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Previous Thread: >>41545316

In Equestria, the rapid fetal development of bat ponies, which is three times faster than the average mare, combined with their high fertility rates, has caused a strain on resources. A single bat pony family can devastate entire farms by quickly overpopulating and consuming resources. To control their population growth, thousands of bat pony mares are captured and forcibly sterilized every year. If you keep fucking bat ponies, you're directly contributing to Equestria's collapse.
Equestria just needs to dump baps here on Earth.
Sex with bat ponies.
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bap is kill
Look all I'm saying is it would be really funny if a bat pony pinned me down and started whispering in my ear about how she's ovulating and her eggs are waiting for me and how she can tell how tense I am and that she just wants me to feel relief
you know as a joke
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Wagie bap
Her rear end isn't facing my direction :(
Don't remind me of what we lost anon
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>bap thread reaches bump limit when I don't participate, instead of dying instantly when I do
Feels bat man.
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Who ready trick or treat with this cutie?
Love bat mares - such as Saucy Sweet - with page bob manestyles
She'd drain your blood vessles while she fucks you, be careful what you wish for.
>Fucky... I mean Lucky Roll
Your dick & nutsack's continued existence , her choice
You say that, but you keep posting pictures of eminently suckable bat ponies, knowing full well that they are the horniest sub-species of pony on the planet.
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Do you?
i'd plunge my face into that floof
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Touch fluffy bat
>That tiny angry scrunch
Angry cuteness is my weakness!
Meant to type "fuckable", though that works too.
why do people keep drawing ponies with the upper half of the bikini

that is not where their mammaries are. ponies would not wear it. even if mares did wear an upper piece purely as a fashion thing, it most certainly would NOT be boob-shaped.

none of you have any common sense, and i'm let down
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Was the anon from last thread gonna still do that news flash green
I hope he does it
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it's canon
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Because it's damn sexy.
holy shit, it's one of the 1-in-100 artists who puts the teats in the place they're actually supposed to go in. incredible
"Neoshrek", if you're wondering.
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I don't want to breed a bat, I want to BEE a bat
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It's called "style" darling
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I would burn this world to the ground to fuck bat ponies.
>why do people keep drawing ponies with the upper half of the bikini
To cover up their floof of course.
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bats are such lil creatures
I gotta need a source on this one, chief.
>Pale creature of the night
>In the sun
She'll BURN
See >>41634056
Thanks, Anon.
It means the pony dressed for you. Not for stallions: crotch lingeries or saddles activate horse neurons much better. Not for her own taste, not for fashion. For you.
Seductive Flutterbat
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I hear you.

>Be News Flash.
>Reporter extraordinaire.
>The doors of the coach slide open, marking the go ahead for the passengers to disembark.
>And you have the scoop of a lifetime!
>Waiting your turn to step into Canterlot, you can't help but giddily hop off your seat, swooping up your saddlebags from under the seat with a nimble leathery wing.
>Monster attacks and subsequent defeats?
>Been there.
>A practiced motion skilfully drapes your saddlebags over your lower back and secures them before you kick your hind legs back behind you in a stretch, one at a time, to alleviate the typical wagon stiffness.
>Corrupt business owners being discovered and promptly ousted until they've reformed their ways?
>Done that.
>Finished stretching and preparing with a final once-over, you sidestep into the growing line of offloading passengers funneling out the moderately busy coach - an earth pony and unicorn moving aside to grant you more clearance than you need before evading eye-contact.
>Reformed villains who would like a chance to explain how they're totally not gonna relapse when given the chance and how they just want to be accepted and all that?
>That's becoming a bit too common to brag about handling anymore.
>Steadily, a cascade of hooves carry their respective ponies out into the station's platform and into the mountainside capital of Equestria.
>Schizophrenic ramblings of ponies who swear they saw visions of an Equestria derelict of all life except two purple ponies having an argument?
>Well, you didn't touch that one with a pole-
>But you could have!
>If you wanted to.
>Departing the train with everypony, you manage to ignore the glances and stares directed your way once other ponies take notice of you.
>But an interdimensional alien?!
>One that with the use of a translation charm can be communicated with?!
>Stopping a respectable and non-obstructing distance away from the train, you stop and take in the sights of the city.
>You may have already been a mare of notable career prestige - but this is a potentially legacy defining opportunity!
>The upper mountain air was thinner than the usual, but nothing the flight-inclined among us couldn't handle.
>The outside perspective and impressions of an alien would be inherently exclusive to said visitor.
>The hustle and bustle of the premiere station reflecting the flow of thoughts crashing around your mind like a raging rapids.
>Once unthinkable ideas, now awaiting to be unearthed through mutual exchange.
>Culture, technology, warnings!
>Maybe even the villains and threats they had to overcome on their side?
>Having taken in the scene properly, your hooves carry you down the active streets of Canterlot as you make way towards the castle itself.
>Though, to say you got this chance because of your station and accomplishments alone is a gullible notion.
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>bat green
Here we go, lads.
i desire more
I like. Very much. Would love to read more

Have more whore news bat:
sluti bati pon
Sucky&Fucky Roll
It's how this slutty bat Rolls
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Don't believe the propaganda. Bats are for breeding.
>season 9
not even remotely canon
hey anon how do you blacktext like that?
same way you triforce
yeah I don't know how to do that lmao
More adorabat

You just {spoiler}text here{/spoiler}

change '{' '}' to '[' ']' .
I would rock and roll with her iykwim
You like foals anon?
Yes, this unfy bat rocks my world
test test
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bruh i did that on another post and it didnt work, do you think its cause I put it in all caps?
>Newfags on /mlp/
>In 2024
Warms my heart.
happy to be here brotha
zoomers were a mistake
<newfags being happily spoonfed instead of being reeed to lurk moar
unwarms my unheart
Millennials wanted to FUCK.
So you got Zoomers.
Imagine that.
Too late.
> https://4chan.org/faq
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...and now back to our scheduled thread: slutty bats
Zoomers are the spawn of Gen X though.
The worst generation with the worst parents has the worst children.
One day, I will write a green about an Anon that goes to Equestria and ends up with batponies, and circumstances force him to become a gigolo, and I will not skip over the sex scenes at all.
Today is not that day, though.
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>reminder that bat mares eggs are for human men only
Lol, I had a green like that. Definitely didn't leave it unfinished. Nope...
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gonna continue?
Seductive bat
No wonder the bat stallions end up napping ponies from other tribes.
The gender ratio is even worse with bat ponies, they are called bat mares for a reason, very few males are born and the hordes of ravenous batmares have their way with them from a very young age, most don't even get past puberty
Would you let her suck her feed out of you while she fucks your seed out of you?
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Be careful what you ask for
No whore bat she's only slut for her stud

>Busy motions of ponies slow down as they cautiously eye you passing by.
>It was clear the Princesses were planning to utilize your exceptional investigative interrogation tactics to sus out this foreign guest under the guise of an interview for public face.
>The passing sights of the city's signature architecture takes your mind off the passive reactions of the residents in the commercial district who can't help but take notice of the only bat pony cantering about among them - and during the day no less.
>Not that the Princesses would ever outright say what they intended to gain from this exchange out loud.
>Your second-nature investigative reporter instincts told you that much though.
>But it's not like the alien poses an explicit danger either.
>They wouldn't expose you to something overtly dangerous or hostile either.
>Up ahead on the path you trot, is a sign indicating an upcoming detour due to ongoing restoration efforts.
>Yet, the very nature of their arrival was so fantastical that it wasn't possible to keep under wraps.
>The result of the recent event likely the cause of said detour.
>The Princesses would no doubt have wished to keep this ordeal top secret if the circumstances were different.
>At least if only for the purpose of handling the situation at their own pace.
>Not that it's out of their control as it stands.
>Following the detour you wrap around the left of the cordoned off area.
>Sneaking peaks would be impossible given the natural wider berth these things have.
>Apparently this alien seemed to drop in right on top of a militant!
>Naturally, the evildoer wasn't too pleased.
>The details remain guarded as a part of the investigation.
>But due to the bombastic debut of our visitor and the ensuing defeat of the would-be villain, the public is clamoring for answers.
>Wading deeper into the heart of the city awards you with less restrained expressions of disgust/suspicion from the ponies who resided in deeper more secluded parts of the city - unused to presences like your own.
>And here we have this super tall alien who seemingly defeated a threat?
>Well, all the easier for you to work an angle of them in a good light - given that they're not dangerous.
>Eventually you emerge from the residential district on a higher level of the city.
>To think you'll be among the first to have outside contact with the visitor!
>Your wings flutter a little bit at the happy little shimmy you couldn't help.
>Unfortunately, drawing attention to the leathery appendages.
>Before you can plan your route again having left the detour behind, your attention is grabbed.
>You weren't locked in place by the commanding tone, having known worse from your mother's discipline, however you did redirect your attention to the approaching guards.
>As the two white stallions approached, they continued their query.
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>"State your business."
>You doubt that the other ponies receive such treatment on regular patrols.
>But you can use this to your advantage after all.
>Waiting for the guards to stop beside you, you plan your words.
"I *was* on my way to the castle for a very important meeting before I was thrown off course by that detour - and on top of that, I may just be lost now..."
>Pointing at the site of arrival for emphasis.
>Glancing at the area your attention is stolen for a second by just how damaged the area is.
>Obviously some kind of fight had taken place.
>Rumors you thought to be mere exaggerations turned out to be true.
>The destruction was contained to a sort of plaza, but it was as ruined as the excited tellings of the event made it out to be.
>The fountain and its statues thoroughly demolished.
>The carefully laid bricks that formed rings around the fountain centerpiece now disrupted by multiple craters and magical scorch marks.
>Holes in some of the surrounding buildings where the heat from magical attacks singed some of the interior furniture and decorations - some of the awnings and window gardens alike sharing the same fate.
>You make a mental note to plan some more questions about that to ask the alien.
>The guards don't bother to look, already well aware of the scene.
>"A necessary precaution to keep the situation under control. You're not the only pony who's been inconvenienced."
>Perhaps you can get some information out of them.
"Oh, I'm so relieved we have such trustworthy and dutiful stallions serving the Princesses! You simply *must* tell me what happened, is everypony alright? What was the cause of such wanton rampage?"
>The helpless citizen act was put on a little thick, but nothing unreasonable.
>"Rest assured, everypony is alright."
>"You said you have a meeting to attend, what business do you have and with who?"
>Holding yourself back from showing your frustration at being shut out, you plan your next angle.
>A bit pushy too, but looking back at the display reminds you that everypony is a little on edge.
>With the recent destruction being so close to home - literally in the residential area of Equestria's capital, it's no doubt a reasonable cause for apprehension regarding those different.
>Naturally you're going to get a bit more attention too.
>Considering that while most tribes unified and stuck together, thestrals chose a more secluded and solitary life.
>Driven further away by persecution following NMM's banishment.
>It was clear Celestia chose you *specifically* because you were different.
>Despite her intention to learn more about the foreign guest to protect and help her ponies, she also sought to provide aid and relief to the alien.
>That's the benevolent and kind princess for ya.
>An excellent hospitality should tide over any ill-feelings they may have after such a rough first contact with whatever they faced-off with.
blessed bat green. loving this
This video has been living rent free in my head for weeks now
Cute straight self insert OC.
this will inevitably turn into porn but even if it doesnt im still enjoying it
News Flash is only a slut for everyone
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>>41638697 is a shitty tranny that inserts into himself
Perhaps while watching Star Trek: Picard
Worf kills Sneed
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>70-75% of all OCs on the boorus are mares
Nta but this board is filled with them
>Nu trek
Miss me with that shit.
Nah, bat mare eggs are for literally every male of every species. Because bat ponies are sluts.
Are Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle Faust's OCs, retard?
Lucky Roll respresents Chuck, who gives suck&fuck.
(You), Anon, represent Sneed, who gives seed&feed.
Lucky Roll represents bat. I represent me.
Worf represents Qapla' because he decapitated Sneed
Leedy Roll
It's Lucky Roll, but she has a gun. Either that, or she's a cheerleader.
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>Star Trek: Picard. CBS's most streamed series thus proving your opinions wrong
Capt. Seven of Nine wouldn't miss you with a Quantum Torpedo fired from the Enterprise-G
ST:P features the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D. And even he who inspired Lauren Faust to create Discord: Q
I will NOT fuck ze batpony
implying you get to choose
>implying that 'nu' is somehow worse than old
Lauren Faust's MLP:FiM is Nu-MLP: the old pony scenario created by Bonnie Zacherle.
Without Nu-MLP, /mlp/ wouldn't exist. Nu >>>>> 'old' so there's your retarded opinions destroyed
With whatever scenario, Nu = more. More is better. Flutterbat gave us OC bat ponies, thus more. More is better. Nu- is superior. All other retarded opinions to the contrary are eternally wrong
I want to see these bats try to out slut each other
it’s just an interview tactic
> https://youtu.be/xG3yGdQYwqg
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No matter who wins both will be pregnant by the end
human cock is really a curse to bat mares
OC batponies predate Flutterbat by several years, retard. They were originally based on Luna's guards, which is why many of them have such a similar color scheme
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Why are baps like this?
being avid followers of the princess of the night who was known to be very horny makes them more open to getting backshots by humans
The amount of blush displayed by this bat is very acceptable
got more coming?
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i need a batpony gf unf
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blepi bati pon
Trips demand it, yes.
This bat likes eating what is both a fruit and a vegetable:
Bubbly bat
I want all bat ponies to confess their sins. Take Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. And to be baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Raribat would extract - very painfully - that from the fruit that is Nick Fuentes, sure. His existence, her choice
Your retarded fictional 'god' doesn't exist in the MLP scenario. And bats only worship the Goddess of the Night that is Luna, who can show herself to her worshippers. 'Faith' sounds just like Fail. You cannot spell 'Believe' without the word Lie. Checkmate, Christains. *Tips Trilby*
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man for who you will have to meet after you die. You still have time to change your ways, but you never know if your life may be drastically shortened Repent now for after your death it is too late.
>reduced to the retarded 'Repent or Die' tactic. Very ISIS-esque. Very terroristic
Can't be afraid of something that doesn't exist, retard
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Cant spell tyranny without tranny.
Vampire bats extract the marrow from the bones of their victims. Very tasty is that. As well as the blood which is what such a bat would take - very painfully - from the fruit that is Fuentes. His existence, her choice
bigots' bodies, this bat's choice
>repent or die tactic
Please show us how you came to this conclusion.
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Thanks for the thread bumps, tard. This thread gets slow, but retarded BS that is irrelevant to the point of this thread - bat ponies - makes sure this one doesn't come to a conclusion
Doing a certain thing ensures the tard that at least serves a purpose when its own life is devoted to being a retard: bumping a slow thread is ignored. And now back to our scheduled thread: slutty bats
Anyways, bat spores, are they real?
If they were, what happens if you snort a line of them?
>bat spores, are they real?
Dunno. But bat whores are
It would be extremely painful
I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you Anon, but vegetables don't exist. That's just a made up culinary term arbitrarily reserved for specific foods.
That's a root.
A stalk
A flower apparently?
That's literally just a leaf dumbass.
More roots baby.
Fruit again
Now I need a batpony OC who eats fruits that are commonly understood to be vegetables. Don't try it, I've already called dibs! I have 2 ideas already.

Put away your boner and realize your fetish to be dominated by figures you perceive to be authoritarian. Go back to the barbie general barbiejogger.
For you
Your slut fetish needs to go back to the barbiethread
I think news flash is cute and I will not bend to your slut propaganda
Proof, if any were needed, that vegetarians are idiots.
I think news flash is cute and I enjoy your slut propaganda

The fact that News Flash's mother is a hot MILF bat? Case Closed
I think the slut fetish is fine when it's not the only thing bumping the thread and besmirching cute innocent ponies. Regardless, the green will not bend to slut propaganda either.
>discussion about News Flash and her parents last thread
>we learn from older WeLost art shows us the mare responsible for our favorite bat reporter
>immediately after more Case Closed art pops up
>now this >>41642874
This isn't a coincidence, right? Either way, I think News Flash's mom will be making a cameo in the green. Not tonight, but I think it'd be fun to see the two interact a certain way. Also did some immersion into interview/ interrogation tactics. I should be able to write News well. I shall also be sticking to the original prompt I threw out there last thread. So don't be surprised at the direction I take things.
i can appreciate the cute news bat regardless of slut behavior or not. thank you for providing greens for the thread
He's here... watching us... i can ear the claps of news flash buttchecks...
No problem. Expect at least 2 updates tonight.
Someone might be watching after all. Let's not disappoint!
You cannot back up your slander
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Bat sweating at the sight of this slutty bat
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>Come to think of it - would the alien even be able to differentiate that enemy from the guards that would inevitably arrive?
>So much to sift through...
>No doubt there was an incident.
>You're not doing this because you like to do damage control!
>You want the truth!
>And while being too blunt may result in a loss of favor with the diarchy, you're not too concerned about that.
>While the Princesses were too aligned with good to wind up diametrically opposed to the truth, and by extension your goals - if you had to clip some pasterns to get it out there, you weren't opposed to doing so.
>But just as much as they were unlikely to get in your way, you would do right by their faith to do the same for them.
>And that means being mindful of all the external perspectives.
>Sure, you could inadvertently make their jobs just that much more of a headache by being inconsiderate...
>Any careless phrasing could result in the visitor's life here being made exponentially more difficult.
>And by extension, any relations with their kind could suffer as well.
>Extreme incompetence could solidify a new enemy with Equestria due to the irrational actions of others...
>Your experiences as a batpony haven't always been the most pleasant.
>Especially in regards to stories that rustled feathers.
>Even if the only thing at stake is their quality of life, you'll do your best to make the visitor's experience here as smooth as possible.
>Focusing back to the moment, you answer the question posed by the guard.
"But however can I focus on my very important upcoming interview now? And on top of that I don't recognize these streets - I'm going to be late!"
>Eying them from behind the mask that is your facade, you're met with a mask of a different variety.
>A disciplined front of calm and collected.
>No cracks to reveal whatever prejudices motivated them to accost you or dodge your questions.
>You could just show them the missive from Celestia herself.
>But that's no fun.~
>Why waste a good chance to warm-up your skills?
>Silently you resolve to crack that mask they wear one way or another.
>After that, the battle is already won.
>The one on the left opts to dismiss your concerns first rather than give you an answer.
>"You won't be the first to have suffered a scheduling error and you won't be the last."
>A simple 'don't worry, I'm sure your interview participant would understand given the current circumstances' would've done.
>Instead he made it out to be an error on your part!
>You hold back the wry smirk threatening to surface.
>Clearing your throat to snuff out the building tone of condescension crawling up the front of your throat.
"No no no, that simply won't do!"
>"Calm down miss, I'm sure their schedule can withstand your little inconvenience."
>Got em.
>You look up at the right one with a look of concern hoping for a form of reassurance.
"Even if that somepony is Princess Celestia?"
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>Their eyes of suspicion narrow - not exactly frightened into compliance by bringing up Celestia's name.
>Sharing a look, the two silently agree.
>"You said you were lost, if you truly do have business in the castle then we will escort you."
>Resolving to escort you personally, the two of then each take a side leading you down the streets.
>Perhaps the sudden interest is a precaution to make sure you're not up to anything suspicious.
>In all honesty, anypony else would've already flashed some kind of document by now.
>They probably can't fathom the idea you were waiting for the right moment to do so.
>Likely seeing you as some kind of paparazzi buzzard looking to get some gossip at the cost of somepony else's peace.
>You jump and flash a smile.
"Perfect! Then you can tell me *all* about that mess back there on the way!"
>Unable to help rolling their eyes, the mask they wore weakens as they resign themselves.
>Knowing they unwittingly signed up for a casual interrogation.
>Begrudgingly, they trod along the streets while you mentally sequence the best order to your inquiries.
>Arriving at the front gates to the castle with a pep in your step, your escort detail couldn't be further.
>Almost dragging their hooves, the mental toll of your conversation couldn't be more apparent.
>You had employed an interrogation tactic taught to you by your mother.
>A stellar detective who leaves no case cold!
>The practical skills of her profession turned out to be useful in your own calling.
>And you only needed to pull out one of the most common ones for these two.
>Perhaps it's more apt to say that due to the suspicion of these guards you weren't likely to get anything particularly worthwhile out of them directly.
>A practiced rhythm and a line of questions at the ready - the rapid fire barrage of questions piling on top of one another before they have a chance to answer the last one served to confuse the target.
>Add in an excitable energy and frantic hovering around them whole constantly changing position further served to increase the vectors of information and derail their thoughts.
>When they did give you answers, they withheld the full truth.
>Changing the inquiries on the fly was key to undermining whatever narrative they were taught to push.
>Chipping away at the edges of the real story by pulling away the planted pieces of the story through creating a hectic environment that identifies contradictions between the answers given.
>Whether the answers contradict themselves, each other, or even the observable reality that the cookie cutter narrative forgot to account for.
>Approaching the gate guards you giggle to yourself.
>It's not often that one gets to exercise this tactic on TWO subjects at the same time.
>Not that just anypony can handle the task without being overloaded themselves and bungling it.
>But not you!
>In fact, you made more progress faster than you thought possible!
Stop bumping with your slut spam. St least with the News Flash images. I'm gonna run out of stuff to post with the green at this rate since her image pool is still so small. Use other bats please.
Hornyposters get the rope.
Please don't. You'll drive them all away then I'll have to make a thread uniquely for lood bat ponies.
Keep posting straight female bats.
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NNN must be terrible for you. Good
Have a slutty bat to make things worse for you
>dribbling and web over dock
pure fucking UNF
this bat is very cute
Seductive bat
That is a female bat, and >>41644819 is a tranny
Fatass lol
Bat pony more like fat pony lmao
I want to FUCK bat ponies
samefatass tranny
>>41644937 >>41644938 not appreciating bat mares such as Arrythmia
Homosexual detected
>Can't even make jokes anymore
This board is fucking awful
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>can't even post bats
>>41644999 is fucking awful
>>41645032 is scarred due to butthurt
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Reminder that bat ponies are for griffon cock only.
I was at work and bumping by mobilefagging. Guess I picked up someone's ban and almost had a permanent ban. Guess there was some drama on /pol/ about making music for the board. Glad it was overturned cause that would've meant no more green.
I'm pretty sure it's just one faggot trolling the bat thread just because they have a raging hate boner. That or they're a pol tourist who can't stop thinking about how much they want to fuck a tranny and are projecting their insecurities.
...and back to our scheduled thread: slutty bats
Floof bat
I need to bury my face in her floofa
Bat in catsuit displaying her chest floof:
Oh well. Still would.
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>don't fuck bat ponies
Let bat ponies fuck you.

licci bati pon
what is bat pone cock like? does it have any special properties compared to other ponies?
Yea, it's extra small
They have a lower refractory period
There's no reason for them to be different from other pony dongs. They're equine in every part that counts.
Socksy bat
Don't just fuck the bats, breed them

Twibat is unfier in stockings:
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>Don't just fuck the bats, breed them
Okay, now what?
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Swing Shift is so fucking hot i wouldn't be able to control myself how do other anons do it it's impossible
Make a big batty family with your waifu
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qt batto
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She's cute. I would abuse my authority over her to make her one of my concubines.
>bap with an actual bat muzzle
C-cute, I guess?
Fruit bats' heads kinda looks like a dog's one
Not sure if the artist tried to give her a bat muzzle or he's a furfag who gives his ponies square-y and elongated dog muzzles (which look like shit on them).
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I'm a human. I keep them from breeding by making them addicted to human cock.
I would think saddles, tack, bridles, and leads are specifically to activate human neurons. They represent the tools a human uses to control an equine. It she's wearing any of this stuff, she's signaling to a human.

hati bati pon
Do you think bat pones would like it if you kissed their wings?
They need to regularly lick them or they get crispy
any male mammal can breed with a bat pony mare and produce bat pony offspring, including human males
but then won't htere just be nothing but bat ponies eventually?
all malesare born as humans and all females are born as bat mares
That is some seriously fucked up biology.
you make it sound like the baps are some type of parasite species.
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Go back to your containment thread. Bat ponies only give birth to other bat ponies.

Bats also like pancakes:
>males born as humans
Glad to see I'm not the o ly one who likes this. But I'd rather make it exclusive to only the firstborn son. This prevents too many humans from actually flooding the land and keeps a mystique rarity to them. For arbitrary reasons.
Just like the sayans tail? it would be a fun concept.
You can even play with some mare biology, like mares rarely giving bith to males because of some evolutionary reason
Mango flavored pancakes.
>saiyan's tail
No. That's not how that works. If it was, Pan would have one. Trunks too. The tail stops growing when the biology deems that it is strong enough to no longer have to rely on that form. This correspondends to the strength of the saiyan parents.
>evolutionary reason
Unnecessary. The inherent magic of Equestria and the land itself tends to preserve balance and harmony. The land itself will maintain a minor population of humans once they start reproducing should they prove to be conducive to its own goals. Seeing the new element that was introduced as something to be balanced - thus human firstborns only is objectively the most balanced way.
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Mango flavoured bat:
So how many times have other bats tried to get a nibble?
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bats stink
hope to see more
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Soon. Today I plan to get some up. Yall having me write on my birthday y'know?
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Bat pilots a deHavilland Mosquito:
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>Having two heads subjected to your rain of requests sped things up significantly due to the fact that they didn't have a chance to compose the narrative beforehoof.
>Rather, they gave answers that often contradicted each other when they had to make things up on the fly to explain inconsistencies earlier that you'd pried out.
>The cracks of their masks were apparent.
>The gate guards too disciplined to reveal any confusion they may have had brandish their spears and demand to know your business.
>"Halt! State your business!"
>That's when you procure a letter from the inside of your coat.
>A place closer and safer than your saddlebags.
"This letter is a missive from Princess Celestia herself."
>The two guards to your sides jolt their heads up at your words.
"*Direct* invitation. Post-haste."
>Smug venom dropping off your fangs that emphasize themselves with your cocky smile.
>The two guards' faces drop at the realization that it was real and you were in fact a very important pony today.
>Taken aback by the fact you had such official documentation yet didn't bring it to bear at them earlier.
>Instead using the opportunity to play with them.
>Sure you could've gotten the official narrative later.
>But that's still possibly just a curated story that doesn't line up with what the guard thinks and knows.
>They were rude.
>And kinda deserved it.
>The brief realization of panic that they could be reprimanded for their attitudes and actions that they know full well would be frowned upon by Princess Celestia was worth it.
>"Right. Follow me."
>The gate guardians move aside, opening the large frames on hinges to allow entry.
>One following to escort you deeper into the labyrinth of beaurocratic facilities and rooms.
>The other remaining behind.
>As the doors close and the looks of the two fools fixated on you - you shoot them a look over your withers.
>Sticking your tongue out and using the thumb of your right wing to pull down your eyelid, you mock them as the doors shut completely.
>Be you.
>Wait, who are you?
>What are you?
>Why are you?
>That's right, you're a reporter!
>Who would ask such redundant nonsensical and invasive questions?
>After you cleared the gates and made it into the castle proper, you had your appointment confirmed with one of Princess Celestia's secretaries.
>Writing Inkwell was it?
>Names and contacts don't escape you!
>Raven Inkwell was helpful in keying you in on Celestia's schedule and what you would be doing and when.
>Then you were escorted by a guard to where it was that you would be staying.
>The doors just closed behind you.
>Surveying the room with a scan, everything is as pristine and classy as one would expect of a modestly sized room.
>There was a common meeting area with a table and chairs near the door to your right - likely where you'll be having the meals that were brought to you.
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>Past that were ceiling to floor paneled windows with prench doors leading to a wide balcony.
>An open area to your left served as space for whatever you wanted.
>And beyond that was where the door to the bathroom was.
>Directly ahead of you was a door that you presumed led to the bedroom.
>Despite the room being a guest suite in the Canterlot Castle, it wasn't decked out in gold and expert crafted antiques.
>Everything was still well-made and carried a fanciful flourish with design, material, and even cosmetics.
>The room was tastefully conservative given the station of it.
>Exactly what you wanted.
>Even without explaining roo much about your plan for the interview, she knew what you wanted and delivered.
>Cantering up to the bedroom door, you step in to find a bedroom as large as the main room you were just in.
>The room had multiple dressers and a couple closets, complete with a chest at the hoof of the bed.
>A bed so large the room had to be this big to accommodate it!
>Immediately it stood out as superb quality.
>It was clear that while the rest of the suite was 'modest', the bed was most certainly not downgraded.
>Composed of four tall posts that held a draped silk cloth, the bed had another sheer but not completely transparent fabric underneath that flowed down to the floor along the sides of the bed.
>Tonight, you'd be sleeping like a princess!
>Unable to stop yourself you get a galloping start and leap at the bed.
>Shedding your saddlebags so that they fall atop the chest as you break the veil strung from the bed.
>Crashing onto your belly, the bed's mattress of only the finest clouds craftable gave way to your form without any resistance.
>You halted in the mass without bounce, without whiplash and knew your will was going to be tested every morning.
>A bolt of excitement, feeling like a foal, threatened to make you roll around without abandon.
>But in the interest of remaining presentable, you resist.
>Begrudgingly leaving the supreme comfort of your temporary bed, you turn to leave the bedroom.
>Taking a glance back at the bed you wonder how they got such a huge thing in here.
>You'd have been able to roll over twice and still not fall off!
>It was like the princess herself had to teleport it in there.
>You guess this is the kind of luxury nobles and dignitaries with larger herds must be privy to.
>Making your way to the table by the door, you think back to what Raven told you.
>Apparently Princess Celestia would be unavailable.
>Not like you expected her to make time just to tell you what you already knew amd then leave while you held the interview.
>As such, it would proceed as planned.
>Raven giving confirmation that it would be ready to move forward.
>Arriving at the fantastic table that was a good deal larger than normal tables, higher off the ground for sure, you glance at the clock above the door.
>You had half an hour to burn.
>Time to use to prepare yourself.
Yay more green!
happy late birthday writefag
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Floofy bat
hudi bati pon
If bat ponies made an only fans page, would you spend your money there?
I think so too. She strikes me as ambitious and driven but still young and cute.
Unicorn on the left is cute. Would pound
Entering furry territory. Not really big on that
She's adorable. Wish there was more art of her.
Key Mash is a cute. I can't help but love the pastel bat OCs. Also really adore Mitzy and want her to call me "Papí" as I rail her. Honey Milk is also super adorable and would be a lovely wife.
I'll get past the build up soon here. Expect more cuts to get past unnecessary bits now that we have a pretty good set up. Couple more updates should have Anon here shortly
Adorable, I love coat markings and white on bats.
>Wish there was more art of her

Ask, and you shall receive:
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Please do not cook the bats. They don't react kindly to it.
Fun fact: Bat pony mares invented lesbian sex in Equestria, because there weren’t enough stallions around to keep them satisfied.
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...and then Ventress proved the haters' retarded opinions wrong
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The anatomy is too human for my tastes.
>too human
>artist now draws furshit
This is why people like me who don't mind it get a bad rap.
>Watching Star Trek: Picard
You're a disgusting person and you should feel bad.
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>my watching something that makes another disgusting subhuman feel bad
>Proud of being a shiteater
That's not the win you think it is.
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>being triggered by a streamed series watched by someone else
That's the L you know it is
Agreed. It's shit.
Delusion. Do you smoke pot too? This is genuinely the copium huffed mentality of pothead to justify their shit tastes and mild tastes. A refusal to take a stand against genuine subpar and shit material. You're okay with a lack of profoundness and are fooled by artificial pseudo intellectual platitudes (or are willing to ignore the filth and CONSOOM anyways), because your pot riddled brain isn't capable of noticing that gaping scarcity since it's not something you're looking for anyways.
Shit taste stinks, Anon. So don't be surprised when others are calling you out for reeking of poo.
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Anon, he's a retard, there are no higher thoughts in there for you to change.
Now, post bat containment procedures.
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>my watching
>so many retards triggered
>do you smoke pot
you masturbate to cartoon horses, we all have our vices to get through another day on piss earth
nevermind lmao, kys
Certainly is, they didn't even immediately deny the potsmoking. Just as usual, my uncanny ability to see through shit strikes true. Pot rots the brain, and they've been demonstrative of the typical traits that display that. I've made my point.
Doesn't take much.
I don't really understand any of the retardation that just happened. I am just here to enjoy batpone.
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Bat acquired
>luring bat with free plums.
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S3 had its issues, but it was still a better finale to TNG than Nemesis was. The first two seasons were pure shit, but that's just following the TNG rule.
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>blocks your path
>a mere Earth Pony
>jumps up
>flies over you
No way you're getting past the lasso if you can't even spoiler right.
theyre Bats, not Smarts

Bats can fly fast:
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Game Over.
Would you care to try again?
That's just Flutterbat: she's not a true bat. And Applejack's too busy being Rarity's bitch
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looking forward to more
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>Smug bat in armor
That's an unf.
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>tfw no conquering batmare's warbando
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key mash is keyed

Smug because she's in the mood for lewd and later she's going to find a male and get more than snuggly with him and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it
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Eepy bats give me peace of mind:
>Stepping on the wing with an armored hoof
That's gotta hurt.
muh heart

Female bats can be rather kinky when they're aroused:
flufi bati pon
Jesus, who broke her hind leg?
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>what is stylization
>what is artistic license
What is artists doing what they like without someone whining about an irrelevant detail that no normal sane person would care about in what is just a drawing...?!
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Like a Bat out of Hell...!
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