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Cheering You On Edition

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>41631492

Please refrain from posting Equestria Girls in this thread. Thank you.
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First for my shy mare wife!
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In the last thread, Anon posted his art from the Anni
and then it died
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no, I won't
There's already a thread for her >>41621931
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oh, ok, thank you
I know is a cliche, but I bump, with my love for her. Fluttershy, my love you're are the only reason to live, in your eyes I find the universe and the eternity in one second of your stare.
Bathrobes are so erotic
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lads, we are indeed back
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She wants to pollinate you.
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Unf Fluttershy's delectable pussy juice glug glug glug
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>find a romance fic with flutters
>it makes me a horse instead of a human
damn, I was planning on reading it too.
But she loves all animals, especially when they're well seasoned.
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>Um... be not afraid, Anon.
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this has to be season 1 shy in her first appearance.
She is feeding you.
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One of the raisins I became a writefag. Shit like that, that I'm not into, etc. too bad smut is the only thing I write at this point lmao
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I've been meaning to write but I'm just worried I won't live up to my own standards since I've never written before.
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does anyone have this figure? how does it look irl?
i'm thinking of getting her, but she's a little pricey. i would have to save up
Cute Flutters but the anime girl added there with her for some reason ruins it.
I'm horrible at talking over the phone. I know this pain.
Hey what do you mean by "little pricey"? If you're referring to the eBay prices of like $400+, don't, she's getting reissued in like April next year for $125. I know an anon who runs a shop who could put one aside for you if that would help.
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The anime shit is absolutely awful.
It won't live up to any standards if you don't try! Your writing will be bad at first, but by writing you can see what you like and dislike and improve it in your next story. Trying to live up any standard with no experience is setting yourself up to give up. Just have fun and write some stories, the >quality does not matter and will come with experience.
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I saw this at a store for like $50 awhile back, god I wish I bought it then
I am pretty sure you can still get it online for about that. At least, I found the Luna version for less than $50.
You've found a knockoff.
Nigga I don't know, I'm broke
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Kek, maybe so. But, it looks good and I like it. So, I'm satisfied.
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Casually giving that partial Flutterbat glare.
Does anyone remember that one greentext about an anon having a Fluttershy dream? All I can remember is that it involves him giving her a piggyback up a hill, they lay down under a tree, he says "I love you Flutters", and he wakes up
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Fluttershy was the one who corrupted me into lusting over mares a few years ago. But now she rarely comes to my mind, even more rarely than Applejack. But she's still adorable.
>Verification not required.
This happen me with Twilight and Rarity, specially Rarity, but know all my lust is for my beloved Fluttershy and I rarely forget about them. I think simply your waifu will occupy more space in your mind that anyone else. Is your special one. In my case, now I can only fap with my waifu.
Cute little teats.
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>You wake up, shifting groggily as your body is relaxing on the heavenly soft mattress
>Cuddling your warm, soft mare wife, her yellow fur caressing your chest as she's steadily breathing in her slumber
>Her snout is pressed against your neck, her gentle breath brushing against your skin
>Her left forehoof and wing are wrapped around your torso, mirroring your own arm being wrapped around her barrel
>You brush your palm against her back
>Carefully touching her sensitive wing
>She shifts as she wakes up, yawning adorably
>Her half-lid cyan eyes greet you
>"Good morning, my love." she says, leaving a peck on your cheek afterwards
>Her honeyed, beautiful voice makes you feel so good
>So full with love for her
>Listening to her talk is the best thing you ever had to listen
"Good morning, sweetheart." you reciprocate, pecking her own cheek, the fur brushing your lips
>She rubs her muzzle against your nose, sighing in content
>"How did you sleep last night?" Fluttershy asks, gazing groggily upon you
"I have been sleeping very well since I started sleeping with you." you respond
>She blushes slightly
>You give her back a gentle massage, making her hum in content, encouraging you
>Good thing it's Saturday, so you have more time relaxing together with her in the bed
>She doesn't have to come to the sanctuary today unless something terrible happened
>Only the animals in and around her cottage needed to be taken care of
>"I've had really a nice dream. We were walking by a beautiful waterfall and drank some water here because we were thirsty. Then we walked together into a field full of all sorts of colourful flowers. And we laid here, right in the middle of that field. We cuddled and caressed each other a lot, enjoying our time."
>She closed her eyes, smiling wider
>"It was idyllic. I wish we would find a field like that where we would cuddle and kiss each other, undisturbed by anypony as we bask in the warm sun."
>You sink your fingers through her luscious, pink mane
>She snickers softly, pecking you on the lips
>Humming in content
>Enjoying your affection
>"Wouldn't you mind helping me feeding the chickens in the coop? I think the poor things are going to run out of food today. Then we may prepare some for ourselves together."
"Sounds nice." you cooed
>Helping your wife to take care of her animal friends always felt good
>You've always wanted to befriend animals, and nothing made you feel better than spending time together with your mare wife
>Doing your own part in taking care of them
>She slowly gets up from the bed together with you
>You take your clothes on, and then thoroughly make the bed
>Heading outside for the chicken coop, next to Fluttershy
>Taking some winter clothing on, carrying the seed bag
>It's winter, and you can't wait the Hearth's Warming celebrations
>The slightly cold breeze brushes against your cheeks
>Fluttershy carries her own bag, hovering to the coop
>She greets the chickens, spilling the seed into one of the feeders
This really warms my heart, thank you, Anon.
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>You spill the seeds into other one
>The chickens come out of their nesting boxes, eagerly pecking their food
>Fluttershy pets a chicken, cooing soft words of encouragement
>You crouch, scritching an another chicken as she consumes her food
>After all was said and done, you both head back to the cottage
>Carrying the food bags, still having plenty for the chickens
>Taking your winter clothes off, you decide who takes on preparing different dishes for the breakfast
>"I'll steam some fish for you while you make me my favourite salads. Sounds nice?"
"Of course!"
>Yeah, maybe Fluttershy is a herbivore, but she understands what others eat
>She has no problem with feeding you fish or meat from her dead animals
>And so, you took on careful cutting various veggies, while your wife took on her responsibilities with the fish
>One sort of greens go into one salad, while the other one go to the other
>And mix it all with some oil
>Your fish is also ready, and you begin on your meals
>You watch your mare carefully eat her salad, thoroughly chewing on it, while munching on your fish
>"Mmm, you're really great with your salads, Anon." she praises your cooking skills, licking her lips
>It feels oddly satisfying watching your mare eat
>Especially when you made her meals
>You eagerly take on your fish, trying to not gobble it up, as she told you numerous times
>You slow down a bit as you reminisce it
>She quietly snickers
>"You look so cute when you eat."
>Looks like she enjoys watching you eating her meals as much as you do
>You're done with the fish, only leaving bones from it
>You gaze at her finishing her last salad, emptying the bowl
"Did you realize how great you are with cooking?" you playfully ask her
>She giggles, the light blush appearing among her fur
>"Maybe.. not as much as you are."
>After a short pause, you both laugh
>You wipe the fat from your mouth with a napkin, and take the dishes to the kitchen sink
>Washing them, while Fluttershy makes some morning coffee
>Overall, she preferred tea and hot cocoa to it, but she liked drinking some in the morning
>Coffee is done, and you both patiently wait for it to cool down
>She picks up a book from the shelf
>Another one about animals
>About rodents in particular
>She sure knows her animals, but likes rereading books about them
>As coffee becomes cool enough to drink, you take a sip, and your mare follows you
>Taking her own
>Such a relaxing moment, being beside your mare wife, enjoying some morning coffee
>She puts the book back the shelf
>She tenderly nuzzles you
>Her muzzle brushing against your neck, and your cheek
>You give her a loving kiss in the forehead
>You gaze at each other, letting out a happy chuckle
>She's so beautiful
>And you could disappear in her large, soul-piercing cyan eyes
>Their colour, reminiscent of the shallow waters in the ocean, near the coast
>She smells nice too, like pine woods
>It helps you fall asleep together with her, sniffing her fragrance
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Boop. An update to the green is coming.
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>She pecks you on the cheek before going on with emptying her cup
>You relax, slowly drinking your own coffee
>Eventually, you drank all of it, and went to wash your cups
>Fluttershy checks for food, and announces that you need to go buy some with her
>"We don't have much tea left, and we need sugar, flour, fruits, and cucumbers too, we're running out of them."
>You take on your winter clothing again
>She just takes on a purple sweater and earmuffs
>Being a pegasus, her winter coat was dense enough for her to allow her dress lighter during winter
>You know it yourself, she's really warm when you cuddle each other in your sleep
>Keeping you warm and comfortable during nights
>You go outside of the cottage, walking beside each other as the snow crunches under your legs
>Crossing the bridge over the creek, walking into Ponyville
>Various ponies busily scurrying around, going from building to building, in preparations for Hearth's Warming
>Some greet you as they notice you and your mare
>First, you went to buy some tea
>Fluttershy likes tea a lot, and is pretty knowledgable about the various sorts of it
>You both enter the tea store owned by the magenta, blue eyed earth mare known as Jasmine Leaf
>Fluttershy knows her very well, being a tea enthusiast herself
>"Oh, why hello there, Fluttershy! Glad to see you today. You're really lucky to have Anon as your husband, you know." Jasmine winks
>"I do feel special in the fact my handsome human chose me." Fluttershy adorably giggles, blushing slightly
>Your mare is pretty proud in the fact that you're hers
>After a bit of small talk, she buys her favourite sorts, placing them in a bag
>The next set of groceries is sold at Ponyville's local, well grocery store
>Not complicated
>On your way to it, you meet Rarity, outside kf her boutique for her own pre-holiday business
>The white unicorn greets both of you, giving your mare a hug
>She contributed to the formation of your union and the subsequent marriage with Fluttershy a lot, and was responsible for the wedding clothes
>She gave a lot of suggestions on how to approach you, encouraging her shy friend to come out of her shell and confess her love to you
>And ask you out for a date
>You will never forget that day, and the night that came after
>"Well, I shall stop interrupting your business as I'm going on with my own. There's a lot of demand now before Hearth's Warming. I barely get to sleep myself. Bye, darlings!"
>The ivory mare waves goodbye to you as you go in the directuon of the grocery store
>You step inside of it, taking a basket
>Placing some warmth-loving fruits in it, unavailable in Ponyville's cooler climate
>Those that that grew here, such as apples, were always in abundance in the cottage since Applejack would often give them for free as a sign of gratitude of your wife helping to heal some sick animals in her farm
>You now had a bunch of kiwis, bananas, mandarin oranges, mangoes and a pineapple in your basket
Another boop for more green.
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thought this one was really cute
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>Soon, bags of sugar and flour followed them, and eventually it all went into a bag
>Outside of a grocery store, Fluttershy felt an urge for sone donuts with tea for lunch
>"Anon, you want some donuts? I feel like I can have today with tea."
"Sure, why not." you agreed
>Heading with her for Sugarcube Corner
>Pinkie Pie is really good at her craft
>Entering the rather busy bakery, the pink pony greets you
>"Hiya, Mr. and Mrs. Shy!"
>You feel your cheeks blushing
>Fluttershy giggles
>"Hello, Pinkie. I'd have five strawberry glazed donuts, and Anon..."
"Three blueberry glazed ones."
>"Your favourites, isn't it? I always have some in case you'll give a visit to old Pinkie!"
>The extraverted pink mare places containers of them on the table as you give her some bits
>"Tada! Enjoy!"
>You place them in your bags
>"Oh! You can call me to celebrate your anniversary next year! I'd like to have a quiet party like I did on your wedding." Pinkie snorted
"We'll think about it."
>Pinkie leans to whisper into Fluttershy's ear, just loud enough for you to hear
>"Can't wait when you're going to have foals. I'd love to sit with them."
>Fluttershy grins, snickering quietly
>"Have a nice day, Pinkie!" your mare as both you of head outside
>"Bye!" the party pony energetically waves
>You go back outside through the snowy town, carrying bags full of goods
>The fresh, light wintery breeze blows, brushing your cheeks with coolness
>Fluttershy hums some holiday song, walking with you as the snow falls, slightly covering covering your clothes, and your mare's snout, quickly melting there
>The air smells so fresh, so good here
>Especially nearby your wifes cottage, with the forest close to it
>Before entering your home, both of you stomp on the entrance, shaking some fresh snow away from your boots and her hooves
>Going inside, you take your clothing off
>She takes her earmuffs and her favourite purple sweater off into a closet, following your clothing
>You put the kettle on, preparing some tea
>While the yellow pegasus sorts the groceries out
>You share a mandarin orange together, waiting for the kettle to heat up
>When it's ready, your pour the hot water into the cups, filling them
>Same old stuff as in the morning, you know the drill
>As you wait for tea to cool down, you engage in small talk with your wife
>Sharing some jokes
>Hugging and kissing each other
>Taking sips of warm tea, prolonging the relaxing moment
>She nuzzles into your neck, holding you in an embrace, wrapping her angelic wings around you
>You reciprocate, putting your arms around her barrel
>Only shifting to take a sip of the recreational drink
>Relishing in the romantic and intimate moment of a married couple
>You kiss her on the cheek, shifting your hand under her wing
>Slightly massaging her barrel there
>Eliciting a satisfied hum from your mare
>You take a cup, drinking some more
>Until you empty your cups
>Taking care of them, Fluttershy decides to read some marega together with you
Woah this is really pretty, where did you find this image? I love this pose, it seems to be a rare one.
In the /create/ magma >>41663957
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she's so silly
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Still looking for this if anybody knows what I'm talking about
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>It was fun read it with her, sitting on the bed
>You don't read the end just for a spoiler, so sometimes you would guess with her what would come up next
>If your opinions on that differ, you would play a game of rock, paper, scissors
>Given her wings, that wasn't a problem
>Of course, the result of the game and the actual course of the comic's plot would differ drastically
>It was all just silly fun with your mare
>She also liked drawing the characters from various maregas
>Her style was to give them long, slender legs
>And she did draw you with her
>Both of you standed on characteristically long legs that you didn't actually have
>She did a lot of sketches of you, alone and with herself
>You sit on the edge of the bed, while Fluttershy takes a marega volume, starting from where you last stopped reading it
>You would hours just reading this stuff with her
>Even if particular series (or chunk of one) were boring, but at least boring stuff is less boring when not reading it solo
>You finish one, and then get another, and another
>Enjoying some hot chocolate you brewed in the meantime
>Until you reach the ending of an another series
>"See? I told you he was going to tear an interdimensional hole to work at a hayburger restaurant chain in an another dimension. But you disagreed."
>You smile and boop your mare in response, causing her to adorably scrunch
>She reciprocates, booping your nose with her hoof
"To be fair, considering all the bullshit he went through, I expected more, like a better payoff than just him running away from his problems."
>Your wife smiles gently
>"Anon, you shouldn't expect a satisfying ending from a series plagued with so much bad writing."
>You both chuckled
>She isn't wrong
>It's already dark outside, and the lamp has been on for quite a time
>You need to go on your duties
>Preparing dinner while Fluttershy takes care of some other animals
>"Oh yeah! I think the mice are running out of their own food. And Angel ate the last of his own food from yesterday this afternoon."
>Your mare says, taking the marega back to the shelf
>"He's been spending too much time outside too, during winter no less. He must've been hungry already."
>You head to the kitchen whilst your mare feeds mice, pouring some from the bags
>You cut some vegetables for the grumpy rabbit's favourite salad
>Mixing them, and quickly it is ready for Angel
>The rabbit is already here, sensing the smell of the salad
>You didn't get along together at the first time, but eventually you grew on for the rabbit
>Especially when you were the making food for him
>He eagerly starts eating his dish
>Moving on, the next dish is going to be Fluttershy's, while she prepares your own
>She smiles, looking at you serving the salad for Angel
>Putting the water on, you cut vegetables for her favourite soup
>Alongside the fruits for the salad she's really into
>She prepares the meat from the recently dead old chicken, with some potatoes
>Seasoning them before grilling
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>In about an hour and half you were eating your food
>First, you started with the soup, sharing it between you and your mare
>Carefully eating the hot soup
>You move on your chicken with home fries while she eats her fruit salad
>After all was said and done, you have evening tea
>Having a relaxing time, sharing moments, of affection
>Before brushing your teeth
>You join your mare in the bed
>Her heavenly soft fur and mane brush your skin
>She passionately kisses on the lips, before rubbing her muzzle against your nose
>Wrapping her forehoof and wing around you, as you wrap your own arm around her barrel
"Good night, my gorgeous wife."
>"Good night, my love."
>You doze on the pillow
>Sharing breath with your mare, laying on the other side of the pillow

It's done. Finally got to do a SFW green, but I think it's pretty mid. I need to study more.
For me, is very impressive what capable are you of write this... Is always Nice to read your greens anon.
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Glad you've liked it, it's always nice that people like my stuff.
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I love my wife's wide flanks
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She wants (You) to give her brushies.
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>Those swaying hips
Super cute and unf
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>The only pegasus to ever achieve Double Sonic Rainboom
Rainbow Dash lost.....
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Very cute
I love Fluttershy!
Flutterbots transform and roll out!
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Upsies for the best mare!
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This would be nice
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butter horse
I really would like play a date game with her...
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>his soul couldn't handle the snowpity
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I have them all. So I will say from the perspective of how it stands alone and in contrast to others. I'm also not fan of Fluttershy so I feel like I might be less bias.

If you're a flutterfag, I say go for it. As far as official figures go, eqg or pony, it's still in the top tier. Aside from those Chinese pony figurines we've been getting for the last year or two, it's the best official statue of your waifu on the market.

But in terms of how she compares to other figures in the series, I would say she is at the bottom. Definitely not RD or AJ level. It's not that she's bad, it's just that she's exactly what I would expect as Fluttershy. I wish they would do something more expressive with her. Even Twi, which is also what I expect her to look like, have have more charisma than Shy.

If you want to buy it, wait for the next official drop than just buy it from others on ebay.
Chinese knockoffs are a gamble. I have seen pictures of Dash and they are atrocious. The quality of the paint on her face is scary. it's not easy to draw lips on darker skin tone/tan to blend well. Shy might be a safer choice, but I would still consider waiting a bit for the official.
For a moment I misinterpreted Fluttershy's wing as Freddy Kreuger's glove and figured this was supposed to be an edgy crossover where she's attacking you in your nightmares
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>Fluttershy enters your dreams.
>Pretends to be a nightmare
>Makes as if her wing feathers are actually some kind of fearsome claw.
>She attacks using her "claw"
>"Eh! Ha! Woooo! Um...scary!...if ypu don't mind." etc.
>Her wing just brushes your face softly.
>Your stare at her says "Really, Fluttershy?"
>"Um...aren't you scared? I...uh....thought that you liked scary movies...or, um...dreams."
Could be a good story.
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it'd be better without the random anime girl attached.
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the horse with the butter on her
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cozy hoers
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I know that lack of horsecock is a turnoff for some, but its good
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Nobody bringed horsecock up until you did, dougtroon.
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What happen with that anon who was a /fit/fag for her.
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I love her.
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I haven't watched mlp since 2012
What are the best Fluttershy episodes?
Happy Shyday.
live flubr love flubr post flubr
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While newer episodes had great storylines, Stare Master from Season 1 still remains my favorite Fluttershy episode.
bumping because i would hate to see an innocent shy thread die like a dog, and I'm no flutterfag
Flowers in her mane and tail is a wonderful idea.
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dotkwa is soo good man
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just checked the catalog, who is spamming all these shitty, low effort meme threads? I was wondering why we were dropping to page 9 in 30 minutes.
Could not being humans instead bots with an AI to create traffic to the site.
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My favorite comic strip!
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I love her so much bros, I cannot alive without her.
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This artist draws cute ponies when they are not blobs.
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I would bump for her if you know what I mean. I mean I'd post in her thread.
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>"Fluttershy! Fluttershy, no!"
>"Don't put anything smaller in the tank with those oscars and cichlids!"
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With the new AI video, I did not can resist to bump her, today I need a rest because my dick is hurting so bad.
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She looks like she's about to extort me for my sweetroll
She's already doing so with her snowpity and charisma.
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It's working
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She's so cute in this dress and I wish they showed her in more like it.
there aren't enough pics of her and anon hanging out or cuddling
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Too lewd for 4channel!
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That dress looks great on her
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>a good pic of anon and Fluttershy
>Is smol
;_; Anons I don't feel good...
If I died all I want is rest my last breath in fluffy her chest and find the last remain of her beauty looking her eyes...
Upscaled with AI
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Bump x2
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Sex with Fluttershy? Sex with Fluttershy!
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Have some Flutters fellas
thanks for the drawings anon, these are some very cute flutters
Very cute doodles anon!
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She's a cutie! Nice work.
Very cute
>double ear scritches
Good to see you know how to treat a mare right
Is always good that good artist release fluttershy wholesome art.
oooh flutterhooves
>Tfw you'll never have a face full of Fluttertail
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Fastest way to a Mares heart is her ears anon

Burying my face into any mares mane and tail would mentally fix me in a lot of ways
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Beautiful image.
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Would you give her a sensual hoof massage?
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nice art anon!
Nice numbers, Anon. However, I'm not the artist of this drawing. It was created by Vensual99.
Very sensual. The most sensual thing she's ever experienced. I recommend it.
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fluttershy wing hugs
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I would actually tear up
it's a 50/50 on if i full on cry but a guaranteed moment of teary eyes will happen at least
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and here we have a completely normal fluttershy
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Me too!
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Big teata variant: https://files.catbox.moe/xjcpru.png
cute sfw shy
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I hate discord and raged after watching discordant harmony so I drew her being cute with my self insert pony
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How did you confound her so?
Cute art. Discord is indeed a fag.
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I like this fluffy Fluttershy
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>8 hours
None of you mfs would wage for this moe aminey pony?
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me too
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Be advised
stop posting screencaps from this shitty fanfic you fag
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Cry more brownoid
This episode but Discord is replaced with anon
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That giraffe taught her well.
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i love my wife Fluttershy. she makes me so happy. everytime i close my eyes i can see her. all my waking hours i long to feel her warmth. when i sleep i dream of our quiet life together. when i die i know i can be with her for eternity and that brings me peace. there are no words that can do justice to how strong our love is. i lover her smile. i love how she makes me smile. i love her so much it makes me want to cry because of how happy we are together.
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I know what to do with Angel.

"Duuuh - OH BOY!!! My own lit-tle bun-ny rab-bit! And I will love him and hug him and pet him and squeeze him and I will call him George!"
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she is objectively the most beautiful pone of the main six
>she is objectively the most beautiful pone
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fluttergoth is so fucking hot holy shit
When I wrote this?
12:30 UTC on 19th December 2024 apparently.
i love you esl flutterbro /)
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I wanna snuggle with Fluttershy and drink hot cocoa in front of the fire on a snowy night
Wow anon you're so unique and special with how much you hate humanized versions of a character you like. A round of applause for announcing your preference at every single available opportunity.
lol I just like ponies bro :P
One of the best things about having a pegasus gf
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Wow anon you're so unique and special with how much you want to replace the characters in a show about mares you supposedly with anime humans when there's like 666 godzillion anime shows about human girls doing magical shit.
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*you supposedly like
Why is she so yellow?
Humanized FiM =|= EqG
it does unless we're talking fan designs.
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Why Fluttershy is snow ninja?
I'm the only one who want an harem of Fluttershy with their difference versions including EQG?
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i live for fluttergoth
>harem of Fluttershy
You mean like if you created multiple Fluttershys from the mirror pool? If successive copies of Pinkie Pie were progressively more silly/crazy, would successive copies of Fluttershy be progressively nicer and more of a pushover?.
>including EQG?
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was looking through the archive, this board was a fucking nightmare from 2017-2019
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I'm pretty fine with ai if it's giving us stuff like this.
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found this nice snippet of a 2015 greentext
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>including EQG
Non canon garbage doesn't count as Fluttershy
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so cute
Cute, she looks very cosy. Hope you both had a great night.
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pregnant marewife
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gilled cheech
Based. I kept a plushie of my waifu squirreled away in my rack on the warship I was stationed on.
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reminder to write, draw, animate, commission with your waifu, etc.
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Can't really think what to write about her lately. Also that green from above is a total flop in viewcount while all the shitty porn I wrote easily runs circles around it. I mean, it's not like that particular green is interesting to read anyway.
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I love her much so any thing I love her, I keep my love for her for ever
My love thi song is for you, I know you care of my, I rely love you youŕe the only reason because I alive becuase I cannot lost ypue lsing, your figure, your ovague precnese, is myb only reason for being alive
I'm writing a story focused on her for the first time, and I'm trying to avoid having other ponies talk over her. She's platonically partnered with Ponk, so it's inevitable to some extent, but still, I don't want her to feel like a third wheel.
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>platonically partnered with pink
based taste.
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That Flutter's got some BUTTER!
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Thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal
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used to have a folder of about 200. I regular clear out storage and old stuff though. just having fun with my fellow horsefuckers while waiting to be dripfed some more waifu content hopefully from the fandom at large. Currently wondering what the fluttershy route for the waifu dating sim will be.
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>no one said merry Christmas throught the whole thread today
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Pffft, I have literally over 9000 on my PC (mostly pics + some greens and the recordings of pre-AI era voice impressions) No fake forms, all pony too.
Too bad that my PC is currently out of reach.
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yeah I was never big on saving stuff. I like scouring the archives and old stuff for good fluttershy content and reposting it though. keep in mind im a 2017/2019 newfag so my concept of old is a bit skewed.
Are we gonna continue this thread with text posts or would you anons rather let it fall to page ten and make a new one? Personally I think general threads shouldn't be made 24/7 so that when they are made they aren't barren image dumps with no discussion. Though I do appreciate having a thread I can come to whenever I want to post about her.
() i ()
>filtered butterfly emojis
Brb kmsing myself rn
Unprotected hoofholding with Fluttershy as I stare deeply into her eyes and put a foal in her
This is literally my ultimate desire
It's practically impossible to find a 3DPD that has the capacity and desire to do, tho, they're all prolongedadolescencemaxxing
y-you too
Fluttershy is based.
Based? Based on what?
Based on the fact that she's a highly loveable, super huggable, and hyper snugglable mare. Also, she's extremely sexy.
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Based on my dick.
Which one of you deleted an image?
Jannies done smited the futajew.
based jannies
when? I don't see it on desu
Based, triple their salary.
Her yellow color is like a soft sunbeam - warm and caring, just like she is.
If you're looking for faggotry here, you're in the wrong thread:
Sorry anon, I get your point and to be honest, I prefer her pony version myself and I can only cum with her in that form, even though the human one sometimes gets me hard.
Unfortunately, seeing my wife with those mutated human eyes from the EQ poster has ruined my mind. I just can't stop picturing her like that now. It's like I love her more as an essence and not just a physical being. Plus, my last waifu was from an anime and was super similar to her (from 11 years ago).
Why no Fluttershy filly?
do not fill the flutterfiller
We need more porn of filly fluttershy
eh, never liked this headcanon.
there's also the primitive shy from s5 ep 25-26
hulkshy from power ponies
there's technically 2 different meanshy's but I think they're basically the same thing
the thought's crossed my mind a few times but I'm not into group stuff in real life or fantasy, I prefer monogamy.
Fluttershy is a cutie! A cutie!
how else would you get her to take your hot monkey dick?
She doesn't have to fuck her animals to fuck (You).
fuck off pedo
her relationship with her animals and actual "people" is different. thats just blatantly obvious regardless of her ability to communicate with them.
>he doesn't want a daughterwife
ok faggot https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/view/2024/11/21/3392411.png
wait...is leslie just fluttershy with some hair dye and a stenciled-on cutie mark?
imagine being tied down to a chair and having those fat flutter cheeks forcifully milking every last drop of semen out of your dick.
what oc is this?
Fluttershy is a cutie patootie!
Hm.. interesting. Do you have any other truths about Fluttershy to share?
She's yellow!
Also, and I don't know if you are aware of this, she is very shy.
They call her mellow yellow
And she's also a pegasus!
A very cuddley and nice pegasus. The cuddleyist!
Her golden radiance can only be compared to that of an angel.
We are reaching the picture limits or why there are not enough pictures of her?
Lesli Fair, the AnCap pony. Refer to https://twibooru.org/2268838
image limit for this board is 300, new friend. bump limit is 500 posts.
>publish my first fic prominently featuring the flutter
>urge to write about her only intensifies
Is this one (>>41784893) yours?
Gawd no. Might as well shill: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/568786/salvation-aviation
It's flutterrape but it has a lot of romance in it and a comfy early show feel.
She also lives in a cottage and likes animals.
Anyone going to babscon to meet Andrea?
I wrote this once while I was waiting for the chance to go pick up a lifesize fluttershy plush
I know, it's not that good, but thread is soon to be dead anyway
Fluttershy makes me happy
same. I used to get really excited at times or my heart would skip a beat when imagining being intimate with her.
it's not the quality, I just don't care for the subject matter.
Fluttershy is cute and beautiful.
can't wait for her route in tiarawhy's waifu sim to be released.
I don't trust this faggot after Lightning Dust.
I haven't kept up with this, what happened with zephyr?
Lol, lmao.
somepony make a new fluttershy thread so i can post pictures of my mare wife whom i love very much right now!
Better than nothing... right?
Tiarafaggot doesn't know how to make a waifu sim. He confuses waifu sims with basic bitch coom games.
This is the LAST Fluttershy thread of 2024. crazy how fast time goes by.
time flies and so does my wife (she is a pegasus)
How heavy do you think she is? The thought always crosses my mind when I think of carrying her her home? I can't decide if she's a small but toned pegasi who's thick in the right places because she doesn't exercise as much as rainbow or if she's just a thin stick gal who's light as a feather so it's easier to fly.
Happy New Year, lads /)
Realistically, 80kg minimum.
But she's an alien magical horse, could actually be light enough for upsies.
It's New Year, and yet you're here seething. Pathetic.
>giving it attention
This is why we still get posts like those in the first place. Whatever, I suppose it's too late to "unreply"
Fluttercordcucks are genuinely butthurt and mindbroken, though. If they were real troles they wouldn't cry and mald about their shit getting joon'd because you would expect your "provocative" shit getting nuked if jannies actually do their job instead of sucking off barbietards 24/7.
But whatever, keep trying to get at people for liking a cartoon mare because apparently she's in a romantic relationship (that you made up in your head). Don't cry next time when jannies do their unpaid job as they should.
I find jannies to be alright at their jobs it's just that people use the report function a lot less than you think they would. I've seen porn up for a week just because no one reported it. It's happened multiple times.
Anyway, everyone knows Dicksword would be (You)r wingman.
A resident schizo in the bathorse thread posted actual, uncropped, faggot porn as some get away at me. I've reported it. Three days have passed and it's still up.
Jannies are trannies and useless. They only care about eekyoogee and its pedo fanbase. Hitting fluttercordcucks with a mop is a big achievement to the jannies. It's even funnier how subhumans still kvetch over it.
No need to rush but there doesn't seem to be any 2025 themed fluttershy images. Perhaps we can go a generic new years theme for the OP. Anyone have any good suggestions?
Here's what I found.
Sh-shut up fluttercuck! Th-this fictional chimera would be your rival because I said so! Reeee!
You'll only find solace in ignoring it anon. Posts like these only show them that it gets to you so they'll keep doing it.
>Posts like these only show them that it gets to you
So does insisting that 1+1=3.
It's been this way since fucking 2014-2016 anon, aren't you bored of it all? Literally just stop taking the bait, it's so simple yet no one can do it for some reason.
Have they tried not eating shit "ironically"?
alright I'm baking with this when i wake up or when we hit page 10 unless someone else wants to do it.
Glimmyfriends are better than that
New Thread: >>41792488

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