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which flagfag is the worst kind of poster? my answer is sunshit shimmer
Is this a real photo or do you think the prison warden's son just kinda forced him to take the photo with their collection
checks out, eqg fags are generally the worst and most hated out of everything
anon, this nigga runs the place. look in those cold eyes.
>any eqg shit
Worst of the worst
Retarded but endearing
Based twichad t. twifag
Retarded brapfag, do not engage
>Redheart flag
Based and kiwipilled
I don't use / notice flags most of the time
not me
sup guys, how's every creature doing?
they're creatures they don't talk
what the fuck would you know you stupid rockfag HAHAHAAH shut up and get fucked on
So awesome dashie
do not speak to Trixiebros, half of us don't even like her
and 41% kill themselves
>be me, Esteban "Lil' Shiv" Gutierrez
>doing nickel in San Quentin for assault and battery
>wake up one morning to sound of heavy breathing
>300lb neckbeard in Fedora™ standing next to my bunk
>holding one of those happy meal girl toys
>"Greetings, m'convict," he wheezes
>"I require thine participation in an artistic endeavor"
"Ey ese, you best step back before I shank you with this toothbrush, comprende!?"
>He ignores the threat, places plastic horse on my pillow
>"You see, the warden is my father. He does not understand my devotion to Equestria."
>mfw the Warden lets his NEET son wander the prison
>He pulls out phone, opens camera app
>"I desire a photograph of you with my collection. For posterity, you understand."
>Hell nah. I ain't no brony bitch.
>I throw off blanket, revealing shirtless tatted torso
"Fuck off pendejo, before I go loco on your ass"
>He sighs, ass-crack peeking out from ill-fitting sweatpants
>"I feared you would be uncooperative. I spoke with father. He is willing to commute your sentence..."
>Dios mío. Is this mijó serious?
>"...in exchange for your artistic collaboration."
>I can feel my eye start to twitch
>Last thing I wanna do is pose with this fool's dolls
>But shit, man... Walking outta here would be tight
>Swallow my pride, sit up slowly
"Alright, mane. I'll do it. But you best make it quick."
>He grins, rancid Dorito breath hitting me in the face
>Starts posing me with different ponies
>"Yes, yes! Rainbow Dash on the left! Now caress Fluttershy, gently! GENTLY!"
>Pinche puto. This gonna be a long day.
>After an hour, he's finally satisfied
>"Excellent! The other ay-nons on slash em-ell-pee will be most appreciative!"
>He waddles away, leaving me with armful of technicolor equines
>mfw I can already hear the clowning from the homies across the cell block
>Throw ponies under bed, lay back down
>Gonna shank that vato if he shows his face again
hi dashie
Flaggots generally follow the traits of the characters they flag
Big ego, thinks they're hot shit, seems to crop up the most out of all flag types
Attention whore, temperamental, either whines or has schizo outbursts, gets off on being bullied
Horny or retarded, usually both. Content to spam decade-old memes and stroke their cocks
Kinda strange, keep to themselves, generally among the better flags
Similar to Ponkflags, but more isolationist / prideful like Americans
Absolute shit like worst M6, either massive crying bitches or futa spammers
Shat on by literally every non-EqG watcher despite never really doing anything, smugly self-satisfied at the seethe, doesn't excuse non-pony
Either complete wackjob schizo tranny bullshit, troll who doesn't actually like her like >>41641089, or completely chill and normal
Actually autistic, even among the autists. Has fundamental misunderstandings about social interaction
Even bigger attention whores than Rariflags, most posting is deliberate provocation, natural contrarians who thrive under scorn
Thinks they're unique and cool for picking a one-off little bug creature, they're all actually equally worthless
Emotional bitches, but they keep to themselves
Sun-sized mommy issues, WILL make sure that you're aware of them
>flutterflags are either spammers or crybabies
holy shit i never realized how true this is.
Rarity's eyes are out of sync with each other here
If you pick any flag beyond the M6 or supporting characters you're just a pick me gorl who wants to be quirky and goonique
All correct except Shimmerflags, which are closer to Trixiefags in that they're either extremely obnoxious, smug shitposters, or just normal.
As a sporadic Babs flag user, I've become suspicious of some other Babs flags being overly belligerent.
Also shimmer is extremely closely related to LGBTQ and transformation stuff, so the mental illness is basically preordained.
I love the smell of shit btw
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I just like the kirin.
most normal glimglam poster btw
Let me take a crack at this

>be me, 400lb prison warden's son
>living in dad's house at 35
>spend all day on /mlp/ posting Twilight lewds
>dad constantly threatening to cut off tendies supply if I don't "contribute"
>get idea
>waddle down to prison yard during visiting hours
>spot biggest, meanest looking ese in yard
"h-hey there fren"
>he looks up from bench pressing
>"que pasa, gordito?"
>pull out Rainbow Dash figure from cargo shorts
"w-would you like to be part of a really cool photo?"
>his homies start laughing
>"nah ese, I ain't about that vida pony"
>start crying
>dad appears
>"Son, stop bothering the inmates"
>dad sighs deeply
>"Miguel, please just... help him out. I'll add extra yard time"
>Miguel looks at dad, then at my tears, then at plushie
>"...pinche madre, fine"
>take him to my collection room in administrative wing
>spent college fund on rare variants
>Miguel actually starts looking interested
>"ay, that Princess Luna limited edition... muy bonita"
>mfw he knows her name
>turns out he used to watch with his daughter before inside
>take photo
>post on /mlp/
>Miguel now requests weekly viewing sessions
>dad completely confused but allows it
>prison's violence rates drop 80%
>friendship really is magic
>except thread calls photo fake and gay anyway
>such is life on /mlp/
Flag tierlist
hard to choose. There are just so many to hate.
don't forget that twiflags are also prone to make slide threads that they swear up and down aren't slide threads because they could write an essay about the shitty and hyper-specific OP subject (but probably won't, forcing us to try to figure out how to pad it out)
gay is just another word for happy, so if i can go in and be happy with other prisoners, how is friendship not magic.
>or futa spammers
Are you Kassaz? The only futa-spamming flutterflaggot I know is in the /fimfic/ thread.
>Attention whore
Oh, yeah, it's definitely you. At least you're somewhat self aware.
>Big ego, thinks they're hot shit
Staying true to their waifu.
>Flaggots generally follow the traits of the characters they flag
>anon flags act like faggy autists
>anonfilly flags act like much more immature faggy autists
>golly flags are sociopaths
>daybreaker flags are either unconcerned shitposters or just there to kiss her ass
>derpy flags are fun retards
>gilda flags are abrasive dicks
>nmm flags try to appear cooler than they are
>cadance flags are airheaded fun shitposters
>bug flags are completely delusional nutjobs
>og luna flags no longer exist
Checks out.
Assholes most of the time.
Usually pretty nice. Not very funny. Mature, but kind of a stick in the mud.
They’re self aware and pretty funny. I like their “pretending to be retarded” meme. It’s cute.
I think most rarifags are pretty chill, but the ones who put on the flag are obnoxious faggots.
Idk. I rarely see them desu.
every flagfag needs to be plapped
Flag checks out
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I don't know, but I do know I'm at the top. Just a white man with a fart fetish, who's very existence makes others(browns) seethe and shit their pants.
Twifags are the worst, no doubt
Ha! You thought you were plapping a filly, but it was me, changeling!
They enter any thread with a shit eating grin and ruin it.
I just know that dashflags tend to act, or be, pretty retarded
>Be Carlito "Pequeno" Hernandez
>hardest gangbanger in the block
>Mean nothing to me
>My true passion is little ponies
>I have been collecting them since 2007
>Skinhead captain wants to make peace
>He gives me a rare Princess Celestia brushable that has an irregular brush I have been searching for five years for
>We threaten the warden
>We rule the prison
>Friendship truly is magic
i wish she had a personality
Why do most posters not use a flag, save for a joke? You could say, "oh they're identifying,", but that's only really the case if hardly anyone is using them or you are using a really unpopular one. Even then, it's not like a trip, or even a name.
Identifying as a collective still exists. People like existing in groups.
usually raritards for me.
you'd be whining too if you got fucked over by the show and fandom for almost the entire duration of the show like they did and still do.
Cool thread, but I think we should talk about filly sex instead.
/mlp/ is extremely judgemental. Simply replying with a picture of Applejack will get you accused of being an Applefag that believes in x, y, z, and invite backlash or risk dishonor to your waifu. I generally try to keep the ponies I post and flags I use varied for that reason.
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I know there's one Golly flaggot who seems to be literally insane.
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Aw, someone remembers me ^:)
Flared fillies, yes?
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I don't really give a shit about flaggots. retards will be retards no matter what flag they use.
But there's one based Twiflaggot who mindbroke someone so hard he shits his pants in every Twilight thread. It's fucking hilarious.
Oops, forgot my flag.
>not fursexual
Then why do they keep molesting their plushies, hmm?
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are you sure?
based sweetieflagger
i like that one cheerilee flaggot
it's true, I feel constrained sometimes with what reaction image I can use because I'll be called xyz-fag for it
1-I forget most of the time
2-fags will see my flag and acuse me of not being objective
Might as well be a name faggot and use trips at that point you utter gay-ass troon.
>risk dishonor to your waifu
I can understand this. Probably best or better, then, only to use her flag when posting something she would be proud of. Still, that leaves a good number of other flags you could use for your regular, shameful posting. Who is your waifu?
It's a neat feature unique to this board, and outside looking in, it seems like you guys take it for granted. I guess if you're posting on a phone it would be a bit of a pain to turn a flag on when you post, but if you're on a computer it's even easyer than attaching an image.
>fags will see my flag and acuse me of not being objective
So what?
this board is small enough that flagfagging is practically name/tripfagging
the only legitimate use I've seen for it is roleplaying, which is banned on this board
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>risk dishonor to your waifu
This is exactly why I don't rep her flag 24/7. Like you said, keeping the reaction images varied is good too. Not just to avoid backlash/dishonour, but because forcing myself to use different ones can be more fun that going straight to the tried and true ones I've used before (Even if it's hard to resist posting more images of her all the time).
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>bug flags are completely delusional nutjobs
can conform
hi everyone
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>using the bully character flag to convey bullying
Gilda is objectively the worst character.
>she shat on ponko po
>is carpet munching gabby or whoever
>she shat on ponko po
did I miss anything?
Yep, I'm the best
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>can conform
Here's a script that lets you randomize your flag with each post.

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