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I need a place to post and I'm done waiting Edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Post CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.
List of related content: https://poneb.in/JfNFvCxZ

>How do I run a CYOA?
>I can't into art, but I'm a competent writer. Should I still run a CYOA?

>What day is best?
>What time is best?
>What race would you play?
>What genre are you interested in?

>Can I run a CYOA in this General Thread?
Yes, just take care to differentiate yourself if there's another ongoing CYOA here.

>Active CYOAs as this thread was posted
None lol, dead genre RIPIP

“We should-”
>You drew a rapid, wheezing breath.
“-hide somewhere-”
>And another.
>Sweat dribbled down your neck and legs.
“-like there.”
>Pointing a hoof at the closest of the fancy houses, you turned to look at Tempest.
>She glanced back the way you came as her ears perked up.
>The massive steps were just that bit closer now.
>”Good enough. In we go!”
“Wait! Let’s-”
>You glanced around as you gasped for breath, looking for the tracks from your previous visit.
>But there was only pristine snow, apart the path you’d plowed just now.
“-hide our tracks?”
>Tempest cocked her head and arched a brow as she glanced back at you.
>You wished you had time to figure it out, but had to dash after her towards the door she’d chosen.
>The rumbling was getting too close for comfort.

>Your heart hammered in your chest as Tempest reached for the doorknob.
>And not just because you were so worn out.
>What if it was locked?
>She set her hoof on the knob and glanced back at you.
>And twisted.
>Your hear skipped a beat.
>It made a quiet click and swung open.
>”Come on in.”
>Her voice was remarkably calm, despite her ears swiveling around, searching for any unusual sounds.

>You didn’t have to be told twice before rushing past her and through the door.
>Inside, you found a very comfortable looking room with large recliners, a luxurious couch, full to the brim bookshelves, and a fireplace in it.
>A dedicated reading room?
>Some ponies had some, you’d heard.
>Tempest pulled the door closed behind her before heading further in.
>The clicking steps of her shod hooves were dampened by a plush knit carpet.
>Her horn sparked and lit up the room in flickering, uneven bluish light.
>”Here. Hop on the couch.”
>She pulled a blanket off one of the recliners.
>You hadn’t even noticed it since it was the exact same color.
“We’re hiding under it? I hope it works.”
>The last time you hid in bed did, so why would now be different?
>It was a couch and not a bed, but…
>A loud thrum that shook the floor helped you decide and hop onto the couch.
>Tempest followed suit immediately after, squeezing herself to your side, then tossed the blanket onto the both of you.
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>It was dark.
>Tempest was pressed against your side.
>She was all stiff and still.
>You felt the ear that was pressed against your neck try to wiggle.
>There was one more floor rumbling thump before it got quiet.
>You counted four heartbeats before the entire house shook and creaked as a heavy gust of wind howled around it.
>Then it got quiet.
>Quieter, that is.
>The wind still blew, but it didn’t turn into a howling gale again.

>Tempest was hot.
>She was radiating into your side despite having caught her breath by now.
>You were even hotter.
>Both of you were wet enough with sweat that both the blanket and the couch got damp.
>That gave them an odor, and not the most pleasant one.
>”It’s been almost quiet for a while now.”
>She kept her voice to a whisper.
>”Take a peek and see if there’s anything out there. I think it’s safe enough now.”
>You bundled up some of the blanket into with your hooves and pulled it over your head.
>Repeating that a few times led to you finding an edge.
>It’d been long enough that you didn’t really feel terrified, but you drew a deep breath and held it in anyways as you took a peek.
>...was nothing to see.
>The room was dark and quiet and devoid of movement.
>Almost devoid of movement.
>A dim light shone on the drawn curtains from the outside and shadowy patterns danced a mystical dance on them.
>Apart that, you saw a stairway leading upwards, a doorway to the kitchen, and a large crate full of firewood not too far from the fireplace.
“There’s something out there but nothing in here.”
>You pulled the blanket further up and over Tempest’s head.
>She shook her head as her ears were pressed down, and perked them up the instant the blanket fell down her neck.
>For a moment, she stared at the dance of light and shadow on the curtains.
>”Hmm. I’ve never seen anything like that before. But I think we’ll be fine as long as we keep quiet and wait it out.”
>You set your hooves down on the carpet, as quiet as you could, as she wiggled free of the blanket and splayed herself out.
>Glancing back, you saw her fanning herself with a hoof.
>A cool shower would do the both of you a lot of good, but that was the kind of noise you probably best avoid.

What would you like to do?
Certain actions may be subject to a roll.


I had this done on Monday but thought I'd wait for a thread.
For the context: was the fireplace lit when we entered?
The exciting thing to do is looking out the window, but it's not just ourselves we would put in danger this way. The clever thing to do is nothing. Pick a good book and relax. If anything scary comes in, cover it with a blanket.
I vote we scout out the whole area while tempest wait here to catch her breath so we can know whether or not this house is safe from enemy contact!
Raid the pantry, we must be famished after all that running. Well, maybe do >>41632165 first.
Previous thread, btw: >>41443518
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>Her voice was remarkably calm
High action packed pony

>A dedicated reading room?
>Some ponies had some, you’d heard.
Some kirins have dedicated couch rooms. (They are hard to move.)

>”Here. Hop on the couch.
Speak of the devil

>Tempest was hot.
>You were even hotter.
What a stud.

>What would you like to do?
Snuggle. Do nothing. Hide and wait.
A sponge bath is rather quiet
Is licking her clean quiet?
If she can stop herself from moaning
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Work is and will be a total fuck for a while now due to a planning error dumping an enormous workload on this week. We were already understaffed, but now there's also multiple absences. Hooray.

But apart that, I have an idea and feel like toying with it. More on that tomorrow if I get all the tools working and have a tiny bit of time to create something suitably shitposty to get started with. And have time to find out if it works at all. I'll do my best to keep it short.

Have a pic as a teaser.

The fireplace was not and is not lit.
>I'll do my best to keep it short.
Famous first words.
Consider my interest piqued. Looking forward to finding out what you have planned.
Been a while since I've posted here, but for those that follow my stuff here I'm still alive. Just been recovering from the head trauma I got, which I've completely recovered from and I'm feeling great again. Besides that, I've just been really busy with school stuff.
Should be able to get Necromancer up tomorrow evening or sometime Wednesday.
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Hello, and welcome!
May I introduce you to A QUESTion mark tAIl?
A QUESTion mark tAIl is an AI assisted CYOA. I will gen images for it and use an AI chatbot to assist with the writing. How much it helps remains to be seen. Hardly at all, if I had to guess, since setting one up was a bitch and a half and now I have no fucking idea what all the settings mean.

But, let's not let that get in the way! Introducing (You), newest pony in town!

>A shiver passed down your spine as soon as you sat down.
>Three deadly predators circled around you.
>You let out a nervous chuckle.
“I’m in danger.”
>You whispered to yourself.
>They were just sitting there, menacingly, as you waited for your ale.
>Day had just turned into night as you’d found your way into the pub you currently sat in.
>It wasn’t a fancy place, but it was clean and not too crowded.
>It’d been a long day of moving into an apartment inherited from a relative you’d last seen as a little colt.
>All that hauling had left you with a thirst that could only be quenched with a fine ale so you’d wandered around town until you ended up here.
>You were a pegasus of no particular renown or skills, or looks for that matter.
>Which was why-

>A sudden thump made you flinch.
>”Here you go.”
>A barmare set a mug of beer in front of you.
>For a short moment, you felt the predatory pressure dissipate.
>You flashed a smile at the busy looking mare and slid two bits to her.
>She scooped them up and rushed back towards the counter and its taps and pints.
>With the predators distracted, and with the first sip of malty beer in you, you had the courage to glance around.
>There were lots of ponies around you drinking, talking, and being merry.
>And then there were the predators.
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>One, a zebra mare with a burger and a beer in front of her, had her hooves crossed as she glanced at you with idle curiosity and a sly smile on her lips.
>She was either almost sober or very good at hiding it.
>The second one was an older unicorn mare with a wine bottle and glass and a book with her – and, by the looks of it, most of the bottle in already in her.
>She had her lower lip sucked between her teeth as she stared at you, not even the tiniest hint of shame on her.
>The last one was an earth pony mare.
>She was sucking some cocktail through a straw with a hint of red rising to her cheeks as she realized you’d caught her staring.

What would you like to do?

PS. I have no clue what I'm doing. Don't expect much.
I say we grab our ale and go over to where the zebra mare is and enjoy having a chat and drink with her about what she finds us so interesting.
talk with milf.
Go talk with Zebra mare, introduce ourself. We got a beer as well, and a calm partner probably means less spaghetti is immediately spilled.
An order of fries might help temper the alcohol, and work as an olive branch.
Spending time with the third mare who is a teacher could be helpful she seems lonely.
Is the an RGRE quest?
Nothing. Instead of going to any of them, let them come to you.
I would pick mare number 2 cause the way how sunburst mom is behaving we might get lucky having a beautiful mare to spend the night with at our apartment and it shows that she's cheating on her husband and want another stallion to show her a real good time since her first one is probably isn't satisfying her that much anymore. It might be fun knocking her up and having a secret love relationship with!
How often does a pony spend time dating another species similar to theirs? I vote for the exotic zebra let's spice things up.
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>You had little doubt that all three mares would be most interesting to get to know better, but there was one that caught your attention above all.
>The grey and white striped one.
>Her eyes twinkled and the corners of her mouth twitched as you glanced at her again.
>Your chair scraped the floor as you pushed it back and hopped off.
>Snagging your beer, you strode off towards the zebra mare.

“Hi! Would this seat happen to be free?”
>You waved at the gray and white mare and nodded at the unoccupied seat opposite to her.
>She studied you with her piercing cyan eyes for a second.
>”Have a seat, be not a fright. We can enjoy this delight!”
>Taking a swig of her beer, she pointed at the chair with her free hoof.
>You slid your drink onto the table, pulled the seat back, and plopped your behind on it.
>Had she just… rhymed?
>”Ah! It has been a while.”
>The zebra licked her lips and glanced at her glass, giving it an approving nod that was accompanied by a flick of her ear.
>”Now, am I making myself a clown, or are you new in town?”
>No, she most definitely rhymed.
>You followed her example and took a gulp of your ale.
>It was dark and malty; just the way you liked it.
“No, you’re right. I’m new and only just moved in today.”
>You thought you said something wrong when she stared at you as you set your glass down.
>The corners of her mouth twitched and her sly smile turned a tiny bit wider.
>She reached out with a hoof and planted it on your cheek, then moved it across your mouth in one soft motion.
>A fair bit of foam stuck to her hoof as she pulled it back.
>A mild heat rose to your ears and cheeks.

What would you like to do?

Forgive mild amounts of AI jank in the images. I'm trying out generating the image in pieces using masks.
Also, I used the chatbot for the first time writing this. Can you guess where?
First, nice work with the new images, Secondly, I have no idea where you found the chat box to write this so I don't think I can give an accurate guess, and Third, introduced each other's names, ask if she is a known resident here in this new town we moved too we could certainly use a guide to tell us about this place, what brings an exotic unique mare creature like herself here to a bar, does she always talks in rhymes, what does she do for a living and if she has any hobbies?!
Which text gen model do you use? I need
to know if I'm looking for claudisms. If I had to guess
>The zebra licked her lips and glanced at her glass, giving it an approving nod that was accompanied by a flick of her ear
This part sounds like something I've seen bots gen when asked to add horsie mannerisms
Let's repeat the same action with our pegasus stallion where he reaches his hoof out and planted it on her cheek, and then moved it across her mouth in one soft motion to remove any ale foam that she may have on her lips who knows that subtle move might cause her to blush and giggle from our boldness.
Thank her, stumble through introductions, and ask about her work if it comes up. Seems like she might have a bit of a game plan, not that that's a bad thing.
What is there to do around here? Might learn her interests and how often she is in town. Asking about dat flank her cutie mark should be done if/when the topic is relevant.
If we can get her to laugh naturally at some point, we should be golden.

I would guess the nod at the drink line is chatbot, maybe the rhyming too.
Was worried that head trauma might've been the culprit, glad to see you're still around. Looking forward to the thread
Whatever happened to Caravan Guard? Hope OP is ok.
There a few CYOAs that unfortunately disappeared, or maybe I was just late on the take and they moved for whatever reason, but I truly hope that the TrickOrNEET CYOA continues at some point (it's not Spooky month no more, but this shouldn't matter) and the New Pony In Town CYOA does too but I noticed it updated on ponepaste to have a hiatus tag.
Real life tends to kick QMs asses
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“T- thank you? Anyways, the name’s Anon. Who might you be?”
>The mare’s brow furrowed as she mouthed your name.
>She then gave an approving nod before going for a gulp of beer.
>”I am Zecora, shaman of the Everfree. But do tell, why did this town call for thee?”
>You sucked your lower lip in between your teeth.
>Just blurting out that you inherited something as valuable as a house was no good, right?
>...then again, it was the truth.
“I… inherited a house in here. So I decided to move in and…”
>You trailed off as Zecora drew a sharp breath and covered her mouth with a hoof.
>”I must apologize! I did not mean to remind you of a loved one’s demise!”
>Staring at her for a few seconds, you gathered your thoughts.
>You then stuck up a hoof and shook your head.
“No, no. No need for that. I hardly remember him. I last met him as a little colt. I hear he just really didn’t get along with his closer family so-”
>Shrugging, you were relieved to see the zebra set her hoof back onto the table.
“-I ended up with it out of the blue.”
>She studied your face for a moment with her eyelids twitching, then nodded.
>”I was about to suggest we adjourn to give you time to mourn. But on your face I see a smile, so I suppose you can stay a while.”
>She traced the rim of her glass with a hoof before lifting it to her lips and going for a deep swig.
>A bit of foam stuck to her snoot as she lowered the glass and gulped down the beer.

>That was your chance to get even.
>You reached out with a hoof, and-
>Her reaction was immediate.
>Her hoof twitched and moved towards yours, before she stopped it and turned to stare straight into your eyes.
>She had a serious look on her as her cyan eyes pierced straight into your soul.
>The corners of her mouth curled into a hint of a smile as she looked back down at her glass.
>All that in the time it took your hoof to reach her cheek.
>You slid that hoof across her mouth in one soft motion.
>She glanced at the streak of foam you showed her before letting out a soft chuckle.
>”My, how bold! Are you digging for gold-”
>Her heavy, gold earrings swayed back and forth as she flicked her ears.
>”-or what do you see in a mare this old?”

What would you like to do?

The answer is that I took one line for Zecora from the AI and added the bit about an ear flick. That's it.
This time, I lifted some couplets from AI text but nothing more.

I couldn't fit everything you wanted in here while keeping the level of detail and quality. Zecora is a very strong character and didn't play along with the rapidfire questioning!
"It's just that I never seen a rare beautiful exotic creature like you before and I would like to get to know you more Ms.Zecora. Plus I was aware of somepony watching me for a while now the moment I first came into this little pub. So I wanted to address that issue on the mare that caught my sharp keen eye".
Anon should tell Zecora that she's funny when he hears her rhyming, the shaman words is a sign of her wise wisdom propensity which he finds rather fascinating, and finally he can't explain it but somehow he can feel an aura of mystery surrounding the zebra just by being around her and it makes her appear very mature, alluring, and unique in her own special way like a magical poetic!
Gold definitely looks better on her, and old is just another word for experienced. Maturity and confidence allow her to be mysterious yet approachable, clearly she has an empathic nature, and if she's really 'old', it hasn't slowed her. Plus, her eyes are quite a nice shade of blue.
Ask her what she wants: company, or just to sate a curiosity.
>You let out a nervous chuckle.
>“I’m in danger.”

any choice is good, but I'm curious which one will come to (you)
Zecora a cutie, and I'm positively surprised at her rhymes. I can't tell which line get chatbot-ed.

>That was your chance to get even.
Even? With what? What's going on?

>Her hoof twitched and moved towards yours, before she stopped it and turned to stare straight into your eyes.
You may need an adult.

>What would you like to do?
Tell her not to think too much of it. You like her, but they just met, so it's not that he's going to get himself killed for her... yet.
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I sadly don't have time to write today since I've been out and about all day. So have this zeeb in leathers that I genned because I ran into the leather_pants tag while looking for something else.
Hmm I bet those heavy gold earrings the zebra has would fetch anon a pretty penny or in pony terms fetch him a huge of quantity of bits, although inform her that's not the case for us. But rather we wish to forge a special connection bond with her. It's quite common for ponies to interact with other species and befriend them, although its not well known for a pony to date someone outside their own kind that outcome is still pretty new for Equestria so there time together would be an amazing new development for others to see and fun for them to be ever so closer to one another.
All is good
Let's be a proper gentleman and show our stallion's genuine interest in the zebra by reaching out with our hoof, place it on top or underneath her free hoof, carry it towards Anon's direction, and finally he moves his head down meeting it halfway across the table giving Zecora's native hoof a gentle kiss resulting in the grey mare to blush profusely and as a sign of proof of the pegasus affection.
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“I’ve never seen anything as exotic and beautiful as you and would like to get to know you better. And I felt somepony watching me the moment I came into this little pub. So I wanted to find out what that was all about.”
>Zecora shifted in her seat.
>She took a huge bite out of her burger, keeping her gaze set on you as she chewed.
>Her eyes twinkled as she gulped it down.
>”While I have a hut out in the woods that is stocked up with goods, there is one shortcoming to be found: there are no other ponies around. Tonight I yearned for a world of laughter and delight, so I came here where the night is bright. In you I saw a fresh face, one that does not care about my race.”
>She beamed a smile as she cocked her head and leaned towards you.
>You stared at her slack-jawed for half a second.
>Something else, she was.
>You shook your head and took a swig of your beer as you recited her words in your head.
“So you don’t come to town too often, do you? Were you looking for company or just to satisfy your curiosity?”
>The zebra still had a wide smile on her face, but it’d turned from a friendly one into an amused one.
>”In the depths of the forest, where the shadows dance and play,
>There lies a hut, where this zebra mare makes her home each day.
>But tonight, she sought this bustling pub's delight,
>Hoping to find a friend, to share her rhymes and her plight.”
>Muttering to yourself, you repeated what she’d just said to make sure you understood it all.

>A quiet giggle interrupted you.
>”This shaman has found no potion, no kind of concoction, to help with her situation. In the depths of Everfree, where secrets hide. A companion I seek, to walk by my side. There’s adventure abound, were you to come around.”
>Even you had heard of the Everfree and its dangers.
“In the Everfree? I don’t think I’m quite ready for that kind of danger with someone I just met, no matter how lovely she is.”
>Zecora stared into her glass for a while before lifting it to her lips for a long couple of gulps.
>”You needn’t decide tonight. Perhaps we can instead do something light?”
>She lifted her half full mug into the air and towards you.
>”One night of merriment would not be a detriment. Let all that wait for another day. Come, let us dance and play, and let our spirits fly away!”

What would you like to do?

Earlier, I called Zecora a "strong" character. What that means is she's headstrong and, of the three options, the hardest to steer in the direction you want to go. Beyond that, she is both incredibly wise and intelligent.
Which makes for a very difficult combination to write. I hope I'm managing.
Lift up our mug of beer ale as well and collided with hers in a toast of agreement of playful fun, moonlight dancing, funky music, and creating amazing new memories together.

You're doing the best you can Mirta plus I like this new game we're playing its fun and romantic lewd.
So Zecora came to a bar in hopes of finding not only a new friend, but also a willing companion who can understand her and participate in rhyming with her the same way or at least be delighted in having her speak in rhymes in most conversations. Well we already starting to hit it off really well with her and who knows drinking and dancing the night away with the zebra might entice Anon into being enamored by her looks and skills more to get him to change his mind about the dangers of the Everfree forest and enjoy going on mystical adventures with Zecora.
Oh boy heck yeah no way I'm gonna pass up an opportunity of a lifetime I want to see how zecora moves on the dance floor it's party time yo go wild get down with your bad self oww!
WHat if I'm not a competent writer at all?
I can sympathize and empathize what zecora is trying to do she lonely and wishes to find somepony who can accept her even though she different and not a pony. If I was a pony I would become her loving partner in a heartbeat. Hmm eureka I think I just got an idea. ''I would love to have a dance with you Zecora consider this our First Date. Perhaps we can do the tango together after doing a little freestyle showing each other dance patterns if your interest?! And if you manage to really impressive me tonight maybe I might reconsider your offer. I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself to me in a demonstrate on how much you really want a companion and how far that you're willing to go for it''.
If anon manage to get lucky tonight and get to sleep with zecora after the time they spent in the pub I say go for it and have a blast, but make sure the stallion isn't too drunk, as for zecora I'm not sure if she going to overindulge herself with the drinks, but it'll be better if she not wasted after all those two would definitely want to remember their special night together especially since it's going to be the first time either one is having sex ever with another creature in their lives.
It gets better with practice, or so I heard.
Clink glasses and take her up on her offer to dance, unless that was just fanciful wordplay. Better to do that earlier in the night, before you're too tipsy. Probably stuff to do around town as well.

Improving requires study and practice, hence why just doing it is important.
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This week's looking like a clusterfuck and there's shit I have to take care of first before I can write. Expect nothing today, probably nothing tomorrow either depending on how long exactly it takes.

Have a dancing zeeb.
Thanks for the heads up and hope everything goes alright for you see you soon and looking forward to continuing playing this sexy thread game.
Busy time of year in general, but have been enjoying what you've done so far. Looking forward to the zeeb strutting her stuff.

School stuff still kicking your ass, I assume? Missing your quests, and looking forward to whenever they come back.
's all good
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Zeeb Rump
Is meta stuff outplayed? Feels like every other quest has some grudge against the fourth wall.

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