Here in /bug/ we bundle up with our bugs to give em some extra love for the changing of the seasonswe also think of what gift to get the queen for hearthswarming and plan out cards for all the gaylings you know but dont really want to go out of your way to see but you still gotta give em a card because theyre family.Some old links:Old Hive Directory: Old /bug/ Pastebin: archive: thread >>41636388question of teh thread:whats the best way to spend time with your bug as the weather gets colder?
Queen Chrysalis is holding the concept of changelings back and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
>>41649366>holding the concept of changelings backhow so?
>>41649359third for billies
>>41649369>make a race of succubus bugs with infinite potential>chrysalis this>chrysalis that>fanfic that makes changelings sympathetic>gotta make such chrysalis is involved, changelings aren't anything without her>splinter factions or even just other hives doing their own thing? nah, chrysalis is so cool that all changelings want to be under her. across the entire planet>changelings existing in the fringes of equestrian society peacefully? no, chrysalis also has the ability to dream walk and kicks everybody's puppies in their dreams every night>hive in fanfics is literally mindless drones, except for our plucky protagonist bug. no rank and file changelings with their own culture and traditions that just try to exist the best they can>chrysalis the stinkbug gets all the art>oh and everybody acts like she's a completely different character from the showpeople committing crimes against imagination with her basically. I shouldn't post when I'm tired>>41649396How do changeling foals get educated, anyway? I thought of them using the pods to beam info into their brains like that scene from Wall-E, but that's probably just me being weird.
>>41649457>I thought of them using the pods to beam info into their brains like that scene from Wall-E, but that's probably just me being weird.that sounds wack lol
>>41649366>>41649457Finally, someone who gets it. Chrysalis was the worst thing to happen to changelings.
Buncha disloyal drones shitting up this thread
>>41649951Not our fault the queen's a retard with an ego the size of the sun's ass.
>>41649951for realimagine they wouldnt be so bold to say such things i her presence
>I'm finally ip range unbanned and can post on 4chin after 5+ yearsfeels fucking surreal to be desu with uno idea how mlp been doing for all these years, but it was fun drawing for you, buglords, back in the daycheers to good old days!
>>41649654cricri always attracts the worse kind of people.
>>41650081And that's the reason the ACW failed
>>41650620>was fun drawing for youpost some
>>41650652Alright!This old ass folder with my mlp art I just found was the catalyst to try and Post again in the first place
>>41650726>file you are trying to open is corruptedfugg :D
>>41650742She's a bit confused, but she's got the spirit
>>41650742I've been posting, trying to find bunch old of threads I frequented and it seems like most of the things I like moved on/disappearedIt all comes tumbling down in the end huhAnyway, I wish any fags left in here some good vibes and keep on bugin', I loved my time on this basket weaving forum
>>41650928cheers man
>>41649951buncha people turning this into the queen stinkbug waifu thread>>41650620>no idea how mlp been doing for all these yearscould be better, could be worse. you just missed g5 getting quietly cannedOh, I guess you also missed us being the forefront of AI development for a while. that was weird in retrospect>>41650928>it seems like most of the things I like moved on/disappearedIn a lot of cases, there wasn't enough OC being made and anons lost interest. And a lot of the stuff that stayed around, like Princess Applejack, seems like it's continuing out of spite.
>>41649366>>41649654wow, you dronefags are faggots not only literally, but figuratively as well
>>41649359God I want to fuck her.
>>41651552>buncha people turning this into the queen stinkbug waifu threadhave a (you) for that lol
>>41650622true. that's why we're all here.
>>41651897glad youre around :)
>>41652460Yes. I am around.
>>41651558unloyals will be executed
>>41650622Not as bad as Sombra.
>queen stinkbug homies get accused of taking over the thread>respond by trying to take over the thread
>>41652695The only thing she knows is blind conquest.
>>41652695nigga what the fuck you post like she ever lost control of her own hive
in equestria, some people want SMALL buggy gf, with SMALL horn. but we need to make sure the hive is big enough for buggy gf with BIGGIE horn and crown.
Reminder that Chrysalis is mother to the entire changeling hive and without her you wouldn't exist
>>41653223i am a proud last generation ling, i need little reminder of thismay mother reign on forever
>>41652767True. All hail the lanky black queen.
>>41653407baste lanky queen enjoyer
>bug kissingbug kissing
>>41653947Drones are in fact for smooching.
i prefer the fan-made changeling queens to Chrysalis desu
i lov bug
>>41654039But which one's your favorite?
>>41654993looks like she absorbed fluffel
>>41655397now thats a very cute bug tumwould pet
>>41655790It's full of unfertilized eggs
>>41653223Chrysalis is only one of many changeling queens and hives across the world.
>>41655807wew it all makes so much sense now
>>41656190>hypno eyes
>>41656392i think the artist didnt know how to do changeling eyes
>>41649359>its getting cold out there, adopt a changeling today!!
bug spin
Glad to see droneposting making a comeback compared to previous threads.>>41653223>changelings never existed before chrysalisIs this some terrible IDW lore I've forgotten about>>41654993sektiss
>>41658540>Is this some terrible IDW lore I've forgotten aboutNot really, the IDW origin for Changelings just has her be the biggest of the first "generation". I like it for excusing Even Weirder biology from being part undead tree and Chrysalis fucking up from being mostly feral instead of retarded.
>>41654993I thought that was Chrysalis wearing a Twilight costume from the thumbnail.
remeber to give your bugz some extra love <3
i wish i was a cool bug....
>>41660333checked digits mean wish granted?
>>41654993what is this mary sue sparkledog recolor
oh /bug/, you never fail to make me feel better. you're the only place i can call home
>despite who i am>no matter where i go>the hive will be there
>>41662203very cute piece of art>having bedbugs in equestria is a very different thing than in the real world>instead of small bugs that suck your blood its changelings breaking into your house to siphon ambient love energy off you while you sleep>if they do so without magically altering your dreams or without you finding out they broke in that makes it legal>saying 'dont let the bedbugs bite' is basically telling someone to lock down before they go to sleep>unless that pony wants to be fed on by bugs
>>41662528>Setting traps to lock the bugs in>They are yours now>Teach the bugs how to make pancakes
>>41661851bugg looks like he needs a hug
>>41663098The gift of scarf is making him unsure how to proceed
>>41662528>>41662730>*click*>"this is investigator Soft Boiled, Celestia guard badge number XXXXXX, interviewing a Mr. Anon Y, Mous at his residence on the outskirts of ponyville proper.">"it is currently 7:08PM, fifth day of the second moon of winter, 20XX.">"Good day Mr. Mous.""Hi.">"i am here today to investigate the recent string of reports of an infestation of bedbugs from your neighbors.""i dont have any neighbors out here.">"okay then lets just say, reports from concerned community members?"Fine.">"i have several written and transcribed verbal complaints here on file regarding the company you have been keeping in your cottage and business-""yeah i know the law, no law against keeping lings as company.">"yes Mr. Mous i a-""stop calling me that, its Anon.">"Anon, i am aware that it is a legal and protected right for you to develop and nurture friendships with changelings as a pon- equestrian citizen,">"but the way you have been conducting your friendships has been concerning ponyfolk in town as of late.""yeah, and?">"and i am here to smooth some details out, or rather to update records.">"anywho, the changeling whom youve held in your lap since you have sat down,">"for the record, what might his name be?""her,""her name is Elytra.""male changelings are few and kept close to the queen, the only way a male would leave the hive is dead.">"what about the other two ...lovely bugs that have been sat beside your chair?""Tarsi and Maxillas, and they generally dont like it when you call them bugs.">"i apologize, what of the rest of them here on the counter and ...on the ceiling?""their names arent important. besides, you would run out of tape.">"fair enough i suppose.">"would you mind going into detail how you have come to live and work with so many changelings Mr- anon?""the door, i leave it open and they come in.">"you mean the...""the doggy door yeah, its one way and just big enough to come through it but they cant sneak back out once they come in.""a new ling comes through every couple days.""told me before that going through open doggy doors are one of the infiltration tactics that they have been trained to use,""but they were never trained on the one way versions.">"i see...">"and am i correct in my assumption that you have befriended this group of changelings over the course of the last few moons?""sure.">"and when had you the idea to begin employing them at your business?""i started my business because of them.">"hows that?""after the first few got stuck in my house and spent more time around me they told me i had more love to give than any creature they ever encountered.""at some point they started living with me full time and i began teaching them things i knew from my home.""the most important being how to make pancakes, one of the first things i taught them." "they love pancakes.""making em, eating em, sharing em."
>>41663588>"so you made a business of it?""yes, they told me pancakes are a sort of love multiplier. so i just gave them a way to spread their love.">"and you see no problem in that?""why would i? the ling honey café is one of the most successful establishments in ponyville.">"yes but... theyre changelings.""theyre also my friends.""isnt friendship supposed to be the most important thing to you ponies?">"it is, yes, but the invasion-""Lytra here, she was the first who stuck around.""the morning i found her she was asleep on my kitchen floor, i let her out and she came back.""she brought Max and Tarsi along the next day and i woke up with them there under the covers with me.""word spread amongst their hive about me through Lytra and her word still brings lings into our home to this day.""i have saved more changelings from Chrysalis by bringing them into my family than your entire army killed in their invasion.">"i think thats all i need Mr. Mous.">"thank you for your time."*click*
>>41659547>its actually just an outfit made of twi's skin
>green wings flutter strong>tortured lungs strain for more air>solace within reach
>>41664396This pic is very gay.
>>41664396Me on the right. (I see something I like)
>>41664847It's cock, isn't it?
>>41664864It's the source of love. Yes it's a cock.
>>41664871Horse, I hope.
>>41664396some real>youre about to e drained to death vibes from this
>>41665450I am getting Mimesis vibes
>>41664396Love this guy. Does great bugs and we've been pals for years.
>>41665456love that one
>*buzzes in a cryptic manner*
>>41664871heh heh
>under a dark sky>ice cold winds bite at my shell>makes home feel farther
>>41667844>they know where you live>thats what every morning looks like for you since then>every single time you walk outside your door
>>41667844those are unbelievably cute bugs omg
>A bug once came back from a walk>With new tactics and eager to talk>"I tinkered my draining: >"My prey stops complaining>"When I suck the love straight from his... horn."
>>41668776naisu naisumade me lol
rember to bundle your bugmom
>old hive do i stalk>amongst the rubble i stand>waiting for the past
>public bug advisory: be careful whos house you break into
oh shit didn't even realize /bug/ was up again. posted the final, revised update to the most recent chapter of my green over in /aie/, here it is for anyone curious>>41648819
>>41672326thats me im in the pic
>>41672922woah, are you the left or the right bug?
>>41672651oh damn dopeill give it read
>before i lie down>a prayer for the morning light>that the hive may see
Chrysalis has a proposition for you
>>41674011what kind of proposition?...
>>41674557You need to rim her leg holes
>>41674557>I receive love>You receive pod
>>41674557A proposition of the eggy kind.
>>41674568freakywould though if she asked for it
>>41675373love a bug with a long tongue
>>41675782no way
>>41676175yes way
>>41676309Love my deranged Queen. She's just like me.
>>41676357shes only ever been the only queen for mei wouldnt have her any other waythe mad matriarch of the shifting hive
mein name ist buug
>>41676656no its beeg
>>41677444>someone actually saved the shitty comp pic i put togetherlol
>>41649359>the changing of the seasonsmore like the changeling of the seasons
>>41677066still one of the prettiest bugmom pics ive eber seen
>>41676683no, iz wide
Uteuk has a nice style. I was going to wait until he was finished with my commission to share it here, but would you guys like to see the initial sketches?
>>41679176im in this pic
>>41679202>like to see the initial sketches?yesjust 1 (one) would be nice
>>41679588Sure. You can tell by the filename this isn't the first pair of sketches. I asked him to make her bigger. Both of these will probably be finished sooner or later, but neither is in progress right now. Something more like the left side, but with a different angle is being worked on right now.
>>41679202>“Shut up and take off your pants.”
>>41679623unbelievably cute art omgpoast moar when you have it
>>41679798wish i was a bug...
>>41680589Here's what's in progress right now. I asked him which of the two he preferred, and he drew this instead of choosing either.After so many serious commissions of this kind of thing, I like this sillier tone. Yeah, let her have a happy meal.
>>41681193gonna be awesome when its done, i can already tell
>>41681767bug iz sleeping shhhhhhhhhhhh
>>41681767sleepy time for bugs
good morning bugs ^^
>dont lie>youd have to try it at least once
>>41682760so who gets to go to anon's door?two cadences?
>>41682760>"hello candyass.">"insect.">"you intercepted a delivery mare as well?">"*his* delivery mare, actually.">"so its a stand off then.">"indeed."
>years spent with a host>its hard to not get attached>but she haunts my dreams
Happy Bugsgiving everychangeling
>>41685067happy bugsgiving day!!
>>41685965>file nameloldope art too
>>41682760>deliberately order from both of them just to make them fight
>>41686522>mfw i im in my fuzzy slippers and bathrobe watching the catfight breaking out in front of my house
>what episode(s) do (you) think could be improved and/or changed with the inclusion of bugs, and how would you include them?
>>41654993What ones are there?
>>41686522>>41686810>They spend 20 minutes monologuing and fighting each other>Remind them of their "delivery in 30 minutes or lesss" guarantee>Get both pizzas for free
>>41687891>"why did you wait so long to tell me, anonymous?">the bug queen says calmly
>>41688607>"You two seemed like you were having fun. I didn't want to interrupt you."
>>41686522>Whoever wins gets the tip. Whoever loses gets the balls :D
>>41689117>plowing bug pussy from behind while her wings make adorable chirps to complement her moans>meanwhile, between Chrysalis's and your legs, lovebutt melts in your waifu's heavy, shapeshifted balls>each thrust of your hips softens her more and gets the queen closer and closer to release>a very physical reminder of how wild your cock drives her, leaving heavily-cumstained princess regalia on the floor
>>41689202verry hawt
>shells brought to new shades>told they've changed for the better >are they still themselves?
remember to snuggle bugg for chrismus
pretty buggo
>>41691582right round the corner but i didnt wanna break out all my crimbmass bugz too early
>>41682209this is one of the stories
this ones my favorite!!!
>wat do anon?
>>41692324cute buggo
>to be another>head swimming with foreign thoughts >reflections all lie
>real drone posting hours
>>41695657dont gotta tell me twice
>>41695524melin :)
>>41695524Imagine a changeling accidentally revealing herself because she didn't realize that ponies don't unhinge their jaws and swallow watermelons whole.
>>41677444Besides Amending Fences proving that's not Moondancer, whoever drew this must have literal autism to think that third-person gag is funny.
>>41696739Gotta open up wider, stupid
>>41697047Careful what you wish for
Bug bump
>>41697047man that tongue is the best....
>>41696769Autism or not, he's spitting facts.
changelings should have been more of a constant lurking villain and danger in the show
>my ling, gone too soon>never got to know her name>but i still love her
>>41649457good post