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Do you remember?
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but why
Still don't understand why Pinkiecheese is canon.
That colt was built for human dick, idk why he's lamenting that pink bitch.
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this guy shits his pants btw
Why would he ever do that to himself
Why does he look like an old nigger with a skunk for a wig?
You better not test his slam jams if you know what's good for you, Anon.
Ruthless. Is this a Derpi mod? They have to be
he has to signal he is ok with perceived popular thing.
More importantly how much did he pay?
Didn't he also comissioned himself fucking cheese pie? He went from a shitting cuck to a shitting pedo faggot.
No, but he commissioned ten gazillions arts of him fucking R63 EQG Pinkie
>he's cheating on ponk with an anime girl now
I 'member.
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didn't he comission his OC fucking Li'l Cheese, or I'm misremembering? I remember Twitter SJWs tried to cancel him for some nonsense reason.
Isn't he also the head mod of the MLP wiki?
>she is pink
not surprised
I am so glad this was fpbp
No mare will love you if you can't hold your shit
He is. Literally almost all of the transcripts, galleries and show summaries were added by him.
I do not remember.
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Pinkie might.
It was Lily Pad, a kid Pinkie Pie babysits in "Pinkie Sitting" short in Equestria Girls Better Together. The comic is named "Gilding the Lily".
God I hate myself for remembering that. I couldn't watch that short again after that nor say that phrase again.
>Gilding the Lily
i cant find it,what does it have?
if he was a true ponkfag he would have ignored the ship
I refuse to look for it. But I remember it was drawn by Theminus.
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holy fucking shit
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>I refuse to look for it
why?,anyways i guess i gotta dig deeper
It cringes me to the limit
lmao,i wonder if he is against foalcon on his xitter
Should've looked for "lily pad (equestria girls)":
why do all pony boorus use the worst engine?
Guess specifically that is bad tagging. There shouldn't be different tags for the same character for their EQG version. People shouldn't be retard enough and learn how to add eqg to their filters.
desu the booru with the best tagging that i know of does have diferent tags for both the eg and fim counterparts, but they have autocomplete
There's this guy who shipped his OC (picrel) with Pinkie Pie and he commissioned like A FUCKTON of art of them together. Then the finale came out and of course revealed that Pinkie gets married to Weird Al in the future and has a foal with him, so he commissioned >>41645557 showing his OC being a cuck
i think he still commisons him with ponk,i think but its >no hooves ponk
and male version too
Imagine getting buck broken by a cartoon so hard that you turn gay. How embarrassing.
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Anon, the "lily pad" tag refers to actual lilypads.
How is that hot?
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>Literally almost all of the transcripts, galleries and show summaries were added by him.
Oh. So they're tainted and I can't look at them ever again.
Don't worry, you can use DataByte's transcript search engi--oh wait.
I take back my words. I'm a retard. Thank you.
i was curious
bucked so hard he went for >no hooves
>EQG Ponk canonically didn't get married

>If the pink cartoon ever cucks you, "he" can't get pregnant

I don't have any proof, but that was his thoughts line
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wait he shut that down? scootaloodaddy1488 keeps being a fag it seems

desu i think his idea was more like:
>le waifu got fuked by another pony
>eqg ver of waifu did not
>i want to cum inside eqg pinkie pie
Why did he go gay, though?
Why did he go pedo, though?
>Why did he go gay, though?
are you sure he wasn't gae b4?

>Why did he go pedo, though?
i dont know,i think he never mentioned that commision and i never saw him doing anything loli or foal related again
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both are huge fags, solo mare or nothing.
anonfilly and by extension /ptfg/ is gayer then all of these combined, its even gayer then futafags
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As a proud futaGOD, I take exception to that.
To be honest I was expecting a loli considering that lilypad comic he commissioned
i think he got some hate and decided to hide his appreciation for cunny
nah futraan is the gayiest
fippy bippy
>third worlder
>shits himelf
Where does he gets the money for the hundreds of commisions he makes? I refuse to believe this guy has a job
He also does have a gender swap OC for some fucking reason that also uses to self insert... as a woman.
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Yeah, we know that he changed his objetive
this image feels diferent after that lilypad comic
he's a third worlder?
>the MLP wiki is run by an autistic gay pedo who shits himself
We need an altwiki asap
This like like in Twilight where Jacob doesn't get to be with Bella because she marries Edward, but than he imprints on their baby
>the MLP wiki is run by an autistic gay pedo who shits himself
I mean did you really expect anything else?
I wonder if he see lil cheese as a colt or a filly
I think he sees lil cheese as a hole
29 replies what the hell happened?
lol dis dude is like diddy
Oh, since it's not Anonymous, suddenly rampant >rape is off the table?
jk he's a total faggot and should be beaten for my entertainment
Anons had a good time recalling he's a pedo
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At the end of the comic, Pinkie is shown to be fully aware he was raping the girl and decided to do nothing.
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EQG pinkie is cataloged as a pedo since a short were she babysit Lilypad
>ywnb molested by your babysitter, Pinkie
It ain't even worth it on this bitch of an earth

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