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Previous Thread: >>41519115

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3332521672
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival, Zombie Master, and Final Frontier.
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Late night gmarening?
ooo nice painting
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I hope I get a burger from her one day
Tolly burger!
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im out of snoofas
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collect more!

mmmm bormgar
The TTS mod has been updated.

Reworked the GUI a bit and added a bunch of new Google TTSes.
Bunnyhopping and its speed boost has also been fixed (again).
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imagine encountering this THING and they're playing the wide putin theme while slowly approaching you
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This one reeks
Wait, bat streamer was back on?
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shhh, the mares are sleeping
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found some old player times from the 1st version of the server.
This grotesque image of a car accident with an extra passenger should be deleted
4 on trash compactor
now there's some names I haven't seen in a while
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7 on trashmare
Pinkie was lucky, but not lucky enough.....

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Mount Doom
we have already sacrificed several mares to the volcano.
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this goes hard.
watching tamers 10 pones
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spy mare
Huh? Looks normal to me
4 on sandbox

Unfun game: List all the ponies we've lost that you can remember
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cute mare
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[insert low effort leaving gmares video here]
/) hop off gmares gmares gmares

nothing personal. I just can't play the game anymore without it crashing every 5 minutes and nothing seems to fix it
Does that mean Horde is safe?
If anyone can help, feel free to ask for assistance Anon
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2 on sandbox
Lime lick
what's this mare's name?
no mares...
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2 on sandsnoof
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why the fuck is my screen looking like this
did you try verifying your game cache or changing resolution?
alt tab like a thousand times fixed it
I need
run the game either borderless window or in a regular window, it's a playx bug
oh so that's what causes it
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the mohawk mares
the fuck is a name?
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half life 2 is free now
the all seeing Trixie
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Who wore it better?
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Perfect gmod moment ending, kek
I love them!
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Mare Belli
2 on sandbox
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6 pones on
comfy mares
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might vector these later.
spooky fluts
1 on sandbox
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woah bat mare
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4 mares going into a quake shootout
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my vers. of the map is diffrent apparently...
No quaking for me :(
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through the power of mares I was able to quake anyways!
4 mares hording
we didnt even horde. that shit lasted like 8 minutes. and most of that was just loading time.
top kek
6 mares going pedal to the metal in sandbox
5 on sandbox
can we watch this
Is horde broke?
for some reason when we voted for barrio it took us to cargo, but that map doesn't work zombies spawn in the middle of the roof of the warehouse and get stuck
and after that point we all just got impatient and quit trying to play horde.
I am feeling horde though, not gonna lie. Hopefully it's not fully broken
It wasn't, last night was a single map that was really broken, the one map that was broken since forever
Hopefully it is fully broken and never sees the light of day again
Hop on Anon
What's her name?
Nice Pear ploota.
The issues with Quake have been fixed.
Feel free to resub to the forked version in the collection.
Awesome, thanks!
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how come we dont put the CEF fix in the OP?
Because I keep forgetting to add it.
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Added an addon that introduces Invidious support to Media Player (no more ads! aged blocked videos don't work)
PlayX is still useful for livestreams and non-browsable sites (Ponytube and Cytube mostly)
Boss Roseluck
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Moonie, short for Moonlight Blitz!
cute snoofs
those are some wicked teeth.
I like it.
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Just a kind reminder that this is a pony server.
>Snap, this is going in my cringe compilation
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Pony server huh? Are you including stallions huh? On my gmares huh?
we truly live in a maretriarchy
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It needs stink lines
looks tasty!
mare bumpa
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where did the blood come from?
that's just strawberry jam, don't worry about it.
Ah, okay! I know I like strawberry jam a fair bit too, so I get it
jamming mare
One mare on gm_trippin
3 on sandsnoof
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woah, Derpy wonderbolt?
Has the HL2 update caused any issues with Gmod?
I don't think we tried HL2 coop since, unless it was deep in the night ...?
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no mares
1 mare
nuh uh
Half mare?
1 on surf
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Get off from page 10
is that an ice cream cone kek
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bat snoofa
gasp. I know dis maer
Pumpkin mare
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she has a haunting presence doesn't she?
3 mares
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blep or mlem?
if you pull on her tounge, does she turn on like a lawnmower?
Why is she so smug bros?
4 on sandbox
6 on snoof
snoof again
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why is she in the vending machine?
Why aren't you?
I don't want to have to answer to the Zombi Cola Company
mare on the wall tell me your wisdom
because she is a snack
do not eat ze mares
It's not the day yet, and this is gay, but I'm thankful for gmares! Everypony who makes the server what it is, Poopsi for hosting, anons posting ITT; you all deserve some thanks!
She's a sweet little lemon.
2 on sandsnoof
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Aww, that's a nice gift from the war front...
Wait, where's the lever or cap thingy?
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mmmm multiflavored gman
Is there a male pony model?
Yes, it's just a checkmark in the PPM creation screen
post the mf2 meetup photo pls
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catbox it please
I need to feel that at some point I talked to real breathing people
Do it, but you'll have to ponify everyone who is on it
Maybe if you joined and asked in the game itself when we are playing to show everyone at once, maybe
Also, did you get that wish from the Tf2/popen/any other thread? Just out of curiosity...
Well, it's one of those things that would make me comfortable with being on a picture that's publicly available on the thread. Either that or anonify (greenface) everyone on it
no I've played here but left
I've seen the MF1 photo
that's understandable I guess too bad I don't have steam currently
how liv is the serb these days?
It usually comes liv pretty late to be fair, eurofags are missing, just like early AU ones disappeared for the morning turns a few years ago
When the server gets filled with active players, the eurofags gets ready for work, and then 5 hours later everyone on the server leaves. I think we need players to be on during the weekend, preferably much earlier during the day into the late afternoon in NA
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it snoofin' time
stuck working...
aaaaaa why is everything either purple or a hovering "error" message!
what happened
3 ponying around
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how bloated is the addon collection now? I wish we didn't use ppm2
So you wish there were no custom mares?
I wish the game didn't lag
You can go on any other gmod server if you don't like mares.
I don't like my mares being bald and lagging
what fucking RETARD
what an absolute IDIOT
to fall for the OLDEST trick in the book
lewd mares
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is there anyone in the server?
you can check the server status link in the OP to check though its not always accurate.
I'll join so that others may be enticed to join
6 on sandsnoof
7 on surf
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my game crashed.
my game crashed when we loaded into the infinity map
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can we please add this map to the list of sandbox maps pretty please with a cherry on top!

comfy map for late night gmares
-removed inf maps (caused issues for some players)
-removed mlp_canterlot_a2 (winter is still on the server)

+added MIDI Playable Piano
+added Nightlight Map
waow MIDI piano!
big map though
which gmare has the best steam pfp?
I dunno i dont really look at them.
but I am pretty proud of the one I made myself.
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I don't care, as long they're a cute background mare
Yay! Thank u kindly mwah
>tfw I just want to hangout at gmares all day but I have to go to work and stuff
Feels bad mare
the one with the cute mare
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5 mares ponying around
Honestly, kino map.
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we mare mares.
kys 2
>gaming thread died
>gmare thread alive
schrodingers gmare thread.
It's fine, I missed it too. Hopefully we can catch the fun the next time
I would rather be subjected to 10 hours of furry content while Taylor Swift plays and my skin is slowly filleted off my body than play horde
you're no fun, what are you gonna do when horde happens but in the real world?
the zombie mares would eat him
3 on sledbuild
6 on sandsnoof
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cute mares!
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whoa fancy mare
the sign don't lie
I feel like shit at work. Wish I was at home playing gmares with my bros.
My gmod loaded in with a blank blue screen this morning, so i have to verify the game files first. I'll be back once it's finished
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chutes and ladders!
fuck the new email verification
I accidentally added 4 at the end
remove the 4 from the link
thats a whole lot of mares.
New year photoshoot soon, hopefully with PAC enabled, whatever the FPS or the server load it's going to be
New Year Mares!
fat Twiggy why is she so fat
who out there g'ing their mare?
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leaving the server did not help my mental health
I will finally hop on
pls do the more mares the more mares the merrier
We welcome you back with open hoofas
and snoofas
And boopas
And plootas
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Watching Klaus.
6 on sandbox
10 pones on
kino movie
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do not shoot ze mare
goodbye tolly
Miss's president, get down!
Fat ass Twi
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saved by rocking horse
holeee fuck look at those cheeks and cellulite
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Roseluck goes to dollar tree.
Can't wait for the tamers12345 adaptation.
mare christmas tree
snoofs and ladders
5 on sandbox
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bloody maer!
who did she kill?
bloody mare-y
She went for that guys balls
And now is coming for ours
3 on Horde
I hope your toenails start lifting
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Can mare nails do that? Why aren't you filing and caring for them?
0 amres
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window mare tell us your wisdom
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Oh no, the big hayburger is getting all soggy!
The fat Twi would still eat that tho
she's a fat mare
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if your food tastes good, you should eat it
jokes on you. we already have doom weapons! (kind of)
What map was that again? I liked that map
gm_fork maybe
When will motorcycles be added to gmares?
when you kiss me
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how strong is that roof?
I want Reckless to tell me war stories
Strong enough, they don't make them like they used to

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