626263 >>41626367 and use your one remaining braincell.
you're going to want to set up a way to lock down your fort ASAP, because there's some really !!FUN!! shit in the game that you don't want your military even engaging in the first place
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ok can u show me how 2 config remove the custom chiseltools chest & ladder blocks srry im a dum brain let x,x
Why are you being retarded and asking to remove them? What is the goal of "MOOST NOT ADD BLOXIES UWU"?
This is not retardation, it has slipped into deliberate malice and obstinance.
So it's Bug and Host all over again.
Don't you just hate it when some namefag asks to play a game with you?

Anyway, vanilla L4D2 tonight, anyone?
Webfishin' if anyone wants to join
nuhuh, you're gay. But yeah that is gay too.
if you werent acting like a gay retard with autism I wouldve been interested in checking out the server but alas, such is you
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>more seasons pass
>as my wealth and arms grow so does the number of dwarves that wish to join me
>Sodel Zursulzuglar wasnt able to make any breakthroughs with her artifact
>she went berserk and started fighting every dwarf she could see
>she luckily was not armed so she was quickly struck down by a local militia dwarf
>her dismembered remains sat where she fell long enough for her corpse to begin releasing noxious clouds
>she was entombed shortly after as a single dwarf made several trips up and down stairs with all her parts to put them in her coffin
>another dwarf scared me when i was notified of her claiming of a masonry workshop for her own masterpiece to be made
>she had luckily been successful in her endeavor making a malachite throne tipped with onyx and engraved with the depiction of a triumphant dwarf and a legendary scroll
>another clothier dwarf had attempted to make his own magnum opus some time later
>he had instead had gone stark raving mad
>i caught him running into the main hall outside throwing silk shirts all over the ground (at least i think thats how the shirts got there)
>he now roams the halls of the fortress as a mad man
>more time passed and i was satisfied with my deep delving for the time being
>i had enough ore and finally set up a steady supply chain of steel production and armor crafting now steadily outfitting my two squadrons of military dwarves
>on top of that i had a sizeable stock of other metals to mint coins in
>only when the mountainhome traders came through once again like they promised did i realize that the coins themselves are seemingly not tradable
>i instead unloaded my entire stock of low value jewel encrusted stonecraft goods and spider silk clothing on them
>i bought their entire stock of fruits so i could make more liquor with that instead of using the mushrooms i had
>their visit had unfortunately disrupted my before mentioned steel production and metal working as most of my work force had chipped in to the daisy chain of moving the couple hundred trade items to the depot
>past that a great deal of human adventurers had asked to stay with me to fight monsters along side my military as our home grew in popularity
>i can tell it is going to be a long time before the place looks any good, most all the walls are unsmoothed and there are stone chunks everywhere
>but i am very hopeful for the future
>pictured is an engraving on the wall of our meeting hall depicting our forts full insignia
i got a drawbridge on the front door
no getting past that when its up i think
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>the inevitable happened
>a turbo ass rape monster came out of the caves
>brought up the drawbridge on the front of the fort so no dorfs would go down
>it did nothing
>they found a way through a door connected to the mine stairway that i didnt lock on the second level of the fort without me knowing
>get a report that someone was found dead
>a group of dwarves met the monster on the stairs and were mangled
>more dwarves went down to get the corpses, dying in the process
>open the door after the monster goes further down past the massacre it just did
>hope it is far enough down for me to destroy the stairs above it
>the monster storms the dwarves as they approach the bodies
>they eventually kill it but a handful more dorfs die
>over a dozen dwarfs died and now i need to expand my crypt
>im in the middle of making more caskets and making the room bigger when i get an alert
>a ware elk arrived on my land
>mobilze both my murder suads this time
>they hunt him down and murder the shit out of him after he mutilates two of my dwarfs in the process
>pic related is my tomb room now
>it used to only have three buried in it before all that happened
The curse of the people on the convergence of willingness, ability, resources and time to host all being autistic retards.
Don't do that, anon. It's incredibly easy to just turtle in a perfectly locked down fortress, and it ends up boring and unturtling more daunting the longer you do it. Face the !!FUN!! instead.
Warcraft 3 got remastered (again) along with 1 and 2
>giving nu-blizz attention
not even worth pirating it
How can you remaster something twice?
>"We fixed the coloration of a cutscene. That'll be $70, goyim."
I saw all the videos about it, that's nice I guess, I will be playing WC3 again in a few days and see how the Re-reforged version is.
I dont reallly trust Blizzard but this seems alright I suppose, a step in the right direction, will need to see if they dont fuck up again. Given on how it's owned by Microsoft and MS keeping old RTS games scene alive there's a small chance it can eventually become a good game.
Only time will tell.

By delivering a shitty product and then unfuck it, that's how.

Papa beetle best hero btw
Its still modern Blizzard.
did they do the Deforged thing with the other two and the re-release of Deforged itself
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EAW updated with the new DLC. Look at this cute mare!
a shame she's in such a shit fanfic timeline
To anyone wondering, the answer seems to be that they just disabled that entirely.
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Equestria gaming.
Why do these nuclear projects take so damn long? I should've gone with my gut and just hard rushed nukes.
>Why do these nuclear projects take so damn long?
nerf to not hardlining them because fuck you for playing Equestria in Furfags At War.
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Good news is I accidentally ended up with two nuclear facilities because I built one preemptively before realizing that I'd get one elsewhere for free through a focus.
But now it's looking like I'm going to be jumping straight to thermonukes.
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No bonus points for guessing where that single thermonuke is going.
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It's a great feeling.
Oh and you just get the same message about a regular nuke being delivered by a bomber. Doesn't account for missiles or thermonukes.
Are the special projects any good? Haven't got to try it out yet.
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I'll be hosting a HOI4 EAW MP game this Sunday at 18:30 CET. I got the new DLC and EAW already updated with it, so anyone interested can join to test out the new features and hopefully have a fun game.
Also holy fuck that nuke barrage tanked their war support from 91% all the way down to 4%
But the game now keeps crashing whenever it tries to save. Killed the bugs so hard it broke the universe.
Good as in useful? Hell if I know. I'm not very good at judging how meta things are. Super heavy howitzers and the special mage assault company seem pretty good. Some old stuff like radar and jets are locked behind doing special projects now. From some of the videos I've seen some of the projects seem really powerful, like the mothership plane and the sub projects. You can get practically invisible subs that can travel over twice as far as regular subs.
They are pretty fun at least.
>Killed the bugs so hard it broke the universe.
Not allowed to antagonize the furpets.
Ask InfinityWard, kek. Man am I glad I don't play the season pass CoD games.
Instead I'm fixated on the....first lootbox one. Speaking of, who wants to play Black Ops 3's campaign for a co-op Realism mode run? Probably no one but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I have never played the campaign, so I couldn't help.
webfishie for a few hours
>after all the remains of the dead were buried things went to a sort of normality
>continuing my metal and craft production for the next caravan to roll through
>then another forgotten beast crawled up from the depths
>not caring for the cost of dwarf lives i decide to take care of it
>i mobilize my troops and it is dead within the day
>another hand full of coffins are filled and more slabs are engraved as memorial
>some of the dead seem to be restless though as two dwarves in a row are possessed to attempt at making an artifact
>one gets off lucky, making a beautiful stone chest
>the other was reduced to a babbling mad man, another doomed to wander
>remembering the two dwarves hurt in the were elk attack still sitting crippled on the surface i decide that it is good a time as any to make a hospital
>it is built and designated with doctors
>things continue
>more mining and building is done
>children are born and grow
>more travelers come to see my work and join up to drink all my wine and tell tales
>i get an alert some time after that another were elk is spotted on our land
>before i can mobilize or raise the bridge he slips through the front door killing two dwarves in the process
>he is swiftly killed and things resume
>his rotting corpse sits in the entrance hall of my fort until releases clouds of miasma
>even after countless requests to dump him they leave him there
>despite the rotting monster in the hall
>i count myself lucky that the couple lost would have been way more if i didnt have three suads to close on the problem as fast as they had
>and then all hell broke loose
>five of my dwarves all change to were elks at the same time in several parts of the fort
>they slaughter dozens in a bloodbath that seems like forever
>eventually the two that survive change back to dwarves
>only seven citizens remain in my fort
>two of which are children
>they were spared the bloodshed as they were playing makebelieve in their rooms the whole time
>one dwarf remains to care for the wounded, he was deep underground at the time it seems
>most every chamber is coated in a river of blood and viscera that he wades through to save the half dead people still around
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>i try to pick up the pieces but it becomes increasingly apparent that it is a lost cause as more coffins are made and i decommission the tavern to make room for the dead
>and two of the survivors change into monsters
>i cant help but watch it happen at this point
>one changed dwarf stalks the halls of bedrooms
>he comes across one of the dwarves that helped heal him after the last attack
>the dwarf is dead in an instant as he isnt even able to leave his bed
>the monster then makes its way past the childrens rooms killing one of them in the process
>the other runs down the hall out of sight
>the beasts change back and all that is left is three
>the two beast cursed dwarves and the one child
>seeing no other end to this i tell the two of them to kill every human visitor in the fortress before attacking the heavily guarded caravan outside
>best to have them die as warriors instead of beasts
>they do as ordered and one is left to run out side to face his final battle
>he was the mayor
>after every battle recently the appointed mayor had died leaving the next in succession to be dubbed as mayor of the fort
>he was the last in line and he would be the last ever
>all that was left was the child
>i found her sleeping in the back of the hospital in a patent bed pictured above
abandoned to ruin, the fort of Tombcrushed ends
that's why I always quarantine anyone involved in a werebeast attack for a month, sending any cursed to clear the caverns as much as possible
i gotta learn how to do that....
protip: don't use doors or bars as werebeasts are lvl2 building destroyers
you'll either have to seal them into a room with a small stockpile of food/booze via drawbridge or constructed walls
you don't really have to wait long to see if they're infected or not
what you do with them is up to you
also I eagerly await your first 'unfortunate accident' of a noble
>textwalls of a hipster ass game that nobody truly enjoys vanilla because the UI is so dogshit

good one anon, let me know if you have a mod for disabling the stupid f2p game's annoying ass intro, otherwise sauce the tileset your using.
Unless its the game uploaded and sold by the tranny publishers (unironic gay romance games uploaded by them) to which you can hang yourself faggot.
you don't need a mod
it's right there in the init file


>This lets you set the starting windowed/fullscreen setting. Can be YES, NO or PROMPT.
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i am not even going to try and decipher what youre trying to say here
have a (you) i guess?
>the stupid f2p game's annoying ass intro
absolute shit take
the DF intro is pure sovl
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Knightbros we're back.
Holy based. How did you achieve that?
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Knight hardness from Griffon tech, special forces hardness from racial special forces doctrine, and the new thaumaturgy project
That is fucking cool. How early can you get it?
I got it in 1013 without really planning on it, you can probably get it a couple years earlier without much investment if you build a thaumaturgy center early and aren't an uneducated shithole like Hellquill. Maybe sooner if you rush down racial techs to get thaum breakthroughs?
Playing some Left 4 Dead right now, come join!
5/16 on Buried Deep
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Castlevania collection is currently free on the fortnite launcher
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Why the hell does Equestria require more war support to start preparing for war than it does to declare a preemptive war?
Anyone wanna play the CCG game with me?
the pony ccg?
because fuck you
Yep the trading card game, mostly played on Tabletop Simulator or OCTGN which is the free alternative.
You mean AiE? or the magic ripoff? Im just making sure here were both thinking about the same thing, I could play on TTS
Idk what AiE is
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Thanks all who joined for playing today, glad I could help everyone who didn't have Good Guy Nick achievement finally earn it.
>just checked Good Guy Nick achievement
Fuck. I don't even really want it. But I'm annoyed I don't have it now that I know it exists and could've gotten it.
It's still active for another day, if you're free later just make a post and I can hop on with my alt
Game will be today at 18:30 CET.
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Lobby is up! Game will be starting at 18:30 CET. Around half an hour.

ID: 90208609555033099
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Hotjoin and coop will be on, don't be alarmed if you cannot chat at first. It's a common bug that will go away once the game starts.
Because most ponies don't know what a real war is like and think they are the strongest until they actually get invaded.
No you are stupid.
That doesn't make sense in relation to what was asked.
>But the game now keeps crashing whenever it tries to save.
Okay, I think the issue is just whenever planning a nuclear strike, or maybe just a raid in general. It seems to corrupt the save somehow and make the game always crash the next time it tries to save. Don't really know what to do about this.
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The land reclamation for my farm is complete, with this I will never go hungry again!

Can you add this map
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The great road is finished!
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Rate my gang

Honestly if you use classic graphics (which I do) then there's no much difference from the previous version, besides a few UI and QoL upgrades. Could be worse I suppose.
Nice, though I'd prefer DN.
Death Knight. Sorry, meant DK. The healing is too good.
My hero order usually goes like: Crypt Lord > Death Knight > Lich

You can creep the map so easily with CL beetles with little investment, and then make a gorillon crypt friends as backline
Anyone wants to play the CCG with me?
I could maybe play it next weekend.
This is just a reskin mod, you can install it on your own anon
He is not.
Okay (You)
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Destroyed a Lucherhulk.
What do they do?
Made a server in TTS now named "MLPCCG" in case someone is awesome enough to play with me
Forgot to take the usual pic(?), but no one expects the bug inquisition!
gg Anon, close game
nouther anon here
I have a minecraft server that I never use I could use it for gregtech:new horizons for everyone
Yes please, I want to watch horsecrap autists argue for 3 months again and then play for like a week before everyone hits creative flight and gets bored
>creative flight in a week
surely you jest
Ive seen horsecraft 1-5, they dont survive the first week
This one won't survive the first week for entirely different reasons to 'everyone got over the honeymoon phase and stopped showing up daily'
i'm guessing you mean lag?
even if it only lasts a bit it might still be fun
No, i mean that the modpack in question is incredibly autistic.
But yes, also lag, assuming this is the same retard that's requested it the last... seven?... times.
nah i'm a different anon. but yeah I never lasted long with the pack (LuV) at that point it stops being fun so I won't see it going much longer than that anyways
>gregtech new horizons
nigger no, nomifactory or gregtech ceu

new horizons is miserable and I've already played on a online server w it.
GtNH is the only one I've ever played so that's why I suggested it I'm open to doing the other versions
Don't get mired in arguing in the thread, just do it, people will play. If you still want pack advice, though:
>GTNH (latest)
1.7.10 with all the associated jank
The most optimized and streamlined version, but full of bad decisions like adding botania.
Comes before most bad decisions, but can't be optimized by using stuff from newer versions because un-backportable shitcode with dependency hell.
>Nomifactory CEU
1.12 with all the associated far-more-than-older-versions jank. Less of "dedicated greg" and more of "kitchen sink with greg"
InfiTech 2 is 1.7.10, InfiTech 3 is 1.12, they're both "dedicated greg but not as heavyweight as GTNH".
Not greg, 1.7.10, meme pick - will teach the VS faggots what it owes 90% of the mechanics to.
I don't know. That was all that was posted.
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Stalkerbros... how are we feeling?
This got to be the same anon...
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Shield Ogryn gaming
MLP CCG today?
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Bombing run.
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Invincible Dreadnought.
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