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Misty Brightdawn is the biggest poochie in the entire history of the mlp franchise. Worse than Glimmer.
Forced, not even in the g5 movie.
One-note, always sad and crying now.
Promoting anxiety as personality trait to children.
Replacing Fluttershy in g6.
What else can I say? I hate her, she is also a blatant case of DEI mandate.
Total Misty Death
Still not over it yet?
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>not even denying anything
mistycucks are not sending their best
I don't care about her, but I think it's chuckle-worthy that you're still mad about it.
Cope about it chuddy, she's more important than SHIThorses like R*rity, Fl*tterSHART, and *pplej*ck
She WILL be in G6 and you WILL cope and seethe
You stole my OP but it's ok because I still hate her. The ANG team definitely wanted to incorporate Sprout. The video game even ends with Sprout befriending Sunny. But mym and tyt drop him completely
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there's one thing misty is good for and that's abuse
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I did? I honestly didn't notice, took the first TYT pic I found when I googled "misty crying mlp". I was thinking to use the Misty MAGA pic, but that wasn't hate precisely
This is the only acceptable G% thread. She is worse than poochie and thats saying something
Reel tawk, the fact that the g5 fandom at large is completely infatuated with Misty does piss me off
FiM is still deader than Elvis. Cry harder bitch.
All of the most disturbing media Misty has been involved in:
Misty is Missing
The House that Opaline Built
The Zephyr Heights Tapes
The Pony Centipede
The Filly Next Door
Higurashi When Misty Cries
Pony Pony Literature Club
Aku no Misty
Misty Pig: Opaline's Experiment
Misty Underground
An Equestrian Film
Stallion Bites Dragon
Funny Pones
The Last House in Bridlewood
Sunny's Video
I Spit on Misty's Grave
Izzy the Killer
We Need to Talk About Misty
I Saw the Tirek
Visitor Twi
Stallion Behind the Sun
The last one was pretty based for a G% thread. Here's hoping it lasts.
I loved all the art.
Same, but it needed significantly more disturbing movie art involving Misty. Misty in the middle of a pony centipede, for instance.
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It's criminal how little misty abuse art there is
>tfw only one new mistybuse pic since last thread
Why does /mlp/ tend to hate fan favorites?
I want Misty to be stuffed into a barrel with Sparky's rotting corpse like in Misty is Missing.
I got a Misty futa Opaline rape comic I need to finish... do you want to see the sketch?
This need to be posted every thread

I love this one fucking kino
Well, while we wait to see the sketch, here's some more disturbing media involving Misty:

A Clockwork Apple
Live Ponies
No Foal of Mine
The Strange Thing About the Brightdawns
Natural Born Poners
Misty: Portrait of a Serial Whiner
The Foal Molester
In My Coat
Hitch's Game
Pink Ponies
Equestrian Sunny
An Equestrian Crime
Pink ponies? So Pipp?
There's always a chance for more
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>I don't care about her
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Why do you hate Misty? Is it because she was a better and more lovely character that that insipid Sunny bitch or the fat ugly pigp? Is it because she gained the main character role? Is it because she has the cutest design? Why are you so bitter about this beautiful mare?
>Insipid Sunny bitch
>Fat ugly Pigp
>Gained the main character rol
She literally had no competence other than Zipp, and she was nerfed too on behalf of the poochie. THAT'S WHAT MAKES HER A POOCHIE
>Best design
What a waste of good design. I wish she didn't representante the element of anxious metal illness
I want to watch Misty die in the most violent ways imaginable on repeat. That garbage, self-insert character deserves nothing but scorn.
G5 was a flash in the pan. It lasted less than a year and collapsed under the weight of its own hubris.
And people are still assravaged about it.
That's all this board is good for, anymore.
People to complain about shit like this.
>Light Misty on fire
>Shit on Misty's face
>Gouge one of Misty's eyes out with a spoon
>Tell Misty her mane looks like seaweed
>Strangle Misty
>Force Misty to eat moldy food
>Sew Misty's vagina shut
>Use Misty as a literal punching bag
>Subject Misty to nonstop Sparky farts
>Serve Misty breakfast but then have it be your shit in a bowl
>Toss Misty off a cliff
>Tie Misty down and fart in her face until she throws up
>Force Misty to play Assassin's Creed Shadows
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>Break Misty's teeth with a hammer
>Hit Misty with your car and then back over her several times
>Offer Misty a glass of water then fill it up with your pee
>Carve the words, "Dirty Little Whore" into Misty's body
>Forcefeed Misty brusselsprouts
>Shackle Misty in your basement and rape her every day
>Tell Misty she's a Chinese bootleg of Fluttershy
>Shove a spear into Misty's vagina
>Shove Sparky into Misty's pussy
>need to be posted every thread
it already is, that 'crushed skull' bit has since become a standard action trope and all thanks to Misty's inspiration
In 3 years from now, Misty will be reviewed and remembered for her role in G5
...'s death
Make it Sparky's corpse and we have a deal
Ooh! I like your way of thinking. Sparky's corpse it is.
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I kneel.
Sparky's corpse shoved Misty's cunt, then Misty is stuffed into a barrel which is then shoved up G5 Spike's ass. Then, when next he farts, the fire that comes rushing out of Spike's anus burns the barrel up and cooks Misty and Sparky.

Here you go, I just uploaded it so it might be a minute
Misty was wasted potential
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Emphasis on wasted.
>Break Misty's legs slowly
>Kick Misty down the stairs
>Get Misty pregnant, then perform a coathanger abortion on her right after she gets the news
>Force Misty to shit outside like a dog, then rub her face in it and scream at her for shitting outside
>Force Misty to serve as your footstool and use her as such, keeping your legs up on her for as long as possible
>Have bad diarrhea and use Misty's vagina as a toilet
>Shave off Misty's ugly seaweed hair
>Drop dumbbells onto Misty's stomach
Gloria ReGLOOME snapped her neck!
I think Hasbro should bring back Misty in every Gen just to kill her brutally as if she was a joke like Scrappy Doo
Did anyone notice that there’s still no Misty flag? Is it because everyone hates her so much that no one would even want to use it?
>Misty used as a ragebait
Finally Misty knows her place: be hated
Say something nice about Misty, or you will make your wifu cry.
Yes, luckily there's one for OUR HERO
She looks good when she's punished for her crimes against the queen.
Alr... I... this is kindda erotic...
Not for M*sty.
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She's really good at taking sucker punches
Get dunked on, bitch.
Ah, my eyes are calmed now
i want to rape her like, god, look how good she must suck dick with that gaping mouth!
M*sty cannot fuck and cum.
>Verification not required.
based and unf
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3448504
You're assuming she doesn't secretly love being treated like that, she absolutely does and it's why she cries and mopes all the time, she desperately wants others to get sick of her and then abuse her
Wait, wait, wait. So, you're suggesting that she might enjoy being subjected to all the horrific instances in the movies I listed? So Misty might actually want to be stuffed into a barrel with Sparky's rotting corpse like in Misty is Missing, or being in the middle of a pony centipede? Well, now you've got me wondering if we should be subjecting Misty to all this torture?
Eh, screw it.
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The only thing M*sty wants is to fuck and cum. She will not have it.
She will never fuck and cum
>DEI mandate
what language are you even speaking. your head is so buried in the liquid shit of a manufactured culture war that you cant even talk like a normal person anymore.
To be fair, it was OP's sidenote in a footnote.
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She's the only main character not introduced in the movie. She's suddenly given more focus than every other original character and was set up to become the main character. Tell me that's not forced and inorganic
Being contrarian makes autists feel smart
She deserves the scorn
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She betrayed my queen.
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>fan favorites

Here's a reason for why Sunnyfags hate her.

>MYM (Make your Mark) is when Misty was introduced as the Villain's (Opaline) sidekick
>MYM further reveals Opaline found Misty as a child, and took her in.
>People were already saying she's gunna get redeemed, and some people said they prefer her to stick with Opaline, and be evil
>Didn't happen, and she got redeemed. Whatever, new member to the cast right?
>TYT and MYM episodes have Misty be center stage, and be given freebies even though did help the Mane 5 (Now Mane 6)
>Opaline is defeated, sure whatever, what does she do now? People are wondering, and still seething about her. Still people don't know what she does.
>Meanwhile, Sunny had her character traits be neutered after the G5 movie, meaning her role in MYM and TYT is just smoothie pony, instead of adventurer and lorelet of all things magic, and history. Also, sidelined even though she is the MC
>Misty now receives the special position via magic mirror of being a spell book keeper, and reading a magic book.
>Sunny fags were SEETHING because that was literally her supposed role, and fits her backstory.
>Broke the dam, and people were calling out on Misty's special treatment.
>Didn't help after EP5 that she got another special affirming to be good, and stole scenes that was supposed to be Sunny's.
>In a masturbation thread, some anon made a green that Misty will never Fuck and Cum out of spite.
That was a good thread
kill poochies

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