We failed to her... I failed to her.. I couldn't protect her smile.... I miss her so much... I hate that I live in a world were we didn't get to see more of her.... all I wanted was for this cute mare to be happy... and I blame you bastards for this, you who called her poochie, you who made threads entirely to hate her, yet she... she you motherfuckers was just a cute mare as anyother who only wanted to be happy, to find friendship and love, but she crashed upon human cruelty....
>>41643918>WaaaahhhhShut up Misty. Goddamn you annoying whiny brat. You should've stayed Opaline's lackey, at least that way you were interesting.
>>41643918Her blue hair was better but they ruined it with red hair, also Misty will NEVER EVER know the joys.
>>41643918Let's not ignore the real culprit here -- Racism
>>41643918And nothing of value was lost
>>41644877damn. why my cock is hard?
>>41644877this is the best one of these that you've done, her smug expression is sexy af
>>41643918You are right, it's been days I haven't seen the Misty Hate Thread. What a good thread. Makes me almost want to watch G5
>>41644877I cannot really tell if this is A.I or not, probably is but really dystopic it has advanced this much, still got the hair wrong lmao.>>41644920Good. Misty haters are obnoxious hateful bastards.>>41643989>I might seem a little shy, but my strenght is very real!>>41644108Honestly both are pretty, although blue one was indeed better, she still looks very sexy and cute in certain angles with the red one.
Misty Arcana was a treasure.Misty Brightdawn is a mess.
>>41643918Why are you sad anon? If G6 goes as planned Mistyfags are set to win bigly
>>41643918she looks like a whoooore
>>41643918She will never be #savederpy
>>41645630>goes as plannedot wont, thats obvious.ASSbro will replace her with any of the other 3 or even a new character, maybe the blondie will be a main character instead of an antagonist
>>41645654>looks likeShe is
>>41643918Absolutely atrocious designG4 background ponies mog her so much it's not even funny
>>41643918Misty a shit
>>41645727nah, Misty is a marecel
>>41645823Misty probably doesn't know the difference between arousal and someone just being nice to her.
>>41645578>Got the hair wrong Superior color version of her mane, unlike that weird red
>>41643918they gave her really pretty eyeshadow in this
>>41644877After all the nigger pony memes the way to fix misty was to make her darker?Everything I know is a lie.
>>41645630Misty is such an obnoxious poochie
smug Misty was great. they should have had more of her
>>41646932>this room's lighting is powered entirely by my smugness
>>41645630Why is she always crying? I get introvert and shy people, like Maud or Fluttershy, but what is Misty exactly representing Panic attacks and anxiety do seem more like an untreated mental issue than a personality trait to be normalized among children.
>>41647046She realized she was worthless after losing her handler duh.
>>41647362Trixie's are stacies in mlp, since when?
>>41647109God, just imagine the fucking soft, but increasingly loud moans of this beautiful mare as she reach climax (on the rare ocassions she does cum) pure bliss anon! >>41647046Because crying shy character are cute and femenine fag.
>>41643918She looks like she fucks black stallions
>>41646932Smug misty is with Opaline
>>41648570What could be wrong if she did anyways?
>>41648548She will NEVER fuck and cum
>>41643918Suck it.
>>41649823She's not allowed to
>>41643918>failed to her.Yeah. Failed NNN to her, amirite?
>>41643918New generation so she sucked anyways
>>41644877>>41644879>”IT IS?!”>She quickly checks your crotch according to your abrupt claim.>She tears up at the sight of your protrusion.>”Finally. FINALLY. I can finally get some FUCK n CUM…*Snff*”
>>41651373>Poochie hair revertI'm flaccid
>>41651537She's still a femenine fertile mare tho
>>41651750>Feminine More like annoyingly childish
>>41650322Well... ofcourse I failed NNN to Misty, but also failed to protect this beautiful blueberry's smile.>>41651750Based>>41652232>>41651537Fags.
>>41654922Thanks for bringing up one of her most annoying traits
>>41647109Lol nopeRIP Misty she never got to fuck and cum
>>41650322Impossibru, she can't fuk and cum or know anyone did the same thinking about her
>>41654922Misty, go to a psychiatrist and stop grooming children into believing that behavior is normal.
She needs nothing but hugs and fucking n cumming, she is perfect.
>>41655629Don't make me post the Misty cum fic again.
>>41657516Why to wait tho? The fic is great!https://ponepaste.org/9712
>>41657002She needs tough love
>>41658013I love it
>>41643918Why is she wearing all of that? It looks horrible.
>>41659316Ponies went clubbing
>>41659316What the fuck are you talking about? She looks beautiful you fucking shitwit.
>>41658013It looks like that writefriend finally put it on fimfichttps://www.fimfiction.net/story/567088/can-misty-come
>>41659609I'll drink a glass of milk to that.
>>41643918Why people hate her?
>>41661116People hate her because she was too beloved by Hasbro and the writters, and she kindda has more screentime than their pathetic insipid character.
>>41661637Insipid and pathetic is the perfect way to describe the pony that cries all the time when she should be thankful she wasn't thrown in prison or forced to do community service like Sprout
>>41661751Lmao cope harder Hitchfag
>>41662161I hate Hitch almost as much as Misty
>>41661637>Much budget and micromanaging spent on a character that promotes mental illnesses as personally traits>"Hehehehe Hasbro and writed backs be"
>>41662821Isn't it ironic?
>>41661116People loved the old misty, only hate the nu misty.
Kill dogs
explosion of dogs
>>41664189Your mom's a bitch