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We'll organize on the 30th November. Some to watch and some to fight the big boned Halloween boss. We already managed to get around 12 anons on short notice for the running of the leaves community event.

The new owner of Equestria Gaming is playing it and writing a review on it. https://www.equestriagaming.net/
Let me also know what do you think of the game.
Old players just give you free end-game equipment if you ask nicely and sometimes even if you don't, but often times only if you're face to face with them.

Previous thread:

More info below:

Everyone try to pick Medical when you get asked about what talent mark you want at the end of the tutorial quest. Medical kills all end-game mobs quickly and it unlocks 3 abilities only specialized players in Medical would have access to early on without investing half your total talent points into it.
Pegasus is nice for beginners doing quests, but only Unicorns can craft/enchant endgame stuff and utility stuff such as town teleports. And unicorns have the most combat-oriented abilities. Earth pony is also the fastest on the ground now, but only if you know what you're doing and know the layout of the map.

I said after the running of the leaves event I'll be making 2 documents; a review & GDD for LoE. You guys feel free to help if you want to. You can post in this thread or in the google docs.

This girl did a good job with making a basic simple visual GDD that anyone can understand.

Editable version;

Blank page version:

I'll be making my own documents.
So there's threat level like in WoW, but this one lowers the enemy's defenses and makes their attacks higher. And then there's pacifying them which is another bar to fill.
So apparently you can pacify enemies the opposite of aggression/threat, as in use specific abilities to pacify them and if you pacify them they instantly die, supposedly this bar is easier to fill than taking out their HP. In practice I don't know how it works since it doesn't say how many pacifying points and how many each enemy needs to be defeated.
>The new owner of Equestria Gaming is playing it and writing a review on it
I'm gonna shit myself if people actually read it once I'm done.
Just give me a week for some actual progress. What is a first impressions for an MMO, if not at least half way to the level cap. I like to at least pretend to be a little thorough and try all different aspects before throwing words down
can I brap in this gaem
>fastest on the ground now, but only if you know what you're doing
I never did finish writing that fandom wiki page on Screwing
It's way faster and in most cases (that being transfusion) the only way for an Earth pony or a pegasi to kill a high level mob. I was murdering (pacifying) dragons at level ten with pillows.
I'm wondering if to even include the endgame combat gameplay in my review and even the team's drama, since I don't know much about either of them, only assumptions.
I did manage to finish 60% of the quests.
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I want to play a pegasus anyway because flying is fun.
Does picking unicorn really make the difference between success/failure, or is it just the best way to min/max?
Also is there any way to extend flight time or otherwise improve my flying abilities?
I've got both a unicorn and a pegasus at the moment, and have had a lot more fun as a pegasus simply because flying is the best way to travel. There's a lot of long, obnoxious distances with annoying winding paths that simply being able to fly over not only saves so much time but also makes all the back and forth travelling you do so much more bearable.
It does seem there's a bunch of useful stuff locked behind the other pony types though. Maybe the intention is that in line with the show's themes you're supposed to make friends with other players who do all the unicorn and earth pony specific things you can't do and vice versa. Either that or you make multiple characters to switch between and painstakingly level each of them up. For players who like to be able to do everything on their own without needing to spread their time across multiple accounts it's not really the best system.
>Also is there any way to extend flight time or otherwise improve my flying abilities?
There's a necklace you can make that I stumbled across looking on the wiki, annoyingly though you need to be a unicorn to make it, despite it only being useful for pegasus players.
If I somehow manage to level a pegasus then I'll worry about doing the boring races
What is this game? I've never heard of it before. Is this new? Why hasn't this been made before?
Welcome to the fandom, newfag.
It's like 10 years old, dude
more like 13
If the intention is really that you're supposed to have friends of different races, that's honestly pretty based, I like that.
>simply because flying is the best way to travel
Especially when a few quest requires like 10 travels between caterlot and cloudsdale, and even a few between cloudsdale and ponyville. Even as a pegasus it takes an hour to complete. For non pegasi I recon it takes at least 4 hours.
>you need to be a unicorn to make it
>despite it only being useful for pegasus players
A few RPGs have similar mechanisms. One cast can make an item which only another can use.
Earth ponies are the only ones who can grow certain seeds which Unicorns need for potions and other stuff.
Pegasi are almost the only ones who can mine frozen essence on the clouds. Skillfull unicorns can potentially teleport up there.
Pegasi can also help the earth ponies grow the crops faster.
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>Skillfull unicorns can potentially teleport up there.
Or they just make a tall tower to get there!
>Spot the main character or hero unit.
How come they didn't post the game on itch.io or their android support isn't ported to WebGL?
It is either Anonfilly (the bottom one) or Anonfilly (the top one).
There sure are a lot of quests that are just running between ponies in opposite ends of the world, relaying messages or quest items.
>>>>>its about the story
The dumptruck of dialogue, for you to drown in
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WTF? Did i get automatically b&? Forever? But i just created my account
you does not seem to be logged in
I cant login since i got banned, cant sign up either. How can i appeal to the admin?
just make a different account
cant, because im b&
Probably your IP being banned
Anyone know if you're able to trade items between multiple characters on the same account? It's kind of annoying to get a bunch of rare items that only a unicorn can make use of on your pegasus or earth pony character.
Nope, it's not like Guild Wars where every character has access to the bank. It's like WoW & Runescape where you have to make an alt account.
What are the best combat farming spots?
Somewhere in the heartlands or everfree, depending on your level, I reckon. Enemies respawn fast.
For me I found the best way to level up combat fast is spamming AOE abilities while fighting multiple enemies at once. That area with the hornets when you first enter Everfree is good at low levels, you can round up 3-4 of them to surround you at once and use low energy AOE attacks like the ground stomp or bubble abilities that everyone gets.
There's also this one area right near Midway village and in heartlands, where a whole bunch of level 7-10 hornets and living bushes spawn, whole swarms of them. If you're around combat level 10, you can just run through them, get a bunch of them to swarm you and repeat this same tactic. Although you probably can't tank them for long so would want to run away when your health starts getting low. But I managed to get from level 10 to level 21 very quickly just spending an afternoon doing that over and over again. Someone with more experience with the later levels might be able to give better advice for past that.
So apparently you can gain 10k XP per 1 minute or 200k XP per 20 minutes for the hornets in the everfree forest.
which hornets? The first ones?
Anyone here played WoW? can someone confirm if the ability formulas they used are copied or heavily inspired from WoW?
The giant swarm lvls 20-30 near the 2 manticores when you go right side.
Editable version;

Blank page version:
If you mean that there are abilities where the amount of damage done is decided by multiplying some stats and adding to a base value, then yes.
It's a common way to work damage scaling into a rpg.
There's nothing like copy/pasting directly from wow since the stats used are different. You'd find a parallel type of calculation in any other rpg like Fallout or Souls games.
What rewards can you get from the dig site dungeon?
Also in the ponyville mines there are for some reason a chamber with lvl 1 manticores and diamond dogs you can AOE super easy and they drop brass and nickel armor.
Anyone know how some of the pegasus abilities work? I get that Cyclone deals more damage the further it travels, and tornado alley reduces the distance it needs to travel to deal max damage, but what about Wingstorm? Does that upgrade just increase the damage on a single attack with the rest being flavor text, or is it actually supposed to make you be able to rapid fire attacks, since I took the first level of it and can't attack any faster than usual.
Also I have no idea how the weather talent tree works. The wiki seems to suggest you need to have both a specific amulet as well as a resource you expend to use the abilities, the latter of which are only craftable by unicorns because of course they are.
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Lol wait they JUST NOW introduced a weather system? So you're telling me every winter season you guys had 0 snowing in this game?

Also I like the colors they gave the Roc in this, but so far they haven't added any boss Rocs. Rocs are suppose to be massive birds bigger than elephants.
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Ssshhh. The beast is sleeping. If one dares to wake it up it will rip the worldwind and shall tore the world asunder.
The last thing you will see is nothing but black and neon blue matching its harmonic armour.
>The last thing you will see
Will her gigantic ass ends up on my face?
>rip the worldwind
The line is "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind", and you're using it backwards. Sowing the wind is when you engage in some careless action, and reaping the whirlwind means to bear the consequences that come from such actions.
>and shall tore the world asunder.
Anyone know how the armor stats work?
Why does Stored Strike stop consuming 10 energy a second after a while?
What's the required pacify points for each monster, especially the bosses?

I find the pacify system interesting, but I don't know enough about it to give an informed opinion about whether it's well balanced or not. It definitely seems like the calculated smart lazy person's option... as opposed to threat/aggression thar promotes running and ranging or living on the razor's edge.

From a first glance there seem to be only 3 abilities for it, with 1 only available to unicorns. I'm not sure if earth ponies' pets have one.
It also seems to interact just like normal damage with the attack stat and healing spell that reduces damage. It's definitely faster by 33% or even 50% , but there's so few abilities for it and it doesn't seem competitive for endgame bosses. It's a good idea, but it's very unfleshed out. I also noticed the first 2 pacify hits don't move the bar down for some reason.
Somebody who's played this game for even 1 measly month probably has more info than me, especially the vision behind it if they're the programmer. Right now I can only point out obvious things in hindsight which nobody seems bothered by because they got used to it such as the distinct lack of an auto-attack option.
Pacify is OP. With nickel armor (armor adds damage, and as you acknowledged, the more damage you output your pacifist points as well) you can easily slay Blighteds or Dragons within a dozen pillows. I expect if you were to use attack harmony six harmonious legs and attack harmony six helmet/blackplate/chest piece, you'd be able to one shot Blighteds with a pillow. The pacifist bar doesn't begin filling until you've done a certain amount of pacifist points first. The amount of pacifist you need to do to varying levels differs but barely.
>That poor mare trying to round all the fillies
Wind truly had quite the task that day
My bet is on Anonfilly, the chosen one
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They really do move in herds
Found the glowing one.
Wind Sprint glowing harder than the CIA Niggers watching this thread.
Loved how he kept yelling to One True Anon to use his goddamn Candy Shower, Regenerative Aura and move at a normal pace to stop losing so many fillies on the way. It's clear who organized Raids in WoW and who didn't.
What's the state of the economy in this game? how much is energy, vapor, arcane materia per hundred or thousand? how much are gems and legendary infusions worth? how much to get your armour harmonized? how much is Dig Site Dungeon gear worth?
>stop losing so many fillies on the way
Get your filles in a row, nigger.
Glow in the dark ponies.
Is it possible to create a Wide Filly?
The beast has reached lvl 50, from 35 to 50 in just 2 days. The beast is now amassing wealth in the 1 million bits zone.
Ponytown but 3D and make it sandbox-like like Minecraft.
>make it sandbox-like like Minecraft
Would be fun. But then one can just play Minecraft with mods.
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People having more fun messing with the game's bugs than the actual quests & combat.
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>Spot the special NPC
>spot the hero unit
>spot the story-altering side character.
MC is blocky first and foremost. Girls love finished pieces to move around. Make it like a close Sims-like.
126 billets in under an hour.
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So chill, little do they realize they're talking to The One himself. Like they're talking to either Jesus or Hitler.
30th November we assault the skeleton boss.
>bunch of lvl1 fillies stand up against the scary bonepony
>bonepony strikes once
>all fillies faint
Will be fun.
I'll pay every one of you Anonfillies 200 bits for every cannonball candy piece you trade me and I'll pay you 10 pieces of candy(except cannonballs) for every 100 frozen essence you mine for me. Frozen essence is just frozen cloud and you can mine it in Cloudsdale on 2 clouds. Get back in the cloud mines on Cloudsdale, cloud miner.
Who's going to adopt her?
>cannonball candy
I ate it all.
Also, what for?
As far as I understand, it's for summoning the halloween boss.
I've been vendoring all my candy because it seemed useless and my bags are always full
>You have a clown?!
>No... we have the whole circus!
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It's just so much busywork, I was pulling hair out by the end. Go to this pony, go to that pony, oh a misunderstanding, go to a third pony, that didn't lead anywhere, go back to another pony, aaaaaaa.
Aaahh Cloudsdale... home.
You can exchange candy for the new costumes at the old man dressed in a skeleton costume.
inside the graveyard in the Heartlands.
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>Me checking the wiki page for more info about the character creation screen
>No custom cutie marks or magic aura colors
>Is a dealbreaker
Pretty sure you can choose what color your unicorn's magic aura is at character creation. I did it myself, it's a whole color wheel.
Cutie marks are limited it preset ones however. There is at least a decent amount to choose from. Would prefer if there was some degree of customisation to it, even an option for multiple layers or color changing.
Then the wiki page hasn't been updated in a long while now. I don't think my OC would actually deserve a cookie-cutter preset talent mark.
I started dreamin about the goddamn game. It's still shit compared to my organized conscious ideas, but it's cute.
I dreamed of ponies bathing in chocolate pools and it changing your color to a light shade of brown depending on your coat's hue. The effect lasted 10 minutes then the devs in an update bumped it to 20 minutes.

I then also dreamed that the devs added "4 major updates" worth 1GB in size which severely slowed down the game and didn't really add anything new to the game and people were complaining.
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Oh I will, writefag. I will. Who the fuck wrote these characters again? back in 2011-2013?
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I found the CMC. Managed to make them chill for 5 seconds to take a pic.
30th November going to be funny to see a bunch of lvls 1 die.
Some thinking I'm American because my English is above most ESLs and most redneck Americans and some falling in love with me or helping me out because they think I'm a pretty mare or a newbie. (I am a beginner at the game, but I'd hardly call myself new to MMOs and video games.)
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Where was this piece of info during the foal pegasi tutorial quest? why did a unicorn have to tell me this just because he's at a library?
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Everyone in the Canterlot school talks like a *fake* whimsical wizard and the end result of this quest is the wizard wanted a bottle opener. FUCKING REDNECKS, IN MY CANTERLOT?
Normally this would be funny because it's ironic, but considering every NPC here is already just a redneck stereotype this isn't very surprising, appalling or that ironic.
The humour comes less from unicorns being alcoholic piece of shit drunkards and more from the ancient artifact being a bottle opener. The writer reading this probably doesn't understand how much I fucking hate drunkards in what's suppose to be a school for esteemed unicorns and probably doesn't understand that in normal schools and workplaces alcohol is prohibited.
Also I remember a segment in the foal quests have fillies actively talking about drinking cider, when cider is normally an alcoholic drink. But bronies going to follow Hasbro on every fuck up. Just like ponies drinking coffee or Ponyville requiring trash cans as if plastic was invented in the magical horse world.

Well at least the writer accomplished one thing by accident; reigniting people's hatred for wizards. Fuck wizards, no sense of right or wrong.
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I'm still stuck as a blank flank filly I didn't even know there were cutie marks?
You have to press arrow on the window while talking to your instructor to get into the cutie mark choice.
Then you do a quest and vola.

Its somewhat janky.
talk to your teacher and insist they teach you about them after you've finished the initial foal quests. Although there are some foal exclusive quests that you won't be able to do after you get your cutie mark and graduate so you might want to do those first.
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Pretty fucking cringe, Anon.
Yes, alcoholic farmer unicorns are very cringe.
Where can I get a full list of all the foal quests?
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But I want to do illegal things in nuEquestria!!!
On the wiki, there's a page that lists all quests including any restrictions towards completing them. Some quests can only be done before graduation, some only after, some only by unicorns, or pegasus or earth pony etc. Just scroll through and look for all that list being a foal as a requirement (it's more than just the ones listed under "foal story arc quests", those ones are specifically for the different cutie mark types)
Yeah but cider is based and there's no reason foals shouldn't be able to drink it. Not only is alcohol in moderation fine as long as you're not a toddler (and cider is a very lightweight drink), but equine metabolism makes short work of alcohol anyway so foals should have zero issues
How do I get a Wonderbolts uniform?
Also where are princess Celestia and Luna?
I already found the legally distinct stand-ins for Shining Armor and Cantdance.
The players are as adept at keeping a clean and organized wiki as are the devs themselves at the wiki and at fixing the basic necessities for an RPG. Instead of having all the foal quests organized in a category just like the town ones, they're spread throughout.
There was no info whatsoever about imbued kirin horns and a lot more information for Dig Site Dungeon that's been 9 months old by now.
And apparently the dungeon's level was available in the game for 6 years, but the programmer never bothered scripting the enemies & boss for it. I guess everyone who was excited for this dungeon quit the game 6 years ago.
This mare is so cute, I need art and loods of her
I want a mare to dominate Pyrite
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I want to be the opposite. Pure darkness.
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Ugh letting an ESL who can't even google what malpractice means.
Malpractice means to kill someone out of negligence, you fucking idiot. Great "writers" you have here, LoE team. If you're going to pussy out on the word kill then don't fucking write this sort of story with a horse literally called Red Cross to begin with. Have you no common sense? This kind of shit is more likely to get sued by the red cross themselves than Hasbro. I can contact the red cross right now and piss in everyone's cereal. They're careful not to "copyright" Baba Yaga when that shit is like copyrighting The Day of the Dead. Nobody can fucking sue you over literally Santa Clause/Sandy Claws/KillerFrosty the Snowman, but they're outright making a quest about THE motherfucking Red Cross? I think this might be the most controversial quest they made.
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>mfw bronies trying to write a quest about a terminally ill patient and a red cross doctor treating it with the equivalent of the Manhattan Project or The Singularity.
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I have about half a mind to make the LoE team change the duck to a zebra named Zecora/Zekora or Baba Yaga and include all the mane6 with half their names intact or else I'm calling the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement on their asses.
I chuckled at the EA & Activion quest like the clown parody quest it was, I laughed about the Sounds of Silence/Crystal Inquisition story in a so bad it's good manner, I laughed even harder about the parental advice quest, I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the broken marriage episode I mean quest. But this... this I got to see. I got to see this trainwreck on molten lava of a quest about the red cross movement. I don't expect neckbeards with the mentality of a teenager to handle it tactfully.

However on further inspection the smartasses have removed any cutie marks and symbols resembling the red cross.
Also I can see why everyone goes "eehh" about this quest instead of exploding over it. Because just like the reaction Halite was talking about there's nothing here, juts a huge implication. I was expecting this quest to into some metaphorical dark shit, but instead they just say she's treating her son with dark magic, her son being a terminal ill case and when I tattle tell her to the Proper Procedure guy there's no epilogue about what happened.

So the only way this quest got a free shrug out of everyone is because it ends before it begins to leave a true impact on everyone unlike me who was ready to dive headfirst into the nitroglycerin explosion of real dark shit in a children's game written by neckbeards who have no talent writing such fucked up shit without tact. This shit takes talent to write, not the garbage they hired.
They dodged the bullet by skirting off it and not really going into the story to begin with, just hinting and implying 5% of what could have been a story that no neckbeard feeding the chickens has any intellectual pursuit of writing about.
They knew their place and only tickled the idea without diving into it, the only wise thing they did was not to play.
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I'm happy the quest ended before it even began. None of the writers on this team can even write a crummy Romeo & Juliet or normalfag Shakespeare "moral conundrum" story, yet they expect to be capable of writing this kind of story. 99% of even the most capable writers cannot write this to save their livelihoods, let alone these people.

I will not forget this attempt at a story even if it wants to be forgotten.
I almost went into the Red Cross quest with a mentality worse than Magical Mystery Cure and the season 9 finale before the quest was already over before it even began and I realized I was getting all worked up over literally nothing.
The only smart move the writing team did so far and I think it was only out of a happy accident cause they forced the writer to make the quest short or simply out of laziness on the writer's part. I doubt this team actually had the tact to purposefully stop on time after they wrote all the other questionable quests.
Dude chill, it's just a bad quest.
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No it's not "bad" per se, it's the fact it's an extremely controversial topic that shouldn't be in the game to begin with. It's not something you can write without stepping on a million landmines without just outright calling it quits before the first act even begins. Like they did here.

I'm not ignoring it because I fully understand what they just dodged here. It didn't go over my head, unlike everyone else who seems to just go "kinda dark for a children's game. It just kinda ends there". They don't understand the gravitas of this quest just like they didn't understand in hindsight how the Crystal Inquisition isn't a light topic to write about, it isn't normal.

This isn't making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is an actual Mount Everest level of story and everyone got lucky they just accidentally skipped it. They didn't realize just how deep the rabbit hole could have gone.

The fact it ended on a nothingburger and skipped it entirely was the wisest move the team have done.
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Anyone actually drawn that kinda stuff for any of these OCs?
I need them of Olga.
I just finished all the quests in the game.
Crystal Empire/Kingdom's quests were actually comfy since I kept the penultimate quests to be the alchemist ones and I kept the last 2 quests with Paper Trail as a sandbox bonus where it ended with a workaholic getting gifted a book by a young pegasus crystal filly to tell him to stop working so hard, after he did. Felt comfy in a cheap children's cartoon way.
Yep I finished all the quests

>Rehearsal Roundup
Yup I finished all the quests. ALL of them.

>Rehearsal Roundup
Further playing the game hasn't changed my opinion on it. The combat system seems like an imbalanced mess of enemies insta killing you unless you put up your 1 defense spell and the bosses end up being insta killed by you if you managed to specialize in medical and magic and are wearing the correctly harmonized perfected gear.
Get even Tamers which barely has a sub count of 40k to play this and suddenly LoE will be popular just like during open access week and the mods' jobs will triple.
I was wondering why they asked for voice actors if they weren't going to use them in the game until I took a listen to the "voice actors". I hope they can get some good AI voices going instead.

Kek. I was right.
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Oh man this meme.
>Little Lyra: acks
I laughed
The crystal empire's lampposts during the night make your avatar glow.
Time to finish my review which was already 90% finished a week ago and then start working on my GDD.
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Here's the link;

>Food ponies
Ah 2010 we meet agian.
Wood ponies.
Spooky scary skeletons.
Spooky scary skeletons.
Spooky scary skeletons.
Oh cool I found Zecora's house
What the actual fuck?
hi lex!
yeah zecora to duck is the weirdest swap ive seen so far
its not even like they just reused a character model
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This merchant mare milf is cute.

Is there a guide to the talent points, or a "right" answer for what I should be picking? I saw someone say you can't repick your points once you spend them. The weather talents are especially baffling since the tooltips don't even say what each of the abilities do. Apparently I can't cast any weather powers anyway without reagents and a necklace I don't have? Does it make sense to spend nothing and save up for talents that cost 500 points?

wtf lmao
Also nobody told the LoE team that Baba Yaga ISN"T COPYRIGHTED , the dumbasses botched her name up calling her Yaga Baga or some shit.
You mean
>What the actual duck?
Retards of Equestria
Niggers of Equestria
I was surprised that young looking motherfucker was a mother.
Don't hold your breath for any new maps or dungeons.
Does pacifying enemies modify their drop table?
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I'm level 16 and still hesitating to spend any training points.

Should I get one rank of candy shower just so I can advance in Partying?

In Medical, should I get Transfusion or Triage? Transfusion looks overpowered, but are healers necessary and/or scarce?

It seems like Combat abilities revolve around Adrenaline Surge, but if enemies can be subdued with non-combat skills, should I just spec into the taunt since I won't have time or energy to spam Seismic Buck?

In Flying, does Airstep increase movement speed? The tooltip makes it seem like it might, but the tooltip has a grammar error and the wiki doesn't specify.

Do you get abilities unlocked or for cheaper when you graduate? Is staying a filly viable?

In Partying, what does Change of Heart do? Is Tension the same as Soothing?

In Cooking, Larger Portions vs Recipe Salvage - these save you ingredients. Which one is more efficient? Or should I not worry about ingredients and go for gourmet upgrades?

In Artisan, should I prioritize quality over efficiency with materials? Would it be a waste to give materials to a crafter who hasn't maxed quality?

There's no info about Weather skills. It seems like I should get water efficiency talents for farming purposes at least. Are lightning and/or frost going to be worth spending my limited energy on?

With maxed out Candy Shower and Pillow Barrage, is it possible to get more than 100% slow so that your target can't move?
I'll pay you anons 25 cents an hour to mine me freeze essence and maybe after a 3 years you'll be able to buy your freedom.
Did I write that? I can't remember what I did 10 years ago.
I saw a sleeping Twilight Sparkle getting humped by a brown dog. I didn't know if to record it or not.
Ahhh Artisan/Blacksmithing/Engineering my beloved. We meet again. Staring 4 hours at a screen and running from shop then to bank.
God mining is so slow.
This game could really use AI companions.
Who's playing?
Still in. At the point where I am looking up quests I have missed. Got myself to lvl 40, grinding hornets.
And plenty of them
Farming DSD is more fun than grinding mining.
I'd say I'm surprised the game isn't botted, but I'd be lying since 1) there's no endgame that requires years of grinding 2) there's too little people around to flaunt your cash 1) there's no endgame to have what to flaunt around.
>finally, 2000 ore!
>my artisan skill is going to be so high
Barely a dent. This game is way too grindy.
Hahaha too grindy? Come to Runescape.
You're suppose to make armour out of those ingots.
Leave your opinions on the game.

This girl did a good job with making a basic simple visual GDD that anyone can understand.

Editable version;

Blank page version:
Somebody let the rest of the board know that on 30th we're getting on Mr Bones Wild Ride all day.
Oh right. I should grind the last bit up to lvl 50
Why the FUCK is the Wikipedia empty? There's 0 guides on this game.
Hoh boy my favorite, content ending at like level 12. Unless I'm missing something, this game sure does look like it has a gaping chasm(literally the bulk of levels has nothing going on based on what i can dig up) with literally nothing in it between the "quests exist" and the "endgame"(some dungeons).
Also very funny to do a grind(since i didn't feel like finding a unicorn friend) to see the world of weather(as in a single attack) and how water bolt does less than the wing attack. Nice reason to sit on a unicorns dick truely.

Like this is a very bizarre failure of game design that feels almost there. And in a way that should be very achievable so the fact that its attached to such an old project is just ehhh. The polish just never exists at any point, progression is just fucked and the game never tutorializes you particularly well.
Some of this can be blamed on the cutie mark stuff, but they've had ages to retroactively realize there needs to be "redundant" quests to push features. Or to fill in the world with more higher scaling quests, they copied MMO quests without realizing they're the way they are because there needs to be a fuckload.

The fandom wiki is inconsistently useful but i do think it generally qualifies as functionalish. But yeah getting into this new is a mess.
Does the mermaid or kelpie costume offer any bonuses underwater?
Write something, /mlp/
Legends of the NIGGERS
Who's playing?
A little bit of a guide would go a long way for this game.

If you hold W+D and spam stomp you can fight diamond dogs way above your level without taking a single hit and they give you free gold armor, which otherwise costs like 60,000 bits from the vendor. Other mobs like cockatrices will give you shit loot and hit you instantly with psychic blasts from 40 yards away, and are never worth your time.
If you throw a snowball at something you're killing with combat powers, you'll get free xp for Partying when it dies.
Armor with +attack stats is important because your combat abilities scale off it.
Jumping off the side of Cloudsdale is the fastest way to the center of town because it teleports you.
And don't forget to use /stuck command for free teleports.
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Come home, white filly. Come home, green anonymous.
Yeah Its somewhat absurd that nobody has written out much of a guide for anything. There's nothing that complex going on, really I don't think it'd be hard in theory. Not that I could do it as i don't really know the random nuances, I can tell basic shit like how Rocs(an easy enemy to kill also; albeit intentionally) invalidate the point of getting any NPC armor(well if gold didn't have your listed exploit i guess it'd count?). But my ass doesn't even really know anything specific like where and how to efficiently grind at specific ranges.
>If you throw a snowball at something you're killing with combat powers, you'll get free xp for Partying when it dies.
I don't really know if this is efficient enough in practice, its not like partying grinding is that hard due to Candy Rain. Wasn't aware you technically start with a party skill though. Though it also took me a solid day to realize how to even access shop.

Just cause people tend to not like asking about shit doesn't exactly mean the lack of info about it isn't making them quit/have a much worse game experience. Realistically in terms of projects this sorta resource would be the ideal currently.
I'd also add, using bubble blast and pacifying enemies, instead of ground pound and seismic buck, is fighting on easy mode. I need to test it, but it seems like angered enemies, which normal attacks makes them, hits harder, but again, it's something I need to test. Also, instead of snow balls, unlock something in the other skill groups, like the aoe heal and candy rain, just rolling between the abilities when each other are on cool down. Level up everything.

I do not to ask, what diamond dogs drop gold armor? None in the heartlands, and I never got any in bramble woods. I only ever got gold from fighting dragons at the castle of the two sisters.
Only real ones have listened to the full tale of the Avaitor's story.

if you know, you know.
Only true lorefags have bothered reading the book about Black Flag.
I do think the bubble attack is better than the ground stomp in my experience so far, it seems that enemies can be pacified faster than they lose health from damage. Also if you're a unicorn, (which is probably the best race option outside of mobility) then your poseys magic ability pairs pretty well with spamming the bubble attack.
Posies, candy rain, aoe heal and bubbles were my combo for grinding. If grinding has to be boring, leveling 4 skills at the same time makes it better.
It is kinda lame that pacifying seems so much better than regular fighting, especially since there's multiple cool abilities unique to the different pony races, like Unicorns who specialise in magic can hypnotise enemies to fight, or blast for a lot of damage with magic arrow. Or Pegasus who spec into flying get fun wind attacks.
That's also another problem, since health and energy increase are tied to combat specifically, you're locked into spamming ground stomp or bubble splash whether you like them or not. If you do focus on mostly using Flying attacks, or Magic attacks, that talent will be increased but your health and energy won't, so you won't actually get better at surviving battles despite being in so many of them. You can't really play a unicorn who focuses only on magic for attacks because you'll be stuck with a low total level despite your high magic. You're gonna have to stand there button mashing the bubble blast while surrounded by hornets in order to catch up.
In terms of endgame pegasus vs unicorn might in theory not actually be that far apart but pegasus is fucked by weathers mechanics. And in general are awful to get there.
Essentially a good chunk of their kit is hyper locked to endgame and said endgame requires you to grind a hell skill for Lightning.
Earth Ponies are kinda just okay but ultimately in terms of what the game wants it doesn't seem like they achieve much of note? I mean they're funny but I don't think their battle tools result in them really sitting anywhere of note.

Its kinda lame for pegasus as well. In general the way the combat skill works is uh, questionable. Kinda just funnels you into the same midgame because there's no reason to never grind it first as so much hinges on it.
every book I've found in game is pretty short, where's that one?
I have the downloader launcher but its so slo that it feels like it never prorgesses
Does the Pegasus' Cloudburst pendant exist? It shows the tier3 abilities and the pendant on the wiki, but I have no idea how to get the Cloudburst pendant.
Does it progress at all?
Its kind a stuck at the fourth one and doesnt seem like prgoressing.
Like idk there is no indicator or anything once i pressed update
Can i cose the proramm and it will strt downloading on where its left or not?
The download takes to much time
The upside of snowball is that it costs nothing and it's ranged, so you can just toss it out while regenerating mana.
Standing still gets you hit a lot more, which is why I don't like candy rain. The hit detection in this game is garbage, so you can avoid most of the incoming damage from melee attacks just by moving a little. That way the rate you get xp is limited only by your mana regeneration.

To get to the rich diamond dogs, go straight down the road when you enter the Everfree and take hang a sharp left at some point, and there's a pack with a dalmatian in it. I have 400k bits now and as far as I can tell they're useless. I could buy a fuckton of apples.
you can choose to write a sentence which we could understand
I think he talks about closing the downloader while it downloads something with the hope that the download progress doesnt get undone
I'll give it a try. Also an early quest gives you a dandelion bracelet with a whopping 10+ energy regen. Highly recommended for the grind
Does any old player here know what's the XP limit on this quest?
Does anyone know what the difference is between the loot in Normal and Hard modes of the ruins dungeon?
There's more iron ore in jars but the final boss loot seems to be the same?
I mean yeah Candy Rain isn't exactly amazing outside of farming but ultimately hordes that do nothing farming is sorta what you're forced into inevitably.
Unless I'm missing something.
You get double the billets/tickets/money you normally get from mobs. Otherwise you can get Onyx ore at the end of the dungeon even in Normal mode if your RNG is good.
>water cave near boat gives 20 vapor
Oh boy I can get 400ish weather exp.

Its really funky that multiple tiers of mining are literally just "unlock mining this rock that only benefits unicorns". The fact that all progression basically dead ends into wanting a unicorn is certainly a choice.
Albeit one that barely matters outside of maybe the harmony thing as said midgame doesn't really exist and its not like the absolute minmax is going to get you anything. I do not feel like normal MMOs had this level of skew.
Enchanting should probably not be a unicorn thing, just a thought. Its a design tumor and redundant as this game literally has all the normal MMO working jobs already, and said reused jobs are designed better off.
>actually ran into someone in the iron mines
Feels odd seemingly. Though they did just remind me that nobody has mentioned basic mining stuff as they were toolless.
First and foremost, for the love of god actually use a tool. If you use a tool you can move around while mining for some ungodly reason and in general the gap between anything and nothing for mining is already pretty notable.
But factoring in on that the gap is pretty absurd, your efficiency with nothing is down the toilet compared to using literally anything else. Do think there might be pretty diminishing returns in terms of pickaxe tier though.

Also just spam the dowsing thing, there's no penalty.
I need MOAR frozen essence.
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I made a bunch of "Harmonies" which I guess are armor enhancements, but I can't figure out how to put them on my armor.

Side note: there are a lot of crazy ponies in this game.
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Funny filly
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Have you seen anything more beautiful in your life? Only Pegasus Chads will understand.
You should go see Micro Transaction & his 2 business "buddies" in Canterlot, they're even funnier. Funnygirls. 90% of the characters in this game are gurrlls except for the stallions who are fashion designers.
Weather y u suck so much?
Wait, how do you get 20 vapor from the underwater cave system near the boat quest in Heartlands?
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I'm not a horsefucker, BUT...
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He said he wants to make his pony look tomboy so I helped him reach his dreams. Don't shoot me for giving him what he wants.
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All mares shall be put in tuxedos.
This game is unplayable without making 3 or 6 alt accounts.
Harmonies only work on armors in the "crafted" category.
You just apply in inventory to the inventory

It was just in the chest at the end of it. Now in terms of getting to that end? Yeah nah I can't remember that cave at all.
Not sure if its consistent as a result as that is not a quick cave to go through.
After digging around a bit, i got a slight bit more vapor and it seems like it just spawns at one(and only one) of its "ends"(the extended "air pockets).
But yeah its repeatable atleast. This seriously isn't much to work with though. Unless there's something to make one water bolt actually mean something per combat or something.
>but in reality all the players are you
Single player with a twist.

I remember the dude from the early wow days who played on 10+ wow instances at the same time and raided dungeons alone.
>mfw I farmed 2000 frozen essence in 2 hours only to make 1000 vapor materia which I used up in 30 minutes

Retards of Equestria
Lightning seems to be the only one that does anything notable, its incredibly bemusing.
Does water bolt do something? Why does it do less damage than my attacks that don't require hell grinding for.
Water bolt is supposed to be used to water crops I think, when earth ponies want to grow things?
I assume that's what all these seeds are that I've been picking up.
The armor crafting is so stupid.
By the time your crafting skill is high enough to make any kind of armor, you'll be level 50 in combat long since.
Ingots have become a worthless item since I never have enough scraps to make anything out of the
So the Metal Master talent is definitely worthless.
Production line is also pointless since you have to check in to re-queue another 25 items over and over no matter how long it takes to make each one. I can't imagine anyone actually sits there watching hundreds of ingots slowly cook.
I do think it's a bit weird that the armor crafting level doesn't seem to align very well with your combat level. I have a character that's over level 20 combat, so clearly should be able to wear titanium but you need artisan level 36 to craft it. So I look at the next lowest armor as listed on the wiki, elementium armor made from elementium ingots... Which require artisan level 38 to craft. Which just doesn't seem right. Then I look at alcium armor, which requires artisan 38 as well to make. Then finally I look at steel armor, and it looks like steel armor only needs around artisan 21 so there's not only a weird gap between artisan level and combat level there's also a weird gap and order between armor artisan levels.
They followed the Runescape idea, at least weapons wise.
And how would you gentlemen improve the game?

You sure can do that sometimes I think?. But it has an attack feature and said attack is actually pointless. Also I've never even seen a crop to water and based on the the one example I have heard of its only going to give 400 exp per use.
So even if you get perfect RNG and have constant crops planted this is still not a stat you can grind particularly at any decent rate.

As someone actually grinding artisan along the way you do actually notably outlevel your combat stats if you do the intended "loop" of it.
Well if going into the mines is the intended loop.
, I'm planning a bone golem group fight at Pet Graveyard in Heartlands at 2024-11-30T20:00Z UTC
Steel seems retarded to make, far too expensive for what a dogshit material it is that doesn't do much.
Steel is actually relatively comparable to gold when grinded up. So technically speaking yes. Practically ehh.
Also Dalmatian grinding isn't that much work, you can just find them in the forest next to the ruins. Its certainly too slow to actually use it as leveling fodder though yeah.
Steel upwards armors kinda all suffer from this.
What level do you need to be to fight it? I was visiting the grave keeper to buy some costumes one time and instantly got oneshotted by a giant pumpkin out of nowhere as soon as I got close to the graveyard because a group of other players were fighting.
On that note, how do you know what level you need to be for various bosses and dungeons? I've avoided all of them for now because I've assumed you need to be around level 50 combat to do any of them.
I'm level 40. If that's enough to not get domed in one hit, I'm down.
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>music is apparently a skill

It throws AOE around but if you carry health potions and use them freely you'll be fine.
Yeah the wiki lists this as well, there's basically a few "unimplemented early skills".
Those being Fashion, Music, Economics and Writing. You still get exp for them and I have no idea what the intent is as documentation for the general plans for this are either not exactly listed anywhere or in the discord and i don't want to touch the latter.
So its the former in my mind.

Its kinda weird they aren't just general MMO mechanics honestly.
*early skill ideas
Like you can pretty obviously tell there's implications of fishing being thought about ingame but that isn't one as an obvious example. Meanwhile whatever the fresh hell writing would imply exists.
Music is a pretty basic idea for this sorta thing, honestly kinda weird it isn't already a thing considering this is apparently something sitting around for ages and its definitely on brand and can easily be slotted into the niches that don't exist in the current classes.
I bought a trombone from a vendor and was disappointed to find I can't even equip it as a vanity item.
And Foal. I kept getting Foal XP, being immensely puzzled.
See you guys in 3 hours and 40 minutes.
You betcha!
I thought this was dead and buried. Is it any fun? Do Anons regularly meetup?
Spooky scary spooky scary spooky scary
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So what's the meetup status?
some of us are already there, including the purest poner.
Fags are here, witnessing your trips
That's not what you said when the mare sat on your face
Didn't even buy her a drink...
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Where ya nerds at?
I'm there but I'm not bringing my Anonfilly since it's still level 1 and I'll just die instantly
Making a little event around a late game boss probably wasn't the best idea for green fillies.
Is anyone even getting anything? I'm just dying and game crashing
The loot is just more halloween candy. You're not missing out on cool gear drops.
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They managed to glitch a pumpkin that keeps on rolling making it like a bull ride.
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The high level poners who don't specialize in social events have better color theory in them than the low lvlers, rofl.
it was an accident! So it doesn't count.
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Anon Y Mouse who pretends to be the purest colt/filly there. I'll corrupt you harder than 4chan.
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Managed to get the boss to 946k HP the first time it took us 10mins to kill then only 50s since it was easier to target the boss with less players and people figured out to stun the boss before it used its pumpkin attack.
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Don't be a little colt. Be a filly instead.
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And here are my BIG MARES.
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What am I doing wrong? The arena has zero visibility with all the fog for me.
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They tried to do a hide & seek in Cloudsdale but some bug keeps resetting everyone back to school.
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I'd love to see you try. Many before you have tried and failed. Also
I am just stating the facts.
0 nonaccidental boops
0 nonaccidental cuddles
0 nonaccidental sits
0 nonaccidental whatever is lewd.
Im lvl 7 or something like that. I can watch or something.
It already ended, sorry anon...
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You can max out cooking skill using vendor items, but what's the point of cooking skill anyway? You can just buy pie.
Do you actually get anything good or exclusive from killing the boss?
No. It's one of those useless holiday bosses that at best returns the candy you wasted on him to buy yourself cosumes.
However there are a few useful costumes, namely the chicken one allows you to not aggro cockatrices anymore so you can kill them 1 by 1 instead of getting swarmed.
Is there any other way to get a chicken costume?
In a game like this, cosmetic items with exclusive availability are probably the most valuable thing in the end.
Lood mare or Derpy's cooking school?

There's also the batpony and mermare costume from Ensemble in Crystal Kingdom, but I'm not sure if the Mermare costume helps with underwater swimming.
I wouldn't hold my breath(pun intended) on them finishing that underwater cave system anytime soon considering it took them 7 years to finish Dig Site dungeon despite the level design being complete.
Does soothing enemies give different drops or change something?
I mean its easy to test and it does give free vapor—yeah nah it doesn't give a speed boost underwater.

Nope, its just an alt "kill" method, that also debuffs along the way.
Well uh, you do sorta have to make energy items. Of which one of the best is at level 10 and thus needs no grinding either.
This is certainly balan
Is this game worth playing?
Is there no one left hanging out?
They have all dispersed or left; the event finished hours ago.
It's a buggy grinding slog, but it lets you control a pony.
I'd say it's worth looking around the cities at least.
Whether you want to play more after that will depend on your tolerance for RPGs force you to kill the same monster over and over 50,000 times for xp.
Yeah as this anon points out
It's very grindy and pretty glitchy. Being able to play as your own pony character is the biggest draw, plus the fact that it's free so all you're really giving up is time. It's probably more fun when you're just hanging out with friends, unless you actually enjoy the grinding.
So you can kill a lvl 50 dragon if you're level 20 and really insistent.
There's a spot with like 30 mobs which respawn in 15 seconds which can grant 200k XP in 20 minutes (1-3 levels).
The combat is very dependant on your gear/armour, you require an attack boost from your armour to deal proper damage. The game becomes piss easy after level 30. There's this 1 ability called Stored Strike which is actually a defense spell that can negate 95% damage from the enemies.

You can free camera roam around the place without requiring a pegasus simply by using a command /cc 1/0 true/false
you enable to player collision by typing /pc 1/0 which enables you to form horse towers and kidnap horses and give earth ponies a ride.
Unicorns have the most intuitive teleport in gaming, unicorns can levitate certain boxes and self levitate.
You can hug people from afar to pass walls, mostly used in the crystal dungeon.
You can use the /stuck command for a free teleport.

Mining is faster than most mmos (not minecraft) if you put the pickaxe in your mouth.
Healing is instant, far more instant than Runescape
The quests don't have any combat requirements or any requirements.
Most quests are short and take 5 minutes each, except for the main quests with the main bunch of chucklefucks from the tutorial, those are always long.

And there's the small stuff you get in most RPGs & MMOs such as a random pony named Shoo be Doo underwater in Ponyville in what's suppose to be the fishing spot.
Climbing boots that allow you to glue onto the sides of cliffs even more than before.
There's a soothing mechanic from certain combat abilities that for example makes lantern enemies not blow up on death.
There's 1 cosmetic item; the chicken halloween suit that makes cockatrices not aggro.
There's a chest in an underwater cave system.
White Tail Park has clouds you can sit on and destroy to get a little XP.
Safely landing using Ctrl grants you a little flying XP.
Double tapping Ctrl allows you to descend underwater.
There's a whole secret way of accessing the royal old sisters castle in the everfree where they recently added rocks which you can get artifacts out of and enchant 1 time and and harmonize/put buffs on. (separate things)
Pegasi aren't allowed to fly in dungeons.
You can change your look anytime in the character editor but you cannot change your race.

There's about 3 dungeons in total and the final boss is a lvl 65 dragon in the everfree forest.

You sadly are kinda forced to get a group or create alt accounts to trade with because each race has 2 unique talents.
The talent system has this weird stuff where there's 2 or 3 techtree stuck behind a talent mark which you either need to waste half your total points on after you reach lvl 50 max in that talent mark
Or as a foal you can specialize in cooking, mining, artisan/crafting, partying, combat, medical (flying, weather)-pegasi, (combat, animal pet)-earth, (magic, science)-unicorn.
So there's 6 unique talents.
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Snowpony sitting between 2 Cadences.
They agreed to sit a bit to let me take a pic or two. I really liked this color palette combo.
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I SHALL NOT COMPLETE Rehearsal Roundup
People kept saying Rehearsal Roundup was so bad with how long it was. I found that thoroughly overstated. All the ponies you talk to are already in the crystal empire.
Mindless violins was so much worse with how you had to zoom between ponies across the entire world just to have them quip cluelessly or aggressively at you, or doing something dumb, dragging on the quest.
Questing on
like all games they suffer from player retention
Is there going to be another one for christmas? These occasional LoE events seems like a good excuse to run the game once in a while.
They have a whole community event with wintersday games, really detailed too with their own rules & stuff.
The game also has its own official winter quests and a daily quest involving socks.
Their last update will be around the middle of december then 3 months of pause as always before new updates come.
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Kneel to the queen, baby.
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Rise, Optimus Prime, rise and activate the spark within you.
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It took me about 2 weeks to go from level 1 to 50, just playing on weekends and in evenings after work. That's fast compared to vanilla WoW, but it was more difficult due to the monotony.
My other abilities lagged behind combat, which I could have been better about if I were more willing to spend time throwing out powers that do nothing to help me kill stuff.
It takes only 6 hours to reach level 50 if you already have an alt account that can give you powerful gear or just participate in a group of lvl 50s that can kill all the hornets for you. Weather is a massive pain to lvl up if you have nobody giving you materia and a pendant.
It of course sucks for a newcomer who doesn't notice he should lvl up every other combat ability besides combat.
It took me 1 week as a beginner who didn't know wtf he was doing, for a professional it might only take 3-4 days.
But yeah most abilities besides combat have dogshit damage & AoE.
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So I tried all the teachers & what makes the races special to make sure my instincts were right and they fucking were.
So far the unicorn teacher gave the best response together with the gem seller, the guard unicorn was kinda alright, but fuck Steam Valve, ruins the whole atmosphere.
Should have just kept this 1 paragraph from the teacher and stopped there. I deleted 3 characters to try every possible dialogue combo only to notice there's nothing the head of the writer who had a brainfart when he made that character.

The earth pony teacher +3 more that said what makes earth ponies great , again all ehh kinda alright with once again the last one delivering a one liner for no reason but to stay in line with the rest of the formula. Still better than whoever thought it was a good idea to create a neighsayer character like Steam Valve.

But the pegasi holy fucking shit rewrite your dogshit , of all the pony races to not give a shit about and write like absolute shit you just had to fuck with the pegasi. The pegasus teacher doesn't even say what makes pegasi great anymore if you skip to talent marks and it isn't like he says anything smart either. So my instincts were 100% right that they butchered the pegasi message.

Even the earth ponies were written more acceptably and decently in a comfy "yeah we know it is what it is, we're dependable even if we're not very magical".

Now I got to verify all the talent mark quests which luckily does not differ per race outside of the special ones per race which doesn't include weather and I already did Flying which sucked, literally "taught" by a tiny colt.
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Bravo and kudos to whoever wrote this. Ice Sheet whos the combat talent pony too.
I used to play these kinda RPGs and you take the eloquent speech for granted till you wake up with a bunch of rednecks and ignorant characters who you'd rather shoot on sight and remove from the game or just never meet.
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Whoever wrote Starburst Nova, Dashing Delano, Ice Sheet, bravo ... and if you are the same person who thought by your own accord and volition and decision that Steam Valve was a good idea ... well we all have our brain farts. But I don't think it was decided or even written by the person. It's not amazing, but it's still light years ahead of whoever wrote the pegasi.

And now I revisited the werepony quest and most of the characters that put you through the longest quests possible in the game.
5 characters each with you being the 6th to try to recreate the mane6 in every race. No thank you, keep your 6th missing spot. I was very happy when I discovered I do not actually have to finish any quests to get to the specialization abilities. So I can basically ignore these shit characters completely. If only life was like that...
In TDI Chris' words; what a bunch of losers.
The whole point of G4 FIM was that the Mane6 weren't 1dimensional special needs retards with an IQ that could freeze hell. They were 2.5D archetypes with self awareness, likable traits, an eloquent vocabulary, written by grown ass adults who have all their ducks in a row and don't suffer some kind of mental problem or hate their life.

The earth pony crowd seems almost bearable only because there's no smartass or leader type in it. But personality wise they're worse than the others, their hobbies represent their personality.
The pegasus crowd seems like a mixture of anxiety-ridden freaks and arrogant chads & stacy leadertypes with the oddball one out being Hullabaloo.
The unicorns are filled with 2 blowhards, 1 Carlos/Scribble, 1 bitch and 1 eehhh so-so cute comfy type.
The talking chest from the Dig Site Dungeon has a higher IQ than these niggers combined.

Out of this bunch of losers I'd pretend to pick Hullabaloo and Flan and that's stretching it at the level of a fine spider silk. "Olga" I'd pick her for the color palette if she stayed quiet, but her personality creeps me out and bores me.
But when chosen between actual quality characters and these 2 mediocre losers I'd of course ditch the barely passing for mediocrity in a split second.

If you want quality characters from the get to go then pick Starburst Nova, Icy Sheets and the family of ponies in White Tail Park. Those are characters worth protecting, hanging otu with and learning something from behaviour wise.
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G5 characters are more sane in the head than these "colourful" characters.

And guess who's coming for the werepony quest out of these 15 losers.
Good combo my fucking asshole you dumb emotionless cunt.
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So we get 2 and a half pegasi - stacy & chad & the little runt.
2 earth ponies - the geeky archeologist, the emotionless rusky who could be great for the primitive werepony instead.
and 2 of the worst unicorns you can pick - Carlos and Bitch who throws a dog at you.
To go further into these characters' psyche would be peeling at an onion to see how bad it stinks , stuff such as Stacy is also kind of a hen mother and Chad is a chronic liar, thief, racist, and the list goes on.
Pyrite just like most of the other earth ponies has no personality beyond his hobby.
Bitch only has emotions for how to whine.
Carlos must have mistook his race cause he should have been an earth pony from manhattan(which doesn't exist in this game).
And I'll just let the writer explain one of his characters here too in greater detail.
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This is just a glimpse of how deep the rabbit hole goes with these characters. Why in the everloving fuck would anyone want to get to know these characters better beyond watching a car crash in slowmotion is beyond me, at least a car crash would be interesting. The fact the soap opera writer with the wisdom and talent of a commercial TV Show writer grabbed from a cubicle admitted these characters have mental issues and still thinks anyone wants to hang out with a mental disease, shows his lapse in logic. He seems to have shoved a bunch of uninteresting negative quirks pretending to be a personality in there and forgot to add anything likable and NORMAL about these characters. The fact he thinks all these traits are of a normal healthy human being probably shows how abnormal the writer is and what a shit life he lived... and did he learn anything and reflect on his shit life? Absolutely not. Does the writer have any quality friends? what do you think?

I am glad I can completely ignore these characters and they don't feature for 92% of the quests in the game.
These characters read exactly like I expected them to, given that they were made by some computer programming nerd brony. There are a lot of ponies that come off as kind of autistic or talk like robots, but nothing about this game is really polished so it's not surprising. They probably didn't have anyone with writing experience.
>you materia and a pendant.
Is the second tier pendant that relevant? Cause if not tier 1 Pendant is very much something you can buy if you don't intend to buy much else early on.

But yeah no alt/asking=no weather because this is a good system trust. If you wanted to do it raw, either you deal with the grind(which Naiads nor high level rocs spawn enough for this to be viable in a reasaonble timespan).
The fact that a actually very relevant chunk of one type is just fucked like this is insane. How on earth has this existed like this for 3 years? Its a real testament to how inconsistently designed this all is.
No, I mean having another LoE gathering thread for future events.
Any anons coming?
The game's endgame is playing as 3 different characters on 2-3 alt accounts so you can trade and play the game on 2 screens.
Is it worth spending the 500 talent points to unlock wind rapier as a pegasus if you didn't get the flying talent mark? The ability description makes it sound like it'd be cool but I'm concerned that it'd just end up being a useless damage ability that is useless against high level enemies and pales in comparison to pacify abilities.
Wind Sprint, I challenge you to a 1v1 purity battle.
Absolutely useless. Airstep is the only useful ability IF you can max out the dodge or the invincibility for the statue and other enemy attacks. However the food items and quality armour are so powerful in this game you won't need anything but maxed out Stored Strike for defense spells.
Boy what an active board this place is.
Yea, it's like 20% of the game online population without events going on afterall
Funniest shit ever, Morty. A pony tower on top of a dragon.
Jesus Christ mining is so much faster with the talent mark from the beginning.
Hopefully we'll get more anons during Christmas.
I am judging the writers&PR immensely based off the media & books they read. They aren't even American. Some might say they're already autistic blowhards by making such a list, but it's kinda like taking a Myers Briggs test, I can immediately judge them if their answers are anything but stellar and these guys ... it's like they're failing the test on purpose while delusionally thinking they nailed it 100%. Abysmal answers. It's funny how the programmers don't have such a list, but the writers & PR do.

Not even, these characters are not written by a programmer.
What does that mean?
The winner gets to top.
According to LoE lore, a 1v1 purity battle happens when a true pure poner is challenged by a lewd poner: the latter has to corrupt the former by cuddles, boops, kisses and more.
This also known as "heterosexuality battle" in other regions.
Show me your OCs, anons.
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No. I'm shy.
No, you're just gonna make fun of them...
Do it, faggot.
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Don't worry. I'll hug her extra tight just for you, cause I know you will never will.
Teal haired Celestia or blue haired Celestia, what do you guys pick? I never liked pink haired Celestia.
Pink haired
You and I are enemies now.

Did nobody in 7 years since this game was officially released not make a proper wikia?
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wtf why is his life story on the wiki and not the location of a recipe I want to find or accurate armor stats?
Making a video game wiki into a peronal blog is really weird.
Roflmao this game has Elder Scrolls 3 tier lore inside of it with books between 10-20 pages long in volumes & shit. And the wiki is once again useless at allowing you to read them without opening the game. The text and font is also botched up, there's some code glitches and certain pages not finishing the sentences.
Despite the jank, I think the game's soundtrack shines. They suit each of the areas well. The night variation feels poignant when you're alone and no other pony is around on the near empty server streets.
Who's alive?
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Dude wtf is celestias shoes and what colour is it?
Alive, still trying to produce my review of the game, taking an eternity like the procrastinating dick I am.
Get grinding
Lex should say he's the owner of Equestria Gaming and he's doing a review and needs a bunch of maxed out talent mark accounts.
I would give Rudera my lvl 41 mining character to show him just how much fun mining can be when you're specialized in it.
I shouldn't have traded my Aurora Billets for the frozen essence, but it seems like billets is the only thing valuable in the game... also onyx ores and mystic infusions.
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Or, I should just shut up, stop being a flaggot and do what i keep saying I intend to do and let actions speak for themselves rather than being a clout whore full of words.
But to get serious again, thanks. I'll be going more for a first impressions kind of deal though. The grind included, like standing for 4 hours, killing hornets, so hopping into 10k hour characters without any effort on my part wouldn't feel right. I'm still missing some things, but it's all for this approach of how it is to get into the game fresh and how much the game tells and instructs you through gameplay and the world around you. I never got to do research, alchemy, whatever it is with the pop up gui and the hexagonal thing with symbols. A lot of missing cues and stuff that makes no intuitive sense, to highlight. My focus might change as I get through drafts, we'll see.
My thoughts on LoE lore: Filly Funtasia's lore is vastly better.
bump et
Does grinding with a high level tank makes things easier in this game?
There are no dedicated tanks in this game like in WoW despite some abilities attempting it.
You do however need someone to craft you Harmonious armor with all the harmonies for attack and some energy regeneration to lvl up faster. Enchantments and harmonies are different in this game, enchantments are 1-time magical versions of artifacts like amulets, bracelets, tiaras and harmonies are stat upgrades for the armour.
Your best bet is to have a max lvl 50 combat help you farm hornets if you want quick combat lvls.
Right so apparently there is a quick way to change hotbars. Hold shift and press 1,2,3,9 all the way to 0.

The hotbar icon spam is recently there. You still have to enter your journal and select the abilities from there regardless of the glitch.
This game is ironically playable without players because you only have 2 servers and at best 3 of each thing. So if you have 6 players who want to do the same thing such as you, namely mining the same resources then you're out of luck. Runescape had the advantage that they had 125 servers ... and somehow that still wasn't enough for F2P especially, since the world was so small. In F2P there's only 1 spot for mining rune rocks. In LoE similar for spacial crystals, rainbow ink, frozen essences, titanium, etc.
This is why in newer dungeons they introduced instanced rooms for everyone ... that and the fact the 2 newer dungeons contain puzzles with closing walls that can keep other players from advancing and thus ruin the dungeon for everyone. In Bramble Woods there are no walls.
So is there pvp?
Whats the point of leveling up if you cant concquer the world and be a real MLP villian with that power?
I wanna be a legend in EQ not a jobbe
There is a dedicated area in the Heartlands in Midway Village with 3 portals around the statue , but you got to ask in global everyone if they want to PvP and what level you are.

I originally thought those portals around the Statue were quick warps around the Heartlands to make it easier to traverse it. Cloudsdale and Crystal Empire had 1 teleport each which send you directly in the middle of town and back to the airship and train station. Canterlot & Ponyville don't seem to have one.
So i cant just fo nightmare moon and put a dictatorship in ponyville till some brave heroes come up and kill me?
No you can't go full Horde Vs Alliance where you keep noobs from the opposing faction to even play the game until they migrate servers.
Also Jesus Christ the wikia is not updated in the least bit. I had to do add some primitive guides myself.
There's better tutorials on Youtube about this game than the fanwiki and official wiki:
Gotta try all the races
Candy gives a 24% speed boost as do most sweet food items.
bump me daddy
bump me mommy
bump me anons

I'm going to say the D and M word in one sentence. You good for nothing bloody DONKEY AND MULE
MMO moment
I was surprised to find good things to say about this game, but that's the beauty of MMOs/RPGs they have so much content, especially minigames that play differently from the main game.
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Ah yes the mysterious forest dryads.
Zigga moment.
The writer which I complimented the NPCs/dialogue from is an old 2011 pre-reader for Equestria Daily and Fimfiction writer.
If it wasn't obvious the devs are testing the game with the live builds instead of keeping the test build separate. The game server restarts every 4 hours sometimes less.
bump eeeetttt
My assumption about the resets was that the server are having memory leaks. Pony and mob positions tend to get messed up after very long periods server uptime. They've been doing this since the servers went live years ago.
Bugs Bunny logic.
Devs should spawn mobs in the towns like they did during the open weekends
They don't make them like they used to.
People really loved going full black back then. Nowadays I don't see a single black pony except for that tiny Shadow guy.
>Thuder Blood
>Death Fire
Shit like this reminds me that I'm an old man playing a kids game.

>Super Cat
wraps back around to being good
I leveled to 50 without knowing you get free talents for graduating, lol.
Also apparently you can use candy to buy stuff from the keeper in the graveyard and I've just been throwing it away.
Alright faggots how do we "fix" Legends of Equestria?
>voice all the mares
>replace half the stallions with mares
>re-write the autistic ponies (all of them)
>replace all the crafting with lewd emotes
>replace the swear censor with a wordfilter that changes the words to safe analogues
>add griffons and changelings as enemies
>add some high level mobs with rare drops
>fix the bug where mobs walk into terrain and become invincible
>add visual indicators for active buffs and debuffs
>replace the stupid duck in the Everfree with a zebra
>stepping in the poison joke now randomizes your pony's appearance temporarily
>add Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and make their horns glow at sunrise/sunset
>change 500 point abilities to 200 points and shift most of the damage, functionality and talent point cost into upgrades
>give abilities a superior ultimate form when every upgrade is unlocked
>give one mulligan for talent points
>let me equip the trombone
>make it so 99% of the hats don't clip through my head/mane in the ugliest way possible
>weather is irredeemable trash, replace it with weather related emotes that do no damage, and make watering crops free
>put a real portal to Equestria into the game
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This man knows how to clone himself an anoncolt invasion and make himself king.
you can buy linen scraps from Micro Transaction, a filly in Canterlot
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Look at all those plushies. They definitely aren't staring at you and winking.
you can buy linen and canvas scraps in not-Rarity's boutique in not-Ponyville
I thought these were rare resources.
The wasted inventory...
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Some of these newer faggots probably zoomers have some good color theory going on.
So Christmas update along with other updates in 1 week, right?
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HERE COMES THE clown. A more interesting color palette than Cheese Sandwich at least.
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I'd make a joke here, but I'll leave it in the hands of the professionals instead.
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Sorry, I fell asleep. I'll give it a vigorous go tomorrow.
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This batpony got on top of my head when I told it I was white, but then it got off when I told it I eat bats.
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If I give Luckless Louie a million bits, will he keep begging?
It will have as much of an effect as feeding the dogs in Varrock will do.
I swear to God I'd turn this into an event if it had a leaderboard.

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